
gli ^



Civil and Criminal Law Practitioner,WASHINGTON, N. J.


"; Attorney and Counsellor at Law,' Solicitor and .Vmlcr lit Chmica-y,


[~: Ami in all II" Court* of Xm Jtnvj.

"JOSEPH n. WILSON, ' .:""*>'. AttonioyaMiHiv,

; Solicitor in Ohanccry, Commissionerof,I)ccu9.

OKoo over King's New Drug Store, cor-« r or Front i Mansfield St»., BcM-

»•"»*• too, N. J. Transacts nil bronchos or«i»loKi\ business. . Cmaily

0. OSMUN,* : - - •••; B l 'HOKON DE.VTIST,

'-•; Wilh nil tho l i t * improvements, I uprepared to Oo flrat-class work. FinoBold nnd extra Silver Fillings nt r e t a i l

3s. A Inrfjo assortment of tlie best.ficial Tcotli that nro made.

FJIES1I OAS EYKRY DAY.[k\\ brunches of the profession carefully

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oi m& material In nee, and Tor lo»;r set 1« «•pcclaUyso. Filling tcctli with goM, etc.,Uouewltu great cure. _ go-ly.

', , T ) E . E. M. JiEESLEY,

: SUllGEON »ESTtST,^ Eelviilon?,' Warren County, New Jersey



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"A New BILLIARD PARLOR Attached,0. F. STAATES, l'nprlitor.



The finest hotel in Northern N* w J crgey, centrally located. Satisfaction guar-

—^-a&tcert to till gucstSj-periuaneiit or Iran-../„. Bient. , TJiUinril Rocm anil Barber Shop«—-in connection wiili tltw liuicl. '•••• -

J. K. UQAGLAND? Pr^ridor,


Tho undersigned 'wishes ' to' inform: tMietiftveiiiiK public that lie has removed into"i iv building just completed, on Market

7 U tIding just com^leted, on Marlt

'//JS-./T-fljcet/on tlie site of the old "WosliinEton^:^, 'v_./Hotel," Belvidere, where he is fully yre-

.ydarcd to furnish the best accommodations• his pnst friends nnd the public in gen-

eral. This hotel is to be known hereafter03 tlio 'Pettiest House.1 Feeling grnte-

.":-ful for past pfitromifie, he Uimlly solicits, a"" continuance of the: same, I/irge the rear. . W3H. A. URAMER.

' • ; ' " • ' ' 1 2 n i r . y l y ' . " " ' ' •'-•-'" ' • " " '


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= « «OM i r I »">7l crcr;t-" Eion«on—prftnener:J-Tl»o devotcu • l''rt"tort * Tlio fultliriu" Prcnclior! vTIiA-mtbtn.X'blliuithrAitlMe.•> IllaMratcd, over 40 e njt ravines;-:-Hat <: cnntiwn toi.. Agents. . Write for clicnlarBnnd Bpeclnl terms.- • • K. N. V. HAHDOiA'U, Publisher.

315 Ulltlon Hate, .-y--v UKOUKLYN; IJ. y, ,••' • • ' • X ' - ^ t a ;i^-i-: S ^


Deatli come to tho earth, t* bis aide was spring.They camo rrom aod'a own bowers,

And tho earth was lull ol their mmtlcrlnjr,For they bom were Bowing flowers.

'lsow,"6aldsprl[i?, "by tho stream and thewood, ' . ' \. •

And the village cblldrcn knowt'hc gay, glad tirao of my own sweet prim?,- And where my blossoms crow, •• ' - -;• •• •

•There is ootaspot lo tho (inlet wood,,.. ' ; „ . '.Hut hath heam the aounj ol my leet,

And the Tlolcta come from tliclr solltiidoWhen my tears hath roada Uicui BWUUU"

"I BOW," said Death, "whero the hnmlet stands.I sow In tho churchyard drcur j

1 Urop In tho grave with gcutlo HandsJly flowers from year to year.

The yourtff and Hie old Into tliclr rrs:To tuo sleep that waits them below j : ; •;—;

but I clasp the children unto my breast,And klsa them beroro I go." .I BOW," Bald Spring," but my Dowers decay,When the year turns weak and old,

When the breath of the bleak winds wenra their

11 Uut tUoy conio tgaln when tho youna earthfeels

Tho new blood lenp In lier veins,When tl»o fountain of wonderful llfo unseals

And lUe uuilli b utlvo wllli tlio rains."

I sow," said Death," tail my Rowers unseenPass nway from ttie land of men,

NorslglmcortoantnrouRhmelons, sad yenrs2ver bring hack tliclr bloom again.

But I know they are wondrous bright auJ lairin the ilelds ot their high nuode i

Your Dowers aro the Uowtra that a child raujwear,

llut mine nre tbo blossoms of Cwl."

Death camo to the earth, by lite side was Spring:The two came from Ood's own boners;

due sowed In nlgbt and tho other In light.Yet they botu were sowing ilowers.

•-Alexander Anderson In Good Words.


Sire. Fiercy was not in a good humor thatiy, ns elio eat at tho brcakCafit-tablo pour-

lug coffeo fur her litisbaml,' and dispensingbread nad butter to tho tbrco plump littloPiercys. Sho wns a Unndsomo, ovcrdreEScdVotnnn, witli a good deal of false hair, triz-zed and piilTctl and braided on the top of

or bead, auil a complexion that boro rcuiotafitness to the constant uso oi cosmetics.

And Sir. 1'icrcy, at his end of tbo table, wasevidently III at ease-, as ho broke his egg'audiibbled diligently at his roll.

" But what was I to do, my dear ?" Boidhe, after a brief silence which was by nomeans peaceful. -

"Do?" ebrilly retorted Mrs. Piercy." Why, what do other people do ? Aro weto keep a bomo for the iudigent ioor ? Ora refuge for tho widowed and fatherless ?"

" lly dear, my dear," pleaded Mr. Piercy,who was a small man, with thin hair and;pflcliu>let, "yon tony ho n widow yourself,iwaoday." .. ... - .. ' '

Btnoug toy relatives, that you may depoadon," BaidMre, Piercy. "And, after nil, Bbeisn't any relative of yours—only your broth-er's wife! : l 'd liko to know what, earthlyclaimeho baa upon you! I "declare, tbomoro I think of it tho ucro I nm amazed fittho woman's presumption. Her very nnmois an aggravation, too.. ' Plumo Piercy,1 in-ieed. rHwnyor my uew lace-pin that showas a second-rate nctross when sho marriedyour brother. No, Sir. Piercy, it you think

- i . \ i - " ::'.. . , . . . • •Bius.licro ttio lorteiit of tbo lndy'd elo-

quenco vpn* cut Bbort by tho unexpected ap-pearance o.u the Bceiio uf Iho very subject other objHrgft\',ion—-• tall, pretty woman ofibout four (mVl twenty, whose wavy, goldentresses and Ofclicntcly fair complexion con*trasted vividlyV with tbo deep mourningweeds she wore.} .• ' '. "•: • • • -

A veil dowm to her feet," mentally ejac-ulated Mra. Ab^l Piercy. " And a six-incbbins baud of Jfbo very best Gourtland crapeon her gownJ! I wouder who's expected topay for all thte ?"'"'" Abel Pieriy,, tho klndest-bearied of littlemats, welconie\j..LiB brother's widow withgenuioo hospitality; but Matilda, his wife,looked, nskancjo at iior, with no friendlysmilo upon licrcountentince.

"Of courei yon will consider Ibis youriiome," said Sir. Picrcy, as ho made basta todrawa chair close to tho fire.

" Until you aro tibia to miit yourself eome-Whore elBO," crisply added bin wife..The- .widow.said littlo; she.only looked,with large, wistful _ eyes, from puo to theother, as slio oat there,'thu morning eunBliinoturning her fair locks to braided' masses ofgold, the pearly delicacy of hor skin amus-ing the liveliest envy in lira. Abel's heart.

!' Though, of course, it'a only somo Frenchilni, or Circassian' cream"or other,7 that I

haven't heard of," said sho to herself.Bat, alter Mr. Piercy bad buttoned on hii

overcoat and gloves, bo camo, back to thebreakfast-room, while hia wife was puttingup tho children's in tbo pan.toy. ,:. •- ' • . -

" I'm not, much of a tnlkcr, Plume,"he, iu an odd, hesitating way j .bnt you are.welcome," my dear—-vory welcome! And 1hope yon will try to feel nt homo. Don'tmind Matilda—just at first." Sho'a a littlepeculiar, Matilda ia, but I do assure yoa

"Mr. Piercy 1" wtterod a sharp, warningVoice, at thia instant,"from the threshold,." is it possible that yoa hRvon't started yet ?And you know bow narticular Budge & Bod-

Joy aro a to your getting to tho storo at nini

• •!&."• Piorcy turned pink all over....Ji.-'ea, my.doar—yois.'imidbp, "I'mquitikiirti to bOlU Umol11-" J"-':.,",• :r r.'-'" ~-*-*~"'~~ v;

And off he started on.s gentle trot;Whoa he was gone, Plumo look off her

bonnet and veil, removed her mantel andglores, end went into tho kitcboc.- : :.. ."CannotI do something to help you, Sis*tor Matilda?" said Gho pleadingly.

, Mrs. Ablol Fiercy looked, with cold bluaejea and lips primly compressed, at the faitface, which was younger and fresher thanover without tho jot-black circlet10! tbo bon>not, and the slight, graceful figure beforeb e r .

; >- • ' , : " • „ : ' . ' . . . . . . •:

"No, Iihoakyon,"BaidBho. <!lam notascd to lrnvo fino Iidios in my kitohon."v "But it vou ytill lond nio an apron^"™"-' '

;-"No, 1 thanliyoai Mrs. (OswnldPiorcy 1"repeated tlio housewife-. '•,".! YoawIU flndtbinewspaper., Ia tho hall. Perhaps thp.adver.

OR columns may iutorcut yoa." , .-:' Wo7'aro"BiBtD'rB"," flid tho rbnpg widow,;h a quivering b> ""Will yoa not call

"Oh, no, we're no rolations at all, Iniriilily^'lCtiid-MitJ-'Abel-Pleroy,1—wc'ghiDg-out'WnooB of sugar; nnd,pounds of flourwith on unerring hand, "And really,[ youi

rano.1 Jano, OPMartha, or EUxa,xwoaId b'avo been' moro tomy twto;' Poru!\pB,',liowovor," with a koeu,•idolong gUnco, ''yoa tinvo boon on ibs

No," said Plume,; " I was a toachorwhen Oswald married mo. But wimt dfdyoa mean nboat Hit) ndvcrtlsiag columns oftho papers ?"

" Sitnatlons, you know," said Mrs. Piorey,reaching over to tho roisin-box. " Bridget,you havo been at thoso raisins, aa trao as 1lire! There's half of 'em gono sinco I wasbnro lost," . "

"No, mum, I haven't I" sharply Bridget,-wuowna used to theco kitclienk!rm!sh?9. "Suro I nover lived In a house

beforo whoro tboy conntcd tho raisins andtho lumps o* coal, and If I don't salt, mum,it's a month's warning from to-day, If ye'iplazo." ' ' - ".

Situations 1" repented Plume, half afraid1

Df Bridget's warlike demeanor, half puzzledit hor'law'ri words.

11 Yes," said Mra. Abel, tartly, paying noattention to Bridget and her skillet—"in 1glove-factory, you know, or a fancy store,or even as nnrscry governess nr attendant to•omo elderly Invalid. For of course, youknow," with another of tuono obliquo looksthat inado poor Plumo fed &o uncomforl-fthle, "you expect lo work for your living.Wo are not rich enough to support all ourrelation*. Abel's salary was reduced lustyear, and no ono knows how strictly I havo

ououiizo In order to mako both tmdameet. And a strong yonng woman like yonongbt to bo ashamed to sit down on a sicklymnu with a family, liko my husband, bo-cause—"

"Slop—oh, EtopI" BAidPlumo, lifting upbit hand, as If to ward off soma invisibleterror. " He said I wan welcome. Ho told

"That's just liko Abel t" said Mrs. Piercy,scornfully. " Ho'd tako in all creation if hocould. Ho never stops to think whether becan afford it or not."

" I aai ao sorry that I inlm<l<V' naldPlume, with(Itgnity. " I t shall not bo forlong. I will look at tho nowspnper atonce."

"You, that's a deal tlio best plan," assent-cd Mra. Piercy, ungraciously. " Of coureoyou won't mention our littlo chat to Abel.IIo might bo vexed; and, after oil, I'm oulyspeaking for your gocd."

Plumo looked at her with an expressionof faco which somehow mado Mrs. AbelPiercy feel as if she wero shrinking up liko

withered walnut in its shell."Yes, I know," said Bho. "But you

need not bo afraid; I am no tale-bearer, lomako mischief in any one's rurally."

Mra. Piercy felt very uncomforlablo afterthis littlo conversation was ended.: " now she did look at mo I" thought aho." But I only spoko tho truth, atUr n». Wocan't be burdened with her support, let Abeltalk as bo pleases. And no matter what sheesya, I bcllevo she has been an nctrcsR I Noone bnt nn actress could ever put on sneliroyal ways as that 1"

pilf nn hour-afterward,—when-iiio.-iwlirang, and some ouo inquired for Mm.Oswald Piercy, Mrs. Abel nodded hor headto tha cake 6ho was tailing out of tho OTCU.

.'!Company, already,"-!said sho; ...'.'.and•gentleman'company,'' as I ' livol "Well, ifthis is ths way she intends to go on, thafsocner she suits herself irith a situation thobottcrl"

Mrs, Piorcy bad been secretly anxious foil opportunity of quarreling with her sister.-law. Hero it was at last: and when tht

old gentleman with tho glossy broadcloth&uit ivns gono, nho bounced into Iho parlorwith a red spot on cither cheok-bono likesignals of war.

"So you havo been receiving company,Mr*. Oswald ?" said sho.

Yes," Plumo innocently answered. :.

Gentleman company, too!" cried Sirs-

It wna Mr. Vau Orden, my husband't

lawyer," explained Plumo.

"Oh, 1 dare- eayl" said Mrs. Piercy.All lhal sounds vory well; but I have tho

oharacter of my houso to look to, and—" ...."Ho in coming back ,with a carriage,"

hurriodly spoke Plumo. " I nm to go to hisifo'a houso at onco. Mrs. Van Onion is

Tilling to give mo tho shelter which my ownbusbnnd's relatives grudge me I1

I wish her joy of her bargain, I amsure," said Mrs. Abol Piercy, with a toss oftho mountains of false hair that crowned hoih e a d . . • " " " " . ' , " ' ' • . ' • ••

And BO the two women parted, in no spiril0 { a m i t y , : ; - - ' " . • - ' • . " " • • - - ' • " • " - : • - • - : . • - • - : • - ; : -

store," thought Mrs. Abel, "and invent npitiful story for my husband's bouefit. AndAbel will miiko 11 (jcHl fuss—Abel "alwayiwas eo(t about his relatives—but I Khan'mind it, Ialwayn br.vo boon'. jnistrcss. Inmy own house, aud I always intend to be,Oswald's widow or no Oswald's widow."

Nevertheless, sho could not help feelinglittlo apprehensive when tie'r husband cumIn to tea, For when Abel really was angry,bis anger signified something. But to heranrorifiii ho entored all smiles.- auc*Us palms, gleefully.

" So Plume has gaao V said ho."Yes," said Mrs. Pioroy, protending. tibimywith ft-ltnot-in-tLio-second-chiM'

shoe. " Sho has Rono. But "how did'yoknow it?"

"Van Orden Htopped at t U fitoro-to-lelmo,", answered Mr. Piercy. "Slranijewasn't it ? And quito vomantic, too."

"What on earth is Iho man. tnlkinabout?" said AlrH. rPiercy, aroused ali iftRiinto something liko nctivo interest.

"Why, didn't Plumo toll you ? I t fieenifthat thoso last invoBtmcnts that poor Oswalt)fancied bo had beggared himself ivltb, havttumedup truinpoards otter nil. "Arid"VaOrdon tells ino that Oswald's widow is worta hundred an~d~iifiy~thous&nd doilani.",

Mrs. Abol Piorcy turned first grean, thenwimson. Alaa for tlio fatul blander sho hadcommitted !.~"rAl&3 fGr.tho ruinedhor tbreo littlo girls to inherit their mint'smoney! Sho .made somo trivial CSCUHOabout a forgotten po^ct-haedkercbief, and•weat up stairs to woop tho bitterest teanoho bad ovor shod..•v I t was ft lessen to hor, but It was an ex-pensive ono. For' Plumo Pieroy, althouglBho always remained on tho moBt excellent

•term with hor kiud lilUo brothor:in-law,never orosocd Mrs. .Abol's threshold again,fiho had boon too deeply Etnng—too biltorljinsulted thoro.

"And it'8 all my own fault," sadly reflectodWw/Abol. "Oh, dear, oh, doarl,,whj

;cau't iro sod :i HUluTwaylulotho future J " rffelen Forrest Qravea,»

too to all mnlarial

li^oiLAycrBijVBuoiCiiroi-ft^cniliinatinof. vegetable ingredients only, ot which Uimost valuable ia iiacd in no other knowipreparation. Tbi3vVremcdy is an nbiolutand certaiu specific, and Bucocedawhcinil other zcedicinpa fail,'. A cmo is w



Somehow Privato Ilankanftio always woretlio expression of a loncsouio man thrcoyears In four. There Is a wandering roll o[his cyctf, a unrobing glanco, as of n roanseeking for something ho hasn't csnetly losla c i never expects to find. .": •.

But when I mot him (ho other tlay therean a glad look In his cyo nud ho (•ra.tpet!

my hand eagerly. :"You niUfji bo hero on the 20th," bo said,

rvyly; "tho old Ono Hundred and Rijjhty-jvoulh is golnf; to liavo a reunion. I'll see

all tho old boya • gallnut old fellows I havou'imet slnco 'C3,"

Thero was nothing lonoGOino about llauk.lafilo now. Civilian as I was, I rojoicod ntibo prospect of his mooting his old friends.

" It was a splendid regiment," I romurk-id. "Tho old Ono Hundred and Eighty,iwcutli mado a gnllaut rocord. Whoro isIon. Do Itcspanttd now ?"

11 Oh, iio'a Collector of Internal Itovouao,""So lio Is; I had forgotten, - And CoL

Stihelo'n?""Ho'aPostmastor.""Sure enough. And Mnj. Kampstuhl?""He's Sheriff."11 And Capt, Tomploa V* ''.' '"United States Consnl to-Ontta Porclm,

bciloToItli.""AndLicut. Col. Koandtstop?"" Uuitod StatcB Marshal.""And Capt. Tumbril?"" Ho is Judgo of tho United States Court.""Oh, yes; andQuortermnBlor Salthorse?""Ho was in tho Treasury Department

intil last week." .:1 Aud whoro is ho now ?" < I"Thoy don't know," suld Privato ltaukan<'

lie, ovfLsivoly. "Thoy think ho is iu Cau. jLila, but they haven't found him yet."

Ah, yes; aud wli'ero. aro ibo other of.tcers of your regtmeut i" . •• : . '

" In tho Legislature-; all except SurgeonGrccusasb—ho Is In Congress—and Adjt,Tenshun, who is in tha Pcusiou Bateau."

What nro you doing?" 1 asked.I am shipping clerk down hero nt Hide

&, Tallow's, and "—with a troubled look—" Ihcy won't want mo after tho 1st of June;

icy have lo mako ft place for old Tallow'snephew. Hut I'll find comething, I reckon.

(m never out of a placo very long."I looked after him M ho limped away.

[Iiti gait is ungraceful, because ho has a tttiffcuec. stiff its n bone. It was chattered attntictam. Tho bullet went crashing into it

. he rnu back to pick up aud save thoregimental'Hag that had fnllcu from thodead bauds of tho color porgoant.

But I .wondered. no longer thai PrivateHaukanlllo seemed lonely. Ho ia thinking,perhaps, of his comrades, th<* other privatesIn his regiment. There wero sovenil privatesoldiers iu Iho army. Ilnnkfinfili*, whom 1know, was one. Tho namo of tho other onehas escaped me. Nor do I know whoro ho|g;r;:-Ho cloosn't appear to "tic'Udnsul'to' anyplnco.

