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Changing Lives Begins with Hope

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Give the gift of hope, and make a lasting difference.Poverty is an overwhelming burden that affects generation after generation. Though it has many faces, there is one defining factor: Its victims are in desperate need of hope. After providing relief and encouragement to these people for over 20 years, World Help has learned how to bring the gift of hope in the most effective ways possible.

All the items in our Gifts of Hope catalog bring lasting help and hope to the disadvantaged by meeting needs in four different areas: aid, education, sustainability, and community development.

These are gifts I know will help bring wholeness and health—I have seen it with my own eyes! Each gift is hand-picked for its ability to nurture, develop, and sustain. When you give one of these gifts, you give health and future well-being to its recipient.

Through Gifts of Hope, we have the opportunity to share gifts that will make a true and lasting difference.

Gifts of Hope has yielded an incredible impact . . . more than 20,000 lives forever changed! And I know with the help of impassioned givers, we can touch even more.

Will you join me in bringing hope to those who have never experienced it before?

Thank you and God bless you,

Vernon Brewer President and Founder of World Help

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You will receive:1. Tax-deductible receipt for your donation1

2. Gifts of Hope cards (upon request) allowing you to share with loved ones how their gifts are changing lives

We promise to use your gift as effectively as we can. Each gift represents a need, and all donations will be used to address that need in the most strategic way possible.

1All gifts are tax deductible by law with the exception of products listed in the Merchandise section and the fair market value of items received when donating to the Medical Emergency Fund.


when you give toward our Medical Emergency Fund.(For details, see page 8)

Provide help and hope to impoverished childrenand families around the world in two easy steps:


Mail• Complete the attached order form• Include payment by check, money order (made payable to “World Help”), or credit card number• Send to World Help

Call• Toll free: 800-541-6691• Place your order with our representatives

Online• Visit:• Order and pay through our online system

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AID... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

EDUCATION.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

SUSTAINABILIT Y... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

COMMUNIT Y.&.SPIRITUAL.DEVELOPMENT.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

MERCHANDISE... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

IMPACT... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

WORLD.HELP... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

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AidWar, famine, disease, natural disasters . . .

their aftermath leaves a destructive trail of turmoil

and pain.

Without intervention, the innocent victims of these

tragedies are often unable to return to stability. That

is why World Help works to meet the fundamental

needs crucial for physical, emotional, and spiritual

health. Together, we can provide a sick child with

life-saving antibiotics, an impoverished village with

nutritious meals, a family with warm bedding, and

much more! When we provide relief, we are giving

the gift of hope.

Aid gifts provide children, families, and communities

with the resources they need for health and stability.

“ T R U L Y I T E L L Y O U , W H A T E V E R



M I N E , Y O U D I D F O R M E . ”

— M A T T H E W 2 5 : 4 0

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BEDDING For many poor and needy children around the world, comfortable bedding is a luxury they have never known. The majority of these children sleep on a dirt floor with only a straw mat to lay on . . . without even the comfort of a pillow. Provide a child with warm and comfortable bedding for a restful night’s sleep.

“Immunization campaigns are among the most successful and cost-effective public health interventions . . . [and] have saved in the vicinity of 20 million lives in the last two decades.”


$200 |

IMMUNIZATIONS Thanks to modern-day medicine, most Americans will never have to experience preventable illnesses like typhoid, yellow fever, and measles. However, there is a severe lack of childhood immunizations in developing countries, leading to lifelong sickness or death. Through immunizations, an at-risk child will receive life-saving medicine and have a chance at a better future.

$50 |


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“ I remember those cold winters before we had bedding. My sisters and I would huddle together in one bed and share all that we had just to keep warm. Those winters were very terrible, but God heard our prayers and now we have blankets to keep ourselves warm.”


$35 |Provide bedding

(pillow, sheet, blanket). #4598

Provide one bunk bed. #4597

Provide one child with preventative treatment.


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$1,200 ———————

OPERATION BABY RESCUE In rural Guatemala, up to 80 percent of all children under five suffer from chronic malnutrition. Our partner there has seen the vast medical need for children living with malnutrition in this poverty-stricken country. In an effort to alleviate their pain, he established Operation Baby Rescue, a team of traveling medical professionals who intervenes in the lives of thousands of dying children each year.


