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A Abbreviations, listing of 446

Accident "cause" information, prioritization and 202

Accident sequence, Cause-Consequence Analysis (CCA) and 184 188

Action item-only HAZOP table, described 144

Action items, resolution of, follow-up considerations 216

Action item tracking log, example of 217

Actions (recommendations) (HAZOP term), defined 133 See also Recommendations

Air and Waste Association, described 38

American Chemical Society (ACS), described 38

American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA), described 38

American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) described 38 involvement of 3 material properties database of 36

American National Standards Institute (ANSI), described 38

American Paper Institute (API), described 38

American Petroleum Institute (API) described 39 relative ranking indexes and 57

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), described 39

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), described 39

American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE), described 39

Analysis problem characteristics, factors influencing hazard evaluation technique selection 74 78

AND-gate rule (FTA analysis), defined 168

Aquatic toxicity, material property hazard identification 37

Available resources. See Resource availability and preference

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B Batch process, Relative Ranking/HAZOP analysis combination (for batch process) 336

See also Relative Ranking/HAZOP analysis combination (for batch process)

Biodegradability, material property hazard identification 37

C Carcinogenicity, material property hazard identification 37

Cause-by-cause HAZOP table, described 144

Cause-Consequence Analysis (CCA) described 70 prioritization attributes of 205 use of technique 184

Causes (HAZOP term), defined 133

CCPS. See Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS)

Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) creation of 3 focus of 11 hazard evaluation practitioner demand and 233 process safety management elements listed 13

Checklist Analysis described 54 hazard identification methods and results 47 prioritization attributes of 204 use of technique 99 What-If/Checklist Analysis combination 62 383

See also What-If/Checklist Analysis combination worked example

Checklist Analysis/Safety Review combined analysis worked example 311 analysis description 313 conclusions and observations 319 follow-up 319 problem definition 311

background 311 hazard evaluation technique selection 312 resource availability 311 study preparation 312

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Checklist Analysis/Safety Review combined analysis worked example (Continued) results discussed 317

Chemical Abstracts Service, material properties analysis 36

Chemical compatibility, chart guide to 397

Chemical compounds, listing of hazardous 45

Chemical Exposure Index (CEI), described 57 106

Chemical Industries Association, Ltd., described 40

Chemical Industry Safety and Health Council, described 40

Chemical Manufacturers Association (CMA), described 39

Chemical process industry (CPI) hazard evaluation study and 8 12 process safety management (PSM) programs and 13

Chlorine markets for 247 summary of characteristics of 250 VCM process chemicals and hazards 237 241

Chlorine Institute, Inc., described 40

Clean Air Act of 1990 4

Compatibility. See Chemical compatibility

Completeness, hazard evaluation limitations 20

Complexity of study, hazard evaluation technique and 52 78

Compressed Gas Association, described 40

Compressors, equipment hazards questions 412

Computer software Cause-Consequence Analysis (CCA) 186 cautionary notes on 94 Checklist Analysis 100 Event Tree Analysis (ETA) 181 Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) 155 Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) 170 future research and development and 220 hazard identification methods and results and 44 Human Reliability Analysis (HRA) 193 Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA) 115

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Computer software (Continued) Relative Ranking 109 Safety Review 98 What-If Analysis 120 What-If/Checklist Analysis 124

Conceptual design Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA) 59 Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA) worked example 262

See also Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA) worked example

Consequences (HAZOP term), defined 133

Construction/start-up phase, Checklist Analysis/Safety Review combined analysis 311 See also Checklist Analysis/Safety Review combined analysis

Corporate culture, hazard evaluation (HE) study infrastructure and 24

CPI. See Chemical process industry (CPI)

D Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials, Seventh Edition, material properties analysis 36

Deadlines, hazard evaluation (HE) study analysis objectives and scope 27

Decision making future research and development 224 hazard evaluation technique selection 84 85

248 management response development, follow-up considerations 214

Decommissioning phase, What-If/Checklist Analysis combination worked example 383 See also What-If/Checklist Analysis worked example

Design Institute for Physical Property Data (DIPPR, AIChE), material properties database of 36

Design Review. See Safety Review technique

Detailed engineering phase, Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)/Event Tree Analysis (ETA) combined analysis worked example 296

