



•av Sort ' An fiogasjement Near Rort Toll Won By the Brltiafc — The Situation in South Africa a* Cabled t o London From Cape Town B y General Boiler.

LONDON1, Nov. 9 —The war ofBqe re­ceived the following dispatch, from (Jen. Bnller th i s morning, dated Oape Town, Wednesday, Nov 8, 11 50 p m v

"Obi Kekewitch telegraphs from Kim-berley, N o v . 5, that atf Is well there and that there lias teen n o serious attack yet A slight bombardment did. no damage Inf6ftoatk)n^ronrra£a|e,kIng s h o w s that place was safe Oot 2(7. Col. Plumer had successful engagement near F o r i Tali Oct. 8ft.

:^^^^^^s^^7^°^?^%XL^-the wounded and' some civilians from Ladysmltb. have been removed four miles dowrii the ^railroad by an arrangement with Gan. Johberfc, to a neutral place, to save them from the bombardment

"Ninety-nine wounded from Dundee haveTJeen sent inunderailag of trace. They are all doing; well, including the following officers

"Col C. B Beckett, Mai. )?. Hammers-ley. Captain F. Ladam, Lieut McLaoh-lau, Maj. Boultbee.Captatn Dibley,Ueut. C. N, |!erreau> Went. 0, A. Worihapi,

-W#r^^avldfi^^dJC*i;eniitja,' JB. Wei* ' # h i ^ m b M M e ^ ? l f e ^ K » f l ^ S i f f

Nov. 4 and No?, &\:bfcfr:Mf.iB expected to recommence. Nov. 6," '- •'• :'"•"

WA6 JEFFRIES.PRUGGgb?• An Alleged Explanation of Hla Victory

" Ovar Sharkay. Nsw YORK, N^vr9,^Aftegfttion Is pub­

licly mntfe.heterthlrvnibrnihgt^ at the end: of the 19th round, of his battle .with. Sharkey, was brightened by drug stimulants administered hypodermically.

The explauatlori.df Jeftries's,- alleged' revival at the end of. .the 19th round ia declared by a patron of toe. sport to be that at the end of the 10p round one. of his seconds slipped the point of a hypo; dermio needle under the Californian'a skin, and thus atoinifltered a heavy dcas

"of nitro-glycerlhe, trychinia, arsenic, and oaffeine. ','• *• > This, It ia stated, was not the first inJ


^fey.BaU at ^Th«atw. _ PIULADSILEBIA, Nov. 9.*-Harrir»Wil-80% 19 years old, plunged headforemost <>Yer the r ftH-of- the'galiery atths^eopirs: Theater last night, falling into the audi­torium, fifty feet below, and crushing his skull The youth waa anxious to g i t a front row seat, and rushed down the aisle with such speed„that he was unable to stop. At the hospital today the physi­cians express hopes of Wilson's recovery.

Beavers In Hammond." HAMMOND, NOV. 9 —Beavers are at

work in Crooked Creek i a the southern part of this town. They have built a house about.ftve feet across and thfisielpee above water. The creek "Kirthis place is of) feet wide, and the animals nave built a leeding ground which extends about half







notation. -tsf—X&K

jeatipp, b u t those previouBly made were Intended simply to keep the champion going, and the big dose,was for the pur­pose of stimnlattog h i m for the final ef-


OSWKGO, . Nov; -ft.—Eev, Phil ip WilsOn Meade, rector of Ohrlat Eplacojpal Church

ing In Baltimore, M d „ whither he had gone to s e e k , health. He _ tod. been i l l

" three weeks. "|&. infeade was i 'Jwding ohurobmiBa. .of aoxfehera New l&rk, a member o f t h e faculty of the normal EchoolandfaTrionB as a pnlpit orator. He was 65 years old and w a s born inVirglnia and ierved-to-theconJ«derate army.

- A Kind Thought o f Mr*. VandeiblH.

Gwynrie Vi»aderlut^wia6w.6f, O o r t e l t o Vanderbilt, has sent t h e chief o f police, WOliartfB^ Iftverf, a oheck3brffi,6i)tFtoi be added t a the1 pension fahd*,\ Accbm» panyJng t h e check w a s a note expressing Mrs. Vanderbllt's grateful acknowledg­ment for t h e care a n d attention of the police at t h e funeral of Mr. Vanderbilt,

—- ^iMb'Mi^oiiiflh^iniki TtfitfisT " - ~ 4

^-Nipw^^,,Novli)^AliADg*keht*fbr jtte^nawiigebf^eY:. BenJamhrSrSSverett and Miss Carrie Mount a t the home of M r a AlbertPaxt^near Jamesburg-N. Jn ware carried out yesterday. "Dr. Everett was wedded to h i s third wife , .Who w a s a school teacher, a« his—two^prevloxis wives had been- He was married by W s three sons, all of whom are preachers, a l l of whom had married, and al l of w h o m had followed h i s example .And married school teachers.

Mr*. Baxan'i DreMinaker Dead.' Nsw YORK, NOV, 9. — Mrs, Marlon

O'Donnell Davey, a dresamaker w h o has been making the wedding trousseau of Mrs. Hazen, died of heart diseaselast eve­ning. It w a s she w h o fashioned many of the gowns in , Jtitla D e n t jSrajit's trous-. „ „ „ xyjaa X,UT. „ ._ i O T ^^^^^^ Sean, Adjajai-M96wey-oa-4aBfc:M6nday4oMateBtlok Presbsteriair Chnroh decided went to the •dre«8maker*8 establishment

" with Mrs^fezen^-last night to issue a call toRev. Dr.

iie-Bv-Babeoe>ef-Balttoorr,-to-KB-j snnfe the pastoratw In ancces«ion:to the

TJIO ttptoa IKJVIIIB Cup. . Hev. Dr. Henry VanDyke^ wh&has ac^ Nsw Yp^KHSfqv, SiT-Thiee ^ou^and|wpted^tfie*^rof^sorshtp- otHnglishrffl?

eratore at Prlhcetiori'TJnlyeraity. It is

of thof),OOQ,neceagary tomakc a gold lov­ing cap for?$ir^6nta¥l^l5nnBave been contributed In-small suma as the promot­ers desired. Three" leaaihg goldsmiths have been asked to preparSdesTinB. She design of ehacup will b*e to symboli29 a gift frnm- fiha—am«T3ca&-people^ -rather I than any ySohtitjg t&m.