Our partners in Guatemala, Zimbabwe, Mexico, Uganda, and

Honduras are distributing food to thousands of children each day. Without proper nutrition during their developing years,

they cannot hope to experience true health. For the majority of

these young lives, these food supplements are the only meal they

receive each day. Provide for the healthy development of a child.

When our partners found 5-year-old Selina, she weighed a mere 16 pounds. She was in excruciating pain and too weak to even stand on her own. After coming to the rescue center, Selina fought a 14-day battle for her life, surviving only because of the thorough care of our medical professionals. When she left, this beautiful little girl weighed 25 pounds and could walk on her own.

Save a child’s life. #4574


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$288 | Feed one child for a year.#4596

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Donate without receiving a free gift.


Donate and receive a free gift.


MEDICAL EMERGENCY FUND Your gifts to our Medical Emergency Fund (MEF) enable us to respond quickly to critical needs around the world. Time and time again, these funds allow our partners to provide life-saving procedures in the most dire situations, without which, help would be impossible.


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Every donation goes toward providing emergency care.

Sanju is just one life that has been touched by the Medical Emergency Fund. After a tragic accident that injured his spinal cord, he needed immediate care, but his family could not afford to pay for even his most basic medical needs. Through our MEF, all of his expenses were paid, and Sanju is receiving the long-term care he needs to fully heal. Will you provide others, like Sanju, with hope for a healthy future?

MAKE A DONATION TO THE MEDICAL EMERGENCY FUND AND RECEIVE A FREE GIFT!Each item is specially ordered from various countries around the world, so supplies may be limited. Give today to ensure that your free gift is received!

For federal income tax purposes, the deductible contributions of all MEF donations are equal to the total contribution toward MEF, less the fair market value of the gifts received. Fair market values for the above listed items are: Necklace $15, Bracelet $25, Purse $40, Hammock $60.

$100+ Woven Mayan Hammock

$25+ Hand-rolled African Paper Necklace

$40+ Beaded “Hope” Bracelet

$60+ Handcrafted Philippine Purse


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CHRISTMAS FOR AN ORPHAN Did you know that the majority of children in underdeveloped countries have never received a gift in their entire lives? Imagine their delight as they open boxes packed full of gifts. This is the joy you can bring to a child when you help send a Christmas for an Orphan box. Join in the spirit of giving year-round and provide joy to those who need it the most.

LIFE-SAVING SUPPLIESEvery day, needy people experience relief from pain, illness . . . even death, through the provision of simple medications. World Help frequently ships life-saving materials and equipment around the world, transforming the lives of thousands. Provide the hope of relief to those who are hurting.


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“I have never received a gift before, so I do not know what I did to deserve one. All I can say is ‘thank you!’ I love it!”


$75$5 Provide shipping

for one box.

Provide shipping for 15 boxes.



Ship over $1,100 of life-saving supplies.

Ship over $11,000 of life-saving supplies.


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BLANKETS From the slopes of Nepal to the hill villages of Guatemala, children throughout the world face long, cold nights without the warmth of a blanket. Not only are their nights uncomfortable, but dangerous. Protect them from the cold and sickness by giving a blanket.

COATS Winter means one thing for a child in poor living conditions—harsh and unforgiving cold. Many of these children have only worn and tattered clothes to begin with, essentially exposed to the winter air. A simple coat can provide a child with the enduring gift of warmth all through the winter.

SHOES FOR CHILDREN So many children living in poverty grow up never owning a single pair of shoes. They are forced to walk barefoot through unsanitary conditions that can leave them fighting infection after infection. A pair of shoes protects a child from injuries and lowers the risk of contracting hookworm and parasites that can enter through bare feet. A new pair of shoes will provide comfort, while protecting them from disease and injury.


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“Thank you for the shoes and for your care for us. I prayed for these and my dream came true. I will pray for you. Thank you very much.”


$25 | Provide acomfortable blanket.


$35 |

$25 |

Provide one warm coat.


Provide one pair of shoes. #4575

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EducationThe lack of education is one of the main reasons

poverty continues.

Without basic schooling, children cannot gain the skills

they need to receive a higher education or occupational

training. This means that those without an education

will have more difficulty providing financially for their

families in the future. And a poor income means

inadequate nutrition and medical attention for these


Simply put, the lack of education leads to hunger,

sickness, and more poverty.

