ibo%t-'«ich ij -...

«j"p£i ' •**» •a* ijfl&Bffi'.ijk i s ^ - CBISIS* G1T1N FM^CI. —WTHEMSWWEE E « c h Sitf* In Which France r« JDWdfeil Ha» D«t' rmlued On a 'CUUIM and it U-SMMI TT-lat—at -Strength, HStr thjeTTwo Faction* Xi;« Arrayed RENNES Aug 14 -,Tne battle ha« begun m eainest Its political heai ingi are sho\\n in .the airest of Pan. of his royalist and Bonapartis| r , allies who' h a ^ ^ o l e d , w i t h hipi' gfcairisV j|ie The: : #^ite#H^.$f^ -PisertjiTtti a, goes and w l i s stjLh Tortus: uiiif wwiF Swififri^xrtiaa. preyfufr WJtat the oftlcera^safe i f net- mav net-be tnw JSTILL MAKING " th * *»«•?•**»• Kept j ^ , V ,;, >•; ,,. l ^ / f ^ g ^ A ? ^ ^ . ; PARIS h Aug M^emonBtitfatffi^'JL'', »,.- '. &*f&Pi&mk&*>L' >•. --•- -• qurrfed* outside the office ^u^--^^%^^^W^^J^^^H^SP-' : P^- Semite League where M Gqerifyf.JrijJp ^ idept of the»league and m.mk^^Wi'Vovio Rico givihgivaddititfnat'a^^ ^ ^ ^^ v ^ w ^ b m p l t : ^^^^ f ^^ s ^ ^ .wrought fry fUSe .TeSt Wfer* IfiKITArt mri a n**y*4«.^ i*« -*«.». 'E-f'f ••j? t,i . ' /, ill,..,,,.--, „,( --•/ *ii,.5 <* : - 1**J7 6rde%s *rest were issued on a charge pf eoii- [spiring td.< br*n'ir aKXvit in iijtt,-. 1 '^ Into whteW-^'» t Q> l 7s;-di^|€aj:«hd lia,S : toen-Hlipee^ffie^e^ B ejve$,''^;-',fir.Sgy n f f ^ j t t f ] ^ i j i £ ai^tftf. f\ r st biobdV ' 3p-Sh.'g>|j sXandsr'c^mlt".' ted.to 'd eeft&iv<<:piai^#aTid>fia , 3 bdftte'Q> its ships,; The^'actual; :j>rey{ua trial Is a trial :6i7'str,ert|*tflr-I* v :is ; 'if)oW' a "n^ofr' or flotlMl^^^lJi^^rae^riatfe* flghT In whicl»\;Oelthe>-si4e will giye in «n-' less u £ f e l y M'PUtedr .- . . . .. '-•.' ', The ^^sit^-alHQn-b'f '-mpfertces en'. •. ga'ged-=?^t^^^e?<Jf^ffi^t-^e^EPrtfrcr B-- iz o*. - ce £ • Q. fft T i'v- cr- le- Sis- i* Uo Hi Is . .,„ . , , Wfi ; ^Bfet abdut'*6 WmlUaHzeihlftiSelt;^ c.msists^f4he.tcbu»cJi. .All, p^Cesss re- ^tfee ihe.i'e^ impotiati^altaiis-of th(K speot^iorTjegpt^^ut bnljr firdm'thfe " "' ^' Ups o u t , "WAV Mpa'ttrflfent; -They •; ty&HU,, firing td> brt»g mMt &-^tm^' ottMM^ ••^^^W^ 1 ^ ' ^ ^ ^ rnmmmm-msr em' besiegeavw^m imtPWrjfa Ity ^mmW? WM - - ; d0i#i4#yS€ Y -' Au &- "--John Shei:idw. atld p aS>.years, was drowned f iMlty *ntif-«eniltes took u p , a pogltjoml L p P W ^ f ^ S U f e ? : tQ.itli.e,»peftPJe,,,of.,th.ev! |h«*r.anifoddi3tBem^ a iarg«'i (n|..a .sifiall\:M<gM,piyslura park. He 4jfeuhesse Roya^ste, ^ S ' i i ^ S d ^ a ^ f f ^ ^ ^ - - " ; '•'» V s ••' rr r r '' "'•' •"• .k.^Spat&h-f RW»" m w t • Iffi'^MfaHltf. +4K»3s«M6t*^-fiiWteinpt8fte8a lupple^ fdM_rtmenfc>Q'i » a ; i i c T i f e : ; . a i j i » ^ r $ f e w ^ i ^ *R««^ f a s t \<r|"ekvt<i 'laWeXt^orm ^ ^ n ^ t - s - g e r m F y ^ f * « » " ' "' '——--- itfte'-League bf. Patefots. ' •• , '"•'; j- It .appears that the report 6jT-tnfe aM f rf^ .'g'oterp.o'rS' = of; lite states,.' ^ith a'' ?««f «f »» »v.»;s « . « » • i . . : ..... ^..' | , y •!„ Jro'jiM^ glnefalE jtWfee#'.i&' rest of M. Sfar.cei "Hablrt' member; J pl' ItfdWIletr and a' Mgti oincitfl'Vqj' the Weagife of Fattlo'tsY 'wa's-iW^oTJ'eQt. tie. WlsMivitvtirge.-.- • ;•' ': v„ V ."'-"l f_Mr^6?„3? 7 ^aMnts; : ^|rea-';HdlneL2Si d&W been 'eafecufed. ~~*^^ - ] - . . - - - - - - • RQOT*^ ir*Fli=U€f^!Es Trf-rlte Fxcrjeh );ei-ioluttori .and, t h o s e the^ irad to flg-lit, THe JjSeyfugftei-.hlve tW? bi-aJn^^lh^gr,^|tr,d.^iopuissr;the"dS8hir^ jtiTd t l i e ' ^ e x t b t l i t y . At-^tlje-sattrr"tttnTf B r l i iBfiiernfaa: WTSft i r w a r i w i i f •• they are..raw recruits,!gathered spon-- ta ijecw»Iy^on>iijQpafoj|}t£^pLntsfof-gthR! (•omRassi*'fia:tri3't6X_tbe TStttlSry casts and; it .wayube,,.the secret hope of-.re-> ffarda^iia^&i^Sd^h%tt^6rfldig^eouifc-7 The- .^a*tii^|4!tJiiiis> %aye- s6e»i- anfti other v piestl^i;,|itu^e>s^nda4rg| i nlza4 tion. -*^eir!"?epe"r-«ig. coinpo^erd 6f''{he majority -of i-^enSfiinen aria #re"hoh- womeO; tMirt Ifeft ^wilig Js. .tor'm#vol 22 l OOO---offlcer,«,c : ^nd3^eir; rtgh.t \$}m the War Departmah^ Root is *eglnhlng :to get a, firm grasp " o r the-adjmtni»trattqn of-;the-, war•de- -parfnienf."". He:has been'aL-ftie head'ol -iBUfBcie^t tossh^o%nis mtt^ai^anaVths •r^fluejbxie^^fhifehliiiia yiloroHfe ijpfersonal- ?My ejc^rltr t h r p u p o i f t thfjttiiil|ary es- y tablliijtilrnentJ-Afe the: v outset-Mr. Roai Jparthierit,; ifiUdK aa» ^viawTer-^pVeparti his stafehient of facts^^s a basis'foi one ^la^a^ust-aa-^unapr-upaiofl^ ^h^.jeg^ analysis,—Notranlyvthev^ffl tin. the. other, but the moat active an& , C iais here, but th^Tat Manila and Ha less httmerous side, -ddes really flghl vana have been consulted W cabl( fur the.- sMS&iPl Jli«nfeMty^a«31iC£L knd.: «h£ne»er-It-has-been necessary,to.ad tftUlu. TligJDtejgus^tes^is've ftt-aay-j^te ^«^the=filmip&teaess4of^^BiBr«s^ en_ won" 1ietr|prerrt*-rigrht«*-and' they ate Mfre~ot^fhTtiTe]5aiy7n"^va1frrj ^QT tb^ KOverrrrneTlt. !.'Xliiir-&dversEiries can ire longer TflaWUse'xjf the rope thafhung- Lemercier Picard;; or the ralsor that curifftHH'y-V th'roaU ^Fhg. mtrrtster oT war cduid ribt> It h'4-Wanted to, fead a forged doci('m*nt fh parllam#rlt.' It is imnosslMe TioW.t" Stuff the dossier wlih fal)leB-il>~.fdr- ^VIot-liei>- Gao^e'sT talejn Hut org;anb5at|on mrmbers, prestist' ami .vtaiffls mean Btayfug power^ Doubtless..fh'e Dreysltesare sutiplied with funds without •acceptingr >1. be Fi eycinet'a fsilsi^te'of'SWfXJ^W frapt-j^ The -sunis-rflubserihed-' by Bnjglish. and 3 a t flaqd""hirer' i n • this" wilf, Rob lias speedily brougfet. KjlpraefC." Inti toiicn TvTtfe "erery-braheh; of thje; m]Tl itary service a n i fiaB gatnei*ed a'mos Jiernwit Jews must be enormous.- .Aim, -. surfeetlon.- iikc \v0a}thy,(jeritrtes, Je>va are forid ui Uie porap. aha vauittes of life, the titles of aristocratic soQlsty. Many of them are already frightened at the onward pace ai .the-Dreyfusites, tTA^T^RED, Wiis is t-WenflWt-aeti&n- in -whieh Cel unel Biuts colpied troops participai .t(?fe Pinkham's Mcdrcine Made m:Sii. fmwjfim |W^g^Oti?'th:^cl§i't.ry the rivers over. -Ifl , 6^ied3.;.thelr/ : ^g%||'r stopping cornmu- 'r,jmw n®|tle>-H- ^New Or:- Machfas, the t»ttii , ei 4 >Q k f wailfilt^Wto sea on the morn- r in%%t t^^lj|p?;^voftl the expected ^rricane. an(J'4niWiattfr of w»lch had 3uly:;23, has ;s 'i||i||d" here. wpfl ffftir'' efmilm'ons, had been • m bafhfng' .and Spited to "get into a ibo%t-'«ich : m^w?^ -• ?»JLJl5^| /i S»/ the CUfbl Itl_tlt« ••-« ,. Je ^ M L t ^ ^ ^ f l ^ ^ a ^ i ^ t c h e s . ,ye'-^ :-|i|ivea j froVn'' Gejjilral''' i j a / f s fvv^rs^'e^t. to thg gbftsidenl a^^a'klvditarl^iatnj'" . _... ~__^piss& ^hy Island ts n$ryet •Rffo^pr-beySttfCw ; a|struction:..ot ^u^t^legr^jtjo-.conaie^-. li6h%.ana-^5.^t4|S%u9|ip'"rj 'Q.n».afi roK$$*. ^ o ^ . n V < j | e ^ t | M ^ ^ ^ b j ^ h ^ . Q ^ ^ i e - ' ^-H^s'^yef $$fut&'.f.iiQnfe but, elaqu^'h;,is : adlni ! Bcp'o^yrt.';.. • Boston,..,: .... piii'ladeljjhia 0^:ipr,atl...? fehicftg^-.^l. fh 'Louis.,., jpltjsbucfe ..- TTJoTiiBViiiW;;; TJnish - P.C- fcno!