To Withdraw Slacy Troopg. N'KW YOBS, iToy. &.—Sn order to" avoid

the charge of pra tearlam, President MoKinley, the 'Herald .BaySj, has deter-.-. . ....... mlned . tow^^drf tw^^-^bVftndPot ' t f tNs 8 - - By the tHn&kfrreached the e n c t M Rico hiany ot;the trooi^ Mm Intnosg

cars and 10,796 tteit auaVin Porto Wco lO8ofdcers^aiid,0i35Smeh.. •

Food J^.^a^I^MJkJaraJroTHHSat. NBW YOBJB^NOV. .9.—Some indication

of the cost ^nd-bnlk*of the-iood for the Ire depar^en^ 'hprse8-'ofcNeW-yotk.lieB in the fact t h a t the department is now pr< vidlngfbr aianhattaffi, and JBrooByn-tiorough e3&ne ~Wii(Q0(} vPb^n'ds of-hay", 155,Ouo pdniidiF of: ryfr. strSwv, 61(5,000 potnidsbf^atii^:S9itjO^

- •"±^V^55SfcT2n2£' *•:'•" ?

Vnok, TSpvM^Sam.sfrf'l1&.6 Empire

will mantifactnr^Wueo?uhderw^atand willemp|oj^p^p^;|6p;Ijlttdg;»-;'•' ;


otif who' *0l5^fietat#acilve imiifst keep

„ „ , _ „ .;::Mec^i(l;Sitte».ls; the best teldl^Cfi^Wworla^^regu--ate t l»i$l i ipi iMJ!i^^

to poafftr^tsBR^iiifipifc^a^ «oh cohipleMb^l£«?#iU«makM-'ig6Mt-pok ing^e ia i^ l^n^^ia^ i^-ddw^ ?T^M* #n^0;sJi#®|^r^ngafett'.pVi

sick i^^m^rs(0am^^ftw-

, A^teeB^D£po^^#illoftes«ia#

r on . . guiran

ere and used in the house^ and feeding grounds, bat it is, mostly poplar. Qne tree was found which "measmeSr eleven! and thiee quarter inches at the stump, where It was cut oft, The beavers" are supposed to be the ones owned%y George C Boldt of Heat Inland, St,'Lawrence River, proprietor of the Waldorf-Astoria' Hotel in New York city, which escaped ironj„him '

lhe-yioe President'* Condition. PATMSON, N. J., Nov. 9.-The cpndi

tion of the vice president' remains nn changea this morningi Drr N4wtotta»ia' the paitent hadhad 5fajfly festffintflghl and consequently was much, stronger to­day. .Medical attendance wafl only re­quired oncejiuring the night. The doc­tor said he was not going to issues tray bulletins today unless Mr. Hobart's con­dition became alarming and that he may survive* another week. Mr. Hobart took a large amount of nourishment yesterday In, the shape of beef, broth^rnilk punches and other liquid nourishment, as well ad partaking of a light lunch.

'"" Soldier*" \V1 yen Deatltnte. WATBBTOWH, Nov. 9.—It is reported

that many of the wives of the ninth in­fantry BOldlers, left behind at Sackets Harbor when the regiment sailed for Manila, are in yery destitute clrcrnn«-j stances. Itis claimed that the wife of a sergeant of that regiment was turned out •pf her home .there a day or two ago for jBon.-pjymentf of_rent, pbe-has-three 8ma\l ohlldreh, It is said,,one of them a baby born since, its father left for the Philippines.. She bus received but one letter from her husband-4»in(!e-'hi» 4ia-partnre, enojbsing hutfIB. ' . ~ . v l

i-,coo irottadi-orB*eonTaarii OQDBNBBTJHG, Noy. 9.—One thoasiWd,

pomida at bacon, whlnh wntt \itiflwrgniJTig nwke hoyise the smoking process in the si

of the Armour refrigerator, wa'3 consumed by fkefuatdsy- .night. It is fijough^^bie sfccskB /win, Wnich the meat was ^a»-pended over tfte Are becajno ignited, causing the bacon to drop. • A large quan­tity of bam was destroyed in a similar manner at the refrigerator »-short .tame agQ> * The loes-ia :coverect by {nsutahce. Analarm was sounded and the firemen

BoeltetUr Orkidi Standi Darned. BOOBESTBB, Nov.. 9 —The three grand

stands on the Rochester Driving Park Association grbunSs were totally de­stroyed bv fire last evening, entailing a. loss of $25,000; Insurance about one-half. pfe means the pernaament olqaiAK otihe. .^^mj^&^O^i

istate- dealers for building

Dr. Buhoook Snooeeda Dr. Van Dyke. NKW YORE.-'NOV. 0.—The cpHgregation

IbeWlatiH! purposes , IcrX<w Tork'a Aannal Hone Showi -

The West Shore's annual excursion for Horse Show week in New York will be run on Monday'. Nov. 18. Tickets will be sold at rate of |6 eaoh from tJtlca for all regular trains on date of sale, and will be valid returning tip to and Including Sat­urday, 18th inst CaH upon tloket agents for advertising matter giving full details,

Mra. Klpoliotv Get* the Reward. MOBRI&TOWN," N. Y./"Nov. 9.—Mrt

Robert Nicolson of Morrlstown has'been, awarded the $200 offered for the recovery

Princeton'Tjniyeraity. understood'tbat Dr. Babcock will accept the call and will asimme his. hew duties about the first of the" ~jear._ ^ ,rv ' -

- JBe'V. S. S. Eddy Icjorfcd. SrBACPsgtJ?ov.iL-TBgy. S, S. gd<5?s

Bfcfataryotw* State Strnday School &M' 8oelatioot Is suffering f rom severe bruises received by falling off the Gllntc-n street bridge over the Erie Canal yesterday af-telmoOn. Mr. EJdy was ridSig north on hiB bicycle Bind wras on the bridge when It

the bridge it had risen about fife feet and iBtanaTTT^fju!}^^ —

and shoulders. ' - Bhot a Bl«ok Bear.

BAfMtevSSB7'N8v.79t?-S; T. Dlvgn^ d'orf, proprietor of tfie.Btvers'MHciel, and-Tundthy Shea hate returned from the HortE Woods, wheJre they1 have bees inrseasch fcgan4er^BesIdes-ehootMg fa*6-jte^^ei^hey^wceedea-in^pturteg-a- at the-head cMhe niovemehtr huge black bear, whlohis the second that ™Li-"—-«*»-»—— «-»-hasbeeri'shotintheVftfoda^ISyear. "

Dawglitei'Of,£reildttttDiaz Married. CrjY* 0^ MBXicoy Nov* '9.fThe civil

marriage" Mfsl'-fitiz,'&&% 'danghte* of President Dlft*, to f fanCIseo Kincon C!«Ir lardb took 'pl^^tieveningaHlIe city realdenco of thS^pTSBtaent/.1Thlreligt6TSs :cersniohywiilrqcc|irjomjor^#^ vsite chap^i^li^cIblsWtf^iicohr1—;

B l r Ko*ll»h *roat;

and manufacttoesotliaBcashlre, jFfingvra] special cable from Iiondon. t o the Hera"' says, hwe combined into a bngecohce:

- ^tmi^00,imi&%>,:^e ;o^mbtoed *" " ' Irsb:'

w h o disappeared from his office on M o n ­day evening and was, reported mlasing, returned to h i s 'apartments yesterday. His disappearance "was a