Together, we can help these disadvantaged people

around the world receive the education they need to

build promising futures. Basic education and vocational

training provide hope-filled lives for generations to


“ H E R A I S E S T H E P O O R F R O M T H E


T H E A S H H E A P ; H E S E A T S T H E M W I T H


T H R O N E O F H O N O R . ”

— 1 S A M U E L 2 : 8

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SCHOOL UNIFORMS In most developing countries, school is free, but every child must purchase a uniform in order to attend. This one expense keeps hundreds of thousands of children out of school every year and leads to lifelong struggles because of illiteracy. Give a child the opportunity for an education by providing a school uniform.

$22 |

$40 |


So many students in underdeveloped countries lack even the most basic supplies, which significantly limits their learning. These children often attend school without ever using pens, pencils,

paper, or other essentials. Transform a child's education by giving a backpack of school supplies that will last all year long.

Provide supplies for a child for one year.


Provide one child with a school uniform.



12 / G I F T S O F H O P E

At the Agra school, poverty-stricken children not only have the opportunity to receive an education, but they have essential resources to help them learn. School books, pens, pencils, and notebooks are a tremendous blessing for these children who never even dreamed they could attend school.

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SPORTS EQUIPMENT Sports bring children together. And for many struggling through poverty, it provides relief from the daily hardships of life. Sports build community, friendship, and teamwork. Yet children in many communities must play a simple game of soccer, baseball, or basketball with whatever they can find because they have no bats, balls, hoops, or nets. Provide these children with proper equipment and allow them to experience joy and unity.


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$100 |

ROOMS TO LEARNAt our children’s homes, we are building schools that will provide a Christian education. We believe every single child should have the opportunity to study God's Word and receive the skills they need to succeed in life. By providing a school, you offer children the chance to develop spiritually and academically.

$5,280 ———————

Provide for a classroom.


“Sports equipment is necessary. Sports are a way of not only entertaining children, but also teaching them discipline and teamwork.”

—Michael Doering, Partner, Latin America

Provide sports equipment for a


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HAIR-STYLING TOOLS AND PRODUCTSWomen at the vocational center have the opportunity to receive an education in professional hair care. They can use their skills to open a salon right in their own homes. All they need are the right tools to provide them with the chance for a better life. Give these basic tools and in so doing, improve lives.

$150 ——————

Provide hair- styling tools

for one student.#4595


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“I could not afford to buy food, soap, or clothing for myself nor my children before I joined the vocational school. Although my husband Dominic was working as a teacher, he was not paid regularly. We did not have much. But now, I can provide for my family because of my training at the vocational school. I can pay for my children's tuition and send them to school.

I am grateful to the ministry of the vocational school. It has given me the dignity and the financial freedom to take care of myself and my family.”

_Jeanette Laker, Uganda

TOOLS OF THE TRADEVocational training gives countless individuals in Northern Uganda the opportunities to acquire jobs that will allow them to provide financially for their families. An income means food, medical care, and education for their children.

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SEWING MACHINES A sewing machine is ideal for home businesses. Men and women who graduate in tailoring, gain employment making school uniforms, clothing, and bedding. It is a skill that produces income and impacts futures. A sewing machine provides a tool for a lasting livelihood.

WELDING EQUIPMENT Welding skills are always in demand in Africa, but there are very few who are educated in the trade. When a person has both the skills and welding equipment he needs, he will always have work and a way to provide for himself and his family. Provide welding equipment and help support entire families in Africa.


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$175 ——————

$225——————Provide welding

equipment for one student.


Provide a sewing machine for one student.


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SustainabilityIn so many poverty-stricken countries, day-to-day life is

a matter of survival. Any hope of maintaining stability is

inconceivable as resources are unavailable.

For many of these people, any food or wages earned

are used immediately to meet the basic needs of their

families. But in order to attain ongoing and sustainable

income, they must first have a profit to invest . . .

something they do not have.

We can provide them with the education and resources

necessary to develop lifestyles of sustainability. Providing

easy and affordable ways for families to develop and

thrive are simple ways we can permanently affect their


“ H E U P H O L D S T H E C A U S E O F T H E


T H E H U N G R Y. T H E L O R D S E T S

P R I S O N E R S F R E E . ”

— P S A L M 1 4 6 : 7

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FRUIT TREESFor many families facing financial hardship, a fruit tree is their prized possession. The fruit is a source of vitamin-packed food, and it yields a healthy income when sold. One fruit tree has the potential to turn into an entire grove, yet these families cannot afford to purchase even one. Give the gift of a fruit tree, and provide a family with a growing blessing.

