Page 1: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, 2017 1 … · moving average symbol detection scheme is introduced for the THz pulse-based communication. Although this scheme does not

0018-9545 (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TVT.2017.2750707, IEEETransactions on Vehicular Technology


Timing Acquisition and Error Analysis forPulse-based Terahertz Band Wireless Systems

Chong Han, Member, IEEE, Ian F. Akyildiz, Fellow, IEEE andWolfgang H. Gerstacker, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Terahertz band communication is envisioned as akey technology to satisfy the increasing demand for ultra-broadband wireless systems, thanks to its ultra-broad bandwidth.Tailored for the unique properties of pulse-based communicationsin the THz band, two timing acquisition algorithms are proposedand analyzed thoroughly in this paper. First, a low-sampling-rate (LSR) synchronization algorithm is proposed, by extendingthe theory of sampling signals with finite rate of innovation inthe communication context and exploiting the properties of theannihilating filter. The simulation results show that the timingaccuracy at an order of ten picoseconds is achievable. In par-ticular, the LSR algorithm has high performance with uniformsampling at 1/20 of the Nyquist rate when the signal-to-noiseratio (SNR) is high (i.e., greater than 18 dB). Complementary tothis, a maximum likelihood (ML) approach for timing acquisitionis developed, which searches for the timing offsets by adoptinga two-step acquisition procedure based on the ML criterion.The simulation results show that the ML-based algorithm is wellsuitable in the low SNR case with a half-reduced search space. Forfurther evaluation, the error performance and the resulting bit-error-rate sensitivity to the timing errors in the LSR and the MLalgorithms are both analytically and numerically studied. Thiswork provides very different and promising angles to efficientlyand reliably solve the timing acquisition problem for pulse-basedTHz band wireless systems.

Index Terms—Terahertz Band, Timing Acquisition, Synchro-nization, Low-sampling-rate, Maximum Likelihood Approach.


IN recent years, the wireless data traffic grew exponentially,further accompanied by an increasing demand for higher

data rates. The data rates have doubled every eighteen monthsover the last three decades and are currently approachingthe capacity of communication systems [1]. The (0.06 - 10)Terahertz band is identified as one of the promising spectrumbands to address the spectrum scarcity and capacity limitationsof current wireless systems [2]. The main benefit of the THzband comes from its ultra-broad bandwidth, which ranges from

Copyright (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted.However, permission to use this material for any other purposes must beobtained from the IEEE by sending a request to [email protected].

This work was supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF)under Grant No. ECCS-1608579 and in part by Alexander von HumboldtFoundation through Prof. Akyildiz’s Humboldt Research Prize in Germany.

Chong Han is with the University of Michigan–Shanghai Jiao Tong Uni-versity (UM-SJTU) Joint Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai200240, China (e-mail: [email protected]).

Ian F. Akyildiz is with the Broadband Wireless Networking Laboratory(BWN-Lab), School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Instituteof Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332, USA (e-mail: [email protected]).

Wolfgang H. Gerstacker is with the Institute for Digital Communications,Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuernberg (FAU), 91058 Erlangen,Germany (e-mail: [email protected]).

tens of GHz up to a few THz [3]. The use of this frequencyband is envisioned to enable ultra-high-speed wireless com-munications, and boost a plethora of applications [4].

The huge bandwidth of the THz band comes at costs.First, a highly frequency- and distance-selective path loss,which causes severe distortion, including attenuation andtemporal broadening effects, on the transmitted pulses [5].Second, the digital synchronization, which has the advantagesof cost-efficiency, full integration, and robustness [6], [7],requires multi-hundreds-Giga-samples-per-second (Gs/s) andeven Tera-samples-per-second (Ts/s) sampling rates, while thefastest sampling rate to date does not exceed 100 Gs/s [8], [9].Due to these reasons, timing errors as small as picosecondscan seriously degrade the system performance. As a result,timing acquisition, which is one part of the synchronization,constitutes an important but yet fully unexplored topic in theTHz band system design to date.

To address the aforementioned challenges, two timing ac-quisition algorithms are proposed and evaluated for pulse-based THz band communications in this paper. First, in orderto achieve efficient timing acquisition with reduced samplingrates, we extend the theory of sampling signals with finite rateof innovation [10], [11], [12], [13] from compressive samplingin signal processing to the communication context. The firstfocus of this work is that we propose a low-sampling-rate(LSR) algorithm for timing acquisition in the THz band. Inour LSR algorithm, we leverage the features of the annihilatingfilters which have been introduced in [14], [15] and apply themin the context of THz pulse-based communications. Moreover,we investigate the LSR algorithm in the THz band by consider-ing the communication parameters, which include the antennagain, the distance, the number of frames per symbol and thepulse width. However, the proposed LSR works well whenthe signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is high and appears to be notsuitable when the SNR is below 18 dB [16]. Therefore, thesecond focus of this work is that a maximum likelihood (ML)approach for timing acquisition is proposed in the low SNRcase for THz band communications, complementary to theLSR approach. This algorithm adopts a two-step acquisitionprocedure to derive the timing acquisition solutions based onthe ML criterion [17], [18], [19].

Furthermore, we analytically and numerically evaluate theLSR and the ML timing acquisition algorithms, in comparisonwith the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB). In addition, weperform an analysis on the bit-error-rate (BER) sensitivityto the acquisition errors for the two algorithms. Then, ex-tensive evaluations on the performance of the proposed two

Page 2: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, 2017 1 … · moving average symbol detection scheme is introduced for the THz pulse-based communication. Although this scheme does not

0018-9545 (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TVT.2017.2750707, IEEETransactions on Vehicular Technology


approaches are carried out via simulations, with the variationof the THz communication parameters, including the antennagain, the distance, the symbol rate and the pulse width. Thesimulation results show that the timing accuracy at an order often picoseconds is achievable. In particular, the LSR algorithmperforms well for a uniform sampling at 1/20 of the Nyquistrate with a high SNR, while the ML approach is well suitablein the low SNR case and supports a half-reduced search space.Our paper contributes to achieving the efficient and reliabletiming acquisition for THz band wireless systems.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. The relatedwork is reviewed in Sec. II. In Sec. III, we provide thechannel and the signal model for THz band communications.We proceed to delineate the LSR synchronization algorithmin Sec. IV. The timing acquisition solutions based on the MLcriterion are derived in Sec. V. The performances of the twoapproaches are compared with the CRLB in Sec. VI, and theanalysis of the BER sensitivity to the timing errors is provided.In Sec. VII, extensive performance evaluations are presented.Finally, we conclude the paper in Sec. VIII.


