Page 1: Genetically Modified Organism


A genetically modified organism (GMO) or genetically engineered organism (GEO)is an organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineeringtechniques. These techniques, generally known a"s recombinant DNA technology, useDNA molecules from different sources, which are combined into one molecule to create anew set of genes. This DNA is then transferred into an organism, giving it modified ornovel genes. Transgenic organisms, a subset of GMOs, are organisms which haveinserted DNA that originated in a different species.

The GloFish was the first genetically modified animal tobecome available as a pet. It is a natural Zebrafish whichhas had genetic information from bioluminescent jellyfishadded to its DNA. It was originally produced to provide awarning system for pollution but with the addition offurther colors its viability for the pet market becameclear. It was introduced to the US market in December

2003 by Yorktown Technologies of Austin, Texas.

Golden RiceGolden rice is a variety of Oryza sativa rice producedthrough genetic engineering to biosynthesize beta-carotene, a precursor of pro-vitamin A in the edible partsof rice. The scientific details of the rice were firstpublished in Science in 2000.tt1 Golden rice wasdeveloped as a fortified food to be used in areas wherethere is a shortage of dietary vitamin A. In 2005 a newvariety called Golden Rice 2 was armounced which

beta-carotene than the original variety of golden rice.

Since 1998, genetically modified papayas have beencultivated in Hawaii, USA. They are resistant to adomestic viral disease. In the EU, genetically modffiedpapayas are not approved.

Transgenic Maize

Transgenic maize (corn) has been deliberately genetically modified(GM) to have agronomically desirable traits. Traits that have beenengineered into corn include resistance to herbicides and resistance toinsect pests, the latter being achieved by incorporation of a gene thatcodes for the Bacillus thuringiensts (80 toxin. Hybrids with bothherbicide and pest resistance have also been produced. In 2009,transgenic mnze was grown commercially in 11 countries, includingthe United States (where 85% of the muze crop was geneticallymodified), Brazil (36% GM), Argentina (83% GM), South Africa

produces up to 23 times more

(57% GM), Canada (84% GM), the Philippines (19% GM) and Spain Q0% cM).

Page 2: Genetically Modified Organism

Pest Resistant Eggplant

The new genetically engineered eggplant produces anatural pesticide that was derived from the bacteriaBacillus thuringiensis (Bt). This natural pesticide makesthe eggplant more able to resist attracks from thedestructive fruit and shoot borer. This pest is known todestroy about 40 percent ofeggplant harvests annually inSouth and Southeast Asia.

Genitically Modified Tomatoes

The engineered tomatoes contained anthocyaninsthroughout the entire fruit at levels comparable toblueberries and blackberries (2.83 mg of anthocyanins pergram of tomato). As a side effect, the tomatoes becamepurple upon ripening. The newly-inserted genes werepassed on to future generations of tomatoes, lasting throughfive generations as of the time the paper was prepared.

Do these engineered tomatoes work when they'reincorporated into the actual diet of living animals? They

seem to help mice that lack a gene (p53) tlrat is damaged in about half of the cancers inhumans. Mice lacking p53 develop a variety of cancers at an early age and have anaverage life span of 142 days, and they live a maximum of 211 days. A diet consisting ofmodified purple tomatoes extended the life span of these mice to an average 182.2 days;some mice lived up to 260 days. Regular tomatoes had no affect on the average life span.

Gold Seahorse (Vietnam Technology)

Fluorescent Kitties (Korea)

We have seen beautiful handicrafts of gold. But can youimagine a real living creature with sparkling gold on the body?Bizane as it might sound but this is exactly what scientists atVietnam's National University's College of Science have done.They have produced genetically modified seahorses withgolden sfipes on the body.

The scientists combined light emitting genes ofjellyfish withgains of gold and inliected the combination into the seahorseegg cells. The outcome was seahorses with sparkling gold onthe body.

Researchers in South Korea have cloned a cat andmodified its genes so that it will glow red underultraviolet light, the Korea Times reports. TheGyeongsang National University researchers, led by Prof.Kong Il-keun, modified the genes of Turkish Angora catsso that a red protein would glow in their skin whenexposed to ultraviolet light, the paper rqrorts.

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The scientists modified the skin cells of the mother cat by using a virus to make theprotein fluoresce, according to the Times. Four of the glowing kittens were bom inJanuary and February of this year, but only three survived. Researchers found that cellsthroughout the dead kiuy fluoresced red, the paper said.

Fern Spider

Genetically Modifred Fish (GIow in the Dark Fish)

Scientists in Singapore originally created the fish to detectpollution, adding a color gene from a sea anemoneto zebrafish eggs. If there are pollutants in the water then the fish lightup, in up to five different colors.

The American company Yorktown Technologies quicklyrecognized the business potential of glowing fish and securedexclusive marketing rights in the US. "GloFish fluorescentfish are safe forthe environment and make wonderful pets fornew hobbyists and experienced enthusiasts alike,u thecompany's Web site claims.

