Page 1: High Performance Storage Service Virtualization Scott Baker University of Arizona

High Performance Storage Service Virtualization

Scott Baker

University of Arizona

Page 2: High Performance Storage Service Virtualization Scott Baker University of Arizona

What is Virtualization?

C lie nt S e rve rS e rvic e

C lie nt S e rve rS e rvic e

V irtua lize rS e rvic e '

A virtualizer is inserted between the client to provide a better service:

Consider an existing client/server scenario:

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Why Virtualization ?

• Why not create a newer/better service ?– Modified clients / servers– Lengthy standardization process– Slow to integrate into existing infrastructure

• Virtualization offers– Unmodified clients/server– No standardization requirements– Rapid integration

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Types of Virtualizations

• Mutation– Change a service into something different

• Aggregation– 2+ servers 1 big server

• Replication– 2+ servers 1 more reliable server

• Fortification– Vulnerable server more secure server

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Mutation (Gecko)

• Web uses HTTP protocol• Traditional programs use file system semantics

– open, close, read, write, etc

• Inconvenient to modify existing body of applications to use the web

• WWW8, SP&E papers

L in u x o rW in d o ws C lien t

H T T PG e c k o

N F S W o rld W ideW e b

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Aggregation (Mirage)

• Combine 2+ NFS file systems to create one big file system

• Clients are unaware multiple servers exist• IEEE LCN paper

C lie nt

N F S S e rve r

M ira g eN F S

N F S S e rve r



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Replication (Mirage)

• Unmodified primary server• Specialized backup server• Asymmetric design

– Commercial primary, commodity backup

• Logging

C lie nt P rim a ry S e rve rM ira g eN F S

B a c k up S e rve r


N F S + B P

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Fortification (Mirage)

• Fortify a server against DoS attacks

• Several ideas– Prevent faulty requests from reaching servers– Use scheduling to ensure fairness– Push authentication to the border of the


• Currently work in progress

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Mirage in the Network

• Mirage could be located in:– Client (patch OS, or user-mode daemon)– Server (patch app, or user-mode daemon)– Router (unmodified clients, servers)

• Mirage is a router not an application– Rewrite packets on-the-fly & forward– Benefits: stateless, low overhead

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NFS Basics

• NFS uses “handles” to identify objects– Lookup (par_handle, “name”) chi_handle– Read (chi_handle) data

• Handles are opaque to clients

• Handles are 32-bytes (NFSv2) or 64-bytes (NFSv3)

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Aggregation Issues

• Make 2+ servers look like 1 big server

• Key problem– 2 servers may generate the same handle for

different objects– Client will be confused

• Solution– Virtual handles

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Virtual and Physical Handles

• Virtual handles exist between clients and Mirage• Physical handles exist between Mirage and


C lient M irage

S erver # 1

S erver # 2

V irtual H and les P hys ic al H and les

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VFH Contents

• Mirage decides what to put in VFH• VFH is composed of

– PIN (Physical Inode Number)– PFS (Physical File System Number)– SID (Server ID)– VIN (Virtual Inode Number)– HVC (Handle Verification Checksum)– MCH (Mount Checksum)

• (PIN, PFS, SID) uniquely identifies a file

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Data Structures

• Transaction Table (TT)– Entry created during request– Entry deleted during reply– Remembers NFS Proc Number, Client ID

• Handle Table (HT)– VFH PFH mappings

• Tables are Soft State

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Request / Reply Processing

• On requests,– Lookup VFH in HT yields PFH– Rewrite VFH in request with PFH– Forward to server (SID tells which one)

• On replies,– Lookup PFH in HT yields VFH

• Create new mapping if necessary

– Rewrite PFH in reply with VFH– Forward to client

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Router Failure / Recovery

• If router fails, TT and HT are lost• Clients will retry any ops in progress

– TT state regenerated automatically

• Recover HT state from fields in VFH– Extract (PIN, PFS, SID)– Search servers for (PIN, PFS, SID) to get

PFH– Similar to BASE

• Periodically checkpoint HT to servers

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• User Mode Process– Linux operating system / commodity HW– Proof of concept– Demonstrates aggregation & replication– UDP Sockets

• IXP2400 Network Processor– High performance– Possible production system– Subject of ongoing/future work

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IXP2400 Overview

• 1 StrongArm CPU (general purpose, Linux OS)• 8 Microengine CPUs (packet processing)


m e 4

m e 7

m e 6

m e 5

m e 0

m e 3

m e 2

m e 1



Str o ng Ar mC P U

D R AM M e m o r ySR AM M e m o r y

S c ratc h P ad

H as h

C ap

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Microengine CPU Properties

• Lots of registers– 256 GPR, 128 NN, 512 memory-i/o

• Special packet-processing instruction set

• Multithreading support– 8 threads per microengine– Zero context-switch overhead

• Asynchronous memory I/O

• Fast-path processing

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• DRAM: 64 MB / 300 cycles– Direct IO to and from network interface

• SRAM: 8 MB / 150 cycles– Support atomic operations– Built-in “queues” w/ atomic dequeue, get, put

• Scratchpad:16 KB / 60 cycles– Supports atomic operations– Built-in “rings” with atomic get/put

• Local per-microengine: 2560 B / 3 cycles

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IXP Issues

• Divide Mirage functionality across Microengines• Control interface between StrongArm and

Microengines• Optimize Microengine code

R e c e i ve r Tr ans m i tte rC l as s i fi e r

N fs R e q

N fs R e p

Str o ng Ar mC P U

P ac ke tsIn

P ac ke tsO ut

Page 22: High Performance Storage Service Virtualization Scott Baker University of Arizona

Benchmark Configuration

• Two IXP boards: Benchmark and Mirage• Attempt throughput and measure actual

F l o o d

F akeSe r ve r

C o unt

N F S R e q

N F S R e p

R eq u es t

R e w r itten R e q u e st

R ep ly

R ew r itte n R e p ly

B e nc hm ar k IX P B o ar d M i r ag e IX P B o ar d

(note: transmit, receive, classifier microengines not shown)

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Loopback Configuration

• Simulates a router without Mirage

F l o o d

F akeSe r ve r

C o unt

R e que s t

R eq u es t

R ep ly

R e pl y

B e nc hm ar k IX P B o ar d M i r ag e IX P B o ar d

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IXP Performance








Attempted Throughput (Packets / Sec)







t (P


/ S






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• User-mode Mirage– 40,000 packets/second– Read/Write bandwidth at 320 Mbps

• IXP Mirage– 290,000 packets/second– Read/write bandwidth exceeds gigabit line

speed (In theory, approx 2.4 Gbps)

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• Completed– User-mode Mutation (Gecko), Aggregation,

Replication, Fortification– IXP Aggregation

• To-do– IXP performance tuning– Finish IXP benchmarks– IXP Replication ?– IXP Gecko ?– SOSP Paper

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Publications• Scott Baker, John Hartman, “The Gecko NFS Web Proxy,”

Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on World Wide Web. 1999.

• Scott Baker, Bongki Moon, “Distributed Cooperative Web Servers,” Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on World Wide Web. 1999.

• Scott Baker, John Hartman, “The design and implementation of the Gecko NFS Web Proxy,” Software Practice and Experience, June 2001.

• Scott Baker,  John Hartman, and Ian Murdock, "Swarm: Agent-Based Storage," The 2004 International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice. Las Vegas, Nevada. June, 2004.

• Scott Baker and John Hartman, "The Mirage NFS Router," The 29th IEEE Conference on Local Area Networks. Tampa, FL. November, 2004.

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