
Evin Code4 August 2015ENC 2135Short Assignment 4In assignment 3, I gathered what I had learned from assignment 2 and slit it u into three distin!t genres that ea!h !ommuni!ates a variation of the same su"#e!t "ut with a different intended urose for ea!h$ In m% resear!h essa%, I lo!ated and s%nthesi&ed a m%riad of sour!es in order to answer a single 'uestion a"out the field of #ournalism$ (% !omositions are not answering one single 'uestion, "ut are e)loring the different ase!ts of #ournalism through ea!h genre$ *he see!h illustrates to m% audien!e the setting of a rofessional a!!omlishment and how one might have a!hieved it$ *he ersonal essa% gives a detailed a!!ount of what it might a!tuall% "e li+e for a #ournalist towor+ at the site of an event and the dangers the% might fa!e$ *he newsaer arti!le reveals a side of #ournalism that some might not +now a"out, the use of humor and sar!asm to !ommuni!ate an issue to an audien!e$ Another signifi!ant differen!e "etween the two assignments is the sour!e material$ -nli+e the resear!h essa%.s eight a!ademi! sour!es and four oular media sour!es, this assignment onl% !alled for five sour!es$ Sin!e most of what was !omosed is a result of !reative writing, there was no need for a signifi!ant amount of sour!e material$ /or the resear!h essa%, the !omosing ro!ess was mu!h more time intensive and somewhat "oring$ 0rodu!ing m% three !omositions however, allowed me to ma+e m% own !hoi!es regarding how I wanted to resent me toi!$ Instead of one long aer, the three genres allowed me to e)lore the different otions I had in !onve%ing m% toi!$ In some ase!ts the !omosition ro!ess was similar$ /or e)amles the% "oth re'uired me to find e)amles and !ertain sour!es to model m% wor+ after$ I resear!hed see!hes and award a!!etan!e see!hes in order to gain a "etter understanding of the genre so that I !ould write m% own$ Ea!h of m% genres serves a different urose and demonstrates a different ase!t of #ournalism$ Choosing the arti!le was an eas% de!ision$ I +new I wanted to write m% own newsaer arti!le "e!ause that is a large ortion of what #ournalists do and what "etter wa% to understand the genre than "% writing m% own1 *hough at first, I hadn.t lanned on writing it satiri!all% until m% !onferen!e with Erin when she made the suggestion$ Immediatel% I +new I would follow that route "e!ause I have written satires in the ast and have thoroughl% en#o%ed it$ In order to gain a "etter understanding of how most satiri!al newsaer arti!les are written, I read numerous arti!les from sites li+e The Onion and The Eggplant. /or m% see!h I was a "it arehensive at first, sin!e neverwritten one "efore and I had no idea what the toi! of the see!h would "e$ After "rainstorming with Erin we !ame u with the idea to write it as if I were an a!!omlished#ournalist at an award !eremon% delivering an a!!etan!e see!h$ I li+ed this idea "e!ause I thought it would illustrate to m% audien!e how those in this o!!uation would sea+ to ea!h other and the all the different eole that !ontri"ute to a #ournalists wor+$ *he last genre I !hose was the ersonal essa%$ /rom the "eginning I +new that I wanted todei!t a s!enario of a #ournalist at the site of an imortant event$ I wanted m% audien!e tounderstand what goes on "etween an event o!!urring and it "eing disla%ed on the front of their newsaer or the oening stor% of a news "road!ast$ *o a!!omlish this tas+ I !onsidered man% different aths "ut I settled on giving a first erson narrative of a #ournalist on the front lines$ I hadn.t written a stor% sin!e elementar% s!hool so I had a rough time getting it going "ut in the end I feel that the final rodu!t rovides m% audien!e with a des!ritive a!!ount of what #ournalists endure ever%da% to !onne!t the u"li! with the events haening all over the glo"e$ 2oefull%, the audien!e will "e left with a new erse!tive on the matter and ne)t time the% read a stor% in the newsaer or wat!h it on their *3, the%.ll !onsider the #ournalist and what the% went through to gather that information$ *he media I !hose for these genres in!ludes an oral resentation for the see!h and rinted on aer for the ersonal essa% and the newsaer arti!le$ *he oral resentation medium is re'uired in order to demonstrate to the audien!e how it would "e if it were a real a!!etan!e see!h and therefore it rovides them with a "etter understanding of that genre$ *he rinted medium was ne!essar% "e!ause that is how a!tual newsaer arti!les are resented and therefore gives it a realisti! feel$

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