Page 1: Ideal Meat Market IN CIRCLES r I · u w a t w P i At I Tti SUt MAUCII s THE ADUOAII EVENING SUNJ FIVE aaa 1 Ideal Meat Market 1

u w at w P


aaa1 Ideal Meat Market1 WEDNESDAYS SPECIALSrrJ lb can Tomnlo10c-ff+ 11QCtOmega Flour per sack µ 85C1Potato Chips perlOx1 00

Largo Florida Oranges per dozenImpor-ted Sardines per eau 10-ca IMusbrpoms per eau 20c

Kunrjtmts per hnsket250Quart Jar Pickks 200i-f Prenicr Barley pur pkR 10Ct


wIIJITUIIuuBreakfastJelly per

BaconJoIll1l1250per pound 18cCelery plead Lettuce Cnufitlour Fancy Tomatoes

s 1

t THE LOCAL 1JDr Gilbert osteopath 400 Y

Broadway Phono 190Forms for real estate agents ror

Cato at this otllcoP Mr II C Hollins has loft tho

city for a few month and I havu w

l quired nu Inlereat in his business nndshall look after it fur him Atny In

formation with reference to allYbrnbch of It will receive prompt a-


tontlon If you will call up The Sunofflce Both phones 358 K J Pax-

tonI Dr Wnruor veterinarian Treatc f-


ment or domestic anlnials Botha i phono 131

I pVo oan give you tho finest car4 trl3jetI In ths city fur wedding balli end theater if Our prices aro low

III f 4 or than thoee charged1 for like ervle <

i In any city In America Our servloIK second to none and the bet In this

t I city Palmer Transfer Companyferriage work ot all kind

Painting repairing rubber tires etcSpring WACOM mado to order We-

ir rare offering special Inducemunts rorearly orders Soxtnn Sign Works

441c number door ptatwItrue1 itenrlli brosi and alumntancheckrof all kind rubber type algM

marker Bw The Diamond StamiI 11tI

Works 115 Houth Third Phone 3KCity mibeertlwr to tho Dally

Bun who wlati tho delivery of tholit spapers stopped must notify our cots leetore or make the request direct

ft IrIto Ttio Sun office No Attoatlon wit

bo paid to mieli orders whet goerto barriers 9 lIf PubllithtBc Co

If you what n nice lawn tow

Branson lawn tract tend FlowerM>e4l that grow Brunaons FloworShop 110 Broadway

Plane yarn orders for wedding

r Invltntlotw at Irame The Sun Is

showing M neat an aaeortment aa

iiJOII will lId anywhere at pricesmuch tower than you win have to

pay oh i whoreThe ekrck of drugs of C 0 R4p

I Icy at Klevenrk ami Cmldwcll stmUwu old under court orders yttort

Iiwy by Constabl1 C Shelton to Dr

J W Coleraan for un The amountt art clalm agsigt the relate wte 40e

oMr II B Hook manager of tho

Oeorice KoH dram store Third anti

f 1 JcjtktHMi tints vlUI open a drug1 ist here at Third street and Kentucky

I iJ evetlae son Mr look la a young

nt tMietnece mar with oval and If timer

t oagiily eaperleiewl Iu the drug storekutleeM

K D cteuQt A Oo offer forIf the week tile following books dice

iIr rapt Port of Mining ManHal a Rogue Oanteu of AllahTfl< Gambler Pjimv IJow and

the Mouse Ben BlairMil Viola Waters will entertain

j the radios of Manchester trove Nn29 W C Wednsday afternoon ather home SIGI South Third street Inv

UKmi of Mm HtlI BerryIr


J A Fresh






4stI a Ivory tbrco or four days

tshipmentIMullanos toothsome dainties

1 ore fresh us n daisy when youv

buy them Best you e-


tpstedji they spelt in your


hsGilberts Drug Store

4th and Broadway

tber Phone Xo 17

> t=

E 11ct t 1



NEWS OF COURTS lIn tlicillt your

The locomotive Bnulneers MutuaMfe and Accident company has Illeisuit lit the clriult court agaliiBt MrsliraI II Winfrey wife of A II Winfrey duconred for 1SU9 clalmwduo for life Ineumnvo money paid hoion o pulley through alleged faire reprcsentiitlon