To the best of our knowledge, only a few timing acquisitionsolutions have been proposed for THz systems so far. In [20], anon-coherent receiver architecture based on a continuous-timemoving average symbol detection scheme is introduced forthe THz pulse-based communication. Although this schemedoes not require the Nyquist sampling rate [21], the symbolstart time needs to be iteratively determined. Furthermore, thethreshold value used in this detection-based approach is notanalytically provided and hence, the accuracy of the timingestimation is not guaranteed.

Instead, we propose LSR and ML based timing acquisitionalgorithms, which provide different and promising approachesto solve the timing acquisition problem in the THz band.Although these two methods were previously used for lowerfrequencies systems, they cannot be directly applied to theTHz systems. On the one hand, the sub-Nyquist sampling ratewas firstly proposed for compressive sensing for signal recon-struction [11]. This idea was then adopted for ultra-wideband(UWB) systems [22]. On the other hand, the ML method iscommonly used for signal detection, channel estimation, andsynchronization [23].

However, the channel peculiarities in the THz band suchas the molecular absorption loss and the temporal broad-ening effect make the THz spectrum drastically distance-and frequency-selective. These effects substantially distort theTHz transmission, and largely differentiate from the effects inwireless systems at lower frequencies. Therefore, they needto be carefully treated in analyzing the timing acquisitionproblem. Moreover, the pulse duration of THz communicationis at the order of pico-seconds, which is over three orders ofmagnitude lower than that in lower-frequency systems, suchas impulse-radio UWB [24]. This significantly increases thechallenges in timing acquisition.

Additionally, the broad bandwidth of THz band signalingranges from tens of GHz up to several THz, which significantly

increases the difficulties of synchronization. For example, theauthors in [25] suggest a sampling rate of one fourth of theNyquist rate for the UWB system. Nevertheless, owing to thevery broad bandwidth of the THz spectrum, this samplingrate is still too high and needs to be further reduced Analternative way based on time-interleaved ADC system hasbeen proposed, in which several channel ADCs operate atinterleaved sampling times as if they were effectively a singleADC operating at a much higher sampling rate. However, notonly the additional circuit size and power consumption, butalso the offset mismatches, gain mismatches among channelADCs as well as timing skew of the clocks limit the feasibilityof this approach for mobile wireless devices [26]. Last but notleast, the varying THz communication parameters, includingthe antenna gain, the distance, the symbol rate and the pulsewidth, need to be jointly incorporated in the performanceevaluation for the two timing acquisition algorithms.

This paper is an extension of our preliminary study in [16],with much more details in the LSR and ML algorithms, as wellas more thoroughly investigation on their performance evalua-tions. In addition, the error performance and the resulting BERsensitivity to the timing errors of two proposed algorithms areanalytically and numerically studied and included in this work.


In this section, we introduce the THz channel model anddescribe the pulse-based waveform design. Then, we preciselydefine the timing acquisition problem in this framework.

A. Overview of Terahertz Band Channel

The channel impulse response h(t) of the THz band channelis obtained by applying the inverse Fourier transform to thetransfer function H(f),

h(t) =√GtGr · F−1 {H(f)} , (1)

where Gt and Gr denote the transmit and receive antennagains. Thanks to the very small wavelength at THz frequen-cies, very large antenna arrays could be packed to enablebeamforming and directional gain [4]. The resulting gain couldreach 30 dB [2], [16]. The inverse Fourier Transform in (1)does not have an analytical expression. In our analysis, wewill numerically compute the channel impulse response.

Then, the channel frequency response for the THz wavepropagation in (1) is given by

H(f) =c

4πfdT· exp



), (2)

where c stands for the speed of light, f is the operatingfrequency, and dT represents the total traveling distance. Themolecular absorption coefficient, K(f), is frequency-selectiveand accounts for the attenuation resulting from the fact thatpart of the wave energy is converted into internal kineticenergy of the molecules in the propagation medium [27].

From Fig. 1, we characterize the channel in terms of thedistance-varying spectral windows, and the temporal broaden-ing effects. First, the path loss peaks caused by the molecular

Page 3: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, 2017 1 … · moving average symbol detection scheme is introduced for the THz pulse-based communication. Although this scheme does not


0.06 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 140











Frequency [THz]




dT=1 mdT=5 mdT=10 mdT=30 m

Fig. 1. Path loss of the THz band channel. Gt = Gr = 0 dB.

absorption create spectral windows, which have different band-width and drastically change with the distance. For example,a few path loss peaks appear between 0.06 to 1 THz for dT =1, 5, 10, 30 m, such as at 0.56 THz, 0.75 THz, and 0.98 THz.The number of peaks increases with the distance. Second, thisstrong frequency-selectivity causes the temporal broadeningeffect [5], which restricts the minimum spacing between theconsecutive signaling and results in a coherence bandwidth,regardless of the multipath delay spread. As a result, theseunique channel properties in the THz band complicate thetask of synchronization. Furthermore, the performance of theproposed timing acquisition solutions will need to be evaluatedunder the varying THz communication parameters, includingthe antenna gain, the distance, and the pulse modulation.

B. Terahertz Pulse Waveform and Timing Offsets

In [28], a wideband pulse waveform is proposed for theTHz band communication. The data rate could reach 30 Gbpsover 20 m, using the wideband pulse waveform combined withdirectional transmissions. In particular, an ultra-short Gaussianpulse is proposed for THz band communications. The pulseduration is Tp = 10 ps. For pulse-based THz communication,every information symbol consists of Nf repeated pulses (i.e.,one pulse in one frame while multiple frames constitute onesymbol), which creates a pulse combining gain to improve theSNR at the receiver. The transmit signal, s(t), is expressed as

s(t) =√Pt




p (t− iNfTf − kTf − τ0) , (3)

where ai ∈ {+1,−1} refers to the ith binary informationsymbol, I is the total number of symbols. Nf denotes thenumber of pulse waveforms or frames to represent one symbol,and Tf is the time duration of a frame. Moreover, Pt representsthe transmit power, k is the index of the pulses correspondingto one symbol. The resulting transmit and receive signals areshown in Fig. 2, with I = 1 and Nf = 3. Moreover, τ0 standsfor the random initial transmission delay. p(t) is the widebandtransmit pulse with the duration Tp and a unit energy.

