



.' R~r J. COS'l'i\...-.-',,<.-.-'

1\2', ~ '>IRIII ""'.w.\\'\"111""'(; H )~.I) l'. 211·11,\


cc: FEe Library~'\D

Publ i.t' Eeco~d

Attachment <:1S stated

August 16, 1979

As of this clate all informatioll.:l1 copies of the r.::porthnve bc ...~n received by <:111 parties involved and this reportmny be released to the public as of to~~y, August 16, 1979.

Att<:1chcd please find a copy of the final <:1udit reportof the ;,,":wrican Part:l which ....'as ll;'l'rovec1 by the Commissionon August 2, 1979.


FRG:\1 :




T. Background



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1\.!", ~. '> 110: I I I ,,\\'\\':\'>ItI"<'1l )" 1)( .!ll·lld



This audit report is based on doc~~0nts and workingpupers supporting euch of its fuctual stutu~ents. They formpart of the record upon which the CommissiO:1 ba~;ed its decisionBon the ~::ltters in this n~port nnd \~'cre avai::'.J.ble to CommL~s.ioll('rS

~nd np~n·o:')l~.i~te stQff for rc~vic\'J.

The Committee registered with the Federal ElectionCommission on AtlCJUSt 15, 1975, in support of AI:lerican Partycandidates for Federal office. For the period covered by theaudi t, the Commi ttee ma.i n t~lined its headquarters in Pigeon F01'~!(~,


The audit covered the period January 1, 1975, through~larch 31, 1977, the fin,"11 coverage elate of the cnrrent reportfiled by the Committee at the time of the a~dit. The Commi,tt0(~

reported a beginning cas}l balance at January 1, 1975 of $6,677.09,t.otal receipts for the period of $322,982.89; tot.ul expenditun..-,sfor the period of $331,160.89; and an ending cash deficit atMarch 31, 1977 of Sl,500.91.

This report is based upon an audit of the AmericanParty (lithe COmI!1ittee") undertaken by the ]I.udit Division ofthe Federal Election Commission in accordance "lith theCommission's audit policy to determine whether there has beencompli<mcc \d. th the provisions of the Federal Election CampaignAct of 1971, as amendeu (lithe Act"). '1'he audit \'las conductedpursuant to Section 438(~) (8) of Title 2, United States Code,which directs the Commission to make from ti~e to time auditsund field investiqations with respect to reports and statementsfiled under the provisions of the Act.


B. l~ey Personnel

'rhe principal officers of the Committee were Hr. 'l'homasAnderson, Chairman; and ,Josephine Chapman, 'rreasurer, ,r,'lllUary 1,197'~ through Januury 22, ]976; Hary Ellen Gardner, 'l'rcll~;\lrer,

,January 23, 1976 through I>c!cember 10, 1976; and Vern Hon:;e,Trea~urcr, December 10, lq76 throuqh March 31, 1977.

c. Scope.

'l'he aud i.t. incl\lcll~d such tests as verification reported rc!c.d.pts and e:·:penditures and individual transactioll:;;rc'Vi0\'v' of required ~mpportinCJ documentation; analysis of Commi'debts and obligatinns; and, such other audit procedures as deemet!necessary under th~ circumstanccs.

II. i\udi to~~~.-:...~~~:enh.,nt uncI Description ~!.f Finl1incrs

lL is th("! O;Jildon of the i\uc.ljf: stuff, based upon eXuntination(Jf tl1c' rc'port.s and ~,;ttlt(~n\('l1ts filell 11llCl l!l(~ recorus l?]-eSclltc~(l, th~lt,

e:·:cept for the dt~:- i.c iencies noted be low, ! bc~ reports and s tatcmoll t.:·;

of the American l':tl-ty raj rl y present: the ! ilJunciul activi ty ofthc! C~)mmi t tee for the pcr .ind covercd by t:!Jr~ audit. Fur ther, CXCCI d.for the, noted" bc!lcM, no Inatc'riu l proble-Ins in complyinq .wi th t.he Fcd(~riJ] l:l (lction Ca!:l!.'::iqn Act w(:rr· (liscovered dur inq theCOtlr:;L' 0 f the' <.llldi!:.

