  • Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USAVol. 75, No. 10, pp. 5043-5047, October 1978Cell Biology

    Inducers of DNA synthesis present during mitosis of mammaliancells lacking G1 and G2 phases

    (cell cycle/cell fusion/prematurely condensed chromosomes)

    POTU N. RAO, BARBARA A. WILSON, AND PRASAD S. SUNKARADepartment of Developmental Therapeutics, The University of Texas System Cancer Center, M.D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute,Houston, Texas 77030

    Communicated by David M. Prescott, July 27, 1978

    ABSTRACT The cell cycle analysis of Chinese hamster lungfibroblast V79-8 line by the premature chromosome condensa-tion method has confirmed the absence of measurable GI andG2 periods. Sendai virus-mediated fusion of mitotic V79-8 cellswith GI phase HeLa cells resulted in the induction of both DNAsynthesis and premature chromosome condensation in the latter,indicating the presence of the inducers of DNA synthesis abovethe critical level not only throughout S phase, as it is in HeLa,but also during mitosis of V79-8 cells. No initiation of DNAsynthesis was observed whe-n GI phase HeLa cells were fusedwith mitotic CHO cells. These results indicate that the presenceor absence of a GI period in the cell cycle depends on the levelsof the inducers of DNA synthesis present in the cell during mi-tosis.

    Studies involving nuclear transplantation (1, 2) and cell fusionbetween cells in various phases of the cell cycle (3, 4) haveshown that the cytoplasm of the cells undergoing DNA repli-cation contains certain factors that can induce DNA synthesisprematurely in GI nuclei when they are brought in contact witheach other. Preparations for the initiation of DNA synthesis inmammalian cells, including the synthesis of these inducers, arepresumed to take place during the GI phase, which immedi-ately precedes the period of DNA synthesis. However, untilrecently it was not clear whether the inducers of DNA synthesisreach a critical level abruptly at the Gl/S transition or accu-mulate gradually during the GC period. On the basis of cellfusion studies involving HeLa cells synchronized at variouspoints in the GC period, Rao et al. (5) have proposed a modelregarding the availability of the inducers of DNA synthesisduring the HeLa cell cycle. According to this model, the in-ducers of DNA synthesis accumulate gradually during the GCperiod, reaching a critical level by the end of this period, whenDNA synthesis is initiated. As DNA synthesis is completed, thelevel of these inducers decreases below the critical level.Therefore it is of interest to see how such a model would fit acell line (Chinese hamster V79-8) that has neither GC or G2phase in its cell cycle (6). In the Chinese hamster V79-8 cells,successive periods of DNA synthesis are interrupted only by ashort period of mitosis. Hence, the objective of the present studywas to determine whether the inducers of DNA synthesisremain above the critical concentration throughout the cellcycle or decrease during mitosis. The results of these experi-ments indicate that the factors for the initiation of both DNAsynthesis and mitosis can be present simultaneously in mitoticcells.

    MATERIALS AND METHODSCells and Cell Synchrony. The Chinese hamster cell line

    (V79-8), which lacks both the GI and G2 phases in its cell cycle,was kindly supplied by R. Michael Liskay, University of Col-orado, Boulder, CO. V79-8 cells were grown as monolayers onFalcon plastic culture dishes in McCoy's 5A modified mediumsupplemented with 15% heat-inactivated fetal calf serum(GIBCO) in a humidified CO2 (5%) incubator at 37°. Underthese conditions, this cell line had a generation time of about10 hr (6). V79-8 cells were synchronized in mitosis by selectivedetachment after a brief (2-hr) exposure to Colcemid (0.05gg/ml).HeLa cells, grown in suspension culture, were routinely

    maintained in exponential growth by daily diluting with freshEagle's minimal essential medium supplemented with heat-inactivated fetal calf serum (10%, vol/vol), nonessential aminoacids, penicillin/streptomycin mixture, sodium pyruvate, andglutamine (7). For cell fusion studies, HeLa cells in Gl phasewere obtained by synchronizing cells in mitosis by the nitrousoxide block method (8) and then allowing them to divide overa period of 3 hr after the reversal of the mitotic block. A 3S-minpulse labeling of the Gl population with [3H]thymidine indi-cated a labeling index of zero. The mitotic index was less than5%.