The company njlcfjes that after thipolicy was Ifeiicd payable to the witof the deceased ho ordered It chntiguiand nifldo payable to his mother but I

wiiru 1nfrcy died his wife coltectocthe money by making the allegatloi


able ttp tbv inoliior and the companynow seeks to recover the amount paidII


DifJHJty Circuit Clerk W C KldiIIU Inlay Ilils weak making out thet-

lOOket or thFibril term of clrculcourt which U> a criminal term I

The 8ierifT now has the bench war-rants for tho arrrat of tltgrr ndkttrfor nail offenses aid will i> cglrserving them probably this week am1the number of prisoners in the countjail will be lIrtcreaeqil to sums extentAt present there are but 60 jirlnonenIn the jail the smalloct number foethe time of year In many yearn Thedropping off Iris been caused by tittern of the iirtoonnrs having almulall expired white the number Iflilover by < ix inlnlHg courts on folon >

charge Is1 not fco large M usual

IMiU IIllitlT 11 Drldgos to Mrs Maggie Unil

fey inertyi at Seventeenth and Har ¬ I

rison streets 1101 I

C C Pace to JU IP Oventreet tautIn the county 1SOO I

llF1 Nolen to 0 Alleetitold



It wnt like old Mn M In police courtthin m rnlog and the polku kit nlslitBattered In ten unfortuimtuM Thecourt was >eter than n mlmKroI andIt was dtlllcnlt to keep stlenco In thecourt room The docket mnkrDob Iecplo 1 and cot Dnmk anddlord rly Hniery Kane fti andcot Breach uflooOlek Oakleycolored 10 nod orate Ilrcucli of ordlnuu HuRh Kirk and CharlesTandy 5 and cons Dktoderly con-

duct Annie Dlckerion ArthurKlakeiy Sherwood UnlHior VirgilSmoother colored 5 and no costs1IloiirWiInK pUtol Herbert Jonoscolored 30 and COltS Drunk anddteorderly Herbert Joness colored

10 awl costa llrOHili of penceJ1

1h Oowell left oleo Mnllcimis cu-ttingtudlo Davl continued untilMonday


Sliinliivr null Uoiiiillcr of llrnthWOlllccis HIIIIH Tut S Throat rII

Allrnsloln lnst Irutsln March 8

The Christina Daj tragedy Is completc Capt von Ooeben who murdrtvd his brother pfllcor Muj vonSclincnlxok after docpolllng his homo


hits wmmHlot1I1IIelcl I

No one In this knrrlson town WHS

surprised this morning on boringMini Von Jooben had cut Ida throat

lI1retl61onlllwhkh2 It was well understood that suicidewas the only way by which ho couldescnjtc a military execution I

No attempt was mado to prevent

tho prisoner working out his own ox

0111Ilortunltplayed was a wolltharpentd tableartIerA 1 a completion of tho tragedy ItI

ill to be noted that Imo von Sctioin

honk who hail been arrostcd as nn

acoompllco to the murderer of herhueband has gone Insane

THO People HintUtchnVd III March tTwo

cOliItcutsdynamite onnear hero today while tho train was

In motion

Tho Crystal theatod played to tapaclty house last night tho first nightif tho blp vaudeville attractions It

iffcia this week The bill Is one thata not to be equated anywhere nt such

prlorc and will hold the boards nil

this week J

1w i tcd



I Delphic Club Elect Olllccrs tied IKcMCourse of Study

Tho Delphic club held Its anllualIbusiness session this morning at 1ItBI

room In Carnegie libraryTho olllcors for the ensuing yeaT

were elected as follows Mrs Mlldrc I

Fowler Davis was reelected prcslden l

and Mrs George Clayton Wallace Icepresident Miss Helen Hullltt Lowrwns reelected secretary but declineI

the office and Miss Kathleen Whitefield was elected Mrs Ilobort UeckeThillips was reelected treasuroiThese will go Into oillco In October-

