  • IONa_ Pointe'. N8WIP8Pllr for More Than 23 Yea1'Il



    Fo. Compl.1tCon ••,. Flnl

    Rud Th. R.. I• .,

  • rubll.h~d Ci P nlV1IW Stpt 7, 1l1~O




    Precmct Polhng PlacesGro"e Pomte High School, Flsher Rdand Grosse Pomte Bh d - Use FISherRoad entranceGab"el Richard School 176 McKmlevA,enueGabriel RIchard Slhool 176 McKmleyA,enueOld Kerbv School 104 Kerby RoadNe" Kel b\ School 285 Kerby RoadSt Paul E\ angehcal Lutheran Church375 Lothrop RoadA votIng booth located at 305 ChalfonteAvenue corner Chalfonte and Kerby

    FURTHER, that tho poll' for ,aId .I.cllon will be ap." from7 o'clock In the for.noon untIlS o'clock In the aftel'llClOn.EST.

    ~rnsse Jnil1te 1Ifttrnts

    GO\ernor Lieutenant GO\ernor Representah\ es mCongress. State Senators and Representallves m theState LegISlature Judge of Probate (to fill vacan,v)for the term endmg Decembet 31, 1952 ProsecutmgAttorney Shenff County Clerk County TreasurerRegister of Deeds Count\. Dram Comnusloner andtwo COIoners, as plescrlbed b) Act 351 P A 1921as amended

    HARRY A. FURTON,CIty Clerk,CIly of Grosse POInte Farn15

    City of



    YOU ARE HEREBY NOTlFII::D that a General Pnmar\ Ele'lion \\ III be held m thIS State on Tuesda, the twelfth da\ ofSeptember 1950 for the purpose of noromallng candidate,f(lr the offices of

    To the Quahfied I::lectors of theCIty of Grosse Pomte Farms

    To Be Held


    lII_c:lIiiiIiII!lIIllI_lC m_c_m

    Grosse Pte. Woods Market I

    St. Paul Ev. Lutheran Chuf(hnr\ C'II\1ILtM W U'olllun:K IU'orlUll nllCr"'L UAIlTn rarl.h1'i'0rker


    ml .... II to WOIRllp wllh Uillt IInv ehu eh lie, v

    1030 • m ~:nd v ~~hbrntll~o~~~ra~d~~o D~~ ~nr(h ..r~lI h'Vltl ~pC'Ct nUr nll~ bundlng 10 coil upon

    1 DO "m UI fa lIoy gplrllUl1 sllr lell VII C..llu,l he abl~ \0 rendllr Were hllre \a Itrve

    lhaUontll Bnd Lolhrop Grone rolntll FlUnl' Mlchlran


    19950 Mack Avenue at Torrey RoadSunday Sety ces

    I~ ~~: ~ ~:;~~ ~ ~Vr~llIl(~l!\~~~~ ol IIle and nlrler)11 OOllm Church';; tool (1 ~Illlt! 10 8 yur! of IIge)

    Andrew Rauth M n stcrThe Study TU 1 2000 The Manse TU 5 1346

    2n1R'i l\lnt'lc-lIt1lu(lln I nn('n~lfr &: Cmmlrv Club Drho"pm.S,...~11I1JRAmi L'l,lr~ DIIY U to U

    I• Irt~1 l'ruclLttll • (lhnlro l'tIelll • Quam, Grtl~lIrlei

    TU, 1.2008 WE DELIVERlII/IIIIIIIl!l_lIIl11ri1l1111Jl:l_lalllZlllllllD:l3RBll1lt1llliriUll2l

    An Open Door10

    Heallh and PealeWritinGs thai l' "a[ Ih~ ~rlu~lC;rlenrl' \"Ir Chm11nnlt} _lidthI'T" thlll'lIft'IlT

    enl.'~ bl"\ween ~ rkneu andhellllh faUlrt linn ~ur PBI n

    rl'~1 n I h" I ~f rt n lnrthoulPnrh Ilrll lIvllllnllo InT

    vnu III tlll n"l1 ,~t Chr ~l nnSelence ReDdIng Room

    11t~le Iht B ble IInd thll ChrllUnn SI.'Jl.'ncell'xlbrlOk t;cll.'ncll

    nnd Hcnllh with Key to lhoStripllrcs by Mllry BilkerEddy-tonlaimnll the tomIllcleIXpl,natlon nl Chrlltl.n SdenCI!'_1I ....ell u nlher Chrl5t1anSel,nce1Jleralun may b!read borrnw,~ nr I'Jllrchued.,

    Villi '" IVrlrol r

    '"'e r IIlhlll r tunl U 'T~'/lIlUe (I TIM lhlteh UT-i l'1I 'I I lIlt r ("hTlilln ~IIrrr nrlllUlea nl'D IIlnUnllr

    14730 KerchevalDetrOIt



    Chrllt on Sclenee

    A Foundot on for WorldBrotherhood end Peece '



    All Clrt l'1lrjl/lUlIltv!ltJ10 arlflld.

    lIl1NDAY SERVICE!I03U am Ind I JIm


    Arthur C Whitney C SnlChlClllI

    ~:J'r::"~~u~~I~~ch~fh..~ 'r211:1'IeL"u,~~~'''1

    Tu.u~oy S,,,l.m!m 12,11Ilo'l PM


    5CIINTI5T14'130 Kurhuvpl AVIIIIUD


    W.dnnd." E v. n In. Tilt mllll ,IM,llnl_. Ilm

    nullln, Rallm "!,,-II "",k .h7'IDllDlm tn'Mllm_lllndl)':l.JD\n IM"m

    L S NDHAM PUBLISHERToni Ibnflt Ed lor


    "'T.XT llr.:Cut..\n....onllllP &rR.Vlct

    atJl'lp,\v SI':T'TE1I!1En I~hW&TCII'fillS r,UTIi

    FQtt lJI:1'A1U

    "(l\ lIujl.1I C. Whllo PlillorTU 11120

    \\ IehOur NllW Church00 Up

    MDrCOJlNlu Jtuttl,v,1

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    Eaq JNI3'IlleDt pIaa CIa lIIIlI'repa1l" job • • • )III8ria • • • -repa1rl.


    -Lady ConDne-Qt. JarDill PieklesSaRi-Flush .Campbell's Snups-&d Soodle, C.reamof Cbicken. Chicken Gumbo, ChiekeaNoodle. CoaomlM. Musbroom. Vqet&)'e&ef or 2 3teChlcke11 . .• .• Tins

    Campbell's Tomato t ocSoup ••.•.. , .•. Tin


    • TURKEY• HAM. BEE'F • LAMBBarbeeued &0 YourT01VD ll8d order OIl oar

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    Finest quality permCInentgrasse. for foil -..dIng.Us. less because the~ areover 3,000,000 seeds ineach pound.

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    CoMplete gtClllfood, 25 111_$2.50 fNdo %.500 'CI ft.

    sea WIlt) & fHDDouble duty, low co.,, bDx-$3.50 trHls 2.SOO aq ft.GeRA SPlWIIUf.. qulcll, _, IcIw" "eo"_"-$9.115.


    16915 E. JEFFERSON


    .tt-"'~~ rrAflHf1, S-+400" 0'

    TME 'DA.*I750 Alter Rd.

    -=::::::Daughter to Marry on 351~Anniversary of parents

    PatriCIa O'Keefe has selected I and Dondld Gllbel t Gthe date of the 35th weddJDg IT~ "ma~ Seyler \n uYllitr tllanmversary of her parents for ushers 11;1 lomplete~her weddmg at SI Ambrose Mrs. Gordon :\1dlKeChurch tamed the bnd~ ej IIlZleeOIt

    On Thursday, October 5 she room showel Oth:~ at.l ~WIll marry Arthur FranCIS Rauss, planned by Mr, Joh:%llts iiiJr. and her daughtel, Mrs ~I!thll

    Pat bas asked her SIster Kath- Bolton, Mrs Sterllng R lIl:lileen to be maId of honor. Bndes- her daughtel. \1rs JOlul1 ~maIds are Margaret Van Loon, pIe, Mr. and MIS C A. G ~Mrs Gordon MacKenZIe, Mrs. Mrs FranCIS P Blake ~m:e:Charles Bolton, Mrs. Francis garet Van Loon and Mf! JBlake and Mrs. James S Collins, S. Collms . llI!Iof ChIcago The palent, of the b

    George Kushner wllr be best Thomas F. O'Keefe's v, r~d~!:lman and ushers include the I tam the bl'ldal party 0; Oct~bnde's brothers Brian, Robert 3. iii!t

    ~gnroll nOW



    "Oldest Burine$l Establishment in Grosse Pomte'



    Evel')' new member of the De-troit Lions in the National Foot-ball League IS required by vet-eran team-mates to learn thewords of the Lloos' fight song.