See also Fault Tree (FTA)/Event Tree (ETA) combined analysis worked example

Deviation-by-deviation HAZOP table, described 143

Deviations (HAZOP term) defined 133 identification of 141

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Distributed control system (DCS), hazard evaluation technique selection and 73

Documentation Cause-Consequence Analysis (CCA) 185 Checklist Analysis 100 Event Tree Analysis (ETA) 180 Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) 155 Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) 169 follow-up considerations 210 Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) Analysis 143 hazard evaluation technique and 52 HAZOP study 139 HE study infrastructure and 24 25 Human Reliability Analysis (HRA) 192 Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA) 114 Relative Ranking 108 Safety Review 97 What-If Analysis 119 What-If/Checklist Analysis 124

Dow Fire and Explosion Index (F&EI) described 56 106 prioritization attributes of 204

E Economic impacts, hazard identification 35

Electrical power, equipment hazards questions 423

Environmental impacts hazard evaluation supplemental questions 439 hazard identification 35

Equipment hazards questions 404 compressors 412 electrical power 423 furnaces and boilers 418 heat exchangers 417 instrumentation 420 miscellaneous 424

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Equipment hazards questions (Continued) piping and valves 407 pressure and vacuum relief 404 pumps 411 reactors 414 vessels (tanks, drums, towers, etc.) 415

Ergonomics, Human Reliability Analysis (HRA) 190

Ethylene summary of characteristics of 250 VCM process chemicals and hazards 237 241

Ethylene dichloride summary of characteristics of 250 VCM process chemicals and hazards 237 241

Event Tree Analysis (ETA) described 69 Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)/Event Tree Analysis (ETA) combined analysis worked example 296

See also Fault Tree (FTA)/Event Tree (ETA) combined analysis worked example Human Reliability Analysis (HRA) and 194 PC-based software for 223 225 prioritization attributes of 205 use of technique 175

Exception-only HAZOP table, described 144

Execution, hazard evaluation (HE) study preparation 32

Existing conditions (FTA analysis), defined 164

Experience base relevance hazard evaluation limitations 22 worked example hazard identification 242

Experts, responsibilities described 31

Expert systems, future research and development 220

Exposure limits, material property hazard identification 37

F Failure (FTA analysis), defined 160

Failure Modes, Effects, and Criticality Analysis (FMEDA)

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Failure Modes, Effects, and Criticality Analysis (FMEDA) (Continued) prioritization attributes of 204 206 table example 207

Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) described 66 PC-based software for 223 prioritization attributes of 204 suitability of 74 use of technique 151

Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)/Human Reliability Analysis (HRA) combination worked example 364

analysis description 367 conclusions and observations 381 follow-up 381 problem definition 364

background 364 hazard evaluation technique selection 366 resource availability 364 study preparation 366

results discussed 375

Fault (FTA analysis), defined 160

Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) described 67 hazard evaluation and 22 HE study information requirements 27 information required for 75 PC-based software for 223 prioritization attributes of 205 use of technique 160

Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)/Event Tree Analysis (ETA) combined analysis worked example 296 analysis description 299 conclusions and observations 309 follow-up 309 problem definition 296

background 296

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Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)/Event Tree Analysis (ETA) combined analysis worked example (Continued) hazard evaluation technique selection 298 resource availability 296 study preparation 299

results 308

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) described 40 material properties analysis 36

Fertilizer Institute, described 40

Fire protection, hazard evaluation supplemental questions 435

Flammability/explosivity, material property hazard identification 37

Follow-up considerations 198 documentation 210 Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)/Human Reliability Analysis (HRA)

combination worked example 381 Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)/Event Tree Analysis (ETA) combined analysis worked example 309 HAZOP analysis worked example 294 HAZOP analysis worked example (for periodic review) 334 management response development 214 overview of 198 prioritization 198

approaches for 200 basis for 199 result types 198

Relative Ranking/HAZOP analysis combination (for batch process) worked example 349 resolution of action items 216 What-If Analysis worked example 260 What-If/Checklist Analysis combination worked example 393

Furnaces and boilers, equipment hazards questions 418

Future research and development 220

G Government agencies, material properties analysis 36

Guidelines for Hazard Evaluation Procedures, goal of 3

Guidelines for the Technical Management of Chemical Process Safety, publication of 4

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Guide words (HAZOP term), defined 133

H Hazard, defined 11 35

Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) Analysis described 64 future research and development 224 hazard evaluation and 22 hazard identification methods and results 47 HE study information requirements 27 prioritization attributes of 204 Relative Ranking/HAZOP analysis combination (for batch process) 336