It was decided to take up the history phllowpliy and art of Greece asIthe study for the next year 1110

present study te Egypt The commit-tee npimlutcd lo arrange the programl

are MrsAlonzo IlMcwora chairmanMrs C U Austin and Mrs lameIItalyv

The dub will have Its regular yearly social meeting Immediately afterLent These are Invitation affairs

Mrs Klbrldge Palmnrs dellghtfupaper on The Nile was read by l1IIKathleen Whltcflcld In the absentof Mrs Palmer on account of Illness

O A It ItrcrpllonPaducah chapter Daughters of tho

American HeraUttlon will revolve thlafternoon trout 4 until C oclock attho home of Mrs W A Gardner or1Viuntaln avenue It Is a Colon 111

Too and an elaborate social function

Popular Saintly In IailiirnliThe Sunday Washington letter In

the Louisville CourierJournal says of1 talented lJiilsvlllo woman who frefluently visits the family of CaptJohn K AVIIllanwon In Paducah

A distinguished lout lIIlan In

Anihlngton this week has been MrsMI In Tucker a projulnont educatoricic to attend the nnMonal convention

or public school superintendents toether with trot IE II Marks ty

icrlntendcnt IoulsvlKc public schoolsIrof W11 Ilnrtholow principal Female Hlgli school Professor Chnpinirlncipall manual training school

rofessor llnrtholomcw was made aMember of tho nominating committlt of the Great Educational astorlaIon Mrs Tucker who enjoyed the

llttlnctlon of having conducted H

model school tot a week at theam eetown exposition was the reclp

oat of much social attention duringber vMt here She was cordlall >

vohmmed by Justice Harian All theIc1egatee were received by Presidenttootevelt

SllIlInllll Coslttfhe S

Ira Roosevelt and Mrs l ngwortaKith wore oi >eeiully Btuntilnc co<

umee at the wind up lowe nevereon bofori Mrs HooievelU with

her liuelmnd led the procession downthe marble steps to the IJIuo Roomrom the prlrate library above stairshero the receiving gang always asambloe Ina Pompadour silk with ItJi

ackground of royal blue Mm LongwOfth who Is never one of the pompOU8 pageant she Just lloats In andout of the Blue Itoom ImpromptuIIKie looked her supreme best HerDstiimo was an artistic triumph that

itgfat have been doslgned by alurnft Jones or n Hosettl fo pronphfloHtl h wan It In tint and hang

Itlwns of peacock blue gauze cllngIIIIR ciofoly over a slip of emerald

rwn silk A deep border of mortwllstlc umllroldtred peacock feathNilr finished the edge of the skirt RnrIDtnpoied the sleeve drapery Con

rnryNo her usual regimen of an unilorned coiffure Mrs Longwxrth

woro n diamond tiara upon her hairrowed as always low at the nape of

her neckl Her long pendant dlamOO11 earrings swung front her earsA diamond dug collar clasped herthroat She Vns startlngly effective1111111 as always decjdedly the bile of-

tho ball Washington D C Letter

Delightful lrnp fear IDullerThe girls leap Mir churn at the

Romans club house last evening was1 very delightful occasion MrsGeorge Flournoy chaperoned the par ¬

I s Among those In attendance everhoses Anne Campbell of Blnck hurga Loulee Harrlfon of ClarksvillcCant Tews Manning of St Iiuls

Inllle Richmond of Clinton i HelenlUlls Helen Powell Hnzol McCand10M Katherine Qulgloy Phlllp ialughes KoMiliiul Hobson Henry AllcottoJalth Iingntaff Blanche Hllhrrookit Smith Jmnnetto Potter Co

