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1AC – Round Robin Version 1

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PlanThe United States federal government should substantially curtail its domestic financial asset surveillance pursuant to the International Emergency Economic Powers Act of 1977.

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Financial WarfareContention 1 is Financial Warfare:OFAC asset freezes are tantamount to financial warfare—they chill confidence in US banking and drive financial transactions underground Ryder and Turksen ‘9

[Nicholas. Prof Financial Services Law at Bristol law School, University of the West of England, Bristol. His research interests concentrate on financial crime and financial services regulation. He is Head of the Commercial Law Research Unit, and currently teaches Commercial Law and International Financial Crime. And Umut. Senior Lecturer at Bristol Law School, University of the West of England, Bristol. He has extensive experience of research, consultancy and evaluation in the fields of legal procedure and international trade law. He teaches Public International Law, European Union Law and World Trade Organisation Law. “‘Islamophobia or an important weapon? An analysis of the US financial war on terrorism’” The Journal of Banking Regulation, Vol 10 N4. Proquest//GBS-JV]

As a direct result of 9/11, the international community has targeted alternative or non- remittance underground banking systems. … directly through the US formal banking system.

Asset freezes deter foreign investment in US capital markets—undermines economic expansionR. Colgate Selden 3, attorney, LL.M. in securities and financial regulation from Georgetown University Law Center, Alston & Bird, LLP, JD, Vermont Law School, former senior counsel in the CFPB Office of Regulations, “The Executive Protection: Freezing the Financial Assets of Alleged Terrorists, The Constitution, and Foreign Participation in U.S. Markets,” Fordham Journal of Corporate & Financial Law, Volume 8, Issue 2, 2003,

President Bush's order and the actions of the agencies run counter to making U.S. investments more enticing to foreign investors, as evidenced by recent legislation and regulation. … U.S. markets and institutions.

It’s on the brink—failure to shore up confidence in American banking devastates US financial credibility and causes a global currency shift—decimates hegemony and the global economy Zarate ‘14

[Juan. Senior adviser at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), the senior national security analyst for CBS News, a visiting lecturer at the Harvard Law School, and a national security and financial integrity consultant. “The Coming Financial Wars” Parameters, Winter 2014 T&F//GBS-JV]

The current economic environment … left behind as other competitors race toward the future.

Currency shift causes global economic collapse, US-Russia war, and the collapse US leadership writ large Maund ‘14

[Clive. Trade Expert. “Will the US Succeed in Breaking Russia to Maintain Dollar Hegemony?” 8/25/14]

In Why they are making an enemy of Russia? we looked at two of the key reasons why the US is making an enemy of Russia,

namely the promotion of conflict by the powerful Defense industry lobby in order to keep its order books full, … “death of Europe” rally, which is currently in progress.

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Hegemony and the U.S. Liberal order are key to solve extinctionLieber 14 (Robert J. Lieber is Professor of Government and International Affairs at Georgetown University. He is the author or editor of 16 books on international relations and US foreign policy. His most recent book is Power and Willpower in the American Future: Why The United States is Not Destined to Decline (Cambridge University Press, 2012), “The Rise of the BRICS and American Primacy,” March 2014, International Politics, Internet) GANGEEZY

Diffusion of Power, International Order and the US Role

If power has been diffusing, and if BRICS and other rising powers have by and large

….adversely affect US national security and the U nited S tates itself.

US growth is key to the overall global economic order—failure causes great power war John F. Troxell 14, Research Professor of National Security and Military Strategy, Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College, 7/15/14, “Op-Ed: Global Leadership — Learning From History,”

Leader complacency, caused by repeatedly running to the edge of crises

prior to reaching a resolution, leads to a false sense of security. … Global economic leadership requires the United States to lead by example and demonstrate competent policy outcomes .

US-Russia war causes extinctionHelfand 14 – Ira Helfand has an M.D and is the past president of Physicians for Social Responsibility. He is the co-president of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War. (“Another View: Ukraine crisis puts focus on danger of nuclear war”,, May 3, 2014)

The ongoing crisis in Ukraine has made it …. that means that these vast nuclear arsenals might be used. Even if there is not a deliberate use of nuclear weapons, there is the danger of an accidental nuclear war.

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AfricaContention Two is Africa:The IEEPA’s regulations make it a criminal offense to provide humanitarian aid to any group that might happen to be associated with an OFAC-designated entity – this inhibits aid to high risk areas. Two internal links: A. The Chilling Effect Adelsberg et al ‘13

[Samuel. Et al. Yale Law. “The Chilling Effect of the "Material Support" Law on Humanitarian Aid: Causes, Consequences, and Proposed Reforms” The Harvard National Security Journal, 2013 ln//GBS-JV]

In 1996, Congress enacted what is now known as the " material support" statute . n1 …humanitarian activities widely viewed as central to combating radicalism.

