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Attend to guests when they enter the restaurant. Greet guests according to time. Preferably address them by their name. Be polite to the guest. Help to seat ladies. Never interrupt when the guest is speaking to

another guest. Avoid meanness such touching hair or nose

miring etc.

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Remember to regular guest special dish giving him & friendly atmosphere.

Be attentive to guest calls.

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Take a bath regularly especially before reporting for duty.

Apply deodorant or body talcum – Recommend REXONA deo.

Avoid using too much perfume. Teeth should be clean and breathe odor free.  POSTURE Always hold the body erect, with head straight and

shoulders erect. Do not run or lean on pillars, chairs, tables, walls or

service station Stand at assigned station in an attentive and receptive

manner Do not slouch. Always maintain an upright posture. 


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UNIFORMS Wear only clean, well pressed uniforms that are free of

stains. The uniform should be well fitting. Always wear nametags on duty. Exchange uniform as per the policy.  JEWELLERY Avoid wearing excessive jewellery while on duty. Only one ring of conservative design is permitted. No ear studs for male. No bracelets. Pendant or medal in chain worn on the neck must not

be visible outside. Watch should be conservative in design and the band

may be silver, gold, or leather. Permitted colors of the leather band are black, brown, or tan. NO swatches.

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HAIR  MALE : Keep hair short, neat and well combed and free from

dandruff. Hair length must be at least one inch away from shirt

collar. Shampoo hair frequently and do not overuse hair

cream, spray, gel, mousse. Hair must be kept off the face at all times especially

when leaning forward. Beards are not permitted unless with the consent from

the personnel Unit due to the religious reasons. Moustache if kept, must be neat and well trimmed. The

moustache should not be falling below the lip line. Side burns should not be shorter than the top of the ear

and NO longer than the bottom of the ear lobe. Clean shaven before the duty. While on duty do NOT comb or brush your hair 

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SKINKeep it clean always, wash often, drink

plenty of water and obtain adequate sleep and exercise.

If it is too dry apply moisturizer. HANDS AND NAILSWash hands every time after using the toilet,

washroom and smoking.Keep finger nails short and clean at all times.

Make sure the cuticles are clean always.Do not wear any nail polish.Do not bite nails instead use a nail cutter. 

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TEETH Brush teeth after all meals and rinse the mouth

constantly. If wearing dentures, remember to have them on

while on duty  FEET Keep your feet trimmed and toe nails trimmed. Foot powder is recommended if the feet smell. For extreme cases consult physician.  FOOTWEAR Wear the footwear approved by the shop. Shoes

should be of correct size and well polished. Always make sure that the shoes are not frayed at

the edges. 

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Meeting of the restaurant staff prior to the opening of the restaurant print to be remembered by the modules are :

Through knowledge of the Food & Beverage items available in the menu & even the non available ones.

Knowledge of the devoir soup & main dish in order to push it to the guest.

Be equipped with clean with the service . Rest manager should check weather the waiter has

satisfied the above points.

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• Remove soiled dishes and leftover food from the table immediately.

• Crumbing should be done regularly before laying the new cover.

• Keep side-station, table and other surroundings clean and meticulous.

• Keep all souse bottles clean with the mouth wiped.• Clean cutlery in fresh water and wipe & dry this

before use.• Wipe glasses with a clean waiter-cloth & always

hold the glasses from the bottom.• Bar mirror & plate glasses should be free from


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•Duties must be rotated to prevent monotony.•Different stations must be assigned to the staff on a rotation basis.

•Each station must have a uniform number of staff members: Assistant Waiters/Waiters, and Restaurant Supervisors.

•The person assigned to the bar must have a good experience and knowledge of beverages.

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•Any person who reports late should be marked late and the records must be send to the Personnel Department for necessary action like deduction from salary.

•Use a pen and ensure that there is no over-writing to avoid malpractices, any changes made should be counter-signed.

•The register should be carefully handled as it is used for a full year and should be kept in a safe place.

•The Restaurant Manager should be made aware of late-comers and absentees to take necessary action.

•Prolonged absenteeism and periodic late-coming should be dealt with severely.

•Staff should be made to realize that coming to their job on time is of great importance

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Each cover requires 24” x 18’’ of space Each cover should be well balanced All cutlery and other table appointments should

be placed at least ½” away from the edge of the table.

All knives and spoons should be placed towards the right &all forks on the left.

Water tumbler should be at the tip of the large knife

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Sideboard should be stacked properly with cutlery & crockery's, water tumbler, napkins, condiments sets, salvers and continental forks. Along with the F & B menu card & the KOT’s.

(a) in mise-in-place every cutlery & crockery should wash at stage properly in side board .

(b) glasses to staked in the glass racks.

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One way of increasing profitability. Stop wastage Check upon the no of portions size of portions,

return extra portion to the kitchen. Handle service equipment with care. Switch off equipment like hot case, chilling

machines, tablelamps, display cabinet lights , gas burner when the restaurant closes .