And yet, if ho would only como forwardid show himself, a grateful country-hasrttfimhr-roil tiim. ~ Wn can Rflcitrn n fnrm of

has Eccuruil nil tho befst sections, twentymiles/from tho nearest postofflee, twiea BO

from water and EH far as a railway traiucan niu in a ilny from a coal bank or forest,on precisely tho samo terms aa are accorJo Jto a man who has been in this laud IKtcoi

litiiitp^. It it v. grout boon nad tho privatosoldier should appreciate it. Aud undoubt-illy ho does—in a quiet way. Ho does notunko much fuss about it. And really thero

Isn't Y017 much for him to grow enthusiasticibout " ' . . . .

Bat the private holdior, though indeed hiIs exceeding rare and tnarvelondy scare atitorvnls, is col enliroly lust, Iu thd days

gono by, when tho privato saldier was morenumerous than to-day, very nearly 1,000 of

wero required to make one colonel.Moro than many llwca that many are sonio-

os rofjnisitfi to the ck-ction of a memberof Congress aud oke a President.

'Therefore ho will bo found. Ha will bidragged from his lurking place. If ho hnsnot boon soon at tho polls by ..I, p..m.,_ thogeneral's own carriage" will come nfter him.It will not como after him agaia for another,nir years. But it will come for him then.And wo rejoice, too, in tho thought that

his time is come. . Ono ilny the privato fiol-dior will shina resplendent, a blazing planetigainst .tlio nebulous., background .of half-,forgotten;Held aud Hua offlcora.; "Ithnshjever tho"fftt'e'of tho' private soidior,*;; jiapo-"leon ia dead and all hia marshals aro dead.But the priynto eoltlier who fought -nmlfli

1 Tho Littlo Corporal" at Waterloo, is "'heaot fouud iu every State ? Aud GO some daythe la'st'general who fought in Iho wnthe rebellion will ;pass awaj-, 7,tho finaluoloncl, much agniust his will, must die.Majors aud captains will joiu tho' innumer-able caravan ; bnt tho last surviving. privatiBoldicr of every rogiineut. thnt .foiigU a'iiy-whero will never Icavo us, but will livebalicod in tho poronninl paragraph: " Tillluns flball riso and sot no moro."— Rcht. J.Burdette, in. Philadelphia Times *


How Some iHnlIimuliilitil Temoan ActW'IMo llnTlns Their Pictures


" During my twenty years' experienco Ihavo posed persona In overy way known totho lens. Somo people seem to havo beenbora lo sit for photographs, BO naturally dothoy fall inlo Iho best position anfl assumotbo proper expression. Tbeso nro few lannmhor, bowover. Tho nvorago Bitter lakesnn awkward, uncouth position. Polishedsociety peoplo bocomo as nwkwi..- as ftcountry lover when placoA boforo thocamera. . They nro on uneasy as If tho In-Btrumont pointed at them was a Krupp can-mm. I hnve posed most of Iho prominentmen nud womeu In tho country sinco I havobeen employed in thia gallery, nnd I havomot very few who hnvo faced tho ordealcomfortably.

" President Arthur Is ono of the best tit-tent. Ho lakcB a good position by instinct,and bin expression In r-nsy and natural.Gen. Grant in awkward, and though hosir.ilcs good untureilly while being posed,hit) faco assumes n grim, uuplensaiit oipreB-Kion at tho critical moment when iho veil Isremoved from tbo instrument. Blame can-not bo Induced to look pleasant. IIo takeshis scat with a ex-pression, nnd the doubling up of his fistsplainly indicates n longing to get within

h d dgarm's reach of the person who persuadedhim to nit. Tho last tinio h h

pwas hero ho

cept an old |iositionintH h th

inko sure of him tho lirst silting,for if anything went wrong ho would not Bitagain.

"John Sherman ia tha most amusing sit-Icr I ovor camo ncrow. It woui! bo easier

place iu position a stullcil man thnn tliognmil Ohio Suuitlor. Hin legs glvo him iu-fiuitu Iroulle. HD cannot keep them in one,losilion twenty consoeutivo - sebomlH. Itook in a full hour to get a passablo 11051-ire. You know bo is not much giving to

smiliiig. On those occrusioun, bowover, ho5eomfl to Eoftcu, and generously daterminedto BCiro np nt least tho ghost of a smile.The result would mako any ono hugh ex-

r au utidurtaker'»

cauvnsscr. Ho puh tho most idiotic hut-lesquo iu a Kinila to bo sceit anywhero offtho ulnge. When tho ordeal in over Iho old

im look coincH back to Hi face, and heilka out witlimit Fnying <v wnnl." Geu. Sheriiian poses well, retntutt liin na-

tural exproKeion, aud takes a good pictureSecretary Chandler nud Scuntov Muhom

assume n cau lions csprcetiiou, as if afraid.licit Iho mnn nt tho iustrumtut had soiuo

Icslsuoa their Hyw.-/ '"Cornell v.ill allow hiniKcif to he photo-

.jiAJihctl only i» ft Klamling position, takes aJcfif.nt attilu-.le, ami nssumcH an expresRionwhidi pli.inly saym T i l hold my ground

"Tho late Marshall Jewell was tho most:oin|ilnxH[\nt of sittcra, and allowed mo totwist him about In any way without a rom-plniut.... "When properly posed, bin faco tookon au expression of pitying kindness, and

cc; pU!sIng in his handsome eyes.

'[Senator Logan trios to look liko a deep,intellectual Rtatcsman, and submits with ill(<mco to tho manipulations of the 'post-ttoiiist.' •'•' " . ' . ' . ' . • . . .

" Oon. Haucock puts on nu exprcfision ofgrim do termination, such as you might im*agiuo the fiico of tho heroec nf Tlicrmopylmworo while awaiting tho Persian Wdon.

11 Vnudcrbilt smiles for nil bo is vrorth,but Gould looks ineffably sorrowful

" Johu McCullough can with difficulty boenticed into a photograph gallery. . . Uetskes ft splendid picture, ok.nccouul 0! thoBfilumlly magniflcont poso of his head andtho noblo oxprcssion of his face, which fortu-nately bo doos not attempt to inlprovo by aforced smile. • ' -

"Lawrcnco Barrot looks liko a lamb drag-ged to tho altar. ,.....„.. >•;.

11 Mary Anderson and Slaudo Granger canissinno naturally any position or oxprcssion,ruid requiro littlft aid from the posHiouiat.'


Aa showing the character of tuo eavag*Apiicho, tho romarkablo ovonlfl following the•ppooranco at Fort Apacbo, last Bummer, o(n big mediciua-man now posaossos a peculiarInterest. Ills namo was Knock-o-tl-klinny.Presenting himself lo Gen. Carr, ho explain,od that ho camo thero nt tho request of hlafrionds; that ho was a doctor and couldbring tho dead to lifa j that they caf-J out oftho grouud by degrees; that somo chiefsirero already out as far ui their knees, andwould soon bo aliro again, and that they hadtold him thoy would como when tho comwasripo.

"How do you commnnicato with your,dead friends ?" Oon Carr asked.

"Thoy tnko tho shape of a bear, and I eoathem and talk with them at night. I laavafood for them in tho empty lodges. Theydo uol want to como till tha corn ia ripo andthoro la plenty to cat for all of ns."

Ho then said ho intended to hold dancesnear tho post nud asked that tho Indiansoldiers (tho scouts) might bo present.Oon. Carr told him tbey might go providedUicro was lo bo nq, whisky OQ UIO ground.Tho medicineman withdraw and tho nextnight tlio first of his dances was held. Fortho first fow nights tho Indians did not tnkoa great deal of interest in tho medicine-man'sIncnntations, but finally nearly all camounder tho spell, ana'ths scenes then nightlycuactcd at tho dan'co wero of ibo most fana-tical order. In tho course, of a fow weeksIho savages sgemed to grow tired of thejorcmouics and becamo impatient for results,l'hey callca OQ tho wild-oyed medicinemanlo make good his word and bring tho deadto life. Tho corn was iipo, and tho carswero bursting oil tho stalk. Whoro woroilioi'r friends? Tha medicine-man bavinsboon cornered, did just what many a., whiteinau, ftiiuiUriy -'placed,' ban dono. Ho tooku now tack. Tho dead Would not return, heeaiJ, so long as tho pale faco remained.Tho whites must go. Imbued with thisreligious conviction, tho war spirit vroammscd. At this juncture it so happenedtlmt n small detachment of troops was or-dered away from tho fort. Tho medicine,man pointed to tha big comet and said itwas good medicine. Tho rest of the whitenwould soon follow. Gen. Carr, alarmed a1

tho attitude of tho mirages, sent for icinforccmcnls. In tho meantime tho incdi<ciiicmnn wont to Cibicii, forty-live miles tctho Houthwcst, nnd contiuued hiu incantn.tions. A dotachmont of troops, occompani-

" ed by a number of Indian soldiers CBC0^)iwas sent out to watch tho redskins. Thescouts, .who wero. Apaehew, betrayed tincomniand treacherously, and the whole budynarrowly escaped maBb-(ioro. As it wan, thoolliccr in command was killea. Gen. Curt;,hearing of tho disloyalty of tbo Indian sol.diers. made a forced march to tho sceuo oftho troubles, and after a short cugagomcu

- succeeded in capturing thu mudiuiuu-iuutjivcrtiug tho impending massacre and holdingtho now thoroughly wnriibo savages iu sub.j^Liau. After his. ftrrcst, Knock-G-ti-hl;told tho scouts whom ha jiad beguiled thaitho soldiers coultl aot'destroy him .""If theykilled him or any of his followers, bothey would return to lifa dn tho third day,even though their enemies cut their hodiciinto picccB. This troublcpomo son of theforcEt, having wcll-uigu precipitated a bigIndian war, camo to a violent death a fowdays later st tho hands of a soldier. ' As hfailed to put in an appearanco at tbo end ojthree daje, or three weeks, tho rods con-cluded ho was n fraud, and when other modi,cipc-men undertook to carry, on tho resur.

•ctlon ceremonies it was •found that Ihotribe had lost interest iu the matter.


. Farming i sas lowway ' lo mako money,but then there Is a law of compensationabout everything in this life,1 and farmingits blessings that other pursuits do not have.The farmer belongs lo nobody. He id the,

h t i tfreusl ug y

u earth' and tho most. intte*


put .-Haliasmoro latitude:r.ud, l

Ho has a houso in tho countrypleuty of pirn

ir nnd 'good -.water. It he

niRkes but little in tho'field, ho has uo &c-caaion to spend but little. IIo can raise hisswn hogs/ aud Bheep, iiid;""cattlo" and

j,Vs train No 8 on Ibo Lake Shore road onr

tcrod tho Union"'DepotT rocVntlyV^aWeldarly"goutloman, with steel gray- eyes and .whileflowing-heir, alighted and started across thotracks toward tho stairway.,, In two or throosoconds ho was lost from view among thocrowd. Ton seeonuV- later a young manJumped nimbly from tho" other"eud of thocar and rushed swiftly toward tho crowd...•.•-'! Father I sfnthorl'AJio criod anxiously..Tho old gentleman was not .in sight, (indtho young man was naturally greatly oscil-

o d . - • • • • • ; - . • •'• •

lie is a. Eomuambulisl,".;..wcluinod theyoung man, "and was souud asleep," ~ "-•"'"Tho;:"ohl^2ij5|oiuauT\viis' pointed1 but to1

him:;liyfonojot ,tho crowd. Ho! wan. justyandoring oiit of Iho west end of tho depot,nnd a momont later would quito likoly ba'voODoiii injured among tho mauy moving trains.I • Tho young nian turned him abon'^nnd cs-!Ortodhiml*etfto tho train without wakingh i m ; ' • -• v \ :.• -. v

"Ho is.ft Bound slBcpor," eaid ho to a by-Htaudor, "'.(but soomB to bo conscious of ovorjstop wo mako nnd wants to lonv'a1 tho train.IIo requires constant watching."—CUvelanaUld

Xenru l r luunr t Sick Xkvminclic^ 7In Aurorn, III,, lives Mra. Win. Hcjiron.k

Slio mys;{'Samnritnn Nervi7ie cured nu^of"ncurftlgii^vaaijjtriiriu^icSvlwiwiiu1---

'chickens. His wood costs nothiug, and thiluxury of big back-logs aud blaziug firoo iiopen fire-places all wiutor long ia somethingthat eity people long for, but nnnnot afford.

, My own farm cost mo §7,000,;.. I hnvo 120'acres of open laud in good condition; nnd ityields mo ou an average about five dollarsan aero over all expenses. Say nine •peiaont. upon' tho invostmout. Well, that if-mighty liltla, considering my own lab '

mado five timefl ns liiuch"without any head, ...B

Uitlo lyy was sent by his mother.^ to /Ibogrocery storo,for ton co'nts wortho'f 'soda.Tho smart littlo boy waB; tired, and ;aa tliodrag store war) tuo neater, ho rojulo his " '

pairbf ib

M y Jto "ria6""nrouud"aad"tuoy

have to bo fed from tho farm. . L ,v~' Thoro aro littlo leaks all round, bnt utillwo aro happier on tho farmthau wo woro iuIho town, aud fool ifiriro secure from tlio illsof life. Wo fear uo pestilence or disottso,

,no burglars or thieves. Wo lock no doom,nnd Mra. Arp loves to hoar tho churn iksltorPplntihiuB in tlio buttoc milk, I lovo to heartho'roosters crow aud luo-.peaco^hollciy:and GOO tho martins sailiujj-iouudtLo'uiarttngouriU I lovo to hear a neighbor slop andchat about the growing crops. I lovo toLikolliociiililron with mo"to tho-wHtoriiiillami tiiili-bolo w"- thu; dmu umid • lh<i' iOi\r 0!falliiig waters, or.padillo around tho pond Inan old leaky batoaw.1 I lovo to waudorthrough tho woods and glaiios, and wear oldclothes that ctiu't get uo older or dirlier, andgot caught In a shower of rain .if I wftut to.Old man Hornoo rcmiirkod about 2,000 yenraago that tho towmvas tho btst" plueo for arich mnu lo Jivo'iii.'nnd tho country was thoheal placo for a poor man to dio in, nud in-Qsmuoh as ricaca woro uncertain nnd donthEuro, It becctnos a prudent man to wove tothe country as'soon as bo cau got thoro.

'Farmerj bnvo. their upa- and ilowu3,":of"cbnrse, hut thoy, don't collnpao aud burst upliko\tradoamon. i-Tlioy don't go down iwder


Dyaaiuito—used by'tho Ii'.sb conspiratore,Enghind—is the moat deadly weapou of

noderu criminals against society .'.•It is ajombination of nitro-glycorino with a pikind of clay. In appearance, it somowhatnsomblcs'putty, andismado up into cartridges, each weighing aboat two ounces.ThQ manufacture of dynamito is attendedwith some- risk, but when once mnde, if theingredients aro pure, it is comparativelyharmless ns long ns it is kept apart from thimaterials which aro used to oxplodo it.

It is commonly supposed that tho iracspor'.alion of dynamito ia vory dangorous, butit is fiir lesB BO than gunpowder. • A woodenpackiag.caso filled with tho eiplosivo' baabuuHbul'uu"Ike;'ilia::ouly- rcBuli bciug;;burst of dynnmito flame. .,;..l!oscs .filled, with,-:dynamite,..hftvo^.Jiaaa,Uirowu from great heights, and cans loadedwith dynamite havo bejin .sniashod iu_rail-'road collisions wUhontanexploBion,"''' _""

Commouly, tho dGBtruotlvo :propertioa oidynnmito aro brought into play only byuouns of a dotonnting cartridge. In blast-icg rocks with dynamite, tho dynamite cart-ridges aro first pressed into a holo, and oyithem is iuscrtod another kind of cartridge,called thoprimor.

Thia ciJrtridgOB contains a •.'.'.detonator,'which is a copper cap, an Inch long, holdti"_a small chargo of fulminnto powdor. Tothis jirinier js:dtiuukud n fuse, aud- whontlioruso biiroB down to tho fulminate In, thodetonator itcsplotlas; and thia, in.turn, flrostho dynamito and shutters tho r o o t " If the3ctonnlor. is , set with moro. than.;_throovfourths of Its length in tho dyunniito,";th(fiiRO may sot firo to tho Inttor and burnaway harmlessly, before" tho fulminate Ureached nnd oxpiodcd. This n«etrontn foininny unsuccessful nttempts to blow up build-ings. ••_ - - •'.• -.^J- .-_.•<•-•- ..'

:^,.Tho advaalagoB of "dynamito for th6"Ui,oIreckleeBcbuspirat6rs dreitfi powor whlclIs th«o times that of powdor; Us cbonpuoifor it can bo bought for ltss thnn forty contirt pound; and tho convenience and compara-tive snfoty of transporting and storing it.

" " The logltlmato usns 0!: iiei'-'xpluttivu:so numerous'nnd inipqttapti.that it woul(be hard to prevent its occasional purchase(or illpBitimato.:UseB._.Morcovort.conspira-tors can mako tboir own dynamito as Hart,nianu, tho Kikilist, iuako his, out ofnitroglyoorine aud sugar, or ont of nitro-glyooriuo and pulvorizod paper or wood. It Louly. seventeen years ago that u dynamilwas introduced by Dr. Nobol, a Swedish'r1—

ujrto'Nll'illh-ComrorlHtir *o Iho KidThousands ilia from noglflct to propcrl;

trout lmpiuo'Blood,,-Oonstipntioiii Dyai J l l i A l , Liver. Kitlnej"» p'auio.—Bill Arp in Atlanta Comtilutlon. t pfipsm, Mamnn, Ap?

But to the <lcbilitatcS,'burdoncil with an.. i. powcr^or^Aycr'a.Snr'sapa-. NWinna sir.ltricsa,1wo congcieutiousIyJrcconi'

x..,,. -aMoo".well'"kiiowii-lo riiquire- LlioBpacioua iiid of im*»,exaggerated- or fiuU-tious certificate. Wltriesscs r>l its innrvcl-

a cures aro to-day living iu every citycures aro t d a y ving iu y yJiamlct of the land,- Wrjlo for iinmcat r o u t h o m o ' o i d ^ ' 1

.....j niecUoinal properties possessed by 1otlinr remedy. ' Sent by mail for 25 tenbox of. SO pills'; C boxes, $l:,-(iti stampsAcWrCBS, D R S W A Y N E A SON,: PUilndelphia, Pa., Sola by Drugsigts;

' :;• • A H C 1 S H T < J L Q 0 K S . ;;;-, • •..

ertiita* Fact* Couectulaa *: '<"*

OctavioB Morgau, writing In Jfotea andQueries, says: Thoro Is a rcmarkablo dockt Leeds Casllo, Ia Kent, tbo scat of Mr. 0.fykoham Martin. It is within tho castle,it has nt^ial. It BtrikcB on a bell bearingo dttto 1435; which seems to bo tlio proba.

ila dato of tha clock, and OD that bell thosrfCT is rnzg crcry night at 9 o'clock—a

castom which has boon kept np over Bincotho castlo was bnllt, abont 1280. Tho etrik-

\g part of tho dock Is In ita original con*ition, bat thf -oing part has been'alteredi adapt It to a . -"datam.

