
Go Green Project

By: Derek Weaver and Alex Hartley

Things other high schools are doing to go green

Going green

• Is the process of changing your life style in order for safety and benefit for the environment.

• Build a more efficient green house• Car pooling to school saving fuel and

emissions from in the environment. •

Ways RHHS can go green

• Using less plastic materials • Cut down on paper usage • Have recycling bins all around the school• Have a day of picking up trash around the


Ways RHHS is going green

• RHHS shop Class has build an efficient green house for more sun radiation for the plants with out electricity , growing plants, and having recycling bens all over school.


• Shelby said going green is a great thing to do. Why throw away things you can recycle, and reuse again.

• Dillon Webber said that driving has to be the biggest producer of green house gases because everyone drives or uses some kind of transportation that burns fuels.

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