1. ~~:~:ist_rat.ion an,:! !\(~portinq._J!L State Part.YCn;':mi t:b..!C[j

~-;,·,;Uon 433(u) of 'l'itle 2, IJn1.ted States Code,in pal~t., rC'(!lIi n,:: ,t poll U CuI commi ttO(! \-/11 i (:h anticipates or hl1Srcce.i.vt.'d cOlltriL';:.. .i.ons or m.:tde: (~:":pendi.t:llrl':; during a calendarYC'~l1~ in <In iJnOU:11 .. r~:-:C(·(l(l.i.nlJ 5.1.,000 to fi If' wi tIl the COl'1missiona Sl:.,U':lll'nt of C'i·';il11i7.ation no liltor I btlll I [) CL:1YS after itsol-'.i.l.rd.::.,ti.();1. ,\1;';0, Sl..~ct.i.on ~34 (.:1) o~~ 'l'.it·lc· 2, tJnitecl Statc~::;

Cod·..~, in part, 1"t:<:!'.Jiros u comrniLU!o to filc reports£.) [ n~ceipts ar:d c-:·:;)ondi tures .J.S pn.:scrib('d.


oj SCl1BS ions \'1i th the Committee IS boo}:kc'l'perdisclosed tlwt. the I\mericun Party assessed its state l',u'tyorepni z"t.ions ':1nnl1a] amounts (stab~ aSflCssments) bnscd on thefollow.i 11(.1' f.onl1ulu:

~ Clcctol~~lJ. vol:es pel~ stute X $200.00 (through.]st (lu"rt:er 197(,).:mel

#. (~lector ..l1 votes per stute X $150.00 (as of 111cl l,)11,lrter 197G).

'l'he50 st.':lte .. :~:·;essments \\Iere to be paid prior to or at certainN.:ltional 1'.11'1',' mcctjnqs for' thul: sl::1l:c to -huve yoti neJ privi le(;c~t1. t. the meet i n'.l.

Our rc'view of the COnml i ttce I s state .:lssessmentrecord~. discll)sed that 22 unreqi,.;terec! stute orgunizO-tions in1975 and 12 in 1976 trunsferred in CXCI!SS of $1,000.00 to the

_ :\mc~ri.c':lIl Purl:,:,. Committee records did not indicute the sourceof: the ~tute or~l"nizuti()nsl funds, nOlO did the ('onnnittc,' boo}:­kC'epl)r h.lvc ,my f -j 1'8 t- h.:111(: kn()~'lledq() ,I,; to the source of th·.:'funds. She' i nd ica ted that she thouqh t the: funds \"lere ruisecl ..throU~lh dona t ions, suppers,' and PU!3s-thr:'-ha t typq ('\'1.:':1 ts.

, , ',,," ~ , " ' , " ,. . , -"". -

This mil ttor \~(lS ref.err6(l to the C'oJnm i srd nn' s·offiCt: of Gc~ncl~al Coul1sclby.t!1cc l~el:'ort:~; l\na]Y~3i:;·\)i'·:isi()nill1cl\·Ju~·•. thc s\lhjt~ct of m;F~ 277(7G) •. 'l'he Office of(~\"n(;:-:ll· .COtllU;,')1 COnL1\:l::~c1.··thc St;lt.C part',. commit:tC'l~s to illfonn;thc~nl

.() f t:11L-: b: rClj L:.l:r ~l ti ()Il arid rCl~6i'ti, n'1. ob'\ j ~Fl t ions. i\] L;"C:~lq 11 .t ho .restdU; \;"cl-0un~:;.:ltisfactor,:" on Octobc'I~".!.7, 1978, the (lffjCl: ..

of GClH'l";.\l ct)\lil:~('1 rccomrncnc1el1 that nl) l"m:thl:r u.ctinr~ h:: t,lKfm()Jl t.he m':lttcr.Sincc current reportill"l prohlc;ms oft:1c:·:\.mc'l."ic.:t!1P.:!rtv an~ h,:·inll dCult with bv the nCp()l~ts i\n"l'.'sis Oi'.'is1.011 ,tlw ,()f:fice of: (;l:llel~u.l COUl1S(;1. fcels t11;l1: thcCommisslo:1 Cell1 bemon~ .cCf0CtLv,· in c1calinq \dth thes(; r;lI:hcr th:1:1 t(l}:i:~;:: furtherLlcUun on t11i:' I ()75-1976 viol.,tiol1S ucldn' i:1 i-'UR ::-;"7(76) .. '1';1(;

[;t.,h~ ;l::;""III'~-; will be s(~nt Commis:';jflll mater.i.:!ls re(:.:1~~dinq.·thc~

f i1 i. r~q .ob 1ie; ;11- .i om; 0 f 2 .li. s. c. -1 ::n~lJ)~1 ,1"3 ,\. . ... . ". .