Thoro can haraV : ~ a doubt that many Iflot most, of tho ancient nbboys, cathedrals,ind castles had similar clocks, bnt that, liko

o celebrated cloak of Richard ^VallingfordSt. Albans, they havo been destroyed;

snd I think it very probable that much in.formation might bo gained on tho subject IfUo fabric rolls of ths cathedrals wuro exam-aed wilh that ob)'sot.These woro all fixed clocks of largo sizs;

rat wo now como to tho domestic, or indoorIOUSO clocks, which wero of smaller eizo,id Lot permanent fixtures, but movable,

wing hung np against n wall or set upon Abracket, with tho weights and chains bang-ing down, generally exposed. These clocks,ihough not absoluto fixtures, conld not con-reniently bo moved or carried about. They

ust havo come Into nso In tho fifteenthaentury; but, with tho oxception of thatlready mentioned, I havo never saeu a clockif that description so early as UJOO, and it

a curious thing what baa become of them,lomo wcro richly and highly ornamented,or I nm now Hitting boforo a very fino large

ind early picture of St. Jeromo ia his study,work of abont l,G00, boautifully and

iuuUly uxacutcd; dud hero Is represented,ogisg against tho wall nbnvn his head, aa

ixtromely elegant clock, with weight nndlunterpoisc hanging from it. Tho case of

the clock is apparently of gilt motal of mostelegant form, elaborately ornamented wilh abeautiful rich and dclicato cinquo conto do.igu. The hour circlo is apparently of whitonotnl, and tho contra of tho dial is red.L'his seems to show what tho style of room;locks was at that timo; but none, of thornicoms to havo aome down to us, certainly

auo has como over here, and I do not re-member to have seen any in continental

ums; but it Is now many years BIUCO Ihave traveled, nnd tha museums may allhave beau rearranged aud now antiquo ob-jects brought out nud displayed. I am,iiowever,' fortunately iu possession of onemall hanging clock, but .that fe of the i:eenth century. That and the beautiful:lock nt Windsor Casllo mado for Ani>oDoloyn nro the only twi" weight clocks that I

in call to mind.Tho domestic clocks divide themselves

luto two classes, thoso which go by weight?nd those of which"tho motive power is s

coiled BjKiug, whicli was not applied tillbout 1200, aud theso spring clocks formho class of chamber and tnblo clocks. The

weight clocks,.which thodertierfl aro ant toall fifteenth ceniur/^ork of tliu fiisteeulli and Noveuteeoth ccn-

;tirics—at least I havo never heard of onoirlier. .Mr. Jlorgnu infers from tho marked simi-

kirity of tha brass houss clocl« of tho six-teeuth century that thero wero . brass wnrkiat Clorkeuwoll and Coventry"which suppliedbrass frames and dials to tho clockinakers inLondon aua the provincial towns.


Dauiel Webster had n bad memorymoney matters whether it was n, caso of men-ey owned by him or money owned to )nra.Ha haiidloa thousauda of dollars, but, oftennever looked nt tho "amounts paid.tohini,and in a fow seconds would force' where hplaced »l.omonoy he had received. Pr°tiaViy thero is soino foundation for the storythat ho gave- A troublesome beggar a Iran,drod-dollar bill, to got rid of him, taking itout of his veat-pocket in mingled absent-minaedneBB and vesntiou. Another anec.doto tells how awkwardly his bad itiemor.caught him once: ; ' .

Tho lato J. T. Fields used to relate in thimost graphio manner tha particulars of hisfirst interview with tho god-liko Daniol.Mr. Fields was at tho duto of tbo interviewa lad freali from tho country, serving as julor.clerlt iu Iho book-store of which he aft*

awia became the h'uiid.'"™™-;:™:'-;r-:';

Being tho junior clerk, ho was despatchedupon tho most difficult and hopeless •. orniiwhich tho biiBtness' of the fitora affordenamely, to collect ft lnng-RtnniliuE niut..ever.growing bill ngniustPauiel Webster. . Everouo olsoin tho store had tried "mid "fnileVIt was now tho turn of tho new Imnd.

. Mr. Fields went into Jli-.\Vcbsitjr's_ ofllco,tnade his moat polito bow, aud lad ing- tlin

bill, fiftid, in" his politest,tone,— : ' , ., ; " The firm" prosont thoir complimeuts ti

you, Mr. AVobster, aud beg to remind yithat their account has. baeu ruiiuiug forgood mauy yenrs, aud thoy would bo ex-tremely obliged to you if you could settli

• t h i s m o r n i n g . ^ 1 ' • ' • ' • ; ; ; ' • •:"~•••'-'"-••' *'•'• - : " v • " • "

"Young mau," said Wobnter, "how cnia mau payja bill v?lio has uC'.mouoy.?-:-IjOolhero, BOO foryotirselfl" ~ ~~^

Saying this ho oponod his_.dqak,_ aud lo]thoro lay a heap of bank-notes, * which -hihad received 6oino tUno before, and bad to

" ta l ly ' forgot ten . ' ' " :•--•:;•-.-:-••-:••••

" I beg yoiw purdou, young man ; I liaviBomo money.-I was uot aware of it. Hely o n r n n l f , " -_ - _ • , . ; : . • , ; . • ; - — - • ::••..-.• - : :••-'.• .•-.-

' Tho young man couutod out tho money,fiigned tho rocoipt, aud went back to theBtoro wilh tho light of victory in hia nyus.—J f . Y. L e t t e r . - ' • - • • - , . ••'•'••


—Virce coiuea la titna—To-morrow.

—HorJer enterprise—Piecing out tho « ^t o t s . • ; ' ' . • ' • ' • • ' - • '

—A kid-clonnslog cslnblishment—the pub>b t h l 1 : 1 " ' "":"r 7 1 1 1 ; • ; ; • • —

—A summer resort—borrowing oar neigh- „tor's lawn mower.

—Tho honm is directly opposite tha scafybecause it is Just ovor the weigh., :

—Tbo man who lots w l l enough alona U10 chap who always UECS cistern water.—\rew York Adccrtiter.—Jones, ou being advised to marry and

icttlo down, ropllod that tho great thing was' Hcltlo up and marry.— !'A fair court record," remmkod •

coquctto ns slio wroto tho uamo of her six*lecuth rejected lover In hor diary.

—Tho now Western weather prophet !•proud of his namo—Straw. Ha Is earo liecan toll which way tbo wind will blow.

"Tho liny cochineal insect glvbi bis bodylo ho ground Into paint and dyes."—Scietril*Ho Exchange. It wonld bo moro remark*able if this hug would permit Itself to beground into paint nnd refuse to dio. ,

—Au exebaogo soys: " A - Mississippiog bit oft a boy's noso nnd swallowed It."'big ELOWB Iho thoughtfulncsa of tbo dog.

[f ho had swallowed tho noso without bitingIt off, it must havo proved fatal to tho boy.'

—"No,"Enid n. Philadelphia philanthro-ilst, " I cared nothiug about the swindlo; I

only sued tho mnu as an act of charity.Thero nro U5,000 lawyers in tho UnitedStates, anil not work enough for half ot

—" Somo men unpleasantly comb tbolimstacho nt Iho table," remarks n writer,'bin Is cruel, and tho society for tho pre.

vention of 'Striking mustaches - when thoy -'•nro ilriwn fihoniil suppress such au exhibit •:iou.—iVeio York Advertiser.

—Col. Faccabout in nominated for townofficer. " Do you think ?" asks bis nearestfriend, " that tho Colonel will run well?"

No doubt of ft," replies Corp. Lance, whowas iu tho Colonel's regiment; " that is, itho hasn't chnnged wonderfully. I know housed to run well when ho was in the army."—Boston Transcript.

—tho stngo benrd looks as much liko &board thnt grow thero as a cow's tail wonld .if tied to tho bronze dog on tho front porch.When you tie a heavy black benrd on ayonng actor whoso wholo eonl wonld bochurned up if lie smoked a fulMlodged cigar,ho looks about s savago as a bowl of mushand milk struck with • . club.—Montana

—Oscar Wildo is in taiit of giving one'swife a namo icstheticnlly suggestive^ oS^SThusband's business. A good plan. Ailiemist'H wife w'dald bo'theu Ann Eliza j afurniture dealer's, Sophia; a farmer's, Tilly;a; fisherman's, Nettie; a tonsorinl artist's, vBarbara; a pawnbroker's, Jaw-lia; a bur-glar's, Kit-ty; au attorney's, Law-ra; a bar-keeper's Giu-evia nud au ediloc'u. Kit-o.

—llather s snspioioas: ••—"Tho_,situation .... .......soems to bo good, tho soil is fertile™ aud tho .river is full of fish, but I don't think I BIIOUMbo willing lo settlo down hore," said lha ' ".stranger. " Why not ?" asked the country- ,"••••man, who had been trying to sell him n ;

fann, . " Uecnuso thero aro several doctors r

in tho plnco and thoy look altogether toe :oontcutctl nnd happy."—Brooklyn Eagle


A singular epecies of nenciais growing z\Virginia, Nev., which shows all the char.(eristics of a senaitivQ plant. It Is about

feet high, and growing rapidly. 'When - •the sau • «JfjK leaves fold together, and tho,v;; t:ends o!yi-, <; ,'igs coil u y j t ^ a pigtail, andif tho latter is bandied there iBTviUentunenBl- T "."ness thronghwii tho plnnt. ' Its highest ; ,state of ngjflEiion was reached, when tho trco_ '

removed from a pot inwhich it was ma-,turcd into n larger one. To use a gardener'simpression, it went very . mnd. I t " bad -.-•••:scarcely been placed in its now quarters be-foro tho leaves bognn to stand up in all di-rections, like the hair on tHo tail of an angry ;cat, and soon the wholo plant was In a -y •.quivor. At tho Bttme time it gavo out a vmost sickening and pungent odor rosomb- ,ling that of rattlesnakes when teased. Thn --•

' so filled tho houso that it was necessary . . .to open tho doors nnd windows, and it was afull hour before the plant calmed down andfolded.ita—i^ffft --Frantvim^-:^


: T b o KI111I oTn IIiialiuiMt 1<

_ A Boston.wonmu.flndiug that slic^coitnxa ihoro'iii" bjisiues3 thajjJLierjflH^S ,thoy roycrscd tho usual order'ofthinga—she now goes out to business aud ho doosall tho work at home, nud, it is Bnid, does Itwell. "Wo suspect if ho henrs a ring nt thodoor wheu ho is kucading bread, and bnshis nruis up to tho elbows in (lough, or iaparing potatoes ( for dinner?' ho halloastlirough tho keyhole tLnt Uo is "no t athomo."—Jforn'stoton Herald, .

.Victims nf nmlnria tnlto Mason & ..l*cl-[nrilapillpl'thoprescriptiuiiusj.'d'with "un-(inrnlloletl success in tko MisaiHsippi Vtil-fcy by those noted pliyHiciitna. Theycoinplctoly oradicato all malarinl poisons,aro mild and stirp in offects. DruggiatB.

THE EFFEOT OF AN ExpERnrcsT.—An Ioflaman read in a modical journal thnt it bowould fill his pipe ono-third full of Bait andstamp tho tobacco down on It real hard, hitpipo would »groe moro salubriously with hithealth and nervous syBtem, Ho tried it, andin fifteen minutes after the pipo feU,(rom hisaaby lips ho was so siiik that lie slid throughtbo cane Boat chair ho .;was Bitting ; on, andwhen hie family tried to pick him up ho slidthronoh their finders and aUast they carried" ' T T b i a k t T d h > t

-lie symptoms aro moisture, .like .Bpimllon.1 in'tenso itchimt, Increased bytwriilOiIiig; very distrcsaiug,-particularly atnipht, seems as if pln-wocnw wero crawlingiii.ami aboiifc the rectum; tho privato partsnrc Kometimcs nf&ctcd. If allowciTtQ con-tinuo vfii-y aerious rcsnltti. may; lollow,•"SWAYNE'S OINTMENT" is p. pleas-'nut, auro euro. 'Also for Tetter, Itch, SaltRlmum, Scahl Head, Erysipelas-, Barbers'Itch, Blotches, nil scaly, crusty Skin DIB-asosr Sent by mail for til) cents;': S box--a, 31.25, ( in stamps). Address, DR.JWAYNE .t SON, PhiluJolpliia, i'u.Sola by'tlniggist-s. ;"-..• •-•-••-•••.-••; - - ^

DISOONROT.*TK.—"-Yon .inuBt' ohoor... up.Eomembor ibaUvevythingia for tbo best.

your wifj is in honvon, wliora thero iH ever.lasting penco," • eaid Rovorond Higgles toColonel Suowfer,.who hud recently lost.hlswifo. Tim nolonol nhook his hoad and ro-plieil, sadly: " I wish I could think BO, butI cfin't Thoro niny hnvo* boeii pence lahonvon hoforo sho got; there. You don'tknow what sort of a woinnn sho wns.: Aasoon naVlm gota to'ft placo nil pence.atopathen nud tlioro."—Tcxat SijUng*. .,

h i m t o b T d n >to aleop withon? foot under his head and Ihoother lying across hi* ohoat, while his armsweroflolimbe/they-'oouldn't be kept Inbed at all . Next morning he said ho hadn'tfelt so boyish since ho~£sokdl tits first cigar.—Burlington ffawteM^-"-' ;


No OrciiHC for Him. ^AV.hcn'Greece her kuces—Greeco*lier *' --

kneca4-Qrcece her ltnoeB.'Valaintiiercil "ftu-'v?''nibarrftsed school boy, forgetting tlio next . ^ :

ino_orhia xe^it^ion. t'JTh.eroi_iB^nopeena- \2 ' i i8 i o n ' t o ~ " g r e a s u ' b d 7 k i i ' " l ' ihlstcaehlr. r !N i tl

bodyskiiue»,-Hliouwhlstcaehlr. r !^Oo, and study )onr;piccc.Neither is tlioro" occasion-to - grease-yoBbnlr.' ' ParkerV Ifair Bolaain' is all

er is tlioro occasionto greasey' ParkerV Ifair Bolaain' is allng you want, /Restores tlio o!eand. l t y of fad(J1OE3 and . color ;to^ gray,,1 of fadcdliiiirV

DOGB not noil tlio lincnj not a dye; "goo'd1

for tho Bcnlp; proveuU ralliiig out, - •,:..f.';'.'.


The Star.X.A.11OI2

ntt 1'ubllHlicr**

• $1.50 P°r oar» *n Advance.

. Tn.vts'lloiiBEns'is HQIWKIX—Ono

• ;•'••; of tho in oat daring attempts nt rob-.: bery recorded in a long time was

;; i made iu Hobolcou iu broad daylight.S.:Jast Saturday moniing. Xhoinaa J.5i :. Smith/cashier of the XuUuiial B *

of Orange, N. J.i went to Now Y••/.' that morning and obtained $10,000

in small bills from' the Irving JJatiou-tz,;::;al Bmiky which were to:bo., paid out^ iu Omugo during tho day. Hoiilnc-

. , . . , ^ i ; ed tho money iu a BIIIUH uatchet and••/•v-V? 'crossed Iho Barclay street Ferry, in-

'•':::' tendbg to tako the 10:15 truinon thoV D . L . Jf\V..R.'H. for home. Hut he,... was followed by thrco of th« mual;',V notorious robbers and bauk brcakeraVf". in tho "United States, who had witch-

ed him from the tiino lie left Urn banl'-•• New1'ovk. There wove but few

* people in the car when Ciwliier Hniitlientered it, seated himself and placedthe satchel by his side. Two of tinmen followed him into the car, on«

.^J"; of them cnvrying what appeared t<%£^Jbe a roll of yaper but which was

. really a piece of load pipe covorciwith a single sheet of paper, Hi_ ieil tho roll and brought it dowi

,.. on tlio cashier's head felling him tt•'• the floor of the car, mid then reach-

i. .', ing over the back of the seat hi; , grasped the satchel containing th...:.-. money. Smith sprang to liis foci~':\. anil grappled with the robber bui

THE SAOE OF SILVER Si-nisos PASSESWAV.—Montgomery Blnir died at!

a residence at Silver Springs, nearftishuigton, D. C, last Friday inorn-ig, aged Bovonty years. A gonora-iou ago Mr.Blair was ouo.of tholost known among American politi-iaiis. Ho was a Democrat uutil jvibioforo tho breakiug out ot the Ito-ollion wbon ho joinotl the now Be-lublicau party. Ho held tho offico>f roatmasaor-Gcnoral, under Lin-

,i from iSGliinlillSGi, when huresigned. During JEr. Blair'H ad-

illustration, of the. Fost-Oflico "Dq-uuimimL ho planned and executed alumber of radical changes, amoug'Inch aro our uniform rato of post-

igc, tlio 'system of free delivery iiicities, tlio money-order wyalcm, and.he poalal-ciir ftystoni. At Iho close>t tho war when the muwion of thoRepublican party ended ho retiredirom it and roturncd to the Domo-iratic party. Mr. Blair was an cn-uisiaatic supporter of Mr. Tildeii

iud the author of tlio Marylandiicmoriul attacking the title of Hayes,lo leaves three KOTIB, all lawyers,:ontiiniL' tho'nniuo.

was again felled to the iloor bycouple of blows from tho lend pipe.

v; • • Thn, pasdongers now rushed to luaI J ^ ; assistance anil tho robbers we're com£Sfer^ pelted to ily without getting tho moii

• uy. '•'• They were: chased through tinI streets of Hobokeu until nil wero fi-

nally captured. Tho robbers werrecognized as Peter Kmersoi), ulhi" Banjo l'ete," a noted Pliiladelphithief; Pete Fan-ell, alias "Red" Far-roll, and ox-Policeman John Xiigon'of New York'city, tho latter two iwhom were engaged in the Mauhniltan Bank robbery, in that city, somi

me ago.". On Monday morning Kiit and Fan-ell were taken befon

idgo MuGill and pleaded guilt vic charge of highway robbery, nin

-were him in ton yeai•each iutho Slalu pi-isoi£ Tims tl:reputation of proverbial " Jersey jus:

•ticeJJv.. v&s- sustained. 'Withinhours after tlio -commission of tlicrime the : criminals - wcffl seutcto undergo the utmost penalty of Hi

Saturday, utionuion.An inquest was hold and si verdict of"found drowned" was rendered,


ion.XiCESSE.TrA favorable illui'•' tratioii of tiieVoi-Uiiigof high lice:-.:: in the town of .Mount. Vernon, 111.,

: with a population of 3,000.•..•'" eral years tho town council refuse:, :v to grant license for saloons, prefc:•'v ; ring to adopt tho principle of pi-oli;;{ bjtion. There was not a licensoiV'* saloon in the place, but the dr

stores and groceries sold spirits 1J•the pint to be carried oil' the prom-

_>e,and dnu*, «nd itl»-n» a ^ c ^ f f i S %*JZ?A$& C t l?,°:at last to sell liquor by tlio glass, w l l i c l j , v a s o t itscjlf sufficient" to luivclg ; " : t o :bo drunk buliiuc! a partition on cnusc'l death. The cut lifttl ninmv-

ttie premises. About six months np" fai'1)eeu '""do '>.v » rook1 nml wasttnVoiuicil'iiiMsMiiJfe-sowiUaniiicV1.0 l l o . u b ' Kccivcil when lio enloreJ

saloon was opened, and iir fc^^'• 'imonths, the proprietor had made

'enough money to pay for his licenseand-keep up his establishment be-Bides, and there was no greater por-

Tl l t St'AMSH MlSISTKlt's

Scnor Don Francisco Barcn, tho Kn-oy Extraordinary and Minister Plen-

ipotentiary'to* the United States fromKing Alphoufjo of Spain, commiltcisuicide curly Sunday morning at titAlbcmnrlc Hotel, Kow York city, h>shooting himself in the right temple,ho bullet comiug out through tinight eye. All tho circumstanccH olho act showed that tho suicide itiv

premeditated, for although it 'wasearly in the morning, Honor Uarc.i>ad not removed hist clothing for tin

night. IIo was dressed in a faultlessstyle, wearing a neat-fitting suit o:black. His linen was soiled only I;lis own .blood. He left letters con

voyiug the intelligence llml< ho killoi'himself because , of his innbilitytrpay his debts, which were contractsby his princely style of living hWashington. His1 wife and dnughte.wero visiting a Spanish gentlemannear Ked Bank, X. J., when the trag-ic deed was committed.

