  • 7/29/2019 Interesting Words List


    Interesting Words List

    Agrestic: Someone who is rude, uncouth and uncultured.

    Ubiquitous: Which seems everywhere or omnipresent.

    Ecdysiast: A striptease artist.

    Bailiwick: An area of interest, activity or authority.

    Insinuation: A malicious implication.

    Animadversion: A harsh critical remark.

    Epistemology: Related to philosophy, which studies the science of how we know things.

    Banal: Boring, rudimentary, something that is not original.

    Godspeed: Success or fortune.

    Schadenfreude: Sadistic pleasure derived from someone's misfortune.

    Porphyrophobia: Fear of the color purple.

    Senescence: Growing old or aging.

    Euphony: Bearable or agreeable sound.

    Quixotic: Extremely romantic and chivalrous.

    Jocularity:Funny or joking speech; joking behavior

    Mendacity: A pretense; a false appearance.Obloquy: An oral or verbal abuse towards a person.

    Ribaldry: Behavior inclining towards indelicacy.

    Heebie-Jeebies: Nervous jitters.

    Corpulent: Extremely fat.

    Ennui: Boredom or joblessness.

    Callipygian: Well toned buttocks.

    Penultimate: Next to last.

    Kakistocracy: Government chosen by the worst class of citizens.

    Uxorious: Extremely submissive to one's wife.

    Ichthyophagous: One that feeds on fish.

    Hebetudinous: One who lacks mental stimulation, dull-minded, very lethargic.

    Mammiferous: Having mammary glands.

    Tatterdemalion: A shabbily dressed person.

    Jejune: Nothing interesting; rudimentary.

    Solipsism: It is a philosophical belief that only the self exists.

    Hedonism: A belief that happiness is the only good thing in life.

    Hiatus: A break; a pause.

    Hispid: Coarse bristle like hair, especially of animals or plants.

    Perspicacious: To have a very good judgment.

    Condign: A well deserved punishment.

    Deipnosophist: A person with excellent dinner table conversation skills.

    Eleemosynary: Pertaining to charity.

    Pareidolia: A psychological phenomenon, wherein a person has the notion of seeing faces of people inclouds, hearing hidden messages and other such unusual feelings.

    Pleonasm: Use of redundant words.

    Syzygy: Linear alignment of 3 celestial bodies (the sun, the moon and the earth).

    Tmesis: Separating parts of a word by using another word.

    Pilgarlic: A bald head.

    Sesquipedalian: Using long words.

    Sciolism: Superficial and pseudo knowledge.

    Stegophilist: A person who climbs buildings for the sake of fun.

  • 7/29/2019 Interesting Words List


    Lost Interesting Words

    Acrasial: Short tempered or ill tempered.

    Adimpleate: To fill up; to make something full.

    Aeipathy: Continued love or passion for something or someone.

    Bajulate: To take the burden of; bear the burden.

    Boscaresque: A scenic woodland; picturesque.

    Buccellation: The art of making small morsels.

    Coakatively: Artificially.

    Ecstasiate: To enter an ecstatic level.

    Exipotic: A purgatorial process.

    Fallaciloquence: A pretentious speech.

    Foppotee: A simpleton.

    Gnathonize: To flatter someone.

    Graviloquence: A sad or grave speech.

    Homerkin: An outdated measure for beer.

    Ictuate: To put stress on; to emphasize.Jobler: Someone who does petty jobs.

    Kexy: Dry and brittle.

    Lignicide: An ancient word for woodcutter.

    Misqueme: To offend or displease.

    Nepheliad: A sky nymph.

    Obstrigillate: To resist; refuse; protest.

    Phalerate: Decorated; made beautiful.

    Quadrimular: A phenomenon lasting for four years.

    Rhodologist: A person who studies and classifies roses.

    Sacricolist: A devoted worshiper.

    Tecnolatry: Act of idolizing children.

    Vacivity: Hollow or emptiness.

    Funny Interesting Words

    How could a funny language not have a list of some interesting words. Here are some amusingly funny


    Conundrum: A difficult problem or a situation.

    Oxymoron: Contradictory terms.

    Hubris: Overbearing pride.

    Caveat: A warning; notice.

    Kvetch: Complain constantly.Capricious: Acting on whims; impulsive.

    Facetious: Humorous; jocular.

    Loquacious: Talkative; trivial conversation.

    Anomaly: Abnormal; irregular.

    Sycophant: A person who tries to gain an advantage by pleasing someone.

    Why 'Y' Makes Interesting Words

  • 7/29/2019 Interesting Words List


    The letter 'Y' is regarded as both a consonant and as vowel, depending on the pronunciation of the word.

    Here's a list of words wherein the letter plays the role of only a vowel. It is the interchangeable role of the

    letter that makes these words interesting.

    By: Means of; with the help of; used while specifying dimensions.

    Dry: The act of removing moisture.

    Fly: Travel or move through air.

    Fry: Cook in a hot pan with oil.

    Gypsy: A nomad living the tribal way.

    Hymn: A song of praise for the Lord.

    Lymph: A bodily fluid.

    Lynch: To kill or hurt without legal sanction.

    Lynx: A wild cat with a short tail.

    Myth: A baseless story.

    My: Possessive pronoun used to show belonging of an object.

    Ply: Give the desired or needed.

    Pygmy: A small (height) person.

    Pyx: A chest in which coins are kept.Rhythm: A musical beat with regular intervals.

    Shy: Short of; lacking confidence.

    Sky: The outer space, appears blue in color when viewed from the earth's surface.

    Spry: Moving swiftly.

    Spy: To watch secretly.

    Sylph: A graceful and slender young woman.

    Try: Attempt.

    Tryst: Date with opposite gender.

    Wry: Sarcastic in a humorous way.

    Longest Interesting Words

    The English language has a list of longest words that make them a part of this list. A list of interesting

    especially the longest interesting words.

    Floccinaucinihilipilification: To describe something worthless.

    Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis: According to Oxford English Dictionary, a factitious

    word alleged to mean 'a lung disease caused by the inhalation of very fine silica dust, causing

    inflammation in the lungs.'

    Honorificabilitudinitatibus: This long word was coined by Shakespeare which means 'the state of being

    able to achieve honors'.

    Antidisestablishmentarianism: This is the longest non-coined and non-technical English word which

    was found in 19th to oppose the 'disestablishment of the Church of England as the state church ofEngland'.

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