

Moving the Network to the Cloud:the Cloud Central Office Revolution and its

Implications for the Optical LayerMarco Ruffini, Senior Member, IEEE, Frank Slyne, Member, IEEE,

Abstract—Software Defined Networking (SDN) and NetworkFunction Virtualisation (NFV) have recently changed the waywe operate networks. By decoupling control and data planeoperations and virtualising their components, they have openedup new frontiers towards reducing network ownership costs andimproving usability and efficiency. Recently, their applicabilityhas moved towards public telecommunications networks, withconcepts such as the Cloud Central Office (cloud-CO) thathave pioneered its use in access and metro networks: an ideathat has quickly attracted the interest of network operators.By merging mobile, residential and enterprise services into acommon framework, built around commoditised data centretypes of architectures, future embodiments of this Central Office(CO) virtualisation concept could achieve significant capital andoperational cost savings, while providing customised networkexperience to high-capacity and low-latency future applications.

This tutorial provides an overview of the various frame-works and architectures outlining current network disaggrega-tion trends that are leading to the virtualisation/cloudification ofcentral offices. It also provides insight on the virtualisation of theaccess-metro network, showcasing new software functionalitieslike the virtual Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (DBA) mech-anisms for Passive Optical Networks (PONs). In addition, weexplore how it can bring together different network technologiesto enable convergence of mobile and optical access networks andpave the way for the integration of disaggregated ReconfigurableAdd Drop Multiplexer (ROADM) networks.

Finally, this paper discusses some of the open challengestowards the realisation of networks capable of delivering guar-anteed performance, while sharing resources across multipleoperators and services.

Index Terms—Network Virtualisation, Network Slicing, NFV,SDN, virtual DBA, Cloud Central Office, Disaggregated OpticalNetworks, End-to-end.


THE SDN and NFV concepts have changed the way we de-sign and operate networks. While they have only recently

gained widespread dissemination, much of the underlyingwork that led to their success dates over twenty years back. Ifwe look at the past, by the late 1990’s, the Internet, which wasoriginally intended as a platform for research had become stag-nant and closed to innovation. The critical routers and switchesof large telecommunication operators and Internet ServiceProvider (ISP)s had become overblown monolithic platformsthat required very specialist skills to configure and diagnosewhen things went wrong. Since the Internet was no longer just

Prof. Marco Ruffini and Dr. Frank Slyne are with the CONNECT telecom-munications research centre, at the University of Dublin, Trinity College,Ireland. Contact email address: [email protected], [email protected]

a research network, but was supporting critical commercialand government services, there was no clear governance overhow systemic issues in the technology and processes couldbe rectified or how deficiencies could be improved. Thus,novel design ideas, such as that of programmable networks,started to rise in the late ’90s, for example with the ideaof active networks [1], [2], where network nodes wouldexpose their resources and capabilities through programminginterfaces, allowing online modifications to routers’ behaviour.Shortly after, around the beginning of the 2000s decade, workstarted to appear on the separation of control and data planes,as network operators were looking for methods to increasetheir control over the network (e.g., with respect to legacydistributed routing algorithms), for traffic engineering purpose.On one hand, this led to the development of open interfacesbetween control and data plane, driven by projects like theForwarding and Control Element Separation (ForCES) [3]. Onthe other hand, we saw the rise of centralised network controlsystems, including the Routing Control Platform (RCP) [4]and the Path Computation Element (PCE) [5]. These trendswere also supported by new hardware developments at thattime: the fast increase in capacity requirements drove vendorsto develop packet forwarding logic in hardware, leading toits separation form the software control plane; in addition,the commoditisation of the computing platforms meant thatgeneral purpose servers could provide more memory andprocessing resources than embedded routing processors. Thisis also the time when vendors of commodity General PurposeProcessors (GPPs) ) (i.e., Intel and AMD) included instructionsets in their processors for hardware support of virtualisation,up to the standard defined by Popek and Goldberg [6]. Prior tothis, virtualisation required specific mainframe hardware (forinstance, running an IBM/370 mainframe), or the customisa-tion of applications and operating systems, a process whichis both expensive and difficult to maintain. For an in depthsurvey of the road to SDN the readers should refer to [7].

Building upon this previous work, the introduction of theOpenFlow protocol [8], towards the end of the 2000s, startedthe SDN revolution in telecommunications networks. Thenovelty, with respect to previous attempts and ideas, was toprovide Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that couldinterface with existing off-the-shelf hardware switches, ratherthan requiring new hardware. Taking advantage of the trendto build switches using merchant silicon, OpenFlow openedup a new world of possibilities for academic researchers. Itprovided the ability to develop and test new ideas over real


networks, paving the way to many research projects across theglobe developing new network protocols and functionalities.Within only a few years, SDN managed to grasp the attentionof the data centre and telecomms industry. For operators, SDNis an enabler for the application of the DevOps principlesand Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)to the management and configuration of their networks. Suchprinciples were already being applied to other systems in theircompanies, such as databases, software platforms and websites. The practice of Continuous Integration is where changesand releases of applications are continuously tested against acomplete set of functional and unit tests. This facilitates therelease of features to the production system or network ondaily basis, and offers the ability to regress to a snapshotof a previous release easily. SDN can thus enable similarinnovation on the network control and management operations.