CoNTitiMUD.—At the special meeiing of the Board of Freoholdera, liisiFriday, Ihu appointment of Mr. 11S. Price, as County Supcriutondou!was confirmed without a dissGiitin;voice, notwithstanding the nuiny rumors that ho would moot with Htroii;opposition. The Freeholders shmvoivery good judgment in thus coniiming Mr. Price's ajipointment, andhe attends tu tho duties of the oftioiin tho future (and we hnvc no doulho will) im .ho has in the past, the;will never have reason to rpjnvt. the'action. "Wo congratulate Mr. 1upon his beingfid w::i it rRl


ONIJ '1155.00;

NEW PARLOR ORGAN $ 5 5 .• «i;.'t00 willtmil stool, book nndi'Jnilt: exprcwly tc Hiipply nvery


l i l d l l l f ti


Ojiona tivp full Octavesiitnl "L'itiU1' Kcoii^i

C OULC1ANAI'owcrtul Five OcthvMfluHen Ilcodsam thrown open by tills stop, Tone,"London1* Ktyle.

7 VOX HUMANATremulant; wliit'H imitates 1»y n r.\>WIIKHL tho hunmn voice.

which doulilcs"tlic iimwr t»f tliCouples Octave.^ Kifjlit ami I.n

VO1X C E L E S T E ,OjicitH set three ctetavi! Ui'dlw,very charming, mveel, nu-toiiioi:

FRENCH HORNImitates a Full Orcltcsliji tuulltnnd,

8 0 AYATJUnWE1 • '•>. Ticcftlo; 10, Ju l i an ; U . Clnrioiiet; 12, Colic; IS, Vox Jnbl-, u f lAf l f f lUl i J l j j liinio: I t , Cinrnbclln; 1A, Omml Organ Knee Stop. Tlio lasf

eight stops are ojicruti'tl in ilirt'ctisonjimction willi aliovc noven, bringing fortli, acommmul of the pcrromier, most cltnrmittg music, with lienutifiil orcliostrul effect, froma mere whisper, as it wore, to a gram] burst of tiarmuny. jt3 Thunilerhi'j Tone, while

lint; the full orfrnu, must bo hennl to be n|)|ircciutt'tl.Tlits orif/innl Ctibinet Organ contains Five Set* Gulden Tongue 1,'coh OH follows:—'

1st, Five (;'») Octave Set Diapason or Pnri« HeciU; 2il, Kivo (5> full Set Dulcinnn Kcciltotieil "London" style; :t«l Swcot Voix Celeste Ile«;(la of thruu full Oolavw; -tlh, Ono (I

Ouu MtuiUul'uT Key 15o.ini, llnntlKomo walnut eiis*\ lWoptaclc for liouks ami ShedMusic, Lump StiimK Unmlles, Hollers, Trelile Uprijrlit llcllow-t, immense power.Steel Springs, Ac. Hlglit Knee Swell, ulso Loft Otaml Organ Knee Swell, hy wliicl1

the full power nf this orpun may be obtained itt plousuro l>y usu of tho knee VJIUIUUremoving tlio linurta from the Keylioani, • ' • • . ' . •

unanimously cm:., iws.::tho-.poi)ul:irii,\

which ho haa fully earned b y ii fitith-1'til •aml'OIticicia •iitieiidtiiil:if"'UV- t'iuduMes of liis inijiovtnnt oilico.

CAFI-AIS •\Vi:uii*s ]36»v.—Tito lintlyof Captain "Webb, the I'.ngliijh swim-mer whose fooUiardiness led him loattempt to swim across the rapids ofNiagara river, was fuund floating inthe river lust Saturday

"yceptible amount of drinking in theplace than there had been before..-.Two other persons uro preparing to

".** open, saloons, niating threo in the: town, and this, it is thought) will lie

: limit "for aomo timo to come.) town treasury will bo §2,400 ar;"better olV-than-nndoi'-, proliibU

. • "•^tiiid no more liquor drunk undertern thijn under the qtlier.

s.."-. Si'6y.ED:—Lastj somo lending dealers ia butter.

Q New York and Boston scut agentshrough the West and bought up all

,, ^the butter obtainable at an averageV&;r price of 21 cents, and placed it inll;; <•,!.- cOid storage in Chicago to tho^-r -amount of 10,000,000 pounds, in the

belief that tho product would go . up;liig month,.—"Bnt owing to plenty_..of

^- rain and, continued good grazing,liaro continued giving ])leuty

lot;rich milk,. and-"thu8 .far in July7 there, has been q. largo production ot

jr, equal in quality to Juno but-)r,~with tho result that it is for sale

'in}, tlie Chicago market at-19 to 20its;1'- The cold stored butter has in

:, tho. meantime .been depreciating in,r..,^._ue, and it ,is said that somo hasLKi bVen Hold as low aa ;10 to 12 cents.'

s roil TUK GOOSH/1 ETC.—It

B , , a been dein'onstrated that for eightj t v i months of the yeav, •Western dreGsed-

V: beef can bo put upon tho market, ii'better condition and at n rato sever-

"" fl.1 cents a pound oheapor In buyers,when brought in on tlio hoof in'

1 cars.r Now come the "live cat-icn who demand that tho rail-

|roads'shail"como to their help by dis-jriminating tho dressed-beof business

' ciietBnco; upon tho speciousB^^viUiap_on_becoiiie af ."ycmonopoly^; Xs tKpr" lhre""catUe'"'pep^^ : ' pierhavo liad x Heal thy ymoiioxioly"; of

KL, that kind for a long time, tho'peopleV£;."wlio buy. beef(would regard a cbin-

j^etitiye.'mqnopplyioftlio drcsscd-beef^ ^ g d , as a very hoaithful thing to have

' icf tue.xewv'roujKl_^leiwt.:

ject in places above the surface of thwater and where the current is t!iuwildest. • ' • '

DOES HE BELIEVE?—Col. In-gersoll avoids stating liis belief as totho existence of it God. Ho .said that

J'cniol <

line" of

he was " combatting tho idea thatthere is a hni-sli, blood-thirsty and re-vengeful dfiity, who delighted in..thepains of the' inquisition and derivesgenuine enjoyment from the torturesof the wicked in'tlio lake of lireknown as hell."


' [Kui'',.rnn WASHISOTOX ST

l'oiiucBtBtrciim Uiut. nmiictli ever.Dainty,.tidy, little river, f

. nieaiuhi'g Hhc Ajiolio'a (jnlvtir,Mimic lloml!

'J'rjpitiiis sprifflitly tlirougli lliu IIHSIIIO*In 'nmi out umonjj thu sliadowi; •

"OftllQWOfld. ••

Laughter loving MlUu river,Settling gayly hills of^dovor,Of llio plaintive i>lovur. lover

Ever true."IViitT.iourcfiil.ef tlm!ight-:~v;:rr. :Fill with tetira the tenilcr eye wight

• ;. lleurinjj yuu.

I tlesire every Iiomo within the reach ofcivilazitioii toirgttns anil to tliis end only 1 rankc tliia olVcr.

A $65.00 Parlor Oip S S | 3 ^ L , : ^ S ^ For Only $55.00(3TClii> t l i o j ro l lo^v l i i i r Xolt<?<; mul ^rull ivll Ii Oi' i lci-.^fi

aill.v!'Kctith thu SLiusliItie lluwin,fgTi»a!j'Ncnlh Uic Klorm-cloiHt. oli, linw niUy the churuli-yartl Klmvly, eadly,

• ( • Luattliy flow.--;. ;.:....:•.••.. ' 'MIglit il'lBtiirl) thc'lntiiiitea ulceiilug^'Ku»lU Ihii inoumls Ihy wuyea lire sweeping

As they KU- •••

Thustl 'like thy Bildtnir llto la rmuilng


. V ^ E , . . g y ; _I'roiuits HOiircu.1'

Now It. linlls the Lnpi\v men (lows,Kow 1L kcls Ihe illaniul shiulows '

Of Us coiu-tuT.''"•

I H F . U .

WtM.nn.-In WnBliington,'• Stella, duut'htcr of lWUpJ. Wullcr, ugod 1 year n

VlKimnKH—l'rnroi!BK>».—On llio Sfflli.'liv llcv T T. CainpfiultlI John W. YliiiiloX of iMietoml, N. J., to JDitllia'-ilcitou, of IlndiCtWtown, N. .T. j**>

SlIITn-CABTSEll.—At tho JIoHioillil, .pnrmii-isc , Oxford, N..I.r.Jmi» 11, l«S3 .VtU»lfev IVcKlcy Morlllf!>Tnmc«, ¥. Sinllli Jo

TITUH—Isseno—i\tihcMnlh(itllKt|>nri tf ,, Oxford, S : J., July 1, 1883, by Lhpllcv."\;-JVeal«yMarUn: Jmnes II.-Tiliif, o( IJntt*•• \Ille, M. J., to Mrs. Jlenrictta lnselio, iit Ox-• rord,N.;J., ... •SIPLK—THOMPSON.—At the rcsiUenc o

hrlilo'B parent , Oia^rd, N. .1., Jni? S1883, by tho Ecv. AVcsIey SlarUn: Albert 8;

.,: Slplc to Mies Clara Thpin]>aou, ullof Oxford,

CYPHERS the Tailorwishes to aimouiico Lo liis

o!d customers and lo newones thai may be

. the listthat hn. will bo locat-

ed for the present (untilfurtlicr notice) at Numbei


where he is prepared to getup first-class clolhingfrom Foreign andDomestic Goods, at

the lowest possible prices and

A Good Fit Guaranteed.Give me a call and be con-

vinced. You will find every-thing an represented.



in oil) iTi 11 r,

Washington, N. | . WAR ON PRICES!

—ALIi Kl.S'US Of—

BXavl>lc •&:"«


C^"A11 kinds of work done i

cncloiol with MarbleI l i t I I t l

UKST FACILITIES i MACIIINRHYnr i>ri;cl[n<; cshly Hie I.irsw_t nml licavlcH tt


P1CKEL.& BRO.Havo Somothing to Say to You I

We have in our market on Jlelviifcrc Ave-IIIIC n largo ami choice selection uF

wliiuh we arc eellhif; nt i»rW« timt r-nnnotbo •jculcn. A\*e can jiteaso ttin most fuu-tiilioiiH. Oive us n call. We nlso wiahto ntitiouncii Hint on TtioKclay, theli"tli nit., we liegiia runnintj n wngoinboiit town, RUI] licrenftor will visit oncustomers tliruu tttuc3 oncli week, onTuesday, Thurjulny r,ml Hntilnlny, andsupply tliem with meat at theic doors.

PICKEL & BEO;,No. 18 Hc'ivitlere Avcnuo,

II, 3-. J:

RUTGERS COLLEGE(ClmrlcriM its "(JuccnV Cullnri:" In 1770.) •

X«« llraiw-kl. X.J., 1!.».., Voile,on hi. It. It. Y.'nr l,i-lns (oMilniiiulioli fiililnll^loii) Sept. :\ lssi. ;siouii T r u e * n,r lu^ t iciii^Hlftii) I:H

-irniit'i, i:xiiiiiinuilniis. IMI. SID"(HHIIICIIHII;) l!ii, A:t.l0,(8nuf.-nsli.)

, : Aitttlti.mal cmlowmni!.--. NL-W Llhrnry FnmlStvi'iitc-n rruf^nr*: No Tutors. Cliisslcu:

• C,,i,isU'rii-.r..ii^:;. .Viii;:!c 3:n,vhi':ii f-r !•:!lives, Junior iiuil Sctiiyr years.

Scientific-Department.«>«.]«»/ .SjjI.jCill.g. It, _ Proroott

|.r«rtlrnl8.i™illl.-Seliooli.r I.IRII <if fo-ir yeurs e:ii'l,. "hiiyiiieeruu;Myeli:iuie.V utul "A^rleulturc uiul Clieiu-

'orouL'li »'i.rk ivllli eonstunt fietil-pructiceiiL'ineerln^iiTHl SurveyliiK. (^refill l:ilt-

it) Oljserviitiirv, f(ir stuik-nt.-'h l l r u i i i i l i l n r


iVrtisticnly mul PromptlyExecuted. ,

Our Motto .is " Good stockand square dealing," and wewill not be undersold by anyone. We keep constantly onhand a full supply of choicimeats of all kinds ; also fruit:and vegetables, and for tlliaccommodation of our cuslomcrs we are preparing torun a wagon about the firs'of April, and will call at theiidoors with meat Tuesdays,Thursdays and Saturdays oeach week, saving them tlvtrouble of coming to the mar-ket. :

JST'Please call and see fo;yourselves.

.-POOL&-HANGE,..Bolvidero Avoauo,

•phllndeiphla & Roarilng R- R--N o w J e r s e y O e i i t m l TMv.

.;, .... , ,TIMi:,T.\CI.E JUNE 2i,,J5*t.Trains Ixnte Junction

I'oriv ri»vv vati

Full Iiifu

Midsummer Offer.ii!y* inatuiilcs

ATr» 1 1 1 VvQn receipt of this Notice from niiy reader of

1N0. I l l , THE WASHINGTON STARtoother with only $SIi 00 CASH, by 1». 0. Money Oiler, Registered Letter.Checkor Bank Draft, innilcd witliiti a limitctt time, J hereby up™ to reccivis siime in ' fullimyment lor ono ofmy IJeutly OrgauH,.Ncw Style, No. 700, .itc,,-j Slonoy rcfQinIcdwith interest nt t! per cent, from date otyour t'cuiittancc, if not na represented afterone year's use. (Signed), •' DAXIKi ," IH?AI»PV

limited iimn hiiR..cspircil. r Nothing gainetl by .locjj correspondence. ...My..,soleobject is to liave tins popular Organ jutfodiiced, without u momem's delay,' into everyhonschold tltroughout civilization, as enVly ami na qutckly us poflsiblo; I . am ivillhip.o ofler the first instrument as a. sacrifice lo introduce, as every one sold so fur haa soldithocs. In one particiilur instance thirty Bales, rit S(J5 onch, liavo folloivod tlie firstOrgan purchased.. I'irst Organ is shipped at S55.00 as an advertisement. All I ask in

turn of you is to show tho •instrument l o your circle of friends. The instrumentRpealii for itself; it sings its own praiac-a. If you are nimble to accept I his Great Offer,writomo Ihe reason why. Perhaps you have tin. instrument already of "some ', oiliermnkc nn«l nro not pleased. If ;so, diaposo of it and order this. A friend of yours mayOcsiro an Organ. Gall their attention to tins Advertisement.. If they are from home,mail this oiler lo tlicm. If you can conveniently help me extent! the aalo of thesePopular Instruments. I flliall certainly appreciate your oirorla. ••

Shipments of Beatty's Organs, CluirclCCliapel and Parlor (this doesi i d B s a U y ' s ^ P i a n Q f o r t e s L d u r i n g t l H

months, were ash follows:Apnl '83 - - - 1335R/jay '83 - - - - i4O JJune '83 - - - I6O6

December '82 - ' I 4 I OJanuary '83 - - I 102Februaryy'S's" "..'•-. 1 ^ 2March T ) | | ^ - : ; - -« 435

»i5?*If youarein nooO ofan Orjianyoii'BlioiiliVavaii'yoiirsDU of the abnvo offor tit_nco', as it "will not bo repeated. Let mo lietu' from you anyway. (Bear in inimi',' thatI will not deviate from tlio(abova oiler.) OHDKII IMJIKDIATBLY.


itto Sflm!iirslii|is fit. 1» In; Dlk'il tiuutlmi in witalwiri


ul«lit of the

Uruituutwrmlv eccuru iirutltitblu!i>L'tli!s,- or HIIV Inturinuiiv KBTOCHB Cou.r.c,E. '•Gato lp Ph. D., LL. D., P

cr, Vrvf. & Trcns.JacoltS. V.

WARREN,:—Highest Grade—

Pianos! Organs.-NONE BETTER -

Sold onEasyPayments.

,Viltlrcss oi1 call upon

Warren Piano'* Organ Co,, ;

,. ASJ1UJIV, N--T.


stild Dr. E — , 09 lie enteredjiu Hitimtcd lnsn cotv vlilactMi "I luivo tot luct ! ' """ u •'

onmcli hcwoulil linvo lioou nil rlj{lit In - - .

iu old iihyxlcinn, HivnlloffSiiC Hi" CIID '•! uluai- -tilciihlBwIlolwilJiirtiiouroij (orMm.

•'•-'•' y«t people do learn, evenon which li

i).»E wns ilnlit, J«t |»ctiplc (lol•liou-'li Blmvly. Tliu rsiiltllx IncrcftnlI O D ' llflKlcr [iriivoB tlilBliiijond qur

nlnii iisour.ailon,

l iici

liouli Blmvly. Tliu rsiiltllx Incrcftnlni iisJIUKOD'H lilflKlcr [iriivoB tlilBliiijond qur.ailon, nIlia uooil aoclutBiiro cortnlu lo uo fiivwl miiciiK W u d f i M loll. Uni t a iwum c i i^Moolbc

Ir.L- uRvciatl by n iilnsltr Ben»on'« nets clUclent y

C[NEciininiiuCiJritrfl.~-"l'ncoM"ceiit3;-sc!ilii jiiliusnii, ChcmlMt!. No" York.

elidud • 1who cliiiirirom'lliTsdiitipnHSluu on Iho inndB of inu. miuHmn

nny other iHirpmii for wMuJi Uiey lui'i Countyick Vntil, Hcrrios or Nuts,or for

iir|)o«u for whluli Uiuy luivo no lawlulwarrant or Dm enraent ol thu limil owner, will lisprosecuted to ihu (nit osiont or Ihe euvcrn lawurovlilud lor tiich ofleueu-Dntcil October 0, is; ' 'JACOB SMITH JOHN MQVnCRJOHN 11AKN A 0 VANBICKLEHolTBorKKWITTltAMSEY - I1 11 HANNOAItVIH"S FltlTTS ' WM Sh'IUNRUAMOS ylBHKR SAMUKLKIN

Jrcncli Pluikanliimoi... }

• "' J . T . Robey,«i20 South 3d St.. EASTON, Pa.

Mav 81, W. '


Octttly A'-

eady lo'glvo. %In s t ruc t i ons in M u s i c 'n or onrim; loasoiia given at IIIB Iiomote ruBiib T

7.M A. M.-EIT t'tcmluL;ton.7,.TI] A.M.—Co

Itrlili:" UninEh.d fliltatlcliih

*i, corihcctlnf; nl So

ilnc at.Hlali ISrMiio ffSr T IM

-inecimii nt Utiili Hriase (orw j In, Hijjli llrldse Kniiich, Jtc;

it Somervlllu lar Fkmliiaion ; at Hound Urookfor TiL'tiimi itml I'liUndeltihltL, nt Kli/illietliliort

tr I.onR Hnincli, Oci'im "rovv, etc. , • „V'""7,,1. HtTTomld BroSf "for Tr'entni!11/"! HilIS-flphli. Tbroiiali e»r for Lang Ilrimcli, Oeeiin

"s'-I'.M.ConnccHnsatlltBii HrWRC for UliihrldL'cllrancli, iitSotiu-rvlllu luf FlmiilnL-ton. atnini'l liroitK forTrunlomimi PliiluiMiiiil*; atli/itaetbuoit for Lous Branch, Ocean drove, etc.11M 1*. M.-Wajr. .- . . " '7.:W 1'. M —Way. / . ..

S U S D A T S iiiratnljfl

Leare VhiUip&hvrtj.'l.i>hti;Ii nnit Snenncimnna Dlvls>lun,7.15 A. M.-ForSlniicti Chunk, J tc!M0 A, M.—For Scianton. Ac,11 3il A. M.—For Scninton, Ac,:i,l7 p. M.-Fur -Muiich Ubakk, Ac.5.M P. M.—For Sctitllon, Ac.3 11 1'. M.-Fur Jtnuili Chunlt, &e.

} ; ...Jlrturning .,.:.•;•.•,;,.•.•,.. -,,:


Irfavo Siiw Y01K. toot of I.llierty Strettt-e.-rijxi A. M.; 1 00. •! 00,5 :W) 1'. M. Hnndnyr. n » v.mK«wiirk!llrn(ii|sirciftStallon,i'?iO, »l», ». m.