Transmitted signal

Received signal



%& #$


TotalOffset = !" + %& + '(

Fig. 2. A pulse-based Terahertz transmit and received signal, with I = 1 andNf = 3. The timing offsets are shown, which include the random startingtime τ0, the propagation delay tD , and the jittering offset ψi.

The received signal including the THz channel effects is

y(t) = s(t) ∗ h(t) + w(t)





g(t− iNfTf − kTf − τ0 − tD − ψi)

+ w(t)





g(t− iNfTf − kTf − µiTf − νiTs)

+ w(t) (4)

where w(t) is the white Gaussian noise, and g(t) representsthe received pulse of p(t) in (3) through the THz channel.Moreover, the sampling interval is defined as the inverse ofthe sampling rate,

Ts =1


Nny, (5)

where the sampling interval is the smallest time intervalconsidered in the digital timing acquisition system. Therefore,the timing offsets are integer multiples of Ts. Furthermore, theinteger value Q denotes the number of samples per frame thatrelates the sampling interval Ts and the frame duration Tf , asTs = Tf/Q. Then, any time duration can be represented asµiTf + νiTs, in which νi takes integer values in the range of[0, Q− 1] and the multiple of Tf is absorbed in the integerparameter µi.

In terms of the delays, tD = dT /c stands for the transmis-sion delay, and ψi denotes the jittering offset or the randommisalignment between the transmitter and receiver clocks,which dynamically varies over symbols. This considerationis reasonable since the pulse duration is at the order of pico-seconds in the pulse-based THz communications. Then, thetiming offsets in (4) are given by

µiTf + νiTs = τ0 + tD + ψi. (6)

where µi identifies the first frame of a symbol that amountsto the symbol timing (ST) at the frame level. This parametersuggests the symbol begins at t = iNfTf+µiTf . On the otherhand, νi indicates the frame timing (FT) at the sample level,and suggests the frame begins at t = (iNf +k+µi)Tf +νiTs.

As shown in Figure 2, the timing acquisition for the THzband communication accounts for the offsets that include the

Page 4: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, 2017 1 … · moving average symbol detection scheme is introduced for the THz pulse-based communication. Although this scheme does not


following three parts: i) the random starting time, τ0, ii) thepropagation delay, tD, which is a constant if the transmitterand the receiver are fixed, and iii) the jittering offset, ψi, whichis different for the different symbols. Equivalently, the problemof timing acquisition becomes solving for µi and νi.

Based on the received signal in (4) and the channel responsein (1), the SNR is calculated as

γ =GtGrPtNf

∫ Tf


Pw, (7)

where Pw refers to the noise power of w(t) in (4) within thetransmission band. As the number of pulses per symbol Nfincreases, the SNR increases and consequently, the synchro-nization performance will improve. However, this is at the costof the sacrifice of data rates. Furthermore, the antenna gainsand the communication distance have the influences on theSNR as well. Therefore, there is a tradeoff among the SNR, thesynchronization performance, and the data rate, which needsto be carefully treated in the THz wireless system design.


In this section we will show that it is possible to reliablydecode a received signal by sampling it at or above the rate ofinnovation, not at the sampling rate dictated by the bandwidthof the transmit signal. This approach was adopted for ultra-wideband (UWB) systems [22], [25]. In this section, we tailorthe algorithm to the THz band to cope with the unique THzchannel characteristics and the more challenging requirementfor the reduction of the sampling rate.

Based on the annihilating filter method and the spectralestimation techniques in the frequency domain, the resultingLSR algorithm can estimate the timing information at a sub-Nyquist rate. In particular, the annihilating filter method is awell-known tool from the spectral estimation [14], [15], [29],[30], while in our context, we derive the analytical samplingformulas in the THz band. The flow of the LSR algorithm forthe timing acquisition is described in Fig. 3, and consists ofthe three steps, namely, 1) computing the spectral coefficients,2) designing the annihilating filter, and 3) determining thetiming offsets. Moreover, we define the LSR factor as the ratiobetween the Nyquist sampling rate Nny , and the implementedsampling rate Ns, i.e., βLSR = Nny/Ns. In the following, wedetail the three steps of the LSR algorithm.

A. Computing the Spectral Coefficients

By performing the Fourier transform on the received signalin (4), the equivalent signal model in the frequency domain is

Y (f) =√Pt









)· P (f) exp (−j2πf (iNfTf + kTf ))

· exp (−j2πf (µiTf + νiTs)) +W (f), (8)

Transmittedsignal Terahertz Band


Low-Sampling-Rate (LSR) Algorithm






!" =!$%&'()

Fig. 3. Block diagram of the LSR algorithm.

where P (f) and W (f) represent the frequency responses ofp(t) and w(t), in (3) and (4). After sampling at the rate Ns,the discrete-time signal of (4) becomes

y[n] =√Pt





(9)Next, we transform the signals into the discrete frequencydomain. If the specific THz band with the upper and lowercutoff frequencies of fU and fL are selected, the frequencystep is defined as f0 = fU−fL

N . In the frequency domain, theN uniformly spaced frequency samples can be expressed as

Y [n] =




exp (−j2πfn (iNfTf + kTf ))

· exp (−j2πfn (µiTf + νiTs)) +W [n]




Ai[n]uni,k +W [n], n = 0, 1, . . . , N − 1


where fn = fL + nf0. In the above equations, the expandedexpressions for Ai[n] and uni,k are given by

Ai[n] = ai√GtGrPt



12K(fn)dTP (fn), (11)

uni,k = e(−j2πfnTf (iNf+k+µi))+(−j2πfnTsνi). (12)

Note that uni,k depends on i and k.As a preparation for invoking the annihilating filter-based

LSR algorithm, the coefficients Ai[n] in (11), which dependon the transmitted symbol, antenna gains, transmit power,THz channel attenuation and distortion, are approximated in apolynomial function, as a sum of powers with the exponentsof m ∈ [0,M − 1],

Ai[n] ≈M−1∑m=0

xmnm, (13)

where xm denotes the coefficient for the mth order component,and M − 1 is the largest degree in the polynomial approxi-

Page 5: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, 2017 1 … · moving average symbol detection scheme is introduced for the THz pulse-based communication. Although this scheme does not

0018-9545 (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TVT.2017.2750707, IEEETransactions on Vehicular Technology


mation. Hence, the expression for Y [n] in (10) can be furtherapproximated as

Y [n] ≈I−1∑i=0




)uni,k +W [n]. (14)

The received signals expressed in (10) and (14) include theeffects of the THz channel distortion, and will be used for thetiming acquisition in the sequel LSR and ML algorithms, whilenot explicitly requiring the knowledge on the quantities Ai[n]in (11). In general, by fitting the discrete frequency-domainof the received signal in (14) with a polynomial of a largerdegree, we obtain better timing acquisition estimates. In ouranalysis, we select the degree of the polynomial estimation asM = 20 with a good approximation of the received waveforms.