In the mean time, in parallel with the control plane pro-grammability offered by SDN, the concept of data planeprogrammability and virtualisation also continued to develop.Extending the concept of virtualisation of computing envi-ronment, where multiple virtual machines could run indepen-dently over the same server, the idea of a network hypervisor(or FlowVisor in OpenFlow terms) was brought in to allowdifferent controllers to operate the same physical switch. Whenapplied to a complex network of several nodes, e.g., in adata centre environment, network virtualisation enabled thecreation of an abstraction layer that could be used to setupseveral virtual networks across shared hardware infrastructure.With the support of appropriate software [9], virtual networkscould be dynamically created to connect virtual machines;they could be modified online when the associated virtualmachines were migrated, or their number was increased ordecreased. Coupled with SDN, network virtualisation enabledunprecedented network programmability and flexibility in thedata centre environment.

The next step was the move of the SDN and virtualisationconcepts out of the data centre, to the public network. Pressedby progressively squeezed operation margins, the operatorshad been looking for ways to reduce capital and operationalexpenditures and for means to generate new revenue in theirnetwork. NFV [10] aims at virtualising typical functionalitiesof telecommunications networks, so that they can be decoupledfrom the hardware. Since most of today’s network functionsoperate in the digital domain, NFV allows moving themfrom expensive dedicated hardware to commodity servers.In addition, the ability to run functions as software overa shared compute infrastructure, facilitates the creation ofnew services by dynamic composition of chains of VirtualNetwork Functions (VNFs). The use cases are several: multi-tenancy, as different software instances can be handed tovirtual operators, which can have greater control over theirvirtual slice; a multi-service platform, as different servicescan be provided with customised resources to meet theirrequirements of compute and networking capacity; improvingthe efficiency of running cloud Radio Access Networks (cloud-RAN), as the location of their protocol stack functions can beoptimised depending on actual requirements (e.g., real userdemand) and computing/networking resource availability.

Indeed much work is currently focusing on the develop-ment of NFV software platforms that promise to deliver acomprehensive infrastructure to handle the requirements ofcurrent and future telecommunications and service operators.The Next Generation Central Office (NGCO) is the genericterm for the re-architecture of the Telco Central Office towardsa fibre-rich, software-centric CO that benefits from the prin-ciples of virtualisation that have been developed in the datacentre. Today we see many different projects from differentorganisations developing this idea into well-defined architec-tures and software systems, such as the Open NetworkingFoundation (ONF) Central Office Re-architected as a DataCentre (CORD) [11], the Open Platform for NFV (OPNFV)’sVirtual Central Office (VCO) [12] and the Broad Band Forum(BBF)’s cloud-CO [13]. CORD was one of the first projects topioneer the use of NFV in access and metro networks, bringingit inside the central office. This idea has quickly attracted theinterest of the networking industry, gaining in only a few yearsthe support of several operators across the world, many ofwhich have started carrying out network trials. This has alsoled to novel standardisation activities: for example the BBF hasrecently released the cloud-CO Technical Report (TR) [13].

Both VCO and CORD are open source projects withreal code bases, while the cloud-CO defines standards,through TRs, for interoperability (for instance through YANGschemes) and for how the CO should function (for instance,sizing and scalability). Practically, both VCO and CORD useOpenStack as a virtualisation platform, however from theperspective of controllers, VCO uses OpenDayLight whileCORD uses ONOS.

The concept of central office virtualisation brings togetherdifferent network technologies, providing functional conver-gence for mobile and optical access networks and paving theway for its extension towards disaggregated optical networks(e.g., the use of ROADM white boxes at the access and metronetwork). However many challenges remain to be addressedin order to guarantee the quality of service required to runupcoming 5G applications, while multiplexing network andprocessing resources across multiple operators and services.

As it will be clarified in the next section, where we delveinto the architectural details of central office virtualisation,while SDN and NFV can in principle operate independently,they are highly synergistic in a cloud-CO environment. Al-though their definition is often somewhat arbitrary, SDN’s taskis typically that of providing a software interface to physicaldevices and thus enable the centralisation of the control planeacross multiple devices. NFV on the other hand providesvirtualisation of the physical hardware, to represent its func-tionality in software. NFV brings advantages associated toincreased flexibility in the data plane, allowing cost reductionthrough the use of commodity servers and enabling resourceslicing, thus assigning different network instances to differenttenants and services. SDN, in parallel, brings in advantagesof control plane flexibility, enabling coordination of slicesboth in single and multi-domain environments and facilitatingmulti-tenancy by offering network control to multiple entitiesthrough the use of programmatic interfaces. The meaning of


slicing can be summarised by the 3GPPP definition [14] of"transforming the network/system from a static one size fits allparadigm, to a new paradigm where logical networks/partitionsare created, with appropriate isolation, resources and optimisedtopology, to serve a particular purpose or service category oreven individual customers". While the 3GPPP definition refersinherently to a mobile system (inclusive of Radio Access Net-work, Core Network Control Plane and User Plane NetworkFunctions), in this paper the concept of slicing extends toadditional technologies (e.g., optical backhaul/metro, layer 2and layer 3 networks) that are part of the end-to-end servicepath.