$12 |


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GREENHOUSES Greenhouses can yield more than $1,000 worth of produce each year! For a family struggling in poverty, this sum means physical and economic health, opportunities to educate their children, and the chance for a hope-filled future. Give a greenhouse, and provide a family with nutrition and a reliable income, which will completely transform their lives.

$1,000 | “A small greenhouse to a poor family can mean the difference between life and death. It provides a family with a source of food, as well as income. It can also mean that we teach a family to provide for themselves with a small business.”

—Carlos Vargas, National Partner, Guatemala

Provide a fruit-bearing tree.


Provide one harvest-bearing greenhouse.


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CHICKENSGive chickens to a needy family and you provide them with nutritious eggs too. In fact, each chicken can produce up to 300 eggs in a single year! They are low maintenance and multiply fast, which means an easy and steady supply of food and income. Plus, the nitrogen-rich fertilizer they produce is perfect for growing bigger and better vegetables and fruits. Give a family the gift of chickens and boost their overall health.

GOATS Goats are a staple throughout the world . . . for those who can afford them. They are hardy, rugged animals that thrive in even the most extreme climates. As a dependable source of milk, goats provide greatly for families all around the world. Give a goat and supply a family with nutrition and income.


$100 |

18 / G I F T S O F H O P E

$22 ———————Provide a pair of


GIFTS THAT KEEP GIVINGLivestock can make the difference between poverty and abundance. Animals provide nourishment, resources, and can be sold for additional income. Their numerous benefits make them a financial lifeline for any impoverished family.

Provide one goat.#4555

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DAIRY COWSOne dairy cow means a family in a developing country can make, use, and sell their own milk, cheese, and butter. One cow alone yields an incredible profit for a family. This gift will provide abundant physical and financial health.

PIGSGive a gift that multiplies! When you give a pig, you are also giving a family the potential for three to four litters a year, with up to 10 piglets in each litter. That is 30 to 40 pigs a year to use for food, sell for income, and provide a family with a self-sustaining future.

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$200 ————————

Provide one pig.#4557

Although elderly and widowed, Mama Dora cares for multiple grandchildren. Each day was full of new anxieties and fear for her

family. Despite her best efforts, she could not provide for all of them. Last year, through Gifts of Hope, Mama Dora received three pigs that

immediately produced another litter. Today, she breeds and sells the pigs, which allows her to provide for each of her grandchildren!

$1,000 | Provide one dairy cow. #4558Provide one goat.


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BRICKS FOR BUILDING When an African village has a brick maker, they’re building toward success. And the bricks are inexpensive to make. These machines use 90 percent soil and only 10 percent cement. The result is a sturdy brick that won’t break down in the heat and rain. The homes that are built will last and can be handed down to the next generation. Give the gift of a brick maker that will continue to provide for generations to come.

GUATEMALAN TILAPIA FARM Tilapia farming is an incredible self-sustaining business. Each pond produces a nutritional source of food to combat hunger. Fish farming also provides employment for hundreds of people, encouraging economic sustainability with a viable and marketable product. Many villages benefit from its abundant yield and can devote finances to developing their school systems and investing more in their children. Each pond alone has the ability to impact hundreds of children! Give toward a tilapia farm and help the overall well-being of children, families, and entire villages.

$2,000 |

$8,250 |

$50 |

Provide one community with a brick maker.


Provide one tilapia farm.


“And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.”

— He b r e ws 1 3 : 1 6

Provide one share of the cost of a tilapia farm.


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HARVEST- PRODUCING SEEDSSo many around the world are forced to struggle helplessly through hunger and malnutrition, unable to buy even a day's worth of food. But growing seeds can prevent hunger. They not only produce food, but provide livelihoods as well, allowing a family to eat and then sell the excess at the market. When you give seeds, you sow hope that reaps an abundant harvest.

TRANSPORTATION FOR IMPOVERISHED FAMILIESMost impoverished families have no means of transportation. They must walk for miles, carrying only what they can hold in their arms. A bicycle provides less time traveling and allows them to carry more goods to sell at the market and more food and fresh water to carry home. The gift of a bike will establish a whole new way of life for these families.