Ellwibt'tli, 7.S0, B.SO K. (11.1.37 J.r.7, «.US ]Un. Sim*

Somarvllla, 5.32,8.H. 10.1S, n. in. S.W, 5,32, <i.m. Bundnys 0.8* ». in. 7.10 p. m ; . .Flflmlngion. 7.*l, WK)«. m. 1.15, -I.M p. m.awYot•further Information uto Tlma Tulilex

ta"0oi.'a7n.\Nco:cR.'o«iirpisritfTiit'."iABtW. W.STEiUKS. SoM.

• ' . I . E . V f u o T E J i / U e a . M a n . . - • • . ' • ••' •"•

SOUWD TALK.W h a t Hilctl n ««iiUciniiii «r XoivTirU

imdHiMVlIu A c t c p t o d u l i l t o rOooil Ad Vice. ,

"There la no diftlculty In jiliicliiK llio eublcct ordlscflac and Its remedies whero it botonRn amonR

ilMotconvcraiMlon," uilU 3fr. Dnnlel Jfnrtln,tlicuirm or Baldwin i Co., ono of tho old anil

i f S a w i i r k . S . J., when tho matterl i hl Ol i ] l "Wh


A-iiotlier "Week-

I) ross Gooiin,Sattccns,

S .rMuckcid,Lawns,

l'mrmla,•s Fans,


/ * • • Silk Mitts.


At the Largest Dry Goods House in Eastern Pennsylvania-,

FURNITURE! FURNITURE!Tho undersigned desires lo inform the public that he has on hand, n lnrgc dis-

play of Furniture, consisting of


Fine !ol of very liamlioino I'ntcnt nocltew. A good stock ot JInrblo Top Tables,


own make.

jntics nnd Bed Lounges] A Largo 3tock of Chairs, Cano Jfrom 50 to $20. ,° I and Wood seats . ' •. ..J

CAM I1 STOOLS. WMTlNft DMSSS^ COTTAGE SUITS in Great Vnricty;if not itt hand will ha obtained from 'jood manufacturers nt nftort notice.

r j?lease Call itncl'Examine." %Warcrooms on Wasliinglon Avenue, liclow St. Cloud Hotel.July lU-sy Daniel PittertrftH'-At/enU,


Tho lai'£>'c&t liuc of Millinery and Fan-cy Gioodfe, and at tlie lowest prices intown.


o f S a w i i r k . . J., when tho matteroMiHl in hl« oOlcu noi ]on|T elnco. "Whyof Hint aB'froely.ns wo do of trade ami

Blioiiid know more uuout it, nnil- h«c• tako care or t h u s valitablo but neg

_ iiEJIEUWaBbeliiBtiBfiiio UIIUK nJi'tarooineoplu to hiindlo- fate naC BIICOUW, I mean,1.1-.' trkcil Mr. Jlottin'8 ft-leiid. "DO you know or

'I-SJSnlilefty(o,11.nnBworcd ilw raprrtunt withitilpt enillu Somoolmy frlcnilH reside nt Ron-

"Fa "ironhonor

11 and I1II1011B (llBonlcie. Tlii•on rany ilcdiicu my ojilnioa u

tlic liict that It hue Ueltl 1r hotwcliolil rutiit'dyu

YllRITE 11E1IEDY In Block,"" W h t l h i b } "


lRITE 11E1IE"What la thei"8t)l Brtmd. You ciiti run nr

to laKe tho troiililc,t d M Mrti

Blober} .iiti run nronnd anil ***

roiililc," said Mr. Mtir. Martin's friend did so,dfilin llriiuiIHni th AUoll


Tr! David. Kennedy'" FAVOltlTU UIJMEDY,llouduiit, M. Y.- uiia Jollnr a bnttle.


I MKSr"VoilTHAim' L(iAN3"Hi«onimproved furus. Interest mul ]>Hn.cliHil imtd on ilny of innliirily InIAW•York. Funds yronipUy placed- tyra

^ c\ii't!iit'nco."'"^N'o •losacs.'-^.SuiMiv'1'1clwsulaf, rorcrcuccH mul mimilo forma.

Viwl'™.i h. ]I. l»orkluB. Sen.! CIIH.,W. Gillcll, Troo«.j N. Y. "art. Awl-Hor. • . - , • . 3 l ' ° l

4-6? Norfh-amptop St.,

The Wliole. Stock of Fine c"

C L O t H I N G ^ l C l q L h i n g L ; ? ^ ^ ^to make room for the largest stock of Fall and Winter ' '

Corner ith anil Northampton .S(s., EASTQN, l'A

For llio past twelve years with Jolmston ifc Soii, -• -


Repairs and tGrates and Bricks for, all Kinds of Stoves and Heat

SPOUTINHot Air Fui'iiaces a Specialty

ilcre vcrl>al or by mnll recolvs prompt fttt OPIIOII. Prlcnti lowGive inn a call. WATTS1 OLD STAND, WASHING'

Apply l>y mtio fln-ir l i w llio liontrllt.; of-tljr cloanntn Ihonnetfagce o( oa-Ivlrnh.t

Custom Dress ShirtsTo innuurc. mnilo from selected wom-mtta nraslln, wllli' « l r« Uno threo-iilylinen bosoms ranforail. llnvo tlio FrencPlacket'Sleoyo anil inmolon tie tub. l i t ,nunlity nml Morlimnmhin BUirnntecil.

MY STOCK SHIRTS«r«. or u n a r m nunllty, d ' t | t •

ulitty* Itiflaramailon, iirotucta the membiInps ol the hood If0!""^'1.1',1,??1..^1.11.8^'...... oi'tS,.l"lnpiiiicAtltll!lC[l\!!IUvu 1111 <-->iiui

;tjc«il iloricirr,ular.=

!tolyico ortnstonnd

ntc icaluoi by a lowipjiBn.lrciitmcnt ^wlll^eoro^

lontii ofWaBlilnglbn,will;bp nr,to_Oio full cxtcut of tliolawjirovldcA Jor^aucli 60 AddrGEt'T, 3, Hush, '

•Tttejgjjar.WASHINGTON, N.J.. .\fOL1«Ta, 1SSL

LOCAL INTELLIGENCE,- Al tbu D. Ii. X W. It. It. Co'*, elcvaird tctmte

ilrnte $.i.w tier ton.HJJI;,.. .TKV Her tosiuve :tw PIT tu(rheitnniI

.TKV Her t:t.w PIT neriun.Helper UrnIm

X3T UHelper Urn

allltcj »lwaj* on hind dry (unai-icrc.n-Co*iloiacd illrcct ftorascbctcc (o

1ft WllfUUI.\VM. BIlIELDa, Jr. . Agent.


lliitcers College.OntanH—Dunk-1 V. llvnttv.Nntlcc— Kcytlono Flr« Ci».SlicrllTn Sale—W. K. llmm*.

- Iu Uie I'llot H«iwc-Hli"n»x A O .• Sotlcool»cillciiicnl-0«-ar.lftlrry.

. I'imios A Or«an»—Wurrui 1'- A: 0 . (.«•.(treat glauglUcr-l'hUn. One Prire Uu

L House.

••'"— Cnnip meeting nt Ml. Tabor beginsAugust 9th.

—House aud lot for sale. Apply to ,i V , Crovcliug, Washington, X . J.

—All kinds of tiuwork and plumbingdone promiilly by Hulaizer & Mention.

—Tho pay-roll of the special meeting ofHoard tif Freeholders amounted to

—I came to stay. Bring in your clocksitchc3 if you want them repaired toime. 0 . ti. FRENCH.

tnlian licea and queens for sale by\Y. IT. Ka-kcr,

' Washington, X. . I .... D. L . A- AW I t 11. Co. lms tie-to build a much-needed depot aid. Tho now building •will be 120

feet long.

—Just received a new lot of ladies gen>uinc French kid shoes, buttoned and lac-ed. Call ami see them nt A. B . GrolT &

•V Co.'s new store. : :

—The new l'rcsbytenan church,Flemingtoii, which we mentioned sonictime ago, is now completed with thoceptlon of putting iu the pews and organ.

—The annual announcement of the ug(

, oIMrs. Lucretia ilice, of MiUoni, ia go» ™ - , > - ing Uie rounds of tho press ngaiu. Kht

•••wlfr'bo 100 years old on the 17th o-;;: Aiifjust next.

—And liow John Stone is going to trt

Uie salo of Chicago beef iu this place,a market is in the room recently vaeat

jl by Air. A L J . Swcnson, and was openci


Jcompetitive examination, liollast Tlmrsday. one applicant

,. . ... .inswering the questions iu orthography

' v miaspcUod twenty-four words out o(:'"C possible tweuly-flvc.

: — T h e W . C . T . Union will meet tli

:: (Thursday) nfteriioon nt !l o'clock in tl«••-.• Beading Room. A delegation from lie£-:'

::.\Klero is espected to be present. A' f»

" . : attendance la desired..:..._ . -^-Tiist Thursday evening an enjoyab",'.' party was given by Miss Iiiitie Curtiss iV- her homo, iu honor of the friends of Miss

ulainic'L'KoBimcdicu anil Fsr.iiic John-ston, who were visiting them.

— — I n setting tho advertisement of tlieAViu-reu Piaiio and Organ Co. last week

—A "Harvest Homo" is in progress al

/irentz Park. ; '

•Nowjewelry, bermliltil patterns," Mcccived at French's. ' 1CciveJal

Mr. Micbael recentlyMr. Micbel•Mcd Homfi new H'.OL-U tu In-* livery.—Alt liinda ot tinwork an>l plumliing

loiiu promptly by Johnston ft Hon. V2tf—l-\ir a good, c lam Uiavc go to ltoacn-rgLT IJroH.', just M o w tho jKtstolllcc. *

—-Mr. A. W . Crcvcllng w having RlaiKiHomD granilc monument erected onits lotln tlio cciuutcry. ;

—The match factory has been removedfrom tho Imilding nenr tho cacal to a

uilding on the Carter farm.—A lino lino uf gold hunting nud open

ico watches, new styles. Call and ECChem, J.o\vir thnn the lowest nt I'rencli'g,

—The funeral of Mrs. John (J. Wcllerool; plueo on Saturday afternoon. Jtev.t. Viuilioruc, of Jersey City, preached the

funeral sermon.—Tltc Vrcsbytcrian

W d d

left tbbiltc Vrcsbytcrian cxciirsiuu leftlilgo Wednesday morning under fuvornbleuspicca with thirteen well filled cars.Ve will give further partlrularn nextvcek.

—1*01' wunt of space ji report of the tcm-(icrauce meeting nt Belvit'ero last week

d l l t h i h iicrauce meeting nt Belvind siitiio local matters, among which is n.cttcr from out* t-'oirtspondcnt at Broad-way, were necessarily omitted from thisissue. They will appear next week.

—The null of lightning that struckMr. Hosclierry'a bairi on Saturday fright-ened Mr. Jacob Mowder's team ot homeshe was driving to a twine hinder in anfills! Held and caused Ihem io run away

ith tltc machine. The injury tlonu vx\

i« l l t-—A great improvement was inado by

placing a now pump-stalk nnd 'wateringtrough at the "popular watering pkco" infront of Mr. J. K. Lynn's rcarblo yardi onSaturday hist, Tlio persons who made

ic iinprovt'inent deserve the credit of theimmunity.

—Muyor ]3cntty's organ fiictory closedtip on Tuesday niglit, in order to give thoemployees a needed rest from their labors,ami to do some 'necessary repairs. Tinfactory Mill bo opened again about thtlflth inst.j nml bucinciw pushed morevigorously than ever.

—A l'clviilctc baseball nine was to playthe Hartford* (colored) of this place, onTuesday, but from some cause or other didnot eoino. However, the Ilarlfoi'tls play-ed the Stars, aUo uf (his place, nud de-bated them IC to ID. The lTelridrru clubs expected on Thursday.

—Tlio case tried before .InsHte Stew-art, on July Ulst, between Isaac 0. Crev-eliug »ml .lylrn I'elcr, for the recovery olthe value of a quantity of hay und corn-stalks, was decided by the said Justicehist Saturday. The decision wns a judg-ment of SUO and east of prosecution.

—The Siierauient of the Lord's Supperwill be ub.sL-L'ved in the I'riiabylerianchurch next Sunday morning. The usual

X.'itX balurOoy afternoon about 3 o'clock,during (he heavy uliovcr wlilcU pnBSdlover tlilt placo, tho barn of Mr. MEchavlUoacbcrry, who HVCB in Washington town*Bliip, ii(Mir Port Cohlcn, wnn struck bylifthtniog and burned to tho ground, to-gethcr with on adjoining abetl '-!".! foot inwidth mid til) feet long, u airnago home,and u wagon Itouao with corncribs on eachKUIO. Tho lightning struck tho .ctipbln

I on the top of tho barn nnd running downeach side of it passed through the rooltcurin<- up tho slnta nnd making them flyia all directions, ' la n short .timu ufler-wnrd the barn was in flumes ami KO rnptdlydid it b u m that iu Ics3 than nn hour itwas entirely consumed. About six o'clockn request camo for tliu KcyatoDc FireCompany to nssist in extinguishing theruins so an to prevent other buildingstaking tire from tho uparka ehoulJ thowind rise, und tho company promptly re-sponded.

This Io3s falls heavily upon Mr, lloso-berry as his buildings wero in-good con*dition nnd coutniucd nearly his entirecrops cf grain and bay gathered this year,bctidcfl si large I'onion of last year's crops.Tho barn was a largo building, 40x60 feet,with 20 foot posts, nnd contnincd aboutoO tons of hay, 750 bushels <>f wheat, 100

[bushels of rye and about 50 bushels of!other zraii)?, besides a threshing machineincluding n thresher, cleaner nud power, a

, corn fcbcUer, si circular saw and imrocrousI other implements. These were all destroy-ed by the Cre. There were live horses

l h th fi l bt t

AFF.CIAI. «B<T1xa.I A special meeting of thd lioard ot Free*I holders was held in the Court House, ntUclvidero, last Friday afternoon,, for thepurpose of acting upon , tho appointmento f l i S. Vricona County Superintendent,and transacting any other hiu>inc?H (hatni(;lit iir<>i>orly come bcfuio'.hem. "

, Tho Board was called to order bhoitlyafter 2 o'clock by Director Merrill, whothen read the resignation of FreeholderMuhluii I>. Muoic, ol KnCiwltoJ,, and alsoho appointment, by tho Knowlton Town-up Committee, of Win. P . Moore to 111!IO vacancy.

Ou motion the waiguatlon. cod nppoiot-•icut were received and placed on file, andhe appointao ordnrcil to bo tuvorn. Mr.\'m. I), Moore was accordingly nworn in

Clerk DeWitt and took hLi phice M ab f l B d

i when the fire began, but theywere all resciieil. The corncribn, forming

| ft part of the wagon homo which wasburned, contained about 100 hunhnls ofcorn. When tlio barn win struck .Mr.Itoscbmy was'out in the Held getting aloud of oats; had it occurred ten minutesInter he would have been iu tho barn withthe load nml would most probably havebeen hilled.

Mr. Uosclicrry estimates hi* loss at be-tween 50,000 and $7,000. There was notu cent ol insurance on cither buildings orcontent*. He had them insured until

j about a year ago when the policy expiredand be did not have it renewed. Ho wil1

>ct about iclmildiug bis barn immediatelyMe. K. W . Allcgor was nlso a loser bj

.IO fire, having had Bcwrnl hundred footif lumber stored in the barn. His losi

between £80 ami $100,

preparatory lecture will take placethe church Saturday, afternoon.

Alter the services Saturday aflcruoou thecorner stone of the new chapel will belaid with npiwopiiate ceremonies.

—Mr. Hellis' new building is now aboeoiupletod and hu will'tills wed: makesome sidOitions .to.. lu3...Imudsome Jjyery.

' His' 'accommodations' are iirst-class inevery particular, ami 1m deserves u llbcra

j sliure of public imtronnyo on this aceount,na well aa Iteennse he U a liberal patroo o:

Ityivoaus pleasure to announce thaibraille Johnston, SI. !>., of thia placp, 'well known to us nil, ha3 just been pipinlod ono of the surgeons In the hospitain Hlnekwull'tf Mitml, New York. Tblospitnl \a the largest in this countryivcrfisinjj -1,000 patients. This is an iuiportant imsition nnd ono whi;h it is vcr;lillicult to obtain. The- applicants ure.uimoiotts mid it U only thoau HIIU liavan exceptionally high standing at the Colege, or University, nt which they graihited, Unit have any chance of the posilimnt. nil. Dr. Johnston, us id Renerull.;nowii. graduated ikinong tho.first of heluss at the College of "Physicians i'.niSurgcoDS, nt Itultiinorc, Md., and itprincipally his high standing • and libiliin class which haa secured tlio .positionThe position ia an enviable one, not onlyEeccrincat.oHOPnn ontniuce into tho beatmedical circle:) in New York city, butgiving him itn immense advantage- inM'CLHCII'jiruetice, an ailvuntugc which fewyoung physicians ever obtain, and onowhich a large city only affords "We con-

y C k Wlcmbcr of tlio Boiird.

all of i read by tho Clerk.

Messrs. Nicholas H i r i b nml Angus*!,M» Liaiael i have lafcon «tops Io lnwt' »pthe P . L . A W. I t » . <•'<>. ' l < I i a t W O I 1°P -

oly h u !'ad tiling* IU own way about longenough, and they have l» th risen tip intheir mnjutfLy mid called a halt. Thutrains ore nmuios yet but there U no tell-Iu» how soon tliuy "ill bo Btopped. Alltliis lUnically has grown oat ot tbo grouneglect and carelessness of lite company'semployees. Wliitu MI-HSM. H . nn»l /*»EORIO months xfnrr, wero quietly drivingalong Ihc highway leading from JtelvMcroto Delaware Station, ttio awiey and iacon-ilrterota cnclncor of a train standing onsaid road, with malice atorcthougbt, uu-necessarily blew tho whistle and allowedtho cnjjtao to blow, off alcaui, therebyrrightoniL'Slliei-hnrwvaud vowing J l i n i

• to run mvny. Tho 'vehicle wan biniwhcil tosinltlicrccn-, nml thu geulleuicu nforcaaidwere not killed outright but narrowly ca-

The appoiulineut of R. S. Price for} wiped with their lives, bruisca audabra-ipcrintcndeut of the public schools ofj'arrcn county, by the Stato Itoanl ofMucatloD, was read by Director Merrill,

It .van moved and seconded that Mr.,'rico be confirmed nud that n vuto oliyc.H nud nays be taken. Kvcry member

oEont voted "ayo" thereby making Mr.'rice's coalirmatiou iinanimoiiM, A etjnt-littco of throe were appointed to wait on

Mr. Price and request lua preseucc.itVhen he appeared hu was iutrodttccd byMr. Merrill, nnd made H brief address,tatlng the particulars couccruing his up-

.loiutmont and llmuklng the Hoard furthe honor conferred upon him in unnni-uioualy ciinfirming lila a)ipoiutinent.

A communication , from tho HelviiloroHoard of Hcallh concerning n culvert:roasing Wall street, in the town of Bel-ridcrc, was read, and a committee of threechosen to look after tho mutter.

On motion it wa3 ordered that At'crneyM&ckey and Judgo Morrow report whattail been done about tho Fecbletown Ijiii

jaso. Mr.Mackcv said there whsmuch to report concerning the case; thatTudgc Morrow had been employed Ioirguo the ectsc before tlic Supreme Conrtind bad done so, and ho supposed a do-isiou would be obtained Eometimu be

-ween uow ami Christmas.* Judge Morrow", being cnllcd upon, gave n report o:what he had done, aud the disudvaiUiic.esunder winch hu had lubuictl owing to aninsufiicioncy of testimony having beentaken in the case, and tin* neglect ofcertain parties, to furnish hint with nccctt-aary psipcrs. The .Tmjge appeared inclin-ed to take a favorable view of the caw,but, ia closing his remark*, lie remindedthe ISoard of the uncertainty attendingtho decision of a law suit.

The pity-roll amounting to S(J'».&"- wasmade up and adopted.

