· 2006. 2. 27. · :jwf>.

... aDIT IT AI .. GaT IT. WITIIOUI' RAa PAVOil - ADVUTISIJIG 11M JIG Il&LA TIOII 1'0 OU&POLICY 8 U ~~; Mail $2.00 pet' year; 5incIe Copie. 5 Ceeta Villace of Grosse Pointe Farms Propos•• Bulldlne Renumbering Ordinance I Cl .... for Guclen Club. at the Annual ChrylaDthemum Show u. of M. Alumni Club I Held First Meeting - Wednesday Nicht I I Speake,. - Refreahmenb "Dickinaon" Party and Dancing Feature To be Civen by Major Meeting But'DI Henry Po.t THE HOME NEWSPAPER OF CROSSE POINTE AND THE FouaTEE N'I'1f CONCRESSIONAL DISTRICT L. B. OLDHAM. Publisber GROSSE POINTE. ~!ICHIGAN', THURSDAY. OCTOBER 26, 1939. Graue Ezqgeraticma7 B,. A. PRYOR :VOL. 14-No. 10 The word "colotsal." over.used by produccu. jj • we.k .djecti~e t.u delicribe Rad>u City's ~IU5k ll~:: wbue 'lIVewellt to liee the lbOvie "'Interm". 10 A we Story," whieh is excellent. The rcaliOD we couidn't ,et the colamn ill laat week it !h!! ~~ were Iott in the Iadie.' rOOlll at Radio City for tbree days. oar cover&fe of the Fair. Drove back to New York by- way of the Triborouah Bridge lJId doWII tb~ Hudson River Parlcway wbich is a great improvement ... New York's traffic madne.s. Saw the "Quten Marry" tied up at the doek aad wearing a yery drab shade of grey from st_ to stern. Suppose we ought to mention the ProCeuor James K. PolI~lr. Ph. D. This is the Last publicity for Always outstanding are the anutic On paa'C 4 it pablisbed a PRlf>OtecI Faw beeause so [;ttle has been said and of the University of Michiaan, spoke Charlie Bishop's "Dickinson- party. arrangements ot members ..I varioua Il'.ulldi... Ic .. ouuba;"" ordinaace jar written about itl ~The most interesting on the topic, .Wbither Germany?" at From the amount of favorable eom. I'garden clubs It tbe local newer .how. j the VilLaa'e of Grosse Poiate Farm .. ulu'bit of ...lut a country produce. is the initial meeting of the newly 01'- ment heard at POtt _ting-s tbis is I 'flo" ...... 11'11Chrysanthemum Show of which ordinance is rec:ommet1ltM .ft .... in the Arpntine Building wbich is men. ~ .. ;,~:! ~~~~~ P~~!: t'::i;':r~:~j" c! 10 be an OUUlaDGmg event. 'rom !:lor. The Gros.~ Poiute and Easteru Micbi-l s~..era1ycars of .t1ld1ial' the beat pop tioned 10 seldom. Tbe other buildings IMiehigan Alumni dub, at 8 p. m. Wed. man, (Tom's Quality M..... ket) member pn P.Jrtk,~tloral Society will be Sible mean. to correet an tIllwielcl;r were disappointing to as after all we'd neSl!ay. Oct, 25. in the auditorium of Of thil Post bas donaUd a banel of staged SatDrt,' alld Sunday, N_- system of Dumber. Us _ ill the ViJlaa'e Jacard aboat them. And thereby we end the Pierce ]Ullior Higlt School, Graue cider, ber 11th aDd .lIh, at The Neighbor- for maDy year .. Pointe, Charlie will be lOOking for yoc at hood Club, 17145 Water1oo, at $1. Clair. Some of the COftditiollt which exile A member of the 'Ilolitic:al sdence the Neighborbood Club. Saturday, Oc:t. (flosse Pointe. ill the ViI1aa'e at the J)rflaIt tilDe ate department of the University, Profes. 28th. Competinl in six classe. in artistic very serious. '!'he lllOI'e imponam of sor Pollock was Election Official in Next party on scbedwe will be arraDgement will be _ben of The which are the difHClIIties ~ 1935 at the Saar Plebescite annd served Armistice Day Jamboree. T~x Hoyt Garden Dub of Vicbilan, ]Ulliol' ift the Poet OffICe ~ .. tile as Chairman of the Michigan Civil Chairman. see him for YOW'tickets alld League Garden Onb, The Li"le Gar- sortiq. of mail due ::0 tli" r-i - i.iMi Service Reform Cdlllmusion. He is the assignment, $1-00 per perliOn cover. den Club, Grosse Pointe Br:JJ1ch of The mceta barillc hoaH nmben ..... author of IlWllbcrous books in tbe everything. lunch and refreshments. Wf)Dlet1'S NatiotuJ Farm and Garc!eD nintr with '1ltrm1ler (1) an: f~ at fields of political science aDd Eupopean dancing until you are weary of UJDe. Assodatioa, and _The Gardea Center Lake SItore Road, ~ ~ B.... history including, "Hitler's Decrees;, He hop~~ to wod ~"""~ , mta ~o of Dc .... il. and .ia .c-e aIMS t'I1lIi ... &Ii .. 19J4; "Source Book in European Gov- that m:,e hour-will 'be ;11tbe mecasary These cLasses are as follows: CharInGix A\'eflae. Th_ ill alto a IIoW e~enb." !937. aDd "German Civil time s]lllnt by any olle be1pwg Oll~ ia 1. Vass alTUlgements ia an,. COIl' nriatioa in --. at illterseetio.= Serv>ee Ad. 1938. this way the work will be <loDewith 110 tainer. No restriction!. these nry as ...... te'/cnl ~ FollO'lll'in, the .peech, tin,re was a inconvenience !o anybody. 2. ThanIagmn, Centerpiece. Acea. apart which -.bI it atraDd,. .tifIi" period during w~ich P~oCessor PolI~k Welcome to new member E: J. Snl. soms allowed. eub for Police ... Ywe ~ answered qU,estiODS directed to him Iivan Last meeting. Martin Nielsen 3. ArrangemCllt oC Dried Plant !la- to immediately service ~ calM. from tbe audl~nce. Refreshments were would like dues before Nov. 10th. Our teriai. No resITiction.. Another eoaditioa which. ~ .. served io tbe Girls' gym of the Junior hard working membersbip chairman is Bic Dea Lozen, ZI' POUDd Ceatel' "+.ta,-- ~ "It. CIemea. 4. Arrangement of CbrysaolbemldU tbe presalt time is tbat 011 cerfII!\ia _High School an~ a get-tog,ether and out for National Citation which he ,,,It f~~!~Sa"~~ "Bathera" will be ho.t to the Gro.e Poiate ill metal container, Foli.qe aDowed. strcet5 in th Vma.e it 11 ~ .... -e. -a. b Id tb 1._. - ~ 1.UnIII". . So Arrangement of Ch ..... ~t1tbcmU1D.liot' the Botiioft- n- __ • to ............... won ~" e In e "",.s gym. receive for the Post if he ca- rl>l'nd -; __ ;;-_:-_-==- -:-:-::::"':"____________ . .,_ . .-_ _ Profasor PolJo<ok's talk marked one up "7 paid-up b '''e ab<>~e~~:. New S-.teaa To t UW"! _ s_...J _ ~ I in_ Pottery COtlt2i!ltt. FoI~ P"'-llish a _1I'8mba- for Iaew ~- .... \Ve couio:in't wait to lilt to the too- ~ the fint public fUllc:tions to be b~!d'I- Our '~!I"..,a.lgn~o 111';;>" .... t "Id mem- I ~~pi_ D_I__ I' uaapuAutborl.CU TrasS~~_ ,,.,ltt6,I!Ch'-'- h L Ib~_:~b1~I.~~~ lrieiii -n.iIil andt.talkcd.about "21" for m!!d! aJld III the new Pierce Junior Higb Sc:'ool hers is bearing' fruit, .een at the last u;q ""'Y UUUILIt 0 .--. l')'1aIIt em~ arraDI'ed III ]ap- >uuuo _" ua:D __ . by tile Ioob of tbe place lIobody else au~tc:num' the finest of its kind in meeting-Earl Cramer, Walter Glrtzk~ At Pierce Library At Town Hall ;mese :U~er. Foliqe permitted.. ~ oae QRl. ill ~ .... ~ coaId wait either. The part we lilted HidUlraft. Through the court~':r "f iuid Win Smith. Past Pose t,;om. EnIT.." III ~bon ,.lalles .hoo1d .... III bUm!, oul:T '1lI: IlllInmller. lJPUt ~ t.- .... ,is... i1ing iean sam about It, Dr. Eo R. VaIlKle«k, superintendent man den other than Commander Emer. The new "Main Library" in tbe Lloyd C. DougLas, autbor of "!>is. the. h&mi, ~f fh~ sec;cl-ctary of the Spoil-II fOUlld to ..... fro. .... odIerj their "tJDderIroand~ mtem instaDed of the Grosse Pointe schools. those nus are a raritv: PierCe Junior Higb School now makes puted Passage." the moving picture ~, SOI.'ltty on.. car cia,. previoas ItIch a CllII1Itioa makes. it cztI Tj dmiIIs Prehibition. It's a htICe storqe atteuding wer. e .Kivea the OPPO~UDity Anyone desirin, to contact Hat it possible for everyone to see new which !:ad its w-orld premiere in Dc- to ... e show. _. -,:f~ ... 1IItI'clwIts ~ ceDar that .uds oat UDCia' at least to tour the buildln, uoder the guldaDce Saluman Paul Zumbo kindly renn ... t.. rf _books before thev are nut intn ,:1!~- I ~~~it :....., ,,'eeic, WUI speak before the l:'~ :::j' .. ;:l~:i';"': :":",rlD;uioa IIlIIJr ......... for Utifit7 ~ t,; ...... tfo_ ~- ~:: ::~ 'to""':':' ~ ::~ M1.w :::, • .:i:... :JWf>. oj giriS'j to do so at' Post M~ingl, Dot tele- J Latian. Each Mo~day !he books that Detroit Town HaD audience in the to William P. Thoatas. Secne~'. m,. RCDI'd 8lld l'UcI ...... - . 1'Obd whole waUa opeu lip ad renal &ad a IIHmher of tbe Board oC G"ver. phone bis place of business. ha,'e been cataloged wtll be put on a Fisher TheaITe next Wednesday. ::::-;-. Grosse Pointe Blvd.. ~~ Pointe aDd_ oOter penclIItI. ~_-~ .. all illlto1cI IItl'lIlber of bottles C!'f Iiqaor 1tOfI of the UDivenity of Yi<:bigan ------- shelf for display and :.ny One interested I, at 11 A. ),I. Farms. ViDagc as ~. to IociaM ~ -----" ' Cub. "' P• te'lltoocl in a ~."'i-'-r boolr ma ... 1-,.. a r.. r--:-.- that tht ~~..." .... ...... WUlt1, Once they were raided b, urua8e OlD YT' ,..... IOwa , - ~ ~ Dr. Donglas' first DeIToit appear. N. '.' _ -~"'lJ < _ "'New York's fi!!ert.,- who failed to dis~ Oatstuding- UniTersity organizaUouI serve for it, Tbe books will be kept on anee in 'CYerat ya" WIll b<! doubly otice To StdIIeDb Village of Grosse -Poiate "-- *- cover their .eaet aJld IIeftI' aot lilY &II dpersonalitie. ,,-iIl distingtl!!!l the Parent Teacher display lor Ollp wcck. ~~, ferr hi. new kook. "Dr. HUG-l . __ DOt ~ ef ~~ Jriah ...... further than the caJlDed tomatoe de. program planned for the cuttent )'Ql' Hallowe'en Party , Here arc • fe .... of the titles i.. cluded _'s 1*naI," will also be released 00 The An1l1Al H~'et1 Party Pa of ~ ~ .. II ~- !i !!i; partmeut. Recently they took G-lba by the new alumni group. The Unni- _ In the Wibit for this .... eek: _ - ~ ..- by Elaine Marie Arndt for papib 0( Ita City of ~Irnit, _dMl ~- OIl. .- HOOftf' os a totlr of friend!, ~ ~_ baatI,. f~ caDed, "The I, Grosse Pointe Woods Parellt . "Th.e Gem,Trader." by i.oaio ~_.' Dr. DoqI;u bu __ 4uciae:lCboolwill1le ...... tlais-S-ay. V..... 1saw~ _ ... ilIID:. -. .' -.