On Novc·mber ], 197~~, til" Com~1ission '.10::',:": l:()l~lo~.;et:!1I.) fi'll' on ;.~l.q:~ 277(7(,) wi,l:~1nC) fnrtlH:l' <lction.

:f'..a.n >


. .'r'a'~ ..~..... 1'

, .h-


.)...Sections 414(.:1) and (b)'(4) of 'l'itle 2, Unit~d

:;lat.el-j·C()(!(., in pLlrl: requil~e a'politicill committee sllpportinc~

il G~ll1dil!:1tv (f,) r()l~ e l.l~ction to FederLl] of fico to f i Ie \."i Lh theCOInmissl'JI\ 1>(~POI~ts of its fin<ll1cial <lctivity and, mOl:r~

:;P('C i f le.1 I I~!, c1'i.sclo~;e the 11<.1:1\0 and address of (~dch poli l: lCillC( >nlllli t (J"" r rom \·:hich the repor l: i nq commi t tC(~ -1"1 'I :,. i'led or miidoLram;fQc; of funds, illon~l \vit!1 Lhc~ mnounts ,1I1d '0'[ thc!t 1-an:'; Co 1- ; i •.

"O\ll:n~vi(~~'l of the COllllllittce's sLate: assessmel'il:I~ecords n·'.'l:i11cd I h<lt the Commi ttee had received $50, j57~27 <111C1~~ 34,502. r; 1 in trLlIl:; fcrs-in from its s l:ate org,mi7.a tions dm:'rbgC<.11enC:ar year.s li)7:'; Llnd 1976, respc'ctively. !Iowever,thcCo!n!1litto ...~ disclos(~c1 tr<lnsfers-in of $45,394.]2 and $27.,27A.Olfor cu1.C':ld<lr yean, -1975 <lnt.l 197(), l'I':1pective]y, in its reportsl.o the CG! -lnih1c;ition, th(~ Committee did not it.em'i::·.' _tl-.:-lnS!Ol-:; I--t:·c(d\ic!l! fnJlll 1:'.·..0 (2) ;;l.ltcs in 11)7:3 in···lhe amount-:; 0:7

:;lll2.00 it:';:; Sl,'lOS.l1:.J nOl~ l1id tlll~Y it:0mizc tl':l11Sfl'I'S recei\'c(; :.:-::::,t:;I-l~C:('3) ~;t:,ltc's_illL~)7(; in UH.' '1lllCJlmts .. oL :;:~jG2.50, .51.50.00 <l::~:$112.50.' . . ..

On ,.I 1l.1 Y n, ] 97 8 ~1I1d October 2, ] 978, the t: : ....·e :f.i h~,; d:C!'·nC:I:lvnl:s \·:h.ich :;U:JSL111U.1l1·(y correct!,,! the' omissions_a:1~

d.i !,;cr~"\:);1.~1ci.(:~·) 11()t:(~li ,-llH)\"l'.

" 'I'lv· ,\ud.i.t .st~lfr P_'l·l~;;\:l\...'nds that: no further .::JcLionbe take:1on thi:, :::~it.t:(·r.

:>~(:U.on 437b(:.d en of r['.it·l(~ 2, Uni.t(~d S.t."d.l~S Code,iI; ;;:,:-.: ,-. ::'liJ''-':-i .t!1at all cc::tl·ilJlltioll~jt·o :1 pol.itiGalcom~1it::c:c

-lJL' "-::'.:;.c.:·: ~ :··d i.n ~l c~1~~~i)~1.i\..::1 (~·:·!)o:; Lt l)l~"/ l111Ll all c:·::)~nt1ittlrCS b~ r.::.clc1,',' c::--:~-:: nIl t!J,' d\~po~;j.h_');"; C':·:ccpt fIJI' net.ty cash e:-:~)(~ndit,urcs.

:;-:'ctinns ..L32(c) ;ud(d) of 'l'it10. 2, .lJnit(.:'d Stal:cs COC;'2,1:1 :'<~l-:":, l·l"ltl.iJI: t.he· tl:(.:'~lSU1-0r of d poliLic.::Jl CU!:::::il:toe to ~~c .. '·:":1 \.:t.~·L:1i~ __ ·,: C::l!1c1 '",-'~':dl;~: Cl\CO~::;'~: c.':'-: (j) ,1] 1 ·COl1{:1-i1)utic.)lis n1al:c~ to

.)l" :-c:- l: ;".:\ (,()." .. ,!'. t·", \';,') :-',".'-'. L":,'r--'l'~ ,7 l' ·"l'tJ.'OI1 ()L-' :····----.r-\7 COll""~:"''':'l'':'• ~."'" .. L .._ ~ , .L . _ -.......",... . .l.. -I... \-:.. l...: .. \._ l.~.. ........ ..... _ ..# ..

i: ...·:::i:;: :, c0nlr.i;;uUC'n .in c:·:c~-,ss or ::;'jO, tIl(' l1:1l'c' cll1d .~r;.ollnt, u!1'.:, -

_ ... .;.:,.....---

·~ - . .' ~, ."