[and fom play * a s suspectedi -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : '4 : i i ' '-•'•- -i '•

:'-'. *i^r"^a^^#*s»fit*'.^w^.-de^iA'TbiaitiTAi',,'""x;.-3:': ' ' 'JS&W tQMtJStti*; i'rirThe^ f_t ' 'o i llri«j late - Cornelius Vanderbilt" was prbbated y'elsterday, Tne lre j to i ioWn^^m^bj fM "Pi^^i. , ^ . j . , •;;;.A.'>J;•..•.;'-;;,/_v^L^-^i fe •:' •/ \^fiMomMim%istim$t '•••' W *'- "

t o o k i h e flgenby of Chamberlain's medl -«inmMe-M**a»«l)eihjer#figft :«§i^*Uy'of 4 h ^ € k f o g h ^ ^ years I have sold more of this particular remedy (Wan of all other makeTf or t h e previora five years..^..AH- to ite efficacy, I have been informed by scores of persons

iof •-:«$ &^\.^mx^\mmmtk.^m!rM ,:of;Jfca'n.tair'bw^^h^|f44 J|-li=«i>#<ii«i'

ih , ant t o fake that we hare to plaoe the twtr-'

The ^eremony Strictly IVlvate and tr the 8tinpieat Oharaoter «-tt la JParformed at' the KDOtory o f St l^nl'd Oath(>lle Chhroh--A Wedding T^ip to Ne,w York.

WASHINGT6K,' Noy.'. 9i--Mrs.' Mildred M:'ld&ke£ ftfid Admiral George JPewey we^e quietty4 niarrie4 at-10 o'clock this morning a t the rectory of *Sfc * Paul's Catholic Church, 1#2{5 Y- street, N , . % The'ceremony was p/eiifoimerl by the Rev. James F.. Mackin, p^itor of the ^churcbv asslsie'd;by;the Rev^'Joseph A , Fftlej^ a'S-sistanlr'paltrar^d'^mT Revf Sfafiey~SET| Hurlbut. /

The ceremony w a s strictly private, and of the simplest character. The bride was accompanied by Mrs. Washington Mc­Lean, her mother,-and Mrs. Ludlow, her sister, whi le Adintral Dewey was atf&ofh-panied by'Lte^tejiant Caldwell, h i s aide.

The ceremony wias performed"with the ring.according to t h e nuptial rites of the Catholic Church. Including ah address bylPather.&ackift i t consumed less than five minutes. Father-Mackln was the first t o hai l the bride as Mrs. -Dewey.' Congratulations a n d felioitations fol­lowed.

There N were no guests and alter the ceremohjk the admiral.and Mrs. Dewey entered; a:, carriage., and .Reht,to theiefllr' hdemiS3^-^fr^r&-j3?gajhlpgr^ | Wherers^e^mngbireakrwt was served, anfl a fc 12:45 they left for New York.

At the closeof .the ceremony Admiral Dewey grasped Father Macktu,sr"hand and said; "Father, I am greatly pleated to have been married by you, for I know that at one time in ydut.lifeyou were a sailor.". •

Father Mackin replied happily that when he found he could not become an admiral, he shad determined to become a priest, ,

. __,,—„,._,. _, .-™!KW>- * fortieth quar • "tejpy rneeiin^ofr :tll|S,unday schobl-asso-I w l b n o'f^hep^MJ«Trenton was held fn*ifcbe'Obhgr g!aliiolM©nnrch in Prospecttlia Araryland the Oemoorats Bave Swept ^esl^layr'; ?^_f |^; ^ "•-•* .— - . . . : - -,. Apper'oh tfT!Wm|eks at Nortbfleld,''

prepared by Revl-Hi| | Allen of Holland Pat^tfwhowafiittMptobe present, was read, by his wi^eS'Sffif ,paper treated of Mr. .Mbodyta.BiiT^ IWc.opfereiice.

: A "inoiiio'h 'e^^eWwg sympathy with Rev. F. B S^er^icM Trenton whose i l l . health 9.blifeea|fh|ni to temporarily abandon his'.wbrMlas moved and car-srled. '••-•• v;-tSs| :^MSs^Bo1^IHngr^'OfJr^ntoGead^A-] T?apet on Decisioffi'fljjty -ter-the Sunday School, andMw. Ifl^howlton of Holland Patent, one' The vMfiday School as an Evangel. • - "':•-,*¥"''"

Sirs,, J. R. Sirm|i()n| Of Mt. Vision, N., Y», state secretiry/^l-'home department work, gave an ^dj^is on some charac­teristics pfisncli<s^i;ij;,

BOTH.'-i.^_|^UT OFF. -,,„

Fata l Aooldent^to- 'l^tflikn Thnrston o f i • •• .MCr4iipptlle;

'OKBID'A, Novr Qt^athajL Thurston, who reside? about a |pe south of Munns-

fville, met with a wj|i|accident yesterday 'afternoon, He wa ifftrack by train No. Gon the 0. & W.^wmoh leaves this place a t i J M ( i . p . ^ ^ & » I - ^ ^ cona.-' etelysCTere(S-ne«;f-|pfc. knees. -He was

brought to this village by a special train

~ - iftRwevjnt^ac^aii HrBTiBap; r AXBANY, Nov. 9 —Gov. Roosevelt was

at his desk early this morning. The gov­ernor Will now devote his entire attention to the'preparatlon of his annual message.

Lord Mayor Tallon of Dublin and the Hon. JbhnE, Redmond,'M. P., who will arrive here tomorrow in the interests of_| the Parnell monument fund, will be en tertalned by the governor at the exec ^TvelSaTalibru *"•' T , • r>

Vlre, 4a Otraxo'a-Opera Hon**, , OWKSO, Nov. 9.—Fire'in the Wilson pera- House yesterday afternoon de­

stroyed .the entijw--ripper portion, of the) t ^ " " j^^lte^reB^r^eLarottndfcfloor Were deluged with water and the stock way much damaged. The fire was caused by the explosion Ht 'a gas Tamp, which was being prepared for use for a moving r£cJk»^n.ferMnJBejpA „ . . .


CLA'MSD _£*• BOT.H-kPArfflES^--

the 8tate—Oonlrul Both Branohea of the i,-gl»latare — More Cotnplete Betnrna

. I'riim Varlom Seetlona of New fork .

LOUISVILLE, Ky., Nov„ 0.—As the re­turns and corrected reports from the be­lated counties, come in the situation in Kentucky i s changed and both Democrats and Republicans are claiming t h e elec­tion today, the former by. a plurality of 8,000 and the Republipans. by 7,000,

M3bfhjgesv of attempted fraud .ate belngi maWby boclTparttes and especially s o a i ] the Republican headquarters in this city.

Senator Rebbe and several prominent Republicans were at t h e headquarters at an early hour this morning, '1'hey.have received return "from every county in the state and say Taylor's majority wi l l not fall below five and, that late official re­ports from many counties from, which they have had no official figures bave in­creased Taylor's majority.