- .~_. u~,-.' ",.:- _. .. ...... "_--L- ,.............. _ ---". Ibq'._. --a_..tUe. of.a4~ Tbo.e wtto. ,_ ... ~ --.. ... ~-..~. .' ,- _' ~ _ "-- ~-- ~~ ~ ..,.. .. ..,.. ~ ~1I --- -- _._~'_~ ':';~. .--tr.""'-:.n _ - - , .. ...-.,- - , . -. .' . -- ., -: _: '., . ~ - m.t:ue .• - t-'l: wM: .. Ud ~ tile y..;. -Po T. A. .. " 4c:av.y:;;;;w;:p- Jiii moria of the YUioaa ,.orb at Ki4:hi- j tJaiI -year ~.e two et'mdtp de- ~ fit Aan A::~as~ ~)' --. ... to U :a~;if."!,; ~ -_ . . .,_ . The &.t tbmp _bad - oar what ...... A1cqMet' Grant Rutbva, wiIo, voted to- lialJow-e'm Cdebratiotu. A. B. Shern' ~ about William T. IlInmler he 'Or.LS ill d.. ily COIltad .ith (flcsse PoiaIte-!ficb SdM;eI cci'nft ~ 1IeIidlri,~-'" ~ to-do-at-nirht list were-- El Yot'ClCCO has jut completed ten years as presi-I J. Adults costume party wiD be held <:aleman and the life of old Sa.a Fra.... tbe sick and dyiug. and of c:oarse wit!! of Fisher Rd. .. :CiflIne !'Iainte BJ¥4.) ...... -J .... iI, ~'" and the Stark Cub. Sorry. bllt we dent of the Uninrsity. will come fronl F,.;rf2Y .... ~l!!ll'. Oct. Zl. in Mason mco. I physicians. . I t: . ~ 4:* ''-'-",,~ couldn't lee the aUractioD. in eitber. Ann Arbor to SfM'ak durUtg the March School, with comic and iancy COitume There ~s a new. boo~ for :hose_ in-I His fan mail is so heavy that a llfUt William B. Stoat ..... ~! IF (r~~~ They're nicely decorated Disht dulls meeting. A diDaet' darce in May will pri%es, door prizes, full orchestra aDd tere.sted In gardenmg. o:,Cllucal l>ar. deal of his time is spent writing adviCe A~~------SR.""'rd' ~ tWr._- C .... to.. !. .1. with aood music and .the same crowded, (Coatillaed 011 Pqe F.ive) ample refresbmCllts. denmg for the Amatem:' ,by c.. H. to the deserving .... ho seek hi. guidance. uur-.ea ~ __ b~ to ~ the ~:...,.. ~ stuffy, smokey atmosphere that pre- 4. The children's party 'lloill be given Conn~ors. and ,:. A, TledJens, gl\'l~s \Vithin thrre y~ars after Ihe publica- Parent-Teachers ord ... to IIIllb it__ c:otrRIliat ....... nits in most nig-ht SlX'ts 110 matter who Rehmu AddreaaecI free to all the children of the ViRage pracllc~1 tnttructlOns ~or the ~mate~r tion of his first non'" "Magnificent _._ sible f(lll' lJIc -reaidats ~ u.~. pat:ronizes them. Parents and Students and will be held on Tnesday, Oct. 31. who WIshes to uptrlment 'N1lh this Obsession: this clergyman had the fie. The Pere Gabriel Richard SdIooI AU 1IIctdwlts ...... ~ Went to the Automobile Show at Prizes for comic and faDey costumes. new lIIethod. tion minds of a c)'lIicol age at his feet I Par~t Teach"r Assoc:ation pt off to ~at ~ Vm..e .wiII be ~ Gralld Central Palace alld feU in love; At ()pen House rclreshments for wbich tickets ",'il1 be For those .,hose hobby 15 home dec- and the motion picture producers at a f1ymg 19.1>-«1start Last Tneiday eve. mshed, - IIPl* ~- tins ..... . . 1 given by the teachers. oration. "Modern Decorative Art." by his finger tips_ His olher IIOvel5. in. I ning. whm a. tqq1 of 2SO 1l&I'e:ntl rbanges frona' 011-. lItIIInMrs to HW' WIth the new Busek Convertible. The C -- ~r 5 R Ad .h I h I _L_........_ . .L__ .... one we IIw was silvery.peach ia color By ONNIE AltffOLDY 5. On Monday. Oct. 30. games and ~; 't" . tm~ I.urms es lIew and c!t'o,ng "Green Ligbt~ and "White t .rc;ugbont the clasiarooms and nsited I ~f III .. ~ ~:::. ..... __ and was upbclsterd in white '--ther'l e..- Peiate H~~ ..---. t' . t _.:1' be h f III eres mg ID ormallon. Banners" have been sensational mov. Irih Ib~ tcachen, aDd then wat to 7 0 etnlrI III ~ S.-. mo IOn pt~ Utes ww te eatures And for tho<p ",.1.0 .r~ l"t"rested in h <Ii . alld lis The ~-:.a-._ at W~woo! The Ford Show is at tbe .. t A cf tbe children party. Chil<!r"n helow I .', ••• ,. ~ ~.-, - '---,~', •.,., illS' picture hils. j ~_e au t~~ _, tened ~ a_lpCCth. _FAter put of ~l'-'-"" .. "tnr Hotel so we tran'pol nv .. th~r~ An contacts between !!!.'!ne :u:~ school age and children of familie . I~joU" "'~. ~ •• 4 vv0 .. ;;""eu ,le Dr. Douglas ""ill speak on "The Re-' ir ..... p" ..."uotI--r uoa,. &IlQ ~owor-I me ViiJaa-e have Dcal. aware .that. • and 'llVhilewe like the .ne'; models ~~ IscbooI are part ?f a pr~am to ~ake Grotse Poinle Woods attending o:h~~ Happy .Fls~an~ by Step~en Gwynn lease of Galatea"-an inspirational lee. row' by William B. Stout. I eh=ge in the ll:rmberiac IIYSte .. hu thO k th At. La t how I yom boys alld girls the hne contrlbut- grade scbools will b~ <>l~~nadmission I that ~111 make good readmg durmg ture based on the story 01 the Greek . In the several classrooms. tbe teacb- been under caasideratiClll for ..... th lll e. or IS a poor p c:e 0 s jug citizens of our commonwealth you - the wmte- mOllths I ~ff d fv1 t' d '- ianified their ...... em. 'IIl'ant them to be •• declared Mr. Paul aDd refreshment tickets by request at '. scalptor. p)'gmalion. and l1is statue. ng. IDa e care prepara lOllS all iiaft I 11' the Mason School office. n...f c:: ........... l N_ ••_' I G.latea, ""!Iich came I" liie. The theme to .show the pareutl the type of 'IIl'Ol'kto coopentc. .A..!!!'-'!': !~~ t!:!::g: ':;'e enjoyed lilOit A. Rehm:::s. prb::ip::.!, to thc lZ!: jMn;>t. RUMMAGE SALE ...... er IOAo&&VU& a-........... I of his talk" a symbolic .... ay 01 saying- ~ltIg done, ParCIIU 'IIl"el'elP'tetcd by _ are the Museum 01 Modera Art which and students who gathered in the "'- -- "" -. h' I'f ". b the teacher or the room mother Papib' of Grosse Pointe High School auditoriUlll Lncouraged by the snccess of their Th 1B t iTd ~{M. nngmg t Ings to I e IS ased OP P• t "'_-:.1-._~_ everyOQe ought to see; the excellent rummage sale held Last spring in e c 11 ren Of .• rs. ana.ns. his new novel On ,,'hich he is working. work inS on display 00 their Jabeled 0lIl e~ f ---' and s-,'ce at Passy Res'°Dr--t last '~'ednesday evening for the 7B '. room and the I'" children of M'SS' T' . ,d-."5o 011 tbe' L---d or Ill' A __..l_--SS I. ..J: nIaip ........ -. ~ - Mason School, at whlcb donors. com- ,., I ' . It f ICkets are avada.ble at Grinnell's I ~- .. ~ ~ W'~ >C .... aDd Ann If iller of Seandal's .... ho is not open bouse. . I' a ter s rOOm sa' e t e program or M . S R 0\ 11'4 1 $11' d scr ..p books. ActnJhel fOUlg 011 were I bea!if I I. cia f Mr, Rehmus continued •• We 'WOu!d millee and buyen were mutnal grati-,' the October "ssembl in Ih G uS'c tore. .. ~,or . v an b! cd Tbefe her f _ em y a n. ~tlt tap nces aster fied, the Ms.son P. T. A announce DI C:' I 'F '<I )~ I h .?t'l ~;~ $1.6.5 including tax. ,~ !. prese::l: . . ~e a nQ!ll . 0 William Arnolclv. !f2daat .. of r....... th~n MY' teeth can c~atter in January. like to have you fe~1 that this the through MI>. Meiboarn. Lee, C!"ld I ':..~r ~CIIoo rl 'Y, - r ". 'r - -. ",--- -----_ ""'o4,n ,,:o]OcU, .. ~~I&lle aetmt>es, Pointe Higb School. .... been awante4 Hildegarde. the Damsn blonde enter. first of a series of attcmpts to bring Welfare Department Ch irma th tl J ne prograHl_ opened .... Ith .. motrch natural sc,ence e-.u••• and otber~. a one'year sch~ by Yale UlIi- tainer at the Savoy Plaza pro-vided an. yon closer to the school." He ciled the I"e event ""i11 be re .... ated: ~n 8t~ pl.ayed ~y the f.rst !n'ad_e rhYI~m band. NURSERY SCHOOL Lawrence Kille mnducted the main venit... in addition to the foar ..... ear th 1 f', 7B o~n house •• open ho S. three ..~ n • ov. , . Fa-e httle .,rls holdlOg b'g pap.r t f b ~ h'-L t ..._.. ' , o er 0 our avonte pastimes. ..-, 0." U -, from I to 4 o'clock in Mason School I ." . - NOW OPENED par ate mee_ 11' ..... was s a•• <:u scholarship .... holds as tbe lift of the year pLans. and other acth'ities in I' '. . pumpkinS sang th~ Jac~-O-La.nt.rn off by an exe60t community sing y.' _ rL t .. H' Had luncll at the River Oub. which h' h .. A I matenal IS dOllated of coune, and son . Then tne curtains arte to cl;'. . -.-- , ,,_ ,. _' _ ...., .... ub 0 Mich.a. e 'IrU Js vedd .. nace and relceaed Sa ... At- w IC parents are expected to partlCI' the committee G,:" n,.. support 01 both I Ig a f' Id' tPh f d 11 C ~{rs. LOI. R,,'ett announced the led by E1lUli<:"':.-~"s and whIch m- awarded the scholMsbip from the aai- ' . pate, I c ose corn Ie In e a orn . I ". Sh [I eluded several -.;uasions b<!stdes the . f h' .0:.._ tOrRev General Fnnl. "urn" and . donors and purchasers in a nry Ik . . "prnlng 0 a .,ursery c 00 ast vcrslty or IS OIItstan_ work dDr- ' --- - .... , Althougn as a rt'sult of opening- worth v cause. Ista s "ere h.ned Ull at Ihe h.~1( nf I ~ron.;ay, (Ktober 161h. at 1021 ManU-) i_li< ui the ~. rn-. :E. R. Van lin his frnhmu ill which he f~er Ambassador James Gerard (Contioued ou Page Four) the slage ~htnd a .paper fen~e made tique Arenae. Kleeck made ~ aboat the high r~eived an av '::"815., ...1 • ..:..- Irim making quiet ,.hoopy over a cOllple of •• ,by 'he children ..... Ih pumpkins and Th h I .L' h. f bo d leTeI of test .,..,.... ill the llicllard It d • ~.. _ ~ ... v.- "''-h f h La - ------,--- ~ACK AVE. ..... DV ...... UNDER I . '. .. I e sc 00, ""IC 15 01' ys an I on t e e1!!!! nst. ne !'!' ~ !t _3.-': ..... es 0 r oco te ICe cream, IKAPLAN'S FEATURE . ~I Jock-O-un.eTnS i><q,lr,~ 0.' gl-rl b t 'een tit f lh d School and the -ess .... :..- 1Ilade , ........ c:'--' ..... "........ . NEW MANAGEMENT . I S C~ ~ iog'es 0 rec an ' "........... ~ u a sop.,amort .. l-IIIII; ~.III:IQ; ~UUUI In our wandenngs we ran acron .......... £0 GOODS SALE the stalks 01 corn. The musIC slart~d ,', a __,.•, It f 9 I ill .