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$15 |

$100 |

Provide seeds for one family.


Provide a bicycle for one family.


“To a person in India, a bicycle is like a car. It is a vital transportation tool. Without a bicycle . . . traveling is very limited.”

—Benny Mathews, National Partner, India

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Community & Spiritual DevelopmentA healthy community needs access to medical

attention, education, and physical and spiritual care.

When these areas are met, then a community can

begin to thrive.

Yet villages in underdeveloped countries often lack

simple amenities crucial for overall health, such as

clean water, shelter, medical facilities, schools, and

churches. Through Gifts of Hope, we can touch an

entire community by making basic, yet impactful

improvements that will affect generations to come.

By investing in community development, we

directly help to establish attitudes of growth and

a general mindset of unity. When you strengthen

a community, you improve futures. Join us in

building a stronger tomorrow for disadvantaged

communities around the world.

“ S H A R E W I T H G O D ' S

P E O P L E W H O A R E I N N E E D .

P R A C T I C E H O S P I T A L I T Y. ”

— R O M A N S 1 2 : 1 3

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CLEAN-WATER WELLSEvery day, 6,000 children die from water-related illnesses such as diarrhea, malaria, typhoid, cholera, worms, and parasites . . . and that number continues to grow. For most of these children, contaminated water is the only water they have ever known. And for some, it will be the only water they ever have. It causes malnutrition, sickness, high infant mortality, poverty, and illiteracy.

But clean-water wells can prevent these tragedies, transform communities, and save lives. One well brings an increase in income and food production, as well as improvements in health and education. And all of this leads to sustainable independence and success. By providing clean water, you give the gift of health, hope, and life.


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Juan Pablo is just one of the thousands of children whose

lives have been transformed by clean water. Before his village

received a well, he suffered from malnutrition, skin

disorders, and severe intestinal pain. But today, Juan, his

family, and the entire village are healthy and thriving as a

result of the gift of clean water.

$15,000 |$5,000 |

$45 |

Provide a deep-bore well.

#4578Provide a shallow

hand-dug well. #4579

Provide clean water for three people.


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HOMES OF HOPEToday, there are 25 million AIDS orphans in the world, and the majority of them live in sub-Saharan Africa.

Traditionally, the African extended family and village have taken care of orphans when parents die, but the AIDS pandemic has overrun this cultural system of care. World Help has developed an effective strategy to help meet this great need by establishing Villages of Hope in several countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Each village is made up of Homes of Hope, and each home houses up to 12 orphaned children. Every home is headed by a widow or young couple committed to demonstrating God’s love. These homes are grouped together and are always part of, or very close to, a village. Here, children can receive an education, medical care, food, and love. Give toward a Home of Hope and help provide children with the essential needs for healthy growth and development.

Derrick was only 10 years old when he contracted malaria, one of the deadliest threats to a child in Africa. Because his family could not afford to care for him, he was perpetually sick and faced a grim future without the treatment he needed. Nearly hopeless, Derrick’s family heard about a nearby Village of Hope that offered free medical care through a Clinic of Hope. Today, Derrick is recovering in the safety of this village after receiving life-saving treatment for his malaria.

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Homes of Hope

Villages of Hope

$25,000Provide one

Home of Hope.#4586

Provide one Village of Hope.



$100Provide one share

of a Home of Hope.#4587

$400Provide one share

of a Village of Hope.#4589

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CLINICS OF HOPEHospitals in sub-Saharan Africa are few and far between. For villagers in remote areas with no transportation, this can be a death sentence. Children die every day because they do not have access to medical care. Medical clinics built in these areas offer trained staff, life-saving medical supplies, and immediate care for thousands every year. Give toward a clinic and provide health and life to those in dire need.

SMALL HOMESBecause of civil unrest, violence, and disease, over one-third of all families in Guatemala are headed by single women. The vast majority of these families live in shacks made of plastic, pieces of tin, and packed dirt. Children suffer helplessly as they are left exposed to the elements. A home provides shelter, health, and protection for an entire family.


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$30,000 |

$7,250 ———————

$300 |

$100 ———————

Provide one clinic.


Provide one share of the cost of a clinic.