>ynij to J ^ i ^ n ^ - t ^ i S f a t e m e n t ^ t h a l ' pnR-Jif^h.,bt , t ^ j d w g j l i g 0 J n the. isjan.^.; fete^^taily^de^trQyed ^n§..thMi;. owners. kre without any eheUer .whatever,, or,; kijyj foodj beyonft, wjiat. has ,b«en r eayed. from, the d e b i ^ TUft.•.coffee crop: arid; fnpst of thg^ttees-are iruined apd- thu's- reliaj?e&^lfor support is, gfone- Pully : pae»jthird'«f the people •isubilst entirely -bh fruit apd a srii'alt, degie'e tfn.tuba*, |\11 the former is destroyed and much f the latter arte •fottlng". Jn Ehe ground. L "Many thoasands of cattle... were fojvned kith th>"d|.briH c^pHea bV' th6 jTvers Ts: strewn over : tn#Ticean, with the-AVreck of 'the ttot-mi.afloat he dead fiodres of animals, T vTBe~dgath^ fr6m^-fg|ltng- watte and complete ana; anajytea resume of th J ^ J ^ ^ Vb vfery gI , ea . ti . j am mtlHary affairs. Erobabiy th?. niost,finjjfoctant' milt. farV IntfJDIry Sqcfeiiiry Robt is pursu ing is as to. the exact—iluituations o the insurrection- in the Philippine since therday it began. Koj that pur pose a mttltary map Is now befnir pre pared by the adjutant general's offlc for the use : t>f the secretary. It will b _iu bird's eye yfew of th« thea,ter-ol military operatta?ife2teJUghpiit the J% H3t- ' UenecaLJdfercl.er's- depoatUtxtELnau^ ia« -lUHllble-uivlcss-to--the judges- -and-.shorl hand refipTters. It fell (latj Ws voice it now i a prltit. It has. qualities" ^6r which' \y^ dld'not »|ve l( creai? during ilptivery. They are easy, flowing state- j ments-pfanslblllty arid the art of lull- ing suspicion,. As the deposition ap- pears in fuH In the reports, it will everywhere be^-read with delight by those- already Iporsuiiiled .that Dreyfus Is a tliaitfifc JChey will hot„"see ivhaf wng T>or<k*iinfttnn, whffl was of feline perfidy. FIguratlveJyspeakins T .the de- position* whhjh Avtf* i-eairy a speech for the prosecution,- 1 shows Merrier to be a flaatlir'bt ttife Wgtiest. orSer. -HV never'looses his way In the most In- tricate variations and keeps in view tlrg mottyeinanieiy^iTirr uf eyfo's tir"ff 5VhIIe gofhg over the ipHltary phaset oj- the work; the- secteiary h a j con-' ferred with the oonim&ndlhg general General Miles, at(d with General Mer- 1 ' rTtf, whc< t s second to cahatmahdVj. ot -fhe_nxllltary_prohlems. presentea, ant 4hpusand—and may -be—several ^fmes tftla-JlUifibfiri. Th$ RWte .o£distress Is very *r"eat and AVheh gteett fru'i'ts saved ^rom the debris are consumed, the -syf 35 IT 34 ;?6 39 39 a ; 50 firt- 64 Mi .625 .m n54S-„- ; M .-Y4Str The Anierfctiri Loss Was Three Klll«d and Thlrte'ett Wounded, rnclurllriB, a "^ ." ' ' fefafTtfy—bw % jM:eu a Ex-* /' 5^5?" hnasted By Marchtog^ MANILA, A u | . 14.—A feconnpiaance by U-O'QPS of General $amuel B. 'N. ypjing's hrigarie,.Aviili lhe_Libjecl-o£-dls- ..coyering the whercu,bou'ts uf the ene- myjiear San Ma_teo, njiith««st of ^hc San Juan're3ervoir, about 10 miles fronT, "TKTanlTa; TefuTfipa - !!) tiie'ox'eiipatloh ~oT San Mateo. The Arnerica-n loss was three killed and IS wounded, including a ireutenant. of the Tvve'nty-'iirs't in- Ja ; nt>ry- l ^_ t. . ,- ...7*^ _ „„_-^-' .. Th| Americans approached- San Ma- W) in,, threi; 'culumns. MaJ&r, Cvonih wkh 15-men..Of tin- Twr-ny-ftfth infant- iraVa"t'i_c"eJ fIWI No\ ; aW"B*es'¥w rnFIce - \vest of San Mateo. < Caplain Kivers^ wfth 100 men' of_ the Fourth, caya'rry ..•ajld. t'..jptij.iB Pai'i.v.r,--fovrnei:iy Jitfutea- anj; colonel of the^veruy-flrst. New iYork yaluhlecr »>egjmunt, with 2t)8 nien of the.TWeinty-flrst and-Twtfnty-fourth inlatnlTy and, the I^o-urth cavalry, ap- proached in two eolurhne from the south.. . , ' ; j?IUajor Or'onla experienced many dif- .?L ult ' i t s -iL 1 'iS!lI^ £l '"'2_ ^TS- 001 ^'Won. of l"he"< r oUntvf^nnTfa"lfed"tTrTffert'a junc- ,384,.. Washington |Wav4uind.^,, ""<• B««!«jlfcJol>>'^,*|%' , <l'«y'» 6am««. 1 At^eehawKeni'-S.^J-. „ R.H.K. "New' 4 Y*tk..-^''M ; ^'3 0 2 D 0 •— ft 13 4 juiuisville, ;....: 0%-? o :' n o"o 0-581 Battertes- —'Seymour and Warner; jpmjripi and zsnW0^ _:" W«iaH!«"* L o a s a e . kt Mih^ea'pote-7-Minnedpolls, 5; Mil- ""At^St, H a ' a t ^ t ; JT>aul. 4; Kansas City 2- ? ' ' . .*' i ,At Grand Jfta|{d«j-Gra.pd Rapids,' 0; Indianapof Is^ \. . s , f"T- .^LONJDOk..-. A^Jfe'..14-Vrhe followim i^of U»<* cup c h a l l»vTp."th'e sim'Frlns'everywhei'e-vsTfnm rea'ch as. much as' passible', but in out- bf-thiB»wi»y places are many' thousands !who cannot be reached for some time. Thr supplies ordered sent by the gov- omment—wHrtl help-much, * but will last only for a few. days, while dqstftutlfrfi. inuet continue for many weeks or> sortie' mqriths until the bananas .grow up" from the ground, ToY;whtob: five moirtrts at "Food of all Irinds are needed, eg- peplally rice, beans and codfish, which hivva-ireen. the main support outside o t friitu Cheap cotton clbthlng is. also n^ded, Tor thousands rushed^.naked iront tf^Jr dwellings at night when the •ftaleQiroke. -Medicines are also nccBed "nOTWes t h e military rfe3uTfs~~5T**tires« j ^ ( m pfesshigiyr especially quinine und im- lize ahr* ola^ - ing the rat- eat the Vflll ?IYC xnp ate Bay. wtn hen* IQhg irisfc, rtme" hen the djy reiy - that he, ?ks.piesldent of the rctfubtip-r. fnierMJnJ^aLp^tJBfidt rfnLjc#ber a^ used o^Hreftso)ft»VCaBlrnirfrPeriiSr h|s'; » habit M thtri'sinfe ma'ftbidly-^fl^ dias laken itim tfforise a t SeV^ai #s^Crt1on« \ fool, calculating, well-informed, traitor, The Immediate Issue of the fight Is not the" freedom, of- r>royfC«; bnt these incidents and episodes are the begin* mng of-a AlrOggle -of Tar»reac4ilns eon- •"quence. -Thq Nationalists ehciil.l be, ^Iven _eredlt tpv "hlLVing, from the very h-ginnlng foreseen \Vhaf revtstuiV. wnu d' bad to, 5Phefe?ln tnany: things showed, bijndBesc.' They accepted the madman. ijuggnay ^de • Beattr^palr", as. thelt sprikesmaft : But tffry rlaff a kwn In- stinct foe-tha ultimate tEe«d of the m~; v Isinnist m'ovetmltit. TJ'r^yfBsng-senepaar TinfortunateTn fhe use rifj t'h;e peri. Ite lagB^; artist te stfisiblilties aija .canhdt aisassojiiale liiinseif Jtoinhls t»Wd tb erft^r-int counsels, it has estabUshe* co-opera- ..JiML JjeJjmJn.,, the, r .a.cjl%, h e a d of Iht ^tvar dopartrnpnt and tfco ranking offl. *cers of the" army."