    Irene WIllette Clausen becamethe bnde of Rll:hard GeorgeEverson on September 1 at StPeter's Damsh Lutheran Church

    I For the ceremony the bndewore a floor-length dress of laceWIth heIrloom veil Around herneck she wore a gold locket, agift of the groom.

    The bride carried an old.fashIOned nosegay of white roses

    Manlyn Clausen was maId ofhonor for her SIster. She wore arusset brown gown and carrIedcoral gladIOlus

    Mrs F Jerry Brown, of Stam-ford, Conn., was bridesmaid. HerdreS6 was forest green and herflowers were also gladIolus.

    The groom's father was bestman. Ushers were F. JerryBrown, Albert P. Holst and OttoSchotz

    Rev Svend Jorgenson officiat-ed at the 7:30 pm. ceremony.

    The bride is the daughter ofMrs. Joseph Hasper, of Petoskey,and Michael Clausen, of Detroit.

    Her husband is the son ofCoJ1Sul and Mrs. George Eversonof McKmley road.

    For her daughter's weddingMrs. Hasper wore a grey taffetadress. M;rs. Everson chose a rosecrepe and lace gown.

    A reception followed the cere-mony at the Sheraton Hotel

    For traveling, the new Mrs.Everson wore a wme red suitWIth dusty pmk accessones.

    The couple left for a tnp toNorthern Michlgan.and MackmacIsland.


    I Bride Carries•

    l.VosegayofWhite Roses

    Hl23 Kercbeval



    We have complete fa-cilities for dolar aquiek and tborou(ho't'erhaul of yoar heat-tDr plant. Our !! are trained towork carefally andcleanly. Wlty not call115 today-ft. 9.18541.

    Dependable He.tinR andAir ConditioninJ(

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    Room (ooler, and Ai1'Conditioner ..

    Club'lI Inl'loo1' Ice Rink.

    VA 2.3732

    Co-captain Les Bingaman, De-troIt Lion guard, has been themost sought-after 1Jneman bycoaches in the National FootballLeague attemptlng to negotrateplayer trades with Lion coach BoMcMillin.

    CongrigationalWomen Greet,., T 7IA b Church WomenlVew lV.J.emers Be. F"HonorlOg new members and gin a

    friends at a tea on Tuesday, Sep- M t'tember 12, at the home of Mrs. ee In9SAbram Brown. 74 Moran Road,the Women's Association of the The eveningGrosse POI n t e Congregational Grosse Pointe Woods Presby-Church WIll resume actIvIties for terian Church Women's Associa-the year Mrs. Ralph Jones, mem- tion will hold their first meetmgbership chaJI1I1an, is In charge of of the fall season on Monday,arrangements. The party ISsched- September 11.uled from two untll four o'clock. Groups WIll meet at the fol-

    Mrs. James Bolles, missIOnary lOWing homes:chaIrman, IS asking members to Rachel Group, Mrs Lornebnng articles of summer clothing Kmster, 1914 Country Club, 00-to be sent to the YUqulYU Com- hostesses, Mrs. D. lL Koch andmuntIy Center, LuquI1lo, Puerto Mrs. D. W. Chasteen.Ri Priscilla Group, Mrs. Richard

    co. Mertz. 44 Hampton road, co-The Congregational Christian hostesses, Mrs. Arthur Kuechen-

    Churches through the board of meister and Mrs. Thomas-Burnie.Home MissIOns sponsors the Yu- Ruth Group, Mrs. Pettr Zam-qum center where Amencans are bas, 1131 Lochmoor, co-hostess,taught how to develop occupa- Mrs. Fred Leonard.tlonal slolls, to plan and conduct Rebecca Group, Mrs. A. B.recreati0';1 for all ages, to organ- Stearns, 30 Hampton :toad, co-Ize Credit Umons and coopera- ,hostess, Mrs. Roy Lang.tlves, to hold forums on nelghbor- MIrIam Group, Mrs. Ralphhood problems, to become good Johnston, 1560 Roslyn road, co.h?me workers, and to plan and hostess, Mrs. Frank local government Naomi Group Mrs. William

    The Yuquiyu. Center IS one of Shaffer, 1761 H~Pton road, co-seven commumty centers spon- hoste!s, Mrs. Donald Thompson.sored by the Church.

    -Photo by CllnedlnstWillette Clausen before her marriage Fri-day at St. Peter's Danish LutheranChurch. Her husband is the son of Con-sul and Mrs. George Everson, of McKin-ley road.

    • Clean the burner.• Clean the nonle.• Stop oil leaks.

    "Ibis :!'.!It~!~~d~~!Y~t of $1540replaclD( wwn eat or damapd banter parta."


    11029 WHiniERNear Waybu",


    TR.2-6480Ballde1' (If the ~trolt Skat In,

    • Overhaul your oil burner.• Vacuum clean your heating

    plant and smoke stllek.• ChaDle YOUl'fnter cartridges.• Clun the stniners.• Adjust the air and oil mix-

    ture.• Adjust the ignition• Cement smoke pipe leaks.• Scientific:aUy inspect your

    burner and fumaft.


    WINTERSpecial Oil-Burner Overhaul!

    LET US:

    Book ReviewMra. Fred Hauck will review

    a de1Jghttully gay, true story,Mmk on Weekdays, Ennme onSundays. by Felicia Lamport, onWednesday, September 13, at 1'15pm. at the GrOlSe POlOte WoodsPresbyterian Church.

    IUCHAltD,. LUDWIGOf q88 Notre Dame, Grosse

    POlOte, husband of the lateEmma; dear father of WillIamand lllchard Ludwig lQ1d Mrs.Margaret Williams; brother ofMrs. Gretchen Schmidt. AlsosurvIVed by 10 grandchlldren and4 great grandchildren.

    CLARENCE A. PFEFFERServIces for "Cap" Pfeffer, a

    Ieadmg bgure in the early daysof the automotive lOdustry herewere held at 10 a.m. Thursdaym SS. Peter and Paul JesuItChurch. Burial was at Mt.OlJvet Cemetery.

    Mr. Pfeffer, M. dIed of a heartittacit Sunday at ba IUIIlmerhome in Grayling. His DetrOItresldenee was at 10410 E. Jef-ferson. •

    Mr. Pfeffer, who gained hisnickname from his inltials, heldmany respoDSlble POSItions m theautomotive mdustry.

    He was treasurer of the Chal-mers Motor Co. and presIdent ofthe saxon Automobtle Co.

    Later he went ilJto business forhimself, becomlOg a nahonallyknown bus mess analyst. HiS' firmwas known as C. A. Pfeffer &AssOCIates. ~

    He was active in civic affairSand in World War II was chief ofthe AnalylUS and MaterIals DIVI-sIon of the Army Air Corps.

    He is survived by hIS WIfe,Frances; two sons, George E. andRobert J.. and three daughters,Mrs. Wilham C. Long. of Racine,W'IS.. Mrs. Russell A. KJrbert,of Minneapolis, and Mrs. MlmsThompson, of Evanston. TIt

    And About ... Smart Moderns


    e e e


    farms Delicatessen

    -H A. Powell Phot.oRuth Allce Plumb and Glenn E. Arden

    were married September 1 at GrossePointe Woods Presbyterian Church. A trIpto northern Miclugan followed the cere-mony. Mrs. Richard George Everson, ofPetoskey, Mich., was the former Irene

    UiOO Mull nr. KnbvWE OELIVER TV. 1-7851


    iPM lol"JOAM


    Couple LeavesIfor TripThroughll1ich.

