evin code short assignment 4

Evin Code 4 August 2015 ENC 2135 Short Assignment 4 In assignment 3, I gathered what I had learned from assignment 2 and split it up into three distinct genres that each communicates a variation of the same subject but with a different intended purpose for each. In my research essay, I located and synthesized a myriad of sources in order to answer a single question about the field of journalism. My compositions are not answering one single question, but are exploring the different aspects of journalism through each genre. The speech illustrates to my audience the setting of a professional accomplishment and how one might have achieved it. The personal essay gives a detailed account of what it might actually be like for a journalist to work at the site of an event and the dangers they might face. The newspaper article reveals a side of journalism that some might not know about: the use of humor and sarcasm to communicate an issue to an audience. Another significant

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Evin Code4 August 2015ENC 2135Short Assignment 4In assignment 3, I gathered what I had learned from assignment 2 and slit it u into three distin!t genres that ea!h !ommuni!ates a variation of the same su"#e!t "ut with a different intended urose for ea!h$ In m% resear!h essa%, I lo!ated and s%nthesi&ed a m%riad of sour!es in order to answer a single 'uestion a"out the field of #ournalism$ (% !omositions are not answering one single 'uestion, "ut are e)loring the different ase!ts of #ournalism through ea!h genre$ *he see!h illustrates to m% audien!e the setting of a rofessional a!!omlishment and how one might have a!hieved it$ *he ersonal essa% gives a detailed a!!ount of what it might a!tuall% "e li+e for a #ournalist towor+ at the site of an event and the dangers the% might fa!e$ *he newsaer arti!le reveals a side of #ournalism that some might not +now a"out, the use of humor and sar!asm to !ommuni!ate an issue to an audien!e$ Another signifi!ant differen!e "etween the two assignments is the sour!e material$ -nli+e the resear!h essa%.s eight a!ademi! sour!es and four oular media sour!es, this assignment onl% !alled for five sour!es$ Sin!e most of what was !omosed is a result of !reative writing, there was no need for a signifi!ant amount of sour!e material$ /or the resear!h essa%, the !omosing ro!ess was mu!h more time intensive and somewhat "oring$ 0rodu!ing m% three !omositions however, allowed me to ma+e m% own !hoi!es regarding how I wanted to resent me toi!$ Instead of one long aer, the three genres allowed me to e)lore the different otions I had in !onve%ing m% toi!$ In some ase!ts the !omosition ro!ess was similar$ /or e)amles the% "oth re'uired me to find e)amles and !ertain sour!es to model m% wor+ after$ I resear!hed see!hes and award a!!etan!e see!hes in order to gain a "etter understanding of the genre so that I !ould write m% own$ Ea!h of m% genres serves a different urose and demonstrates a different ase!t of #ournalism$ Choosing the arti!le was an eas% de!ision$ I +new I wanted to write m% own newsaer arti!le "e!ause that is a large ortion of what #ournalists do and what "etter wa% to understand the genre than "% writing m% own1 *hough at first, I hadn.t lanned on writing it satiri!all% until m% !onferen!e with Erin when she made the suggestion$ Immediatel% I +new I would follow that route "e!ause I have written satires in the ast and have thoroughl% en#o%ed it$ In order to gain a "etter understanding of how most satiri!al newsaer arti!les are written, I read numerous arti!les from sites li+e The Onion and The Eggplant. /or m% see!h I was a "it arehensive at first, sin!e I.ve neverwritten one "efore and I had no idea what the toi! of the see!h would "e$ After "rainstorming with Erin we !ame u with the idea to write it as if I were an a!!omlished#ournalist at an award !eremon% delivering an a!!etan!e see!h$ I li+ed this idea "e!ause I thought it would illustrate to m% audien!e how those in this o!!uation would sea+ to ea!h other and the all the different eole that !ontri"ute to a #ournalists wor+$ *he last genre I !hose was the ersonal essa%$ /rom the "eginning I +new that I wanted todei!t a s!enario of a #ournalist at the site of an imortant event$ I wanted m% audien!e tounderstand what goes on "etween an event o!!urring and it "eing disla%ed on the front of their newsaer or the oening stor% of a news "road!ast$ *o a!!omlish this tas+ I !onsidered man% different aths "ut I settled on giving a first erson narrative of a #ournalist on the front lines$ I hadn.t written a stor% sin!e elementar% s!hool so I had a rough time getting it going "ut in the end I feel that the final rodu!t rovides m% audien!e with a des!ritive a!!ount of what #ournalists endure ever%da% to !onne!t the u"li! with the events haening all over the glo"e$ 2oefull%, the audien!e will "e left with a new erse!tive on the matter and ne)t time the% read a stor% in the newsaer or wat!h it on their *3, the%.ll !onsider the #ournalist and what the% went through to gather that information$ *he media I !hose for these genres in!ludes an oral resentation for the see!h and rinted on aer for the ersonal essa% and the newsaer arti!le$ *he oral resentation medium is re'uired in order to demonstrate to the audien!e how it would "e if it were a real a!!etan!e see!h and therefore it rovides them with a "etter understanding of that genre$ *he rinted medium was ne!essar% "e!ause that is how a!tual newsaer arti!les are resented and therefore gives it a realisti! feel$