In the reminder of the paper we will use the term cloud-COinterchangeably with VCO or NGCO, to refer to the generalconcept of virtualisation of the central office. In the nextsection, this tutorial paper will introduce a number of dif-ferent development frameworks that implement the cloud-COconcept. We then extend the disaggregation to the opticallayer, briefly mentioning some of its pros and cons andtheir importance towards the realisation of a fully virtualisednetwork. After delving into some technical details on twouse cases for network virtualisation and slicing, we give, insection V, a general overview of the economic benefit that thedigitisation of the telecommunications industry could bring.Finally, we conclude the paper by exploring some of theoutstanding challenges we believe should be addressed in thenear future.


A modern CO is a network node that terminates residentialand business subscriber lines. It typically contains equip-ment such as Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexers(DSLAMs), used to terminate copper broadband lines; OpticalLine Terminals (OLTs), used to provide PON or point-to-pointoptical access; data aggregation equipment, typically operatedthrough Ethernet switching; data transport equipment suchas Multi Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) routers, used toprovide transport data services within the operator’s network.It can also contain Broadband Network Gateways (BNGs),which provides subscribers connectivity to the Internet.

A cloud-CO is a framework for bringing NFV into atelecommunications central office, where functions that typ-ically run on dedicated hardware are moved to softwareframeworks running on commodity hardware. This movesthe CO architecture towards that of a data centre. Its im-plementation relies on the development of several softwarecomponents that closely inter-operate to deliver an end-to-end solution. The diagram in Fig. 1 (re-drawn from source[15]), is an attempt to map the functionality of some of thesecomponents with respect to the infrastructure, management &control plane stack and services. The figure is organised asa layered structure, with layers representing different levelsof abstraction for a generic NFV system (i.e., rather than thetypical OSI layered network structure). As we move up fromthe Disaggregated Hardware towards the Application layer,each layer provides further levels of component abstraction.Although many of the projects named in the figure are hosted

by the Linux foundation, they originated independently, drivenby different industry organisations, different business divisionsand following different standardisation efforts and thus therecan be substantial overlap in functionality across them. We canalso observe that while most of the projects operate on singlelayers, three of them, CORD, Open Network AutomationPlatform (ONAP) and OPNFV operate across multiple ones.While an in-depth overview of each project is outside the scopeof this paper, we provide a brief description of some of themost popular ones across the layers.

• The Telecom INFRA project (TIP) [16]: operates at thedisaggregated hardware layer, aiming at opening up thetransmission system and separating its hardware andsoftware components. While this idea resembles muchthat of OpenFlow, TIP goes far beyond the layer2/layer3switch, aggregating multiple sub-projects each addressinga different technology, covering wireless and wired trans-mission and from access to backhaul and core networks.For example, the Open Optical & Packet Transport sub-project provides an Open Line System (OLS) specifica-tion for validating interoperability of optical transpondersacross multiple vendors.

• The Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK) [17]: is a setof user space libraries that can be used to speed up packetprocessing operations in general purpose processors. Thisis achieved through a number of optimisations, such asbypassing the Linux kernel and using technology likeDirect Memory Access (DMA) and polling of devices toavoid processing interrupts. Recent DPDK performancereports [18] show its ability to process over 70 millionspacket per second on a server with high-end Intel Xeonprocessor and Intel Ethernet network adapters.

• The ONOS controller [19]: is a network controller drivenand supported by the ONF and developed specificallyfor network and service providers. Some of its dis-tinctive characteristics are design for high availabilityand resiliency, and high scalability to support severalmillions request at the northbound interface and lowlatency response time for network events. Its southboundinterfaces are extensive and include most recent pro-tocols such as OpenFlow, Network Configuration Pro-tocol (NETCONF), P4, RESTCONF, while supportingwell established ones, such as Border Gateway Protocol(BGP), Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP),Transaction Language 1 (TL1) and Command Line Inter-face (CLI). Perhaps, one of the most interesting featuresrecently implemented is the intent-oriented framework,which allows users to specify their control plane requestin terms of policy rather than specific actions. Thisprovides ONOS with flexibility in selecting the mostadequate actions to meet the requirements of a givenrequest (e.g., a connection of X Gb/s capacity and Y msmaximum latency between two end points) and to respondappropriately should a network failure or congestion oc-cur. Finally, ONOS was the network controller of choicefor the CORD project, described further below.

• The Openstack [20]: is a cloud computing platform for


Fig. 1: Classification of NFV-related development frameworks [15]

the virtualisation of computing resources, typically usedin data centres or smaller clusters. The system is madeup of several components, each managing a differentaspect or service of the cloud. For example, the "Neutron"system manages the networking aspect, "Nova" managesthe computing resources, "Cinder" the storage system,"Keystone" provides user authentication services, etc.OpenStack enables integration of hardware componentsform multiple vendors and is arguably the most commonopen source cloud computing system to date.

• The Open Source MANO (OSM) [21]: is an Open Sourceimplementation of the ETSI NFV "Management & Or-chestration" reference architecture [22]. Its architectureis divided into three main functions, whose descriptionsare briefly reported below, showing how services aremapped into sets of virtual functions and subsequentlyinto physical hardware resources.The Virtual Network Function Manager (VNFM) managesVNF instances across their lifetime, operating tasks suchas instantiation of VNFs, scaling them with respect toresource usage and terminating them when no longerneeded.The Network Function Virtualisation Orchestrator(NFVO) sits on top of the VNFM and operates thetask of selecting the correct VNFs and chaining themtogether to provide the service requested by a user orapplication. It also provides service monitoring, to assurethe compliance with the given requirements. In OSMthe NFVO and VNFM are embedded in a module calledNetwork Service Orchestrator.The Virtualized Infrastructure Manager (VIM) is a vir-tualisation framework whose main task is to keep aninventory of what physical resources (compute, storageand network) are assigned to the virtual network functionsinstantiated by the VNFM. OSM offers the possibilityto use different VIM implementations. The VIM moduledeveloped by OSM is the OpenVIM, which followsETSI recommendations [23] and represents a minimalist