,..-'t ••

, ,

" i'


,-- .i r "'1'1n~~TLlt:in9 marc them $100 inn cLllenc1ilr yenr, till' nccounl: s::::l1illr.:)ll<!,' the contributor's occupntion and the princip:11 plac(~ ofbll~;illt':;s, (iii) illl c>=pencHI·.U1-es made by 'or on beh;llf of ~uchCUJllllli 'I:C(~, nlld (iv), the iclent.ificLltion of c.'vcry per:;I;n to whom .. ::':'(~:':!-'{'I)(I i lnn~' i.~.; lllLldl', includi.nq the, dilte Lind amount. 'I'ho tr(~'lf;ur·~~:­

.i:.; rt.tptil"l'dLoobt-.;!in anti to keep a receipted bill, :.tatinq tlwp;II-' i(·1l1.:l1~~;, f(~r ('Vl'l~y e:-:pcnc1iture made i.n I'XC('~S or r,::lOO or.Ol'.!(ll"I,~'l;lt.iWl,'in'(::':CI":;:; "of $100 1:0 a ~ri.venl);jyee ,in,,':1 c;l1entl.-:l.r ye~:l-.

" , , ., I •

Sc·c!:ion 414 (h) (2) i (3) ,(8), (In ',and (]1) of '1'.1t1e 2,11ni h:d States Code, in part" requires the committee to filer(~l)()l~t·~; disc1osinq: (i) idl'nt-.ificiltion of eve!.-v contributormil}: i nq i1 contribut.ion in oXCPss of ~lOO orac:qr~gatinq in excessof ~;'I Iln during a cLllenc1Llr yC':ll- nlonq \\ dLltc and amount, anc!OCCll!);ltion anc1 principal pl.-:Wl' of businoss, if any, (ii) tota(sum U[ inclivic11ialcontr:i.butiol1s, (.iii) total sum of all.l"C!ccipts,(iv) idl~ntific<::tion iJnd. nddre~~s of every person to \·,hom (~:,:p(!ndi ~~:::·I.:~;

h,lV(~ h(~('11 m~lc1e in (~:·:c(:s[-; of.~'$1110,or nqqrc:.!qatinq in f':-:c ..,ss,of :~10t"i

:in ;:I'cd1.(~l\('G~!l- ':11onqwitht:hl.'~lInollnt, date-and purp!)sc~ of .t':, ..(~:·:pc!ld.i t:urc, .]:1(1· (':). th('toL,l: ~;um of 'all' (,;:·:pc·nc! i lures ...

, - -- -- ~

. .' ,:.:()ur.. I~-L'~: i, :\.; .of t he·t,', 'lI\i\1 i t: t()e 's ro<--:o nl s .''!-O'!C!cl1. 0d . t hil t :(1) .. Sli,H17.81 ;..::l::-; i-l~C(~i'.'cc1 .in 1-~:r:i.~;trL.ltioll fcc:; '1l1!.1 l."\:~ccd.pts r)-~':-:

<1::b':l;';\llj(~t at a ~::ll:i()n;11 Comll\ith'cr-'1~0tinq oi, ,Tuncl!)-21,lCJ7S.1·::·:r:,(~n:~~""s ,-1ssoCiCit(:d \,!ith tIll' l1\('t~t:itlq totillinc1 S4;017.8lvlei-(' .. · .Iii ~h\ll'-scdf:l~~)mt!';(! fllnd:; ':llld "h, '(1 i s})ursC','loi,tof the' remain.i nq$?,l'JO ~o.O .i f~' t:!.:c:ccoun t.ed for. . .. ..