~"";..;"" __ .... :.:_ •• pla~d _. '-ftnl"t __ .;:l X yr rs, ... J. e op~n rom a. 'RI. G I ."'-._.-"oClI _ -- " •• _-- (ri' :'"'ith'""" Father ~yland, th~ Padre. o~ Den~e- . - I Announcement has be~n made by I ~n~ on, n~n:-~? '~1'Oro~. br'::-"'!~' ~~lr<re:!I I.! a_ m, and WIll speciaiize in modern I site. The prmc1plll, Qarace ]. ),[ess- - _ lIIOI'a Prison, ,.,-here the cruzllnaUy m'l An outstan~'nlf rurrrnt event. of "ery J J . h a" lea"es. The :-;')rth \tV a,d cntrred ond 01""0" 0' (";" G-,:" .~-' e nrr ...elcomed tJIe paRat.s IUId made INTR _ H I •. . I - I' os. erenllas tat, e"eCln'e Immediate. bl h I b Th '"'' -, ""ti u.~a,ICC ."w car . IGt1I nv NEWS ......... ~ne ar~ sent. ~ to d a. some of hiS ~tnent and time y mterest to al III h. file .... rl..t I~'"t~ .. ot g?1n 'h,l- I ••~W te enrs _:I. oul. en Dame of t!1~ llre.~chool rhiltl_ note of th~ florl ~ !!!~ =e a!wars ANN A.IIIAI: .... ~":.~ .. IIllereslmg expn-Iences and .... e Wffe' tniS community. Is the e:<traorcl1nary I" --- -'1- "- -- --_ ..... ----1'" mlcr carne ana c'o\-erea Ine lIrea I \ . t' f ! wrlcome a. visitoh \0 tbe Khool _ & . .. I .. hr .• fonner y kno'l>-n as Pini's will be I' . lId: prOlOT'ammr rmlSl~ mil' 0 ll'ames, _'.,. IlUl'prl5C:dto 6nd 111m qUIte yonng. ~ sale of Monarch Canned Goods now b" . d h' '-'11 b ca,'cs 1\.::h snow. Th ..... as 10 owe handera't .ton.-tdllll~ 'nd rt'u'ic ha. Refrulunenl$ _r~ terved in tne ....... TS -h"- "=!'. --'_ L_ .......Jri .Ad h" bou . . It I K 1 ' .. k - I an er IS managrmrnt and '" e I - . Tit . , ". ,• , r [Tere. lODIu"--"" -..-r t... """ ng,.... ent USIUlIc a t h15 !nit e d at ap an i .'lar et. l,Ob.21 1,- . R 1 . '{ k .y a 11:1.11""" e f'0em. ,. 'I('~y N I bern arran~cd a< .ell a- a rrsl neriorl lanchroom by a ~"'ftImittee composed S ," Or .,. ... k H f . I ~no"n as I"e o)'a Quahtv " ar et.' H II. .h 10 I> ... ", '1 un, ~ .. oa,,. ftw to oar reo :or. : te en to the prIsoners. as ) Kercheval avenue. The tecon? annual I ~Ir, Jerem;as slatrs he ",-ilI h~ndle onh-I' ~ o"een mg. t ,,~, to y panto. and time ior outooor play. of Mrs. Ryan. Mrs. Rogers. ),In. rter, .. ho has retmaed uiti thri1ic4 my boys and assured ns that dunng sale of these .... ell.known quahty foods, ,. .••• ... •- mme and oanc,"~ The pro/l'ram closed l"M .\'~ Mn,-."; .."r~ "I I\'. _/'ltl.~,. !"Iephf'n ...... and Urs. Moore. The _ ~ "ba k •• .q . MasS. tMe murderer' make the bett aI" bids fair to excced in genuine ,'alues! 'lU."'Y ff me .,. G"lU .VV1l' .,," n "d' "'do.< I ""th t;,e rhythm I>a"~ p!a~ in~ the,,, hn n'a\. ~ot be ahle t~ -brl~~ ~'he-i~ cial hour ...-as a most sllccesslul CIne. to\etr h a. c ~:tafe .._ "'"It, Saas,~ Wt.~ tar "" A h h' !i I I . ~\'~ry r nrt to p ease present an pros. J B . d \\' h ' . ... I 0 e .,,~ atrty I<m,..",. ys_ monR't e n;any. t ,ngs he the. rst .sa e he d a )'elr 19o ThIS cth. stomers, rO""'.le, once. c ":rc mosl appy ehildrrn pers"nally, Ihere 1\,11br a bus It is the hoPe of the organiutjon that Eo J~fferS<>fl? II' an evftt the latest told as, the most harr01ll'mg IS that one mt1"hand,se. "".ct Irom the facIOr}', ~ ~ cu, tn \'0'C SO many motncrs a!lend our ,._,.", "',t" a --mn"!'nt "r;'-e' M_' ~ the ro",ainin .. mp<'1in"'s 'tI<'illbe as StIC., h' .' L_ Y id' 'd- - '. . ., , bl'" ., " .. "." 'I ~"w ." I IngOt" ,II ..... lIty a S, aeeor In, to annate ha. spent t...enty's'lt years :II lIS guaranlepd by ~rr. Kap,an 10 oe .. \.1 assem ~. I" ifi "Ii ior the chridren and relurn I cess! ..l ioS t!ac fit,l. ,.__ "._ '.' .' .' _".. ". I ~ ,t:"1.._ . I" 1. 1 ------- ."., ...... 11"' .... "'IVI-"*"u"",, "'. 'A'fi ~ to Itary connnement.. '-.""lever crlm"1 In every m:,.~t, sl"~"s ::r: :c:~;:.~:~ I ST. r Aut'S AtT Aft. ! Fl r:hcm I,l\mt 'a: ~,,- ,'Vtt\. <I",'. ! .------- !is the ,\rnchd EI«" 0 .... " _' liin. t"", """:"W"'II"" Ar,.,.! rnm"JH'l'~ __ '" "2","""" C' ~c: ..4 l "'l'"C' 1 ~- .. r - - t""'Irr~ R. 'MMAGE ,eet R~.Ii:.aP'U'eA- -' I \[' - . M sL" __ ' CI b I l'Ol' CI .. --.~ --- .. I~ .. :-._ ----_ - ,..-- .. -v ~..'1 :>Vi.: ..... l'I' U I. ~." •• ~ . r<. R,,'rtl. \\'~ol1as hern tc,,"ch,ng o~ U eral Bath. Wiss Smith explai::ed it. worth It. He lold us that Ir",n, .... ho ...I"ch 10 choo.e. SALE FRIDAY I Ladies AUXIliary Dance in- "'t P~q ii,', ~r~r. ha, ',.-' con .... " f d T . .d -1. ill .. , ,. , >. '" Be 6t p ........ M--'-.J won""" $lI ,ust a ew wor s. o .. it: murdered Ihe Gld eon grr, 15 an n In addllron to Ihe canned {/\Ods sale i - -- I ,;'k-ahlc C'("rrir"c~ "-:Ih ll'ronp' of De --"I UlKfsy 1"-:.... .' tL h d d "-- d • l' dh d l' . . I '. I. *~ It 0.\11 nt ta e:cpost, ClUe 8nJ r~~ er Ct c aSSlCS a'! t at ,Ie O(s a at menl'OTl~d abo,'r, Henri. wrll-known I" T}" ~1f .. SlY"'" rof S' P~"l, 1 T". t ,"';.,' \ ..,.-,':,-- ,,' .\., FT~" _r,.'.'_.~ .. "1 '",. ,_" '1.S l,a" - f II L. . h' . I' _.n -"-- --- . -' ",. '''''''' .. o •• ," •• _n ,. n, U ,-.\"Tnca\~d .... ltl"."t:"rncld of ""INing (...-itll soap) in his spare I the rointe iror hi, qU'lli!\' meat •• is Church. (;r".'e Proi:::e "ill holo an. R'''"'-r \",-.("':,- --t ,._-,"-'-'" a' ''''c,'' tr"'n',,," ,'n C~,;ld G',,"a"c ! Thr ~rNhtr'. Gun (Ii GrM.~ Pointe ".'" Th ,:~ T' . - """ ~ '1"',""11 .. , .. l~ ........ I.... '. u "..... . . ca tntt. tn marT'etVU$ the (?) :Ime_ loffer,n g IIna<ual ,"lnr. ""t this li,ne. :nth~r Rt1mm'~e Sale "ith the Tue'<I;Yjl,;ance Fr:rlay. ",:n'", 27_ i" ",t ~ X_I Fnr 11lr1hrr informal;nn pi", .. tde.' fl1llh. School ",':1 hold tbel: an"?11 "olienl". bod. is' entirel sar:~nded S th - fG "hoott' :,ot to lag behind ),:r. Kaplan and CIIII>of St. Ro'e Ch"rch on \\'r<l"e,' H. duh rnnm. ,t I"",, R "'rcrl a"rl 'phnn~ Lrnt'" i~()7 I>cnrfll p~rty !llonoay r'-eIlln/r, };o. jl b . t > , ~. . II a .... I .~Topen~nr'" 0 G,.e~r.l1:e . A ,~Hrnri, the :\ .... rev Baked GOO(;' d,,-i,ion : ela\'. Thar ..d.,. and !-ridav, Xo\'cmbtr "i" \Ii:r Ro,rl T"; "~~crtrl; 'j"nr" 1";' II . ,. . wmb~r Ii at !hJO in the school cafrtrria. y ~OI5.. ,,:arm, alr,'~ eli1r<:lr~~ay muSIc,," 00., a"y It. ~n_ "'e 'J - - II . - . '. . . _' " . '- 'I 'I'll' T,,_. •__, 0" ,-a!'Orlz~., m'l\rra a.." pIne 0' r. ,,;>oil - -I F dl b II E It ('I ftln~ gTt'2t c;t('lrr announce" mv~t :at... "to 2nn a:no Jrd. \iI:'\' n::lV ,f;~,.~ .,.;" .............. , '-" :..... \rj~.; ja"' ..... ' .... Tr~. ~ t"'";;:;Il~r of r ll , -2.1'" .............. ~_•• \.ll.UII"IIU 'I I h" _I'" t { I g""~ It our 1 ('r ~ s. \'~ryone "". 0 . I '.' . I' .., . ' I' ....10/'1 Ut P\. -I 1..' 1 . .J h . em(,T.R'~n.ce ro", t lS u~lIrnl U expe. - (t" Ih I" tracl,,'e bakr~ lrooo< ,t re('onom,c~1 nonal'''"' rnt Ih .. ,~l_ a'~ llr,nl: r"I, "rI'''er t"".",.n \'r, ,',.-'c, T,:''('' 'f' r.crl K 11;"'0" ,-,' ,~; l'ni'-cr<ilv tr,p '''t'' t"mm,lItt an" rr assIst- . . 1 .. - - '- I n an \",")t1C", ~X"('''I'' ftt.,. \\'"a~ 11"l (":'t t1-. ., I ". .. ~.. '.' .. I'n _..... 1 Tll"'nrt. (\"~ '''' P I('tfl Tn try" CI\l'la,he - . I" .' , 1 h k t-ce l"rl(,""l :\11,~ ~". !' ......... ,!rf ;'l r~,.(l'r t l 1-,t i II.'"(fl"d ;&t ~L r~.ll .. Sc!H"ol ("In Octoher ~t C',r; ..l m~'t tim,. :0 r' '; h::l(,k('1~ Tor (,r"~<;.!,, f'l') ",.r ,\;:c ~''''rl~rri "'., nrt('lht"'r ...~, =. \\ j" ,C j\'( l',' C':;'lm,('nt~. I h " f 'I d E d c: . .. lrut,._ ... <ta ('01 S In ,11111- ,.C '.. h' 11' . ,- ,- 1 .. f \1' , f Ih ~{Il • C1 h .n"s 0 .' a i1" rm.n, n()t~ "w"d,s .. '- '- '.. I f ( d t T~ VT(,,\t c;,. , ....... ,.,. ... t '5 r':""I.; 4,,": ::~~ 1_/" :'l"r, 2~th. :\n\one lln.:llhTe to hnn/ir ft.,(" n"('f"\' ;::("'lrl '.r.i()r.,'; ....:lIt(". 111 1(""0 \{'rh'";j:'" \h'l.:\ ('"h;l'!'Hif"f fl' Pi . n"~m)("r-:;, n e. 0 H'!," U, . r":!""":<' 0~ J~"d: n'. p-tr'lm.... r,r<; an I . """ . . I .' . . I •• '. .. t' t .: 1....1 ,.... B\.'Idv .~(oiS~~Il"(,. ",.11..-, na, rtt~t I~tf'ty -- ~.~ .-. I t nr ... rec"r~. m thr Pomte for thc" dnnat'''n !o tne School \\111 re- \lr<_ (I'.'",r gA'''''' •.•. '\'a':"-,' Br" P'" ,n-o-,!\. ,t H'II"lal~ colr~e' ~nd I'lt,r no",,< ar~ "-Jl:t" to com'jb - .h L 11';r\~t H .... lr'\ .• "'\lit"l .. aU:Ii"e ,,'~nt 0 '. I ... . , .... , I, , fill. I, ." •.•• _ I It I t('nmf' a~~o('!at('rf "II tflt' Anr • .a 'Mae - f tf:tt~ m~""'''' :t'M"'r'o,.,~ ("""f' m"l" .:>ff","lll'\n It I P"'\r\' 'l""1 .~.". IR ' , . r- T1o. ~ •~ .• ' I "! (.,........ rr "-CO TC: ~ ' "'l~O'1 O"'C' I t (I II' ," rAft\' \\ rl1('"n !0t t,le !!Ie 0 a,tr the ~",e () rlrock Ch~ "':"re ml\<t 0 I -. . '- '. . " ~.' "... , -, ,.' ". , ".-- •.. - . n., 1.. •. " " , _~ ~alon. The fin.1 C'1,t,omr "I 'he treat-- . ... .~' I("n,. :or ~ PICK-Up 1(1 ."~~ar.t (~"!') ri7~1'r"'l~ ~\ ~,.. ;'1 " r "('''''';'.'1',::" ~"-(' ~ '"tlTI''' ~1J\llI"OI(U n.... \,U: '-'''"...... I . . . . \.:" YPoJnIC' ";;tTII("T to (1iiI"('~ 'tie t...('l'l1r-:',:"I . . ~, . ..~ ~nl. I' .', . I.., mrrH, a('cor(hn~ t<'l ~!1~" Sn1l1h, ,. E d F tit h. .. For J.I> Prrtttillr (If .Ite ""tteP It... or \ a".". , ..'- ,,'I"~ ,"0 ..... j I'"C' >0"' ~!r' ; rc~ 'r", r:- .."r" ,,' f;-", .• (',,'nl, ',.. ------- tl t I I 1 I d rell a razrr '\\a.!'i tre!. oWlng Orr ,..~--_. . c:. 1 . "" ~.. '. ., '.. . 'I HII ('!,H" ra\'f's, ('omr ~It \' rt a::'Ct an co.l -- r..... Prbotiaa Co" 151Z1 1 ' . ae ",II he 'c:<i .' bl? 1l,l:ger .-'I,e" \ 0""::, ':1'1 ~[., I.a \:.'c,,-, '-,cr., ;,,,., .', """! " \'-,"~ p'.. "'t",-'.' ••. F- J.< P-'-'"- f tL •• ~ K~"'j I h" d t. f ,..-..--.. PT' .. -' . . - , J •• - oa .. ~....... ... ........ n ..... re fe< 'c rra y at once eltnn Of 11'01'11 (- - .,e W'Ot ,,--.... ~ 11& cor. JeffeT50n Ave. Eo Prcs:den~ .Ithe \;n:\ cr;lty oi ~I ,eh,gan I r...n "-- .. POI.II'.... •~ 11.. I , - J- -- .... ..".,. ...... os tI&. or ,or ~.ay, , I I ~