and lightweight implementation of VIM functionalities.OpenStack can also be used (i.e., instead of Open-VIM), offering additional flexibility and expandability,which however comes at the cost of a more heavy-weight implementation (OpenStack was indeed designedto handle large-scale compute, storage and networkingresources). Plugins for other VIM implementations arealso supported, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) andVMware vCloud Director (vCD). In terms of controllerssupport, the OSM can operate with OpenDaylight, ONOSor Floodlight.

As previously mentioned, in Fig. 1 we also find a numberof projects spanning more than one layer, which typicallymake use of some of the components described above toprovide a usable framework capable of implementing thecloud-CO concept. We describe below three main projects thathave recently gained visibility across the telecommunicationsindustry.• The Central Office Re-architected as a Data Centre

(CORD) [11]: is arguably the first project that attemptedto implement in software a virtualised central office.CORD used an implementation-oriented approach, in thatit minimised the time spent in defining architecturaldesign and instead provided quickly after their launchan initial proof of concept, creating ferment amongoperators. Their success was endorsed by the fact thatwithin few months from the lunch of their consortium,several major industry players joined their effort aspartners or collaborators. As shown in Fig. 1, CORDcovers both the virtual network management and thecontrol plane (making use of ONOS for the latter).Their platform development is differentiated into threemain application areas, providing use case specific im-plementations. The Residantial CORD (R-CORD) aims atproviding broadband services and leads the developmentof the Virtual OLT Hardware Abstraction (VOLTHA),which virtualises the passive optical network. The MobileCORD (M-CORD) provides solutions for the virtualisa-


tion of mobile networks, providing cloud Radio AccessNetworks (C-RAN) implementation with a number of dif-ferent functional splits. The Enterprise CORD (E-CORD)targets enterprise services, providing connectivity on de-mand to business customers (e.g., implementing VirtualPrivate Networks (VPNs), Software Defined Wide AreaNetwork (SD-WAN), etc.). While CORD has to datedifferentiated across these three main areas, they are allbased on the same overall framework and can reuse thesame hardware infrastructure (e.g., commodity servers,storage and switches), with some differentiation on theI/O devices (i.e., a physical layer OLTs for R-CORD,Remote Radio Units (RRUs) for M-CORD or ROADMsand transponders for E-CORD).

• The Open Platform for NFV (OPNFV): is a carrier-gradeopen source reference platform for NFV. Similarly toCORD, OPNFV reuses open source components fromthe protocol stack in Fig. 1. However, while CORD isfocused on pre-defined use cases and operates a specificselection of elements to provide production-ready solu-tions, OPNFV has an open approach and relies on theplatform end users for selecting and integrating the com-ponents to be used. In addition, OPNFV is based on theOpenDaylight network controller and provides extensivesupport for the BGP. With reference to Fig. 1, we cansee that OPNFV covers all the layers of the virtualisationstack, confirming its main target of bringing together allNFV-related activities into a coherent reference platform.In this perspective, CORD’s focus on specific use caseshas led its consortium to consider its participation infuture releases of OPNFV (i.e., to produce CORD-basedscenarios of OPNFV).

• The Open Network Automation Platform (ONAP) [24]: isa project developing an NFV platform that was recentlyformed by the fusion of Open Orchestrator (OPEN-O) ledby China Mobile and Enhanced Control, Orchestration,Management & Policy (ECOMP) led by AT&T. ONAPfocuses on the management aspects, covering layers fromthe network data analytics down to the network control.It provides the ability to specify both orchestration andcontrol frameworks (to automatically instantiate services)and an analytic framework for monitoring performance ofthe services created.

In order to put the three platforms above into perspective,we should notice that while they serve in principle the samehigh-level objective of Network Orchestration through NFVand SDN, OPNFV may be seen as an architecture drivenapproach backed up by extensive test suites, while CORD maybe seen as a use-case driven approach. ONAP uses a top-downapproach (building on the extensive ECOMP functionality)with specific emphasis on enterprise requirements such as end-to-end and automated service activation. We should also noticethat the three platforms have all been developed indepen-dently and only recently brought within the Linux foundationumbrella. While their development carries on autonomously,their consortia have operated liaison efforts to provide futureinteroperability across the platforms. For example, as system

integrator, OPNFV could provide interoperability and end-to-end performance validation for the entire platform, whileONAP could be adopted for the management and controlaspect of NFV. Liaisons are also ongoing between CORDand OPNFV, that could see CORD-based scenarios, focusedon the use of merchant silicon and white-box switches, beingincluded in future OPNFV releases.

Among the benefits that the combined use of NFV and SDNhas brought to the telecommunications world, one that standsout is the ability to provide convergence across multiple net-work domains in an unprecedented fashion. A representativeuse case is the integration of fixed and mobile networks, wherefor example the scheduler of a PON and that of a mobile BaseBand Unit (BBU) can be synchronised to reduce the transmis-sion latency over the PON in a cloud RAN implementation[25], [26]. Another example [27] is the dynamic adaptationof the PON assured rate and mobile fronthaul rate, accordingto the actual mobile cell load. Several other examples exist,spanning from the convergence of mobile, optical and cloudcompute resources [28], to multi-tenancy application of thecloud-CO [29], [30].