    Open 2 P. M. to 2 A. M.

    Dance Music by


    Gold Cup Lounge

    BUR.,,"S DRIVE. AT THE RIVERVA. 2-9000


    Jllte Wht'llier

    wh.-,. ,\oo.rewear.b~ aIblUlltou

    wateJl!BUY IT FROM

    junior £eague

    HARRY BRADLEY21 031 Mock ot Roslyn

    Or~.. Pointe Wnd,

    TUxedo 2-9309Opn FrUlay TIO , P]If

    LAWN FENCEWood Of:: w_ Wtre

    Feaee PosU-Staples-LumberMatertal olllY or lD5talJed

    Ask a. for an estunate or eome tIIB. A. Chaplow Lumber Co.

    1515 E. ~veD IIlUe at E Outer Dr.TWISBROOK 3-3'100

    4-The Grosse Pointe Re,iew-Thursday, September 7, 1950 ,

    un~By JEAN TAYLOR01 the Gross-l PomtePubltc L,braT1/ Stat! Ruth AlIce Plumb and Glenn

    IE Alden were married Friday

    The opcnlng day or" school at 7 30 pm at the Grosse Pomtemeans the begmnmg of fall for Woods Presbyterian Churchmost of us We put our bathIng I The bride wore a ballerma-SUItSIn moth balls, write our last length gown of champagne re-bread and butter letter and settle embrOidered lalncon lace overdown to the everyday bUSiness satm for the ceremony Theof 1Jvmg portraIt neckline was outlined

    But let stake' time for an oc-1 with sequins and a short vel!caslondl backward glance at the fell from a cap of pleated we've had and the places outlmed With seed pearlswe've been thiS summer. Be- WhIte gardemas and Ivy weretween the patrons and the staff in the bndal bouquetof our library, It would seem Mald of honor was Mrs E:verett Ithat a fair share of the globe has J Plumb, Jr. She wore a bal-been covered thIS vacation I lerma-length dress of yellow lace I

    Whether to read of faraway lover yellow. taffeta. Her bouquetplaces before or after being there was gladJOll and a questron. Why not do both. Mrs Warren B Law, of NewThere IS no doubt that readmg Jersey was bridesmaId. Herof famIlIar places, so recently gown was rose-beIge lace overunfamiliar, gives a smug warm rose taffeta, •.and she carried afeetmg of satlsfaetlon, partlcu- contrastlOg bouquet.larly if our WIllie's photographs Donald FJn1ey was best manare superior to those In the and Everett J Plumb, Jr, andNational GeographIc. There are I .hmes Eh!Jch ushered.a number of recent books and The bnde IS the daughter ofsome not so recent, that make Mr. and Mrs. Everett J PlumbthtM distant fields very green of Lansdown and her husbandIDdeed. IS the son of Mrs. Emanuel Arden

    . . and the late Mr. Arden.PolllDg .fav.rlte vacation spots For the ceremony the bride's

    alway. bnngs New England near th f t dthe top. If Massachusetts lS your mo er wore a ores g:een ressfirst love, you'll recapture the WIth ,bralded neckline. Thespirit of early Marblehead and groom s . mother chose ~ navySalem In two popular books of dress With plOk accessorIes. I:fiction, THE HEARTH AND The couple left for a trIp toMGLE by Anya Seton a~ THE northern Michigan following theRUNNlNG OF THJ!1 TIDE by ceremony.ZIther Forbes. ------

    If 'OIl Wd1ed French Canada Coronet OpenstIJ1I 1WDII1eI'. 70u"ll enjoy it in

    ~~:allSi~~~~ec:~ With Premier FlynnJ2~h~~~ociatedbook WE FELL IN LOVE WITH . WIth the automotive industryQUEBEC. For background you Septe'mher 15 since Its early development here,may tuJ'D to the elassic GOLDEN died at his hOQ, 15800 Lakeview,DOG by William Kirby. • his- Amwering the appeals of thou- Grosse POlOte, after a long illness.torica1 romance founded on a sands of DetrOIt art film lovers He was 70.Quebec legend of early fur for a theatre devoted exclusively He came to Detroit 1rom Ire-trading days. to the presentation of unsual and land and was first assOCIated WIth

    Up-to-date information about artistic film fare patterned on the C. C. Wormer Machmery'Co.contemporary Alaska and MeDCO similiar successful ventures in Later he started his own firm,IS constantly m demand. If you New York, Chicago, Cleveland the PenlIlSUlar Maclunery Co~have been sojourning in either and Los Angeles, the new Coronet and acted as Its presIdent untll hisplace tbere are any number of Theatre at 15635 Mack Avenue recent retirement.titles from which to choose WIll bow In to these audIences He supplied parts for such menAmong the more recent are IWIth a premIere scheduled for as R E Olds and Walter P. Chry-ALASKA TODAY by B. W Fnday, September 15 sler when they were developlOgDenison and ALL THE BEST The PIcture wlll be a J. Arthur theIr early cars.IN MEXICO by S A. Clark. Rank production, '';l'he Rocking A member of the Detroit Golf

    Cards from Sweden tell us Horse Winner," with a brilliant Club and the Recess Club, Mr.lIome of our patrons have ~ cast headed by ValerIe Hobson Flynn was a Fourth Degreeseeing ScandinavIa. H u d son and John MIlls. An adaptahon of Krught of Columbus.Strode's book, SWEDEN MODt!. D H I,,9.wrence's novel. thIs ex- He is sUrvJved by two sisters,FOR A WORI.JJ, based' on tnps citing film has already won the MIss Alice Flynn and Mrs. Marywhich the autbor and his wife acclaIm of New York and Chicago Scharfenberg, and two brothers,made before and after the war critics and pronuses to be an Ideal Frank and Thomas. 'makes of this country an enchant: selection for opening the newing place. ' Coronet Theatre. Services were held at the home

    And there is Elliot Paul's new Albert Dezel and Leon Wein- at 9:30 a m. Thursday and In Stbook:, SPRINGTIME IN PARIS garden, well-known MIchigan and Clare Church at 10 a.m. brmg back nostalglc memor~ Il.1Jn~1Sshowmen, one as a film Bunal was m Mt. Ohvet Ceme-iea; not to be overlooked if dlstnbutbr and. the other as an tery.France has a hold on your affec- exhibitor, have Jomed together as WILLIAM V. COLLARDbans. o. the Gul1d Theatre Corporation for Sept. 3, of 12414 Lansdowne,

    the purpose of brmgmg thIs type husband of the late Rose; step-To salt your travel WIth plenty of exhIbItIOn to DetrOIt "art" film father of Earl and Lester Dt:uom-

    of humor we recommend Perel- followers me and Mrs Violet Kraezon. Alsoman's WES!W ARD HA I Around I The GUIld Corporation is at pre- 11 grandchlldren. Funeral fromthe world In eIghty chehes. sent In the stage of negotIating the Verheyden Funeral Home,

    No doubt we've omitted your With major companIes for a steady 16300 Mack at Outer Dnve, Wed-favorite holiday hIde-out. If flow of first run unusual film at- nesday at 8:45 and to St Jud~YOll'd read more about J1., call tractions fro mthe world's film Church at 9'30. Rosary, TuesdayYOIJr 1Jbrary and we'll try to capItals 10 Europe and domestic evenmg at 9.bnd the lOformation you wish, product offenngs of ment. The EVERING MEYERwhether the corner of the world first deal consumated has been Brother of the DetrOIt evangel-you fancy, be Tibet or Trmbuktu. with Umversal-International. one ist Ethel Willets, Meyer, of .828

    of the leadmg companies m tIus Grand MaraIS, Grosse Pomtetype of film fare. IPark, drowned m Lake Orion yes-