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    Villace of Grosse PointeFarms Propos•• BulldlneRenumbering Ordinance


    Cl.... for GuclenClub. at the Annual

    ChrylaDthemum Show

    u. of M. Alumni Club IHeld First Meeting -

    Wednesday NichtI I

    Speake,. - Refreahmenb "Dickinaon" Partyand Dancing Feature To be Civen by Major

    Meeting But'DI Henry Po.t


    Graue Ezqgeraticma7B,. A. PRYOR

    :VOL. 14-No. 10

    The word "colotsal." over.used produccu. jj • we.k .djecti~e t.udelicribe Rad>u City's ~IU5k ll~:: wbue'lIVewellt to liee the lbOvie "'Interm".10 A we Story," whieh is excellent.The rcaliOD we couidn't ,et the colamnill laat week it !h!! ~~ were Iott in theIadie.' rOOlll at Radio City for tbreedays.

    oar cover&fe of the Fair. Drove backto New York by- way of the TriborouahBridge lJId doWII tb~ Hudson RiverParlcway wbich is a great improvement... New York's traffic madne.s. Sawthe "Quten Marry" tied up at the doekaad wearing a yery drab shade of greyfrom st_ to stern.

    Suppose we ought to mention the ProCeuor James K. PolI~lr. Ph. D. This is the Last publicity for Always outstanding are the anutic On paa'C 4 it pablisbed a PRlf>OtecIFaw beeause so [;ttle has been said and of the University of Michiaan, spoke Charlie Bishop's "Dickinson- party. arrangements ot members .. I varioua Il'.ulldi... Ic ..ouuba;"" ordinaace jarwritten about itl ~The most interesting on the topic, .Wbither Germany?" at From the amount of favorable eom. I'garden clubs It tbe local newer .how. j the VilLaa'e of Grosse Poiate Farm ..ulu'bit of ...lut a country produce. is the initial meeting of the newly 01'- ment heard at POtt _ting-s tbis is I 'flo" ...... 11'11Chrysanthemum Show of which ordinance is rec:ommet1ltM the Arpntine Building wbich is men. ~ .. ;,~:! ~~~~~ P~~!: t'::i;':r~:~j" c! 10 be an OUUlaDGmg event. 'rom !:lor. The Gros.~ Poiute and Easteru Micbi-l s~..era1ycars of .t1ld1ial' the beat poptioned 10 seldom. Tbe other buildings IMiehigan Alumni dub, at 8 p. m. Wed. man, (Tom's Quality M.....ket) member pn P.Jrtk,~tloral Society will be Sible mean. to correet an tIllwielcl;rwere disappointing to as after all we'd neSl!ay. Oct, 25. in the auditorium of Of thil Post bas donaUd a banel of staged SatDrt,' alld Sunday, N_- system of Dumber. Us _ ill the ViJlaa'eJacard aboat them. And thereby we end the Pierce ]Ullior Higlt School, Graue cider, ber 11th aDd .lIh, at The Neighbor- for maDy year ..

    Pointe, Charlie will be lOOking for yoc at hood Club, 17145 Water1oo, at $1. Clair. Some of the COftditiollt which exileA member of the 'Ilolitic:al sdence the Neighborbood Club. Saturday, Oc:t. (flosse Pointe. ill the ViI1aa'e at the J)rflaIt tilDe ate

    department of the University, Profes. 28th. Competinl in six classe. in artistic very serious. '!'he lllOI'e imponam ofsor Pollock was Election Official in Next party on scbedwe will be arraDgement will be _ben of The which are the difHClIIties ~1935 at the Saar Plebescite annd served Armistice Day Jamboree. T~x Hoyt Garden Dub of Vicbilan, ]Ulliol' ift the Poet OffICe ~ .. tileas Chairman of the Michigan Civil Chairman. see him for YOW'tickets alld League Garden Onb, The Li"le Gar- sortiq. of mail due ::0 tli" r-i -i.iMiService Reform Cdlllmusion. He is the assignment, $1-00 per perliOn cover. den Club, Grosse Pointe Br:JJ1ch of The mceta barillc hoaH nmben of IlWllbcrous books in tbe everything. lunch and refreshments. Wf)Dlet1'S NatiotuJ Farm and Garc!eD nintr with '1ltrm1ler (1) an: f~ atfields of political science aDd Eupopean dancing until you are weary of UJDe. Assodatioa, and _The Gardea Center Lake SItore Road, ~ ~ B....history including, "Hitler's Decrees;, He hop~~ to wod ~"""~ , mta ~o of Dc .... il. and .ia .c-e aIMS t'I1lIi ... &Ii ..19J4; "Source Book in European Gov- that m:,e hour-will 'be ;11tbe mecasary These cLasses are as follows: CharInGix A\'eflae. Th_ ill alto a IIoWe~enb." !937. aDd "German Civil time s]lllnt by any olle be1pwg Oll~ ia 1. Vass alTUlgements ia an,. COIl' nriatioa in --. at illterseetio.=Serv>ee Ad. 1938. this way the work will be

    The &.t tbmp _bad - oar what ...... A1cqMet' Grant Rutbva, wiIo, voted to- lialJow-e'm Cdebratiotu. A. B. Shern' ~ about William T. IlInmler he 'Or.LS ill d..ily COIltad .ith (flcsse PoiaIte-!ficb SdM;eI cci'nft ~ 1IeIidlri,~-'" ~to-do-at-nirht list were-- El Yot'ClCCO has jut completed ten years as presi-I J. Adults costume party wiD be held ar. deal of his time is spent writing adviCe A~~------SR.""'rd' ~ tWr._- C .... to.. !..1. •with aood music and .the same crowded, (Coatillaed 011 Pqe F.ive) ample refresbmCllts. denmg for the Amatem:' ,by c.. H. to the deserving ....ho seek hi. guidance. uur-.ea ~ _ _ b~ to ~ the ~:...,.. ~stuffy, smokey atmosphere that pre- 4. The children's party 'lloillbe given Conn~ors. and ,:. A, TledJens, gl\'l~s \Vithin thrre y~ars after Ihe publica- Parent-Teachers ord ... to IIIllb it__ c:otrRIliat .......nits in most nig-ht SlX'ts 110 matter who Rehmu AddreaaecI free to all the children of the ViRage pracllc~1 tnttructlOns ~or the ~mate~r tion of his first non'" "Magnificent _._ • sible f(lll' lJIc -reaidats ~ u.~.pat:ronizes them. Parents and Students and will be held on Tnesday, Oct. 31. who WIshes to uptrlment 'N1lh this Obsession: this clergyman had the fie. The Pere Gabriel Richard SdIooI AU 1IIctdwlts ...... ~

    Went to the Automobile Show at Prizes for comic and faDey costumes. new lIIethod. • tion minds of a c)'lIicol age at his feet IPar~t Teach"r Assoc:ation pt off to ~at ~ Vm..e .wiII be ~Gralld Central Palace alld feU in love; At ()pen House rclreshments for wbich tickets ",'il1 be For those .,hose hobby 15 home dec- and the motion picture producers at a f1ymg 19.1>-«1start Last Tneiday eve. mshed, - IIPl* ~- tins ...... . 1 given by the teachers. oration. "Modern Decorative Art." by his finger tips_ His olher IIOvel5. in. I ning. whm a. tqq1 of 2SO 1l&I'e:ntl rbanges frona' 011-. lItIIInMrs to HW'WIth the new Busek Convertible. The C -- ~r 5 R Ad . h I h I _L_........_ . .L__ we IIw was silvery.peach ia color By ONNIE AltffOLDY 5. On Monday. Oct. 30. games and ~; 't" . tm~ I.urms es lIew and c!t'o,ng "Green Ligbt~ and "White t .rc;ugbont the clasiarooms and nsited I~f III .. ~ ~:::. ..... __and was upbclsterd in white '--ther'l e..- Peiate H~~ ..---. t' . t _.:1' be h f III eres mg ID ormallon. Banners" have been sensational mov. I rih Ib~ tcachen, aDd then wat to 7 0 etnlrI III

    ~ S.-. mo IOn pt~ Utes ww t e eatures And for thol~~nadmission Ithat ~111 make good readmg durmg ture based on the story 01 the Greek . In the several classrooms. tbe teacb- been under caasideratiClll for .....thlll e. or IS a poor p c:e 0 s jug citizens of our commonwealth you - the wmte- mOllths I ~ff d fv1 t' d '- ianified their ......

    em. 'IIl'ant them to be •• declared Mr. Paul aDd refreshment tickets by request at '. scalptor. p)'gmalion. and l1is statue. ng. IDa e care prepara lOllS all iiaft I 11'the Mason School office. n...f c::........... l N_ ••_' I G.latea, ""!Iich came I" liie. The theme to .show the pareutl the type of 'IIl'Ol'k to coopentc.