Inno Winttend Alma Kopf FranceWallace Noun Hnfleld Messrs

harles Do Wcrthen Prod Wadeharles Kojif Cliarles Rleke Robert

uthrlc Jay Harian Fred GllllamZath Hayes Saul hHughes Jr Roscoc

iced Will HUidy Will RlnckliffeJames Langstaff Will Baker HarryIngleton Tom Coburn Milton Wnl

IJTstein Louis Rleke JrLCO KellerIl

Ir Shearer Mr Herbert Mr Wenger of Cairo Dr I B Howell

IT II e ClmptcrPaducah chapter United Daughters

orf the Confederacy Is meeting this aftornoon nt the Womans Chub houEu-

ILls the regular meeting for MardiIrs Roy McKinney Is tho hostess or-

UIC chapter

nrpo llliiii CJuliN Ilnal Aiitelcuten I

Partyits Maggie Lydon entertained the

ClinlO Diem club last evening nt herhomo on South Tenth street It woeanI especially delightful meeting 6f theclub with sonic unusual features Thegllcsts all wore comb costumes which l

added greatly to tho gaycty of the eveirg SHs Theresa Klrchoff and 1-

lJObn Moilor carried oft the honors forIa > It l + Jo

ss yihho most unique costumit in thlwoIbyI

MrI John Moller and Miss 1Lyilon ttlllkthe lone hand prizes Thetlon prizes went to Miss A llli 10nlOla1 I

lor and Mr John Muherranliclous lundieon was served It was ilI

the final meeting of the club until aftor Easter

MM nllls ItDiioirc nt iormaii InInrkMMi

The Berman given at the Lyndhursclub Thursday owning in honor of the

following fair visitors to our city wna most delightful anti enjoyable affair


oroos who were JHe< Bammle antAnne KHza Robertson of Elizabethtown Ky Miss Blanche Hills of Paducah Ky and Mss Mary Goff Palmer of Murfrecsboro Tenn

Thoso in the grand march whichvas led by Mr Otis Smith with Mist

PaUlo Crook wore Miss Palmer andMr Walter Vance MssI Hills andMr Bruce Udcnton Miss Irene Loweand Dr Ixton Wllllamton hiss ironBlack and Mr Robert Hawkins MissSammie UolicrtVon and Mr CharlieMercer Miss Anne Eliza Robertsonand Mr Horace Tomlln Miss 1Kdlth

artmell and Mr Howett TomllnMss Laura Jobe and Mr EmmettVance Miss Rosa MrrcerI and MrOllier Benton mss Nell Ilenton andMr Marry Nnnep Mr and Mrs 7ekoJohnson hoversMessrs Tom Koherlfon AV n Harris and IL G Smith

Jackson Tenn Sun

lItIt 1Iiikal it cli lugA charming muilcnl was given last

night at the homo of Mr and Mrs

William Gilbert 200H Jefferson boule ¬

vard It was under the autplcos otthe Grace Church Guild and was mostattractive In all of Its details Theprogram was a delightful one Thosetaking part were Miss Anne BradShaw Miss Lula Reed Miss MamfuOBrien Messrs Richard Scott W1U

Gilbert and EvertI ThompsonIn tho diningroom which wns

effectively decorated with ferns andflowers punch was sorted

A freewill offering was taken forthe benefit of tho Guilds carpet fundand the collection of this was a noveland pretty feature of the entertainment In tho front hall was hung arIron lotan heirloom from Revolutionary days with tjic sign above It

JKeep tho pot boiling Miss Elizabeth Klrktand and Miss Lucia Powelldressed as Salvation Army leeiee pre¬

tided here and were charming Incen ¬

tives to a willing contribution

Mr Hal SCorbt3tt will return to-


from Arkansas whore ho hasbeen on a businee trip

Mr Edgnr Pryor of JacksonMiceI has returned to hiIt home aftera visit to his tmrent Mr and MrsS B 1ryor SlxMi street and Brood-


k Futtroll Ruth Mtes NottleSandsruan have returned from n visitto Mrs W Mt Holt of DywsbiirgTenn