    ThIS company has selected the terday when he fell from a boatnew Coronet Theatre to be one of FrIends saId he appeared to haveIts "show case" houses for the suffered a heart attack.presentation of many of theIr I JOHN W. SQUIREScoming releases In keepmg WIth September 5, of 395 Lake Shorea pohcy that company found to be IDnve, Grosse Pomte, husband ofhIghly successful m key cities I Ehzabeth E: father of John Sthroughout the Umted States I and HIldegarde. Funeral from thetheir product w111 be offered In IVerheyden ?uneral Home. 16300the refined atmo~phere of the Mack, at Outer Drive. Fnday atCoronet Theatre which Will pro- 1 00VIde the settmg of mtlmacy re- I CHARLES J. FINKEqUlred for the proper enJoyment I A machmlSt WIth the Detroitand appreciation of these hIghly I Edison Co for 34 years, Mr.artIstiC pictures I Fmke dlE'd Saturday at hIe: home,

    With Its openmg scheduled for 1797 St Clellr He was 67 IFndav, September 15, the Colo- Born in Quincy, Ill. Mr Fmkenet Theatre WIll take i~ place I came to DetrOit 40 years ago. Heamong America's select "art' film retired from the power companyhouses and IS schedulmg a full I two years ago. He was a lifeseason of this film fare along WIth Imember of the Edison Powermany pleasant mnovatlons m I Clubtheatre operation deSigned to I He 1< survived bv hIs WIfe.please the dlc:cnmmatmg movle- I AlJce two sons. LoUIS and

    Igoer. Charles. Jr: a daughter, Mrs.

    I ------~ I Jeanette, Ball, and a sister,Cloyce Box played halfback, LoUIsefullback and quarterback In col- I Servlce~ werE' af 1 pm Wed-lege football WIth the DetrOIt nec:day at the Verhe ..den Funeral I

    I LlOnc: 10 the NatIOnal Football' Home BUrial In Forest LawnLeague, the 6 foot, 4 !Dch 220-' Cemcterv

    I pound speed~tcr plays end. I EMMA LUDWIG II Sept 1. of 788 Notre Dame.Gro"c:e Pomte Wife of the late IRIchard F . dE'8r mother of WI]'ll

  • -Ir.II



    Cany OutSemce



    fRuth gO!JceCordially Invites You

    to Attend Her"Premier Showing"•of custom made-te-ordersuits. coats and gowns

    Saturday, September 16that 3 p.m.

    Detroit. Michigan


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    * Dairy Made Ice Cream* Candies* Fountain Service* Light Lunches* Dairy ProductsCourteous Service;ays!

    20082 Livernois

    21035 Mack Ave., in the Woodsat Roslyn Road

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    ORIGINAL STORE17904 Mack Ave. at Washington

    Phone TU. 1.9843


    HI A. M. 'Til 11 P :\1Dail"

    Sunday" and Hnhda~ ..





    Mrs. John L. Kenower ofVillage Lane, 1950 TorchDrive chairman for theGrosse Pointe region. Mrs.Kenower served as GrossePointe division chairman inlast year's drive. She willorganize solicitation teamsamong 1.000 women for thesecond annual "give oncefor all" fund-raising cam-paign. to be held dct. 17 toNov. 9.

    Farm price rise of 6.5 per centin month laid to the Korean war.

    t. ~O\\lerOD~l°~


    A meeting and tea wLlI beheld at the home of Mrs. FredT. Murphy of East Jeflers()navenue on FrIday, September 2:30 p.m.

    All women of Grosse PointllPark who have taken part inthe house to house canvass tocheck regIStrations for the Sep.tember 12 election are cordiallymVIted to attend.

    Mrs. Edwm Krleghoff, chair-man of the canvassing in thePark, urges all precinct captainsto mVIte the members of theWomen's Republ1can Club ofGrosse Pomte who parhcipatedin this work, to attend the



    TV. 5.9566

    • • • •

    Over20 }"ears

    Ex~ .r-.rr'ellcp19 YI';ARS


    and Ph'}'lip





    Septemhf'I' 8.9

    U of M ALUMNI LAUNCH DRIVE RepublicansMeet TORCH LEADER Chapel Observes Th G..... ' .. nte lori_n ........Sep!emloo, 7.1150-5atMrs. MurnhiJ's Homecoming DaJ Young People Open Fall Social

    r J Lo~~mM::a~~~:':is~~~al F~~~:; Season with Dance at CenterHome F r£day Dnve will observe Homecommg The "Foot-Ball," an mformal co-chaumen of the affair at whieJaSunday. September 10. date dance for all Grosse Pointe Don Barber and hIS orchestra wU1

    "'he day WIll begm WIth a young people college age through play for dancmg from 9:30 untJ1celebratIon of the Holy Com- twenties will be held thiS Satur. 12:30.mwuon at 8.00 a m., followed by day mght at the War MemorIal Refreshments are included 10the reopenlJ1g of the Church Center. The dance marks the be. the ticket prIce of $1.50 ,.,School at 9:30 a.m. At 11:00 gmnmg of Fall actlvlt1es for the couple and tlckets will be on saleo'clock there WIll be • service Pointers who are here year round at the door of the Center.of Holy Commwuon WIth ser. and at the same tIme serves as a ------mono At thiS time the Married farewell to those who Will be People who park automobiltlCouples Group of ChflSt Church leaving soon for college. m the wrong places ought to be- •ParISh WIll present to the Chapel BIll Boales 'and Fred Curto are fIned.two handsome Chancel SerVIce _------------------.....---Books.

    The Congregation of St. Mich-ael's i' 1001on, forward to theground 'breamg for the newchurch to be located on SunnlJ1g-dale DrIve, the date to be an-nounced In the near future.

    Grosse Pointe Woods

    of his New Modern






    Grand Opening


    19733 ~IACK at ALLARD

    l.,.Lug Ht: ..... II .h .....p J '-

    pre~ents the UmverSlty of Mlchi- 000,000 WIll go for bulldmg andgans plans for an alumm sallcita. $4.500.000 for research mto the Stephens SeniortlOn campaign are, standmg: Dor. humamtanan use. of atomtc en-othy Stlghtz (left), Mrs. Howard ergy. Attends ProgramE. Blood, Jr ; seated. Elizabeth A Th

    r. and Mrs. Lloyd I. Weed Gram (left) Will a M T dd J e offiCial opemng of the gen-Kenwood Court .announce the and Mrs Ar'thur; ~r dt oJ • r eral campaign is to be held on M~laret A. B~ard, of 181rlage of theIr daughter, . an ,r M dOc' MerrIweather, who 18 a seruor atcy Jane, to Raymond Harold The above picture was taken at , on ay. tober. 2 At rune Ste~hens College, ColumbIa, MiSll-sch on February 1 in ~owl- a commIttee meeting for the class- 0 clock m t~e evenmg on October ourl, has returned to college to at-

    Green, Ohio. es of '42 and '43 m the Detrolt 12• meetings of Michigan alumni tend the conference program foraymond is the son of Mr. area, held m the home of Mr and all over ~he country Will be united campus leaden.h Sawusch of Manor Road Mrs. Howard E Blood. Jr , of 1227 II by means of a dramauc 45 minute The student IS president of theIS a sophomore m the Den- BIshop, on the evenmg of Tues- telephone broadcast from Ann French Club and will attend the

    School at the U. of M. where day, August 29. Known as the programs from September 7 to 10.u affIhated with Theta Chi Michigan Memorlal.Phoemx pro-I Arbor

    Delta SIgma Delta. Nancy ject, the campaign alms to bUildcompleted her aecond year an atomic research center on the F G

    the University and her soror- Ann Arbor campus. Pledges are I ormer overnorIS Kappa Delta. being sought over a three-year Speaks Sunday

    EYES EXAMINEb Men's brotherho.od of Faith Lu-Complete Optical Service theran Church WIll hear former

    DR. A. M. MAJ£STER Governor ~reen at their Septem-"" ber 8 meetmg at 8 p.rn. Also. thereuR. L. D. MAl ESTER WIll be baseball mOVIes. other en.

    Optometri$ts tertauunent and refreshments.