See also Relative Ranking/HAZOP analysis combination (for batch process) suitability of 73 team approach in 30 use of technique 131

Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) Analysis worked example 274 analysis description 278 conclusions and observations 295 follow-up 294 problem definition 274

background 274 hazard evaluation technique selection 276 resource availability 274 study preparation 276

results discussed 288

Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) Analysis worked example (for periodic review) 320 analysis description 324 conclusions and observations 334 follow-up 334 problem definition 320

background 320 hazard evaluation technique selection 321 resource availability 321 study preparation 321

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Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) Analysis worked example (for periodic review) (Continued) results discussed 329

Hazard evaluation limitations of 20 process safety management (PSM) program and 7 73

233 project lifetime perspective on 20

Hazard evaluation (HE) study background of 12 benefits of 8 chemical process industry (CPI) and 8 described 7 233 Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)/Event Tree Analysis (ETA) combined analysis 298 focus of 11 12 follow-up considerations for 198

See also Follow-up considerations future developments in 220 hazard evaluation

limitations of 20 project lifetime perspective on 20

hazard evaluation technique and 52 hazard identification methods and results 49 integration with process safety management (PSM) program, future research and

development 224 limits of 9 management response development 214 process accident elements and 15 risk management strategies and 13 successful, described 73

Hazard evaluation (HE) study preparation 24 analysis objectives and scope 25 Checklist Analysis/Safety Review combined analysis 312 Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)/Human Reliability Analysis (HRA)

combination worked example 366 Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)/Event Tree Analysis (ETA) combined analysis 299

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Hazard evaluation (HE) study preparation (Continued) hazard evaluation technique and 52 HAZOP analysis worked example 276 HAZOP analysis worked example (for periodic review) 321 information requirements for 27 infrastructure requirements 24 personnel and skill requirements 30 Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA) worked example 265 Relative Ranking/HAZOP analysis combination (for batch process) 340 schedule and execution 32 What-If Analysis worked example 252 What-If/Checklist Analysis combination worked example 386

Hazard evaluation (HE) study reports. See Documentation

Hazard evaluation practitioner. See also Personnel demand for 233 training of 11

Hazard evaluation supplemental questions 399 environmental protection 439 equipment questions 404

compressors 412 electrical power 423 furnaces and boilers 418 heat exchangers 417 instrumentation 420 miscellaneous 424 piping and valves 407 pressure and vacuum relief 404 pumps 411 reactors 414 vessels (tanks, drums, towers, etc.) 415

fire protection 435 maintenance questions 428 management and policy issues 442 operations questions 426 personnel safety 430

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Hazard evaluation supplemental questions (Continued) process questions 399

Hazard evaluation team leader. See Team leader

Hazard evaluation techniques 51 See also Worked examples; entries under specific techniques Cause-Consequence Analysis (CCA) 70 Checklist Analysis 54 Event Tree Analysis (ETA) 69 Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) 66 Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) 67 future research and development in 221 Hazard and Operability Analysis (HAZOP) 64 Human Reliability Analysis (HRA) 71 overview of 51 Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA) 59 Relative Ranking 56 Safety Review technique 53 variety of 94 What-If Analysis 60 What-If/Checklist Analysis 62 worked example hazard identification 245

Hazard evaluation technique selection 73 Checklist Analysis/Safety Review combined analysis 312 decision making process for 84 85 factors influencing 74

analysis problem characteristics 74 78 information available 74 76 motivation for study 74 75 perceived risk perspective 74 80 resource availability and preference 75 81 results required 74 76

Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)/Human Reliability Analysis (HRA) combination worked example 366

Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)/Event Tree Analysis (ETA) combined analysis 298 HAZOP analysis worked example 276

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Hazard evaluation technique selection (Continued) HAZOP analysis worked example (for periodic review) 321 illustrative example in 84 overview of 73 personnel involved in 73 Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA) worked example 265 Relative Ranking/HAZOP analysis combination (for batch process) 338 What-If Analysis worked example 248 What-If/Checklist Analysis combination worked example 386

Hazard evaluation technique use 93 See also Worked examples; entries under specific techniques Cause-Consequence Analysis (CCA) 184 Checklist Analysis 99 Event Tree Analysis (ETA) 175 Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) 151 Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) 160 Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) Analysis 131 Human Reliability Analysis (HRA) 189 overview of 93 Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA) 112 Relative Ranking 104 Safety Review 95 What-If Analysis 117 What-If/Checklist Analysis 122

