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Online  ADR  Case  &  Program  Management  

ACR  2014    

Dr.  Clare  Fowler  


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Cloud-­‐based  case  management  for  ADR  programs  and  prac<ces  

 80+  Systems  Deployed  /  2,000+  Panelists  Using  


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RIS/Mediate’s  ODR  “Ver<cal”  is  the  

“Tradi<onal”  ADR  Industry    

ODR  tools  &  technology  for  media<on  &  arbitra<on    programs  &  professionals  

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Is  the  goal  for  ODR    in  the  “tradi<onal”  ADR  context  

100%  “Pure”  ODR?      

Or,  perhaps,  more  realis<cally,  a  best  opportunity  to  incrementally  u<lize  valuable  online  capaci<es?  

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Notably,  even  if  an  ADR  program  or  professional  offers  exclusively  FTF  

services,  those  services  are  ever  more  likely  to  be  managed  “in  the  cloud.”  

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In  this  context,  our  goal:    

To  most  effec<vely  manage  caseloads  online  and  create  an  effec<ve  

virtual  space  “with  a  single  click.”    

“A  Virtual  Space  for  Every  Case”  (whether  that  space  is  u<lized  or  not)  

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Ø  Unlimited  number  of  users  online  (ADR  professionals,  par<cipants,  a\orneys,  interns)  

Ø  For  Media>on,  use  of  ODR  will  be  strategic,  not  necessarily  complete  

Ø  For  Media>on,  new  opportuni<es  with  shared  knowledge  base  of  solu<ons  that  have  worked  for  similar  situated  others.  

Ø  For  Arbitra>on,  a  complete  process:  all  contribu<ons  need  to  be  within  the  ODR  space  

Ø  For  Arbitra>on,  new  opportuni<es  to  “bundle  case  data”  for  addi<onal  review.  

ADR  as  ODR:  Assump<ons  &  Observa<ons  

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Caseload  Manager  is  our  Cloud-­‐Based  “Back  Office”  

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Ø   Reliable  –  up-­‐<me,  back-­‐ups  &  updates  Ø   Scalable  -­‐  no  limits  on  fields,  cases,  people  …  Ø   Customizable  –  edit,  add,  delete  all  fields  Ø   Confiden>al  –  the  right  people  see  the  right  informa<on  &  nothing  but  the  right  informa<on  

Ø   Secure  –  AWS,  ID/PW,  h\ps  encryp<on    

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Caseload  Manager’s  Integrated  Interface  

Manage  cases,  contacts,  calendar,  email,    ac>vi>es  &  reports  from  an  Integrated  Interface  

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Five  Centers        Ø     Case  Record  

Ø   Ac<vi<es  Ø   Calendar  Ø   Email  Center  Ø   Reports  

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Ø  Case  Record  Data  Ø  People  (Contacts  &  Staff)  Ø Notes  Ø  Downloaded  Files  Ø  Calendar  Entries  Ø  Ac<vi<es  

Case  Record  Sec>ons  

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Case  Record  View  related  calendar,  ac<vi<es,  documents,  email,  staff  and  par<es  all  on  single  screen  

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Custom  Fields  Create  custom  fields  for  cases,  people,  calendar  &  ac<vi<es.  Automated  repor<ng  on  custom  fields.  

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Ac>vity  Center  Track  <me  and  export  ac<vity  reports  


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Calendar  Center  Day,  month,  full-­‐screen  &  mouse-­‐over  views.  Schedule  mee<ngs,  resources  &  assign  staff.  

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Email  Center  Create,  edit  &  send  email  templates    

Sent  and  received  emails  saved  in  email  log  

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Report  Center:  Real-­‐Time  Repor>ng  

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“A  Virtual  Space  for  Every  Case”  

Mee>ngSpace  is  our  Cloud-­‐Based  “Front  Office”  

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Mee>ngSpace  Welcome  Page  

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Create  Clickable  Working  Agreement  or  Award    

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Ongoing  Development  

Ø   Market  Driven  Ø   Automated  Updates    Ø   Model  Spaces  Ø   Model  Solu<ons  Ø   Mul<-­‐Language    

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Cloud-­‐based  case  management  for  ADR  programs  and  prac<ces  


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