•Private adylces from ex-Senator Black­burn at .Frankfort are of an encouraging natnre to Democrats for they Goebel has carried the state by 4,000 plurality and that the figures w h e n completed will show his election and the election of the Democratic ticket by that' plurality.

It.will t a k e the official count t o decide the/qnestiori'aiiuThere arealreadymany contests I n sight. "'" ' ' " ,,


the TTrTo New Ail-water Route Through Dominion of Canada. ,.

CHICAGO, Nov . 9.—The_ Times-Herald says: utre4ttrans^prtation"by7wateTtfOin" Chicago,, to Montreal and * possibly Liver : . pool, for both pas.'enger and^freigbi- l^nf Oarrlera Collected and traffic s soon t o be established

a n d taken to t h e emfrgency ward of Dr. Cavana's Hospit^],>wfere Ma death oe* curred at 9 p. m ' . ^ e was G5 years old.

I n an ante-mOjtem statement Mr., Thurston sald'thj |^ he left Mnnnsville about noon a n d "jfieht to t h e depot a n d started toward, home, walking on t h e tracks. After Ibft'ip-'gone - about three-quarters of a m i \ e neV became tired and sa t down to re s t and possibly fell'asleep, though he: said h'|-IftjjJ not. He said h e

t d i d n o t hear t h e ^]biltJte - - , ~

UTICA' N8TERSHIP. EflTurta la Behalf ofiflen. DaSE'tt-Rtoh-

- . arda Alap^ii Candldmte. UTICA, Nov. *9^Frtend*

Rufue Daggett are; starting a boom to: h i s appointment tootle position of post­master. The movement is I n charge o f TOeThbwsut tha^r^TBr,Tsm~v wrettngr willbeheldat Po«tB»con hall tonight, to organtee it. Feiitl^ru| will be circu­lated asking Con^reisman Sherman to recommend the appointment to the pres­ident. -'<*•"


Dtmoorata la Bfarjlacd Swept Kverythlug f •'•'" Before Them.

. BALTIMORE,'Nov. 9.—Unofficial returhB from Baltimore city and allthe counties of the state s h o w that the Demoorata swept praotloally everything before them in Tuesday'*, contest. J o h n Walter Smith, Pr. JoBhua Htrlng a n d Isldor JEiayner, the l t candidates for governor,-comptroll-ler and attorney general respectively, were elected over the Republican candidates by approximately 11,300 majority. They elected 11 state senators for four years' terms, and, with, their four hold-overs,, « n _ T i will give t h e m 15 out of a total member^ o l (xeneralJaj^ o£ ^ 4Q t h e u p p e r h o t i g e 0^ r ' the general assembly. In the lower house, composed of 91 members, the -DemooratB-eleoted 00 , , while the Bepub-lioans wil l bave only 25 delegates in tha legislature to meet i n January, of next year. I a Baltimore c i ty the Democrats elected a judge of t h e court of appeals, clerk of the city court, sheriff, states at-

by a new transportation line that has already been Incorporated. The pame of the new corporation which made this ipnova-t ion on the great . lakes is the Illinois Transit Company of Chicago, and the

[.capital stock; is placed at $50,000, The company. Is headed by some of the best known marine men on the lakes,and, although it w a s incorporated for"a com­paratively smal l amonnt, i t is said there isHanltaited eaptt^backVol-it whichwtH-enabl.e the new line-to eompete with tbe largeat-Bhlp owners* on the"Iakea. The in­corporates are: James J. Raredon of J. J. Raredon & Co , vessel agents; James H, Channon of H., Channon & C^ , ship chandlers, and w ! 0. Richardson.

This change in themeans„of transporta­tion, to the Atlantic" by w a y of Canada was brought about,,by the enlarging of the Welland Canal, which was completed late'this fall.





place has by land and

orthe^bodyOtFr Mi Holmes,whtrwas drowned last May., There' were several claimants for the reward and the waB taken Into the courts. . r.;

attack Porto Cabollo, which. not surrendered as reported, b; sea on-Frlday. - -.'^r—z-

This. iBa notification to t b e non-com­batants and foreigners to leajre the town, which will be sheUed'-frbBsr two fortr, while the defending' Kffts . wlll be fifed -upon by Castro's batteryi \ .The armed Vessels will also take p»rt In. the engage- ] ment.

t^gteSiWeoi^r-who^Etole t ruce by'arresting \ C(eh.'^Bfjliy«V| al ias

y>offA»* I BuiZy~Cftstro s envoy,Tj^niicjiajoy, •— m M t e r • IsanriouncBd, be hsnfeea;ifJBapture;d.

Boonvfuii BooHvtLLB,. j^ov. 9^-John Norton is

spending a few days in town. Bor7erF^HT''Rbberte has returned from

an extendedrvisU with"-flelphia and3altlmore» He goes now to' WTatkins, N. Y., where hshas ah ex-ceSent posftioninJiDiioinpBrp3s^ruK«ore;

Drew Jackson k In the woods on the lookouti;f6r. deer.

Arthur J. Brean of Rochester is visit leg- his jparshts in th*s village. •

Charles Fox. pt the jybany College of Pharmacy la vlBlHpgfrlenjSintow^i.

Jfaw YoBKr Nov. 9.4i4feJGrage, secre-tary of the treaBtiry,httsdecilned to oomply witH; 6 request of' several' evw York city bankers that he^atithoria'i JEhsr-frtiying by #ettrea9nry of f3O,000,e00i ^dted-States tbohds In Order to relieve thj»iJStrkigency-of tbe money market, Tha secretary'B

[feasors are^.underafOWWi^s fhaf the treiasury'acssh balaiica wotiia.n'ot war-taut- the purchase and) ifhafcl the money stringency Is not scute ehohgn to, require federal interference. - \_ , ,

Jahxetneld. WAtBEviLtE, Nbvi- 0.-^A' hon-Battisan

taxpayers'leagtte is being-formed here for the gathering and dissemihatlbiLof InfbifmaiiloQ^ regar3fiie W questions" con:, nected with 'taxation, especially regara-ing the amounts raised, "the method of expenditure in: towny village, cltry, county I and^tater^oh^WllHam-^ary^angelJ-is1

TheHomeMlssIonary Society has sent to Cohgreseman Sherman a protest

nsty the-admission of Congressman. Roberts bftJtaht. *-t

- BKenmatUta Cared la »* Kowrs. -' -T. J. Blackmore of HaUer & Black

tobre, 3Mtttbarfc^gaii sayet ;**Jt-^bM. UmesmceTproenred a boWe^'Myetle Care.' It got me ont of the1 house in

^toofcjtJoqn^tw^ LO; months ago, and ii^-ohl^Jteealejh^


MenpJdStEnomll ito;rhwnig«Uim«i_ hfe'M^c&Cure^-lB' hat did me any good. IBi , ^tphyBlclaMiiS.the city, but I received

:ye^:fltoe'jcMeffroM,'the'mw'^^ Siiystov""'' ^'~-%' • * ' " •-••">- • "" and take;

) be what it is represented Bureln recommending It to

Sold by » . J, H«g«r& Oo„ EhruggUt*, No.