(?) i'\!1j"Jl-o:.:jnl;itcil·:,'$B,300.00 in rcqi.strCit.ion fees nt "l'i;;'t:iollal.Coll1l1li.ttee· Ncctino .. oll ~JoVI-lmhCl- 7-c), 1975 \'l.:lS c1ishtl1~':;f.'d·'to p.-Iy .:l

hi)t(~ 'I/hlllquet' bill.'

en $10,000.00 in prc:ic(~ccls Jl~nm ,I Nation,,1 .Commilt:oC' ~100.l:inq .....Oil !)c~c(~inbl:r C)..: 10, .\-97 (j \'las c! i :;bl1r~;('r.1 as p;I:.-:ment c'n i.l ell·)l)!.: 0\·!(.'c1.,b':, L:hc: ComIlii. ttec. . ,

None; of. .then'co i!' t~; I j.-,: ;<:\- i :)l'cl .iJbov(: '.·!I~rC d,-::pc):.; i t· (::'e! .1 :: ,11I)!- '..:<~,l-C tho l;:·::~,"ndi l:111-t.'~; ,1:1;,1(11' [n~l11 ':1 c' lk'positcll-"/ ~.' . 'I'b:-­C():,I!nitt:(~I~! not m:L1.nt.:Ji.n ,111 .:1dC'iI11.-:l.tC record of ,the so11u: ..·.·of·'thj,~ l"I'Ccdpts ;:()I~ ~I!1Y .of t:lw i·l·.]n~;,;cti:()m; dcscr.i.bc~(l l1b()\ie, n~)r l::C:t h. ":' h:1\;;.... -(lnCU~1C';-' t;1 t ion .for ,l" hI' .:ip:) 1 i c~lIJll':: c:,:pcnd.i :-.1.1 res'; J-' i n;111.':· ,nnnt;o!: .the I"cccipts l:--r e:·::.'I'ildit'..l.n.... :-5 \·;et-'o roported on the CO\lm;i.:--t,:",~;

d ! :-:~: J '. ~: ; ~ 1\~C )~ C ~ -: r):'" t ~.; .




On October 2, 1978, the Committee filed amended reportsdir.iclos.i nq illl of the above mentioned financial activity. OnDecember 4, 1978, the Committee furnished the Audit st.aff withroceipted IJiJls to support two (2) of the three (3) expenditureswhich requi l'I'd such documenta'tion. For the third c:-:penditure,the Commitl.·.· supplied a copy of a memorandum which had bel~n sentto the vC'n<!tll' seeking a copy of the invoice (s) to ~)\IP:)ort thisp;lymen t.

J{pCOlmnenc1at i on

BQsed on the Committee's efforts outlined above, the l\uc.1itstaff recomlllc.~nds that the Commission find that the COl1imi.ttee isnm.., in compliance with Section 434(b) (ind has made i.ts best c[[o,'L:;to comply \ Section 432 (el) and that no furthcr act.ion be tQ}~c'n

on these m;11 tors.

C. Unreported Earmarked Contl-ibutions~~~:i t'\ssociated E:-:pcnd_~turc~s

~;c~ction 441a(a) (8) of Tit.le 2, United StQtes Code, inpurt, requi.res Qn intermediuxy or conduit to report the receiptof curmi1rkcd contributions to the Commission and the intendedI~ccipient.

Section 434(b) (9) of Title 2 of the United States Coden~qu.ixes thu t. the Committee disclose the identification of (~uch

person to Whnlll expenditures aggregating in c:-:cess of ~~lOO huvelWL~n IH.::ldc dUI" i, ng a cal enc.1ar year, to(Jether wi th the amoun t, au te ,and purpose () f each such c:·:pe'ndi ture.

Ou I" revic':,' of Commi ttee records reveah~c1 that theCOl::mittcc e~;t;lblished .::l trust fund called "Trust Fund 176" in,1ul1t.• , 1974. 'l'he purpose of the fU:1c1 \·:,),s to permit the AmcrjC.:111Pu (t:y to ilCClllllulatc contributions for the Party's Presidential.::ll1d Vi.ce Prl~:;identLll candidates for the 1976 Gl~ncra1 Elc'!1,\-l i:h the opt ion thilt the contl~ibuton; could h.:lVC their con tribu ::.ionsn"·fu!1dl::d in ,"ull if not satisfied v:i t h ::he nominutions of thC' P~n"~.·:·.