B. Designing the Annihilating Filter

Next, in our LSR algorithm, we leverage the features of theannihilating filters which have been introduced in [14], [15]and apply them in the context of THz pulse-based communi-cations. The key principle of utilizing the annihilating filter isto search for the zeros and the associated timing information.Based on the spectral coefficients, we proceed with designingthe annihilating filter, Ha[m]. The N spectral coefficients Y [n]are computed according to (14), with N ≥ 2L + 1. Theannihilating filter is designed for guaranteeing

Ha[n] ∗ Y [n] =L∑l=0

Ha[l]Y [n− l]

= 0, for n = 0, 1, . . . , N − 1, (15)

where L = I ·Nf ·M . By exploiting the z-transform properties,the transfer function Ha(z) in the z-domain is

Ha(z) =






[1− z0


, (16)

where z0i,k denotes the zero of Ha(z), and is a function of the

frequency step f0 as

z0i,k = exp (−j2πf0Tf (iNf + k + µi)− j2πf0Tsνi)

=(uni,k · exp (j2πfL (Tf (iNf + k + µi) + Tsνi))

) 1n

= exp (−j2πf0 (Tf (iNf + k + µi) + Tsνi)) . (17)

The proof of the annihilating filter properties by combin-ing (15), (16) and (17) is provided here. We expand theexpression for Y [n] according to (14) with high SNR,

Ha[n] ∗ Y [n] =L∑l=0

Ha[l]Y [n− l]






xm(n− l)m)un−li,k






Ha[l](n− l)mu−li,kuni,k




xm · 0 · uni,k

= 0, for n = 0, 1, . . . , N − 1, (18)

where we use the proposition∑Ll=0Ha[l](n− l)mu−li,k = 0 in

the Appendix in [11].Our aim is to explore the properties of the annihilating filter

to solve for the timing offsets. The annihilating filter has thedegree of L with L + 1 unknown filter coefficients, whichconsequently requires L+1 linear equations to solve for theseannihilating filter coefficients. This suggests that N ≥ 2L+ 1samples are needed in Y [n]. The matrix form of (15) is

Y [L] Y [L− 1] · · · Y [0]Y [L+ 1] Y [L] · · · Y [1]


. . ....

Y [2L] Y [2L− 1] · · · Y [L]



= 0.


To efficiently solve for the annihilating filter coefficients, wecan set Ha[0] = 1, without loss of generality. Then, the matrixequation can be rearranged as

Y′ ·H′a = −Y1, (20)

Y′ =

Y [L− 1] Y [L− 2] · · · Y [0]Y [L] Y [L− 1] · · · Y [1]


. . ....

Y [2L− 1] Y [2L− 2] · · · Y [L]

, (21)

H′a = (Ha[1] Ha[2] · · · Ha[L])T, (22)

Y1 = (Y [L] Y [L+ 1] · · · Y [2L])T, (23)

and (·)T denotes the transpose operator.

C. Determining the Timing Offsets

Next, we utilize the above derivations to compute the timingoffsets. With the filter coefficients Ha[m], the values of µiand νi can be estimated by exploiting the properties of theannihilating filter. After transforming the annihilating filterimpulse response into the z-domain in (16), we relate thefilter characteristics to the desired timing offsets. We take theapproach to estimate the ST offset before the FT offset, whichis reasonable since the ST offset contributes more significantlyto the overall offset estimate. By denoting the estimated zerosas {z0

i,k}, the estimated ST offset is solved as

µi =

⌊∑Nf−1k=0 ∠z0



⌋− iNf −

⌊Nf − 1




⌊Nf (iNf + µi)Tf +NfTsνi +

Nf (Nf−1)Tf



− iNf −⌊Nf − 1




⌊iNf + µi +

(Nf − 1)


⌋− iNf −

⌊Nf − 1



Page 6: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, 2017 1 … · moving average symbol detection scheme is introduced for the THz pulse-based communication. Although this scheme does not


where b·c denotes the floor operator, and νi < Q is known.Moreover, a sum operation is performed on the angles ofthe estimated zeros that belong to the same symbol, i.e.,∑Nf−1k=0 ∠z0

i,k. As shown in the THz transmission model inFig. 2, the timing offset of each pulse within a symbol equals(τ0 +tD+ψi), which is independent of k. However, due to thenoise effects and the THz channel distortion, the timing offsetfor the pulses within one symbol might become different.Therefore, we need to jointly consider the Nf pulses of onesymbol in (24) to improve the accuracy of the timing offsetestimation. By considering νi < Q, an accurate estimate ofµi can be obtained in (24). Then, based on the estimated SToffset, the estimated FT offset is

νi =

⌊∑Nf−1k=0 ∠z0




(iNf +

Nf − 1

2+ µi


⌊(iNf + µi)QTs + Tsνi

Ts+QTs(Nf − 1)



(iNf +

Nf − 1

2+ µi

). (25)

For (24) and (25), we search for the zeros z0i,k that are closest

to the unit circle [11]. This algorithm is reliable when thenoise level is low and the antenna gains are high. In THzband communications, beamforming techniques [3] as wellas the pulse combining gain in (3) can effectively improvethe SNR and hence decrease noise effects. Nevertheless, theproblem of numerical ill-conditioning [12] may arise by usingthis approach, mainly because the root-finding is not robustto the noise effects. Alternatively, instead of finding the roots,the matrix manipulations can be performed, via exploiting theproperties of the signal subspace [14], [29]. However, a majorcomputational cost for this method arises in the singular valuedecomposition procedure of the matrix manipulations, whichis not favored in this work.


The LSR algorithm developed in the previous section allowschoosing a sub-Nyquist sampling rate and achieves goodtiming acquisition performance when the SNR is high. Asa complementary approach, for the low SNR case (i.e., lessthan 10 dB), the ML criterion that are used in [17], [18], [19]is adopted to derive the timing acquisition solutions for thepulse-based THz band communication. A two-step approachinvolving the weighted construction method is utilized, wherean overview of the ML approach is illustrated in Fig. 4.

