Page 1: Institution that would make my film


Page 2: Institution that would make my film


• One of the main reasons why I think that this could be the case is because they have quite a few similar films to my groups opening sequence. One of the most successful films that they have done which I feel is quite similar to our thriller is the several Fast and Furious films. Although these films are all relatively fast paced there are also many similar aspects to it. One of these was seen in in the seventh one where there is a sniper who is running through the woods and sets up a rifle.

Page 3: Institution that would make my film

• Other thriller films which they have made include the very famous film Jaws. The opening scenes tempo is very similar to ours when its starts off slower then goes very quickly and back to slow again which is similar to ours. although plot wise is very different the film has the kind of suspense that we would want in our film and I believe that universal studios would be a good option to help us with this.

Page 4: Institution that would make my film

• I also feel that the opening sequence is slightly similar in Gladiator in terms of the tempo of the opening sequence. Although the sequence is set in a different time it starts off calm then there is the action and there is the calm again. It is a longer scene than ours but it does however have a similar tempo throughout.

Page 5: Institution that would make my film

• Finally The Bourne films are also all very similar to the opening sequence that my group and I have made and there are several scenes over the four films where snipers are used. This I feel is the most similar film to our opening sequence.

Page 6: Institution that would make my film


• I feel that Lionsgate studios would be a good choice as they made one similar film to the one that our target audience which was Sicario. I think this as the main character is a woman is seen as the person who is in control.

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• I think that Vertigo would be a good option as they would be a good option as a small budget film studio as they have also made other thriller films such as the recent Snowden film. Although there is main character this is also about someone who is seen as bad and goes against the law.

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• Overall I believe that Liosgate films would be the best studio to make my groups film as they have made similar thrillers such as Sicario which includes a female main actress who is in a dominant role.

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