  • 8/6/2019 Global Trade Positioned for Growth Into 2011


    Global Trade Positioned For Growth Into 2011

    World trade by all modes of transportation will grow 8.1 percent in 2010 and 6.9 percent in

    2011, according to the latest forecast from IHS Global Insight's World Trade Service. This

    compares to a 7.2 percent contraction in world trade in 2009.

    International trade volumes will continue to increase on pace with the global economic recovery,

    according to the Second Quarter Trends in World Economy and Trade report from the IHS

    Global Insight World Trade Service.

    Global containerized trade volumes should reach 10 percent, with a slightly stronger recovery at

    10.6 percent on the mainline East-West trade lanes in 2010, before slowing over the next two

    years. Exports from the Far East to North America and Europe bounced back as importers began

    to re-stock their depleted inventories as sales growth renewed.

    According to IHS Global Insight, trade will grow into 2011, but it's expected to be slower than

    2010 growth. Still, 2010 and 2011 will be strong years relative to the hardship of 2008 and 2009,

    with 3 percent and 8 percent growth on TEU volumes, respectively.

    World containerized trade measured in 20-foot equivalent units (TEUs) increased 9.2 percent in

    2010 and is projected to grow at 6.8 percent in 2011.The transatlantic trade lane is comparatively

    small, although still imbalanced in favor of European exports, and growth rates are susceptible to

    the moves in the U.S. dollar exchange rate. Particularly sensitive are exports from the U.S. to

    Europe because of the weaker euro.

    Bulk shipping is also showing improvement from a 2.8 percent drop in bulk commodity trade in

    2009. IHS Global Insight forecasts bulk commodities to grow in 2010 through 2011. The Baltic

    Dry Index has been steadily increasing since the beginning of the year, and seasonal demand

    should also boost bulk exports over the next quarter.

    Dry bulk commodity shipment tonnage, which includes grain, iron ore, and coal, will increase

    10.3 percent in 2010 and 8.7 percent in 2011.

    Liquid bulk trade, which includes petroleum and liquefied natural gas, has also been growingdespite short-term supply issues in the U.S. Gulf Coast. This segment should grow 9.9 percent in

    2010 and 8.4 percent in 2011. Trade will remain steady, as the oil market remains well-supplied

    with spare productive capacity of 6 million barrels per day and ample OECD inventories in 2010.

  • 8/6/2019 Global Trade Positioned for Growth Into 2011


    india position in world economy - Presentation Transcript

    1. INDIAS SHARE IN WORLD ECONOMYLinking INDIA to World Economy

    2. INDIAS SHARE IN WORLD ECONOMYIt is divided into 3 Eras :Pre- colonial (Early 17th Century)British Colonial (17th till 1945)After Independence ( After 1945 till Now)Linking INDIA to World Economy

    3. Independence to 1991Influence by British Colonial Experience.With strong emphasis on(a) Import substitution(b) Industrialization(c) State Intervention

    (d) Business regulation(e) Central planning(f) Capital IndustriesLinking INDIA to World Economy

    4. After 1991o Since 1990 India has emerged as one of the wealthiest economies in the

    developing world; during this period, the economy has grown constantly, but witha few major setbacks. This has been accompanied by increases in life expectancy,literacy rates and food security.

    Linking INDIA to World Economy

    5. Indias Contribution to Worlds EconomyGovernment InterventionMajor improvements in educational standards across India.In the late 80s the government led by Rajiv Gandhi eased restrictions on capacityexpansion for incumbents, removed price controls and reduced corporate taxes. Whilethis increased the rate of growth, it also led to high fiscal deficits and a worsening currentaccount.Linking INDIA to World Economy

    6. Indias Contribution to Worlds EconomyPublic Receipts

    The tax reforms, initiated in 1991:(a) Reducing the rates of individual and corporate income taxes, excises, customs andmaking it more progressive(b) Reducing exemptions and concessions .(c) Simplification of laws and procedures.(d) Introduction of PAN to track monetary transactions.Linking INDIA to World Economy

  • 8/6/2019 Global Trade Positioned for Growth Into 2011


    7. Indias Contribution to Worlds EconomyPublic ReceiptTax receipts of Centre & State amount to approximately 18% of national resources of Government affect its ability to pay fair wages to public servants.This may well be the cause of endemic corruption at all levels of government.

    Linking INDIA to World Economy8. Indias Contribution to Worlds EconomyPhysical InfrastructureIndia's low spending on power, construction, transportation, telecommunicationsand real estate, at $31 billion or 6% of GDP in 2002 had prevented India from sustaininghigher growth rates.India holds 2nd position in the world in roadways' construction, more than twicethat of China.Linking INDIA to World Economy

    9. Indias Contribution to Worlds EconomyAgriculture Sector

    Agriculture & allied sectors like forestry logging and fishing accounted for 16.6% of theGDP in 2007.2nd largest world-wide in farm output.Linking INDIA to World Economy

    10.Indias Contribution to Worlds EconomyIndustryIndia is 14th in the world in Factory Output.Account for 27.6% of the GDP and employ 17% of the total workforce.Linking INDIA to World Economy

    11.Indias Contribution to Worlds EconomyAccording to Forbes Global2000 ranking for 2008, Five leading companies are:Linking INDIA to World Economy

    12.Indias Contribution to Worlds EconomyService SectorIndia is 15th in service output.It provides employment to 23% of work force, and it is growing fast, growth rate 7.5% in19912000 up from 4.5% in 195180.Contribution of IT to GDP increased to 4.8 % in 2005-06 and is projected to increase to7% of GDP in 2008.Linking INDIA to World Economy

    13.GDP Growth in Current DecadeLinking INDIA to World Economy

    14.Contribution to GDP growth1951-512007-08Linking INDIA to World Economy

    15.Balance of PaymentsLinking INDIA to World Economy

    16.Growth of EmploymentLinking INDIA to World Economy

  • 8/6/2019 Global Trade Positioned for Growth Into 2011


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