A. ML Objective FunctionStarting from the THz communication models in (4) and (6),

we define a vector of the trial values of the unknown timing

offsets as(τ0, tD, ψi

)T. We describe z(t) as the noise-free

component of the trial received signal, as

z(t) =√Pt




g(t− iNfTf − kTf − τ0 − tD − ψi).


Transmittedsignal Terahertz

Band Channel


Maximum-Likelihood (ML) Approach





)0+ + #-+ + .%/


∫ [5]9:#;<=<>∑ |A%|9&'BCDEF>

G A%(5)BCD


Fig. 4. Block diagram of the ML approach.

where g(t) refers to the hypothetical channel-dependentreceived pulse. Then, the ML rule is applied to search(τ0, tD, ψi

)Tand g1(t) for minimizing the integral of the

squared magnitude of the difference signal∫t(y(t)− z(t))2dt,

which equivalently maximizes the expression in (27), wherewe define g1(t) =

∑Nf−1k=0 g(t− kTf ).

To further derive this objective function, we consider thatthe training symbols ai defined in (3) are uncorrelated witheach other. Moreover, according to the THz pulse modulationdescribed in Sec. III-B, one symbol waveform is confined withthe non-zero support over [0, NfTf ]. Therefore, the objectivefunction can be rearranged as (28).

B. Two-step Approach

The ML-based time acquisition problem can be solved byadopting a two-step procedure. In particular, the objectivefunction can be written by taking g1(t) as a nuisance, as(

τ0 + tD + ψi

)= arg max



(τ0, tD, ψi

)T, g1(t)



where the overall timing offset information (i.e., θ = τ0 +tD + ψi) is estimated as the parameter of interest, instead ofthe individual ones. To solve the inner maximization in (29),

we fix(τ0, tD, ψi

)Tand set ∂Λ

∂g1(t) = 0 in (28) with t confinedover [0, NfTf ]. The resulting optimal estimate of the receivedpulse waveform g1(t) is






aiy(t+ iNfTf + τ0 + tD + ψi).


This estimate can be interpreted as the weighted constructionwith the normalized known training symbols ai∑I−1

i=0 |ai|2as the

weighting coefficients. By substituting (30) into (28) and (29),we obtain the solution to the timing acquisition problem. As aresult, the timing offset is given by (31), which is equivalentto maximize the energy.

The cost of the ML approach is affected by the size ofthe search space, and can be reduced by enlarging the time

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(τ0, tD, ψi

)T, g1(t)

]= 2

∫ INfTf


y(t)z(t)dt−∫ INfTf



= 2

∫ INfTf




aig1(t− iNfTf − τ0 − tD − ψi)dt−∫ INfTf




aig1(t− iNfTf − τ0 − tD − ψi)






(τ0, tD, ψi

)T, g1(t)


≈ 2√Pt



∫ NfTf


y(t+ iNfTf + τ0 + tD + ψi) ·Nf−1∑k=0

g(t− kTf )dt− PtI−1∑i=0

|ai|2∫ NfTf



g(t− kTf )



≈ 2√Pt



∫ NfTf


g1(t) · y(t+ iNfTf + τ0 + tD + ψi)dt− PtI−1∑i=0

|ai|2∫ NfTf


[g1(t)]2dt. (28)

(τ0 + tD + ψi

)= arg max




∫ NfTf



aiy(t+ iNfTf + τ0 + tD + ψi)




= arg max

{∫ NfTf



aiy(t+ iNfTf + τ0 + tD + ψi)




-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30SNR [dB]









SE [f



LSR factor=1LSR factor=10LSR factor=20ML step=1ML step=2ML step=4CRLB

Fig. 5. Timing acquisition RMSE in comparison with the CRLB.

step for searching. In the ML algorithm, the time step isdefined as the multiples of the Nyquist sampling intervalTny = 1/Nny. However, the increase of the time step willdegrade the acquisition performance of the ML algorithm.The tradeoff between the synchronization performance and thecomplexity is numerically investigated in Sec. VII.


The proposed timing acquisition schemes are evaluatedby using the metric of the root-mean-square-error (RMSE).A lower RMSE requires a smaller LSR factor in the LSRalgorithm or a small time step in the ML scheme. In thissection, we first provide an estimation error analysis in termsof the RMSE and the CRLB both analytically and numerically.

Then, we derive an analytical expression of the BER as afunction of the timing acquisition errors.

A. Root-Mean-Square-Error (RMSE) and Cramer-Rao LowerBound (CRLB)

To evaluate the developed algorithms, we analyze the RMSEof timing estimates and compare with the CRLB. First, wedefine the estimation error in the ith symbol of the signal as

εi = (τ0 + tD + ψi)− (τ0 + tD + ψi). (32)

Over the I symbols of the transmitted signal in (3), thenormalized RMSE of the estimation error εi at the frame levelis given by

Ψ =


∑I−1i=0 εi



1) RMSE of LSR Algorithm: To approximate the RMSE ofthe LSR algorithm by a function of the SNR, we employ ananalytical expression developed via a first order perturbationanalysis [31],


√2M + 1

6(πf0)2 · (N −M)2(M2 +M) · SNR


3M(πf0)2 ·N2 · SNR, (34)

where the approximation in (34) is a function of the frequencystep f0, the polynomial degree M , and the total number N offrequency samples Y [n] in (10).

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2) RMSE of ML Algorithm: To approximate the RMSEof the ML algorithm, we make some relaxation assumptions.First, the overall timing offset information (i.e., θ = τ0 + tD+ψi and θ = τ0 + tD + ψi) does not vary among differentsymbols. Then, the maximization in (31) could be performedwith respect to a single parameter θ. Moreover, we ignore thepresence of the noise.

Under the above assumptions, combining (31) and (4) yields∫ NfTf



aiy(t+ iNfTf + τ0 + tD + ψi)



= Pt






∫ NfTf


Adt. (35)

A = g1

(t+ (i− i′)NfTf + θ − θ

)· g1

(t+ (q − q′)NfTf + θ − θ


with g1(t) =∑Nf−1k=0 g(t−kTf ), analogously to the definition

in (27). Inspection of (35) and (36) reveals that the maximumof the likelihood function is achieved over an interval ofvalues, θ ∈ [β, θ] with β = max{0, θ + Tg − Tf}. We denoteTg as the pulse width of the received pulse, which is smallerthan Tf that is the frame duration, as defined in Sec. III-B.This could be interpreted that θ ∈ [β, θ] could maximize thelikelihood function as long as the pulse with the estimatedoffset and the pulse with the true offset are incorporatedwithin one frame duration. As a result, the RMSE of the MLalgorithm is approximately given by

ΨML ≈√

(θ − β)2

3. (37)

This reveals a gap between the performance of the ML methodand the CRLB.

