
1. Team work.

2. Collaborative work.

3. Leadership.

4. Use of resources.

5. Problem solving.

6. Use of technology.

7. Communication.

1. Topics.

a. Introducing yourself and

family members.

b. Describing family members

and family relationships.

1. The students will get continuous

feedback and formative


2. Rubric assessment including self

and co-evaluation.

3. The rubric will be used at the end

of the process.

4. The process and the result are

going to be assessed.

1. Question: Who do you live with?

2. The students will bring family and share pictures to the class

3. Final product:

The students will recreate a family album using the story telling

application ZooBurst.

The students must:

1. Get in groups of five students.

2. Bring and share family pictures to the class.

3. Choose a family picture they want to describe.

4. Describe the pictures introducing themselves and their family members

including likes, dislikes and personality.

5. Recreate their family pictures using the story telling and augmented

reality application ZooBurst.

6. Create an album with the members of the group “family pictures”.

7. Share their albums with the world using the web.

1. Groups of five students with different roles. E.g. Leader,

secretary, album designer, etc.

1. People involved:

a. Students.

b. Teachers from different subjects are going

to be involved. E.g. English, Technology, arts

and research.

2. Resources:

a. Laptops.

b. Internet.

c. ZooBurst website and app.

1. Laptops.

2. Internet.

3. ZooBurst website and app.

1. Family album design and publishing on the web.

2. Participation in national contests of use of

technology in the classroom.


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