Freeholder McUrncken was in townbut owing to sudden illness was unable tomeet with the Board. On motion his namewas placed on thu pay-roll Uie same na ifie hud been pre^cut. Tlio JVwrd theadjourned.

n'otis thrown' in. They then ami therejwore, by uplifted hairJ, to havo revenue,und tho time has come when that obligntion must bo fultillcil. Tlicy liave accordingly instituted a unit ngainst the compa-ny iu the sum of two or four thousand

libra, for diimr.gca, aud have employedr.inctit countu1!. Tho cutti i» likely to be

tried nt the September Uirm.

—The special meeting of tho Hoard ofFreeholders Involved uiiin:ces3.iry and iin-called-for expense, w;w n COOIMII move, and

ccfmii'Ifchi'd tibHolutcly nothing tor theDimly «r lax-i'itypMsavoiibttl i>r»\vncn$e,

..hich utir alr.-udy ovorhurdi'ticl citizenswill •rcgai'tl in anytliinj; but favorableliglit. Tho pitrtiw to whom the pulitio isindebted for this foolish piece of Ijusinogjou(;lit to be sifted out ami mispeinlcil'to n

.ire clolbcslitio during tlic first thunder

—A stroll Ihronch Now Ilftoiplon nn alino Bummer eveuiujf !H very intcrcatiu^.Hero and them liy tlio Trayvitlu tho lovcruttantl ehowiiiK pufiugii orucitlod In cuzybaiconicfl bchiud thu vinot, ami further onOH ono nears tho public nqitnni they maybu »cu ptomcnaJiug tlia '•ouUtarll*; an

I ocrasional strain of music lloats out ou thestill air, imniilu.1 with tie tolling of thuI'hurJi belt*, tho voice uf fftuo mattienliftcil in duvoiiuiml [irnW that rntrancca

! one until who suddenly breaks o(V with theword*, " 0 ! Isaiah, don't."

—Wo nro L'laJ to (*o tho red ribbon onour fricnj, Mr. KdwnrJ Iliuelmrt. llosaya he has turned over a now leaf and ajluriou3 future lies beforo him. DomhiloJulu'ti iulluciieo is gaiultig strength.- ' _ W i ' piiy tlio firlluw *Iiw hud to.crawl

1 (he faol-Uij;, at no hto an how, Jt- nouli)not havo been HO bntl if tho old man hudnot followed him with the dog. Theodorenever fared HO badly as tliis I

j —The funeral icrvicca of MnJ.UInoliarUoi Townsbury, look plnee in tho ValleyPresbyterian churcb, .Sunday, the "JOtliit!(. Tho services were conducted by tbolluv. .1. U. Kuglcr.

—A barber 'uhop has been oryncd inthin place, A good shavo for ten cents.Green docs our Miavtng and lie I* iiftvery'•green" at it either.

—Mr. .Edirard I'rall, who has been forsonic time confined Io hit home withrheumatism, ia convalescent,

—Miss Lizzie Cook, formerly i>f, is spending n ntnirt timu with hersister, 51M. Join?31. Prell.

—Mr. Uriah !•'. Hinehnrt, one (if o...blackMiiith', H cunllncd t» hh houJ3 withmuUru.

I —The jjirln nil read tlm truth as rucord-|cdiii"l^at;ih1"ftiid<Msii!iIIy"rcRpf'Il|Ito it,

—AU'iTt ilrrt|ir- in Io «eo John, thec.-oiirIcons, ooca^umaUy, nnd has a ahnki-,

—llov. .1. II. Kuglor, c»f Imlnjdalt-, lia?friends visiting liim from tho city.

—Mr. ScheviHo aud wife, uf New York,aro virtitiufi rolntivta here.

—A cliiltl of Mr. AVilliam AIJIL-, id very

ishowi-r. Il'rt about time this '^otio nun, _. (lius out. Wu know Jinothinii"fits workings here in ISelvidere. Ourtown has been cursed 10 it greater or 1?HH

I defjroe by it for comu years p;wt, nnd cer-| tain institutions uru to-diiy sorely crippledI by rcsisrm b dc itiibbornni'SH and unrea-

uf a few self-styled


—Rev, Mr. Hanwn prenched his fare-well frrmon last Sabbat Ii. A largo con*

rogation wa.i prownl, and much fitting\mn nianirostcd. At Uie clnso of the wr-tnun lie atinouuccil that ho bad accepted

ipHturnout of tho Hoard of Homoinns of tbo I'rcibytcrian church to tako

(inargo of tliQ ml^Ion nt MIDCOKCC. IndianTy,( nttil nho tin* Industrial BVIIOOI thcrofor Imliim girls, llo cxpocU to Icavo for" "a new field ol labor at mi etirly day.

—Marniiall Quick, son-of BenjaminQuick, died on t'rulay of last week niteri long Hlucfti. His disoaso win coiiHumii-jf]i, Tho riuicrnl was held In the Motli*xlist church on Monday morninff last.Ho leaves a wife and wvcrat small chil-1n>n who hnvo tho sympathy of tho com*iiimity; -

—Tho yoiin^* follw of tliU ^lacu wilttiivo un entertainment at the residence of.Mr.'. Or. .Mains. Thursday evening.

—Herbert Knnson in spending n fuwdays' vacation with hi3 parent)* in thil'Ute. : , VRSI*"

How Shall We Describe I t?

iiHUH'A't< A lilumiMC}' nbtindantly ntoclotlwith clnigK, chemicals, extracts, elix-irs, tiiiciurcr, of tlio utmost reliabil-ity* villi competent Jruggiuts at bandto coiuiwunil prescriptions with ub-

Iri the Pilot House.•' Yen »lr; till* klml of work nttllgiM a man to

i t t t ' MI1>IT :IK a JmL% Of all mui)Tr. tlxi'lutimtrfriit tilltitii iitul rallriKi.1 ttmiw:«T* ict ll'|il<T ttlniic. Ki-rtin Hwir rlrarnrM «. .-., ciH.liiL-M .•( liuuil tk|ifiias the tnfuty ot tile

"'kniiittVliVrtliatiaon Iii» wlirt.4 "» Ii:li|».Mr.A.IInH!kina».i«rNu%»H S U H T St.,UliiirfiL-o. uiltlvdi "Of ii»ur#«', comis ul cmilrliil;: tiiit Uie M.Mr own liavn tliu hcrl pu»I«

IOIIK ami Ifm in»t tmy. VIM, HI., work ntnl .-T-i.,Miri! ixiinitliiiu* tdl* "ti n-* i l.iit for my jmrtUn.l |>.U:I.-I:I:'M T»»NH: t<* **en11 ttio Invtyonuilnt'i-il. 1'vu irnt ttt><'lllii i iWirl IIITO iiitiv;

i.vcr LTD on a trip ivltliuul It. When ! luiicn'tany »i>i>«-t11u. or tun '"""y'Vi'J ' , ' ,""-•! 'r '"*!

lioluto nccumcy.

HKCONJJiA family drug nloro ^yhero ono can

bo always suro to find puro npiccs,soda, cream tnriar, ilavonnp oxtraclg,dyn-Htufl«, potasli, herbs, pilla, patentjiiudicincH, toilet articles, perfumes,brushes, combs, HjioogcH, chamoiii,

e. IMl

II. Mis me M|> In ti" liwiitilil \i-v tiiuTmilf, it w1 >tT. (No. thiit l-n't 11 ll^lit-l/

T i l f i i ritlKtToilli' ^IK-U-lllKl'Olllrilllii^^trill? Wilt, wllli u IM

"in 'mi! a* Wtat, i>ll'lti-.-li||tf»rtlir>»)>-<-antri<rMiI colic, uml u< un luvi4 mil frum ovunvork. .?.ii daisy. U'MMM'VC:

. , •...' KDL'CATIOSAI :;o..l.\.:MR. KDITOH, Jkar A'ir.*—It wan propos-

pd to mo to write an article on " BclioolKilucation" as t understood it—easy to•io, ;?crba?:, in th» cpni''""'--w'ny • tm|,. mthe higher light as seen by Arnold, Froe-

j bel, l'estalozzi, and others, cmiimut usteachers and thinkers, the tusk becomesicrioualy ilitlicult. That I havu••ilelaycii

, JO long in mailing a beginning is1 owingpartly to the seriousness of t'jc task, amimy inability to1 net forth a subject, thevery Jawi* ot ivliivh we HO litthi inulerstaml.1 mean by basis the roil nitture of the

jjouablo o'jstinuc

lotwlcM. . ' '—Vnif. Uuulej Mwnbcrgcr, an aitiat

uf coiiHidiTiililu i«»to, him I teen ilctf.inctlfrom hw simile, foi* SOTIV days pa»t, hy

of a severe conttisi"U on hirf riyht... It may sotinil'Ktraiigo Ui iwuert

llnit ii.l'.olviilercan';! cheek wiml.l sustainijury by comiiij,' stuhk'uly in coiit;u:t withli;u-eli:il!,lmt fiicU nve ftnbborti filings

-lid MC must ttcivpt tlu> situation ta it jo.At lirsl i t wns ftat'ed tiiut tlie b;ill n'us ir-t't>inir:il)ly diun;iguil, but subicftuciit iuves-ti^.itinn pmvoil tlio (i|i])rchcnHtoii uu-iVtundi'il. Tho-uliL'fli is doing well ako,..Eil Charley buiipH to be able to niipcitr insociety in a few duvet. Tho members otL, M. C. arc very attentive to him nnd.. .itch hia chuck with the Iciuleniess of ann!tl plmnj;lmi yuanlint; her brood..—I'fof, llolVmriii ami .wife cuptivutcdtliu lovers if limnic, on HubbiUh last, bytheir swett siii;jhi£ in the churches of

> town, two «>T v.liicti they visited. Ofj courso-tlipy drew full housed." It ini»Mj bc'u mVoii iiluit Tui Uiu ultiiixhca to.adver-

tise a week iti ailvanco that Prof. Ho andSo wutild.;pr^ide at the organ, nr thatilnic. Tims and So would render a lino

OR to say humbug, but that would be very.mkiiitl. Wo once heard1 a i>ronchei' -snythat he would have a crowd to jitoitcli toif be. hfiil to get tip a horse rare in front ofliiu church every Sunday morning. .

-The severe" showers of Sutnrday last


—.Sunday nfturnuon, tlie U'Jtli ult., westrolled over to Jrnction to hear soino of

jotir Wuhhiucton frlumU ndtlresd thu,Wnilian'.s Citri-sttaii Tcui[)craticu Union oftli .t (ilucc. Kvcry ectit in the hall wastl.lcd and extra seats had to bu brought in*.(i ticconunodalo tlie people, TIIR meet-ic^ was opened with nintrinff >IH usual,The P ruden t (if thu Kururm Club theniiitruduccil Jlr. Henry U. iltlloi', of Wash-in^ion, who nave im une ut tliu""]'''t'-'ui'Mami inoit svuniblo tcinperuncc itildri'MuHwe ever listciiL-d to. lidiijj iiciuniiitL'd

I with Jutiution in liis youth liu gave in u[ full uccuutit ul' il.e iiiiiount ol' h<tuor iliunktl»;ru Ibcn, uml ako hi? own usp"... _.whilu on the downwind tourso. Hitlecture was Diii> of the best ever deliveredinjunction. Mr. Win. Crane, of Wnsh-in Junction. Mr. Win. Craue, of Wington, waa then unexpectedly called uponand liu iil o yavu his experience- whitetmnperiiifi with tho accursed lire water'Theie ii un old saving and a truo one

, that "experience leaches 11 dear iscbool andI foola never learn by miy other," nud w-1 hope thnt nil will profit l»y the c.tperieiiCwot these men who were otico slaves to theirappetites for strong driul:, but who liarreformed nnd are now bravo and noblnoldiers iti tho 'temperance- army. TbKey. Mr.Trn.ver, of the Spruce llunvhurclidelivered a short but cil'ectunt'address nnthe meeting was dismissed.

—Mr. Augustus Helms, son of Mr.William Helms, of Junction; died of eon;sumption,-Saturday, '23th nil. .Tin* Timorul services took place in the M. K. churchTacsdav, :JLst ult.

ilrliikin^ inoii!i>'unlit lirvnkc : it'* a "-liir

>i|>. Vi-UH-.i'llmt.tlli; of I'.MiKKiiVqi m:ilnrl» n>< farIIK-. .Myivifulm*IIIIJH r i'»ni<>liilnt.<>iiraiit, wht.<ii fhuV

1i« j-nyn tint Y'wi«Duu'L iftuik your

ia^ 11 knuwn :i*will 1i*-r«aftur

I A paint store- wlioro Io purcbosonmlerinl by Uio pound or Uio ton atrcajioimblu prices and genuine goods.Lend, zinc, colors, liusccd oil, turpen-tii'o, viirnishcs, brusliCH, rettdy-niuedp.tiut, f*las.4, putty, bronzes, gold leaf,urtisU' Hupplies.

• .irovivriiX hook Htoro with low prices and

I cave fully selected stock. GoodHpromptly ordered if not nt hand. Acompieto stationery Block in all linca.

I'JPTii:A picture «to"ro where frames and

pictures, aopa.atcly or together, arcin great variety at absurdly lowpriced for some of tlio articles offered.

H L V T I I :X fancy utoro where majolica warp,

Dresden nnd Vienna china, cut and

..kui.lnll.-I.w. .'IliI- hni ' imtloti , v.UUJ.MiKim's iil\(ii:it Tostcr. will 1i*r«aftur U

LIIVLTU-L-II uml ei.M unil^r lliu 11:11111s of'.UIKIIII 'HTOMC. Adiniiirlnrlj'lcdiluiiltrs uro-oiiritmtlv tlci-dvlii.' UiiAr fitMiuacrit by «ub-Illniiir' ink-rli.r iirtlvlcn limk-r tlw numt-i.f

i!> really an uiiliii|Kirtunthu i n l k a l l \

ienna china, cut anengraved ghsa, comb cases, nlbumfi,writing dcHlw, pocket knivca, Btcreo*scopes and views and boveial thingsbesido arc ou sale*

This is the Warren County Drug SI S3


Warren Circuit Court.BclvMvrc Nntlnnil Until: TB. John Qardue

Hulsizer '& Me'rshon,

Hardware, Tinware,—STOVES—

tji'iuiillityal lmi>tc»ir.n L*f


ntlnnil UanU TB. Joi 'c . Kl. FA. I!C bo. « tcr.

J. 0, Shlptnm k Don, Attomcir.Watte 1 Comaon r!ea».

K. McMmttlu ct *!., eiccQtnrt. Vs. JohndQcr. Uuckctcd Jnttsmcnt. Kl. Fa, at lio,sr. J. u, bhipmaa h Kan, Altomeji.

S»w Jurroy Huprcmo Court.Tin- I'urlCi.tikii RuIMlua auil Loan A«BOc!atloa

n.Johii Uirdncrvtai. Incn«. Fi. t'a do bu.tiff. OjcarJcirsrj, Altomey.

Sew 'Jewcy Supreme Cnuil.u n Wtiltc vt. Juini Unrilner. In Use. Fl. Fa.

ik Iw. m let. I'oui A. iluccn, Attoriitfj.

By vliluo uf ttieitbavu ktiiliM writ, Io inu ttl-rtioltil nu4 UcllTuruil, t?eo«d out of the tbove

HiitcUtouri, 1 IIITU levied upun.aud wllltipour' uk, nipabUe vendae,oii

, WEONESDAV, 8EPTKMKEFI FIFTH,I fctweea tha IIODIR of 13 aid S o'clock til Itiu after.fctwea h lock til Itiu af

DKKE, count/ o[ Warren andatalu et Nef l h l t l

i. lit tlio CuuttllnuKi, in.....IE, count/ ol Warren>.,uv l . t Itty, ttiu following property* >lz.:

All tliu aeisndaat'a right, lltlo anil Interest, ei-ther vested or coutlnRunt ul In anil to tho iollnw-luij UcBCrlbca i<3l eutate: All tlist certain farm"liuiitu, lying and boliic tn the lown«hlp nt Unni-JluM, la Ue co»uty of "Varrcn andStitsot Naw

i Jersey, coutalnlui: about ono hundred an dflr tee"acrt!* moro or lute, *n<i now occupied by DatIUnritner; also to ouc-lhtrd lotcrett la • cetUlrood lot, bulni! tau fame iBfm in i 1 -«" ' ""»•

•*• -*---1- ' JohuOMdnerrilllrtmOaraiiL..

ullj ftDpur;ht. title and

—Tho severe showers of Saturday lastdid no t e:;toiul over 11 very hirjjo area ofcountry, lint iVom what wu can (jutlier theywere ileslniotivc of pronfirty to n veryiircat ilejircc Several t i t i i tdin^ not furdistant from JJelvirtero wero b u r n e d ' t o thagrountf, involving ft loss to tbiv owners ofseveral ibouriam! dollars iit the, {ijTsn-'nale.Our poonlc pyniniithizc with Mr. I t l

•>•"- itAVUliVi't+'VUXVH.

liurinjr.lhfl'it.isl few weeks oui'Siiiie'iiioiier liiw lieuii busily ~cn<;:ig(f<l'in

uiH'iuviiiji the r.r.iulition ot Main street.If Ihe good work U continued In tltemaii-ner begun, «e c«u EOOII boast of oiu'slrutits.With our iiQW siilswaikb" »iid cfcunudstruijld, wo ucoil ono moru improveniont;with it little repairing the iron lump posts

in IliQ groiiiHl cotihl ha uscil to gooil(nupoHcin liyliting tlm streets. 'I'he peo-ple would derive uinte benelit from n. littlenumcy expemlcil in this way tbiiu at.yoilier iinpruvunicnt, . r,<.

—The public scliool orirlicstra anil th^pnlilic school caJcls nro Irving to makeiirrjingoiitcnta to camp for ono or twowoeksat Lake .Hopfttcoiig. Prof. Hiclianisonwill accompany the boys, if the necessarynrtanKCinent are made. Tlie boys,' uiuierLia insiriiLlion, can combine a great dealof profit ivitli'umcli pleasure on tlicir con-

1 templatcd trip. . ' ' / . " 'j-^-T.ast ' Monduy a mimber . of -. the

prominent lawyers of New York, including-Mr, l.ewia I?. Tost, fotmcrly of this place.went into enmp on the • shore of UuiUl'sLake. Threo young men from this place

I oro accoinpnnying tlm party as attendants|ayd general'iiEsistunts. "• / - ' • •

—J. )V. Thomas, son of /Rev. Mr.Thomas, of this place, lias been tenderediiiurhiu) accepted n position as Professorin Tiiitin at the Seminary ut (Jlaveniefe, is*.

,-Y. Wo congratnliitoour old schoolmateon his sueccess in life. :V '

—Maunca Katz believes in having hisname before tho public. Ilia IntestellbrtU. the, etccting.,o[;Iur»e.:.signs.olong.llieroadway.. .Our artist Kumplc, in oi'M.'ll.'Nuun, executed the painting.-

hundred and Iirteeu• — i « t l d

v.. . - ruint«1M^ i n i wood lot »u

bcoui'iihudtottia Buld Jobu Qjidner by tha laitwill uud tuttimoiu of William Oaraacr. de«««rt-

by r«f«rreiicolhuroto will more lully i-r.9 ill the euld John Cati"Interest uf. In and lo tliu c»i«o oi eaia wuuas . ,

- • - _ A I I the defendant's rlijht, title »nd>.t; i ."liotveeuttoi coutlac«ut,olljuiLud to ib«iii; du^crlbsd rcnl. Hate,, lylo; andu the Wivu ol Wnbhinetou, conntj ol War-il stiiic of Nov» Jcreej: Bcslnains at theii»t earner of I'arlton avenaa and & lawumtliiB Irom C. V. C. HoagUnd't dwelllac

, - MnrriM Cunnl Cooipauj'o boat yard, and

tj-ilvc (cot to a stnuo la tba edue ol the alley;

a tiuli ita^rcm, eastOQOhanlrcd&ndSIIXT-' Und - •thiuc let

A.'Ii tliu ir.Oft cnln-.-rtt. jili.wicianOf imv wlirml. wliat 1« llui Iwrt tliitiif In(,|'il'-tI"L' nml uliuvluir nil Irritiilf Urn m-rvw tint! I'lirtnir »" i'»niH "' IHTV

- any

will ti-ll vminii »f U'V1.