_ ^ e ^ ^ p p i s l a l ^ o ^ ^ ^ to a warmer and moreVreghlaf climMe f

^ oeeaintroo^cea lri;all civilized obnu-teles wlthsnooesiinseverethroatandlung

'troubles, VBoechee;* German Syrup." .It not only heals and stimulates the tissues to-destrorthe gwm dlseaie, butallaysin' flammatmC cau^l easy/M gives a goM night's rest; andTcures the patient. - Try one bottle. Recommended

:Slttlpt|b^ei|^Bifb^h;toh'# rt^i-Ji-" uruggists* ..>; '•fiii;' •"-'•-

aU smaUriol^ahd

Heads. ^$mj$^p#'im^m Sfr#|pfl6i|ox^tep_*--=A.•: ',5*^4 y>.t.

n e x t Moron. , Ic is reported that in recognition Of h i s

s erv iewtn leading a forlorn hops on t h e Republican assembly ticket,- William E . Richards Is'to b e appointed poetmaater o f TJtfca. " ."" •'•.;S-.;:'" """T.' ,

Among the caudwatM for c i t y eut veyor of JJtloa are DanieW.Mott , Chapman L . JoEnson, Joseph Kemper a n d Paul Lohts Schnlze. Henry^Sheihl is a candidate txir deputy c o u n t y i^j&axr. , • '

Ve»t*aelan Rawejatloolila* to^Athkoltl'or-" "• ' "to- Ca>lili|ta> " , •'' OABAOASj ISoy^. 0 •*Gettk- CJiilroJias

asked F. B, Loomis, dean o f «the diplo­mat i c corps, to Inform'-the rninlstera a n d

A special eleotlon i n the'flrsfc oongres-I slonal district will b e made cecessary-by the success of Col. Smith as a candidate for governor. ,

- Baanlt-In Le-ivla Connty. -Low VILL* , Novv 9;—lathe eteeiioa her^.

the result of the vote upon snjiervlsors in the towns w a s as follows:

Bepublican—OlarenceF/. P u t n a n \ Cro-gh«n;R E Otis, Denmark;-D. Fremont>l(trrfl,;.Geor«e A. Graves, «reig; tSnf rles^, . Kllbamv Harrl|hurg} Michael F. Weloh^ig'hm«rket7l^rrett iW^i||tnF, Leyden|Seth E'Bnllock, O/oeolsjiLewis II. Stiles, Martlnsburg; Mathew. S. lyes, To.rlrjj E B . Hnrlburt, Montague.—11. ^^Pemocraao^AndrewEatsmayer, Lew»- ] Ls; Peter McGovern, Lowyll le^Denhls

" B W O »"**"!' ««-«"«^T-n» ""»">»™ «««TMcOoe. Lyonsdale: Charles* StelhhUber, consuls here a n d elsewhere tba t .he W I B ^ N ^ BrenMn;^aUs«e S.' Hallj PlhokH

ney; Nicholas Ofsant, Wataonj* H. Oi Mexkham^ Wes't Turin—7. .. ^

The vote o n supreme court justice was: Andrews 8,718; Wiggins 2,805; member of assembly John L. Smith, Republican, 8,701; Otis'A Shepard, Democratic, 2,819; in district N o . 1, Miss Ottilia M. Beha, Democratic candidate for sobool commis­sioner, ge t s 176 -majority over Samuel J.

. • Neff, Republican, and i n the second." j__TtrTct, Fred1- Hr "RarstenrKepnblican.-getff ]

203 majority over Ledette A. Bpatwlok, Demoorat. JLymah'W. Brown, super­intendent of the poor, Rspublfe&Tij+Jjas

r767majofOy, and George S Omtte.Re­publican, is el bFed sheriff by 989 mojorl-ty. Edward J. Boshart, Republican, Is


WJiitKBBOBO, Nov. O.-J-Tuesaay evening B r v a a d M t o . - C . T. • HjatoeaMalebi the ir Mth wedding anniversary by enter­t a i n i n g delightfully a,large^ nmhber o f their-friends a t their hdrtte-^h-Main s.treet;.' r- , .1 • , *" JSlss Eleanor Westc6tt * a d . Miss EUaJ Rider have been appointed de leg l tes ' tb t h e E . E, convention,. held I n Syracuse

Sriday.- ~ ""• " """ *~- ••""~f ' "_" t" ~3ffirs7tmetrE;-Jgnes and daughter o f

F l o y d and Mrs. Edwards^fT Wisconsin, are vMtlng their cousin, Mrs . David S . Wiiilainsybf Ciinton atreefe- — •;.>,lirif .(Gieorge W^ Lynn;? w h o has been, :ve^s^«amprovlng^--'. ,:;%-.'•-- \ •-' •' .T< WiiliamrAlOro left an umbrella stand­i n g o n the plazisa of Arthur Murdock's h o u s e brie day t h i s weekj whileheBtepped inside.;*-A tonple of tramps s t o l e the u m -breHa and started away w i t h i t ,bn t were c a u g h t 4n the a c t by Mr..Albro, who gave cbase .v Heyhad -an exciting^-ehebunter wl^thf-feUoWJaV^re^lvIn^ ahd-several brnisea, b u t j e -^eOoVered h i s umbrella. ' " - . . . - * - -

:m irjb BfenWaateot

mm& w6m.m:m$mMmm.

PttBVeryBottl* bnsnmption Cur

thir.lsoflheoontenteofthis * ^mmWM.<sst4



leoi'A't M^i^lW»««ft %yfefe|aiM^nvite our .customers &

>ft«n M tMy* please at our store, free of

>f?i«teVM«lffe'-"<iiuttnig pno*«t:',;fiv,'''"-* 'N

^v,n^_________a__ iw*«k ••• ;M*Wk mtmmits^p^'l-:-^

" overworked w«nankmd,are

V M o n e y ^ t a a e p S

ton * GraTia « a irjaraa-

^uta4a-Doeunrar. B8' One* 4 Oh!o..j.„. S7^ A» Tob»oe3...-...119%

f*4Ulu&4'B(Sluf} '"^ -'-IjCaCX^OlSi" fCOOft? CO ". •'TSiiBBSTts f»W."~*£«>4»7Br Wheat, reoelpia,

03.485 buahelg; falea. 875,000 bnah.elii Option* weak and quarter tower wltti TurtTior de­cline of Mo under weak J cables ard loi-ftl

elected district attorney by 401, _ {Ilose JKi|hi In tlnoolo, CANASTOTA,, N o v ^ — DTThe t o w n of

grfewas-a t o t a l yolaof 320, and for highway commisaioner the strife was varycloie, wuuam'Eday, theRtpublfcan candidate, w;iaaing by o n e vote over SilU-man ToMe. Mr. TutHe claubS, that A defective bal lot was counted for Eddy and has "filed, a protest, threatening to Cwry the matter t o t h e courts. T h e R e -pnbllcansjdect^ :a4nltiickBt exxigptuHie auditor, -John Betsioger, Democrat, be-

SSSiLJwr. aJina'Jorifcyjof l l t and One constable, a l so a DomocratTTwTErsman,

Lbelng elected by .8 mBJority. f F a l t o n Voted No Lte'eni*.