'\'I"IISI: Fund '7G eeced.vcC: .:l tot.:l} of $G,384.63 incnnt:ribLlti.()n~~ durin(J the p~riod Dc'c"laber 27,1974, throuqh :"·.tll";u,,:-.25,19",5. (m :!ovcmber ]5,1976, th.·· Co::mlittee tr<lnsfcrrc)c! ~~'i,)9·L""

($6,38·I.G3 l(,:'!:;s $990.2·1 in fund e:'::'l~nscs) from 'l'rust Pund ,.;(, tot: he :\1'.\ ;C' l~: :Oll ~~h.J.c}~(~1 f 0 1~L1 C.:1l11n.:1 i q 11 C'n:::::. i t: b::1c, th(:) nr.i. nc i pa 1 C .::::\: :·t!. '.:::l'()::·.l::it.~_,:,(' fell" the: i\m(·r.ic.:l11 I'~rt·::'s c;ln,:.ll:.:l!-C's foc' the Off.1.c(' 0':-:'l".·'.;j':l'nt ;1,],1 "iCf'-l'l'(";i(l"nt ~'11" '\J"n"'"~'~'111 ])-I.··t-'· al l'(·l no'- l:l···rol(~··;"• • - .. • .... • ......" ....... - .. ~ ... • .. ~ • l.; ~ .. .I. _ t ~ I. • ~ • to '- to & I l"... ,,; .;) _


St"etion 434 (b) (12) or '.['itlc 2, United States Cod",requil'i:S the Committce to report the amount and nntun:' of d(·IJt~5

and obligations owed by or to tile' Comm.L ttc~e, in such form ,1:; LheCOlllm.i.~;sion may pr.escribe.

D. Unrc'I10rted Dc~bts <:1I1e1 Ob1.iCf<:ltionsO\-icd By or '1'o'-Ti1e Coniii\.tt1.c(~--

't'h\: i\udi t s tilf f recommends that no further action be takc'nt.h.lC3 matter.Oil

On October 2, 1978 and November 4, 1978, till' COlllmit:t.(!(!fill'd ;lmendmcmts correctly cl.i.:jl~losing the total receipts int.o'I'rust- Fund '76 (contributions \ver.e itemized as required), therclat0(! fund expenses, and the tr.ansfer of funds to the AndersonSh,lcJ~t~ I ford Campaign Commi t teu.

Scctions 104.2 (b) ( 11) Llnd 104.8 (b) of the Commiss.L<lIl'~';

RCIJu 1.<:1 tions in part require a poli tical commi ttec to report toth(~ C()~!lmission debts and obliqaLions 0\'J0d by or to t.he cOl1ulli.ttJ'I!\·:h,-~n t::lt~ debt or ob1iq<ltion C':':Ct:'('d:5 ~~500.00 or when thL~ dcbt OJ­;iL.Lon is $500.00 or less ,1I1c1 OUb;t<llll1ing for 60 l1~ys.

COlllmittee officials stated that the finatwLll ilctivityrelat<·<f to 'I'rust !·'uncl '7(j was not disclosc:d because till' fund WilSnot c()n:~.i.denxl part of thu l\mc!rican Party and that tl1l'y ,lssumedt ha t t.!ll' n~portilllJ \'Jas done by Lhe fund's t rus l' ·t~.

th(~ I' "'(' ipt of the $6,384.63 into Trust Fund '76, the :~990. 24 infund '·:·:penscs ($750.00 for legal services and $240.24 for. printiny),or tIl" trans [er. of funds to the Anderson Schacr.e1 ford Cammi ttee.'1'he J\llrlf!rSOn riehacke1ford Committee reported the receipt: of the$5, )IH. '~9 by disc10sinq the oriqinal source of the fUlllin (i. e. ,individllill contributors, 11 of 12 were itemiznd as n''1uin~d alldall clo I t.(!d No\,pmber 15, ] 976) and <:l<ljus ting uni tl'mLwd n 'ceiptsfor. UI(! billuncc.

. .....:.-_--

i :\ I'I •• ~, '.~ ". "\_ , •••• :. 1. • I : '. : _ ;.. ",.,,:1-: I,

:~.:: ~ ~ , ...

l)il ll\·~·t::)l~~" 2, 11)7~~ t:1·.: (::)i:~::'it l\-""t..: ~'j l~\tl (111 ;u~1t:'nd~~lcnt.:

:',"l 1"::-; :·:~ .. tl\.~!i:\\:l·,· f,):' 1\:"\::~~li.::1ti(Hl tc> inclllt.!'\ lh~\:~\'~ t:l~"\~e (]),:",' ".::: ·... :.. i •.:,:-1 !)~:I""! \.:t::~ 1-:- !1<Jt' "': i (:(~'! ()~::c'lr:.

