Page 1: Improving the Efficiency of Your Global Portfolio Management Strategy - Presentation: Sarah Guichard, BlackBerry - IP Law Summit


Page 2: Improving the Efficiency of Your Global Portfolio Management Strategy - Presentation: Sarah Guichard, BlackBerry - IP Law Summit

The materials in this presentation are for informational purposes only and not for h f idi l l d ithe purpose of providing legal advice.

The views and opinions expressed herein and may not reflect the opinions of BlackBerry.


Page 3: Improving the Efficiency of Your Global Portfolio Management Strategy - Presentation: Sarah Guichard, BlackBerry - IP Law Summit

Efficiency is doing things right; effectiveness is doing the right things.g g g

Peter DruckerPeter Drucker


Page 4: Improving the Efficiency of Your Global Portfolio Management Strategy - Presentation: Sarah Guichard, BlackBerry - IP Law Summit

Understand Company Objectives


Analyze Portfolio against


Evaluate resources

and generate

l Objectives

Look for gaps and


and misalignment


Page 5: Improving the Efficiency of Your Global Portfolio Management Strategy - Presentation: Sarah Guichard, BlackBerry - IP Law Summit

Even if you fall on your face, you’re still i f dmoving forward

Victor Kiam


Page 6: Improving the Efficiency of Your Global Portfolio Management Strategy - Presentation: Sarah Guichard, BlackBerry - IP Law Summit

Defensive› Deter others from asserting› Deter others from asserting› Protect market space

Revenue Generation› License in market or out of market segments› License in market or out of market segments› Divesture

Offset› Freedom to Operate› Freedom to Operate› Trade

Brand Enhancement› Bragging rightsBragging rights› Investor Image

These are not mutually exclusive


Page 7: Improving the Efficiency of Your Global Portfolio Management Strategy - Presentation: Sarah Guichard, BlackBerry - IP Law Summit

Who seeks shall findWho seeks shall find

S h lSophocles


Page 8: Improving the Efficiency of Your Global Portfolio Management Strategy - Presentation: Sarah Guichard, BlackBerry - IP Law Summit

Asset Classification› Key technology areas› Key technology areas› What you do› What your competitors do› Future betsu u e be s› Tangential Industries› Obsolete Technology

Quality of assetsy› Design around?› Validity?› Detectability?

Geographical coverageAgeCompare to competitorsp p


Page 9: Improving the Efficiency of Your Global Portfolio Management Strategy - Presentation: Sarah Guichard, BlackBerry - IP Law Summit

If what you are doing is not moving you a you a e do g s o o g you towards your goals, then it’s moving you

away from your goals.y y g

Brian TracyBrian Tracy


Page 10: Improving the Efficiency of Your Global Portfolio Management Strategy - Presentation: Sarah Guichard, BlackBerry - IP Law Summit

Do you have enough quality patents to y g q y pmeet your goals?› < for Defensive use

f Li i › > for Licensing programBroad business coverage?JurisdictionsJurisdictions› Where do you manufacture/sell› Where do your competitors manufacture/selle e do you co pe o s a u ac u e/seNumber (aka cost) of patentsRoom to grow?g


Page 11: Improving the Efficiency of Your Global Portfolio Management Strategy - Presentation: Sarah Guichard, BlackBerry - IP Law Summit

You have brains in your head. You have f t i h Y t lf i feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You’re on your own and you know what you know And own, and you know what you know. And you are the guy who’ll decide where to

gogo.Dr. Seuss


Page 12: Improving the Efficiency of Your Global Portfolio Management Strategy - Presentation: Sarah Guichard, BlackBerry - IP Law Summit

BudgetM i t f› Maintenance fees

› Filing/prosecution costs› Headcount costs› Outside counsel spend› Outside counsel spend

What to keep?› How can licensing streams be improved?

What to divest?What to divest?What to abandon?Keep/shrink/grow portfolio?T t dditiTarget additions› Organic› Acquisition



Page 13: Improving the Efficiency of Your Global Portfolio Management Strategy - Presentation: Sarah Guichard, BlackBerry - IP Law Summit

The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.

Ayn Rand


Page 14: Improving the Efficiency of Your Global Portfolio Management Strategy - Presentation: Sarah Guichard, BlackBerry - IP Law Summit

Involve entire businessSet clear expectations/goalsTrack metrics against the goalsCreate (optimize) incentives to Create (optimize) incentives to encourage behaviors› Revamp/create incentive programp/ p g


Page 15: Improving the Efficiency of Your Global Portfolio Management Strategy - Presentation: Sarah Guichard, BlackBerry - IP Law Summit

However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the resultsoccasionally look at the results.

Winston Churchill


Page 16: Improving the Efficiency of Your Global Portfolio Management Strategy - Presentation: Sarah Guichard, BlackBerry - IP Law Summit

Understand Company Objectives


Analyze Portfolio against


Evaluate resources

and generate

l Objectives

Look for gaps and


and misalignment


Page 17: Improving the Efficiency of Your Global Portfolio Management Strategy - Presentation: Sarah Guichard, BlackBerry - IP Law Summit

W t l bl ith th We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created

themthem.Albert Einstein


Page 18: Improving the Efficiency of Your Global Portfolio Management Strategy - Presentation: Sarah Guichard, BlackBerry - IP Law Summit

Consider other needs for analysis before you beginy y g› Valuation?› 2012 shareholders of Palm sued BoD› 2011 shareholders of GSI Commerce sued eBay

Keep up on portfolio knowledge› Managing is more efficient than mining

Consider using a provider (costs may be recouped g (with savings)For key areas consider assigning a portfolio managerBe careful what you measure and consider if your y ymetrics are driving correct behaviors/decisions


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