* \ , Stearfwhlle the. secretary has an- nounced ho- fa.r-reach.inj; policies. So too, repor^^et ^afloat- before" he en- tered office, that he would confine hit attention to Cpban affaiw, leaving ,th< | ^htlipplnes-_tft i _,' , ;mllltary. autltqi 4 l{les'- l haVc not bten' b^riia, oilti.' hut,;.otti the enstrarv. the military exigencies it the Philippines- have been the objtcfc 01 his most earneSf Sollcttlu"de, Coricerningr Cuba and Poiito RIcc the detailed administrittfoh bi-thejt* af- fairs is being left Tafgely with his as- sistants and chiefs and he isjeoncern- fag" • hTmBe^^fn^fie'^^ '• of the reconstruction and future of, thc ; islands, ano^t with- the substitution 01 -orderly ilvfy government fo'r tftllltarj -regitne mbw in forpe; .. _^ ^eiifornier PremferTRlgera nrge^ that an ordbr be speedily, issued foi ' nvunlclpaY. electlorft} In Forgo *RIco, th< • sgereiaTy repll6d7lhat.he lioped thesi selections -woutft oecur a s .Soop as tht present-np^j^ppy aSd storiftiawept-.con- dltlon of the island wou{d permit. •JMLQ&g^Lbihfitsj^jOne sees this harish "^oTisrrM^^phi^^pqndfence with Big and. give-emplbyffien^ to ( as r man'y, as JaBalSble^ 1 hapsjHe_ch^italile p$0jple clothes. medlollfi^St an.d\ mopey, "Colonel Holer. ehtSt, SHrgeon of the department, ifyC^ajUr^fLjqf/the board of. relief- and au^liary boards, are ot- ganlzigg- hi" aft th| tpwns, Fi«e mfll> «:- Wbenit wa»*j«^rest«#«i»t ta*d«go- -farioh.ltt For to, Rlcei i m * # : o^ttuft^f: remissloW olP airfles oir-*raio^r * 4 ! """ : necessity,- —the -seeretarjr -said already conferring, with General, Davjig governor general bi thfe island, to 'fh|^ UicPqse. wlfp. H e AvfiRvflivjer Jtfore unfortunate than in the* letter tKinfpialrilng that M». Casimlr-SerlerJ dia^iiot keepTi prorhiS.e 1 who treatedf^a^otil' libel tlite assertion mm^M" Saw.,. &m*>t€±-T$rb pj|; netoffreerk.'Htere killfedi fiftrfci:t, %^elo<;I , - . - , , . * . ,iu " m - t h f r m o ^ r a j r f g . b y - a reefcurt^^^ b e i o n g i n l • f Merj!ier^nd4vJliJt3^^^<i«s«Sfts ffillft .• tongompa^iy^^ir^TnMyt^wfeth-^luntefe ,i5J him. ' n6-.tsii._t.' _."__i _ i . ~ t i n - n j -1 -ni/xftf tktf'lltt 1 !!• ' -^_J IT > ^ , . , :, - L_ Li. a The Sei*ttrT2koppen lettef-speaking of t h e ImiJiiupfib. InleiV-ention in the nlfalr of the Geinian empeior, for rea> "ons unknown""e\en to Hohenlohe ifi- t>e'le\ed to be gemiihe In this con •neeUon it l_ sftt4- 4 tn mHltary ciiclea that a Udj 1* wnom Embercn wrtliam Hok .a deup inteiest had fished out foi him Dteifus as a pe«son catnpe- tont Ui Ih£qijn,Ws TfjiajjeBty Tptn^efepli militaiy (luegttiona. This_JadJ it Js M}id was a relative of the late J*w3- 'lues Saint,Ceie »f the ffigato, who was condemned to 13 months' imprlf- onmeat for bl_ckmaillng the late mil- lionai *, JWasn tiebiiudy She^ came ta < bK«nc# arfr thatH^SMi-r^ena^s^eifi -be tote WaTfifif 1 'further pfbg'^te This is' tRg weTfeolueJ news ".g.iv'ei^oafc % pe mdVfimehi offtKe Infrricane jsiaMaten|- ly Vefljf s l o ^ aftd* e v e n at*dacks6n^ the •SnlctaS"te ,,,„.,.,. , . ..„„.,. •. is;"^che^: \%fcWl b j r ^ . n ^ f f e , t'h,an i-i|,ffir^Bw P0?,'.'" ""' ' ''"' '' ^ ; thWigh Bis heSFf, klflVht ht« ihiitahfl? ; r ^ ort r 'fvoni' Spllfr*"lft^5ate "tiyfiiiity SSme ot Cotfnte^a Mftrie Voft- M«h* Rter's letters'in-thB^seefel dossier were to Mile;*,Lucie .Fanre? They may be forseriaav' "oae-caniaQt irnag'fhe I h i l s&e Rave ih*em t o t h e minister of.'war-as wotif tWHite-femlly ot the German 1 ^ n ^o^iiltr^tsT"W'^F-b araba^do^fdok an-lftferest-th Drey.4 ^^tLjaoldieisi^jeMftiMiM. * turned on. hlin- and senfc„;a /bul^: JPHaEMftTEKUET kM>KlMA«tiT Hit ^ JOHNSON'S DYSPEPSIA CURE *«yfoFB'. *N NtrvV I'utu i»'«» Hom, 1M, M*tmim. »• «*«« *W Sal* by », H. H-a.11-, WW*** ¥"••» a ««* Mm*, -"-^^Rtrofe-^as^lif^-tj^H^fb^t^ i-eetv^^e^nnd*^|^p|l?5 Hla uWalnttt;- ag^pcia;lea. | p e a k of hit.. mm TWu r»»c^ OiBeari skat •»..'a" taldtaX .JKJJo r kktfaJftttlBw*tt».,^- tiflHdi^H^: ifoHo\ved tfieia ana em upon- them at the comer of? 15lake agf _ , ._ .... Ix.„ i i i L ' . l . ' Bi '™ii.' *!.»*.¥ tion, with, L>ptaiij Rivei-s west" of Fan Mateo, as.had beenplanned. >. M. ^^S- - .- Captein -Rivet's took an etttpost of the enemy two miles' sputhwst of San. Ma- teo. He the,-, encountered st+qng ie-. slslanie a 4 j,ong the htls. the enemy firing rrom excellent positions. Hav- ing faliud to connect with Major Cru- nin and seeing that the mwn was al- ready occupied by the Americans, Cap- tain Rivers withdrew, covering • his withdrawal by heavy volley-tiring, .He lost a sergeant killed.. . Captain t-aiker, on advancing, found the enemy strongly entrenched' on the far 6lde of hume rice riejda,- about a mile wiilo and vnVei-'Kd-^uh'-deep mud* Pushing'fcu-'ward rapidly, he routed tjie Filipinos .after: 40 minutes fighting, and then' cnntirruo*l the mftrch upon San Mateoj which he entered Without se rlotifi rpslsianco abouj 1:30 in tjie a£tec- tain Paikers column, was under flu throughout the - evrgaggttnjnt. It is es timated thit the enemy numbered be 'tween 300 and 400 men,-, While the Seventeenth infantiy dur s injr ,)a_L »Tu|fe|Sy*H -D'attle - ' flag ap- proaching Caluiut along the roAd, tb,e troops saw a srioup of 50 Filipinos out Side*'the town under a flag of tiuce Some, wtacrweu in white clothing, held -up thiii hands to signify that they \TOro unaTfnea. C^j)t^rjrHari7^\vl!th~a detachment, advarfced cautiously ; M : a point withln>200'yards of them, whe'jx |h| Filipinos picked up their-arnfa aiidlflred a volley. _ Tm AnrerieaHS"tlitsppea^lifter the bushes unhurt on the firdt move- ment and returned the flrei . At this the; Filipinos ran'off. Word has 'been received from Lieu- tenant 3", C.:" GtlTnT6re"oT pie"'UnJEe3' States gnnbpaC'. Ynrktown, who.tyltb 14'.member9:'fti the euew of t h e guriboat ,was ; captured by the Insurgents last ~ATJ8?nTp,ear"^aler, _op~tne "e^sT^ebaet of Lua'on. The message which comes 'througb"Spanish "prisoners ie, to the •effect that the;orHeer and his men are . at "Vigariiin Hie' province of ; ' South "II, ocos, on the west coast of Luzon. All. but two are well. ''-Lieutenant Gillmore Is allowed a "house and a servant and is, fairly treated. - . • , . RE'9E;LS_Adf3iESSlVE. Oi|r Forced Attnnhed' By the Iiwargcnts •«. (.)„ Two-Wtn^fStit Oc(:a»I<ln» ~ MANILA," AUg.. 14,-^The "Sffgurgents 1-h'gbr ShamfoOk-httvi' been -suppired^ar "-nfforr. Majm-f*mnia ertreTFd the town Secretary HugtCC?: "KeJiy of the Roya '-'" TRsfer" "Yacht chtntr'-RcgHtered tonnage 135,000; Thames. -meaaurejrwnt. 260 leSith, 105,5; lehgth on th« water line 83-feet? br*adth;-25r3_'» depth, lff..u5; D$£ of l-eglstry; Belfast. ha\-e taken the aggressive In, the neigh- borhood of the, railroad*" On Saturday ; night t_hey unsuccessfully uKacked'San Lius on the Rio Grande near' Calum- pit. wJJicb. is^garrisohed-by two com- iwriies of the Twentx-.secona infantiy. The Americans bad one man, a ser- geant, killed And two privates wounded. Sunday morning a similar affair took place at Grirtgua,- four miles west of Mitioios, where another small garrison Is stationed as a safeguard against a possible attack upon the railway. A Ki«"cial ti'ain took reinforcements to Malulos and Gu'iguinto,'just north of liulacan *—— Keetl Jlny Hcmalu ID Congreai. - N E W YDTTK, Amg. ti—^Phe. WorK says: "The possibilities' that Thotnai Hrackett Rccd .u i.ll stay In congresi and oppose expansion from the- lloos ^f f^-ftnnaA nf r^pT*,n«mtatHr<»s. ta ffttHfc aDmrt 4:30. The Americans still occupy the pla^e. Our men were exhausted by the heavy marchlnK. Twenty-three of the enemy axe knows to have""beeh killed. in-g a-titscussion In Republican circles Senator I'la.tt. however, declined to dls GUBB the possibility at the Oriental ho . tel nor would General David llend'er son, who called on Senator Piatt, saj anything concerning the matter." ... _ .