Recently, this network convergence and virtualisation trendhas progressed further down the stack, to the optical transmis-sion layer, with the aim of opening up the transmission sys-tems, including transponders, ROADMs, amplifiers, etc. Thisconcept, called optical network disaggregation, is addressed inthe next section, which discusses how the cloud-CO revolutionis affecting the optical transmission layer.


Many future use cases for the development of novel con-nected applications, require the ability to provide instantcapacity across the network. These vary from the provisioningof point-to-point bare capacity on demand to a business, tothe establishment of an end-to-end VNF chain from an enduser to an edge or centralised computing centre; or to themigration of network functions and virtual machines acrossthe access and metro area to fulfil capacity, latency andavailability requirements of specific applications. In addition,the ability to provide dynamic capacity reconfiguration isessential to enable statistical multiplexing of networking andcomputing resources, which are typically constrained by eco-nomics. Resource virtualisation platforms can quickly allocatecapacity on demand, as far as the underlying physical layer hasenough available resources. In data centres, such physical layercapacity is typically pre-provisioned, since in this environmentultra-dense and high-capacity connectivity is affordable. How-ever, this is not the case for telecommunications networks,where fast dynamic reallocation of physical capacity will bea requirement to provide cost-effective, high-capacity and lowlatency connectivity, across multiple domains, to a cluster ofnew applications that will bring new revenue into the network[31], [32].

The multi-domain challenge was partly addressed by workproposing SDN orchestration of capacity across domains. Theconcept has been demonstrated with respect to both inter-domain control plane [33] and data plane across different


network technologies (i.e., involving optical packet switch-ing and flexgrid) [34]. However, the optical layer was stillconsidered a closed system, a black box with at best aproprietary network controller exposing northbound interfacesto the network orchestrator.

More recently, work in [35] has demonstrated the possibilityto use southbound interfaces (e.g., OpenFlow) to directlycontrol ROADM nodes and gather information from OpticalSignal to Noise Ratio (OSNR) monitors to trigger re-routingat the control plane after physical link failure. This gives thecontroller the ability to carry out data analytics and the flexi-bility to directly control the physical transmission network. Itcan be seen as a step forward towards a completely open anddisaggregated solution, where all optical sub-components arecontrolled through an SDN control plane [36].

The advantages of optical layer disaggregation are manifoldand fit well the requirements of future network applicationsand services. From a cost perspective, optical disaggregationallows to source components separately, which in turns allowsto avoid vendor lock-in and increases competition, which candrive down prices and improve component performance. It alsocarries advantages from a network convergence perspective,as it enables integration of systems developed from differentvendors and for different network domains (i.e., access, metroand long haul). From a network performance perspective, agreater control over the optical transmission network can beused to reduce end-to-end latency, for example by enablingthe orchestration of transparent wavelength connections be-tween access, metro and data centre domains. The networkorchestrator could for example provide ultra-low latency pathsfrom a location in the network access to a data centre by con-trolling the optical systems in both domains, to dynamicallyprovisioning a transparent path that is terminated directly inthe server that carries out the data processing for the service[37] (this scenario is further discussed in the next section). Atypical example is the dynamic allocation of C-RAN streamsacross edge and centralised computing [38], following thelatest functional decomposition architectures from the NextGeneration Mobile Network forum (NGMN) [39].

Fig. 2 illustrates the concept of full optical network disag-gregation, where different network elements and control sys-tems can be supplied by different vendors. While this might beby some considered the ultimate goal of an "Open Roadmap"[40], current developments are taking up intermediate stepstowards this goal. The OLS for example assumes that the linesystem (inclusive of the line system control with referenceto Fig. 2) is provided by one vendor, but transponders canbe sourced by different suppliers. The aim of OLS is thus toguarantee interoperability between any transponders and linesystems. A further step should see the opening of APIs toprovide control to external SDN systems. The OpenROADM[41] specification, driven by a consortium of ROADM vendors,envisages the use of NETCONF with YANG data models toprovide the controller with an abstract representation of thedevices. In addition, the OpenROADM specification aims atdisaggregating the OLS, providing abstraction for functionscarried out by ROADMs, transponders, pluggable optics, inline amplifiers and Muxponders.

Fig. 2: Illustration of the principle of full optical disaggrega-tion

The ONF-based Open and Disaggregated Transport Net-work (ODTN) [42], mostly driven by operators, also aims atproviding open APIs and OLS disaggregation (although its firstphase only addressed point-to-point transmissions systems),but puts a stronger emphasis on the use of largely adoptedinterfaces, such as the Transport API (TAPI) as northboundand OpenConfig-based models as southbound interfaces. Inaddition, ODTN uses ONOS as reference controller. (Addi-tional information on network models in support for opticaldisaggregation can be found in [43]).