Do not misuse linen by using them as dusting cloth instead use waiter’s dusters for cleaning purposes.

Food spoilage should be avoided, it could spoil the carpet plus waste that portion of food.

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Never forget to make checks for whatever is served.

Send back flower to housekeeping or store in a cool place so as to refresh them.

Send timely maintained order. Be hank eyed for staff pilfering food.

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Always greet the guest when he/she enter the restaurant with smile and eye contact

Ask him for the number of cover he would want to book the table for.

Ask him weather he’s any reservations. accordingly escort the guest toward the table &help

him take a seat.

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The first finger gives initial leverage and when removed from between fork and spoon enable the two to close non food to hold firmly.

The fork in invested to hold removed food item like potatoes tomatoes etc.

The fork and spoon are kept facing upward along side each other to form a broader base to scoop rice, fish fillets and sweet dishes.

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Left hand by the side & by the right hand pull out the nearest tip of tray so that the tray is half out over the edge of the table.

The left hand palm should be facing upward under tray and let palm make contact with bottom of tray so that it reaches center of the tray pull tray by the right to enable the left hand to reach the bottom center of tray. The table still supports the main weight of the tray.

Take the weight of the tray and lift it slightly above left shoulder adjust tray to balance properly on left palm. Keep holding right tip of tray to center balances, by the left palm.

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Ensure the left palm adequately support tray. Look a head to proceed walking.

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Lift soiled plates from right of guest. Transfer soiled plate from right hand to left hand.

placing first, second and third finger under the plate and the thumb on near edge of plate to balance. The fourth finger protrudes outside the top of plate to receive other plates.

Place used fork, prongs upward and the knife put at right angles under the bridge of the fork.

Receive second soiled plate and balance on three points formed by thumb, forth finger and base of hand.

Use knife and fork of second plate to drop any left over food into first plate. Then transfer the knife and fork to the first plate placing them along with original knife and fork.

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Hand menu to each Guest, ladies first, then gentlemen, then finally the host.

Offer wine list to host alone , with menu, saying “you might wish to see the wine list sir”.

Be attentive and use your judgment to anticipate when Guests are ready to order. always ensure that menus are clean and dry, check that menus are up to date.

Basic information you should ready to give relating to the menu items.

Ex-: for each dish the main ingredients and summary of how it is made.

Don’t promise what can’t be delivered. “that should be fine, but I’ll just have a word with the chef”.

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When removing glassware from tables always being by ensuring that the salver or tray is placed on the palm of the hand.

It must be covered with a clean waiter’s cloth, this helps you to rotate the tray while.

First dirty glasses always positioned closest to the holding hand and working out towards the rim of the salver or tray.

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Hold the wine bottle firmly by shoulder of bottle. The bottle should have base towards you and neck facing away at 45 degree from you.

Pierce cork with tip of cork screw and twist the latter gently in a clockwise direction till the screw is fully in.

See that the cork is not splitting, and that the bottle is not shaken to disturb any sediments at the side or base of bottle.

Draw cork out gently by twisting the cork to and fro.

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“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.”Winston Churchill

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The waiter should be briefed about the tip system and shown how a good service can fetch greater tips. At this stage emphasize the point that a guest lavish tips only when he is pleased with the service and the service can only be good when the waiter is willing to please.

A waiter’s job is appraised on his keenness and willingness to serve. This determines his job advancement, promotion, increment and other benefits.

A waiter is a representative of the hotel and his restaurant. He projects its image and is responsible for maintaining its high standards. On his attitude and action will depend the image of the hotel.

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A cheerful attitude is an asset. It is infectious as one cheerful person spreads cheer and goodwill wherever he goes. As a result the work atmosphere is pleasant and free of tension and overwork.

A cheerful attitude towards colleagues is an advantage because a waiter would be able to obtain the maximum cooperation and help from them.

Job satisfaction comes from within oneself and depends on one’s attitude towards one’s work. If one has a cheerful outlook any kin of work can seem worthwhile and interesting.

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One of the best ways to develop cordial relations and a team spirit is through group effort. Let the group effort. Let the group set the goals. Show how much easier it becomes to resolve problems when everyone puts their heads together. The phrase “United we stand, divided we fall”, should be the motto.

Through team spirit and teamwork efficiency is increased. Increase in efficiency implies higher sales turnover, which implies more earnings for everyone.

By maintaining cordial relations, one not only benefits financially but also personally. A good friendship is also an asset and is of great help during times of trouble.

cordial relation with guest is good relation. A guest who is pleased with the guests is good relations. A guest who is pleased with the friendly atmosphere of a restaurant is bound to visit it again and again.

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It is the hallmark of a good waiter to be courteous on all occasions not only towards guests but also towards his colleagues and other people working in the same unit.

Courtesy should be inherent in his nature and a sign of his desire to please those with whom he comes into contact.

The advantage and necessity of being courteous should be emphasized as it not only smoothens operation but also ensures better ties.

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