, FUITOET, Nov; 9.-^Falton and t h e town of.Volney contributed their share to the eleotlon surprises by vot ing for no-license

drug stores, for which i t was voted t o give ««*.. . . , : . i . ~ i w , . j i ._- mi j . _ ^ _ - — i ^ — license by 79 majority. The proposition to sell l iquor to be drunk on t h e prem-

pls'eB was defeated by 146, that for selling I liquor uoL t o be drunk on the" premises

was defeated by 173, t h a t for- hotels was defeated,by 14 votes.

MoGnlra'f Ploraltty 2,131. -STBiccsK, Nov. 9 — T h e vote o n mayor

was: McGuire, Dem,, 12,470;.Hancock, jjlep., 10,341; Pellens;, Socialist, 1 , " " ^rownel%^Bro.rrl45- T h e ehtfte-Demo-cratfcclty ticket was elected by t h e fol-lowfng pluralities: Yann, p^eaiffentof tbe councu, flf4&&; Manz, comptroller, %189; A l l e n , treaBurei^ 4;28^ Byah t municipal court judge, 2,428; Thompson, police Justice, 8>jWJ^~. * -••••-.-


„LBBCariTaR,lfov; 9.^L. f.FifiewbrtB ahd family have moved-to " !*-^'"-- ' and occupy the formes » lite Peter Williams,which wasp ;by Mr. Welftwbrth.' , ' ,. * . • .,, --• <

The houie on the IbtwtyV^&1S. Shear to C Nelson in ithls village is be­ing temoted and Mr N, W making'ex-tenslve repairs tkf|hisresidence*

R. W.. Steadman;* who has been in Marshalltown, 'Iowa, OIJ business, as guardian Tor Mrs. Rose Sedgwick, has re­turned home. • •*

J Mis, W i l l i a m Regner of' Verona w a s operated o n yesterday a t Lie Center by Bra. Cox: a n d Reamer. A large portion of both bones of the l e f t leg hi^l t o be ex­posed and t h e diseased tissue removed. A recovery i s soon expected. t *? !,

The annual donation for the benefltjof the Lee Val ley Methodist Episcopal So­ciety will b e held at t h e home of Charles Wengatz o n Thursday evening, tfb*. 16.'

i<W . Haw^to'WSBif'WWit ' '' "f h MU she lost her beauty f I f so ,Con^ stipation, Indigestion, Sick Headache are theprmcipal^nies , Karl's Clover Root Tea has cured these i l l s for half a centu-

J t y . Price 2 6 c and fiO&i Money refunded 'Iresnlts a t e not satisfactory. iEJold by

k i i , r'.T-

Stoeka, Boudi and Honey. ' Nww YORK. NOV. ' 9.—Opening. — Quotations

from London showed lllglier prices tliei-e und. the market here responded at the opening. There wasra-fnir. sprinkling .otJoaaea amBngat^ronil-

t»>eBtL8t<Sfc%vFe^thSf:RtKritlS{n» m Jfi»n'ctlon-|-dropped 114. Matiliattan, on the other hapii, after declining IJ4, rallied %.

Noon—A heavy gelling movement developed which arT'Oted everything in the Hat. Manhat­tan, Sugar and TObaqco were the; main points of weib nesg but other speoidltles, the U rangers and Southwestern stocks also buffered severely. Leather was-less, active but nevertheltss-broke below sa.

Money strong at 0_kl() Paner nt 5©S%. Ex-change steady at 4a6M©180>i- for demand and St 4SSMQt8%for 60, days; posted-rates^c^O 487Jg. IjorninKjIal bfflii mtyH.m. BUTW cer-tlftoat«i,eO.. Ear allter, 68^. Mexican, dollars, ilii,' Government bonds strong,

rprea So,..,

Amor Br Ounada " reaa 149

kr. M 0J3. «••& Bt L . . . 60 0B. & Hudson..—121 De'LJi. &W.......1FU Lake Shore ~ i08 Manhattan .107 N. J. Central 123% No. Pacific pfd *o N. V. Central 18«M Paclflo Hall..4...- 41% 8t. Paul* Om ISO -r— Readlnpr.i../. WA .._—_—.. ^^atioirrrBO^BS.

K»w Towt. Nov. 0;~3 p .« .—Heavy purchases of Leather rallied i t to &7«'und; checked eel|loK .elsewhere. Mealwhilo the coalera.-had. been neccelyattacked. D . & H los ingS«. T h e r e s a s no apeolal demand for tlio raUwaya on recovery bjj^fen^or. tJio^e.QMtle*|!ah|ied'* point, —

Western Union, i . S8H Am. « n g a r . . , KMfc Tenn. C7& I U0J, O n t & West SSM Atchison 8-ji

iV. 8. Leather ail* IT. 6. Leather pld. 7S U.S. 5'sreg lio i U. 8. ITs coup 110J, ErifiaeoondB...... 71 We«t Shore 4'«....118 U.S. 4'areg.nert.. 129-1

> U.S. 4's coup ne>i<'Amt BtockscToiod'c

*tp!»Jaon«Kj L ___ do orerarrao "At

Brooklyn Tranilt-.SS^ rrKr»TlK

_. prd...... 67>* \4p| Stf pfd...... 80«

a n * g . ,

30- lat'--pl da 8d pi

ftM»r-*xJ«e»«;^_Mfr , f_ 4»;lobaoe3...„-li9r 13iW.„, do pr«t,«rrM....U*

Lake Shore..;^.,.. 166 Loula* Nash,.. . . h% Manhattan L .100)4 Mot S t Hallway. .-19i£ Ho, Kan* Tez pfd. 39 • Mlaaonrl Paoiao~M8?<;

«a»Oentral:-. ; t f r NT OentrarJ.....l|6M

Qeft Wectrle ir»**188,' Inter JKajtw.. . . . . . 8?M

'do do pfd.-Paolflo MaU... to Paople^a Gaa.-. . U»H Pullman Palaoa^^J.p-1 Bugar Beflnerr. .TIM Tenn Coal ft Iron.l t7& W U Tolagraph^ B8n Northern. Paol.fta. B.^, ^.^.^ „

V-"'lv\t ..„ . _ ng--..iss\

Ont * W e i t . . . . . . . tB)i UflVoirH oottij.lSfi, «ea<Miii.... . . .U. fii " BocklgliBd.,3j4