    P"or Appointment 3181 LAKEWOOD Men of FaIth congregation andhODe VA. 1.2266 at Mack fnends are inVited.

    hat sale sponsored by the BonOUrbAsSistance League Will been on Thursday, September 14.m 10 a m to 4 p.m. at Yarn.ft. 343 Fisher road.he sale WIll feature profeSSion.redeSigned chapeaus at a low

    reroceeds flom the event WIllused to buy materIals for theshoP to be located in the newSecoUrs Hospital when It

    ns around the first of the Wilham Imhoff, who isIrman of the hat ,ale, WIll alsoduct the gIft shop.sSlstant chBlfman of the sale

    MJOS. 0 B. Aubm, and Mrs.tSf" ~rber.

    eed-Sawuschites Announced

    ancy Hats GoI Sale at Bonecour Benefit

  • Phone

    TU. 5-3000

    TU 2.9320

    17037 Kercheul

    VIGOllO25 Lbs. . . . . . $1.65

    100 Lbs..... , $4.50

    E. LOUWERS, )t~r

    Garden Seedand


    Compliments of




    Lawn and

    VA. 2-22.lfl


    174 Kerby

    Complete Line of


    -including-TURF BUILDER


    FROMM 1

    Scott'S at Kercheval Store Only

    C01tgratu:t. -Grosse ~ . lOllS

    OllJte and Ea • • •. stern )t. h'Ie Igan 110 .

    .1411. A ~T Ob YOUr rheultural Soc' t1,NV Ie"T1J;s Sa'Qr At S80'" .

    day and S:\- • .t the Qnday.( eJghborhood


    VA 1-7170

    14139 E, Jefferson


    Greater Detroit Landscape Service Co.Complete Tre(' S the I ntl ea y m1Jte oom 1'1/ J IL 'j'I-' fllst monthly Iundl~on ld t~tlot near Jane Richard Durant I pllvate budder can't put up be-I r pal ty of the fJII 'nd I a I m hllh ..... hlch may be as close actmg plant food I~ used the fol- 01' Mrs L L Je/ TU1151'1

    Makmg the pomt that evef\'- con use , more of an example vegetdble IS picked It begms to togethel a~ three feet each way, low 109 quantities Will be re.I------ ,cn Tl; 591t,one ha~ the samc ultimate ends of nightmare economics" lose someth1Og, vltamms. Ravol',j m small l'ldrdens Suclt close I, VIOLA CQll.H.UTA, qUlled for each apphcatlOn to slow do -----.::.In mmd. Durant went on to sav. . Ha~ Mr Truman e\.er tned to tenderness, something \OU like, I ~pacmg IS likely to reduce the YELLOW' wmdow boxes of the sizes stated. I produce WI\ /n, l thel begn~"AU of us really \Vdnt the same attack some of the real causes that s good for you ! sIze of the fl UltS, and more room 2-Vl0LA CORH.UT1., 12 x 24 mches r""'ulre 2L2 la. the fadedsebelo'o,"(lldb\ PllklngrtIthlng~. We \\ ant the greatC!>t La-,s of flavor ISmo~t notIceable. I should be given whel e pOSSible. ~LUE -"', Ill], ,eed -poSSible ~atll>factlOn~ m theIr for hIgh hOUb1Og prices' Has and reache~ Its extreme m ,weet Sl'ed~ shOUld be sown In warm 3'PETUNIA~ QEO~ blespoo'1s tlon can be pll'venled prOdIi(0\\ n v. a~, v,lthout belllg told he l'\ 1"1' said anythmg about corn and garden pea~, whIch only soli and If thc mghts contmue I 00 0 12 x 36 inches requlI e 4 table- It bwhat to do One of the salls- br1Og1Og certam unions under I home gardeners can enJoy at their cold It may be deSirable to pro- I spoons th may e nel~"dl I tocutIlitlfactiOns that we ....ant of course. antI-monopoly la\\s becau~e the\'1 ~'t hSffme ::"y th~t ~Q, more ~ec\ the young plants at first A plltUie \~mdow is almost one.~tolY houses which now dom- 15 x 48 mches requlle 6 table- e growth of Plant, In the~I,IS decent hOUl>mg But appar-' re~tnct prod~ctlon" Hal> he eve'r t an a -an- OUI soul elapse I \ It 1 ....aJ.ed paper tents j .. t,mdard equIpment for the mod- mate new bUlWmg Rowel ~ m the I spoons summer. When Ihel often!~ently Mr Truman doesn't !mow po1Oted out that obsolete and bet ....~en t a~d s:rvmg Heal \' fel tlllZlng pays well WIth eln small home The name IS flont ) al d provld~ an attldctlve 24 x 60 mches require 13 table- a deSire to 1e,1 If bohow the problem of e'-penslVe out-of-date bUlldmg codes In on tea e ss 0 VI amms I thiS crop As much as a PlOt of Ibd~ed upon the ~ssumphon that frame and decoration for the I spoons the growth l~ (ul d: U!'!l.:housing arose--or what to do various cities force prices hIgher and dte~dterness may not f be ~o balanced plant food may be miX", the wmdow looks out upon a usually plam deSign I Best way to apply thIS plant cooler weathel COllie' n 3\ whEtaboul It All hiS efforts at a than necessarv' Has he evel I apl u It IS Important or tel ed well With the SOIl beneath landscape Vle\~ I . food .s to place the required will be more Vlgorou. ~~~grr;aIt:solutlon have been hmd-end-to; I admItted that' the end of rent I health of the family that eats the each hIll several days before the . , VIOlas are COUSinSof the pan.y, quantity 10 a cloth bag, and sus- ~easo nof late bloom II IIIc.Wlj

    he IS gOing at It completely 10 control \\ ould 10crease the sup-' vegetables seed IS planted Or use a shovei Many such wmdows are seen but have a longer flowenng sea- pend It ovel mght III water usmg Joyed LIt t!the wrong directIOn : plv of hOUSing' Or has he ever' Only truly garden-fresh veget. of well roded manure and half obscured by shrubs, glown too son, especially ""hen shaded They a quarl ot water to each 'cupful 1---------

    ''Let's take a look at what hap- : attacked the sell10g practices of Iabies should be fro7en or canned; II pmt of plant food' Sow ten ~ll for the low house they are are excellent for plantmg In front of plant food The liqUid should --pened. 1 those manufacturers and deal. I and c~mmerclal operatIOns are seeds to the hili and thm out to Intended to decorate Others are of a home which faces north The be poured on the SOIl In the Wln- _

    "When the \\ ar ended. and I ers of budding supplles who have I usuall~ planned so that a fillll- the two strongest plants that heaVily curtamed, smce the only color scheme. and flower "drletles I dow box wllh as little wettmg of •••• • •people started to settle down been acting 10 restrlUnt of trade Imum time elapses between the develop. view IS one of a bare front lawn, suggested In the sketch, can be I the leaves as pOSSible. '11ap.m, there was a scramble for I With monopolistic practices" harvest and the processrng " Do not harvest wa termelons and street vaned. I T t t th 1 t f d _ • Ih That tselt uld

    Similar planmng should be A d Ii 0 pro ec e p an s rom IS • BIG s Iouses. m I 1'0'0 I "That IS where some of the'd b h d . h I But the picture window In the mo ern e ect m decolahon IS eases and Insect attack one of • 1°0 BOX I

    have caused some rISe in pnces.)' solution lies Mr Trwnan has I onte Yth orne gar eInfers lOt balr-, dlustrahon achIeves ItS pUIpose obtamed when Rowers are plant- the all-purpose pesticide' dusts is • OF eN IThe rise was made worse because b . ves 109 ell' crops vege a es' ' ed In mass f I I . • RISTMAS CARDIITr I een gomg as far m the other 51 be k t f th thanks to the attractive flower bed es 0 a slOg e co or, most convement With this the. ... .... ~ A.t s...., I

    uman had put mflated direction as he can :u ft ehP or

    tmorteh anf an planted m fl'ont of lt. On the low Iather than m mixture, or m pat- plants can be covered with a pro-. -,---. -I'll l,' Idollars mto clCculatJon which I' lour a er arves 109, e re ng. ' terns A nbbon plant g fit • ",a ~oN.....'_,"I,d n..,..... ,.~.Iallowed 1 b' "And the situation IS made erator IS the place to keep them m 0 a ectlve coating, about as heavy as - U 00 ~_t>I< K" - { ' .....

