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Page 2: Film Packages


Skyfall has an identifiable advertising campaign, in keeping

with the Bond series.

The posters feature modern, cold colours to suit the suave

nature of the protagonist – James Bond.

The magazines feature

the same colour scheme

to follow the film’s

advertising image. Even

the subscriber’s issue

Of Empire changes their

corporate image to

match the film’s. Many

of the poses are the

same and the images

are re-used.

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Advertising on the underground in London is commonplace. There are posters just aboutanywhere. Skyfall was no exception.

Even sponsors of Skyfall took to advertising it.

Posters on theunderground aremuch bigger, adifferent shape,and much moreimpressive tocatch people’s eye

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The setting of the premier has to be in keeping with the style

of the film’s advertising. Hence the pictures below of the

Skyfall premier.

The car is very suave and sophisticated but also conveys

Bond’s need for speed.

The backdrop is the same featured colours and fonts.

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Interviews are a useful form of advertising as it can be virally

sent out on the internet/TV. They most likely crop up in

entertainment channels or websites such as ‘E!’ or ‘E! Online’

or MTV etc. These interviews can convey not only the film’s

advertising package but also more information to entice


These interviews usually feature a backdrop in keeping with

the advertising as shown below:

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Investors are vital to a film’s success as the sponsors provide

money for the production of the film as well as the production


As seen below Bond was part of the ‘The GREAT’ campaign,

using posters to tell everyone how good Great Britain really is.

There was controversy over the new

Heineken sponsorship as Bond is

synonymous with martini ‘shaken not stirred’.

But the deal was worth £23 million and it has

been reported the film would not have been

made without the deal.

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Products are used to gain the money investors have put in to

the film’s production. These products make normal members

of the audience able to feel as good as a Bond girl, or Bond


The product and the film benefit each other, for example:

A man sees the advert for the 007 fragrance when watching

Skyfall in the cinema, he then buys it, benefiting the

fragrance company but that company has already invested in

the film.

Another man sees the 007 fragrance in the shop, buys it and

then remembers that the new film is out soon, then goes and

buys a ticket – benefiting the film and the product.


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Online advertising is vital for the success of a film. Social

networking sites are used to target a films target audience.

Cinema websites are used to entice potential audiences to

buy tickets.Production company websites and film


convince already


audiences to

see the film.

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The posters are usually of the main cast – or the main 3. Cold, dark colours are used to reflect the danger, tension, mystery and thrilling side of the film.

These magazine covers feature twocontrasting sides to the film. The postersand cover on the right focuses on thedrama to draw audiences in. However, themagazine to the left plays on the loveangle and features a much brighter imagerepresenting happier times for thecharacters - drawing in different audiences.

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Interviews and press releases are usually done in front of a

huge poster to advertise the film being presented at the

event. This is done so viewers are reminded of the reason for

being there and the job at hand. These posters are in keeping

with the style of the advertising package. In the picture of a

press release to the right there is an

image, not directly taken from a poster but

features similar colours and the sunrise is

poignant because the it is a link to the title

and the start of Bella’s new vampire life.

The links can be made subconsciously but

will remind audiences to buy tickets and see the film.

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This film has various style of posters. The black and white posters

represent the timelessness story of Marilyn Monroe, it also

represents the drama of her persona. The other style poster is a

much softer style with light blues that

could symbolize the untold story of the

innocent side of Marilyn Monroe –

possibly the true her. This style is the

one featured and reflected in the

magazine Studio – a film magazine for


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Smaller budget films have to use the

same image on a few posters and

website. The same lighting is used in

the two images to link the two to make

a link in the audiences mind and

interest them in the film.

Having posters everywhere will ensure

the film stays in the minds

of viewers and they will

remember it and buy tickets.

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These six different posters take two different approaches to the film. The top three feature the sinister side with dark colours, making the film look more like a thriller.

The bottom three use white as the main colour,perhaps to represent the innocence of theprotagonist. The bottomleft poster gives theimpression that the film isan independent film,whereas the top three looklike a film with a much higherproduction budget than itactually did. These variousstyle of poster could be toexpress the two sides to thefilm and interest both typesof audience.

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