Nor WMt;^.s.vs;J0:4f l/.8Kew4i rti ~ " W " US4'» 0OUp..^...ll8M

t/85'areK „ . » 0 « aoo'a oonp...;.tn

AtohHo»4!»,„..,. oo do A4'l „ . 82

K E f t I 8d«...... 71 _'• £ " i.*'*....-. B»54 ftx^ao udji. . . . . »o Wwt Bnora foar».ll356 Am air Power bid. -

Mew f o r k Produee Market. NsW Yoruc, Nov. 0.—Flour, receipts, 4f;35t

barrels; gales, 7,000 package*, state and weatern markets ruled a shade easier, .following wheat. Winter patents, |S.BOo<f-85: winter Straights, I8.40OS.E0: winter extras, i3.5SQft.00; winter low grades, WS&Tt-i 40; Hlnnesota pat ent*. ^».7«CflO; Bakers tleSjJS » v ^ e , flpur,

8tPaul. . . . . . . . ...Ui}l BtPanl4 0m»rim i»i BoutheMpacifto— iayi goIOBPaclflei...^ W& Uatoo Pao pfd. .„ 16 Wtb-rt m

and quarter . __ Of Mo under _. _ „ „. IfnuiaatfonrWarcB. 7B IS-Ke; Ma'jSf Id lf-lB3i 76^ci. Decornbor. !2 ii-i(sa)2!tc. ttye. .market quiet!""*tT5te7 SSStm-,;mf ¥ westem, C5JS f.o. b. afloat, to- arrive. Coro. receipts, 8M(o bushels; sales, s.con buslelx." Options op»ned easy at a decline of Mc under Igcnl selling fol­lowing a decline at Ohlc«go,> May,'33}fic, Oata,-wcelnts. 152,6tl),bli8heliJ. Options nom­inal, no *SsR>fc<?& - JFn$k • white, Mate 30 @S4iji traek white, '.wosterifc- so $Mo. %K»f, market Arm: family; JW^0_sl3 00: mess. J10.M; packet, <li.Sttaia 00. Pork, steady; new mew.

f}.tT!few,7A: fnralij-, jilTTSaxKaJJ" TttroTT clear' IO.SO&JSOO. Lard, quiot; prime, westefhiteam,

»S45 nominal. ", E g g s , Teonipts. 7.175 pacWaeM; market firm;

state and Pennsylvania. 223123 >; western, un­graded At mark, 1*3 Q&c Sugar, raw, steady; fair, refining, % lS-16c bid; centrifugal 03 test, 46- l f ie; molasaea shgatv- SJSMSo— Seftned, steady-; oru«hed, & IMSot powdered, Sko; grftnu-1 m „ , „ ±n, •fl^t7-«-*ife ebite^WiaS^ i^^fr-msfa^t^™ TaUow, steady; city, 4«o; conntrv. 4Uia4«n l.and -Mr* ftayj_ quiet jihipping 65ia7Po; _ gooi

- —. « 'Trmet'i state.'

JM7*Uatt«a f7r th« OraaKarc—Work«r tit* Odd fa l low* ato.

"BoosvrLiK, -Nov. £L — T h e Collatioa given by I* W. Fiske on Saturday eve­ning at Grange Hall for its members and

greatly enjoyed b y a- . -and all voted Brother

Fiske a first-class caterer. The next j ~ meeting will be on Saturday evening of this week and promises to be a n interest­ing one. A large attendance i s expected: r

Applications for membership keep com­ing in:* -' - ,v . Summit Lodge, 2i34 I.O. p . P„ held-

titt.tegftlar.meeUnjg^on.Moha» There was' a large attendance. The-flrat degrae was worked oh one candidate. At the. next regular meeting- thesecond—-». and initiatory degreeawillbe exemplified.

Rosooe Norton returned from the woods yesterday. Hfs many friends welcome-him back after being reported lost for some time. , *

E. E.. Simons will-start a furniture store Dec. 1 In the store in Union block formerly ocoupfed by Frank Smith.

The drill of the Rescue Hook and Lad­der Cothpahy was held In Comstock's Opera House last evening. The drill will be oho of the pleasant features of the party to be held Thanksgiving eve

i|r" Mrs. Jaunts M. Jones returned last evening from a pleasantvlsltwlth frlends^,^ In Carthage and WatertoWn. »"

,__ _opirv v_ choice, 1898 crop, 6c; 1897 oroo drop, .10ai8c; 1899 _ .. crop, cpasB, 1896 crop..4C66S. 1807


nomlnal; 115o; Paolflo

, crop; nominal; 1898 crop, 11©14O; MfiiTdrop, 12©15c. Lead, market steady; bullion, $(.40; exchange price, Hau tCS Potatoes, steadier.; Long-Island, V-^^k^ N.%.j|L(!0|aMo2j*rsey( #1003

in the towh7 with "the exception-of VMYJ®&lgHl*&m**w —., .- jl #0, Jersey sweets1, jrfrtrr-quletv' long- rye, OOaTOe;

- . 80ct t>»t jrtrarfy ,45c. Beans* steaay; marrow;np^SSHBj medium, II 15a 1.80; pea, »1.60a,.7i!H: red kidney, $&20$ 245. Wool, market dull; domeatlo fleece,

short rye;

21©36c; Texas dry, }4017o, Bntraair pad Oheeaev*

)XwW yoRK, NOv. 9--Butter, rar-xlptg 8,805 packages; flrmt- State dairy, 17«|33H£; 3rm«, creamery, 18jj38X,g j.faotory creamery, isai7c,-state creamery, *fla?5j; western, do.t IS SSo; imlmtloh, do., loldtoUo. Oheeaef receipt*, 4,864 packages! steady; small 8ept. fancy, im&l^ict large Oct, finesU>lfl@12)So;" ffept. fancy col­ored. .12 i_.12Kc;-large Oct. finest, llUo; large white, 12a> small whit*,-12)4®Ufl4o large: cot ored, 12®12Mo; »maU colored, l$i@13Kc,

'''Wa^rMr-J-arlMW.' Omcttfo, Nov;

08^a08J4o:Hayi " Dec.,.2^|c, ^ar4*.5ttay,|6,40. nibs^Jan,, $B.C0.

OaioieO, Nov, 9 —Hogi-Katimatwl rewirt. , , of_hoqJoday, y*jHw h»i|r1i- tdni^jBiwi- 28,000 i pea^leitMitt^OSlieaafi^nBrMy;^

good jBMTrtaf4.20A4.35; rough heavy, fa 95^ T.I5V Ju*W:R0Otl!2)& Oatjle, reeelpls, B.7C0 fceaa^pftttSe-eteferit Ipc.hfghen connersn'rm; feeders'steaay,; best range cattle lOo higher;

ii0th»rsstr6B6eft.': Beeves/HOMJlKaO; iw**, $200 ,'*ifta^»m.^d,'-,fi^Smn,l It .00o4 60; Texas grass

'^kMm^fsn J-OloirBf.~Wheat,, JMOJ, " - ^ma>' May, ?** OorhTTsrov.? iiaiWlkc;

MK^l^sJaa., SO^ Mot'lBayllMKC.'