3) CRLB: By contrast, the CRLB suggests a lower boundon achievable RMSE for any unbiased estimation meth-ods [32], as

CRLB {ε} =


2(πf0)2 ·N3 · SNR. (38)

The CRLB provides a theoretical bound on the performanceof the proposed two algorithms. The estimation performancebased on the ML estimator is lower-bounded by the CRLB,and deteriorates as the ML step increases between the SNRrange of -10 dB to 30 dB. To compare the RMSE performanceof the LSR algorithm with the CRLB in Fig. 5. the LSR algo-rithm provides a very good estimation performance. Moreover,the difference between the RMSE of the LSR algorithm andthe CRLB decreases, as the polynomial degree is comparableto the number of frequency samples, i.e., N ≥ 2INfM + 1,as described in Sec. IV-B. In particular, by increasing thesampling rate X times for the same SNR, the RMSE of theLSR algorithm decreases by a factor of M1/2 ·X , while theCRLB reduces by a greater factor of X3/2 as can be deducedfrom (38).

As the LSR factor (βLSR in Fig. 3) increases from 1 to 10and 20, the performance difference between the LSR algorithm

and the CRLB increases. At SNR=30 dB, the approximatedRMSEs are 3 × 10−5, 4 × 10−4 and 1 × 10−3 respectively,while the CRLB or equivalently, the performance of the MLalgorithm with a time step of 1, is equal to 2 × 10−6. TheRMSE performance becomes worse as the SNR decreases, andis further away from the CRLB as the LSR factor increases.Furthermore, by comparing with the simulation results, theapproximations are in good agreements particularly for highSNR. In addition, the error performance of the ML method isstudied, for different time steps ranging from 1, 2 to 4. TheML method generally outperforms the LSR approach.

B. BER Sensitivity

In the following, we evaluate the BER performance ofthe THz receiver equipped with the above timing acqui-sition methods. The goal is to assess the BER sensitivitycaused by the timing acquisition errors while assuming idealchannel estimation. Particularly for the pulse-based systems,by incorporating the noise effect, the complementary errorfunction erfc(·) of the SNR was shown to capture the errorbehavior [33], [34], [35]. In light of the received signal in (4),the timing errors model in (6), and the SNR expression in (7),the BER is given by

ρi(µi, νi) =1


√GtGrPt|h|2NfR2p(µiTf + νiTs)




where we consider ai takes a value from {+1,−1} with equalprobabilities. In (39), Rp(t) describes the normalized auto-correlation function of the THz pulse, p(t), given in (3), as

Rp(τ) = AR

∫ +∞

−∞p(t)p(t− τ)dt, (40)

where AR is the normalizing factor. If the timing acquisitionis perfect, the best-case BER is equal to

ρi(0, 0) =1



, (41)

where the term inside the complementary error function is thesquare root of the SNR dividing by a scalar of 2. In the aboveequation, the BER decreases for higher SNR, smaller timingacquisition errors, and larger number of pulses per symbol.


In this section, we assess the LSR synchronization algorithmand the ML-based approach in terms of the timing offsetestimation performance, based on Monte Carlo simulations.All presented results are averages over 1000 realizations.Moreover, we study the influence of synchronization on theresulting received signals. Finally, we analyze the BER sensi-tivity as a function of the timing acquisition errors for the twoalgorithms. We consider the following choice of parameters inthe simulations. The random initial delay τ0 and the randommisalignment between the transmitter and the receiver ψi in (6)follow uniform distributions over [−Tf , Tf ], and are multiples

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Symbol Parameter Value UnitTny Nyquist sampling interval 0.5 psTp Pulse width 10 psTf Frame length 1 nsI Number of training symbols [1,2] –

Nf Number of frames for one symbol [1,4] –f0 Frequency step 10 MHzPt Transmit power 1 dBmGt Transmit antenna gain [0, 30] dBiGr Receive antenna gain [0, 30] dBiPw Noise power -80 dBmfL Lower cutoff frequency 0.06 THzfU Upper cutoff frequency 1 THzdT Communication distance [1, 20] m

of Tny = 0.5 ps. The physical parameters that are used in thesimulations unless otherwise stated are listed in Table I [28].

Computational complexity: A major computational load ofthe LSR algorithm is associated with the matrix manipulationin (19), with the computational complexity of order O


where N denotes the total number of frequency samples Y [n]in (10) used in the LSR algorithm. By contrast, the ML-basedapproach requires O


)operations, where Nn denotes the

number of samples taken at the Nyquist rate Nny .

A. LSR Algorithm PerformanceIn the following, timing offset estimation based on the

LSR algorithm developed in Sec. IV is considered. Afterdetermining the filter coefficients, we can find the roots inthe z-domain. Based on the results of roots finding, we obtainthe timing offset. We study the RMSE as a function ofthe LSR factor, for different antenna gains, distances, pulsewaveforms and transmission bands. As our main objective isto achieve an accurate synchronization by using a sub-Nyquistsampling rate, we investigate which LSR factors βLSR cansupport RMSE ≤ 0.01Tf . The results and the observationsare discussed as follows.

1) Impact of Antenna Gain: In Fig. 6(a), the RMSE perfor-mance is evaluated for different antenna gains. In particular,when the antenna gains equal Gt = Gr = 30 dB by benefitingfrom the very large antenna arrays, and the communicationdistance is dT = 5 m in (2), βLSR = 20 can be adopted.In this case, the path loss is approximately 110 dB [27] andthe resulting SNR is equal to 30 dB. On the one hand, areduction of antenna gains implies a decrease in SNR, whichmakes RMSE increasing significantly. As the antenna gains areequal to 20 dB, 10 dB and 0 dB, the maximum LSR factorreduces from 16 to 4 and 2. With these antenna gains, the SNRvalues reduce to 10 dB, -10 dB, and -30 dB. At the Nyquistsampling rate, the RMSE increases to 3 × 10−4, 1 × 10−3

and 3 × 10−3, respectively. These results are consistent withthe analytical studies in Sec. VI-A for the high SNR values,i.e, larger than 10 dB. For lower SNR values, the analyticalexpression in (34) over-estimates the RMSE, i.e., the analyticalexpressions yield larger RMSE values than the simulations.Hence, when the antenna gains or the equivalent SNR are verysmall, the RMSE becomes significant and the LSR algorithmis not suitable to be used.