___ ^„^^ r ^^..^-mi.^^ MQa J^J^J^ eia ^ v 'U Hw- Www* nl Mfe.l&itTO., - :l "" '...---;.* ^«,^..™- Geti^Mi Youpg> atcompanLed^ by Cap- J [LETI** TO-HKS. TI^KM* XO» fifefSaJH-r. •' DEAB KBS. rnrxHAtt—X fhmk it is_ my^dn^^laT'T^riterto yot| expressing^ my ^sincere gratitude lor tJi.ewol.dei,- ful relief I have experienced by the use -of Lydia G Pmkham^s-^e^eia-blejGoin- —S-^T-. >»4S 1 U jiound » I tried different doctors, ajso % different kinds of medicine t would ^^ feel better at times, then would be ' as bad as ever. "For eight years I was a great suf* - « fererl 1 had falling of the womb and .was in such misery, at my .monthly tteuiods I could not work but a little ^tefegrej^wouldjiay^eto lie down. Your medioine has made a new womanT of me, T I can now worlc alFday and not get <tired, .. I.thank you for what you Lave Jone for me., I shall always praise your medicine toall su-fferingwomen," r 7-MRS. 1JL.B. EuaN»,(SKBMAi(0, Omo. •1 ' . . T iJ r^.. : ••:-»" . " I have iajtca eigltt^ettlies of I»ydia —• ~"E.[ Pihkhaomjsf yeg^faibi^i fCJoinpounci wd'tased;'tT^. p 'gB^.feJejiti4^'3fpar bana- 'tive Wash, also some of the Liver Pills, andJE.cansay T :that yoji* EejnjedJiegwiU „^ do all that you claim for them. Before taking your remedies tfwtts'very bad with womb trouble, was, nervous, had |io anibition- could not sleep, and any food seemed to dq:me;n6\g;opti Now I *ni well, arid your, medicine has; oiued llie. I Will'^ladly recbmineaidyour med- icine to ^v€ry one whenever-1 go "— ^ W 1 »?»; -- of-waiting till the ; weather and ( .roads get bad before^aeHng your Winter supply of coal? Ic will bo no lower in price—it may be hfgher I can deliver any. kind of .spal you want and guarantee. Batisfactloia, My coftl Is well pecreened and free from slate. & "-.--"••a DO HOI DELAY, bnt order afionce . . . . JOflt WNJS, ' 4 . $AQ& fibmlidcl^treit. TTTIOA _ _ STEAMIlNGIrtK^NrTBOILEB WOBKB, *"~ . 278 WH1TI8B0RO fitCE* . ' DTioAr*!. T: ; Engine*, Boiler*,,Shafttop;. GewlaK and Mill Work, lfiuwrjghttag and P a t t e m - B ^ g . Mechanical Drawing and at^^fcis' ^.^^' pther- simple ,me.dtetnes. , 'H estimate that at Jgaist.Jlltfi toia, of tiim WfllUeYetiuired weekly fof seV- frAt weeks: I h a v e dOhBtitufdci b^at'ds all o^er the island to regulate assjtst-^ ance airtd: a"generali,bO£ird here to con-? 1 duct the relief work. "While I have not yet fuit d£ta, I repeat the estima.tB.t'ba.t at l§ftst WO.'OBO peo'ple are horhe)ee"s and destitute, Relief r^yphs 0*06656*0:, o n e pound 1 o f 'fo'erdijer' dajr coVnposed^of, seven ounces of beans, se.ven oiinC e 9 °f' ric.e.a'ftd two Ounces P, cdMsh. , ';fo,«Mjtii. ta th^ foorotde^a'by, w i l t hay*, rjiir .aajtt r*sp^et'in.ir: : -luture f Wvisioh*. \»%l>e;,nec?Iiiry. for, s e y e W months. 1 s M t i p u s ^ ^ r k on. t p e roaqS; , ta*ry posts' not "yet, heaxdV ^mJfiSf" - t " In a *econ4d»»atch, d^f^Sfelaltii ;pPE^. ^ I r n ? , p ^ i f 6 | , e a | f e - r e ^ | | a f ; c a n s e ^ v | ^ e ; •• ff^.sujggeatB. . t h e ^ P p T n t - r .i fpieni of^anplfic^riifrWe^^lk;-^^ ; boat,'. cMm aiii-' a e ^ r a t » v » * n n e r * eind Wp i ,. f|Huhi(» iiia^UV^hateh^: •' «&£!«- **ifa»fcf- M'|iraJ^- , 3&»ia^l*a«*'aJ:*: -«S(lrS|saiiBTfa»»>'l ^AHH^GT-ON, Aug. ly^Thj-watl !.tn|lim HS^i#^l'g1^V'fe.^]lf*^ -uijay decceisitif in, strength; ancl ,tl»e infantry, nb\^ stationed at Fort Lb. gan. Three soldiers had been talshp^b a dlstufban^e'in- a galooftL dUBing" tfifc. : (fj, l€ * ^g e "velocSPbf thV^wJSd-^as'.bu night and-Ofncer Tom Clifford *wa% rib-.~M•#&& s ,g^$&&< "rhfe d p i y o n T b f th A luxury within the reach of all! ^^ > ; . I^ftoim List *%*! S& ~jA W"'i '}%£.- your 6Wfevi I* !• Y * V. - \, -r'/iw, -t-.- 4i$ -: "*-* ' - ' '•? ',K 'M 1 •"'T'yB ^H .t-sJU l-4@. 11, •dk, w *> <*r" •V. %-*& ;,' ••' ti T*M Nevtei* Ground. The soldier-s theh started to run bu -tW£ w ere overtaken and captured Tin one tliftt did the shooting, however continued running, with Officer W fe Gilffith on a bicycle In pursuit Qt, Sixteenth street the officer saw the mat- making for a \iaduct He shot at hite twice the soldier Leturnln^ the, fir-*, 1 t south of Jacksonville, mdUJapife a slow noithwiid moveineht Tlie^eathor bu,i eauTTas i TipB no vihe morally \vounding Grlfntb% who di« ,ernoon reports south $ JTittnnlltft F l a . Some distance beJow iJrfcksOnvHle, sinee Sat- urday mint aitd nojsfitng ttctm Nas- sau, Bahami is^aiids, "sinc^ ^n%ay aft- a few- mint(teiH«l^> The eritUe pb' lice and d e t e o t l y e force^B; of the cj^ were sdnt out after th* man and tlU country for mjl«t has been patfolled ' "tvKhbnt yleldins any traee ot the-dou blemiuderej _ ^_ - - The man who did tne shooting wai Wellington C. Llewellyn of qiobe, Arl« A rewaidTVas f been offered fof hftn dea< or alive . ..._., 1—,—, , * _< Had a V«r» ftxtsitlB^^P"** **!». SAN FR^NCflseOf -Jttrgr.—l*w*he United Sta,tes tiansport Centennial ha* jnat afiived heie fromiManlla after ii \eiy excitingf round trip., sne nar- rowlv missed a couple of typhoons^ ^araflUflTe on a coial igefr-w*(«e-the I Millie ciew bai,ely esca.pexUcajJture at the hawls t\i the F i U p i b o s , ^ ^ <nVth»; » ^aiioi^ wa^-killed by a paruplg hawwrr knit ^ fle ._^_tli^--fluatteuna»l:£LB_W:aL " stabbed by as colored cook. Oh hei teturn trip to thi« port-th* Geh^- hlal brought a number of ln\«1idi officers and min. from varlohs fe*l* mofits* ' ' ffcUawMBhowfritB «wdMba> -i, * sererfe- ^>Tnw "aT Tlrat~nlace ft~Is nort' ATLANTA ( % A u g , 14 - A , special to Thf Constitution troni, Biunsw^icK ' bays. The batometer nas he?n fa,U»rit •lowly fof sevetftl"hotifeS.* Dense cloud) -rdiWd u*p v «nd"-theie wtya hesfvy—wln4e which continued foi Sonne time send-. ing clouds of dust m_^yerywdH]tecttont •The people are v son*e,what ( alajcmed. EyerytWng portible ^h^s been phi; vihe«6 the least damage can be done and tsftlpplfllr-H- 1,e i d - 1[n ~P dl ^~* t - 1 *- t>fei: Jieved the stown will reach hete. with- in a short time. ., ' AT SAH JDMAftiQQ, B«t run* yM#» if»*« J * * ^ city, Itut thfi Interior »«* H**tA Jttbtn. i- SAK »OMfNG6 t Xug l i - * h ^ storm ^li coninttritlveiy little damage Infc the city 6f San Oominf o The wind -which was accomnittled by «T t e f r i p c fealfl, Jaited ^ hours oaAsihir t^« titfw to ivwuovfr a^d; c*rnyi<iit Hwa,y hPjix of the t S^il ! i*5caa?».i» t -1' M m w 33^-r Millions Of ^••*ar?J S^*" Sold, Only in ttb. .* .3*'- fc^^l -^ ^.jLj-a.^.^ '.-ii .f.m a- ' ^ - —,—- ".-ti**- v ^ l " ,---*^^— ^i^l^^^piiiiiM- l i ^ ^ t e i i ^itt shortly af^ai* ,|ttlil^y|^eiv 1±M -4«i». ,fU «. J2as^: 1 #'-1 * 1 '' w fT^^^^W^*^-^^W i^TS^Pm ^tiss&mr ?:.••'•/• mm