    Cell Fusion and Cell Cycle Analysis. The cell cycle analysisof V79-8 cells was performed by the use of the prematurechromosome condensation method (9). Mitotic and randompopulations of V79-8 cells were fused by the use of UV-inacti-vated Sendai virus to induce premature chromosome conden-sation. The detailed procedures for cell cycle analysis by cellfusion have been described (9). This method of cell cycleanalysis is based on the fact that the morphology of the pre-maturely condensed chromosomes (PCC) of an interphase cellindicates its position in the cell cycle at the time of fusion.

    Kinetics of Induction of DNA Synthesis in GI Phase HeLaCells. Mitotic V79-8 cells, prelabeled with [3H]thymidine, werefused with HeLa cells in GI phase. Colcemid (0.5 ,g/ml) wasadded to the fusion mixture along with the virus and kept in themedium throughout the experiment in order to prevent theV79-8 cells from completing mitosis. The new mitotic inhibitorMaytansine (10) appeared to be more effective than Colcemidin holding the V79-8 cells in mitosis for prolonged periods.Hence, Colcemid was replaced by Maytansine in later experi-ments.

    After fusion, a small sample of the cells was deposited directlyon a clean slide by the use of a cytocentrifuge, fixed in a 3:1(vol/vol) absolute methanol/glacial acetic acid mixture, andprocessed forautoradiography to determine the extent of fusion.The remaining cells were diluted with fresh medium containing

    Abbreviation: PCC, prematurely condensed chromosomes.5043

    The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by pagecharge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "ad-vertisement" in accordance with 18 U. S. C. §1734 solely to indicatethis fact.




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  • Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 75 (1978)

    [3H]thymidine (1.0 ,gCi/ml, 6.7 Ci/mmol) and Colcemid (0.5,gg/ml) and then plated in a number of 35-mm Falcon plasticculture dishes. At hourly intervals, one of the dishes wastrypsinized and the cell samples were deposited on slides, fixed,and processed for autoradiography as described above. The cellswere stained with Giemsa and scored for the presence of labelon either the nuclei or PCC of HeLa cells residing along withthe mitotic chromosomes of V79-8 cells in the same cyto-plasm.

    Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, which have a GL periodof 2 to 2.5 hr, were used as a control. Mitotic CHO cells, col-lected by selective detachment after a 2-hr exposure to Col-cemid (0.5 ,gg/ml), were incubated for another 3 hr in the samemedium containing Colcemid and then fused with GC phaseHeLa cells. After fusion, cells were incubated with [3H]thy-midine and samples were taken at hourly intervals, processed,and scored as described above. About 200 cells were scored foreach sample point.

    Cell Cycle Progression of V79-8 Cells after the Reversalof a Mitotic Block. To determine how rapidly the cells enterS phase after cell division, we synchronized V79-8 cells in mi-tosis by selective detachment after a 2-hr Colcemid (0.05,ug/ml) block. The Colcemid was removed by washing andplating the mitotic cells in regular medium in a number ofdishes. At 30-min intervals, one of the dishes was trypsinized.A small fraction of the cells was deposited on a slide by the useof cytocentrifuge, fixed, stained with aceto-orcein, and scoredfor mitotic index. The remaining cells in the sample were fusedwith mitotic V79-8 cells for cell cycle analysis by the PCCmethod.

    RESULTSCell Cycle Analysis. The cell cycle analysis of V79-8 cells

    in exponential growth. by the PCC method revealed that 95.5%of the cells were in S phase, as indicated by the "pulverized"appearance of the PCC. The cells in GI phase constituted lessthan 1%. About 4% of the cells that exhibited PCC with G2-likemorphology have completed DNA replication except for oneor two short regions and hence by definition should still beconsidered as in S phase (see Fig. 1). These data suggest that theV79-8 cells have practically no G1 and G2 in their cell cycle.

    Rapidity of Mitotic to S Phase Transition in V79-8 Cells.After the reversal of the Colcemid (0.05 ,ug/ml) block, thesynchronized mitotic cells completed cell division very rapidly;i.e., within 30 min the mitotic index decreased from 98% to 48%and by 60 min it was below 5%. The cycle'analysis of this pop-ulation by the PCC method at 30 min after the reversal of theColcemid block indicated that 90% of the interphase cells ex-hibited PCC with early S phase morphology (Fig. 1A), whilethe remaining were of theG1 type. These data suggest that thetransition from mitosis to S phase occurs very rapidly in V79-8cells.