Mr and Mrs H G Cosby of Me-


have returned home aftervisiting Mr and Mrst John McCrearyand Mr and Mrs Thomas W Robertsof Harnhnn boulevard Little Mlws

Lucille Roberts accompanied Mr andsirs Cotby home

Mrs Max teethof St Louis hasreturned home after a visit to herdeter Mrs James Wellte of NorthEighth street

Mrs Annie Allen Jones of SouthEleventh street WHS taken to Rivertide hospital today for an operationSirs Jones Is resting easy today

Mrs Mary 113 hell of the Jlnyfleldroad U seriously ill of the grip nt her

homeIlrsA II Ott of Topeka Kns

left this mprning for her home after


Come to the right

shopI the boys store I forboys from 3 years UpI

and youll find no lackofvariety and style in

clothing for your own

little one

lOne of our novelties I

is the plaid RussianSailor Blouse Come inand try it on him

See window displayfornovetifs

ts 409413 8ROAGNA1C

visiting her daughter Mrs J W

Danes 1517 Trimble streetMr John Walls of Mlnta Is scrl


seriously 111 of pneumonia-Mr Boone Reed of Benton mat

for commissioner of Marshall countspent last nIght In the citrlhe suestof his parents Judge and Mrs WlllIam Reed

Attorney J E Ervln of Princetonwho has been In this city roturncihomo today

Mr Ed Foster wont to Hopklnsvlllitoday on business

Miss Anna Porter Borrymaa withns been visiting Mrs Joseph Fowlerreturned to her home In Clarkevito today

Mr C G Nuckols went to Princeton today on business

Chief of Polko James Collins hlliln chill this morning and this attarnoon he Is confined to his homo

II U DeJarnett tho well knowInsurance man received a message totiny announcing the death of his fath-er C IV DeJarnett at Hardlasburg

JudgeI William Reed went to lienton this morning to take up the criminal docket of the Marshall countcircuit court

R F Dunkerson and T B Willoughby two prominent young farmcrs of Calvcrt City lleft this mornlntfor Almagordo New Mexico wjicnthey probably will locate

J W Roberts left this mornliiffor Paris Tenn-

Attorney Hqnry Hugheu went 1cItenton this morning to attend circuit

courtMrT J Holeomb the Murray

reduce dealer was hero this morningen route home front n trip to Chicago

laud Glpson of the Central Pro staton went to Murray this morning tcvisit his slater Mrs O T Hate whohas been quite sick several w ekn

Mr Bud Gibson went to Murraytoday to visit his sister Mrs O M

little who has beet 111 for severalweeks

Mrs W H Sallee of Danville Ky

will arrive this evening to visit MrsW J Humphrey of Jefferson streetand Mrs Oscar L Gregory of 727Broadway Mrs Salleo was formerlyMiss Susan Humble and she was mar-



hero several years ago from theGregory home She Is very popularIn Paducah

Mr and Mrs Phil Ruosler of Jonesstreet are the parents of a girl baby

born last nightMrs Clay Phelps of LHtlevlllo

who has been dangerously III withIpneumonia Is greatly Improved

Mr and Mrs Bud Dale will leavetomorrow morning for plot Springswhere Mrs Dale will take treatmentfor rheumatism Mrs Dale has beensuffering since last July


Mr John S Bleaker nnd tamllrloft this afternoon for Columbus 1a

to make their future homo Mr

Bleeckor has been transferred to thatsty to take charge of the StoneWebster properties Mr Reldheadwho has been manager In that city

will move his family to Paducah thelast of this wee

Mr and MfS Albert Sensor SiltSouth Sixth street are the proudaronts of a girl baby born Sunday

roomingMr W R Johnson of Louisville

Is In the city on a business trIMrs A Holbs was operated on attlverslde hospital this morning Mrsllobbs Is resting well this afternoon j