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Page 1: ibo%t-'«ich iJ - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031997/1899-08-14/ed-1/seq-5.pdf · idept of the»league and m.mk^^Wi'Vovio Rico givihgivaddititfnat'a^^

«j"p£i '

• * * » •a* ijfl&Bffi'.ijk is^-CBISIS* G1T1N FM^CI.

— W T H E M S W W E E

E«ch Sitf* In Which France r« JDWdfeil Ha» D«t' rmlued On a 'CUUIM and i t

U - S M M I TT-lat—at -Strength, HStr thjeTTwo Faction*

Xi;« Arrayed R E N N E S Aug 14 - ,Tne bat t le ha«

begun m eainest I t s political heai ingi a r e sho\\n in .the a irest of Pan.

of his royal is t and Bonapartis | r , allies who' h a ^ ^ o l e d , w i t h hipi' gfcairisV j|ie

The: :#^ite#H^.$f^

-PisertjiTtti a, goes and wlis stjLh

Tortus: uiiif wwiF Swififri^xrtiaa.

preyfufr WJtat the oftlcera^safe i f net- mav net -be t n w


" th* *»«•?•**»• Kept j ^ , V ,;, >•; ,,. l ^ / f ^ g ^ A ? ^ ^ . ; PARIS h A u g M ^ e m o n B t i t f a t f f i ^ ' J L ' ' , »,.- '. &*f&Pi&mk&*>L' >•. --•- -•

qurrfed* outside the office ^u^--^^%^^^W^^J^^^H^SP-':P^-Semite League where M Gqerifyf.JrijJp ^ idept of the»league and m.mk^^Wi'Vovio Rico g i v i h g i v a d d i t i t f n a t ' a ^ ^

^ ^ ^ ^ v ^ w ^ b m p l t : ^ ^ ^ ^ f ^ ^ s ^ ^ .wrought fry fUSe

. T e S t Wfer* IfiKITArt mri a n**y*4«.^ i*« -*«.». 'E-f ' f ••j? t,i . ' /, ill,..,,,.--, „,( --•/ *ii , .5 <* :- 1**J7 • 6rde%s

*rest were i ssued on a charge pf eoii-[spiring td.< br*n'ir aKXvit i n i i j t t , - . 1 ' ^

Into whteW-^'» t Q> l 7s;-di^ |€aj:«hd lia,S:

toen-Hlipee^ffie^e^ Bejve$,''^;-',fir.Sgy n f f ^ j t t f ] ^ i j i £ a i ^ t f t f . f\rst biobdV ' 3p-Sh.'g>|j sXandsr'c^mlt".' ted.to 'd eeft&iv<<:piai^#aTid>fia,3 bdftte'Q> its ships,; The^'actual; :j>rey{ua trial Is a trial :6i7'str,ert|*tflr-I*v:is;'if)oW' a "n^ofr' or flotlMl^^^lJi^^rae^riatfe* flghT In whicl»\;Oelthe>-si4e will g i y e in «n-' less u £ f e l y M'PUtedr .-. . . . . ' - • . ' ',

The ^ ^ s i t ^ - a l H Q n - b ' f '-mpfertces en'. •. ga'ged-=?^t^^^e?<Jf^ffi^t-^e^EPrtfrcr


iz o*. -


£ •

Q .

