
Welcome back to A2A2 G324: Advanced Portfolio in Media


From OCR…

The purpose of this unit is firstly to assess candidates’ ability to plan and construct

media products using appropriate technical and creative skills (AO3)

Secondly to assess candidates’ application of knowledge and understanding in

evaluating their own work, showing how meanings and responses are created (AO2)

Finally to assess candidates’ ability to undertake, apply and present appropriate

research (AO4).

The unit requires candidates to engage with contemporary media technologies, giving

them the opportunity to develop their own skills in these technologies.

It also enables them to develop the skills of presentation that are required for further

study at higher levels and in the workplace.

From OCR…

The media portfolio will be produced through a

combination of two media:

Video (music)

Print (digital)


Built up out of a media portfolio containing:

a main and ancillary texts

a presentation of their research, planning and

evaluation in digital format(s).

From OCR…

Each candidate will evaluate and reflect upon the creative process and their experience of it.

Candidates will evaluate their work digitally, this evaluation being guided by the set of key questions below.

This evaluation may be done collectively for a group production or individually. Each candidate will evaluate and reflect upon the creative process and their experience of it.

Examples of suitable formats for the evaluation are:

• A blog • DVD extras • A podcast • A PowerPoint • A Website

• Or a combination of two or more of the above

From OCR…

Though there is no formal individual essay

component for this unit, in the G325

examination, candidates will be asked to

write about the work undertaken from this

unit and from the AS coursework unit.

The brief chosen…A promotion package for the release of an

album, to include a music promo video,

together with two of the following three


• a website homepage for the band;

• a digipak for the album’s release;

• a magazine advertisement for the



All material for all tasks to be produced by the candidates with the exception of acknowledged non original sound or image material used in a limited way in video/radio work. Further guidance will be available in the support materials. For music video, permission should be sought from the artist for use of the audio track

Grades 100 marks

Research and Planning 20 marks

Construction 60 marks

Evaluation 20 marks

Setting up/personalising our blogs We recommend

Your name + Candidate No + G324 Advanced Portfolio in Media

Add the following sub headings:

Research and Planning Main Task, Research

and Planning Ancillary Tasks, Main Task,

Ancillary Task 1, Ancillary Task 2 and


Ensure that you add everything you do in your

coursework to your blog as evidence of a

timeline and progression of events in your

creative journey.

This will also aid you when you revise for

Section A of the summer exam – Theoretical

Evaluation of Coursework

Research PortfolioAll work must be submitted via your

own blog…

Individual Presentations – Preparation for

Advanced Portfolio G324

5 music videos… 350 words each!

Codes and conventions of the Music Video



Representation and gender identity including voyeurism

Performance – the role of the camera and editing

Intertextuality including parody and pastiche

The role of institution and audience

Applied media theory (Goodwin, Mulvey, Barthes and Richard Dyer in particular).

Add screenshots, URL links and images of your music videos to include in your


Remember you are also looking to evidence your understanding of the codes and

conventions of the music video as a media product. Upload all to your blog!

Task 1

Your music video analyses

Add screenshots, URL links and images of your music videos to include in your


Remember you are also looking to evidence your understanding of the codes and

conventions of the music video as a media product. Upload all to your blog!


“Dancing in the Distraction Factory”

This slide will you with your video analysis

How to analyse a music video... Using


1. Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics (e.g. stage performance in metal video,

dance routine for boy/girl band)

2. There is a relationship between lyrics and visuals (either illustrative, amplifying,


3. There is a relationship between music and visuals (either illustrative, amplifying,


4. The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close ups of the artist

and the artist may develop motifs which recur across their work (a visual style).

5. There is frequently reference to notion of looking (screens within screens, telescopes,

etc.) and particularly voyeuristic treatment of the female body.

6. There is often intertextual reference (to films, TV programmes, other music videos etc.)

This slide will you with your video analysis

1 Music videos demonstrate genre


For example there might be a stage performance in metal video or a dance routine

for boy/girl band

In your analysis discuss and show several screen shots from your chosen video and

explain how they demonstrates genre characteristics

This slide will you with your video analysis

2+3) There is a relationship between lyrics and

visuals AND music and visuals (either

illustrative, amplifying, contradicting)

There are three ways visuals are used to promote a song:


Music videos use certain images & shots to illustrate/explain the meaning of lyrics to their song and the genre.


Is this situation, the meaning of the song is completely ignored in the music video.


This is done repeatability- This is when the images and camera shots are manipulated and shown repeatedly through out the music video and is drummed into our vision.

In your analysis show and explain how your chosen music video does one, two or all of the above.

This slide will you with your video analysis

4) The demands of the record label will

include the need for lots of close ups of the

artist and the artist may develop motifs

which recur across their work (a visual style).

In your analysis show screen shots from your chosen video to discuss in

what context these close ups are used.

This slide will you with your video analysis

5) There is frequently reference to notion of looking

(screens within screens, telescopes, etc.) and particularly

voyeuristic treatment of the female body.

This slide will you with your video analysis

6) There is often intertextual reference (to films,

TV programmes, other music videos etc)

This slide will you with your video analysis

Twinkle, twinkle…

Richard Dyer – Star Theory

Research R Dyer’s theory and write a post about it, focus on the three different sections:

1. Audiences and Institutions

2. Constitutions

3. Hegemony

Star Image (in a separate post)

Choose an artist “Star” you are familiar with and put Dyer’s theory to the test!