Hazard identification hazard evaluation (HE) study and 12 worked examples 241

Hazard identification methods and results 35 analysis of material properties and process conditions 36 experience and 44 future research and development in 220 hazard evaluation technique use 47 interaction matrix development and 45 overview of 35 results 49

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Hazardous chemical compounds, list of examples 45

Hazardous Materials Advisory Council (HMAC) 40

Hazard type, hazard evaluation technique selection and 80

HAZOP. See Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) Analysis

Heat exchangers, equipment hazards questions 417

HEP Guidelines, publication of 3

HE practitioner. See Hazard evaluation (HE) practitioner, Personnel

Human impacts, hazard identification 35

Human Reliability Analysis (HRA) described 71 Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)/Human Reliability Analysis (HRA)

combination worked example 364 prioritization attributes of 205 use of technique 189

Hydrogen, VCM process chemicals and hazards 241

Hydrogen chloride summary of characteristics of 250 VCM process chemicals and hazards 237 241

I ICI Mond Index

described 57 106 prioritization attributes of 204

Incident investigation phase, Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)/Human Reliability Analysis (HRA) combination worked example 364

Incinerator explosion, Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)/Event Tree Analysis (ETA) combined analysis 296 308

Information availability of, factors influencing hazard evaluation technique selection 74 76 requirements for, hazard evaluation (HE) study preparation 27 sources of

hazard evaluation (HE) study execution 32 hazard evaluation (HE) study infrastructure and 24 listing of 38 material properties analysis 36

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Information (Continued) vinyl chloride monomer manufacturing process 248

Initial equipment configuration (FTA analysis), defined 164

Initial operating conditions (FTA analysis) 164

Initiating event, Event Tree Analysis (ETA) 175 176

Inscrutability, hazard evaluation limitations 21

Institute of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) 41

Institute of Electrical/Electronic Engineers (IEEE) 41

Instrumentation, equipment hazards questions 420

Integrated emergency generator, PC-based event tree software with 225

Integrated experience database, future research and development 223

Intention (HAZOP term), defined 133

Interaction matrix development hazard identification methods and results and 45 worked example hazard identification 242

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. See World Bank

K Knowledge-based approach (HAZOP), described 141 143

L Level of resolution (FTA analysis), defined 163

Library-based approach (HAZOP), described 141

Life cycle approach hazard evaluation (HE) study analysis objectives and scope 25 26 hazard evaluation (HE) study information requirements 27 hazard evaluation study and 7 hazard evaluation technique selection and 76 worked example facility and process 237

Logic and event symbols, Fault Tree Analysis) 160

Loss Prevention Review. See Safety Review technique

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M Maintenance questions, hazard evaluation supplemental questions 428

Management follow-up considerations 214 hazard evaluation supplemental questions 442 hazard evaluation technique selection 73 HE study analysis objectives and scope 25 HE study infrastructure and 24

Material Hazard Index (MHI), described 106

Material properties hazard identification methods and results 36 worked example hazard identification 241

Material safety data sheet (MSDS) material properties analysis 36 vinyl chloride monomer manufacturing process 248

Meetings hazard evaluation (HE) study execution 32 33 HAZOP study 137

Minimal cut sets, Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)/Event Tree Analysis (ETA) combined analysis 305 308

Mond index. See ICI Mond Index

Motivation (for study), factors influencing hazard evaluation technique selection 74 75

Multidisciplinary team, hazard evaluation (HE) study and 12

Multi-failure mode logic modeling techniques, future research and development 223

Mutagenicity, material property hazard identification 37

N National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) 41

National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) 41

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 41

National Institute for Chemical Studies (NICS) 41

National Safety Council (NSC), described 42

Natural gas, VCM process chemicals and hazards 241

Not allowed events (FTA analysis), defined 164

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O Odor threshold, material property hazard identification 37

Operating procedures, HE study information requirements 27

Operating steps (HAZOP term), defined 133

Operations questions, hazard evaluation supplemental questions 426

Operations type, hazard evaluation technique selection and 79

Operator function, Human Reliability Analysis (HRA) 191

OR-gate rule (FTA analysis), defined 167

OSHA. See U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

Oxygen, VCM process chemicals and hazards 241

P Perceived risk perspective, factors influencing hazard evaluation technique selection 74 80