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i'v-cr- • le-


i * Uo Hi I s

. .,„ . , , Wfi;^Bfet abdut '*6 WmlUaHzeihlf t iSel t ;^ c.msists^f4he.tcbu»cJi. .All, p^Cesss r e - ^tfee ihe.i'e i m p o t i a t i ^ a l t a i i s - o f th(K s p e o t ^ i o r T j e g p t ^ ^ u t bnljr firdm'thfe " "' ^ ' Ups out,

"WAV Mpa'ttrflfent; -They •; ty&HU,, f i r i n g td> brt»g mMt &-^tm^' ottMM^ ••^^^W^ 1 ^ ' ^ ^ ^ rnmmmm-msr em' besiegeavw^m imtPWrjfa Ity ^mmW? WM - -

; d 0 i # i 4 # y S € Y - ' Au&- "--John Shei:idw. atldpaS>.years, was drowned

f iMlty *ntif-«eniltes took u p , a pogltjoml L p P W ^ f ^ S U f e ? :tQ.itli.e,»peftPJe,,,of.,th.ev!

|h«*r.anifoddi3tBem^ a iarg«'i (n|..a .sifiall\:M<gM,piyslura park. He

4jfeuhesse Roya^ste , ^ S ' i i ^ S d ^ a ^ f f ^ ^ ^ - - " ; '•'» V s • • ' r r r r'' "'•' •"• .k.^Spat&h-f RW»" m w t • Iffi'^MfaHltf. +4K»3s«M6t*^-f i iWteinpt8fte8a l u p p l e ^ fdM_rtmenfc>Q'i » a ; i i c T i f e : ; . a i j i » ^ r $ f e w ^ i ^ *R««^ fast \<r|"ekvt<i

' l aWeXt^orm ^ ^ n ^ t - s - g e r m F y ^ f * « » " ' "' ' — — - - -itfte'-League bf. Patefots. ' •• , '"•'; j- I t .appears t h a t the report 6jT-tnfe aM f rf .'g'oterp.o'rS' = of; lite states, . ' ^ i t h a'' ?««f «f »» »v.»;s « . « » • i . . : . . . . . ..' | , y •!„ J r o ' j i M ^ glnefalE jtWfee#'.i&' rest of M. Sfar.cei "Hablrt' member; Jpl'

ItfdWIletr and a' Mgti oincitfl'Vqj' the Weagife of Fattlo'tsY 'wa's-iW^oTJ'eQt. tie. WlsMivitvtirge.-.- • ;•' ' : v„ V ."'-"l f_Mr^6?„3? 7^aMnts; :^|rea-';HdlneL2Si d & W been 'eafecufed. ~~*^^ - ] - . . - - - - - -•

RQOT*^ ir*Fli=U€f^!Es Trf-rlte Fxcrjeh );ei-ioluttori .and, those the^ irad to flg-lit, THe JjSeyfugftei- .hlve tW? bi-aJn^^lh^gr,^|tr,d.^iopuissr;the"dS8hir^ jtiTd tl ie'^extbtlity. At-^tlje-sattrr"tttnTf B r l i iBfiiernfaa: WTSft i r w a r i w i i f • • they are. .raw recrui ts , !gathered spon--ta ijecw»Iy^on>iijQpafoj|}t£^pLntsfof-gthR! (•omRassi*'fia:tri3't6X_tbe TStttlSry casts and; i t .wayube,,.the secret hope of-.re-> ffarda^iia^&i^Sd^h%tt^6rfldig^eouifc-7

The- . a*tii |4!tJiiiis> %aye- s6e»i- anfti other v p i e s t l ^ i ; , | i t u ^ e > s ^ n d a 4 r g | i n l z a 4 tion. -*^eir!"?epe"r-«ig. coinpo^erd 6f''{he major i ty -of i -^enSfi inen aria #re"hoh-womeO; tMirt Ifeft ^wilig Js . . tor'm#vol 22lOOO---offlcer,«,c:^nd3^eir; rtgh.t \$}m

the War Departmah^

R o o t is *eglnhlng :to get a, firm grasp " o r the-adjmtni»trattqn of-;the-, war•de--parfnienf."". H e : h a s been'aL-ftie head'ol

-iBUfBcie^t tossh^o%nis m t t ^ a i ^ a n a V t h s •r^fluejbxie^^fhifehliiiia yiloroHfe ijpfersonal-?My ejc^rltr thrpupo i f t thfjtt i i i l |ary es-y tablliijtilrnentJ-Afe the:v o u t s e t - M r . Roai

Jparthierit,; ifiUdK aa» ^viawTer-^pVeparti h i s stafehient of facts^^s a bas is ' fo i

o n e ^ l a ^ a ^ u s t - a a - ^ u n a p r - u p a i o f l ^ ^ h ^ . j e g ^ analysis,—Notranlyvthev^ffl tin. the. other, but t h e moat ac t ive an& ,Ciais here, but t h ^ T a t Mani la and Ha less httmerous s ide, -ddes rea l l y flghl vana have been consulted W cabl( fur the.- sMS&iPl Jli«nfeMty^a«31iC£L knd.: «h£ne»er-It -has-been necessary , to .ad tftUlu. TligJDtejgus^tes^is've ftt-aay-j^te ^ « ^ t h e = f i l m i p & t e a e s s 4 o f ^ ^ B i B r « s ^


won" 1ietr|prerrt*-rigrht«*-and' t h e y a te Mfre~ot^fhTtiTe]5aiy7n"^va1frrj QT t b ^ KOverrrrneTlt. !.'Xliiir-&dversEiries can ire longer TflaWUse'xjf the rope thafhung-Lemercier Picard;; or the ra l sor t h a t curifftHH'y-V th'roaU ^Fhg. mtrrtster oT war cduid ribt> It h'4-Wanted to , fead a forged doci('m*nt fh parllam#rlt.' It is imnosslMe TioW.t" Stuff the dossier wlih fal)leB-il>~.fdr- ^VIot-liei>- Gao^e'sT talejn Hut org;anb5at|on mrmbers, prestist' ami .vtaiffls mean Btayfug power^

Doubtless..fh'e D r e y s l t e s a r e sutiplied with funds wi thout •acceptingr >1. b e Fi eycinet'a fsilsi^te'of'SWfXJ^W frapt-j^ The -sunis-rflubserihed-' by Bnjglish. and

3 a t flaqd""hirer' in • th i s" w i l f , Rob l ias speedily brougfet. KjlpraefC." Inti toiicn TvTtfe "erery-braheh; of thje; m]Tl

i t a r y service a n i fiaB gatnei*ed a'mos

Jiernwit Jews m u s t be enormous.- .Aim, -. surfeetlon.-iikc \v0a}thy,(jeritrtes, Je>va a r e forid ui Uie porap. aha vaui t tes of life, the titles of aristocratic soQlsty. Many of them are a lready frightened at the onward pace ai .the-Dreyfusites,

tTA^T^RED, Wiis is t-WenflWt-aeti&n- in -whieh Cel unel B i u t s colpied troops participai .t(?fe Pinkham's Mcdrcine Made

m :Sii. fmwjfim

|W^g^Oti?'th:^cl§i't .ry the rivers over. -Ifl,6^ied3.;.thelr/:^g%||'r stopping cornmu-

'r,jmw n®|tle>-H-^New Or:-

Machfas, the t»ttii,ei4>Qkf wailfilt^Wto sea on the morn-rin%%t t ^ ^ l j | p ? ; ^ v o f t l the expected ^ r r i c a n e . an(J'4niWiattfr of w»lch had

3uly:;23, has ; s ' i | | i | |d" here.