    price stilre::; e to Id up the: even worse and more "enous to-I But the garden IS a better place to dwa~ f flower of contrastmg color face powder, which Will ward off :' ~.s:r:o,~;-~~~'~:'d~~ V~:''Meanwhil:.r~rough rent con- I day. when the federal budget 15 keep vegetables fresh than the Ce ntau rea ~f ~h~enb':;;o\fYl around the edge trouble If y.ou wish to prepare • This C....poa ToO." 'I - WQI

    trol, the government had taken I swellmg under. t1;Je Impact of refrigerator The economy of a . your own mIxture, use D.D T. 5 • MAKlIIG MONEl' EASlLT'a lot of housing completel off rearmament. DespIte the neces- garden IS seldom considered from C I E I Dwarf growing vanetles are per cent dust, rotenone ~ust and • BEfORE CHRISTMAS ~:the market. People 10 rentYcon-I Slty of reducmg every mflatlon- thIs vIewpoint but it is an 1m. 0 0 rs XCe most lJl favor, to keep the plant- fermate 10 equal qua~tltIes Pre. ,------------trolled unitS had a bargain- ary pressW'e, de~plte the neces- portant one. There IS no waste h 109 10.1'0'. so the view from WID- pared all~purpose mIxtures are I, =~~.::~.~~t~tf~.~: -:they knew It-and so they al- Slty of puttmg fll"St thmgs fll"S~ from storage. The vegetables are In Brig tness dows IS unobscured, and the low- now obtamable 1-~_TMor Imost never moved out There-I the government continues its kept at theIr best qualIty while set house IS not made to seem I Faded flowers should be picked t'" _.-----_ Ifore those of us wlth~Ut ade- easy money. easy credit wla. growmg They may get over- lower. from wmdow box plants to keep r AU ' -Iquate housmg squeezed ourselves t1on--

  • ",\

    "1.I,)~ t~1 r


    ~I ;~I

    ,-,II .},l~I~,n~.,-~I"31;=21



    i~"~1~lt i



    J.. ~ 1- l.

    VA. 3.1122

    TW. 1.0l~OO

    19314 Van D~:kelll'troit I'!. "u'hiran


    Compliments of

    Myron BLOY

    7- -

    8025 Agnes

    A\oil yourself of thIS opportunity. Only highly skilled land.scape experts will assIst you and make suggestIons Re.m('mber a landscaped home (properly done) adds hundredsof dollars In value to your property as well as giVing youthe satisfactIOn of Its enhanced beauty Let us help youWith your landscaping problem There IS no charge fort"S servIce

    See cur mo,t co-nplete stock of northern Evergreens on dlsploy ot our saleslots Remember when you deal With on old established nursery likeMonroe YOU take r"O nsk for we sell nothing but hardy field grown,tested stock from the finest strolns You ore inVited to pay us a VISit



    22951 Northwestern Hwy, near 9 Mile RoadDetroit 1'1, Mldll(an

    L@tlIs Sit Bown With Yo..!

    ~-==:....=.-==-....;;==--,=;;;;;; ... ~"M'=;;.;.;.--"---,;;o... -.----- ........-----Illl!l'Uld.!l!,!!d!!!!JlIIIll!!+1!IP!!fl1 !!/m!JtlJlII!!!!\ll!!~~

    Planning to The OldLandscape? Home or New?

    Expert Advice FREEIPLAN YOUR



    Since 184i

    Complete SCl"\ ireWe handle a corrplc!(' stockof Peat Moss--Gros5. Seeds-Fertilizers - Garden Acces.sOnes and Insectlc Idc; $oledlstrobutNS for Hyper Humus.

    For over a century thiS nurseryhas rendered serVIce basedupon Its vast ex('erlence

    I II



    SeD .. U_ Sb-ain of CoImotl

    bloomed. Only in the deep southcould the yellow cosmos beflowered.

    Now we have the varietiesOranle Flare and YellOW Flarewlucn bloom In mldJummer, andthe &enlatlon stram With &lantbloom. of pink, rOlli, white andcruMon, flowerm, in midJum.mer from seed lawn in the sprinland mcrenin, In abundance untilwInter kills the plant&.

    CosmOi iJ • b.ckground plant.It develop. u a loose bush,growln' up to four feet tall, WIthlts lovely sin,le flower. termin-atin, Items and brancnea. Thefoliale of the Sel1lation strain IIfern-like. In the rear of the bor-der It forms a misty aereen oflovely colormg which cutJ noshadow., and allows free pusaaefor sunshine and fresh aJr.

    Flowers of this strain are ex-cellent for c:uttlnr, laltlnlln goodcondition for 10 daYI. It is atropIcal flower from Mexico, butit is no more demanding u to8011 and temperature than the,ood natured marlloldl.

    Native Blo0111with AmbitiollIs the Cosmos, pronounced co:t-muss,Is an ambltloUi Amencan flower,whIch ha. shown the will to im-prove under the ,uldance ofAmerican plant breeden, Thirtyyears 1'0 the I"rge 3 to •• Inc:h!Jowers which now bloom 10northern rardelll from July untiltrost, were 10 late that p1antlwere often fro:ten before they

    The Grosse Pointe ReYiew-Thundoy. September 7, 195~

    p",.m'Yb'."""db"'d'''! SOW Thick and Thin Out ISehool Opens Todav ~S Awards may be wIthheld It 0 p'r0 ton 9 A' a rd e n Ha rye st (ContInued frOID Pare II Glade 3 grou; at Kerby MI~ thlee y(al~ She IS a gradudte of

    In any clau If exhibIts do not U lege for the past two yeat,> She Kenney IS an honor graduate of I Mlctugan State CollegemerIt them In the opinion of the I hold~ a MaJlter's degree flom the MKhlgan State College Ml, I The GrObse Pomte Teachers'Judges Unlver.lty of MIchigan MIl> Inet Mallaney who LlUght 10 the ASSOCIatIOn honored the new

    6. All exhlblu shall abide by Otte was secretary to the HIl:h, elcmentdry grddb of the Cm' I member6 of the teaching staffdeclilon of Jud,el. School princIpal for five years i (lnnah, Ohio publlt sthools the I with a breakfast at the Pll'rCI

    7 All exhibits at ranged for prior to completIOn of her college pa,t thlee yeal., Will teach Gr ade JunIOr High School at 8 0 clockarhstlc effect to be arranged by degreeli Another new member of I In Kerby thiS commg year Mrs. I TuesddY mornmg, September 5.exhIbitor In the Hall the High School teachmg ~tdff Mullaney IS a graduate of the I It IS the polley of the Gro~se

    8. All material entered an I is Mllili Ruth Spauldmg who WIll University of Kentucky Pomte Public Schools to deqlg-CldJseS to be Jud,ed on cultural teach GIrls' PhYl>ltal Edutdtlon I The Parcelll> liCh00 I WIll dlso I nate member. of the teathlOgmerlu must have been ,rown by \ MIllS Spaulding taught bcnlOr have two new teachers durmg 6taff to work very closely withExl\lbltor for two months hIgh .school phy.slcdl education In 1950.51 MI~ Anna Mae Bake. \ all new teachers In the syste~

    9. All commercial exhlbltJ \ Kenosha, Wisconsin the paa.t thlee mdn WIll be In charge of a Grade asslStmg them In making a hap-Will be dlllifled u COmp111'Mnt- years She IS d gradu.lte of the 6 group MIIiSBakeman IS a grad. py and successful adjustment tc)ary. Umverslty of Ncw MeXICO uate of Siena Heights College and their new assignments These

    10 Such plants liS A&eratum, The Mdbon clcmentary school: ha~ done additional college work "help along" teachers also at-Petuma, Antlrrhlnum, SalVia, has 8 new tedchcJ ~ thiS year Mr. I at Wayne Uruvecslty She hall tended the Tuesday mOlnmgFarlnacea, Verbena, and any such I Je,mne Knapp. a gl aduate of the laught the past eight years In St. breakfast

    Umverslty of MIchIgan who ClaIr Shores MISSMargaret Vox, ------perennlall whIch do not .tand taught the pabt three years In a a June 19S0 graduate of MiChl. Late May and early June dtltclimate conditions of Mlchllan I I Ishall for the purpose of thlJ show con.wlldated school at Homer, gan Stdte College, Will teach busy transplanting times m thebe dUlled .. annuall Muillgan Will be In chdrge of a GI ade 5 and Departmental Art In well-organized vegetable aarden.