While there are benefits to the disaggregation of the opticallayer, we notice that its implementation has lagged behindwith respect to the rest of the network. The main reasonis arguably that there is a fundamental difference betweenvirtualising layers operating in the digital domain (e.g., aboveL2) and the optical transmission layer that operates in theanalogue domain and needs to address optical transmissionimpairments. Thus, before the optical layer can be fully openedand its control system integrated with the rest of the layers,there are challenges to be solved. For example, in a closedoptical communications system the same vendor providestransponders, in line amplifiers and ROADM nodes, thus thevariability and unpredictability of the system is minimised.This is important especially for longer links (e.g., in the long-haul) where the available optical margins are squeezed to aminimum. Thus, when we attempt to open up the opticalsystems, making use of components from different vendors,typically the variability and uncertainty of performance of anend-to-end path increases, reducing optical margins and mak-ing the network less efficient. As of today there are ongoingdiscussions on the feasibility and benefits of disaggregatingoptical networks, and most recognise the existence of a trade-off between the need for increasing the amount of transmissionmonitoring components to reduce the system uncertainty, andthe cost they add to the network. Studies in [44] provide someevidence that the benefits of optical layer disaggregation aremore likely to occur in the metro area, where the opticalmargins are less strict than in the regional and core networks.In addition, much work was recently carried out on the use ofmachine learning techniques to improve prediction of Qualityof Transmission (QoT), so that the expected performance of anew path can be assessed before it is provisioned ([45], [46],[47], [48], only to cite a few; the reader can also refer to [49],


[50] for comprehensive tutorials on this topic). Overall, whilethis is a promising area of research, more work is required onassessing how to collect, store and share adequate data sets totrain the machine learning algorithms.

In conclusion, work on the disaggregation of optical net-works is at an early stage but ongoing, with several consortiainvolved in the definition of interfaces or interoperabilityspecification.


If we look at the progress carried out in the cloud network-ing area (e.g., at the network virtualisation for data centredomains), we see mature products (e.g., the VMware networkvirtualisation and security platform - NSX [9]) being deployed,allowing a complete abstraction of the network, thus enablingfull portability of the sub-networks across racks and datacentres, improved resilience, enhanced security, etc. Movingdown the stack, we see research oriented to the virtualisationof physical transmission devices for telecommunications net-works, aiming to provide high granularity, isolation and qualitydifferentiation of slices sharing the same physical channel,with examples both in the wireless [51] and optical [52]domains.

Virtualisation and slicing will play a fundamental role infuture generation of networks, allowing network customisationdown to the flow levels to provide personalised networkservices to specific classes of applications and to enable truemulti-tenancy. However, their full performance can only bedelivered if the underlying physical transmission channel iscapable of quickly adapting paths and capacity to the require-ments of the layers above. This is especially true in the accessand metro parts of the network, where the large number of end-points does not allow to pre-provision all necessary capacitybetween them. Incidentally, these are also the parts whereoptical layer disaggregation seems more practical [44]. Whilework is ongoing on the definition of frameworks, architecturesand interfaces [41], [16], [42], more research is needed indynamic provisioning of QoS-oriented (e.g., with boundedlatency and availability levels) physical layers links acrossdifferent technological domains. These include the mobileaccess, the fixed optical access, the optical metro transportand the computing domains (both at the edge and in largecentralised Data Centres (DCs)).

In this section we provide technical details of two specificuse cases of resource slicing in next generation cloud-COs.

A. PON scheduling virtualisation for multi-service and multi-tenant applications: the virtual DBA (vDBA)

The first use case focuses on the virtualisation of a specificcomponent of a cloud-CO architecture, the DBA running inthe OLT network element. As mentioned above, R-CORD wasthe first project to propose and implement a virtualised OLT aspart of their central office virtualisation framework. However,in their implementation the DBA for upstream scheduling ofcapacity is implemented in the hardware and runs as a singleinstance. In [53], our research group at Trinity College Dublin

Fig. 3: Experimental vDBA demonstrator developed at TCD

(TCD) has introduced the concept of DBA virtualisation, andproposed and developed a testbed implementation architecturein [54]. vDBA provides a mechanism to move schedulingalgorithms from a single instance running in hardware intomultiple instances running in software. This allows differentVirtual Network Operators (VNOs) sharing the same physicalPON infrastructure to fully control, down to the intra-framemicrosecond time scale, the capacity scheduling of their accessnetwork slice. For example, addressing a possible 5G use case,a VNO could run two different scheduling algorithms, oneoptimised for customers requiring low latency operations andanother optimised for efficient use of resources. The vDBAconcept was ratified in the BBF standard TR-402 "FunctionalModel for PON Abstraction Interface" [55].

Our testbed was implemented by linking a server runningthe vDBA mechanism in software to an OLT running on FieldProgrammable Gate Array (FPGA) hardware, implementingXGS-PON framing and 10Gb/s optical transmission. ThevDBA allows more than one DBA algorithm to run in parallel,each producing its own virtual Bandwidth Map (BMap). Theseare forwarded to a second function, called Merging Engine(ME) which merges them together producing a physical BMapthat is forwarded to all Optical Network Units (ONUs) overthe physical layer.

Our implementation, shown in Fig. 3 uses OpenStack as avirtualisation framework on top of which the vDBA and MEfunctions run. OpenStack provides extensive options on thechoice of hypervisor and virtualisation technologies. Becausethe vDBA and ME functions are compute intensive and do notrequire much disk storage, we use lightweight virtualisationbased on Linux Containers (LXCs).