Persistence (in environment), material property hazard identification 37

Personal computer, future research and development and 220

Personnel. See also Hazard evaluation practitioner hazard evaluation (HE) study infrastructure and 24 hazard evaluation (HE) study preparation 30 hazard evaluation technique selection 73 safety of hazard evaluation supplemental questions 430 training of, worked examples and 231

Physical properties, material property hazard identification 37

Physical system boundaries (FTA analysis) 163

P&ID future research and development 224 hazard evaluation (HE) study information requirements 27

Pilot plant operation phase, HAZOP analysis worked example 274 See also HAZOP analysis worked example

Piping and valves, equipment hazards questions 407

Plant expansion phase, Relative Ranking/HAZOP analysis combination (for batch process) 336 See also Relative Ranking/HAZOP analysis combination (for batch process) worked


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Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), Relative Ranking/HAZOP analysis combination (for batch process) 336

See also Relative Ranking/HAZOP analysis combination (for batch process) worked example

Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA) described 59 prioritization attributes of 204 use of technique 112

Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA) worked example 262 analysis description 266 conclusions and observations 272 follow-up 272 problem definition 262

background 262 hazard evaluation technique selection 265 resource availability 264 study preparation 265

results discussed 269

Pressure and vacuum relief, equipment hazards questions 404

Prioritization 198 approaches for 200 basis for 199 future research and development 224 result types 198

Process accident, elements of 15

Process conditions, hazard identification methods and results 36

Process parameter, defined 133

Process safety, defined 15

Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals (OSHA), HE study information requirements 27

Process safety management (PSM) program expert systems and 220 hazard evaluation and 7 73

233 HE study infrastructure and 24

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Process safety management (PSM) program (Continued) institutionalization of 13 integration with hazard evaluation study, future research and development 224 management response development and 215 timeliness in resolving actions and 218

Process Safety Review. See Safety Review technique

Process sections (study nodes) (HAZOP term) defined 133 HAZOP analysis worked example 277

Process troubleshooter, future research and development 224

Process type, hazard evaluation technique selection and 79

Professional associations listing of 38 material properties analysis 36

Propylene, VCM process chemicals and hazards 241

PSM. See Process safety management (PSM) program

Pumps, equipment hazards questions 411

Q Quantitative risk analysis (QRA) 13

hazard evaluation limitations and 22 prioritization attributes and 210

R Ranking. See Prioritization

Reactivity, material property hazard identification 37

Reactors, equipment hazards questions 414

Recommendations. See also Actions (recommendations) appropriate criteria for rejection of 216 timeliness in resolving 218

Relative Ranking described 56 PC-based software for 223 use of technique 104

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Relative Ranking/HAZOP analysis combination (for batch process) worked example 336 analysis description 341 conclusions and observations 350 follow-up 349 problem definition 336

background 336 hazard evaluation technique selection 338 resource availability 338 study preparation 340

results discussed 349

Reports. See Documentation

Reproducibility, hazard evaluation limitations 21

Research and development future developments in 220 hazard evaluation study and 7 Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA) and 59 What-If Analysis, worked example of 247

See also What-If analysis worked example

Resource availability and preference Checklist Analysis/Safety Review combined analysis 311 factors influencing hazard evaluation technique selection 75 81 Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)/Human Reliability Analysis (HRA)

combination worked example, problem definition 364 Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)/Event Tree Analysis (ETA) combined analysis 296 HAZOP analysis worked example 274 HAZOP analysis worked example (for periodic review) 321 Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA) worked example 264 Relative Ranking/HAZOP analysis combination (for batch process) 338 What-If Analysis worked example 248 What-If/Checklist Analysis combination worked example 383

Responsibility, action resolutions and 218

Results required, factors influencing hazard evaluation technique selection 74 76

Risk management response development and 215 perceived risk perspective, factors influencing hazard evaluation technique selection 74 80

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Risk (Continued) prioritization attributes and 209 prioritization criteria 200 reduction of, prioritization criteria 200 strategies for managing 13

Routine operation phase, HAZOP analysis worked example (for periodic review) 320 See also Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) Analysis worked example (for periodic review)