    11. All exhlblu and awards to I I Grade I gloup at Mason Mrs Pdrcel!s thIS commg year I C I g 1 ts toma• Goodnuff iii a grdduate of WeJ;tern e ery, peppers, eg p an, •I lemasn In place untIl end of I Mlchlian College of EducatlOn MlbS EIleen Lamborn, a Jk!ne toes. onsons an dleeks all can belIhow, or removed only by per- .M Flm Tbinnlq. Give Eacb Plaut ODe 1JIeb In tbe Bow I MISS Margaret Shelmdn ""ho 11950 graduate of Western MiChl- on the move then from frame andmlSSlon of secretary. I taught last year In HIghland Park gan Collelle of EducatIOn at Kala. iCedbed to the garden

    1Z. All clUBeI In thlli iChedule, In the .mall home vegetabl gar. I ful diVIdends whIch the home veil' WIll a1&obe In charge of a Grade I! Ie h G d 1 I theare open UI all private utate den, where a maxImum YIeld IIIIetable larden pay. to lti owner 11 grok!p at Mason MISSSherman I mMazoo~~h lac M ra Me n MGardener. h b t T t hiB 1 f I alre ,.,., 00 1M arle c. ~______ de'lred, t ere mwt e no vaean 0 maIO am IUpp y 0 spare IS a graduate of the Mlchlgdn Phall who flraduated from the FOR ..-:....-"'

    .pace. In the row. The only way Ivlilnh untIl sure ot a perfect I State Normal College at YpSI- I University o-f Michigan In June \to lJure thl. 11 to JOW Ple.nty of stand, the amateur should thm I lantl MISS Mdrla Boardman, a 19M has been aSl>lgned to Grade TROU BLEseed. but not too much, and thm Io~t by delreel. June 19S0 graduate of Michigan I m the Defer school MISS VIr. FREEout the excels planti. At liest ,plants of row crops may State College and MISS Mary gmla Morosl who taught the past

    No matter how hlah the ger.1 be thmned out to !ltaRd one lOch HICks, a graduate of the Unzver. four years in Blrmmgham, MIChl- DRIVINGmll\atlon of the aeed, accident. apart. whICh Will Inaure, to each slty of Michigan Will also teach, gan WIll be In charge of a Grade till Plael .. ,may occur wluch destroy aeed. room to develop Without entan&. Grade 1 m Mason thiS comJn' 3 group In the Velmer School. E I R" h d"lings, and there must be .pares to ling roots WIth a neIghbor. AI. they year MIS6 MarCIa Lemmerman Mrs Mor01li IS a graduate of the ar e Ie ar "-replace these 10Jilles, But unless ,row. alternate plantl should be who recpnUy completed her Mas- MIchigan State Normal College SERVICEthe .tand Ili gradually thmned, the removed, and SO on until the OPtJ-1 ter of Arts degree at Bowling at YpSilanti. Mrl. Nora Fleml."'. !Om MACK 1'V 1.,.1.plantJ may be 60 crowded that mum SP&l:iJI, II achieved. Green St.ate University WIll teach ton Will teach Grade 3 In Rich- Grou~ P01Il14Woodsboth quality and yIeld WIll suUer. Grade 2 In Mason MISSLemmer- ard School Mra Flemington AAA Senne ...

    With IOme crops, espeCially Tumlp~ do not irow well tf'l man taught ele.mentary grades III t'augbt In the EUlel'le. Oregon SheLL 4nd tlrut

  • pure nitrate resembles snoW



    v"'t; ~ ~~ ~~ r.*~'.(. \..... ~ :tv. '" ..............~~ ...

    '"~ » j $-......v "'=::. >

  • , I



    ~ff1:: !,




    LA. 7.1258

    I ... _eIeIIBI ..... _ ••



    ........c." Ia ,.,...

    ., tIto WA)IW AD. .....laM" till. a. III tIto •• zsI..... 01 tII. G _ .......




    \ Automatic Washer Servlc.

    ! -~ ALLI I~~ l~I ,," _5~akes


    Bendi" _ MaytagLaunderall - Laund~omat

    Hotpomt _ FngldalTe, GE, ete.TU 5.6872

    Nutto ElectricalAppliance Co.14934 MACK at Wayblll'll




    Paintine and Decoratinl

    Repaired, Replaeed adCleaned-

    Metal Deeb-Pordleenat RoofiDc


    ,- - -- - -------





    Pioneer Roofing and Sheet Metal4708 EASTLAWN VAlley 2-8548

    4- 7.2730

    Sell or buy through ClassiftedAds lIt The Grosse Pointe Review.



    Ml'.n'i and Ladles' Smts Ta1lored to OrderAlterations, RelinIng, Clearung and Presamg14931 E. JEFFERSON, AT CITY LIMITS

    Freel M. Schuman Est. 1925 Open Eves. Till 7:00 VA. 1-3M1

    The Grosse Pointe Re¥iew- Thuraday, September 7, 1950--9

    .7'~ ~ ~ Ifl

    U8 1 141 1.1S UZIA4 Mu.t R~a('h t • On \'I fdnesday for Ctlrrent WHit'. '!IlI1I.l

    (~""Rrn: YO~~ AD REltl)

    YOrR AD'S CLASSIFICATlOS: ---Such IS "Carpenter' • "Personlll" • Mae. for 511," .. "'Bolli and Moton." ete.

    ~A ....TED

    Write ~ ac WIT AI'1'011 WANY rr ~O B.PtlBLU •• D "ddlqeKII.r YOllr ADD.EI. or~nRO!'fE Nt.''IIlJ'K ..,HUo (n ofCLASSIFIED A r.pllc.ment coot excellent cond,. I TV 11

    \ W-IN-DOW SHADE lion offer U!.:_ ~.~L04 ' 5.1 0

    MASTER bod room fur nature. ;;~hOI-I See ••• Robert C. Moore

    ~~Il~retc:gi~e, c~~;t n~~~:.;rorrfr~ ..t:: I LA WNMOWERS ICLEANING 101 tlble WIth sWlv.l atool, twolarg. mlTro", $550 TU 5-0510 I

    Repairing and Replacing DINING ROOM-Su'te~"81;;;;t-D~a~ LawnmowersSharpenedPb} fe table 8 chairs cr.denu, lood

    Pickup and Deliwry ~~~~;~~~n$~df~~_w.;je boa, chest, ALSO

    MUMFORDS. -- - Power Mowers :::.,~.~t

    Miscellaneous for Sale Q;fjFLOOR COVERING WEDDING, pan, or reunion ean.d1df I 0""'or home portra1ts

    16127 East Warren Ph~~~~:7~_~D I ~ ---N I 0446 HALF GALLON Ice Cr.a", 97c sav.n I

    f1avol"l. Sept SpecIal Fresh Peach, I -W,lson Dalrv Storo 11904 Mack at IWashington Open Sundays and Holl- Idava, 10 am -11 p m I

    Crosse Pointe Hardware169U E. lellel'SOD TV. 5-4420


    I £XPERT faSI watch repal... Bcadley IJ.w.len 21031 Mlck It 1\001yn.