IBOSasorH; Jan.. J5.SS35.-J7J4; May, $5,403 M ^ K f t f , yXo** *4,lSj & $4 $s Jafr!; "•';^=.-'•;• '.. Cotton. "'V

Nicw TORI, Nov. 9.-C6tton — Spot cotton closed Hflo decline: rdtudltox uplands, TJuo; middling gulf, Sc. Bates,— 'bales, • Cottbtt fdtures closed steady,, Nov., Tie's; ,W»-1'

!4Kt•'•Jai„7.60o tfu,, 7SS a... •-.. 7.S4:; ,.*$«&!.«iM»:*a*. V.58«f-T«inft 7 58dTJuly,7.(J.O; i;Aus> W8af Sept., rate; Oct.,7 use.

" T T P W ^

. BaffatotMarket*. , SuMiiiWi Nov. 0. Sprhr wheat. N« l uorth-

<t tvp*t« .winter wheat, No. ? red, 78a Corh^ No,Si|e|fw,80J4c. Oats,No.8ivhIte,S9J<c. , pa^tftafehts-^iE^'er; wheat, 4}<c; corn 8W«j;*

P^ S p l g c . to New York, J ^ f t r q u o t e d a t •3»*%SW'York. l^4^V * -*etTalamttu • ' • - , ' ' 'r^rraftirt, Nov. *-OU opeaad at »i.5o.

Delivered 103,024 Pieces of Mall Matter Daring the Last Fiscal Tear—There Are Twen­ty-three Boatea In the State. ^ " WAsnitroTON,. Nov. Baldw ina-

ville rural free delivery route in New York was a banner one, according to the advance sheets of Assistant Postmaster General Heath's report. 'The route was established July 5,1898, to" serve a popn latioh of 2,500 people in an area of l >

.squaremiles. • ' _..,...•__.. -----'• The. four carriers that serve people along the route, elgirtytatles-in length delivered and collected 158,024 pieces of mall during the last fiscal year. This is far and away the largest record made on any of the rural free delivery routes in the Kmplre state.

The route at Barker, in Niagara conn ty, for instance, was established October 8, 1898, to serve a population, of 1,000 people. It hasone carrier and bis route is twenty miles long, but last,year he collected and delivered only 29,56M pieces of mall "matter. Comparatively speak ing, that is not by any means as good a showing as made by the" Onondaga county route. . , -

Elba route n Genessee connty has n record of l0ltlf»0jilej:es.ot r»&&-hand!edL

3S8t y e a r l y three carrlera. The-route Is "; fifty four miles long and serves 1,200 people. It was established October Vi 1800 Over the Hamlet route, in Chan tauqaa county, twenty ...miles long, the single carrier handled last year 14,01 > pieces of mall matter. ^

The Highland route In Jefferson connty Is represented by 127,8*3 pieces of mnll matter, handled by three carriers on a route thirty-four miles long and serving S population of 3,550 people: <

With the new, routes that have 'been established since J u l y ! last, New Y-ork state has twenty-three rural free delivery routes. This is not as good a showing as Ohio, which has forty-nine routes.

Special Agent W. C. B. Hazard's re port to the department recommends sev­eral changea In rout* a for norther a and Central New York. He speaks of the * convenience to tbe farmers engaged, in raising fruit in the vicinity of Lcckport • -I n having t h e -newly established rural

|-deUvery there, as It enables them to get tbe daily paper, containing t h e market reports. __«____________,


% ,

Qnr enterprising townsman, Garry A; Willard, has a gang of men at work layt_ i n g gas pipes up MSIB' street .ana" down Schuyler. Nearly all the business places are putting In tbls gas, and find it the /cheapest as well as the beet l ight attain­able, • Bert Peters has secured a position with F. A. Bgrretfc

William Cqmstoak wanttftjCbefntd-jret--terday to visft his wife who ia staying with her mother on account of ill health.

B e * and Mrs. t. D. Peaslee returned last night from a visit in Madison, where they attended the funeral of their friend. Dr. Hopfclaa

Charles. O'Connor, Ella O'Connor, Mr. id Mrs* RileyaMafiinni8K and George,,

to' ono'lee, I Comn8 of High Market left yesterday for j^^ffextendBu^vlstttir SaE^rTJancBcb7l3aL ~

Killed in a Collision. BiSGHAMTosr, Nov. 9.—Two persons, a

woman named Kennedy and a man named Newton were Instantly killed, and one injured In a collision a t Cortland about 11:30 this morning, between a trol­ley car and a Delaware, Lackawanna & Western milk train.

Clarence Carpenter Killed. '„' CLRVELAND, NOV. 6 —Clarence A. Car­

penter, assistant chief engineer of the Lake Shore Railroad, died suddenly early today at the Cleveland General Hospital as the result of being struck by a fast pas­senger train at 3aybrook on Tuesday last.

V-lnkble gift to a Library. \ Ns^r YOBK, Nov.*9 — J. Pierpont Mor­

gan-has presented the New York public library a collection of books, letters and manuscripts of greatvalue.. T h e manu­scripts which number 80,600 include 200


letters by Andrew Jackson,

Canal Damai;* Claims. •-A L B A » Y , Nov. a . -rHelen i M. D1U,

Maria D. Holmes and Ida N . Sell of Brutus, Cayuga county, has filed a claim against thss ta te for |3 ,665for land dam­aged by canal improvements.

mauat ta Blx Boara. -Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis­

ease relieved h i six hoots by '«New Great South American Kidney Cure." It is a great surprise on account of i t s exceeding promptness in reUeving pain In bladder, kidneys and b « k , in male or female.. Be ­lieves r e ^ a « & o f ^ate^almbBtiirrane-dlately, K you w a n t quick relief a n d cure this i s t h e remedy. SoldbyBiouith-ton * Gmyss,' Druggists, Rome, N, if. • r . * r : : - •'.. . . i . ^ . . ; - . . y . i . ,-Tr . * ' • . , : -

D e a f n e s s o f tH l e a i S i JStaiituhgvl-. Protracted Catarrh produces deafness i n many^c^ie^ ,'C3apt. Ben CSonnor of To^ ronto, Canada, was deaf for 12 years from Catarrh; all treatmellts failed to relieve*.

-Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder gav* h im relief In one day, and in a Jrery short while the deafness left him entirely. I t

m&:<-m•* mm **jn. em t>y 'Bl&t^feon&'QrsiVes ,^; . i

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? l # i | ^ ^ m - - w l t M l r y M t t e « ? ^ g a i > t f ^ l j a t ^ a a ' ' M « r v a Plaster* tor jaaaawat^Wa^

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