wpfl ffftir'' e fmi lm'ons , had been • m bafhfng' .and S p i t e d to "get into a

ibo%t-'«ich:m^w?^ -•

?»JLJl5^|/iS»/ the CUfbl Itl_tlt«


,. Je ^ M L t ^ ^ ^ f l ^ ^ a ^ i ^ t c h e s . ,ye'-^ :-|i|iveaj froVn'' Gejjilral''' i j a / f s fvv^rs^'e^t. to thg gbftsidenl a^^a'klvditarl^iatnj'"

. _... ~__^piss& ^ h y Island ts n $ r y e t •Rffo^pr-beySttfCw ;a|struction:..ot ^u^t^legr^jtjo- .conaie^-. li6h%.ana-^5.^t4|S%u9|ip'"rj 'Q.n».afi roK$$*. ^ o ^ . n V < j | e ^ t | M ^ ^ ^ b j ^ h ^ . Q^^ie-' ^-H^s'^yef $$fut&'.f.iiQnfe but, elaqu^'h;,is:



Bcp'o^yrt.';.. • Boston,. . , : . . . . piii'ladeljjhia

0^:ipr,atl . . .? fehicftg^-.^l. fh 'Louis . , . , jpltjsbucfe ..-TTJoTiiBViiiW;;;

TJnish - P.C-

fcno!>ynij to J ^ i ^ n ^ - t ^ i S f a t e m e n t ^ t h a l ' pnR-Jif^h.,bt , t ^ j d w g j l i g 0 J n the. isjan.^.; fete^^taily^de^trQyed ^n§..thMi;. o w n e r s . kre wi thout any eheUer .whatever,, or,; kijyj foodj beyonft, wjiat. has ,b«enr eayed . from, the d e b i ^ TUft.•.coffee crop: arid; fnpst of thg^t tees -are iruined apd- thu's-reliaj?e&^lfor support is, gfone- P u l l y :

pae»jthird'«f the people •isubilst entirely -bh fruit apd a srii'alt, degie'e tfn.tuba*, |\11 the former i s destroyed and much

f the latter arte •fottlng". Jn Ehe ground.

L "Many thoasands of cattle... were fojvned kith th>"d|.briH c^pHea bV' th6

jTvers Ts: s trewn over: tn#Ticean, with the-AVreck of 'the ttot-mi.afloat he dead fiodres of animals , T vTBe~dgath^ fr6m^-fg|ltng- watte and

complete ana; anajytea resume of t h J ^ J ^ ^ Vb v f e r y g I , e a . t i . j a m

mtlHary affairs. Erobabiy t h ? . niost,finjjfoctant' milt.

farV IntfJDIry Sqcfeiiiry Robt is pursu ing is as to. the exact—iluituations o the insurrection- in the Philippine since therday it began. K o j that pur pose a mttltary map Is now befnir pre pared by t h e adjutant general's offlc for the use:t>f the secretary. It will b

_ i u bird's e y e yfew of th« thea,ter-ol military operatta?ife2teJUghpiit the J%


' UenecaLJdfercl.er's- depoatUtxtELnau^ ia« -lUHllble-uivlcss-to--the judges- -and-.shorl hand refipTters. It fell (latj Ws voice

it now i a prltit. I t has. qualities" ^6r which' \y^ dld'not » | v e l( creai? during ilptivery. They are easy, flowing state-

j ments-pfanslblllty arid the a r t of lull­ing suspicion,. A s the deposition ap­pears in fuH In t h e reports, it will everywhere be^-read with delight by those- already Iporsuiiiled . that Dreyfus Is a tliaitfifc JChey will hot„"see ivhaf wng T>or<k*iinfttnn, whffl w a s of feline perfidy. FIguratlveJyspeakins T . the de­position* whhjh Avtf* i-eairy a speech for the prosecution,-1 s h o w s Merrier to b e a f l a a t l i r ' b t ttife Wgtiest. orSer. -HV never'looses his w a y In the most In-tricate variations and keeps in view tlrg mot tye inan ie iy^ iT irr u f eyfo's tir"ff

5VhIIe gofhg over the ipHltary phaset o j - the work; the- sec te iary h a j con-' ferred w i t h the oonim&ndlhg general General Miles, at(d with General Mer-1

' rTtf, whc< ts second to cahatmahdVj. ot - fhe_nxl l l tary_prohlems. presentea, a n t

4hpusand—and m a y -be—several ^fmes tftla-JlUifibfiri. Th$ RWte .o£d i s tress Is very *r"eat and AVheh gteett fru'i'ts saved ^rom the debris are consumed, the -syf

35 IT

34 ;?6 39 39

a ;50 firt-


Mi .625

.m n54S-„-

; M .-Y4Str

The Anierfctiri Loss Was Three Klll«d and Thlrte'ett Wounded, rnclurllriB, a

" ^ ." ' ' fefafTtfy—bw%jM:eua Ex-* / ' 5^5?" hnasted By Marchtog^

MANILA, A u | . 14.—A feconnpiaance by U-O'QPS of General $amuel B. 'N. ypjing's hrigarie,.Aviili lhe_Libjecl-o£-dls-

..coyering the whercu,bou'ts uf the ene-m y j i e a r San Ma_teo, njiith««st of ^hc San Juan're3ervoir, about 10 miles fronT,

"TKTanlTa; TefuTfipa-!!) tiie'ox'eiipatloh ~oT San Mateo. The Arnerica-n loss was three killed and IS wounded, including a ireutenant. of the Tvve'nty-'iirs't in-

Ja ;nt>ry- l^_ t . . ,- . . .7*^ _ „ „ _ - ^ - ' . . T h | Americans approached- San Ma-

W) in,, threi; 'culumns. MaJ&r, Cvonih wkh 15-men..Of tin- Twr-ny-ftfth infant-

iraVa"t'i_c"eJ f I W I No\;aW"B*es'¥w rnFIce-

\vest of San Mateo. < Caplain Kivers^ wfth 100 men' of_ the Fourth, caya'rry

..•ajld. t'..jptij.iB Pai'i.v.r,--fovrnei:iy Jitfutea-anj; colonel of t h e ^ v e r u y - f l r s t . New iYork yaluhlecr »>egjmunt, with 2t)8 nien of the.TWeinty-flrst and-Twtfnty-fourth inlatnlTy and, the I^o-urth cavalry, ap­proached in two eolurhne from the south.. . , ' • ; j?IUajor Or'onla experienced many dif-.?Lult'its-iL1'iS!lI^ £l'"'2_ ^TS-001^'Won. of l"he"<roUntvf^nnTfa"lfed"tTrTffert'a junc-

,384,.. Washington |Wav4uind.^,,

""<• B««!«jlfcJol>>'^,*|%',<l'«y'» 6 a m « « . 1 A t ^ e e h a w K e n i ' - S . ^ J - . „ R.H.K. "New'4Y*tk..-^''M ;^'3 0 2 D 0 •— ft 13 4 juiuisville, ;....: 0%-? o :' n o"o 0 - 5 8 1

Battertes- —'Seymour and Warner;

jpmjripi and zsnW0^ _:" W«iaH!«"* L o a s a e .

kt Mih^ea'pote-7-Minnedpolls, 5; Mil-

""At^St, H a ' a t ^ t ; JT>aul. 4; Kansas City 2- ? ' ' . .*' i

,At Grand Jfta|{d«j-Gra.pd Rapids,' 0; Indianapof Is^ \. . s ,


.^LONJDOk..-. A^Jfe'..14-Vrhe followim i ^ o f U»<* cup chal

l»vTp."th'e sim'Frlns'everywhei'e-vsTfnm rea'ch a s . much as' passible', but in out-bf-thiB»wi»y places are many' thousands !who cannot be reached for some time. T h r supplies ordered sent by the g o v -omment—wHrtl he lp-much, * but will last only for a few. days, while dqstftutlfrfi. inuet continue for many weeks or> sortie' mqriths until the bananas .grow up" from the ground, ToY;whtob: five moirtrts at

"Food of all Irinds are needed, eg-peplally rice, beans and codfish, which hivva-ireen. the main support outs ide o t friitu Cheap cotton clbthlng i s . a l so n ^ d e d , Tor thousands rushed^.naked iront tf^Jr dwellings a t night when the •ftaleQiroke. -Medicines are also nccBed

"nOTWes the military rfe3uTfs~~5T**tires« j ^ ( m pfesshigiyr especially quinine und

im-l i ze ahr* ola^ -

i n g t h e rat-e a t t h e Vflll ?IYC xnp a t e

Bay. w t n hen* IQhg irisfc,

rtme" h e n t h e djy

r e i y

- that • he, ?ks .pies ldent of t h e rctfubtip-r. fn i erMJnJ^aLp^tJBf id t rfnLjc#ber a ^ • used o^Hreftso)ft»VCaBlrnirfrPeriiSr h|s'; » habi t M thtri'sinfe ma'ftbidly-^fl^ dias laken itim tfforise a t SeV^ai #s^Crt1on«


fool, calculating, well- informed, traitor, The Immediate Issue of t h e fight Is

not the" freedom, of- r>royfC«; bnt these incidents and episodes are t h e begin* mng o f - a AlrOggle -of Tar»reac4ilns eon-•"quence. -Thq Nat ional is ts ehciil.l be, ^Iven _eredlt tpv "hlLVing, from the very h-ginnlng foreseen \Vhaf revtstuiV. wnu d' bad to, 5Phefe?ln tnany: th ings showed, bijndBesc.' They accepted the madman. ijuggnay ^de • Beattr^palr", as. thel t sprikesmaft : But tffry rlaff a k w n In­stinct foe-tha u l t imate tEe«d of the m~; v Isinnist m'ovetmltit.