    .A..!!!'-'!': !~~ t!:!::g: ':;'e enjoyed lilOit A. Rehm:::s. prb::ip::.!, to thc lZ!: jMn;>t. RUMMAGE SALE ...... er IOAo&&VU& a-........... Iof his talk" a symbolic ....ay 01 saying- ~ltIg done, ParCIIU 'IIl"el'elP'tetcd by _are the Museum 01 Modera Art which and students who gathered in the "'- -- "" -. h' I'f ". b the teacher or the room mother Papib' of

    Grosse Pointe High School auditoriUlll Lncouraged by the snccess of their Th 1B t iTd ~{M. nngmg t Ings to I e IS ased OP • P • t "'_-:.1-._~_everyOQe ought to see; the excellent rummage sale held Last spring in e c 11 ren Of .• rs. ana.ns. his new novel On ,,'hich he is working. work inS on display 00 their Jabeled 0lIl e ~f---' and s-,'ce at Passy Res'°Dr--t last '~'ednesday evening for the 7B '. room and the I'" children of M'SS' T' . ,d-."5o 011 tbe' L---d or Ill' A __..l_--SS I. ..J: nIaip........ -. ~ - Mason School, at whlcb donors. com- ,., I ' . It f ICkets are avada.ble at Grinnell's I ~- .. ~ ~ W'~ >C ....aDd Ann Ifiller of Seandal's ....ho is not open bouse. . I' a ter s rOOm sa' e t e program or M . S R 0\ 11'4 1 $11' d scr ..p books. ActnJhel fOUlg 011 were

    I bea!if I I. cia f Mr, Rehmus continued •• We 'WOu!d millee and buyen were mutnal grati-,' the October "ssembl in Ih G uS'c tore. .. ~,or . v an b! cd Tbefe her f _em y a n. ~tlt tap nces aster fied, the Ms.son P. T. A announce D I C:' I 'F '. Meiboarn. Lee, C!"ld I ':..~r ~CIIoo rl 'Y, - r ". 'r - -. ",--- -----_ ""'o4,n ,,:o]OcU, .. ~~I&lle aetmt>es, Pointe Higb School. .... been awante4Hildegarde. the Damsn blonde enter. first of a series of attcmpts to bring Welfare Department Ch irma th tl J ne prograHl_ opened ....Ith .. motrch natural sc,ence e-.u•••and otber~. a one'year sch~ by Yale UlIi-tainer at the Savoy Plaza pro-vided an. yon closer to the school." He ciled the I"e event ""i11 be re ....ated: ~ n 8t~ pl.ayed ~y the f.rst !n'ad_e rhYI~m band. NURSERY SCHOOL Lawrence Kille mnducted the main venit... in addition to the foar 1 f', 7B o~n house •• open ho S. three ..~ n • ov. , . Fa-e httle .,rls holdlOg b'g pap.r t f b ~ h'-L t ..._.. ' ,

    o er 0 our avonte pastimes. ..-, 0." U -, • from I to 4 o'clock in Mason School I ." . - NOW OPENED par ate mee_ 11' ..... was s a ••

    H I •. . I - I' os. erenllas tat, e"eCln'e Immediate. bl h I b Th '"'' -, • ""ti u.~a,ICC ."w car . IGt1Inv

    NEWS .........~ne ar~ sent. ~ to d a. some of hiS ~tnent and time y mterest to al III h. file .... rl..t I~'"t~ .. ot g?1n 'h,l- I ••~W t e enrs _:I. oul. en Dame of t!1~ llre.~chool rhiltl_ note of th~ florl ~ !!!~ =e a!wars ANN A.IIIAI: .... ~":.~ ..IIllereslmg expn-Iences and ....e Wffe' tniS community. Is the e:-n as Pini's will be I' . lId: prOlOT'ammr rmlSl~ mil' 0 ll'ames, • _'.,.IlUl'prl5C:dto 6nd 111m qUIte yonng. ~ sale of Monarch Canned Goods now b" . d h' '-'11 b ca,'cs 1\.::h snow. Th ..... as 10 owe handera't .ton.-tdllll~ 'nd rt'u'ic ha. Refrulunenl$ _r~ terved in tne ....... TS -h"- "=!'. --'_ L_.......Jri .Ad h" bou . . It I K 1 ' .. k • - I an er IS managrmrnt and '" e I - . Tit . , ". , • , • r [Tere. lODIu"--"" -..-r t...""" ng,.... ent USIUlIc a t h15 !nit e d at ap an i .'lar et. l,Ob.21 1,- . R 1 . '{ k .y a 11:1.11""" e f'0em. ,. 'I('~y N Ibern arran~cd a< .ell a- a rrsl neriorl lanchroom by a ~"'ftImittee composed S ," Or .,. ...

    k H f . I ~no"n as I"e o)'a Quahtv " ar et.' H II. . h 10 I> ... ", • '1 un, ~ .. oa,,. ftw to oar reo:or. : te en to the prIsoners. as ) Kercheval avenue. The tecon? annual I ~Ir, Jerem;as slatrs he ",-ilI h~ndle onh-I' ~ o"een mg. t ,,~, to y panto. and time ior outooor play. of Mrs. Ryan. Mrs. Rogers. ),In. rter, .. ho has retmaed uiti thri1ic4my boys and assured ns that dunng sale of these ....ell.known quahty foods, ,. .••• ... • - mme and oanc,"~ The pro/l'ram closed l"M .\'~ Mn,-."; .."r~ "I I\'. _/'ltl.~,. !"Iephf'n ...... and Urs. Moore. The _ ~ "ba k •• . q .

    MasS. tMe murderer' make the bett aI" bids fair to excced in genuine ,'alues! 'lU."'Y ffme

    .,. G"lU .VV1l' .,," n "d' "'do.< I ""th t;,e rhythm I>a"~ p!a~ in~ the,,, hn n'a\. ~ot be ahle t~ -brl~~ ~'he-i~ cial hour ...-as a most sllccesslul CIne. to\etrh

    a. c ~:tafe.._"'"It, Saas,~ Wt.~tar "" • A h h' !i I I . ~\'~ry r nrt to p ease present an pros. J B . d \\' h ' . ... I 0 e .,,~ atrty I

  • ';





    23c I








    Thunday. October 2d: 1939

    tl. 8. Latr1 c.-~ are 25.000.000 ciain' canll

    In tile United State ••

    OPEN DAILY 10 A. M.

    Will lie held in the Auditorium of the


    Detroit'. Smut eo.-.,oIitM Rtstarmust13901 E. JefferlOll at Lakeview,

    Ann Arbor'sTWELFTH SEMI-ANNUAl.:


    Novemr r 1•2 and 3

    Antique Show

    Eugene'. Dining Room,

    M )- , MARKETU ler SI~~A",LE.7786 Week-End Sped'" We DeliverROLLED ItIB

    ROAST OF BEEFFANCYPorterhouse Steak •• 1!'8 OR!:' • A" D........ .- "'''''n ..AU.$T~


    w. 5picWb. ill L.......... _ 0taaiaJ Car.tUu ... DraIwia

    ~~....-J LE. 8275

    P.... Perta1The ~ce Portal .t Blaine.

    W:::sh. !!larkin, the Intern.tlonalborde: biI'w~n ..'l:i Utiitcd State;and Can.da i.s the Oft!y ont ot itaIdnd in the ~orld. Built in 1914, itmarked 100 years of pe.ce belweOll'bt lwo cOWltdu •

    .... ., ~ OeeuThl Atlantic: ocean cover. over

    lme ft!th of the earth's :;u~fac:! antiiIlcll&4es U1r~U1s ~ the water~ce ttI. ~ Ilobe. JIa ~nlih, ift-cludiDJ the Anlllrctlc: OCtlln, I.13.000 mtln; 'vlr,,, width, 3,000lJI~l If.. t-.1 width, MOO miles;.re., !Deluding

  • ....








    Page Tb~



    2 ....1-35c




    LB •BAG





    10 ~SI!CNolt.PAREILL 49 'Almond Meats .. CWEJDEMA1'I FANCY PUIlE 15Catsup ....~ .. c

    LlBBrs FANCY



    SNIDER'S "ANey cur

    BEETS • _ •


    Ham stt ..


    Sliced Bacon .. 1ge

    I LIBBY'S F..... CYSugar Peas




    - S~c4 raD. 2Sc•

    C"t frOID T eader Jaic,. S t....r Beef

    SUGAR.. ISe




    ROUND or ST E •• 'SIRLOlff 1'1\




    lLeg of Lamb!



    IKJe&-w • e_pIeto IWr b.... hinr by a Ikillecl aJ*'atOl'

    Yvonne Beauty Salont:~ta ~~up ~air :rmt ~~ria _ , ~ up DleaCQ "' ....

    PIqree Z131

    Hayea, Cor. of W.i1abire

    W. Measure ud IutaU. Eati.1II&t.. aa-mau,. Gina.

    £ •


    A•• lif •• loll( ftliM. of \irMMPoi .... I pecthlly •• 1iOt ya_f ... 1 ....- .......tee I ~ft!we .... ~

    A. L. DammanHardware


    Snethkamp Auto Sales, Inc.7731 GRATIOT AVE.

    Thursday, October 26, 1939

    Dealers ia ~PlJmoatil Can. CaD him ... ~.. ~ at PLua 5ZSI~ NLaI'

    ~. '.io:"~~-..:;' ~'I....'i'-~:~""", .~.

    S- Som, Co••F.... Cok.on.;"l PocalIOIItuCreaDofiep St..... Nvt0Ic- $t N0ItJc:.,.... 5t NOItLaq. Van., Allthraeite


    Let Jalr!mec curl yom- hair iDto •coiffo.Jre 10 luciDatin&' that you'DIIlClIIOPOIize aD. "Hour" atteDtioDwith DeW fouad allure.

