
Global Design Effort - CFS

International Workshop on Linear Colliders 2010 1

for Asian Single Tunnel Configuration

Design Progress

Masanobu Miyahara


Global Design Effort - CFS

International Workshop on Linear Colliders 2010 2

Outline of the Asian Single Tunnel Configuration ■ Design Scheme at the CFS Review Meeting

Design Progress after the Review ■ Some Changes of the Design Scheme ■ Layout of Access Hall and Caverns

Consideration about the ML-Tunnel Section ■The ML-Tunnel Cross Section ■ Issues about the Tunnel Construction Cost



Global Design Effort - CFS

International Workshop on Linear Colliders 2010 3

Outline of

Main Tunnel (ML-T)Main Tunnel (ML-T)

Sub Tunnel (ST)Sub Tunnel (ST)

Superconducting CryomoduleSuperconducting Cryomodule Klystron, RF Power SourcesKlystron, RF Power Sources High Voltage Power LineHigh Voltage Power Line

Transfer Line of the Cooling Water SystemTransfer Line of the Cooling Water System Drainage Canal for Ground Water Inflow Drainage Canal for Ground Water Inflow Access Route for MaintenanceAccess Route for Maintenance Escape Route for Emergency Escape Route for Emergency   

Asian Single Tunnel Configuration

Above Ground FacilityAbove Ground Facility Only 3 Plants of Cooling Tower StationOnly 3 Plants of Cooling Tower Station

Global Design Effort - CFS

International Workshop on Linear Colliders 2010 4

Overal Facility Layout : after completion


Main (Sub) Tunnel

Cryogenic Cavern (AH)

Cooling Tower Station

Access Tunnel (Shaft)

Low voltage Cavern

Cooling Tower Station (surface)

Global Design Effort - CFS

International Workshop on Linear Colliders 2010 5

Tunnel Spacing (ML-T & Sub-T)





6, 1401703005, 200300170

4, 500

1001004, 100100 100







( φ 500× 2)

( φ 900× 2)

送 水 管

冷 却 水 管

支 保 +吹 付 コンクリー ト

( t =300)

防 水 シ ー ト

( φ 300)

路 盤 コンクリー ト

イ ン バ ー ト ブ ロ ッ ク

覆 工 コ ン ク リ ー ト

縦 断 排 水 管

(プ レ キ ャ ト )

( B=1500, D=250~ 750)

縦 断 排 水 路 ( 開 水 路 )

(勾 配 =0. 1%)

( t =100)一 次 吹 付 コンクリー ト

二 次 吹 付 コンクリー ト( t =100)


1, 200







本 坑


標 準 断 面



14, 650

10, 000


Isolation Distance 10.0m




Track Bed ConcreteCooling WaterDrainage Canal



Global Design Effort - CFS

International Workshop on Linear Colliders 2010 6

Access Tunnel

Cryogenic Cavern

Low Voltage Cavern

Assembly Hall


Main Linac Facilities

Global Design Effort - CFS

International Workshop on Linear Colliders 2010 7

■ Some Changes of the Design Scheme

■ Overall Facility Layout of ML-T

Design Progress after the Review

Global Design Effort - CFS

International Workshop on Linear Colliders 2010 8

Point Number of the Cooling Tower Farm      3Plants ⇒ 6 plants

Review of the Temperature Condition of the Cooling Water Circulation Loop to the Various Component

Primary Loop : Δ t =10℃ ⇒ Δ t =20℃ Secondary Loop: Δ t =5℃ ⇒ Δ t =10℃

Placement of the Machine Room (Local Cavern) about 600m intervals in the Main Linac Tunnel Corresponding to the 16 RF unit of Main Linac.

Review the Heat Energy Flow Review the Heat Energy Flow

Design Progress (1)

Global Design Effort - CFS

International Workshop on Linear Colliders 2010 9

2K and 4K Ref. Cold Boxes are Installed in the Same Cryogenic Cavern at 5 km Intervals.

Cryogenic Cavern must be Connected in the Terminal Area of the Access Tunnel.

- Large component such as Ref. Cold boxes and He. Compressor Units are Installed via Access tunnel - This Access Tunnel holds enough big Section to Carry a Construction Machine such as TBM others.

When a Helium Gas Leak Occurred We can Secure the Escape Route to Two Direction via a Sub-tunnel.