2) Impact of Communication Distance: Moreover, we studythe influence of communication distances on the synchro-nization performance in Fig. 6(b). In general, as the dis-tance increases, a higher path loss results and more severefrequency-selectivity appears in the THz band spectrum. Thisconsequently degrades the RMSE of the LSR algorithm.Although the LSR factor βLSR = 20 can be supported toachieve RMSE = 0.01 frame, the average RMSE valuesincrease from 0.003, 0.005, 0.007 to 0.011, as the distanceincreases from 5m, 10m, to 20m. At these distances, the SNRvalues are equal to 30 dB, 20 dB and 10 dB.

3) Impact of Pulse Repetitions: In addition, the influenceof the number of the pulses to represent one symbol (Nf )in (3) is studied in Fig. 6(c). The increase of the number ofpulses per symbol Nf leads to the improvement of the SNRof 10 log10(Nf ) dB, which results in a reduced RMSE. Forall Nf , the LSR factor of 20 can be supported for d = 5m and Gt = Gr = 30 dB. The possibility of an increaseof the number of frames is important when a targeted SNRis mandatory while the antenna gains and the transmit powerare fixed, as shown in (7). Moreover, the BER decreases for alarger number of pulses per symbol as suggested in Sec. VI-B.However, this is at the cost of the reduction of the data rateby a factor of Nf .

4) Impact of Pulse Width: The effect of five pulses withdifferent bandwidths is shown in Fig. 6(d). With a very smallpulse duration Tp, the supporting bandwidth is large, whichyields a better performance of the LSR algorithm. This can beexplained by the fact that with the wider frequency response,there are more available frequency samples for the LSRalgorithm, for a given LSR factor and reference sampling rate,e.g., 2 THz in our simulations. In particular, a 10 ps pulse hasa frequency response occupying the spectrum between 0.06and 1 THz. This pulse waveform is able to support an RMSEof 0.01 frame with an LSR factor of 20. The observationswould be different if the reference sampling rate is equal tothe true Nyquist rate that varies with the pulse width and thesupporting bandwidth.

B. Influence on Received Signal

We analyze the effect of the LSR algorithm on the receivedsignal for different LSR factors in Fig. 7, with Nf = 1. Withsmaller sampling rates, the recovery of the received signalbecomes more challenging. The RMSE values between thereceived pulse with βLSR = 1 and the received pulses atsub-Nyquist sampling rates are evaluated in the time domain,which increases from 1.26×10−3, 2.33×10−3 to 4.50×10−3,when βLSR = 6, 10 and 20. Although the recovery of receivedsignals becomes challenging, the transmitted symbols can stillbe detected based on the signal power available for pulse-based communication in the THz band. The received pulsesexperience severe distortion in the THz band channel.

In addition to the amplitude and phase distortion, temporalbroadening effects appear, due to the very high frequency-selectivity in the wideband THz spectrum [3]. The width ofthe received pulse independent of βLSR is over 200 ps, whichis 20 times larger than the transmitted pulse. However, by

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1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20LSR factor







SE [f


e]Gt=Gr=30 dBGt=Gr=20 dBGt=Gr=10 dBGt=Gr=0 dB

SNR=30 dB, 10 dB, -10 dB, -30 dB


1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20LSR factor








SE [f



dT=5 mdT=10 mdT=20 m

SNR=30 dB, 20 dB, 10 dB


1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20LSR Factor








SE [f




SNR=30 dB, 33 dB, 35 dB, 36 dB


1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20LSR factor








SE [f



0.06-1 THz0.3-1 THz0.5-1THz0.7-1 THz0.98-1 THz


Fig. 6. RMSE of the LSR algorithm for different THz-band physical parameters. (a) RMSE for different antenna gains, with dT = 5 m and Nf = 1. (b)RMSE for different distances, with Gt = Gr = 30 dB and Nf = 1. (c) RMSE for different number of pulses per symbol, which relates to the symbol rates,by considering Gt = Gr = 30 dB and dT = 1. (d) RMSE for different pulse widths in the frequency domain.

-100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100Time [ps]












LSR factor=1LSR factor=6LSR factor=10LSR factor=20

Fig. 7. Sampled signals for different LSR factors.

5 10 15 20Distance [m]








SE [f




Fig. 8. RMSE of the ML algorithm for different time steps, with Gt = Gr =0 dB.

using a low sampling rate, the rapid fluctuation in the receivedpulses dwindles, and hence, the broadening effects attenuate.For example, when the LSR factors are 10 and 20, the width ofthe received pulse reduces to 180 ps and 150 ps, respectively.These are equivalent to suggest the maximal pulse ratesof 5.56 and 6.67 Giga-pulses-per-second to avoid the inter-symbol-interference. The details on the temporal broadeningeffect and its influences on received pulses can be foundin [5]. Hence, the LSR algorithm can effectively relax therestriction of the minimum spacing between consecutive pulsetransmissions. However, the signal fluctuation still exists evenby sparse sampling at a low-sampling rate. By considering theclosely spaced consecutive pulses, the fluctuation amplifiesand the inter-pulse interference might still occur. Therefore,the spacing between consecutive pulse transmissions needsfurther studies with the sub-Nyquist sampling.

C. ML Approach Performance

The LSR algorithm is not favored when the SNR at thereceiver is low, for example in the multipath propagation [5],or with Gt = Gr = 0 dB in (2). As an alternative, the MLapproach yields better performance than the LSR algorithm,at the cost of significant search space and data storage. TheRMSE performance of the ML-based approach is shown inFig. 8. These results match with the observations in Sec. VI-A.As a major computational constraint, different time step values(multiples of the Nyquist sampling interval Tny) of the trial

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-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30SNR [dB]






No Timing ErrorsML step=1ML step=2ML step=4LSR factor=1LSR factor=10LSR factor=20

Fig. 9. BER sensitivity for the LSR and ML algorithms.

values in (31) are studied. The RMSE increases when thedistance increases and the search space decreases. To achieveRMSE = 0.01 frame, a time step of 2 can be used to reducethe search space by half. However, the distance needs toremain below 15m. Specifically at dT = 5 m, the RMSEincreases from 0.002, 0.003, 0.021, 0.046 to 0.077 when thetime step increases from 1 to 5, respectively. For dT = 5 m,the SNR is equal to −30 dB, and CRLB = 1.9×10−3, whichlower-bounds the RMSE of the ML method. Hence, the ML-based algorithm can be used when the SNR is low, with a timestep of 2 to reduce the search space by half.