One of the main issues with off-loading the DBA to anupstream host is that, even for a low to medium sized PONtree, the hardware side of the OLT injects high levels ofsmall datagram packets into the host’s network packet pro-cessing module (e.g., in the tens or hundreds thousand persecond). Network cards and Linux network kernel modulescan cater for large traffic streams of several gigabits per secondwhen transmitted over large-sized packets. However, the smallpacket characteristic of the Dynamic Bandwidth ReportingUnit (DBRU) (potentially sent every frame by all ONUs to theOLT) can consume a large amount of GPP resources, becauseeach incoming DBRU packet generates a hardware interrupt


Fig. 4: Bandwidth Map stability characterisation

(which represents one of the main causes of delay in softwarepacket processing systems).

Our implementation thus optimised the vDBA and MEmodules for network packet processing [56]. Firstly, we useSingle Root Input/Output Virtualisation (SRI-OV) to off-loadpacket processing interrupts to the network card, and therebyminimise interrupts to the CPU main processor and cores. Wemake extensive use of the DPDK software libraries, developedby Intel, to reduce the amount of unnecessary copying ofdata between memory on the same host (even if the memorysegments are associated with different Virtual Machines) aswell as to optimise locking in the reading from and writingto buffers and queues. We prevent real-time critical functionssuch as the Merging Engine from being continuously inter-rupted, by using DPDK to assign individual or complementaryfunctions to distinct cores.

To demonstrate the functionality and the performance of ourvDBA architecture, we generated a constant stream of DBRUtraffic based on a combination of real traffic at the ONU anda traffic emulator, to reproduce the scenario of a PON with 32ONUs. Fig. 4 shows the interval, in microseconds, betweenthe transmission of successive BMaps, calculated over 30,000bandwidth generation cycles. The average inter-transmissiontime takes into account the packet routing within the hostplatform between the Merging Engine and vDBA applications,as well as the processing time for the calculation of theconstituent Bandwidth Maps by 2 VNOs, and the subsequentmerging into a single bandwidth map by the Merging Engine.As it can be seen in the figure, we obtain minimal variationin the BMap transmission time (with a calculated variancevalue of 0.75). This shows that the vDBA BMap generationis highly stable, and moving from hardware to software doesnot deteriorate the PON performance.

B. Cross-domain optical operations in dynamic ac-cess/metro/cloud environments

The second use case focuses on an end-to-end dynamicslicing scenario, from mobile access to edge or central cloud.For this we consider a future cloud-CO with dynamic opticalswitching capabilities and high densification of mobile cells,as shown in Fig. 5. Following the functional decompositionguidelines [39], different functional split options are availablewhere Distributed Units (DUs) and Centralised Units (CUs)



Fig. 5: Future cloud-CO with dynamic optical layer scenario

can be dynamically placed, depending on compute resourcesavailable and latency constraints. The cells are backhauledthrough a virtualised PON, which can provide links to bothlocal computation elements (e.g., the Edge Cloud Node) andthe cloud-CO, which is linked to the rest of the metro networkand can provide connectivity to larger metro DCs.

The scenario reported in Fig. 5a shows a macro cell withco-located DU and CU, which does not require strict latencyconnection (shown in red colour); thus it is terminated at aphysical OLT in the cloud-CO and from there it reaches itsdestination server through the shared electronic switch fabric(e.g., vOLT1 and then APP2 in the figure). Small cell 2operates on a split number 7 [39] (i.e., the split option thatdivides the physical layer into two, the low PHY and thehigh PHY), which requires a low latency connection (shownin yellow) to the DU/CU, which runs in the Edge CloudNode. It should be noticed that the PON splitter allows foroptical signals to be tapped locally, so that specific wavelengthchannels can be terminated at a local Edge Cloud Node. Fromthere, the data stream continues towards the cloud-CO with nostrict latency constraints (blue line) and it is thus mixed withresidential traffic and terminated at an OLT (e.g., vOLT2 in the


figure). For small cell 1 instead, as there is no spare capacityavailable at the edge node, a transparent connection throughthe PON is required (shown in green). Since in this instancethe cloud-CO cannot provide low latency connectivity throughits electronic switch fabric, the link is operated as Point-to-Point (P2P) directly to the server where the BBU is located(e.g., the blocks labelled P2P, DU, and CU, respectively, inthe figure). The detailed architecture of the optical switchfabric is not shown in the figure, but examples are availablein works such as [57] addressing access/metro convergenceand [58], [59] looking at hybrid electrical/optical switching indata centres. Also, in this use case no strict latency connectionis required towards the metro data centre, which runs high-layer applications. A simple example of a PON splitter nodeimplementation is also shown in the figure, with power tapsthat can link the edge node both to end-user access pointsand to the CO. More complex and flexible implementationsusing active wavelength steering (i.e., Wavelength SelectiveSwitchs (WSSs) and ROADMs) could also be considered insome parts of the Optical Distribution Network (ODN) as theircost decreases over time.

Fig. 5b shows the same use case on a different time, where ahigh-priority application (APP4 in the figure) with low latencyrequirements needs to run for a user connected to small cell1. The control plane needs thus to preempts small cell 2’sconnection to free space to run DU, CU and application locallyat the Edge Cloud Node for cell 1. Since at this time thecloud-CO cannot provide computational resources capable ofguaranteeing the low latency processing at the DU for cell2, the cloud-CO operates a full optical bypass [60], whichprovides a point-to-point transparent link connection (shownin yellow) of small cell 2 directly to a server in the metroDC 1. This terminates on a P2P transceiver directly in theserver (or rack) where the BBU functions and applications areprocessed (labelled P2P, DU, CU and APP3, respectively, inthe figure).