    \ Rodlo • Service \


    "RADIO AND TELEVISION InstlllaUon,""rvlc~ RUlr.ntted w"rk Optn 10.0I\OBEnTS TU 2-Uao. VE 8-08ll0

    IIG330 l' Wor,..n--- - ---------

    I Watch and Clock

    j .'.'~

    By crAt ... ~


    Home :Flttmes on Requesl

    LadleS' and Men's garmentsFItted to Perfectton


    Fine Interior Decorating

    Exterior Painting

    VA. 4-8004

    WALL WASHING and paper eleanUlgWork guaranteed Reuonab1. price.Whlte men VA. ~18H

    VINCENT'S Wall WUh!nI and Up-holstery cleBD1D.. Machlzle methoc\s.Experienced workers. lnsurecl Com.merclal and rUldenlt&l I'J'ee &Ib-mat .... Call VEnlee ll-01'lO.

    WALLo WASffiNG, paper cleamng,

    ft'ib~&kas~~~y VA. ~

    TU 5.0187 5263 HEREFORD

    Wall Washinl

    R.hie.rator Service

    KEFRIGERATOll- ADd motor aerY-I.,.. LIcensed. aDd lloDcIec1. Kel vine-tor. I'riIdclairll. Leoaard.. ColdsPOt,Umversa1. and others. WWiamsVAnel' 1-3111

    Plumbinl and HHtin,


    PLAIlTERlNG - Any IdIld of repairwork. Ruscmable rates. Free at1-mateo. can TV. 1I-GMS.Leon Vermeu.len.

    NELS SWANSONJ'Int au. Painting, Paper Hanrlnl

    and DecoratlDgReuon.ab1e - Work Guarlflteeel

    VA, 2-6581PAINT1NG, plper1Jll, paper removeel. Autos for Sale

    Work guarantee

    Optical Service

    EYES EXAMINED. prompt opbcal

    i:~";~an~~st:r ~:nU!~k o~ml~:Dally Thundav .venlnls Monday,Wednesday. Fndl)

    A.t PAINTING. basements and lawn Piano InstructionfurnIture .~rayed. Sl0 Am elf'c- _~~kIY Good IAundre. Ind cl.aners.

    Mack nr Lancao1er j tor Jntendm~ to be abCE~I;lei lOr and ("xtil!!f1{)! POlCnf' Clipboald~ door .. ell f;ood \l"oLk fa:)L¥&'5-~7G~ JIm ;,utton Bl,. Ome

    REPAIR Intenor Ine ~rl-'l'I'P'll\1 pro~-h ..\nl t~e '1t'1rtlot"ut2~ !'If thl! ,,,tlth.\ftlIt MI' I\f Lot 2 Kt'rbv'~ !=iuM",.,nn

    :! PetlttlM of Arthur A. Albnlht. appealm" from'oe BU11d.nll Inspectt'lr ~ rf'fu.1E'dal the north" ees or mIne TU. 5-3767

    Glrl s ble\ cle1 Call VA 4-8676

    Thesse POinte-Review5121 Kercheval

    Lakepomte lft1d Maryland

    Say "Charge It,"

    Grosse pointe

    CASH RATEmlmum char •• for elalli.ds IS IIOC for 16 wordl,en IS for eacb additional

    ~ 2-4558

    CHARGE RATEconvenlenc, ada WIU b.ed over the telephone

    rrlnlmum charge rate ISI' t 5 words, four cents foraddItiOnal word Pay.can be made by cashor mO)'ley order.

    ClassifiedDISPLAY RATESUpon Request



  • *





    World War II Vet

    Primaries Sept. 12FIND OUT HOW D


    YOUconi send,man of provenability to COIlogress.

    *14th District

    Name '~I"'''I

    City Zone .. , ,

    Address, ,.,. '"






    State SenatorFIRST DISTRICT

    REPUBLICANPrimary • Sept. 12th


    Preferred by DetroitCitizen League

    Lower Your (ost 01Living!

    - - --- - --- _. - ---------DON'T DELAY-

    MAIL TODAY!Mr HI.bud Durant16714 E. WarrellDetrOIt 24, M1eh1llUlDear Mr. Durallt:Pleue ten me h01l'you mteud to lowermy perlOl1a1 cost ofUvmr.








    Lt. Governor

    For Our Own BestThis Time Let's Vote RIGHT

    Successful Businessmanand Farmer

    Arthur J. MADAR




    hove the powerto gain aggres-sive represen-tation in Con-gress.

    Scoutmaster Geora:e R Mell,of Troop 546, Grosse POinteWoods Presbyterian Chul ch, hasbeen called to extended activeduty by the AIr Force

    Mell, a combat veteran o[WOlld War II m the EuropeanTheatre. Will report at ScottFIeld, BelleVIlle, Ill, on Friday,Sept. 8.

    DUImg hiS absence Rllhard IQ Studer Will be acting Scout.master He Will be aided by ~ m.uel Toepel and Fred Olmstedas assistant Scoutmasters.

    Troop 546 IS plannll1g a full'round of fall actIVIties, stdrtmg IWIth a day hike on SatUlday,!Sept g Two \Veek~ later, onSept. 23 24, the tJoop will take IIan aveCfl l{ht campmg tnp toGrmdstone City, at the tiP ofMichigan's 'rhumb,

    The troop IS askmg all Its Imembers to report regularly formeeting followmg the summervacatIOn season.

    It is also mVltmg new boys,11 years old or older, to Jam thetroop. They may make applica-tion on Thursday rughts, whenthe troop meets In the VIoods IPresbyterian Church.

    ------ IDon't cut the asparagus too late II

    If you expect an equally good cropnext year. Give It a dress of plrntfood when you stop cutting I


    Elect One Woman

    Alger AuxiliaryPlam Bake Sale

    Scl • "")'lOW laM, ~ .. OPe qIIit8 .., to lie .. ~ 0 _ ,. • ..,.,. ....•w.... , iI be .. to --1ItaI a. IItaI day a ".. Adge ~ be .... -'0 .,. ,.,.wife and dtiIdrea ............ aDd 6Ig .., .. of ." ...,

    Someday a dtiId ~ are u,sa' .. ." be .. Jir ••• Cowt. W\wMN,. e. .......IflGI a woman Judge and raoIIter .- could ~ ........ ~ to _ .. .,,~

    GmJlJfJfeUrtiversify 01o.troit-pnxtid"g oHomey with imporftlrtl ProbGte Court won- fw 20 ~_..-.... ."... CtWttt'f ~01 .rv...-Hotp;to# COIlWtli".. Comt,,,-,,.. 01 Social W.Hare-""""'-er 013 oroww (1tiIdrefp_~ Wore ~ pui>IK o/fict.LULA BACHMAN

    ,APPEAL 70 MEN:


    I TlIousands of IlIut-ribbolllitrllllMl •IIarses 0 CilIIe 0 SwiIHl' SMep '1'OIIlby ;o P11l101lS' Ilabtilllllllll CI .. 0 AJIfIIJ'HorlJcuIturt • fJanc:dur1l • Aancalturto V~es 0 DaIry Products • JUIllOl' ~Show 0 HollIe Arts. .t

    Alia AIIIo sa.ow 0 Art ExhlIl/t • •Sc:haaI • DIIIr i'IJIIIII. f..... '

    \ T... DIAl:I"I I 1icnB~,~~~ .....IllnIC:C .ItI)GMllelo 15CoIafb, IICIIudt'Ie Ule 0lIlI Illd CIlIIJ

    J "L~f'I Also ~ ~ CoIIIIl •~ '1llIidliI •ClrauJ f'tlle\'IIM ' •Air • .-, .. iIs' food ~

    * * GHAT SHOWS .. *..... C • 1.,...... OWN ... , ;

    Ilny"_nON... 1-2CAlI.. .-""."IDA CCMONNA

    SEPL U iIPfl7.1O iplus .. SlIllIIIionaI acIt of 'IIUlIeviIIe,IlIe ~ Ilockels ........ lIIIoruIIlld .... 0NIlest1a.I Go... cIr


    .PU.,, oo.MILI .... NOIlAN'S

    Auro IACI HBi DIIYIR5SIP1. 100lII"'~10 INIOWI ,. _

    IMlY ......11 ..... OWl .....

    AIIII5IIOlIlO _ ..

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