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HRM Visited-

Ranjan Sarkar

Asst Manager

Mgnt. Development (Corporate HR)


I took this interview with Mr. Ranjan Sarkar, who is the Assistant HR manager in GlaxoSmithkline India.

I sincerely thank him for giving me his time and sharing his precious knowledge with me.

I also would like to thank my prof. in charge Ms. Mona Bhatia for giving her support for the completion of this project. THANKYOU VERY MUCH.

Questions that were asked to the HR manager: -

1. How is personnel management different for HRM?

Ans HRM is more focused on talent management. It considers HRM as a business function, with a goal of effective handling of its talent as a main focus. PM is rather more focused on managing people and their jobs.

Personnel Management is more of a system that is followed for handling and managing people with profitability as a main concern.

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HRM develops and motivates people to attain their goals rather than company’s goals and in this manner becomes more profitable

2. Qualities and Profiles of a good HR manager

Ans Qualities and profile of a HR manager are as follows: -

1. He should have EMPATHY.

2. LEADERSHIP skills are a must.

3. INSIGHT of each job and related situation.

4. CONCERN for its employees.


Profiles of a HR manager are as follows: -

1. Must have attended at least one LEADERSHIP camp.

2. Effective SOCIAL knowledge.

3. MBA in human resources management.

4. MBA from XLRI, TISS and form IIM (L) is an added advantage.

3. What are the Future challenges of HR in India and in corporate world?

Ans The biggest challenge for future of HR in India is its implimentation and penetration in all the industries and family run businesses.

The top class management has to understand its importance so as to give a boost to HR in corporate India.

The biggest challenge would be to develop such policies and developments so as to generate maximum employee satisfaction and efficiency by which the corporate India will become a much happier land to work and progress in.

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Technically, the future will see HR in every face of life. A day might come when even a college and school will have a HR dept. Thus at those times IMPLEMENTATION will be seen as a great challenge.

4. HR = Blessing or an evil?

Ans HR has always being a blessing to almost all organization. A simple example would be the practicing of HR in TATA’s have made its employees very loyal to company and jobs. The employees perceive the goals as their own and work hard for it they consider strikes as a sign of disloyalty towards the company.

Thus HRM has always been to the positive side of the company.

5. What will you rate HR? Good or bad for your organization?

Ans HR cannot only be rated good, but very good for our company .HR has improved the overall functioning of the company. The workers have developed interest in performing more accurately and profitably. The working conditions have changed and the atmosphere has become more amiable.

6. What is the most important aspect of HRM?

Ans The most important aspect of HR is aligning the people’s policy to the business objectives. It is very important for a HRM to see to it that he is creating an effective environment that increases employee’s morale and interest. After all in HRM employees are considered as the customers of the organization.

7. What are the points that are looked while employing people?

Ans Employing is not a line type of a function that can be done by following a basic procedure. It has various aspects such as: -

1. What does company want?

2. What are the situations in which company needs people?

3. Why does the company need them?

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4. For how long does it want to get engaged with them viz. temporary or permanent?

5. Qualifications needed for the application of the job?

6. Training is needed or not?

7. Personal qualities of the applicant?

8. Job profile

9. Faith of the applicant towards organization and his interests?

The above points are a necessity while recruiting peoples


How is your personal experience as a HR manager?Ans HRM has helped me to understand people in a better manner. The complexity of human can be well managed with the help of HRM.

HRM is a tool to develop good relationship with every one and in the course of time acquire leadership qualities.

In short HRM makes oneself realize how people can really be an asset to an organization.

9. What do you think is the most effective motivator of employees?

Ans HRM gives importance to human relations and thus motivation is also based on the same grounds, thus we at GlaxoSmithkline believe in motivating employees by giving them the perfect job profile which suits them and from which they can get their job satisfaction.

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Though HR gives less importance to money, but still in India money is high influencer and motivator of the employees.

Thus in GlaxoSmithkline we make sure that we offer a right mix of motivators because each individual gets motivated by different means. For example some employee gets a great boost even if you just pat on his back. While other feels good if he gets some monetary benefit.

The company always makes sure that the policies that are framed by the company are kept transparent and the employees are aware of it. Such activities act as an effective motivator.

10. What are some of the limitations of HR?

Ans The only limitation with HR is that you cannot judge a person accurately and thus at such times HR fails to work with such people.

11. What qualities do you look for in an employee while selection of an employee?

Ans Qualities that are been looked while employing people are as follows: -

1. Integrity

2. Flexibility

3. Initiative.

4. Foresight.

5. Understanding

6. Empathy

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What do you do to keep in touch with the recent HR developments?Ans The Company has its own library and also research works conductedby glaxosmithkline gathers lot of information. The company also appoints consultants to help them in their HR activities. And lastly Internet is one of the biggest sources of information that helps the HR managers to keep in touch with the resent trends of HRM.

13. What do you do for development of employees?

Ans Development of employees is done through their regular training and making their concepts more perfect. Mentoring the employees develops a great enthusiasm in employees and in this way they also learn new and better ways of doing their job.

14. What qualities do seek in a B.M.S student to become a successful HRM?

Ans For a BMS student to become a HRM, He should have a high persuasiveness towards the attainment of the goals in his life. If he decides to become a HRM he should put his all efforts and zeal to get his goal i.e. to become a HRM.

15. What are the resent trends in HRM?

Ans Recent trends have made HRM to become more focused on bottom line of the organisation. Introduction of IT has made all the employees work more efficiently with lightening speed. HRM considers people as not only assets but as their profits. GlaxoSmithkline considers its employees as its customers and its customers as its employees. Thus GlaxoSmithkline is a Family that is working together for a “Disease Free And A Healthy Universe”.

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HR Managers Role

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CONCLUSIONIt is true that HRM is one of the subjects that have to change with times.After meeting Mr. Ranjan I was made aware with resent HRM concepts and was able to see the practical application of Human Resources Management. The best part of the interview was the answer given by Mr. Ranjan for becoming a successful HR Manager from a BMS student. I was highly influenced by his words and will make sure that I will follow them.

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