CO:tl!~littc(" t:CC()1."\:~.; I:t''.'t·.-;I,-·d t:h~lt tll,' C'-'!:\,L' hild ('111<'(:()) ::.1::;: dC'pC)~;i.t()I'i(~~ thel\: \-;('1'" Il()t l.i~~t:cd on Uw COll'r::i.ttr·(,I~;

::~·.;~:\·..:·:1t. or o]"(::.1:-li::;1Lioll or ;1!:I\·ndmt.~nUl thcrl~l:o. l!o'::()VOl.", thll,(',':.:::::·:C't' n:,:p()1"l: ti;.... Ci:I'-"Il:i;11 .::1cl:.i'.'ity oC t\,'O (2,) or' thl.~·b,1llJ.:..:,': .):.. ~ :()-:"i(~~~. ~~l\t •.! H .. d,()'JC' f()}'" a ric' scl:.i:Jt:l()!l (/f l·11t..~

"'\l", • :':':''-''~ !:il1~I:1Ci.:1J llc.~;_i·:i ~_'.: ()I t:~L.· }J;jnk ~lcC"(1l~nl: 1'C'l'" 1!'rn~~L !·'ll1hl, ~. ~ l •

." . . l'I :1: c:- ~::::,~ :: 1 on \\1.1 t 11.11

" t' 1 ., ., (' ) (C"j) I ( ) - " ' .. ,. (. I""" t·~· ,.. t' 1" "'1 .',.l'j; : Ion:,; ·t,j.' I) d:le. C 1 '-qU.l 1 C .1 ~_O ......l _ I.t. I. ,0 'C 1 :Jl. ,0:,.1'

,':1 \ ::" i:' :~ t:d tt'!:IC'll t'. c' r l.)!·\;;mj :::1 t i 011, ;1 I is l: i.nq of .::t 11 lJilnb~ C;I-. ot-he'l- .1~ ... ':)c~:;1: t):"i ...~~; tl::j(~c1 a~·h.! tl) rt.·I!){)!~L ;111"/ ch;ln<J(~S in i't"'C·'.'.iCHl~--;l\" iJ i':;'~':lo~";l\(i

!'!Oll- D i !-; C } n :'; tl :'C' () C 1)'-' :.. 0:; i 1:0 I".'---------_.._---_. _.._-------: ----_..----_.'.


'i'::,· :\lldi I.: st:a!'f l·r~C01:;::".:nd:; t'll:lt no [urt:l1t'I- 3cUonl.l~~\· t.'1~:0n

on !- :'. L:, m;l t to l~, 110'.','1" VI' I", 1:11,:· CI'inl:l i t t(~( ~ shoitJ d \:nn t:i.' to p [ope r 1 y..:1:-,c:2(:;;.:' ;lI1Y d'.'b~::; ;1~1d n;J1i':;11·j n ll.; o'::·'d to 01··}'·" l:1'" eOIl1mjt·tc~c

':1:'; l',',:::il',:,c! b'/ 11 erE l(l:L~(!)) (II) .::llld 104.80J).'

\ve ildvised the C()ml~li t'tl'~\~ of ficinl::; a r thl~ l:cport:i.nqrt:l:ui~-"::h:nl:s_of the l\ct. '\v~) also note thl1t the COI!~mittc~("~; .I'O;,'O::',~; :: lIed :;lIbsr.~~.IU(\nt .to til'" 'il\1d.i. t: ]J'(~I~iod' d.i.~jclo:::('d I1I:lJ!.:;0;";0,: to ;lI1d' by ,th(~e{)mI:1it t' e:c -.' - '. ""'- .... ' .. ,.' .. _. '. ' , " -" . ,

1\ n~v.i<"\\IT or the r.Jatiol1Ll1 "Commith"l~ Ht\(!tinq mi 11111.(':;

for :;rl,.',-·t:tber 7-9, llJ7 r l rev(,Ll1c~d thilt the COInndtt'ne m,'l·d :::1:>',0",7.51in ,:lCcounts pa'j'::lb1e Ull octobC'1:31, ,1975. 1\ Sl:'::II""mn('nL ot (';1:;11

RI~C'l:.i.:Jt:; il11C1 nisbur:;"!II,'nl::; f()r "the \,eilr l\ndinq (l"C('mbl'I' \1, lInG'llisc1~):';(:d thLlL t!H! ('Ojlllllittc'l\C,;.:i:d"ilj)pro:-:im,ltQly :;:21"lL!O.OO ina(;.C'{),t:.~1t.:.~ I)i:l'la}ll,:!"_" c')11~~ l';C"\\!.i~\~' ()f COInnlitt<..·c~ rC(~()J'/lH l" .. '\'t·.llt'll lhat. ,-,.~:hL' C()i:i::;'ittc(~ \·i;I':; ()".;;.,j a nlinillllllll o[ $4,OOO~OO 'il1'1·el'ol·I.l! l lt' ilCCOllnb;

",I:L'(:L'f':'::lblt~ a~i of r";ll:cll -~I, IC)Tl; 'rho Commi.t:tcl.":·; di:;i.:lo:;lln~ .rc;P01:1::;:'01: tiw :\(~riod o[ t}1(: .:I\Il!i.t did not disclofjl~ ,lilY of 'j-hc'sl: tk'bts 01­c':'l. t· ~:i ~ i <.)n~~.