    Free Delive&'JFAMI~Y SPECIAL

    lli lb •• S

  • McMillan Road

    Chalfonte Avenue3. DESCRIPTION-A.trip of laad UCllll

    the e&lIt ,ide of OIaIfonte AVeDUe (88 feetwide) panI1el to aDd acljoilliq Lot 15 ofKerb,. Carden Subdivision No.1, beinlf • reo.uiMii~ oi Lob 11 aDd 1%of KerfJy', SabelchWoa of part of P. c. ..... Villaae of ero...PoUste FUIIII, Wa)'De Co=ty. Micbiaau, IDOI'.Ipartjadarly dacri&ed .. follows:

    Beginning at the point of intersection of thesoutherly line of Kerby Road (55 feet wide)with the easterly line of Chalionte Avenue (45feet wide) as dedicated in the plat of theKerby G:trd~n St:bdivi!;~cn ~lo. 1, thence south11 ~~s __44 minu~ell, 4~ _~econd. '!Vest 167.18feet along srrt'a"e'i' Tmeto a point; ~ •north 60 degrees 06 minutes 15 secondS west3.74 feet to the easteriy line of Chalfont~ Ave-nue (SO feet \\ ide); thence north 14 degrees 56minutes 45 seconds east 167.00 feet alQng saidlatter line to the southerly line oi Kerby Road;thence south 60 degrees (Xi minutes 15 secondseast 3.14 feet along said latt~r line to the pointof I:eginning.

    DESCRIPTION-.A strip of land he feet iawidth aloq the eute:-!,. aide of MeMillaaAveaue and utmdina IOUtherly from OakStreet beia. part of Lota 4S aDd 41 of "Ceo..EDcel'. Subcliviaioa of part of Private Oaim258 IOmetim .. called Private Oaim 5S8 l:vincaortberly ami westerly of Croue Poiate Blvd."Libel' 31, Pqe .. of Plata, more ~.i=:.brlydac:ribed .. fonowa:

    Beginning at a point in the southerly line ofthe Geo, En~el's Subdivision, said point of be-ginning being south 61 degrees 09 minutes 50seconds cast 42,46 feet from the point of inter-,~I'("tion of th.. _~ontherlv lint' of tll" Gen.Engel's Subdivision with the center line of!o.{C:\!il!an........cnue (50 teet wide); thence north25 dell'rees 48 minutes 50 seconds ,,'est 144.56feet to a point; thence north 28 degrees 48minutes 40 seconds east 6.13 feet to a point;thence south 25 degrees 48 minutes 50 secondseast 155.16 feet to the southerh' line of (;1'0.Engel's Subdi\ i~bn, thcnce no;th 61 de"'rees09 minutes 50 seconds west 8.114 feet along saidlatter line to the pnint of beginmng.

    Village of Grosse Pointe FarmsI-IARRY A. FURTON,

    Village Clerk.

    Cbalfonte A venue

    CbaIfonte Avenue

    Village of Grosse Pointe Farms

    Notice of Intention to VacateCertain Properties For UseAs Public Highways

    RESOLVED, that the Village Council of the Village of GronePointe Farms deem. it advisable to vacate and diac:onnnue as public.lreet or highway, pub of the follo~ streeta or highway. within saidVillage of Gro'le Pointe Farms:

    Beginnin~ at the point of intersection of thesoutherly hne of Belanger Avenue (60 feetwide) with the easterly Fne of Chalfonte Ave.nue (45 feet wide) as dedicated in the plat ofthe Kerby Garden Subdivision ]\In, 1: thencesouth 14 degrees 44 minutes 45 seconds west,166.76feet along said latter lin" to the south•erly linc of die Kerby Garden Subdivisi.:>n No.J; thence north 60 degTccs 10 miJwtes 40seconds west 5.17 feet along said latter line tolhe eastedy line of Chal£onte Avenue (SO feetwide); thence north 14 degrees 56 minutes 45seconds east 166.58 feet along saId latter line tothe southerly line of Beliinger Avenue extend-ed; thence south 60 degrees 06 minutes 15seconds east 4.56 feet along said latter line tothe point of beginning,

    I. D£S\..'RiPTiON-A .trip of laud aloqthe .. t aide of OWfoote Aveuue (88 feetwide) pu-aUe1 to and adjoiDinr Lot '3 ofKerby Gardea Subdivision No.1, being • re-... bclmaioa of Lob 11 and 12 of Kerby', SabeQiriaioa oi put of P. Co 4M, Villqe of GroaePointe FU'1D8,Wayne CoaDty, Mic:hipu, moreparticaIuIy desIc:ribed .. foDowa:

    Z. DESCRIPnON--A.trip of Iud uuqthe ... t aide of Chalfoate Avenue (80 feetwide) parallel to and adjoiDiD. Lot 9Z ofKerIJy Gardea SubcliviaiOll No.. 1. hemg • re-IGIsdiviaioa of Lots 11 aDd 12 of Kerby'. Suh-ciimiOli of part of P. C. 4M, ViJIa,e of CrouePointe FIU'IDI,Wayae County, Michil-. moreputicu1u'ly deKribed .. followa:

    Beginning at the point of intersection of theeasterly line of Chalfonte Avenue (45 feetwide) with the northerly line of Belanger Ave.nue (60 feet wide) as dedicated in the plat ofthe Kerbv Garden Subdivision Xo, 1; thencenorth 60 degrees 06 minutes 15 seconds west4.~ feet along said latter line to the castedyIin~ of Chalfonte AVl'!nlt~ (80 feet wide);thence nOrth 14 degrees 56 minutes 45 secondseast 167,00 ieet along said latter line to apoint; thence south fIJ degrees 06 minutes 15seconds east 3.74 feet to the easterlv line ofChalfonte Avenue (45 feet wiele) as- platted;thence: south 14 degrees 4-+ minutes 45 secondswest 167.18 feet alonl:' said lat~er line to tilepoint of beginning. -.

    Be it further resolved that Aid Village Council meet in the VillageHall of said Village of Grosse Pointe Farms on the 6th day of November,1939,at 8:00 o'clock in the evening and hear objections, if any theie be, tuIUch proposed vacation and Jiacontinuanc:e.

    Be it further resolved that notice of luch m~ting, with l!l Copvof thisresolution, be ,"ven bv publi.hin« the same in the Grolse Pointe Review,a newspaper circulating in said Village at leut ten (10) day. prior to thedate of Aid hearing.

    Notice i.hereby given that pursuant to the foregoing resolution theVillage Council of the Village of Grone Pointe Farn15 will meet in theVillage Hall of said Village on Kerby Road in said Village on Monday,November 6, 1939,lit 8:00 o'clock in the evening to hear objections ifany there be, to the vacation or discontinuance of parts of the .tr~eband tu.hwaYI as let forth in the foregoing telOlution.

    301 to 400

    151 to ~

    201 to 2SO

    2.51 to JOO IJv: ;0 "00 I

    NOY ....... 1 .... 2


    PHONE 1"..1. %-4=

    J4CI\ ,"(;I\~""aDd


    Lmte J'OU to call 011 them for fint-dusMEATS aad QUALITY GROCERIES


    Punch & Judy TheatreKercheYal at Fiaher Road NI 3898Sadw.,.s-Ia)'.MoacIaJ'-T1MI8da)o zs.zs.3I ucl31


    • ....,. JI P. ~ F "CHASING DANGER-C 'I .. fa .11 _ S.I ,...... ....,. '- 1145 P. M.

    Web. JlV.~ELSA MAXWELL's



    I'qe Four THE G R 0 SSE POI N T E :R E V I E W . 'l'bursday, October 26, 1~"'"Trombl- New. I A Vlett .. the N_ lAnr,. boob It • liDle. We D1ay reew our Propoaec:l ReNumbe.ina SIZE AND CO~OR OF NUMBERS CONTRARY ORDINANCES R_t .... t __ t _ tJu-P'.

    I The st~ond grade from Trombly book. for lwo more wee Ie •• If our • -- Sec:. Il-The sIZe 01 numbers .hall be ~EPEALED caro... Poiole. a..n.- U-,. I t bl 15books arc pr~l'ared to send out. POINTE FARMS ORDAINS. I reet num!:JerlllK u. t.e same. ..0 num- 'I d II d 0 oceu ied b him or her Nt ... 15%15 Mack A.......u of this interest in the care of Ibooks. W IIw the place wher the adult Sec. I-ThaI .U thorouahfares with. ber shall be altered or changed wilh- e ,conlro e r p ~ .tI,d~ ~ thrQWi'h • "f it...dy \\'~ l~i.i'n(:y how to i,t -.Ubrat;y tint hook

    e• r t. pI e in. the iimiu of the \!liiqe of GrOSIe lout -.,'riucn con sene oi the Viii_it En. 1pu:,~u:nt to th~ ey!tem hil!fl""d:"nv'

    T'I' I I , • • I •

    . P f book I a e "e . . . shall be n",tl not excee Ill' eneo Peta, and they arc plaonlllg' a et We ound that we may keep a We la the head librarian'. private POlDte Farms shall be renumbered ac. Ilneer. .•.• __ _ .. • . __ ~~~~~..------.... - f th f t (1< \\' 0.1.-. ~, , ,-~ w --. . \",IV.W) !JOllar. ana cOUrt c".... ,-" or eliCIt u ure. . or 11>.. " ...... .. e m~:' -0-'- -~ ..... l0ltlce. !corOlnl to tile 10llOW'lli lYI~e~: OLD ARD NEW NUMBERS THIS ORDINANCE SHALL Radio ~~k.'_~

    'I We sa." the place wbere the lIIa,a- THOROUGHFARES, Definition ~f See, 13-The present numbers aiay be DA~i IN EFFECT -. ~• St.r, ,hail hr .,had on Imrnl~. C'on~j,!i"q- nf hOT ('"r,o(lT~:~ "nrf I th"" frol"'l~ ... ~ h.~;tr!;~',::-.,{".r;;,~ ~hc fr.c,;-,~ c~

    I rMkit't. \\.trf' ~f'r~,~ 1,.. th(: paftntl; ~tht h:rrirlinjil prl"rni,rc:; ~'" ::a~ to be ,i!lbie 1a~d sludentJ ;n the CI.;ctena. j irom adjacent lilOrougi,iare.

    r --...,"I . -, C1ief~rl'EWART~~=50c Complete, De1ishi{ui Dinne,.. Sue~ rIlL. Routs _ u..1Ua1 Eatreea....... FoocI, Ca..I"'" PClI'tioaIa CItumiaa' n...u

    - '1Ie, .... Me ~. IDe.,... La-'-aDELICIOUS STEAKS, CHOPS aacI SPECIAL FEA1l1RES


    Complete and DiatinguUhed Bar ServiceA. B1e s s in g •.,:.::.~~.::.';'.h"


  • I,










    ..----.Pt ••


    Joy Smith, Prop.

    I S-1Io. A_'r-19c I Pork Loin Ih. l8c


    ~oted Swedish Body Masseuse

    ANKOUXCES14530 East Jefferson, N'ear Philip

    Jladge Erman


    Pure Lard 2 ...