Furthermore, the timing estimate based on the ML algorithmis computed after collecting all the training symbols accordingto (31). Therefore, as determined by the pulse-based trans-mission scheme, the accuracy of the timing estimate is at anorder of ten picoseconds. However, the computing duration fortiming acquisition based on the ML algorithm is at an orderof nanoseconds. In terms of mobility, we have the followingconsiderations. Assuming a vehicle speed of 100 km/h and acomputation time of the algorithm of a few nanoseconds, thevehicle has moved less than 1 micrometers until convergence.Since the typical wavelengths in THz communications are100 micrometers and more, initial acquisition should have noproblems. However, on the other hand, tracking is a differentissue, but one could even repeat the ML algorithm periodicallyfor this in a first approach.

D. BER Sensitivity

The BER sensitivity is given in (39), where µi is of theorder of the frame length, Tf , while νi is of the order of thesampling interval, Ts, as defined in (6). The BER sensitivityis presented in Fig. 9 for the different timing acquisitionmethods and parameters. The curve corresponding to the idealtiming acquisition in (41) provides a benchmark to quantifythe performance loss due to timing acquisition errors. Theresults appear to be consistent with the aforementioned RMSEperformance of the algorithms. Indeed, like the RMSE, theBER performance degrades as the ML step size increases andas the LSR factor increases. Moreover, the LSR algorithmshows a larger performance loss compared to the ML method,particularly at SNR smaller than 18 dB. Hence, the LSRalgorithm is recommended for directional transmission whilethe ML method is suitable at low SNR as a complementary.


In this paper, we have proposed and analyzed the LSRand the ML-based algorithms for timing acquisition in theTHz band to address the challenges such as the THz bandchannel peculiarities and the ultra-high sampling rate demand.The error performance of the algorithms has been analyticallyapproximated, where the results have shown good agreementswith the simulation results when the SNR is high. Moreover,we have analytically and numerically evaluated the two timingacquisition algorithms, in comparison with the CRLB. Further-more, we have studied the BER sensitivity to the acquisitionerrors in the two algorithms. With the metric of the RMSE,the simulation results showed that the timing accuracy at anorder of ten picoseconds is achievable. In particular, whenthe SNR is high (i.e., greater than 18 dB benefiting fromhigh gain antennas), the LSR algorithm can be used with theuniform sampling at 1/20 of the Nyquist rate, while the ML-based algorithm can be used for low SNR with a time stepof 2 to reduce the search space by half. The LSR algorithmcan also effectively mitigate the temporal broadening effectdue to the frequency-selectivity of the THz channel. Thiswork contributes to achieving a reliable timing acquisitionwith a reduced sampling rate for digital transmissions in theTHz band. The developed synchronization solutions could beincluded as part of a receiver design.


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Chong Han (M’16) received the Bachelor ofEngineering degree in Electrical Engineering andTelecommunications from The University of NewSouth Wales, Sydney, Australia, in 2011. He ob-tained the Master of Science and the Ph.D. degreesin Electrical and Computer Engineering from Geor-gia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA, in2012 and 2016, respectively. Currently, he is anAssistant Professor and Associate Special ResearchFellow with the University of Michigan–ShanghaiJiao Tong University Joint Institute, Shanghai Jiao

Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China. He is also a collaborating re-searcher with Shenzhen Institute of Terahertz Technology and Innovation,Shenzhen, China, since 2017. His current research interests include Tera-hertz band communication networks, 5G cellular networks, Electromagneticnanonetworks, Graphene-enabled wireless communications.

Ian F. Akyildiz (M’86-SM’89-F’96) received theB.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Engi-neering from the University of Erlangen-Nurnberg,Germany, in 1978, 1981 and 1984, respectively.Currently, he is the Ken Byers Chair Professorin Telecommunications with the School of Elec-trical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Instituteof Technology, Atlanta, the Director of the Broad-band Wireless Networking Laboratory and Chair ofthe Telecommunication Group at Georgia Tech. Dr.Akyildiz is an honorary professor with the School

of Electrical Engineering at Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC)in Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain and founded the N3Cat (NaNoNetworkingCenter in Catalunya). Since September 2012, Dr. Akyildiz is also a FiDiProProfessor (Finland Distinguished Professor Program (FiDiPro) supported bythe Academy of Finland) at Tampere University of Technology, Department ofCommunications Engineering, Finland. He is the Editor-in-Chief of ComputerNetworks (Elsevier) Journal, and the founding Editor-in-Chief of the AdHoc Networks (Elsevier) Journal, the Physical Communication (Elsevier)Journal and the Nano Communication Networks (Elsevier) Journal. He isan IEEE Fellow (1996) and an ACM Fellow (1997). He received numerousawards from IEEE and ACM. His current research interests are in Terahertzband communication, nanonetworks, software defined networking, 5G cellularsystems and wireless underground sensor networks.

Wolfgang. H. Gerstacker (S’93-M’98-SM’11) re-ceived the Dipl.-Ing. degree in electrical engineer-ing from the Friedrich-Alexander University (FAU)Erlangen-Nrnberg, Erlangen, Germany, in 1991, theDr.-Ing. degree in 1998, and the Habilitation degreein 2004 from the same university. Since 2002, hehas been with the Institute for Digital Communica-tions of the FAU Erlangen-Nrnberg, currently as aProfessor.

His research interests are in the broad area of digi-tal communications and statistical signal processing.

He is a recipient of several awards including the Research Award of theGerman Society for Information Technology (ITG) (2001), the EEEfCOMInnovation Award (2003), the Vodafone Innovation Award (2004), a Best PaperAward of EURASIP Signal Processing (2006), and the “Mobile Satellite &Positioning” Track Paper Award of VTC2011-Spring. He is a Senior Memberof IEEE.

Dr. Gerstacker is an Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Com-munications. He is an Area Editor for Elsevier Physical Communication andhas been a Member of the Editorial Board of EURASIP Journal on WirelessCommunications and Networking. He has served as a Guest Editor for severalSpecial Issues of and has been a Technical Program Co-Chair and GeneralChair of several IEEE and ACM conferences.

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