A Womans fearTime following political privileges

core extended to women during 1907Norway granted them till parllaJ

nentary suffrageSweden made them eligible to

miniclpal olllces

Denmark gave them the right torote for members of tile board ofalone charities and made them ellgl

Sle to serve on such boardGreat Britain made them ollglbh

1111 town councilors mayors and aldernen und at the fsll elections threemitten were elected municipal conn4irs In England and one In Scotand

The cabinet ministers of tho Netherands drafted a revised constitution

which was approved by tho council oftale and lens been placed before parlament It provides for tho ballot forwomen and wakes themI eligible tojfllco

The young liberal party of Bavariaoted unanimously to Invite women

to join all Us branch societies as soonus time prospective change takes placeIn the law of the empire which for

ids women to be members of anylolltlcnl association

Women voted for tho first time Intate elections In Queensland Ausiralin and for the first time In hlllory a majority of on disfranchisedlass petitioned for suffrage when thonajorlty of adult women of Icelandsilted for the parliamentary robe

Parliamentary suffrage was grantell to Russian women on tho sameterms as to men except that the fortier must vote by proxy

In tho United States while thorn

1IIJlflcImen elevated wonon have been elected to boards of

cluentlon In large numbers and givenother opportunities for greater ser

ice In our municipalities The con-


of the new state of Okanonce provided for school suffragewomen Xnd made women eligible rorIono state office The womannovement has been ofllclally Indorsed1 y the American Federation of Labortho Nntlosal Grange the National Letler Carriers nrsoclatlon and by nscore of othpr Important bodies

Tins Evening SuntOa a WeokJ> >





At Factory Figures a

Which Saves the Freight

Banta Incubators BantaBrooders Hen and ChickFeed Grit Oyster Shell


And a Complete Line of Poultry Sundries


GEO 0 HART SONS COIncorporated

rr1kr =4

J4 trj WANT ADS f n

tirrTT y TTT aSubscribers liisortlnuwuiit ads In

Time Sun will kindly remember that I

nil such items arc to he land for 11111tt

Um nd Ls Inserted tin rule applyingto every 0110 without exception

FOR dry woodold phono 23C1

FOH heating and stovewood rink437 F Levin

BUY your coal pf C II Cagle Bestlump 12c at yards New phorio 975

TFOlti SALE Buggy horse OWII

phone 146-4WANTED0ne secondHand roller

top desk In good condition Call I

either phono 15C3

FOR KENT Cottage Sixth andAdams Sewerage connection Oldphone 2791 I

FOR ItENTThreoroom cottageApply at 1335 Trimble street

iFF COCHIN eggs 100 pe1 tItifi Now phone 229

FOR IiENTModern cottage toISiman and wife only Owner to board j

with lessor Call 1143 Jefferso-nPuRNITUREReupholstered


re ¬

paired ai1 bought at 205 South ThirdNew Phcte aOla 0

FOR SALE ObiTRADE GasolineBoat 38 feet long float Ora nearPaducah Veneer and Lumber Co

BENTltarhershop or flxtIures separate Fifth and JacksonPhone 22-2T1V0 NICELY furnished roomswith heat and bath cheap lot SouthFourth strootnJ E MORGAN hortrt sno tasgeneral repairing rubber tiros 418sSouth ThirdrJNOTICE Before soiling your fur ¬

nlturo and stoves see Brooks Brasfor best prices 221 Kentucky avenue

FO ItltENfrUna mco roomwith board bath etc C2G KentuckyAvenue I

CIGAR salesman wonted Exper ¬

lento unnecessary ItOfl per monthanti expenses Peerless Cigar CoToledo OhioII

CO ENChiAoEA IGliorsopowerfive passenger automobile In good I

condition fully equipped Wlmt haveyou to offer Address Auto care Sun

WANTED need basket makerI

nono but flrstclaB man need allllyttAddress AndcrtonTully Co Memphis 1


FUlt RENT Furnished roomswith bath 427 Clark Phone 1421II

oldLOSTNose Glasses with rhilintlnl lied Case stamped PcndutonQulity Illinois Reward for returnto Sun offlce t