" .-:


F. I~.'p()rth,., nf rrnr«'c'lt .. frna R...",I' .1n<l rol1l',·tions-_._._-_.. ------- - - - ---- _ ..

:~ \':·:1" ·"1ltHI ::'.1':I'!' .~:::~ r., t ~. , , '".

"n .ruly 1" 19i8, th," '·,'mmitl ...." ~!1,.1 tln .,m...ndm,'nttf' it., '1'11 :'" 11'1 ":q"'ll,iil lU·(.":' ,·!·...·:in~Hl1y tl('to it ,'r.d ~"fl whichnllhnt:t:1tLa11y ,",'dur',"! t 1\0..1 l.!t·'-"l" rat'.' in ("m" :' l!"i:il~.

:, ~l.ll· inti.(·.l. !ltlmplt' of t...·;-:p.·nd.1 hll·'·u for t.ho lK"'rioc.ll'('"''':lh''' th..,l· 1(•• .}6' nl' th..... ,":-:p"n,litm'('R rf'quirinq itC!llllzntiC'ln,...~r~' nt)t ib'mi:~,'d in ttl(' (·omMftl(...... ·tl r('pol-t-:;_

Un i' "ml :~('d t-::':""n,11 t-t1l"~".:.~~~~.P"f ..(,:~ti ~l<If'l-"':":l~~;;~ ~ .. t' -;~ Hlt'

'rll.' .'.t"li t ~t.lff rf''''~flr:tllt.·nd~ th;,t nt) fm'th.'\· action bc.'ld!~~~ll on thin m~,ll(',·.

....r r,'vipw of (·onnnittt·,· rrcf)r.h\ ,Usclosret lhilt th,'rommitb'" h.,d r,·c"iv 1 $11,01l2.·n in cah·ndar v«'ar If)71j and$ct,2:~n.9n In c .. lt:mcl · \-c:lr 11)7(. frnm nillL'1' ..,nd t.·ul1C',!Uon...,\1 thouqh t.I,,' t.'~lU"(' roporh.,<t ,·h.-.uf' procccdR 011'1 uni tt-lalzP.dl·ccl.·iptR, th.·y ,tI.1 not It'''mh:C'' S(.:~ I. 14 In yrilr 1975im..l S(,,:!(,4.lIl in c ... l.'nd:lr '{.....,r 1..1(., by ev<'nt on Rchcdul~ Il(Th'ml?t.~d R...C'ripts from f;"l"s tlnd r()lh~ction~;).

On .July 11, 1')78 ..",,1 n,~tohrr 2, 1978 th.~ r.~ltt~

fllrd .1III~nd1lk'ntR c1.i:H~lnnl..., th.' pr.-x-...·''CIR from sal08 :1M..-01 h'ctionR ,,~~ m<'mo "lItriftH nn ~.~h(...Ju]r 11'1'1 iU1 ro<tu1r('(t.

$."" inn 4nCb' (I)) of 'l'it.•" 2, t'ni',·d Ht ... t:rs rode,r,·qlllrl.':-; .1 ,-onunitt·.", t, .. "",Mlrl: the ic1cntjfi(~,lt ion of ~ach

p(~rf;Oa to '\Thonl "xppud it· ur"s h.w,'" hl""n '''.:1(1,'' h~' ~~uch eommi tt('ll\"within t."·' c.-.1,·nd.u" ,",'.u· ....IfJrt..·.l;ltinH in ,,:-:(!.... :~:; or S100.

~~ctl()n 4 ~·1(h) e6) uf 'l'itl,o 2, Unlt...t f;t:ltC'.. ru.I.."rC"ltuir,'" .1 '!Ommlttf O" tn r('I)flrt th.o tnt .. l ,Imount of pr,x!,o, ..I..frOlll n.,J":I or ... h~k.·I:; mid I tt'mA, anel 1I;II\n col"'~ct101m f.·,.fundrLll:li ..., pv.~ntR •







II.!')" -;110:111 \\\\':\SHI:\'C IO !)\' .!l '~td





Audit 4! /71

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