B. Prosecutorial Overreach – it alienates communities and entrenches extremism Adelsberg et al ‘13

[Samuel. Et al. Yale Law. “The Chilling Effect of the "Material Support" Law on Humanitarian Aid: Causes, Consequences, and Proposed Reforms” The Harvard National Security Journal, 2013 ln//GBS-JV]

The broad reach of the material support statute and uncertainty …

administrative reforms may well be the most effective way to minimize the negative chilling effects that could result from lack of clarity about the application of broad material support laws. n76

Two impacts:First, Somalia - Status quo aid to Somalia has basically stalled as a result of OFAC asset surveillance – the plan solves Centrella and Trick ‘11

[Jeremiah Centrella is Associate General Counsel at Mercy Corps. Matthew Trick is a recent graduate of Indiana University School of Law - Indianapolis and law clerk at Mercy Corps. “REQUEST FOR CONGRESSIONAL ACTION TO PROTECT DELIVERY OF HUMANITARIAN AID INTENDED TO RELIEVE HUMAN SUFFERING IN FAMINE STRICKEN SOMALIA” 19 Willamette J. Int'l L. & Dispute Res. 317 2011 ln//GBS-JV]

The cumulative effects of severe droughts in the Horn of Africa, … allows the organization to dedicate its resources to more nefarious, terrorist activities.

Civil society’s key to Somali stabilityFelbab-Brown ‘15

[Vanda. Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy, Center for 21st Century Security and Intelligence at Brookings. “Saving Somalia (Again)” 6/23/15 //GBS-JV]

It is not just security that has been sliding in Somalia for the past year and half . ….

Since 2012, Somalia has had one of the best chance s to pull off such transformation in years. It should not waste it .

Instability spills over to the entire HornMasibo ‘10

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The instability in Somalia has caused the region a tremendous effect to the point that countries within the horn …. as many sources through newspapers and NGOs working in the area have shown.

African war is an existential threatMead ‘13

Walter Russell Mead 13, James Clarke Chace Professor of Foreign Affairs and Humanities at Bard College and Editor-at-Large of The American Interest, “Peace In The Congo? Why The World Should Care,” 12/15/13,

One of the biggest questions of the 21st century is whether this destructive dynamic can be contained, … address the issues that exacerbate hatred and distrust, and in the last analysis are willing to provide the security guarantees and deterrents that prevent mass mayhem.

And it goes nuclearGlick ‘7

Senior Middle East Fellow – Center for Security Policy (Caroline, “Condi’s African Holiday”, 12-12,

The Horn of Africa is a dangerous and strategically vital place. … The Horn of Africa includes the states of Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Somalia, Sudan and Kenya.

Second, Disease:Aid is key to solve African disease – the squo’s lack of funding decimates effectivenessIkemba 11/25 – Director+CEO of Friends Africa,

one-africa-award-2014-finalist-friends-africa/, 9/15/15 BRoche

What do you think is the most important issue facing Africa today ? … without funds . This has remained a major challenge to date.

Specifically, Fungal pandemics are comingUpton 12, John Upton is an environmental/ecological analyst as well as a science writing specialist, (“Fear the Fungus Fungi thrive in environmental chaos, and they are coming for us.”, diseases_bats_frogs_and_humans_are_at_risk_from_new_fungi.html, 12/20/2012) Kerwin

Our single-celled ancestors darted around the world’s vast ocean a billion years ago, … through wildlife. Increasingly, humans are succumbing to fungal diseases, too.

Fungal pathogens causes extinction – put your burnout defense awayMcGinnis et al. 13, Shannon McGinnis is a recipient of the Temple’s Diamond Research Scholarship, one of the most prestegious awards given to students at Temple University. It is awarded to those who display superior leadership, academic achievement, service to the University, and impact on the community. Shannon cites a littany of scientists including Arturo Casadevall, Matthew Fisher, Daniel Henk and many more. Arturo Casadevall has an MD and PhD. He is a professor in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology as well as a professor in the Department of Medicine (Infectious Diseases) at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University. He is also the Director of the Center for Immunological Sciences, a Chair in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, and a Leo and Julia Forchheimer Chair in Microbiology and Immunology. Dr. Matthew Fisher is a professor of fungal disease epidemiology at Imperial College in London. Dr. Daniel Henk works alongside Dr. Matthew Fisher at the Imperial College in London. He specifies in fungal ecology and evolution, and indicates that fungi are emerging as a surprising threat to biodiversity and human welfare.

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(“Fungal Diseases in Wildlife: Factors that Affect Disease Dynamics in the case of Two Newly Emerging Pathogenic Fungi”,, 6/27/2013) Kerwin

In the perpetual race of adaptation, … of fungal pathogens and have forced scientists to begin to take the threat of emerging fungal diseases more seriously.

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