1 SALEleayngI city vnl oeP I

Rite new upright piano used thort I

tme cheap for cash If taken ai once t

llIfI South Sixth street

YouiCLOTHES wIlCalways lookllko now If cleaned and pressed byIJames Duffy South Ninth neatBroadway Phone 338aILASTAn opportunity to have u

good lawn unless you use EvergreenLawn Grass PowellRogers cornput Incorporated Phone 301

1iE Our Illustrated cataloguehow wo teach barber trade In

I few weeks mailed free Moler Bar ¬

bet College St Louis Mo

8010 ION Tho tailor has removedto 522 Broadway under Trueheart I

building where ho would bo pleasedto show you his now line of springsamples

WANTED Experienced salcslad >

at Noahs ArkTAKEN UP at Churchsstock farmblack sow and Poland China gilt

Owners can have samo by paying fortheir keep and for this notice


WANTED yen young men orladles at a guaranteed salary of JC5to 94 per month Call at 940Trimble

LUSTIIltl8 maiTc Itecd hllyd

between Carnegie library and Firthand Broadway Ileasoreturn toMiss Breasleau at Elks Home

Puit RENTEigtit room housecorner Sixteenth and Monroe Hotwater heated All modern Improvemeets Apply 10 1G32 Monroe +


LADIES Our cataloguo explainshow wo teach hairdressinG manicur ¬

lag facial massage etc In areweeks mailed free Molcr CollegoI I

St Louis Mo

FOR SALE Smith property WestJefferson between 20th and 21st StsAtldrcrs Mt E Adcock R F D No 1

Paducah Ky-

WANTEDA good stout boy about19 years old to do general work on-

mall farm near city Iteforenceswanted Apply Mrs J Mattlson R

D No 1 Box 126a City

WANTED For U S army Ablebodied unmarried men between agesSit 18 and 35 citizens of tho UnitedStates of good charade and temperito habits who call speak read andvrito English Men wanted fororvlco In Cuba and the Philippinesior Information apply to RecruitingDinicer New Richmond House IJalucah Ky

YOUNG MEN to preparo for exami ¬

nation for railway and other govern ¬

positions Superior Instructionby mall Established 14 years Thou ¬

of successful students Sample gquostlons and How Government Po ¬

sitions Are Secured sent free Inter ttato Schools Cedar Rapids Iowa


Desperate Attempt to Kill Wife of 4

Pifslilcnt AUDiliiI

Buenos Ayres March 3It became r

known today that an attempt was

made two weeks ago to murder Son ¬

ora Figueroa Alcorta wife of thopresident of the republic She hecelved a hag of peaches In which wasfound an Infernal machine

President Figueroa Alcorta has re¬

ceived numerous congratulations onthe fortunate escape of his wife HerrWaldthausun the German minister H

congratulated him today In the name y

of tho kaiser and the Imperial govern ¬ 4


Ollicliil Call McCruckiMi Ooiiuly Cornvolition

In accordance with established cuts ¬

tom and In obedience to tho rules s

governing tho Republican organiza ¬ ii-

lion of Kentucky and tho official calU d

of tho Republican national committeeand time First congressional districtRepublican committee tho Republi ¬

can county executive committee ot y

McCrackon county directs that t

county mass convention of the Republicans of McCracken county too held

at tho county court house In the cityof Paducah Ky at 130 oclock p

m standard time on Monday March9 1908 for the purpose of electing 4

twentyfour delegates to the districtconvention of the First congressional u

district of Kentucky to bo held In

Paducah Ky Wednesday March 11

1908The viva voco manner of voting

will bo used at said conventiont tFRANK BOYD ChairmanRC MOLUHE Secretary khf F µ >

Vc Ii

Top Related