CLIAI*TI:I:till «>f llw


" -whiit is: (!uf lies), ami i«ily rciui'ily Hi:)1, '•'"'Iw rcltwl on U. euro till Ulaiww of the kWiny*

l i i i rv iifaiH; siu-h us Urlijlit s Altoa**iUIIiy u> retain urlm.,ulliiiunls iwculjur lo

'irv iifaiH; siu-releiiiluii or iiu

diid all thu

'"AwHhcy'wHl'triVr'Ki *liatlwilly ••Uiicliu."Ark tin; rUlllt:lihj>U'iatl3

• "wtint Is Llto inwt rullitlilu ti••ill liver UlscnSLS or ilyspqi," "" t-Uini, Ijlllousiicss. IIUIUI

'iiiiillliuv will Id! vuit>-" JlUm !'

illicitly umii;

kc; ihen*. iiresto

u», l l l k n taty-nTeniircd., »nd. tblitj- ..

*iv"nnei'tlienco (4| by a line ol me ratnesty-tuur aud :i kail dtgrsuf, WClt one lies-.d slsty-tliMo Ic«t lutbeplaesof DCKIU.ontniNlni.'flfiy-hundrcillhs uf nn aero of

Oard'm-r, by deerl lieOCloliur. A. U..15TS.

A ng.8vf, K. BOWERS, Sheriff.

Great Slaughter!luinincr Cloullng \utyr soinjj on at Hit*. • . .

Plila. One-Price C l o l l i House

read it agaia and notice this time Hie•"words'/1 "Sold on easy payments."

—A neiv bonnl wnlk has been construct-ed from James Kolan's liolel, in. a direct

-.line to the western oiul of the platforni atthe ''depot. This new routo_ is shorter

ftmVis less rationing Io footmen.• —The festival lield nt Aiulcrson lastThursday Qveniiig by the M. K. churc

bmotrailc. He hag. Already spcut up-runla of Sl.-iOO in this place.

—Tlie IrfidiiK' Aid Sccicty of the Valv Vresbvtcmu church will liohl u Krattilute him heartily on His good fortune.

ocinble at the residence of Dr. Service, c and judging l)y his past, we ljespenlt. toiInnctioti, on TlmrMdoy evening, August'J

child iniml, its hidden working, »lovelo[iIhtit place proved a success iiiitincially, ml 'iiistrumeutal music and IhcTho gross proceeiln anioiiutotl to about

tl the netamoiii.t will', theu.:"'.l"''neigbborliooil o

—The cliniiipioti pool players til: War-in anil Sussex counties crosseil cues lust

rdny iiight^ 21st ult.,tnar'twiis victorious.

iuest cud ueat of rerrcslinients .will beirovitkd Tor the ouetisiou.'- All aro inviteeto attend and should heed the. invitai

Tt is really an unexplored field.". I'et.'.v.-e, rV-'in bia'ticvenj loss."" We liojie, however,ihc forte aro learned, that lit* lossWedncsilnv of "last week.

wing, immortiil minds, lo tench, 1man walked into Capt. Win. Pills' blackas this promises to be one 0! tbc most en-smiili shop in this place, tool;

too "ninny""'ciiscs1' nothing, of tho tun)Last Sunday the Krcutzer Quartette ed, al least in part, by insi:

Club and the "Washington Wiunaer Cboii not wnut to hiro a hand, all the time keep- —The Iiev*. lVDoruclle, who fur sun,,iontli3 past has been " associate eilitorof about one-half the papers of the eoun-

in aa a prominent qualificationkutw

. when thesu rfiuuiHcwllli otlicrs ir(i«ully vuluabtc

.Mill cwiiiioumkil into • II<n

some talk of another match be- in" .11 smile on hia face apparently fromvisited the German lteformetl church atOxford. Before the services began, Trof.Geo. Itoch plajcd a selection from Mrs.Hobhisop. nnd the Quartette Club sangSclinfer's " bonntagslie'd " from Krculzer,

foiv.'.preparation na tcaclier.s.tlie same parties.'t is stated that dining tho presciii

many of the canning cstablishmenli.tli Jcrspj intend to put tomatoes iijars, as it is claimed that lliey keel

tv, .will deliver a temperance IUMTOES be-10 help he needed, but lore the Keronaii'tob of JJelvulcre, tlua

Wednesday. .Tfumng. «'e can't umler-atnnd the propriety of having a lecture" on

given on geography, history, etcthe stranger sat still for a time, not beingeousiilorcd ready for work, withoutiu any biirry to go. Then ho (the strau-

gcr) asked the Captain if ho did not knowliiai—if ho did not recognize him as some

the night sot down in tlio bylaws for themuch as.'l-.uovring a single mental faculty,Iu tho time of tho collect the Eamc club "regular monthly meeting of Iho club.'1.tiless it bo that children have n memory.

Perhaps others can. • • If so, let them riseter, as many people fear the Ho every t u ' n S i s crowded upon Una fiieul-lierson ho.had seen in days.gone byand at the close of the service, Prof, EochTills Is done to make room for' tliii Large

Stock ot Winter Clothing...;. - ;Jty, producing in the child distasteface looked familiar but tho vencnibkplayed the "Blessing, Honor, Glory.and —That v/as a sharp seliemo of the tnaii-

a™crs of the hoarding houses nt S warts-.WSA Lake to advertise that Gen. Grantwould be there.-, tho present week. We

ucstion whether 'I) . S. (J ever sheard ol

•,-Hdwnrill>lotts,of.lhe«emOi1Rar cust.of.scboe-1 life, or what is worse, a stti-fro'm - Spulii'. Tho singing. and

purchased a vacant lo t 'on Rail pid dullness. Yet thisperiislenc-y of criin.11'3 name nor where he had seen wiu-c excellent and all who attendedis kerit up. The wonder 13 SCK many sur-The stranger then said his name was John

to erect thereon a buildir Dilts, and SLVely enough, .it, was John S. the Uvo-cei'it; place. A couple of yoiui(jjng neat and . eomraodiqns. ofllces ]"~ l i ~ f 6 r i h ^ " t s a c U " " " -'"'-'•''"

, the - Captain's. own sou, .who had j wow not counteracted byWE •WARUANT'ATER'S AGUE CUBE

Itiont or Ulilll I^ivcr, KcmlituiilAiiiif, Ullluiia'l-'tiver, ai"> T-Iv



/.• tury stand in Uielr ptacra,Wltit Uio Htckta of Uielr nostril*

An ihcy rtUuo In Uwlr hamcwFor (heir iwltt, pplcndld rucrt f

Wton they ran In tha dukneuHow tlii'y aamo In ibclr going I

lluw tlicy »purn cartn behind Ui«n Iiioir mo Wat in them eiowinir

Letrci a t r j l on tti« nlfchtVrom tlio ijurks tlicr are tbroirtoff.

And (lie liana ol the mastcr-I'ercaanco you havo wontlcrM

. . Mow u kept a flrm reinWW1« uii-y Uuhleticd u

in tlie ipeed ot their p..-.. . Aimtduimaw

Oil, t raml aro the tiorecaTliat whirl us unspirlnf v . j+

Uy liUUIdo and hollow. A* %Toclr vigor dec'&rtDff * <f

A nd grand an> the driven *.Who urs*an their Unrtnsrt

7 V\x faster and faster.

As 70 Hlnff Uio hot sp mi>i1ll>T9Along your smooth worses;

iiy taster, (or ncaruoeauShall add to your torcn! i '

Aiidifriptliuloui; lever, • :

0 band o( the mosrerv *As the brass shlnrs like i;otd

In tneteet l i or. disaster— • - . •

Wtncii tas ter and taster I: _ —Youtbi Compinlo*.

Tlio Old F r n n t Door,

t remember the time when I iiscil to si t ,A happy and thoughtless boy.

Whim father came liraao from h h wwl; n t 1at%And 1 was ilred ot my toy j

I reincmlvri- the time, and none more S I V M IS h a m know torevcrmorcs

When I t u t a t the evo hy my moiliefd Sid**o n the sill of the out trout tloor.

i remember I'd Kit m l I roll futlwp,And list to ttifir lovtrifr talk, .

w i i i i e tho crickets clilrjwu and trio rtrc-nn1 . " Lrtght ' ' ' . ' . ' '

Hew over the garden walk*;And often would f nthef tell tlio i s k ,

: Ot the tline, low* years before,Wiicn lie lea liU uriite to a nappy home,

Orcr the t i l l ol ilio old front door.

fi rcturnilior when grandfather tilth*! utul died,And etithty years oht was he,

And wi'll Iknew thau never HKiiitiHa would rtilft roo upon liN k n w .

Ami ilwnigli i>ut A s a y and t'lOUgliikHt Iroy1 Wi'|U, anil iiiy heart was win-

When I saw ttu'in bear him slowly outOur llwsill ul tlie old frinit iltwr,

I t u in.iii)- A iv^ary it.iy si lire then,

But llie tears came crnwilln;* Into mj' ojvsWhrn I tlitnk of that lonjHWt d a y ;

; And J only hoiie t h a t whatever cud••• Fitt*1 intiy liave for *ni« in stir*1,

"" f shall p.i*vi o w e more, ere I past nn t •.O'er the gi'.l Jt tlio old front door*

A tliort tut very L u t l g[roojicr, with a <UtU<!j!jr c u t ofeountouauco aad a moustacboftuilBtibre tschnearly is Urgo iu UniKlf, BtooJ yctterJaT

tho J w r ot tho rccniitinR post, 2005Unrfcet street.

Who do yes unjnl tob l b d

Who do yes u jn l tjporler, bnnlug tbo doer with n wbllo «ot-

i glorcd hand.•OpUtn HovL" Mid tbo Kportor, R U B

lilb nnfdfiBBl mlmlmtioii al tbo liroiui, goldiripoontlio trooper** troascrn. Tbo lookmollified Mm initn of war and lio nnswercdthat lUo caplniu was uut, hut lUo sergeantifgLl tw ««o. eeuing that iho militarycart tuifibt ngala Lardcn, tlio rrpottftr shot

ij> Btalra and opened bis cyci witlt worn] orto sco wbal win apparently tho Cardi.10'iaul, with cUt ront ami n moustacho. bo-ilde which tho priTatc'B nJornraent wa.1 like

beauty's eyebrow, stretched on a bimU in" k

y aJvcilUud for coolicd n -ons," said tho reporter, m Ilia Rtnut roisod ffl h i " W h t d u want

, pand offoml A chair.them cooked for?"

Courage to look on coming y&irs.Their sleador hopes, tjiair.certaln tears;,

wi'.u a spirit still undaunted.

" Courago to strltii for ov'ry Rain,For Genius, even, must work'amaln,.

And strugKlo for what U wanted.

- Courage to »ea IllUHton fade,~ Tth|(io idQU fade tha t Won has m a d e ,

To lxi by their inom'rles hauoied.

Courage to see thyself grovt oltlv

Thy place unsurped by the yr,un£and'6olalTheir vigor before tlieo rtauiMd.

Courage to face t l ' " iisirtc, <Xuk lioura•..•.. ,"\VliunalHlilngssoftiubev.;rd:tliopom>is

, Of the faltli that thou ?»ns vajnieil.l


I l'urrliuara Ur»>if

' ho nsltod of

,"What do you want

' D ' n P A " D T H E C A H V A 3 't t-'uitit/Kltirv TbntKliauMtiii Tiibcii With

n (iniln uf (Mil.

Mr. Sooll Uigulos, t la trihl, forme?!;itrortUiwl, lelUa story couccruiug ii pelFaiitccoci* ulilcli ho kept In bin ttudio.[aTius at ouo tituB to paint the porlrrvH of a

large-iiirrtl Kiuuo binl for » pntioii, tho |>ctblnl iiiffer&l n Rood deal from Iho domineer,itifl spirit or bi% larger companion and gotso that bo could never nee lilm wlthont HylnR

Into WRe. After tho picturo WM competednnd ttio blnl which was itn iiibjcct bad beenremoved thu cnnvM reratilncil in thu itud!>,Btandlog on iho tloor. Ono day Uio littloganicvcock hnppcneil lo bo picking lit* wayabout thff «!nilin **li''*i )i» c.iuglit flight ofIbo counterfeit prctcutinml of hii formerenemy, With n ecrcani of rafja ho g»vo on»

yIcnp nud


ecrc g gAt tho picture pUutcil hisi ! i I f h

Icnp nud llylns t p pepura into It again HIM! n^ain Irtforo hocould he restrained, Tim next timo ho wasgiven nn opportunity he re|iuiiut (txt J i IAnil for somo ttmo it wat tfio Atnio-4ntuuseuicutof tliottrtihtnnd hif (ficmwitnesa thcoo iinprnmjilti i-ocU-li^hhtwocu n lire bird ntul ft dummy.

At last ono thy tlw littlo MU>w, n^tinu iiuiiiiwlly i t d n

..-.•.......:..,-, ; ;CHAH'«W.G O1RI.S.:

Tho moat charming womac in QueenVictoria's court a low years ngu WM U M

'whoso featureB were homely, and wboweyes were crossed;. The isec.ut of b«rottrac-tion lay in a certain porpolual bright fresh-

bcr temper.Jane Welsh Cnrlyle, when na oldr sickly,

•' ugly woman, could BO charm men, that a" stranger inueUiiB hiv accidentally ia a etags-- coach, followed her for miles, post-haste, to

return a parasol which she had dropped..> Tho charm lay In ber bright vivacity of

manner, and the keen • sympathy whichBhono through ber features,

Margaret Fuller ateo possessed thid mag-netic sympathy, in spito of her enormous

' Suro wo cau't cat 'cm raw," replied tboicrgeant, wilh A quizzical look j " but here'ithacnptainjho'lHcllyonall you waut."

At thl»i moment n plump and handsomeofficer In fftultloM mufti camo up tha «tai™tnd the reporlw followed him into liis room.

"Yes, I know," ho said; "Foldlcru nrolupposed to do their own cookiiiR, nud theydo in tbe field, but they can't here, and sotlw government runs a sort of boardingbouso on tbo nest block below for recrnit*.I have advertised for scaled propoaali forntiona for the coming year, nud of conrsawill givo tho contmctio tho lowest bidder.My prcaeut conlrnct Is for 50 cents a d.iy foreaoh mtui. No, rcemiUt cau't object mncbto tho mticPf. They bavo one and a qnnrtur-pouuds of beef a thy and Ihrce^uarlera of a,pound of Bait meat or bacon, n pound «tflour, cUb'. oaked in bread or in iwrtUaelt,tsitb rice, beans and coffee, nnd they caadraw n proportiou of nuy of theso in lieu ofnny other which they don't want. Aboutthrccquartcru of tho ratious of rico aro ci-shanged for somuthinf; else."

" Do you havo tho eoap nud caudles cook-id?" paid tho reporter, pointing out theronliug of tho advertisement.

•'No," said tho captaiu, with a lMigh,1 bnt they nmko part of a government ratiou

Jast tbe same.""You have a surgeon, of course, to cx-

araine tho appliunuU?" buid ttio ieportcr."No," replied tho captain, " I examine

Ihoin nil mj-Bclf, and reject nbout eighty perconL A man has only to bo stuck onco fora recruit's faro from hero to St. LouhUomake him careful nbont lotting otborsthrough. I'vo rej^ied MO la the pastoonlb, and sent off thirtoen to JeffersonBarracks last nigat. Fivo more havo ap-plied this morning nnd nil had somethingthe matter. Il'fl astonishing how many mencan only see out o( ono eye nnd yet dou'tknow it. Most of theso havo no me of tharight eyo—a rather necessary member for aman who's going to do anyshooting."

Tho captain chuckled glnofully nt tho Mcb•nd tha reporter departed.—I'AiladdjittiaTimei. ' . . .....


The return to d-jty of Officer Patrick MuUtlhill after nearly seven months of Buffering

CIOSBB the history of one of tho most iuter-«tinR EurRical esses over hnndlod in Ubi-cago. Officer flluWihill wai shot by the•desperate negro-murderer, Dill Allen, in anattempt to capturo him. A ball from Allen's

ivolver struck Mulvihill over,tho loft eye..fracturing the • sknll. Dy tlie 1st day orJanuary of thii yenr Iho olllcer had nppar-•ently recovered from tho effects of tho ohot,and was out on tbe street. A few days late

to it, nolwith-that

happened, hi cocklni* hi* 1IP>I>1 to w.» «ili»f

to got ft look behlml tbo i>ict;in>. II" wasfor n momcut iliiinbfouinlw]. I'lifii holooked in front nnd mvf hi* "U rniiny.large as lifo; auolher ghncc behind mid howas more tliitn over I'tiiMiIeJ. Ho tUci ' -iibewloly walked Ituhind nud iimiui.picturo several limes, carefully Mim-vm;; it,ami finnlly with a Hpiicfnl flirt ni»l wilh weair of diiRUst thnt would bavo tiunt' credit Va human being inarcheil awny ixml liM Iiimself. Never «rtcr that itajr cculd lia lie fct•uaded to nttiick tho plcUiro or imkrd topay tho slightest atteiitii.Ktinding Iho iucit i tniiwere maila t" lacila h\ai.—l'i/rtUtntl AiUcr-tUcr, , • •

Or iNTnix-iT TO \Vivr-*.--AH••r of ImaRM Inw wcoveml owr ¥1.01)0

damages from Iho Shcriil of ' ]><nigl<w>Couuty, Ox, two pr<rninciit citizens »"in cicnteinbcr of tbo Legislature, who broki

.iis iinaRCs aud rolled him nromnl Iho CourtHouse tloor. Tho provoculion Is not knownbut if tho wive* of these nrl loving tieorglnntraded off tlicir husbands' Sprinc ovcrcoatfl,last Summer'rt vests and two or lliwo piiiniof trowser* for a jilastor-of-Vuris bust olPrince Hiiinarck, n p:iir of fat cherubs ami

ted dog, tho jury that awdamages havo committed n. grnvt

" 'orrhtoun Htralit.


LIVE MES WHO Wonni U«.—"Wbatno going to do with our dead ?" nsks an ex.cited cremationist. lie calm, man. W(can get along well enough with our dead.They won't trouble us. They aro good andquiet enough. It's Iho live- meu that worrjus. What aro wo going to do with Botno oftbo livo men ? nud we will (ell you conuden-tinlly tliero is ono of them wo nre going t(push down a four-story clovator well if licomes up with the G.IUIO old bill juit on<:more to-day. Then you cau tako whnteft of him nud go on with tho discuwlon oljour question.—Burlington HiWknjt.

A CANDID CONFESSION.—lire, ifonrF,of. tfcs house .iilling-out-ceitsn" return**—" The impudeuco of such n qncRtioii! Si•Jones, listen to t h k This paper Kays

' Statn the inmibfr oF idioUt in Iho funiil,if Riiy.'" Sir. .!onc«, unntnglmby-"Mmdown 'ono' iu tho idiot column, my dearMrs. J.—" Wlmt ilnymi titomi, Mr. Jones SMr. J.—"Eiilu't I dtliberatelj" mnrry yoiMrs. Jones?" Mrs. J,—"Yes." Mr. J . -

[favorable symptoms suddenly developed,and in less than a week he was so low thnti i s death was momenlfirily expected,this crisis, when the unfortunato man wasapparently beyoud human'aid, tho doctordetermined to explore hi-j brain for an atttcess supposed to exist there, and fromwhich all tbo troublo arose. A piece was

sbill, a hypodermic eyriugi

A M P L T A T I O S iti;u.MJ»^u« " ' » • » ' " " C ^n . Kunhlot nnd Carrow yesterday mR ntnpulatctl the foot of a soventeou-yeai

ld hoy, who li ilowu iu iho State. XIold hoy, who liHoy' Imd worn tight shoo*, - which p\beosses, and theso Rra:lnaHy cut up tin•sues of the foot. Tt:o physicians ntlcnipd to Rita the foot by extracting some of tb<

boucK, bill found that thu disease had pentcd no far that Uio entire foot hiul to biputated.—Jkbware Gtwllc.