Over a year ago, a young Guatemalan girl named Margarite, suffered a brutal rape, leaving her with severe intestinal damage. World Help was able to provide her with physical restoration through surgery funded by our Medical Emergency Fund. Because she and her family lived in a rickety, tin shack that left her feeling vulnerable and anxious, Gifts of Hope was able to meet the emotional needs of this little girl by constructing a stable and secure home for her and her family. Today, she can smile again and no longer lives in constant fear for her safety.

Provide a home for a family in need.




Provide one share of the cost of a home.


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CHURCH PLANTINGWorld Help recognizes that one of the most effective ways to evangelize in foreign countries is to invest in the spiritual work of national partners. By providing financial support for church planters in spiritually needy nations, we strategically and effectively equip the spread of the Gospel. These church planters have the biblical training and passion to lead and minister to those who have never heard of God’s love. Empower church planters to foster spiritual health all around the world.


———————Plant one church in

a community. #4563

MOTORCYCLES FOR CHURCH PLANTERSAlthough the mountainous regions of India and Nepal are beautiful, the villages can be miles apart and the terrain unforgiving. Walking is the only method of transportation for many church planters who travel throughout these areas caring for the unreached and discipling new believers. They need more efficient transportation in order to minister, train, and continue planting more churches. Motorcycles will help church planters spread the Gospel in India and Nepal.

$3,000 |“So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.”

— E p h e s i a n s 4 : 1 1 ,1 2

“Our community was getting worse over the years. But since we started planting churches, God has begun to work in this community. Crime has lowered, people are helping the needy, and families are being restored.”

—Church-Planting Partner, Cuba

Provide one motorcycle.


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CHURCH BUILDINGSMany Christians in India, Nepal, and Myanmar are without church buildings in which to fellowship and worship. They need a tangible, unifying symbol of God’s presence where they can gather. For thousands in these countries, a church building is also a refuge from persecution. Support these Christ followers by providing a safe place to meet and grow.


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$7,500 |

BIBLESPoor and persecuted Christians living in countries like Iran, North Korea, and China can only dream of having their own Bible. For many of these believers, a copy of God's Word is a cherished gift that they will never have. Some have even memorized or copied entire books of the Bible just to have access to God's precious Word and to share it with those around them. These believers need Bibles to build their faith and help others come to faith in Christ. Nurture the body of Christ around the world by providing a Bible.

Magapauwa Church has become a pivotal part of its community in northern Nepal, bringing in many new believers from the area. Today, the church holds weekly services, baptisms, programs for new believers, and has an active youth ministry. Since it was built, the Magapauwa community has experienced a complete spiritual transformation through the ministries of its new church.

$5 |

Provide one church building.


Provide one Bible. #4573

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MerchandiseWant to give a physical gift to your loved ones

while also making a difference?

The merchandise found in Gifts of Hope is made

across the world by people who rely on the sale of

these items to survive.

Whether they are handcrafted in Africa by

a single mother, students in the mountains

of Nepal, or poverty-stricken Guatemalan

communities, one thing is certain—each

purchase makes it possible for these people to

earn a living for themselves and their families.

The power of a single gift is undeniable.

“ E A C H O N E M U S T G I V E A S H E

H A S D E C I D E D I N H I S H E A R T ,


C O M P U L S I O N , F O R G O D L O V E S

A C H E E R F U L G I V E R . ”

— I I C O R I N T H I A N S 9 : 7

Product listed in Merchandise section is not tax deductible.

Items purchased will vary in style and color from those pictured.

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Traditional beads made by the Acholi people of Northern

Uganda. Crafted from rolled paper and covered with a protective varnish for

durability. One size fits all.

AFRICAN STRAW NATIVITYTen-piece nativity set including hut, made from woven rattan,

husk, and other natural elements.


Made from colorful rolled paper and covered with a protective varnish for

durability. Color and length may vary with each individual

piece. One size fits all.

$15 |

$50 |

$22 |

for one bracelet #4701

for one African nativity set


for one necklace #4702

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30 / G I F T S O F H O P E


MAKE-UP BAGSmall Guatemalan accessory bag. Hand-woven with zipper lining.

MESSENGER BAGBurlap shoulder bag made from

Guatemalan coffee sacks, in a variety of prints.