As it can be expected, the main driver towards virtualisationof the operators’ networks is the prospective increase innetwork cost-effectiveness and revenue streams. While thereis today still uncertainty on which aspects of the central officevirtualisation will provide the largest economic advantage,network strategists have identified some of the main featuresthat will drive cost reduction and revenue increase acrossthe entire telecommunications digitisation process. The WorldEconomic Forum (WEF) Digital Transformation Initiative hasestimated that the biggest cost savings, in terms of networkinfrastructure and energy consumption, will be generated

1Due to the latency constraints associated to a functional split of thephysical layer, it is typically considered that the propagation distance fromsmall cell to data centre might not exceed 40 km. However, the transmissionlatency constitutes only a small part of the latency budget, and this value couldbe increased if the optical bypass can reduce latency of other operations. Forexample, we should consider that an optical transparent link will removethe latency associated with electronic switching in the DC. In addition, theability to provide more powerful processing resources in the metro DC woulddecrease the overall processing latency, leaving a higher latency margin forthe optical link transmission.

by moving operations from dedicated hardware resourcesto software running on commodity servers. Their estimatepredicts an overall contribution to profit over the next 10years of $200bn [61]. In addition, they predict that networkautomation will reduce many of the operational expenses,generating an extra cumulative profit of $75bn. Additionalcost savings are expected from enhanced security, which willreduce the costs related to data breaches, generating estimatedprofits of $80bn. In addition to cost savings, the networkdigitisation will provide new revenues streams. Research &Markets estimates that opening up the network APIs will allowthird parties to provide improved services, generating annualrevenues of more than $200bn by year 2022 [62]. In addition,in [63] the author estimates that new services to residentialand enterprise customers, including future Internet of Things(IoT) applications, will generate global profits of the order of$300bn over the next decade.

Another means by which the digitisation of the telco in-dustry will radically enhance the economy is through theimprovement of Information Technology (IT) services acrossall types of businesses. A study carried out by the HarvardBusiness School [64], showed that other non-telco industriescan reap substantial benefit by leveraging new data analyticsto improve customer relationships, internal operations, productcreation and delivery, and management of human resources.

In conclusion, the medium-to-long term expectations areindeed of substantial economic benefit across several industrysectors. However, it is to be expected that in the short termthe transition between current models and next generationvirtualised services will bring about some inefficiencies, dueto duplication of network functions and expertise across theold and new platforms.


This paper, extending the work in [65], has provided adescription of recent trends on the virtualisation of telecommu-nications networks. After a brief introduction of the historicalbackground that has led over the past two decades to thedevelopment of the SDN and NFV concepts, the paper hasdescribed ongoing work around the idea of cloud centraloffice, providing a classification of the main frameworks andplatforms currently under development. It has then provided alink to the still largely unexplored domain of optical networkdisaggregation, which can be considered a natural evolutiontowards a fully open network stack.

In section IV we have provided two examples of use casesfor network virtualisation. The first, based on experimentaltestbed results, showed the possibility to use virtualisationto disaggregate a PON network so that multiple tenants andmultiple services (e.g., from residential to C-RAN) can be ac-commodated over a shared infrastructure. The second showedthe principle of using disaggregated optical transmission to cutacross optical domain boundaries allowing for highly dynamicnetwork reconfiguration to help meet the high capacity andlow latency requirements of next generation services. Wecan also foresee similar scenarios in the future occurring forseveral users and applications, all with different priorities and


requirements but competing for the same shared resources: thenetwork will need to accommodate them as they are poweredon and off arbitrarily.

Thus, depending on the time of day and other variables,both network functions and applications might need to bere-routed across the network, while trying to maintain theircapacity and latency constraints. A full orchestration acrosswireless, optical and computing domains is thus required tomaximise the number of services that can run successfully inthe network. From an optical level perspective, this requiresan agile layer capable of creating transparent connectionsacross several ROADMs, capable of crossing DCs boundariesto provide minimum latency towards a given processing unitand capable of using the minimum optical bandwidth that isnecessary to provide the link (i.e., using the most suitablemodulation format and flexgrid bandwidth allocation).

Additional research is also required to provide boundedlatency services for NFV flows within a cloud-CO. The trendof moving into software the services that were previouslyimplemented in hardware does bring issue of latency boundswithin a functional chain. If a cloud-CO based on commondata centre architectures needs to disaggregate and virtualisehardware components, it will need to deliver bounded networkand processing performance for some of the VNFs. In addition,upcoming applications linked to virtual and augmented realitywill only exacerbate such low latency requirements. Whilesome recent work has focused on NFV orchestration acrossdomains and VNF placement optimisation [66], the researchcommunity still needs to develop frameworks to scale QoStools to cope with several million flows, within an automatedframework that spans multiple network domains.

Finally, as the cloud-CO becomes more and more integratedwith access and metro optical networks, we envisage thatdynamic, potentially disaggregated, optical networking willbecome part of the solution, providing low-latency links forhigh-capacity 5G and beyond mobile access over a multi-service, multi-tenant, statistically multiplexed network infras-tructure.


This publication has emanated from research conductedwith the financial support of Science Foundation Ireland(SFI) under Grant Numbers 14/IA/2527 (O’SHARE) and13/RC/2077 (CONNECT).


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