    Induction of Both DNA Synthesis and Premature Chro-mosome Condensation in GI Phase HeLa Cells by Fusionwith Mitotic V79-8 Cells. Because successive rounds of DNAsynthesis in V79-8 cells are interrupted by only a brief periodof cell division, we decided to test whether the inducers of DNAsynthesis are present during mitosis. The fusion of mitotic V79-8cells with HeLa cells inGI period resulted in both the inductionof DNA synthesis and premature chromosome condensationin the HeLa nuclei (Fig. 2). During the first hour of fusion, theinduction of DNA synthesis in HeLa nuclei was much morerapid than PCC induction (Fig. 3). Subsequently, both theseparameters increased linearly as a function of time. The labelingindex in the mononucleate (U) and binucleate (UU) HeLa cellsremained essentially zero (U = unlabeled nucleus). In some ofthe fused cells, DNA synthesis was induced but not premature


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    FIG. 1. PCC of V79-8 cells in exponential growth. (X1600.) (A)Product of a fusion between mitotic and S phase V79-8 cells. The PCCare of early S phase morphology, exhibiting "pulverized" appearance.The darkly stained chromosomes are of the mitotic cell. (B) Productof fusion between a mitotic and two interphase cells. M = mitoticchromosomes, well condensed and darkly stained; G1 = G1 PCC withone chromatid each; G2 = PCC of G2 morphology, consisting of twochromatids except for one or two short segments where DNA repli-cation is still in progress as indicated by a gap (arrow).

    chromosome condensation (Fig. 2 A and B). These resultsclearly demonstrate the presence of the inducers of both DNAsynthesis and premature chromosome condensation in themitotic cells of V79-8 line. In contrast, no DNA synthesis wasinitiated in HeLa nuclei residing in the binucleate cells formedby the fusion of mitotic CHO and HeLa GC.

    DISCUSSIONA reevaluation of the cell cycle parameters of the V79-8 cell lineby the PCC method has essentially confirmed the report ofLiskay (6), who observed that this cell line has no measurableperiods of GC and G2.A comparison of this cell line (V79-8) that lacksGC and G2

    phases with another, for example, HeLa, that has four distinctphases (i.e., G1, S, G2, and M) in its cell cycle may help us tounderstand the basis for cell cycle regulation. The parameters

    5044 Cell Biology: Rao et al.

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  • Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 75 (1978) 5045


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    FIG. 2. Heterophasic cells resulting from the fusion between mitotic V79-8 cells prelabeled with [3H]thymidine and the unlabeled HeLa cellsin G1 period. (X1600.) (A) Cell containing the nucleus of HeLa on one side and a bunch of darkly stained mitotic chromosomes of V79-8 (arrow)on the other. In this cell, the HeLa nucleus did not undergo premature chromosome condensation. (B) Autoradiograph of the same cell shownin A. Silver grains (black spots) can be seen on both the mitotic chromosomes and the interphase nucleus. (C) Cell containing highly condensedand darkly stained mitotic chromosomes of V79-8 and the lightly stained PCC of the HeLa cell (arrow). (D) Autoradiograph of the same cellshown in C. Label can be seen on both the mitotic and the prematurely condensed chromosomes.

    to be compared are: (i) the chromosome condensation, (ii) thelevels of inducers of DNA synthesis during the cell cycle, and(iii) the levels of the chromosome condensation factors.Chromosome Condensation Cycle. The suggestion for the

    existence of chromosome condensation cycle in mammaliancells made by Mazia (11) was subsequently supported by ex-perimental evidence derived by the use of a variety of tech-niques (9, 12-16). These studies revealed that the chromosomesachieve the maximum degree of condensation during meta-phase, gradually decondense during GI, and become least

    condensed at the time of DNA replication in early S phase. Soonafter the completion of DNA synthesis, the chromosomes re-condense progressively through the duration of the G2 period(14) and once again reach the height of their condensationduring mitosis (Fig. 4A). It is presumed that the degree ofchromosome condensation that occurs during the G2 period isof a different order of magnitude than that taking place duringthe initiation of mitosis. In contrast, the chromosomes of V79-8cells decondense rather rapidly. Our data indicate that thehighly condensed metaphase chromosomes of V79-8 cells reach





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    Cell Biology: Rao et al.