    For our OPENING we are oJf...m. thM ".peciab. You will -;0,. theM BIG SAVINGSju.t .. lIludi .. the DELICIOUS FOODS WESELL _ ••••• MAKE YOUR LIST NOW IFANCY

    Tuna Flakes c&II IOY2CWHITE HOUSE

    Coffee ~ 2GcDEL MONTE

    Red S.lmonRINSO OR




    Tomato JuiceBELLeRESTPeaches

    Cake Flour



    I~~~~~:~,~~~~UIlEDn. 20c IBacon ~-n.. N. 1O~c I

    j RA TH or HORMELHams ..hole ....I .tri... h.1fi Choi~e S1MI' Beef';Pot Roast Ih.I \

    The Association with its Salon of

    Miss Erman specializes in Arnold's Electr!:! 'h.~.or'ized )'I:ncral Bath Treatments. To those tr)'l0~+1-. .......... -l ....._ .. 1-c fii5t tiJ-li( t1,C~C ilC;d.~1I1t:Jll) art: a revel";~t~~!,vE~'~irely surro~nded by.moist warm. air. p~recleansing. vitalizing and electllcally vaporized mm-eral and pine oils, one experiences ~ c?mpl~,te relaxa-tion of the entire system. The skll1 IS sonened andbeautified. After an expert Swedish body m - High School: Herbert Robart, ."cllngRobert O. Morgan. Clubs who'e members would be ap- "I f h 'I' I t Y

    PrIDclpa 0 t e .. alre e emen ar iRegcnt Lynch headed the nominat- proached elsewhere should be asked school, and E. G. West, Purch ••• Iing committee, whose report resulted to buy "Christmas Seal' bonds pre- the election of 'the followinr Gov- pared in .,:veral denominations for theernors: Dr. Sheaffer, Mrs. Isabelle Cal. benefit of groups who wish to con-lohln Murphy, '27, Angelene Malis. tribute to tuberculosis work or thezewski, '38. O. Z. Ide, 1'12-'14, Francis business men whose mailing lists might IS. ,A. Marcero, '38, Mrs. Mary Stellhorn not call for any large quantity of seals, tunnlogIHammer, '33m, Leslie Youn,. 'Z61, M in Brophy said. •Earl H. Kuhn, '21arch, Vince.nt 1- \Vhatever the sales procedure, MisS I ' .. N-- ,,_

    t.a._. H '31 B . D . 1- "'..' ~ .... tk .. ~~:~v.a :=p' • oiteQ .....~~lers~, ,~eQ, A. . , e~ntc~",' Bro:!phj' rem::::!e:! ... ~."'~fi..i.., "Ie II ~t Chair S-t .-.1 Back, wit.llI,JliI'Xlre•. ~S, Howard D. House. 26• ..,1, work financed by seals and bonds had lIea .. tU..1 P ..tit Poiut Fipn •• Bini.George E. Parker, '21. These Governor! the respect of the nation, but that few .... DOl"elected Mrs. MLfI'P~y to the Vice- Jrive. without solicitation. to any cal.l5e. II C1 SO 00Preside".;-; chose MIU M~lilZewsk, as I ------ .... 0_

    ISecretuy. and named Judge Ide to the Cam fi. 'Program. 0t1ler eq...u, Isea.tiful NeeGlepoiDtTreasureuhip. p re CJWr S.. to .. 0:1 a.cb, $I tD ~,

    I Con,mittees Appointed Are: Begin November 6 ~ .~1'~. eo.......... t to ,....,MEMBERSHIP The GroHe Pointe Review I -.Call U.,for Delivery },fro H. J"nes. Chairman bear Sir; ALGERI

    Mr. V. Peters:::: Beginning November 6, :l. trainina I Needlepoint ShopMr. T. Osius course for guardians, sponsors, 0, .n)'. 1'447 Eaat WUTeSI

    ------------- Mr. V. Wehmeier ODe interested in the Camp Fire pro- ()pea 1.:.L •• t. I',. Po ..Beer Delivery I ~~~.~.\~~n;~affer ::~~; ;~~r;~ f~e~~ds~~~te~a;:o~.!;~: ~~~ I' \. N1llI'an 1313

    l[u. H. Goebel trolt Council.

    After 2 P. M. I ~~~:~~~t;~ ~~~ffer The classes will meet e\'ery Monday I.afternoon from 1:00 to 3:00 in room t

    PROGRAM . i.2i "i tile jfJ"n I). i'i.rce junior Hign 1+---------~~.--IMr. W. H. Hogan, Ch.irml1.n ISchool and wi:l teach the technique of tIce Creal'1 ~;:i~::~, ::~::i:~O~:iC::;PFilr:~tlenhip and itl Ii

    Mr. W. Watkins IIMu. W.'Temple Anyone interested in the training .

    Call UI In Time to Serve sOCrAL course or desiring more information IMrs. John D. Lynch, Chairman may cIII },fin Moore, dean of girh at

    ------------- Miu Mary Rail the Pierce Junior High School, or the},frs. J. Murphy Camp Fire Office. Telephone CO. 1600. I

    br_ E. H~lIIater 1\Mr. C. LorelW) COLORED MOVIES

    Dr. HUSbS1~~~~i;:: T~::~~:::t:EE~~\1!r. G. ParkerDr. M. Stellhorn T. A. wu held Tuesday, October 17th.

    HONOR TIOPHY .Yrs. Ruth Flom, Dean of Girls at theJudae O. Z. Ide, Chainnan Grosse Pointe High School, ga\'e aMr. A. Ritchie travel talk illustrated by colored movies

    PUBLIOTY On Xo,.,.-a)". S ....eden and D~nmark. TheMr. H. Hobart, Chairman next meeting will be held NovemberMiss V. Krieaboff 14th.Min H. Douillas The offic~l'I of the }'faire P. T. A. i~Mr. \V. J. lI'erion for the school )'ear rQ39-40 l!re: yr.,

    FELLOWSHIP George :p'CcMahon, President; Mrs.Mr. O. Wismer. Chairman John Gillette, Vice-President: Miss

    I !II!_.... '!'=TJ!JPt!U!.... Mr. L. bahling Margaret Hoffman. Secretary. and.Cnn iIilii~ Judie Ide Yrl. Harold Raiss, Treasurer. t

    WI:££ 51.liI Mrs. Ide

    , Mr. Husband -at. _ ...e..-People Leave Sid 5 Mr. Rehmus P It cJuai'ed coI..- H Fees ' ~,{rs. Wm. Kronner ~

    WI appy a. Miss M. Kriegboff ( Autoaao&ile R~m~in&,. P~t- 1Dr_ i..tD .. i,llt. 01' • ..., t.Il. WNk.ead. You wiD I Miss. L Kupinski iDa, WeldiDl'. Repairs.... ;.:, - t....&.r at"'" ........,.....Ie.." or 6 ... or Dr: W. L'Heureux AT REASONABLE. pRICESc1ttiei_ c1iiek... Allol oar .ooIer.te price. will " ....11residents of Grosse Point,. Town- MOur Lo. OYer.'" i& the A..s........... 7- !Ii ship who have attended. it i. not Deets. NOTRE DAME BODY SHOP

    n. City-W_ F...... E III S!ry to be a graduate, the University 1ft Netre n... .t Mack NI •• 13ZS.d' C f 15241 •Warren 6£ ~fichigan, who are married to U. of .I I S a e at ilarluom -- (I THE ,1S. McQUEEN, PROP. NI ... ara .... rt I I (I INICKEL PLATE LUNCH III-~~~"!ii _ P'im2'!!l~i!lfdljill!!JlP!e'li!!IIl!Jll!Ie!I"/Ie'il"i"I!R!!k! CUltom Made B 1- H I~ """""'--- I Beeft..,......, 5c; E"ce .... t ot- SUITS ... I DOlI' $c, CeooI ColF_ $c; Soft J

    Dri.b $c; Lar .. I.. er-.13~ W I ~ ~ % .. I e-l~':'1 Mackat Ri.-rol,WEARSPRINGER TIES $1

    rr'HEY'RE THOROUGHBREDS"Check TheM Pomta:• Spri Baek b,ID Shupe• P Sill. ... eI W ....I• Sh.... Wriakle. Or.r- Nilht• P.u..... Wo'O'ell-NotPriat'"



  • Groue Pointe LutheranCIIarc:b

    1'bur~ay, October 26, 1939

    jFaith Lutheran

    E. Jeflerso;~::p Am., Ro~D. Linhart, PastOf', Wm. G. Wacke.Assistant.

    SUllday, 10;"5 A. M.-~er 29,1939.

    The Golden Text (Ezekial IS :31) in"Cast awa)' from )'OU all your trans-gressions. ",'hcreby }c have trans-

    I gl ."'0: 4nri mai

  • ____ _ _ • ~_ -:.. _ _ ...-...-~____ A_ ••


    Moscow•~ ......... lIIt lie heN e4.......... .--. ........ .,....4 ,.11CII"; if IritiMcut PM ro.t., this Is .., oB

    '"" .. ft,

    Movie ScrapbookBy Bill Porler Caricatures by Geol'j:te Scarbo

    +.KIMTAMIROfF"" •. ,." .. v.'I:....... ~ ... '.'

    .....IStill up II) the air-about thi!; endurance lIYina lItluabble are ClydeSehliepper, lefl, and Wes carrol. piloting their seaplane over LoI!I~i1ch, Calif, Leading by 48 hours when the Mun.::le, ind., paWlanded, the California dyers hope to makA! their record hold f.

    t-ot=: l:ir:'c! ~:! :.:: ~~t ~~~~eL



    Perll"tt for th~ 'ollh"lIratr " Ihi, ,11f~mhn,d up-and.d"\ln hairdo.The hair i, IIra"n raU rr ""frfl.> UI' at "l1r~,"'lh thr \,a..11 ..e-c:.lion' dl'appr~ r '"~ mlo Ih. h~( ~ roll, ,n,lt,lel of btln~ f,n I,h~d in lop.knol rurl" Thrrr', a lhlck roll bf'bmd orh f'~r. anel a '" Irl ~cr~&be bolek of tht head .• \ ~m.!lcr roll IS po~cd Ju,1 .lIo\C th~ lorcheacL

    .,. 'J

    • y;...... ~."''' ~. 0:.' l.


    Family service and care of the Bied. are8monll the services offered by the 80 alencin

    who depend upon the Community Fund.

    Likely Evidence Against Communists

    F::r"lm:lr; nf ('''r"C';;: ('If X

  • , I


    , ••• I I •.






    S44 It at.- ..1SZZt K ,,~JoI_, tMI

    ,. "1 I

    f~ 24'L-1b 85.1 to.Ioiq-l 7Z.It'. -..... sack c:ltJ'_


    JCF~ ... '. Part,. F onlaiutouia CI ....BEVERAGES

    ~ LAltCE .... ...

    ~B~£YCPhil Botti. ~ft

    Kro..... Pure Cel.tilll o.-rtj Fnnt FIa.....

    TWINKLE3 pkgs.10c


    SUGAR 1n fbs. ~"c- - --- ...-- - ~ .......

    •• r

    11M MI... el. V.I" •0aJ, 5e a Pound

    krocft". c-..try Ciwb 30,. Score. Frapalllt CCru--, RoD Ib, , .


    OranR"@~-- .TEXAS SEEDLESS

    GrapefruitRED TOKAY


    . t-1k.1b.19c

    .CCI" TillIS •• "ZI"G .11&1& .. '11ItrY It., ~rlll""' rTMl, T.ner; itn r e~""'rf'l'. OR' rruf1ll~,...~ 1ft ""[l,.".r Cbfllail"l"f '''11 " r .. p1~ it f:'R't.:& ~1'.,._hrT.......,,.., Ml1.r ,!"4' u .... ,!~. r"It':.h,'ft$:4 #",1.FRESH DRESSED STEWING

    I!fHENS • .. 19c I,llPORK LOIN

    :illROASTRiIt J to 4••• .. 19cbd ."-Ir. 11,1

    Harlow J. LingemanFLOWERS

    17111 KERCHEVAL AVE.TU.Z'"

    The ladies aid, of the Scandinavianev 'nee Church will bold ill monthlymeeting at the home of Mrs. H.Manther, 3757 Aller Rd., Thursday.Nov, 2 a.t 1 O'Ciock. Everybody wel-I 'cOllie.

    Warren -H-.-jt-m-.-n,-r:-"-,,,-~ JO,..;", .. rthe frtshman class at Alma Colle,e.youth. has been elecletl president ofHe is the son of Mr. and Mrs. WilliamG. Heitman, 606 Lincoln Road.

    ,------------.~ fGorgeous


    0.. weJ.XJ. ..... ..-II,. '-.eihI .....__ .. lato "'lill>tIod ,.......