XivM OnsioM.—"'I'Uo Idea or puttiu]Johu ou a jury!" exelaiineil >Irs. TompWn

hen Bho heard thnt her biislinnd had beiih ll d


•ubfatrr* Wtm UViit llijoli.t Tin Ir [ J I . I .

Ki» lino 1ml n hlKKiiinkcr wiiill liav«it Oolori.1^0 wriyiw i» liK Mmiis<*

„ llwl thu bhitfiiiiiltt'r'H bench liatl i«t»-ueeilmoro eminent moii tlrnn nny othurtiiUcrnft. 'ilio Shoe »iiil U-iUhor ltrport-U.1H, however, coinpitnl n "Mil of pariihm"lnllwiilu|M ot a Uifiif fmtimw

itililen, which wcliii to net at nn VACC'IM*,to]wt to nil Jv«toM cmrtmncu. llmHhrf*tlan Aiidcnteii, who uevtU no iulroduc-

n, mny head tho lUt. mul HIIUM Haclw, oflun'iiiburg, \\U», tlnJityli ho niada i.hocii nil

lift*, yet nt<o mndo hlx-tlimiiaiid pocnw,iy«, farccrt nnd rlijrmtuf* fniVIcK, may 1.0

ml next. Sir ClomlwU-y. Sliovtl. was , o;ct milil li*> onlM^l In tho navy, nnd>ir Christopher Miniw, nuotlier T

dimlniiml. Julm 11O\-BOH, ono of Croiu.ll'rt coloncli, Biul n h!j;«cr of CImric-i !.*«ith-wnrront; Rimutl llr.idlium, the *'I)c-islhi'iii-K vt J[i.lho<llii!ii," iw will as a Dish-; .littucjt I/ii'liinton, whoso caLtlogito of

,l>lkntioiiH rciirhcil the total—enoniunw for"iat lime—ot thirty tlmii-and volumes in;.-7—nll Ihcrto worn cnhblcrti at first, if not

the list.' iiintinuiuj; tho VJIKMI Ifct,_lliiin (irilfonl, whow memory U pro*

il by n <-ontpl!i:icntary (illusion in Dyron'ri•1' l"tmN and Switch Itovicwtm," unitrltn^o l"«ly I* Lnric'l In Westminster Abbpyjiwir^c Vox, the nreh (jtuikcr; William C.i-} \ ; n tiiisNi«nary fmiimw n cfiilury np>, nml1m roint tho pnxtfn of tho ISiMo in Iwenly-jwii diffcroiit liinKiiii c.1* j Kiiimicl Prtw,tin* r*rn-l:o of Um iiiiicli'cnth ccnturj*,"hose i-\pcrieiu'c nx im author led litin toinnntitc Iliu KultruUilhnt "tho innu whottilu'S shoes in tiitro of la-t wngci, but Ihoum v.lm iimkorf boalts U never tiiiru of uuy-titncj" Thimiiis llnlcroft, wliow iiamo i.lot iKiuly «» well knnivn nn that iif a KU^Uno of his ptny!*, " Tli1* to llitiii;" tho

Uloomtltlit bruthcni, whom l'.yron thus npos-Iropbizeil:

Ye tuiM-tm cniiiiliTfl. Mill your n«c« JKTMOHJJ,

John 1'ouiuN, whom hcliOul-thil-.U'eii irii'dit lieiiij* liiniod nwuy from—nil those, and

•r li-jhts t.»i niiin.rous In niniliuii, wcroUsh hhocnuilii'rw.jiuinj' to our nwiH'otititrv, Ilo^cr Shur-

mnu, oni! uf tlio " KisiierK," IwuU Hit) h'*l intimninitVIcv.l'iwiiK'iit Henry Wilson iunuilc.BcKideu tlicsu vn.-ru CiHigi wsnim Shu (Toy andKoah Worccslcr, nut Um K'xiio^niiilur, Imttho foumliT of Ilia MiwxjidmsctU lV'iico So.ciely. Ami cx-pnvonion II. J1. Jtalilwiii,or Michigan, ami WillLtin Clallin, of Mimsa-chusottM, if they nevt-r uuulo uliow, nt leastdealt in them largely tuo«sli to be unuicdicro. Altogether Iho list \A Biilliciyully iin.losing nud convincing to justify u verdict iu

favor of Coleridgo'tt wiyiiiR.


Tu'n u (.(mnsi* htnry of n will onso,*mlil f. New Yuri; lnwyer wci-utly t " About

ura IIRO a tiiiin Ciimu to mo mill htatedthat Vi!« fMiK>r Juul iliftl iuti'>.tiilpf k'tivingproi'crty nn I^ui; Inlnnd. Of wvontl hriramo wjis a son who b:ul SOUP Wot in l«(''t,miUiml iifitlioeu heard from. . The prop--rtv hud been partilitmuil nml divided

nitiini^tlio lairs, tin) tlm uhmirvtiuiiuiug iu tho custody of tho court.

Mv client, who was thf I'l.'.cst Mm. wishedc thii sbarc ilivltlml fur the lienetlt ot

himsoU and tho other lim*. -Tlie •missingi.ui mw Hit* Ihinl M I . It was P. I^W with-nt a known prt'ce'l'-nt in lh« Imoks. AnljjL- of the Siiiirnu'1 I'-mrt to whom 1>oU. ili.1 nut n.-r.'ll nny iniwllel cuntf,1 innjuld he mlviso iiift wluit st«pn wort- propr

iu the ciwtf. I nolwd thu .lillki.Hv L. LitIncpmrmlinsl- . ' ' tuit ion lit th.- Siipwnw

. Tin- matter wii* iviirrc.l tov iinwfof •tlio fuels «llr{,vd in the lutitioii. ,Wc

hoard from fur fourteen. yoiirs,,nnd Iliiit nilefforts 'a t'md him Iwd pri'ved 'futile. The

dfnil, unit ..t.l.'ic.l-liU nkti-u t.-1 '"ii •dutribat-:c<l nniinii; tlii1 n-iiiiuiiiiiy hi-irs. •

"This wild iknit\ nud iho ntti>n.;/ b;id nsyou mny juiltfo, rocc-ivctl hi-i {<•(; wbsii thelost heir turned up nlivu!"" Aft. i-. nil ili-wiyciiis ho had Buddculy tdiwlinli'il thnt litwanted to hoar from* lininc, ui»l lie Imdwritten n tetter, nnil ad«lrr>w,l it to the oldLomcstend. U<- WAS Riiriiviinl to leiirn ulais fiither's'deiitb. thmiHli "•• lmd m<t lionulfrom him'for iilxnit Jilt* en \VIH-S." U« hudsettled in W.vomini; Torrit.wy, iw n sutler iii'the United Stutos Army nnd ho hud Riiiiiptla fortmio liy Ilio t'titcrpiis**, luct mid tht

"WasMngtoii Susixiess -Directory-

Cvplu'VM Tho minor.iK-vr ul .Mfikratu VtUe*. Kor«.!i;n ntul Hu-mv»lIcrnT>tlc«m>du to oMcr. i-aut. $1

U, Doorr, M O D ! J 1 ^ » . nil kh.<l< i.ti:allilln)( JUIcili! , Ttitoli^' «( overj i

ncrl|)i)un. Factory—HtoaU Mt.

A. Js. <:i>i»ir**fc j i n i .A—i.t fur ll.» M. •I"tti Sfwiti/ Mnclilne. I i f i tn InDry I! If. l(oi>:» .V SIHH-*, I U ' H . t <*n|«, (Ifuci-r-It- , Kl.itir, IV . ' l . lHs . mul ISikiJ ll.iy. Ctiutilrjr

. ! . K. (Jook

n lUnlviur,-, Ht(,v«<, llcnttr*. |'ani[i#, \Vnll«* 01.1 tiiittid. I'rnctlcalTlt-rDilUi ami Shell

it * l*»p*,Tiitln»lti8X U Mkl i

(!.»'<!•. t:.m!» A S!n.i!#. I/ MulL! CloLiili;-.', Mlllnurv X. Un*t MnkliiL'.i-. l i cLfd . . - . llnnliT4ri-, Muvi:*, I umlji-r.^, i»l». 'liii-N IVitu-iit, Itrtrlc, M., Ac.

M, Timolliy *ut| tiiivl I l l l

Hinj ( i rncer lc . U|jf.n-ite I ' .^t

u-M!«>t lur t>. I.. A W. Ex|iif,«,

Tli«.Mo«tAriUtlc Colter In I W n . Vtkv* thntth-fj CDtiiiiUlil-.n. C»H

iMll. j l""tclior- nml \haivti- In ull k

sT*lNK!,TAIHi:TH1Srtil|.t.Uii:;liif.I•" t,ri!i>ili''*.tViii''t«y1>|i'l'vt.«J.n'l'tt

Win. A. Sli\vlti!i-,ATTOKSCV-AT-LAW. S')!.1C1TO1( ASP

MASTKIMNCIIANfKllV.IV.iriltc-. In nil* Mint In H-iyVc'tlnii.

i f i i t i l f l V l l c l ,


In-trt* Leiii|>. r.\ltn rllvcr (i .v> cvntn up.

TitiwtrF, I'III'DJI'', (ffnt-'it .v'llitck* (i.r%lun* nuilliirrmci;i). VIJCAI* wltli Juhniloti A fan.



CTiirtcv'M Di'iiu Store*

llimU um] .Sliu«4 to Onkr. Vl*r*t cb.- Matt-rlulnml U'ntkmniiftilii. WiKlitnuUn Avi1.

Cor. s-choul Street.

H . M. Tuttt xVui"i- i i f»LoirruT»)t 'm>

[;cnnDil*, foriRronnil*, tock«, iencc, IUJIJ, t'°wall, nutlc walk, IiilustM.le, Lrldpe, Ac.

MANL'l-'ACTUItmtOf CKIAHH. Ilutvljcru Avi

* Accommoilalloc.

l - ' r a n l c X*. i I ulHlvim-

lur*l Iinjil'uicntr, Mjbt audWAflOSS.

ConftJinity on ha ml H i d , Ilinneln, F » t h e r JFlo i rcraasaafu l l l lnu u t Fancy ( looJ«.

Stamulnit ami Kmbroldcijr material*.

Uery, t 'tlo an-1 Eichane* ti lkbki. Currl tect All^ht waj;<>n«fiirntiihcJf>aS&ott Kotlco ;

ilayornlnht . Rear Wliidior Hon*n

J>nnlolL»ltt«HKt'i', Aitont. f

c i m i l f.Iiic ot tQlotuDtUl Kiitiilturc. One do«r

l>«low 81. Clouil Hotel.



.folui 3T. Vun I>ylcoCOUNSEr.l.OIt-AT-I.AW. WASlUtiOTON AYE

IhMttjr naildlni;. Jeweler nn.l Wnkiunntpr. ' ATT1IK WAltBBN COUNTY DRUO STORE

E X l j T O X with n population ol nltotst :t000 is tltc Imsincs.i centre of Win run Comity, is locntcil in Um most fertile niul beautiful' sectioni'V. 'I'litt town in well btiilljiau nro.sporniH Churchcn ami a gooil Scltoo!,:;n uxcullunt l f W F

:il mai'I:ot ua-L il' inniiis, iliu lit'.st nf fauilitius for Ktiippitii* t*oods liy or cannl., or livo orynn laulorics alrc:uly in su«oc.-*sritl ojicraiion. For a homo no ntoro ilii&irnbl! ol liiiiiitfi-.s niL'ii tloes not represent all, but i* a HHI ol' tlioao who aro not nfraitl to advertise.

A p p u C o m y , i locntcl in Um most fertile niul beautiful sectionof NV.v .Is-tMi'V. 'I'litt town in well btiilljiau nro.sporniH Churchcn ami a gooil Scltoo!,:;n uxcullunt supply of Watcr.a Slcnm Firo Kiif;incll-o\v Taxes,thecli ;tpi'->t o>:il mai'I:ot ua-L il' inniiis, iliu lit'.st nf fauilitius for Ktiippitii* t*oods liy or cannl. In all rcsl'ocU a ilusiral'lo location for manufactur-ini,'. l'\nir or livo orynn laulorics alrc:uly in su«oc.-*sritl ojicraiion. For a homo no ntoro ilii&irnblo iilauu. Strangers conlinlly wclconicil. Tlie abovelib! ol liiiiitfis niL'ii tloes not represent all but i* a HHI ol' tlioao who aro not nfraitl to advertise

Rev. Father Wilds'EXPERIENCE.

Tim V.rv. X. V. WIliU, W'-tl-Unnwn r i ty

••7-i /,*. Rlfft >/.. X"i- y-rl.: M-ig K, IW-VMr.<*iL-i..l. i,:. A v n i .V C ifiitli-iticti:

L-t.r ulnii-r I mi* tr<iuMi'<| Mltli n TIUMI uiii-nnw

ny lliiiTw/u'li'l'ji'luli. .l' t<> :'a nk ln ,

ippi-llt.-'V;*-" [..»»r. rtn.1 iuy»}«ti'iii it B I'l'-iil'rimlinvil. lilt'*»ill): Illl-Villlio i.f AVi:«'S S.MtSAI'A-

t " l " I- "t iTi-' 'ti »1H .v * -1 >:'? V'd' a [-.'"I r.'l'^ri. !Mv"i!iij!.-ll!ii

ll'i'.'.rt'lVh!.. "'.'.'•''(."• \.\f"u\ ili'i.l'i.^iv.'r" ill'law.l'«ril..'*ktii.HKii.|*i>r«.l. My

li'niil' iV't.J nVm- ."n»-H1i*«ilV* I {••••in liiimlri-il | « Tci'iilMr'iiUi'r.iiii'I I iiilril'iiliMli'""'r>->iilli>|i>i1ii)iisii'of thnSMi^Ai'AiiiU.A.wlikli I ri'i'imm I

i-TiT Il-'v!-^l. I tm'-k it in Mli:iU •loir;' lliri'i)

I '|"l'.i'!-"n!?.i"f,tu'iililit vtiur"service; Iwi'ius t he i r

Tlic nbovrt liisitiitu'c Is Imt din* nf tlw Titftiiyfoii-

f.-t ri.|-i|.i!iiillllvi.f Avi:i:'n SAliSAi-AitiM.A totin- curt* 'if :itl ili.-i»:i*f.« iirl-lni: IminiruorIm-I«vwUtifil UiHiil, :!ii<l :I '.vi'iiljijitcil vitality.,

Ayer's Sarsaparilla

of the >'iin, l.'lifitmnthin, O'hirrli, (hneritl

JOSEPH LOSEYHas m.ide ^general rciluclion on all kinds of


Full Pet of Cnrnkery, 44 pieces ?3.C0Toilet or Cliiuubcr Set 2.51)lilass Tc:i Suts from CO cents to 12.00Ctol'k'tH, from 75 cents to ?2.fiO i>cr <loz-Tumiilura, from CO c c u t a ' t o p S " "


LAMPGOODSAlways Oil liaml. Also all kinds of





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lL>ii:ttAiitii(!Ui(!iii to n-vo |iurli-ci usitlnraclliHi, Snth lu qu

Neatsfoot andMachine Oils

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uil^. I ui^t Kir|wrK()ti'ili|U|)ii

r mi Nil*

TilLi*KSalnuUll .No. 1 Kanlaj,DurkKuKlli.iOll,

i>. t.MiicliliHryOll.irk I.nlirlcailuirUll,t l l I u U l c t ^ r

S t ^ m l t d M I' .IM I!C Cjl-: W, 1'uru Salmi Oil, i Axlo Olii'tcrui), I W.Wliln-CoiimiSocilOll Siierm

SUlnli!.* >plndlu Ull, W Ydl C t t S l I l l l l l\ * . I UHIIMILIIIII

llrlek I1IM.II oil,»•. II. S|»rm Ull,IV. ll.lyiial.uil.I'l N t ^ t UlItllUl)^UDt Ull.Nn. I Xt-alifont Oil, •; ; • m ' l I'l U J O

t-alifont Oi'il I'llm. U

W.Wliln-CoiimiSocilOll SiierW. Ydluw Cotton Sooil I l l l l l

< • > . I mm *mOil,DurkClrOi i .>rcrin I'ltckln^Oll,Kxtrn l*nekiiii: Oil,rnlft'M** (HI, '

Lt. CampOil, frown I.t. Cnmpoanil.UrJ Oil, "".l)k.u.,m,»,.,,d_ _ .,

So. 1 Lmil Oil. | Itolliiis Ml!l ti.


All Our Oils are Guaranteed STRICTLY PURE; R S K & CO.,WHAItl' FOOT OK TUlltl) AVB., SEWAltK, N, J

I) tod or 1 / ed N u[i] 1111 n*.

JIJMBBILLIARD. AND POOL ROOM,Heiitly liuilJiiirf, next Joor to the post oflicc. Hcoiiis large cnminoilimis. Tablesnow nml matmrncttircil by tliu eek-liralcil J . M. ISmiawk-k Sc Bnllte On., N Y., nmlarc pronounced by gooi! jiiilsc3 to be the best in the world. Come nnd HOC even if youdon't |'l:tv." N'opnyl Uootn for all. IJcst branila of cigars itlwaya on hatid.

JOHN S. CA8TON .Proorletor.

W. G. Greveling & Bro.,i j I>33.VIJX:U« I N

<SDTV ooefiesANI) P r o ^ s i o i i s ,Family *>nd Patent New Process Flour, Feed, Meal and Graiffr"

KTnNANl) JlO N I I A S D . ' • •


• ori-cuiN'o AT I:XTIII:.\!I:LY j,off riiiciis IN' PACKERS on KY TEIK ji A VlltV. LOT 0 : A S S K S 0 F ^


Men and women, tho poor anatho ricb. felt themselves drawn to open thei brought into use, aud the.long, Ktendobearta and pour out their troubles to her.Yot Morgnret was an exceptionally homely brain-mitter and then deli

trial rigUt olT. 1'liey won't get John I, it verdict. Ho is tlw most obslu I ever saw...-! never. !iae\v:.hi in J

agree with his own wife in.mserted in this cavity, nud; tb IFOR ViiS PEftMA-KEHT -CURE OF

iisn't nt nil likely lie's going to ngrco wipcoplo ho don't kuow nnytliing nbout.protty juryman ho is 1"

rcBsed, tlio tubo beingshortened Jay hy dny.

From tho moment of tho operation thshowed improvemeiit. His recover

-was slow, nud every fenturo of tbo progress n regard to dosing : " Hullo, Charleynro linvc ynu lioon?" " Jus t down

Uionpotliecary's'for n bottle offor my ivite. • Whnt tilings these wunitia uifor dosing, nrou'l' they ?" Charley's frieicoincides in UysTiew of the mutter, amiCharley's suggestion tho two step into tl

•was narrowly watched by tha surgeons, whonose, or tho color of an oyo. Bulimy girl, -while thoy honed for tho bust result, feared

by daily batlm, and wholesome food, and bybreathing pure air, can render her complet-

ear and soft. Her hair, nails andteelhcan bo daintily kept. Her clothes, howev-

u tram her mind,- even if of or- tlieir respcitive • stomnolis.—Ko*("ti. T-sadiuary capacity, to bo alert and earnest; and take his meals like anybody.else, the woum

In hie hem! grndnally cloning,.the lubo being1 HOOM TO STOW "AWAY LITTLE-Tho populaiiou doeTnot crowd in eornotho counties of Texas. Yonfcutn county,thoeouBUB of 1SS0, hadtwo inhabitantTerry, flvo; Lubboek, fivo; Lnmo, fourHoward, eoTcn-Hoslley, five; Hale, threGaince,

if aUtbi fairiefl had broughl.hor took tho tubo.owuy aUocetber,tough, bone-like imbstnnco growing over thplace- where .tho Hkull was removed nud pro

ii tli« Itrwn.—Chicago Tribune.-: •?•

iiso for' a woman whosoi untidy, and wj;

w^^MBMW^yftteJP^Kr-^sw -**•'

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