S Safeguards (HAZOP term), defined 133

Safety improvement recommendations, prioritization criteria 200

Safety Review Checklist Analysis/Safety Review combined analysis 311

See also Checklist Analysis/Safety Review combined analysis described 53 prioritization attributes of 204 use of technique 95

Safety review software, future research and development 223

SARA Title III, relative ranking indexes and 57

SARA Title III Threshold Planning Quantity (TPQ) Index. See Threshold Planning Quantity (TPQ) Index

Schedule, hazard evaluation (HE) study preparation 32

Scribe, responsibilities described 30

Size of study, hazard evaluation technique and 52 78

Skill requirements, hazard evaluation (HE) study preparation 30

Society for Risk Analysis (SRA), described 42

Society of the Plastics Industry (SPI), described 42

Software. See Computer software

Stability, material property hazard identification 37

Structural importance concept, prioritization and 202

Study notes. See Process sections (study notes)

Subjectivity, hazard evaluation limitations 22

Substance Hazard Index (SHI) described 57 106

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Substance Hazard Index (SHI) (Continued) example of use of 109

Symbols, illustration of 445

Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturers Association (SOCMA), described 42

System Safety Society (SSS), described 42

T Team approach

hazard evaluation study personnel and skills 30 HAZOP and 131 136 multidisciplinary team 12

Team leader documentation and 212 hazard evaluation technique selection 73 HAZOP study 136 responsibilities described 30 32 selection of 262 263

Technical Association of Pulp and Paper Industry 43

Technical project manager, hazard evaluation technique selection 73

Teratogenicity, material property hazard identification 37

Threshold Planning Quantity (TPQ) Index 57 106

Timeliness, action resolutions and 218

Top event (FTA analysis), defined 163

Toxicity, material property hazard identification 37

Tracking process action item tracking 216 future research and development 225

U U.S. Army. See Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA)

U.S. Coast Guard 43 material properties analysis 36

U.S. Department of Labor, described 43

U.S. Department of Transportation, described 43

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U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) described 43 material properties analysis 36 Threshold Planning Quantity (TPQ) Index 57

U.S. Military Standard System Safety Program Requirements, Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA) and 59

U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). See also Process safety management (PSM) program

hazard evaluation and 7 hazard evaluation (HE) study information requirements 27 relative ranking indexes and 57 rules of 4

V Vessels (tanks, drums, towers, etc.), equipment hazards questions 415

Vinyl chloride monomer (VCM) manufacturing process for 248 summary of characteristics of 250 VCM process chemicals and hazards 237 241 worked example 234

See also Worked example facility and process

W Water, VCM process chemicals and hazards 241

What-If Analysis described 60 hazard identification methods and results 47 prioritization attributes of 204 use of technique 117

What-If Analysis worked example 247 analysis description 253 conclusions and observations 260 follow-up 260 problem definition 247

available resources 248

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What-If Analysis worked example (Continued) background 247 hazard evaluation technique selection 248 study preparation 252

results discussed 256

What-If/Checklist Analysis combination described 62 hazard identification methods and results 47 PC-based software for 222 prioritization attributes of 204 use of technique 122

What-If/Checklist Analysis combination worked example 383 analysis description 388 background 383 conclusions and observations 394 follow-up 393 hazard evaluation technique selection 386 problem definition 383 resource availability 383 results discussed 393 study preparation 386

Worked example facility and process 236 company and facility background 236 process lifetime description 237 process overview 237

Worked example hazard identification 241 experience review 242 hazard evaluation techniques 245 interaction matrix 242 material properties analysis 241

Worked examples Checklist Analysis/Safety Review combined analysis 311

See also Checklist Analysis/Safety Review combined analysis Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)/Human Reliability Analysis (HRA)

combination worked example 364

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Worked examples (Continued) Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)/Event Tree Analysis (ETA) combined analysis 296

See also Fault Tree (FTA)/Event Tree (ETA) combined analysis HAZOP analysis worked example 274

See also HAZOP analysis worked example HAZOP analysis worked example (for periodic review) 320

See also HAZOP analysis worked example (for periodic review) instructional strategy of 234 personnel training and 231 Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA) worked example 262

See also Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA) worked example purpose of 233 Relative Ranking/HAZOP analysis combination (for batch process) 336

See also Relative Ranking/HAZOP analysis combination (for batch process) use of 235 What-If Analysis method 247

See also What-If analysis worked example

World Bank described 43 material properties analysis 36

Z Zero accident goal 3

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