Layout of Cryogenic Facility and Cavern Layout of Cryogenic Facility and Cavern

Design Progress (2)

Global Design Effort - CFS

International Workshop on Linear Colliders 2010 10

Main Component of Accelerator Tunnel Accelerator Tunnel is consist of following Underground Structure according to DRFS

   - Main Tunnel (MT) - Sub Tunnel (ST) - Access Hall Cavern (AH) - Local Cavern (LC)


Installed Facilities in each Underground Structure - Main Linac Tunnel (ML-T )                  ・ Cryomodule, Klystron, RF sourse, Hi-voltage Power Line,,, - Sub Tunnel (ST)

           ・ Cooling Water Pipes, Drainage System (Canal and Pumps),,, - Access Hall Cavern (AH, @5km)    ・ Cooling unit, He-Compressor, air conditioning, Power

Station,,, - Local Cavern (LC, @617m)

                   ・ Heat Exchanger, Refrigerator, CW-Pumps, Booster Pumps, Air Conditioning System, Sub Station, other Utility Facilities,,,

Global Design Effort - CFS

International Workshop on Linear Colliders 2010 11

Overall Facilities Layout of the ML-Tunnel

Access Tunnel


Global Design Effort - CFS

International Workshop on Linear Colliders 2010 12

Overal Facility Layout : after completion


Main (Sub) Tunnel

Access Hall (Cryo-Cavern)

Cooling Tower Station

Access Tunnel

Local Cavern

Cooling Tower Station (surface)

Global Design Effort - CFS

International Workshop on Linear Colliders 2010 13

Layout Image of Cavern and ML-T

Access TunnelCryogenic Cavern

Local Cavern

AH Main Linac Tunnel

He Compressor

4K-Cold Box

2K-Cold Box

Global Design Effort - CFS

International Workshop on Linear Colliders 2010 14Cross Section

Bird’s-eye View

Local Cavern: Scale and Structure


Section Detail


Local Cavern




Global Design Effort - CFS

International Workshop on Linear Colliders 2010 15

Layout Image of ML-T and Cavern

Main Tunnel

Local Cavern

Access HallCryogenic Cavern

Sub tunnel

Global Design Effort - CFS

International Workshop on Linear Colliders 2010 16

Consideration about the ML-Tunnel Section

■ Investigation about the ML-T Cross Section

■ Execution Cost of the TBM Tunnel

Global Design Effort - CFS

International Workshop on Linear Colliders 2010 17

Consideration about the ML-T Cross Section Comparison by the Shape, Construction Method

Shape Circle Type Bullet TypeMethod TBM NATM


High speed excavation in case of suitable geological condition

Middle-level (150m/Month)

CostDepend on tunnel lengthHigh cost in case of shortdistance

Not depend on tunnel lengthLow cost in case of shortDistance

Adaptability for Cavern excavation

Special construction machine should be developed because of circular arc floor

General-use construction machine can be applied because of flat floor

Noise and Vibration

Small level

Larger level than TBMAlmost reduced in deep level

Global Design Effort - CFS

International Workshop on Linear Colliders 2010 18

Consideration from the Viewpoint of

Tunnel Construction ● Main Tunnel are used for Local Cavern Construction after the Digging Completion

- Mucking way from Local Cavern - Passageway of Construction Machine and Vehicle for Local Cavern - Air Ventilation, Water Supply Line, Drainage line, Power Supply,,,

● In case of Circle Shape (TBM) - Limitation for the Traffic of Construction Machine and Vehicle is extremely severe

● In case of Bullet Shape (NATM) - General-use Machines and Vehicles can

pass through easily




Water Supply Drainage

Global Design Effort - CFS

International Workshop on Linear Colliders 2010 19

Issue about the Tunnel Construction CostComparison of TBM and NATM

● TBM Execution - High Speed Excavation (low cost excavation) will be Possible in case of the Good geological Condition - Not Economical in a Short Distance Execution, Because the Portion of TBM Machine Cost is Large - As for the Tunneling of TBM Excavation, a Merit is bigger in case of Long-Distance Execution more than 10km

● NATM Execution

- Construction Cost doesn’t Depend on Excavation Distance

as much as TBM, because General-use Machines are Applied.

Global Design Effort - CFS

International Workshop on Linear Colliders 2010 20

to Investigate in a General Viewpoint about the Various Caverns Layout and Cross Section of the Main Linac Tunnel to Develop more Detailed Design Study about the Cooling Water System, Air conditioning System, Cryogenic System and Power Supply System


Design Study toward the Next StageDesign Study toward the Next Stage

to do an Adapted Design Study in the Geological and Geographical Condition of the Concrete Candidate Site (Two) in Japanese Mountainous Region

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