Eight-piece, hand-carved, and hand-painted table set.


for one bag#4705

$50 |

$20 |

for one Guatemalan nativity set


for one make-up bag


Page 31: Gifts of Hope - Catalog


W O R L D H E L P . N E T / 31

WOOLEN HATTraditional hand-knit Himalayan hat with cotton lining. 100% wool. Sizes and colors will vary.

$30________ for adult size


$20________ for child size



for one Pashmina shawl



Guatemalan blended-wool shawl. Color and design will

vary with each individual order.

SCARVESHand-woven from the finest

Nepali threads. Scarves vary in color with each individual order.

$20________ for one scarf


Page 32: Gifts of Hope - Catalog


Embroidered character coin purse. Item will vary

with each individual order. 100% wool.


KID’S NECKLACEGuatemalan beaded

necklace with hand-painted, baked-clay ornaments.

One size fits all.


GUATEMALAN HACKY SACKColorful crocheted bags,

tightly woven for durability. Color will vary with each

individual order.


32 / G I F T S O F H O P E

for one Nepali purse#4723

for one kid's necklace#4724

for one hacky sack#4725

ACCESSORY PACKThree embroidered Nepali

accessories for the price of one. Includes a selection of the following:

hair band, brooch, and hair clips.

for one pack of three accessories

#4722$12 |


NEPALI FINGER-PUPPET PURSEThree ornate finger puppets with complimentary bag.

$15 | for one finger-puppet purse#4721

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W O R L D H E L P . N E T / 33

FAITHFUL GIVING:To date, more than 20,000 lives have been forever changed

through Gifts of Hope. Men, women, children—entire

communities—touched by a simple gift of hope. But this

change is only possible through the vision of people willing

to make a difference, people like Doris.

Throughout World Help’s history, Doris has

compassionately helped meet the deepest spiritual and

physical needs around the world—significantly through

Gifts of Hope.

Her gifts have provided shoes for impoverished children,

life-saving medical supplies for AIDS orphans, Bibles

for spiritually hungry believers, an entire medical clinic

for desperate children in Uganda, and a home for a

needy family in Guatemala, resulting in eternal hope for


Each gift made a huge difference and will impact many

generations to come. They are profoundly practical

solutions to some of life’s most complex needs. Like Doris,

your compassion and willingness to give is making a lasting

impact that will bring help, healing, and hope.

LASTING CHANGE:Whether your donation is big or small, one thing is certain

. . . to the desperate boy or girl who no longer has to face

hunger or neglect, or to the father or mother who cannot

provide for their family . . . your gift makes a profound


Reach around the world and give help for today and hope

for tomorrow.


Page 34: Gifts of Hope - Catalog

MAKE A YEAR-ROUND DIFFERENCE . . .Sponsor a child today.Of all the people affected by the devastation of

poverty, children receive the hardest blow. Every

day, they must deal with the emotional, physical,

and spiritual consequences of hunger and hardship.

So many of them are left to struggle without the

nurturing love and care they so desperately need.

World Help believes that we can “change the

world . . . one child at a time.” By partnering with

thousands of compassionate sponsors, World

Help is providing food, clean water, clothing,

medical attention, and educational opportunities

for children around the world who lack these

essentials. A small gift of $30 a month provides for

a child’s basic needs.

Will you bring transformation to a precious young

life through sponsorship?


$30/Month ——————————————

Provide financial support to sustain one child.*


* If you choose to sponsor a child, you will be contacted by one of our representatives, during which, you can specify gender, age, or request a

child from a specific country.

34 / G I F T S O F H O P E

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World Help

W O R L D H E L P . N E T / 35

For more than two decades, World Help has offered help for today and hope for tomorrow.World Help is a faith-based, humanitarian organization

that serves the physical and spiritual needs of people

in impoverished communities around the world.

World Help believes strongly in using national

partners to accomplish our mission. Nationals

know their own culture better than we ever could.

They know the needs of their people intimately. So

we join with our partners to bring communities,

families, and orphans the help they need.

Ninety-one percent of every gift you give goes directly

to the project designated. We are members, in good

standing, of the Evangelical Council for Financial

Accountability (ECFA).

World Help has been given a 5-star rating from

the independent donor advocate organization,

“Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.”

— P s a l m 8 2 :3 , 4

6% Administration

3% fundraising

91% programs


Page 36: Gifts of Hope - Catalog











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