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  • Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 75 (1978)











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    Hours after fusion

    FIG. 3. Frequency of induction ofDNA synthesis and prematurechromosome condensation in G1 phase HeLa cells after fusion withmitotic V79-8 cells. 0, Frequency of PCC induction among the bi-nucleate cells, consisting of a set of mitotic chromosomes of V79-8 andan interphase nucleus of HeLa; 0, labeling index on either nuclei orPCC of HeLa among the mitotic-interphase fused cells; A, labelingindex among the mono- or the binucleate HeLa cells.

    an extended state of the early S phase within 30 min (Fig. 1A).The condensation process following DNA replication also ap-pears to be quite rapid, because we did not find many cells withG2-PCC. The chromosome condensation cycle of V79-8 iscontrasted with that of HeLa in Fig. 4.

    Levels of Inducers of DNA Synthesis during the Cell Cycle.The levels of inducers of DNA synthesis are known to fluctuateduring the HeLa cell cycle (Fig. 4C). These inducers remainabove the critical level only during the S phase, when they caninduce DNA synthesis in a G1 nucleus upon fusion between Sand G1 cells (5). Mitotic cells of V79-8, which contain the in-ducers of DNA synthesis, are capable of inducing both DNAsynthesis and premature chromosome condensation in G1 phaseHeLa cells within an hour after fusion (Fig. 3). However, CHOcells blocked in mitosis over a period of 7-8 hr were unable toinduce DNA synthesis in the nuclei of G1 phase HeLa cellsfollowing fusion. This observation rules out the notion that,during the extended Colcemid block, the cytoplasm of CHOor V79-8 cells advances into S phase while the chromosomes arelocked in metaphase. Thus it is clear that inducers of DNAsynthesis are present and remain above the critical level in themitotic cells of V79-8 but not in those of CHO. In spite of thepresence of the inducers, the metaphase chromosomes of V79-8cells did not incorporate label during a 2-3 hr incubation ofColcemid-arrested mitotic cells with [3H]thymidine. In earlierstudies Rao and Johnson (3) have shown that the chromatin ofG2 cells (and probably of metaphase chromosomes) is notavailable for replication until the chromatids are separated.

    Levels of the Mitotic Factors. Our earlier studies involvingfusion of early, middle, and late G2 cells revealed that thefactors for the initiation of mitosis in HeLa cells accumulateduring the G2 period (17). The closer the cells are to mitosis,the greater is the level of the mitotic factors they contain. The

    TimeFIG. 4. An idealized diagram to show the differences between

    HeLa and V79-8 cells regarding some cell cycle parameters. Chro-mosome condensation cycle of (A) HeLa and (B) V79-8; the processof decondensation is gradual in HeLa, whereas it is very abrupt in thecase of V79-8 cells. Levels of inducers of DNA synthesis during thecell cycle of (C) HeLa and (D) V79-8 cells; the broken line indicatesthe critical level. Levels of the mitotic factors during the cell.cycle of(E) HeLa and (F) V79-8 cells; the broken line indicates the criticallevel.

    cell enters mitosis when the mitotic factors reach a critical level(Fig. 4E). However, in the case of V79-8 cells, the accumulationof mitotic factors must take place during the S phase becauseit has no significant G2 period (Fig. 4F).On the basis of these data, we suggest that the presence or

    absence of a Gl period in the cell cycle depends on the levelsof the inducers of DNA synthesis in a cell at the time of mitosis.If the inducers are present above a critical level during mitosis,the cell enters S phase immediately after cell division. If not,the cell requires a GI period to synthesize the inducers. Thus,the duration of GI period is directly related to the time requiredby the cell to achieve a critical concentration of the inducers.The slower the synthesis of these inducers, the longer the GIperiod.

    This investigation was supported by U.S. Public Health ServiceGrants CA-16480, CA-11520, CA-19856, and CA-14528 from theNational Cancer Institute and GM-23252 from the Institute of GeneralMedical Sciences.

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    . *I.- IA Chromosome condensation cycle B

    M +G1 S G2 4M M+--S 1MI

    I I I IM-


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    .... . ..- C Inducers of DNA synthesis D

    M G1---- S -4----2- -M------- 1

    M G1 IS G2-EM LMS S im

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