    1&.1~-SO for Sl.00Price J-w.. I.priatioarN_ON. Ear-I,. f. Ben Seieetiooo

    s.. 0- U __ I !me ofHallowe'en DeeontioaaKAY PARCHERII'. ._ -"......a.craun. ~



    Page Eight

    Re";ew Linen IDlNNE1"lb:-L'~~ET. SZS.oo; also dresser IRELIA~LE GIRL. Ii'. wi.btl to care: r , •. ----- POID' te W-_.I- On Oct. 16 Troop 1~ held Its fourth..... UId .".UUJ'. 3518 BUl;OIlSfield, TU. for children evemnp. ExceUent ref. ~ ~ I .. I_____________ %-16lS.___________ "r"n~~ •. _ p".,n~ NL 8212. Preabyterian Ch"ureh ~eetlng, which w~s opened formallyF SUe W--a.-IT Da_ IGIRL FOR-SERYING ar----p;rtu&; __ III. a p~r!ect f~S!llon. Our troop bas• .......- 0 -7 generaL TU 2-2491 S' '-.' hIS ~~n dIVIded mto two IlfOUP., one

    ------------- T-W-0 O.R FO-U-R PAul'--- ." ." Cf"VICesare "",mil ed enry UII.. k' b Ie h hRACCOON SPORT COAT-5Ul Coat - ... -Y FLAT for !EXPERIENCED white, "b~u'n-dry~.-c~le-an-.da .. th 1 .or mg 011 as euy and t e ot erKania lr'immecl, $15. Sport Coat cash. Groue PoUlIA: ar Ea.l Side. int and plain sewil\&. AR. -'lJ4. . 1 l' lQ e !d:a~ODScboo on on photography. The meeting was ad.

    Wolf Trialmcd. siR. 14'; ,"eral dret.. Nt 7.$45. 2.11 HOt'SEKEEPER:'~{jddle- qed. wid- \' erlner Kod. journed with our c1osil1l circle.eI,," lZ.. TV.2-0944. 35 Me. Veraoa Help Waatecl-FeaaaI.. ow, good cook for employed couple. !I:J()-IO;J(l A. !!.-Worlhip ""iceGratae PolItte FU'IIU. IW-O'..i'AN f ~, L-.- . Bachelor or motherless home. Call for Adults "enior YOlln" People aDd)fEW SIMMONS DA YBW Periect - or ......... - uouHwOr1t after- MUrra, 0181. . • , • I, . . I DOODS. MUlt be.ood oIailS cook. TV. -_. . Intermediates ill the Auditorium. Tbe_eoeofit~_ Ca11 !tIL.18.s. Z-m3. after' o'dod. P. V. BEL~IUM ~dy wa~t.s bUlIdle ~!:tr Rev. n. W R...,dett .. nl'M ....;n ",•• vhDABE GRAND PIA.."I()-.(i004 coa- .. - - ..• - - - - ........." ~'''VWO. .. ..... class lronmg - _. ,. -_•.

    6tioII" price ~.oo. Photle NL r....,..'9. WOW~N OR GIRL for bandry and ~ references. Cau Nt 9816. 9 ;30.10:30 A. !!.-Wouhip ServiceAPoLLO PLAYER PIANO boaa~t _,! de~lllnr~. Tuesda.,.. aDd ~)l1lnda.)' W.-- ",-.IR- and Church School ror Nursery. Kin.

    a..... e&bi~t, ImIcb, '100 I ")lis' I bl~ a!l~o:.scas ...~: ~urS~I- aDu:q---, 00Dl___ derprten, Printar,. and Junior ,raup'.I'Ood -.Iition, $35,(10; Pine POIlIl table! ~lj. y c: ~1.1 SIN"GE r(>Om for profe5siona! "'=3n'l 10:00 10:30 A, M.-Church School forClOIDplete. cimIIar stove. deale. clWr. 21 Gu.', ( 1 bOll ••• "'-==-1 ~m'ate home. Ilear Pullch and J~ lllurmediates, Selliors and YO'..!!!g.,.. uriAr room IlIile. tiP',t cat coat .'. - .or ,ellen KIftr.'"" uv,,,e Dlstnct or near Kercheval bUI. Wr't.e IPeople'"0. __ .1_ '-I .. _L .. t- ..._.........,. ..__..!~ ,.~hts. ~o Saturdan or Sundays. T";. 'A ....... 1 r ......r#~ 'Pn1.nto. 1l......i.UJ' '''1'1 .~:-t:-~,; ..~.....a~a .:~~ "i. '~Odd12-9~ Mr. Coc. 7fR Loraine___ K~;ch-;~al" •. _~ • - ..... --_. -... - .. _- . nil .cor-ordillate~ . program .makespiKa of fanitv~ NL 8ZS9. 11461 au _....I.- Wi' It .posslble for faullbes to arrIve as8aeoIuid4. "~ aated--Fetnal. ROOIDafor ReIII WlIts and leave III the same manner.SiT-:ENGL'-:~""S.""_H"""D=tS==H""E='S-""''''B-n-u-!i-'fu11A-I ~MERICAN LaUBdrC» wants ST. CLAIR, 829-Groue Pointe: duce ....d JIWl

    I~rl Choir bois bei

    7ng orpCized

    rMtiqft \V3.llI11ttable, small Anticl.ue ....ark: in OWn home' 10 yr~. experi. btdr""m.. Stella M. Lachat, SOl all a Clr sand )'s, -14 years 0cIltst. ~nenport, fe'!! piecu ,Jus.are etICC: each .eparateli wuhM. neath' Notre Dame, Groue Pointe, NI. 17JI. "8'e are invited. Practice wiU be held&ad ..-eeUaneoua ,tems. TeL ¥U. irOfted. bUllOllS replaced; first cla~~ LARGEFR'VN"T r.;ix 10 :00-1:00 A. Y. Saturda)'. IREV~SIBLE BIae~ and White Flit' work:;_deli~l...!!rvict. TU._2:2719. bu>. N"1.4204. _ _

    .EYeIUIlC ~. B:&dc; Fox Neck MOTHER'S allention _ Experienced ATTRACTIVE rooms for rent. WiesPiece. iDaporled Sp_i.h .ha.1. Fire-, woman wili come to your Ilome and preierred. loang" ,ptianai. Near jJnte, lIIlda.I radiator covers. cUe for children by hollr. day or week. pita! a'ld schooh. Nt. 142.3. ILE80JC M. MU. 6717. Ft:RXISmm r""m, kitchenette. batb.

    private entrance. NI. 06Z7. GIRL'1 'It'l "'."'1 ----~ '1GARMENTS SERVICED BY US I __Flat -for_Rent__

    S-ROOY LOWER-Heat, refrigera-LAST LONGER ~ tion, stove. and garage. NI. 2613. 15i'\l Scouts...... __ SPECla... CU"&D_ Ie Anita, Gros~e Pointe Woods .. __

    a.~ "-", ..... --... IMARYLAND, 1405-6roam brick, Iow-, 99 er, oil, frigidaire, fireplace, shower.......... ~ r It..L.liest ,... C and garage. fast trlolUportation. $50.00c-..nre.... cJ-ed"" ......... TU. 2.2039. _~--:-:=-=--,::--- r ___11"_ .-:.. ~'C''C' Cull. _"'" rn""C:l:'rl:" ro .nnt.-TT~_ ~ .......

    I--_.--.--..a_ c.n,. 12..... I ~R";f;~~~~i~~-~~~;lient-'~~dition; I The members of Troop 85 miss Oora

    UPPER MACK CLEANER & TAILOR stealll. adults. TUxedo 2.25+1. RA. Jean Weakeley very much. They aUI'IC MACK. AT N£FII' 0139. have sent her a leller or card.

    . .... TV. ZoIIJI W. AIeo To. ~ House for Rent Fo~ their ~ature Itudy. they are- - - ":'d :biilt pbl1lung to paint fall sc:enes and make

    ...------------ .....- ......------------'IKE~BY RD .• 1_~ "'" -rooms! 'winter bvuquets.liVing room, dll1lnll' room and kitchen. .. ,

    _ ...... $ t tOQp c•• ssO"$ t ...... t p .... ..,. t t - - • It Nl. 4'74. Grosse Pte. Fanns. The troop IS plallnlDg a HaJ.lpwe en4- !LX 4~' ....... oJJUST OPENED' THRRF..BEOROOMS, fireplace, 3.rat part, at the Mason SchooL 'lihis will~ • • garage. WaybtlrD near Kercheval. be only far scouts.

    The Toot and "ell 'Em $5O.00.:......~ph~M~rra~ 1844. rEach meetinll Of the troop is oPened• I I - For Reat ....ith a lIew game. The bU5iness meet."031 Mack A'V'e.,at 7..MDe Road IES-A tic boIlo- inll follows and usually lasts until .ixIro~p~~~;h OI"cb:= Iat~ rec:. o'clock Y. G.FIRE PLACE TO EAT ordL Gr~se Pointe ~1ISic. HI S36l_

    S..~c. 5';"1 fa --'I --t aDd FOUDd Troop 131 held tbe third meetiug IAl-St..Ir H.n .... ., Red Hob, ....... s-cJwicIIea, -----:--=- for tbis ytar OIl October 17. At the • • -- _.~a::.=;:'-:c"Es.e,Dri":'~~..I-..toYlait B~~1~~~(t!J~~e:~to~~~:;::~~eyhOidasgue;tMfS.H.H.l MILD WEATHER' t ~=:~ART W.-ndow I...&0._...... • ...... ..- sie" Lost or strayed. 140tGraytan. "_' l . I STO.... .

    0'" nf.IiI' ~,q~Cq-=A-'~'at ...." 'c ,.,,, Re:....ard for ~~:::~tI.6848. SOu;:ere~ ~~eth~~~"::~i~~a~~: t =t';:'i::=:::~n.;~ II ~H. __ •• ~ _.- .... _-'::.L __-.~ 1~~e~Tb~troop~~'eiectedaj'I:'WII«indeOila-aCO'-- t A~"l~.__ Cleanin2 CO.

    , T H E M.....--A-'--Y--F--A--'-R--''IIIi~}:ii1:~:;j~i~~:~~Ith~~:;E~;:::1I;::::II Ke:::;;'S;UX III ONLY , ....~=~~N I. 7060 I I- - -----. I e trip to l.&mp JlIlt' ....muoa wJ.;d1 ~u CLEAN'IJI'G "\: KALSOMI~ \.8aIa HaH:w;;~~lLECe.i.bration r..:;,':;'~~th~'~;:r ~~ ~E~~=~k~.~:E:~:~IfIe =E~Y=~c.s-NL.1771"1 ==IN \. ~~~Bnl\. 781NotreDame J'I . . mille. Exper~dtea ~._n .. ~. Yide up to WI. GROSSE POINTE '\ ~XED""'\ GnleeP __ Cit7TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31st MARGARET GRA!IT, teac.her of A Hal10weeD party is tG he -.'~-lled • " ••• I I. . piano, formerly WIth Detrllit Con- • I""'" _. '. FA"'" .... AU'ItS JI'OR EYEIlYME _tort of. Musk; ~ ud at- at the Bat mec:tiq. Ie It 0 C E" .STO It ES ••••••••••••••

    ....1 . .. .a:~:-::::=-sjm f~~=:'b. f«J7~ or~ We Seew Del~h. N. )('8 _boc_"_.' "'-"R' -' ~E~AAIQ)I cv.....F....-

    L...AlI 0" u.U."'-._.-R...~..'

    '" • • I • '" • rl YUSJC-Le& .eon-toll: of )1..-' STIlOfrS ALASICAestablisbed 'm 1912. V~ PiaDo. itlifIiifjp......0.- and N:-L&- A __ H .&._~ VIOlin. Harmony and Theory. 1 pee' a I ,Cha;.:cr. l-. S. I)lllghlers of 1812, will I • ••make a pil,:::rimage to hi,toric ~laumee Spat 9\'alky in Ohi". Wednesday. :'\o\'em. S Cher J. arr1\'in.'( at twelVe o'clock noon

    11M .t pot.luck lunche011 in heated LI~ - WEICHTIcahin. at Fort ~rei!1" during ",hich EATERS

    1~H"\" "".ill hC'~1" f:'fl lIi,t(\l"'y f'( f!H" 1"rgl('1~ 29cn"lainco '". Dr ~r. QlIaife and Mr. i\\-,iiiam 'a :dc-, ~fr. ac"h J. Lamh ;s :in en""r Ai transportalicn. ~ft,. Gor- I 5 U PRE M Ed"n \\'. "m~\hm)". l'r".il"ram ch.iTll1an.1.. ,ll ;n:r"'hce tl'e ,['caker