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Songdew  Social  Music  Network  

Page 2: Introducing Songdew- The fastest growing music network in India

Music Industry in India has been Dominated by Filmi Music

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Economics of Business makes TV channels & Radio

Stations Play Filmi Music Only

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However, since last few

years,one is experiencing the resurgence of indie music.

Music Festivals, College Fests are catalyst to


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..BUT ,it is Internet and Social Media which have

democratised the process of

discovery and promotion of new


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What if there is a digital

platform exclusively for

music which helps artists to promote

their music & enables music lovers to

engage with their favorite


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A platform which provides career defining opportunities (both online & offline) to artists and


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Page 10: Introducing Songdew- The fastest growing music network in India

Within  few  months  of  its  launch,  Songdew  has  emerged  as  the  largest  music  network  in  India  with  15K  +  

ar9sts  using  the  innova:ve  features  of  site    to  promote  its  music  and  engage  

with  their  fans.  

Av  9me  spent  on  site  =  12  Min  +  (  more  than  any  music  network)  

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What  makes  Songdew  the  most  preferred  and  leading  music  network  amongst  ar9sts  and  music  lovers?  

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Exposure  to  Ar9sts  &  Their  Music  

Featured  ar9st  /Songdew  Pick  The  profile  of  popular  and  upcoming  ar:sts  are  featured  and  their  music  is  promoted  through  widgets  on  website,  on  Songdew  Radio,  through  e  mailers  &    on  social  media      

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Exposure  to  Ar9sts  &  Their  Music  

Songdew  Charts  bring  the  popular  music  /  ar:sts  every  day  to  the  music  lovers.  Genre  filters  allow  people  to  listen  to  the  music  of  their  choice      

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Exposure  to  Ar9sts  &  Their  Music  

Songdew  Radio  &  Playlists  Good  music  gets  exposure  on  Songdew  Radio  and  also  on  Featured  Playlists  

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Exposure  to  Ar9sts  &  Their  Music  

Ar9st  Profile  Page  A  profile  page  gets  created  for  every  ar:st  as  he  uploads  content  and  other  relevant  details.  Easy  for  Ar:sts  to  promote  their  work  and  for  music  lovers  to  have  all  informa:on  about  an  ar:st  at  one  place  

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Tools  To  Promote  Music  

Easy  Sharing  with  Exclusive  Songdew  Wave  Player  Widget    Ar:sts  and  music  lovers  can  share  any    track,  video  etc.  on  all  prominent  social  networks  (  Facebook,  twiKer,  Pinterest,  Tumblr,  G+  )  A  wave  form  gets  created  for  every  track  uploaded  and  the  same  could  be  shared  with  the  player  on  facebook  :me  lines.    Thus,  the  tracks  could  be  played  on  Facebook  itself.  

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Tools  To  Promote  Music  

Customised  E-­‐mailers  for  Fans  Ar:sts  could  create  customised  e-­‐mailers  to  promote  their  music,  videos,  events  by  few  clicks  and  send  the  same  to  their  fans..  They  could  also  check  key  analy:cs  like  open  rate/click  rate  …all  for  Free  !  

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Tools  To  Promote  Music  

Songdew  Propacks  Op:ons  for  ar:sts  to  promote  their  music  on  Songdew  and  social  media  

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Facilita9ng  Engagement    

Every  user  could  track  various  ac:vi:es  and  gets  news  feed  of  his/her  followers  on  easy  to  navigate  dashboard  

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Opportuni9es  for  Ar9sts  

Songdew  features  various  opportuni:es  for  ar:sts  to  promote  their  music  or  perform  in  gigs  

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Opportuni9es  for  Ar9sts  

A  few  partners  with  whom  Songdew  is  working    to  create  opportuni9es  for  ar9sts/bands  

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Mobile  Site  with  simplified  UI  for  people  on  the  go  

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Free  The  Music  –  A  Unique  Ini9a9ve  

Bands/ar:sts  from  the  pool  of  ar:sts  on  website  are  iden:fied  and  their  music  is  launched  globally  by  Songdew  with  extensive  promo:on    and  the  opportunity  to  ar:sts  to  perform  in  the  best  venues  in  the  country    

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Free  The  Music  :  Jumpstart    to  the  Career  

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Songdew  provides  unique  des9na9on  to  reach  young  audience  through  music.  

 We  will  be  happy  to  discuss  ideas  of  developing  unique  and  engaging  concepts  integra9ng  your  messaging  /posi9oning  requirements  around  

music    and  community  on  Songdew.    

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Thank  you  

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