Page 1: How to become Productive person


10 suggestions from VEROLING

Page 2: How to become Productive person

1. Get things right the first time

Mistakes are inevitable when you are distracted.

Unleash your productivity!

Adapt a mindset of doing what it takes to get it

flawless first.


This will save you days on fixing the problems.

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2. Write a Stop Doing List

Set your own To Do List.

After that record the things you STOP DOING.


You will learn how to set priorities and how to

pick the best ideas and projects.

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3. Stop multi-tasking

It is important to have a mono-maniacal

focus on one thing for many hours.

Don’t forget about your mental and

physical health.


You will reduce the number of distractions

invading your life and will control the way

your brains work.

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4. Don’t say Yes to every request

Most of us have a deep need to be liked.

Saying Yes to everything and everyone

leaves you absolutely no time to succeed.


You will approach your elite productivity

level faster.

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5. Run routines

Successful people always follow their strict

daily routines.

Decide when you:

- get up

- start work

- exercise

- relax.


Your productivity will be your devotion, not

just good luck.

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6. Optimists win

Say goodbye to the negative attitude.

Think Positive to make things Positive.


Your enthusiasm will help you solve any


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7. Get up early

Try to get up at 5 am every day.

Make it a habit.

Train your willpower.


This will give you more control over the

key areas of your life.

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8. NO to mess

Mess creates stress... everywhere.

Clean and organize your office to get more done.

Clean and organize your home to have a real rest.

RESULT: You will reduce the factors that disorganize you.

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9. Think BIG

Set big and brave goals.

Revise them regularly.

Spend 5 minutes a day and concentrate

on the realization of the goals.


Each day will be a winning day.

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10. Act NOW

Stop waiting for perfect conditions.

Go and launch your idea now.

The perfect day to start is TODAY, so fuelyourself with a positive feedback loop and go for it.


Your immediate actions will drive the result


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