The spider is a cross between a common Italian Wolf spider(Lycosa tarantula) and the ponga fern (Cyathea dealbata).The purpose of this bizane crossbreed was to study thesurvival rates of spiders with built in camouflage versusthose without in a series of studies on Natural Selection atMassey University inNew Zeatand.

The grapple is a relatively new fruit which is a geneticcross between an apple and a $ape. The fruit combines thesize of the apple with the texture of an grape and the flavorof both parent fruits. The grapple was originally designedto provide a much higher vitamin-c dose per fruit for ttrirdworld aid. The majority of the firnding for the fruit camefrom UNICEF.

The graisin [giant raisin] is a variety of raisin whichhas been modified to grow to enormous proportions.The graisin was produced by the National Institute ofGenetics in Japan due to the Japanese love of largefruit and the recent popularity of western foods suchas raisins. The texture and taste is identical to that ofits genetically normal parent and it is served raw orthinly sliced in a stir fry.



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Rubber Cork TreeCork trees have long been used for producing cork-stoppersfor wine though some wine producers have also begun usingplastic corks. Wine enthusiasts have not taken to the rubbercorks and so, in order to appease the traditionalists and thecost-cutting wine makers, SABIC innovative plastics havedeveloped a tree which is a cross between a rubber tree and acork tree. The corks taken from the bark of this new treelook like real cork and have the same porous qualities, buthas the permanence and flavorlessness of rubber. Ghislain de

Mongolfier, current manager and great grandson of thefounder of champagne producer Bollinger, said: "This newcork is the greatest thing to happen to wine since theinvention of bubbles".

This creature is the only one on the list which was notdesigned for a practical reason, but merely to prove that itcould be done. Genetic Engineers in Zimbabwe (formerlyRhodesia) managed to unlock a dormant "flying" strandin the DNA of the Umbuku lizard, a very small and rarelizardnative to Africa. It is believed that the lizard is adescendent of the Pterodactyl, which lost its ability to flysome millions of years ago. To date only 6 of these flyingUmbuku have been produced and they are kept seperatefrom the natural Umbuku due the risk of cross breeding.

The paper tree has been developed to reduce production costsand loss of tree life in the paper manufacturing industry. Therecent explosion in popularity of recycled paper productslead a Swiss based company to develop a tree which growssquare leaves that, when dried" are already usable as writingpaper. In the image above we see a company employeeholding a dried leaf beside the trunk of one of the manyPaper Trees now grown by the company.

The Tiny Piney is a miniature pine tree which is a mere2cmtall when fully grown. It was originally developed toprovide a fast growing source for pine-tree smell to beused in the fragrance industry but in very little time itsusefulness in other areas became obvious. This tiny pinetree is now hugely popular as an edible plant in PapuaNew Guinea where it is dipped in a batter made fromcoconut milk and shellac beetle shells and deep fried. The

Tiny Piney (official trademark) has a very subtle pine flavor which is enhanced by thecoconut milk, The Tiny Piney is usually eaten as a dessert.

Umbuku Ltzard

Paper Tree


Page 5: Genetically Modified Organism

DolionThis is probably the most remarkable example ofhow far science is able to go with modern DNA andcross fertilizationtechniques; the dolion is a uossbetween a lion and a dog. In order to produce thisincredible rare animal (only 3 dolions exist inlaboratories - the photo above is of Rex, the firstever produced), individual strands of DNA fromeach creature must be combined and re-inserted into a host egg. This is similar to the liger (lion/tigercrossbreed) with the exception that the liger is ableto be produced without prior manipulation of the

DNA of either breed of animal.

The liger is a hybrid cross between a male lion(Panthera leo) and a tigress (Panthera tigris). Thus, ithas parents with the snme genus but of differentspecies. It is distinct from the similar hybrid tiglon. It isthe largest of all known cats and extant felines.

Ligers enjoy swimming which is a characteristic oftigers and are very sociable like lions but are morelikely to live past birth than tiglons. However ligers

may inherit health or behavioural issues due to conflicting inherited traits, but thisdepends on the genetic traits of the parents. Ligers exist only in captivity because thehabitat of the parental species do not overlap in the wild. Notably, ligers typically growlarger than either parent species.


A tiglon (pronounced /ntargler/) or tigon is a hybridcross between a male ttger (Panthera tigris) and alioness (Panthera /eo). Thus, it has parents with thesame genus but of different species. The tiglon is notcurrently as common as the converse hybrid, the liger;however, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries,tiglons were more cofirmon than ligers.


With the growing wealth of Chin4 many rich Chinesewomen are seeking alternative and exotic pets to showoff their money. This has lead to a number of Chinesemedical and scientific research companies to competefor this new income source by producing cross breedanimals. The most successfii (financially) so far hasbeen the Lemur Cat. It is (as the name suggests) a crossbetween a lemur and a cat. It retains the soft fur of thecat and the coloring, but has the striped tail and yellow

eyes commonly found on a lemur. It is more ferocious than the average cat but it isgenerally no more dangerous than a Chihuahua dog. The scientific rurme for this newbreed is Prolos Fira.

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