Dress sense/ star’s style

Product image / appearance


How do they connect with/present themselves to their audience?

This slide will you with your video analysis

Laura Mulvey The male gazeResearch Laura Mulvey’s theory on the male gaze including her thoughts on

Scopophlia and write a post about it.

In the same or a separate post try to find a music video that clearly shows evidence

of Mulvey’s theory and analyse it. Include plenty if screen shots to support analysis.

This slide will you with your video analysis

Music Video Director

Find a music video director, who’s work you enjoy and give us an outline of their

achievements, including any early work and if they tend to use a particular visual

style. Include plenty if screen shots to show examples.

Some examples can be found here…

Task 2

Research the Target AudienceResearch the target audience of your chosen genre and find out what audience demographic the most successful music videos were aimed at.

Primary Research – draft a questionnaire in order to determine who your target audience are and how to target them and present to a sample at least 10. Remember to ask qualitative and quantitative questions e.g..

How old are you?

What gender?

What typical features do you expect to see in an indie music video?

What appeals to you mostly in a music video?

How often do you watch music videos and on what platform?

Do you prefer a music video to have a narrative?

Would you prefer to see more than one location?

Do you prefer a) Stadium videos b) Studio videos c) Location videos d) A combination of two/three of them?

Once you have collated your data, summarise the results

into Excel and produce pie charts and graphs to support

your results and findings and produce an audience profile.

Task 3

Institutional Research

Create a brief timeline of the Music Video.

Identify and discuss the difference between independent and larger record

labels. What has the impact of technology had? Downloads? Spotify? You Tube?

How is the music industry regulated? Copyright? Censorship?

What relevance has synergy and convergence on the music video industry –

how has the market changed in terms of production, distribution and

consumption in the last 5 years?

Task 4

Genre Case-Study

Define your chosen genre – what does it sound like? What do the videos look

like? (i.e. what are the codes and conventions of this genre?)

Provide a brief history of your genre.

What kind of audience is the genre aimed at and how do they access it?

Provide examples of influential music artists and videos within this genre.

Task 5

Record Label Research

Who are the dominant record labels within your genre?

Choose three to analyse:

What kinds of artists do they sign?

What’s their ethos?

What is their brand image? Name/logo/colour scheme etc. How does this

reflect their ethos?

How do they operate? How successful are they within the industry?

Task 6

Website Research

Choose three artists within your genre and look at their website.

Provide screenshots of their website and analyse the following:



Grid System


Background and Font colour




Legal information

How does the website represent the artist? How is the brand image communicated? What is the target audience and how do you know?

Task 7

Digipak Research Task 8 Using the same three artists from your website research, choose an album and look at the digipak.

Provide images of the digipak and analyse the following:


Legal Information

Track Listings

Band Name

Album Name


Colour Scheme

CD Design


Artist information

How does the digipak represent the artist and album content? How is the brand image communicated? What is the target audience and how do you know?

Planning Portfolio

Lipsink/Green Screen Task Task 1

Write up a diary entry to explain the lighting/green screen

workshop – what you learnt and how you could

incorporate this into your final piece.

Include photos of lesson and samples of anything you


Treatment Task 2

See the separate help sheet for

support on how to do this.

Location Research

Task 3

Do recce’s to your chosen locations and take photographs.

Evaluate whether there are any safety or access issues in

these places? Do you need permission (I.e. shooting

Trafalgar Square requires you to write to the council


This is group work and should be posted on the group blog – you do not

need to do one each.

Task 4

Costume & Prop Research

Produce a post that shows the planning of your costumes

and props (Glogster would be good for this).

It would be good practise to include a moodboard to

show your of inspiration.

Take pictures of your photographs and props, then

explain your choices.

This is group work and should be posted on the group blog – you do not

need to do one each.

StoryboardTask 5

Copies can be found

outside the media office

or posted on the blog.

Higher Thinking: After

sketching a rough

storyboard, produce a

second one but this time

with photos to your


This is group work and should be posted on the group blog – you do not

need to do one each.

Task 6Production Schedule

All templates

can be found

on the Year 13


This is group work and should be posted on the group blog – you do not

need to do one each.

Task 7Risk Assessments & Contingency


All templates can be found

on the Year 13 blog.

Higher Thinking: What are your

contingency plans? What could go

wrong? What will you do if

something does go wrong? What is

your back up plan?

This is group work and should be posted on the group blog – you do not

need to do one each.

Production Portfolio


Explain the job roles for each person in your group and outline their key


Document the production process on your blog in a diary-format – talk about

what's working well, what problems you had, changes you need to make etc.

Action shots/photographs from shooting

Screenshots of editing

Record and explain the development of your record label.

Record and explain the development of your Website.

Record and explain the development of your Digipak.

Include audience feedback regularly and record the adjustments you are

making as a result.

You must produce a music video as a group.

You must produce a website and a Digipak independently.

Logo/Record Label Development

You must produce a logo for your

artist. Show the development of

these ideas, from rough sketches to

digital developments using


Visualisation Diagrams

You must include visualisation

diagrams for the digipak and website.

A separate lesson will show you how

to do this.

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