TJ'r^yfBsng-senepaar TinfortunateTn fhe use rifj t'h;e peri. Ite lagB^; artist te stfisiblilties aija .canhdt aisassojiiale liiinseif J t o i n h l s t»Wd tb erft^r-int

counsels, i t has e s tabUshe* co-opera-..JiML JjeJjmJn.,, the,r .a.cjl%, h e a d of Iht ^tvar dopartrnpnt and tfco ranking offl. *cers o f the" army."* \ ,

Stearfwhlle the. secretary has an­nounced ho- fa.r-reach.inj; policies. So too, r e p o r ^ ^ e t ^afloat- before" he en­tered office, t h a t he would confine hit attention t o Cpban affaiw, l e a v i n g ,th<

| ^htlipplnes-_tfti_,' ,;mllltary. autltqi4l{les'-l haVc not b t e n ' b^riia, oilti.' hut,;.otti the

enstrarv. the military exigencies it the Philippines- have been t h e objtcfc 01 his most earneSf Sollcttlu"de,

Coricerningr Cuba and Poiito RIcc the detailed administrittfoh bi-thejt* af­fairs is b e i n g left Tafgely w i t h his as­s istants a n d chiefs and he isjeoncern-fag" • h T m B e ^ ^ f n ^ f i e ' ^ ^ '• of the reconstruction and future of, thc;

islands, ano^t with- the subst i tut ion 01 -orderly ilvfy government fo'r tftllltarj -regitne mbw in forpe; .. _ ^

^ e i i f o r n i e r PremferTRlgera nrge^ that an ordbr be speedily, issued foi

' nvunlclpaY. electlorft} In Forgo *RIco, th< • sgereiaTy repl l6d7lhat .he lioped thesi

selections -woutft oecur a s .Soop as tht present-np^j^ppy aSd storiftiawept-.con-dltlon of the island wou{d permit.

•JMLQ&g^Lbihfitsj^jOne sees this harish " ^ o T i s r r M ^ ^ p h i ^ ^ p q n d f e n c e with Big

and. give-emplbyffien^ to( asr man'y, a s JaBalSble^ 1 h a p s j H e _ c h ^ i t a l i l e p$0jple

clothes. medlollfi^St an.d\ mopey, "Colonel H o l e r . ehtSt, SHrgeon of the

department, ifyC^ajUr^fLjqf/the board of. relief- and a u ^ l i a r y boards, are ot-ganlzigg- hi" aft t h | tpwns , F i « e mfll>


W b e n i t w a » * j « ^ r e s t « # « i » t ta*d«go--farioh.ltt F o r to, Rlcei i m * # : o ^ t t u f t ^ f : remissloW olP airfles oir-*raio^r *4 !""" :

necessity,- —the -seeretarjr -said already conferring, with General, Davjig governor general b i thfe island, to 'fh|^


wlfp. H e AvfiRvflivjer Jtfore unfortunate than in the* le t ter tKinfpialrilng that M». Casimlr-SerlerJ dia^iiot k e e p T i prorhiS.e1

who t r e a t e d f ^ a ^ o t i l ' libel tlite assertion

mm^M" Saw.,. &m*>t€±-T$rb pj|; netoffreerk.'Htere killfedi fiftrfci:t, %^elo<;I

, - . - , , . * . ,iu "m-thfrmo^rajrfg.by-a reefcurt ^ beionginl • f Merj!ier^nd4vJliJt3^^^<i«s«Sfts ffillft .• tongompa^iy^^ir^TnMyt^wfeth-^luntefe , i 5 J him. ' n6-.tsii._t.' _."__i _ i .~ t i n - n j - 1 -ni/xftf tktf' l ltt1

! ! • •

' - ^ _ J


> ^ , . , :, -


L i .


The Sei*ttrT2koppen l e t t e f - speak ing of t h e ImiJiiupfib. InleiV-ention in the nlfalr of the G e i n i a n empeior, for rea> "ons unknown""e\en to Hohenlohe ifi-t>e'le\ed to be gemiihe In this con •neeUon it l_ sftt4-4tn mHltary ciiclea that a U d j 1* w n o m Embercn wrtliam Hok . a deup in te i e s t had fished out foi h im D t e i f u s a s a pe«son catnpe-tont Ui Ih£qijn,Ws TfjiajjeBty Tptn^efepli mi l i ta iy (luegttiona. This_JadJ it Js M}id w a s a re la t ive of t h e late J*w3-'lues S a i n t , C e i e » f the ffigato, who was condemned t o 13 months' imprlf-onmeat for bl_ckmaillng the late mil-lionai *, JWasn tiebiiudy She^ came t a

< bK«nc# arfr thatH^SMi-r^ena^s^eifi -be to te WaTfifif1'further p f b g ' ^ t e This is' tRg weTfeolueJ news ".g.iv'ei^oafc % p e

mdVfimehi offtKe Infrricane j s i a M a t e n | -ly Vefljf s l o ^ aftd* even a t*dacks6n^

the •SnlctaS"te , , , „ . , . , . , . . .„„ . , .

•. i s ;"^che^: \%fcWl b j r ^ . n ^ f f e , t'h,an i - i | , f f i r ^ B w P0?,'.'" ""' '''"' '' ^ ;

thWigh Bis heSFf, klflVht ht« ihiitahfl? ; r ^ o r t r 'fvoni' Spllfr*"lft^5ate"tiyfii i i ty

SSme ot Cotfnte^a Mftrie Voft- M«h* Rter's letters'in-thB^seefel doss ier were to Mile;*,Lucie .Fanre? T h e y may be forseriaav' "oae-caniaQt irnag'fhe I h i l s&e Rave ih*em t o t h e minister o f . 'war-as wotif t W H i t e - f e m l l y ot t h e German 1 ^ n ^ o ^ i i l t r ^ t s T " W ' ^ F - b a r a b a ^ d o ^ f d o k an-lf t ferest-th D r e y . 4 ^ ^ t L j a o l d i e i s i ^ j e M f t i M i M .

* turned on. hlin- and senfc„;a /bul^:




i»'«»Hom, 1 M , M * t m i m . » • « * « « *W Sal* by », H . H-a.11- , WW*** ¥ " • • »

a««* Mm*,

- " - ^ ^ R t r o f e - ^ a s ^ l i f ^ - t j ^ H ^ f b ^ t ^ i - e e t v ^ ^ e ^ n n d * ^ | ^ p | l ? 5

Hla uWalnttt;- ag^pcia;lea. | p e a k of hit..

mm TWu r»»c^ OiBeari skat •»..'a" taldtaX


tiflHdi^H^: ifoHo\ved tfieia a n a em upon- them a t the c o m e r of? 15lake ag f _ , ._. . . . Ix.„ i i i L ' . l . ' B i '™i i . ' *!.»*.¥

tion, with, L>ptaiij Rivei-s west" of Fan Mateo, as .had beenplanned. >..

M. ^^S- - .- Captein -Rivet's took an etttpost of the enemy two miles' sputhwst of San. Ma­teo. He the,-, encountered st+qng ie-. s ls lanie a4j,ong the h t l s . the enemy firing rrom excellent positions. H a v ­ing faliud to connect wi th Major Cru-nin and seeing that the mwn was al­ready occupied by the Americans, Cap­tain Rivers withdrew, covering • his withdrawal by heavy volley-tiring, .He lost a sergeant killed.. .

Captain t-aiker, on advancing, found the enemy strongly entrenched' on the far 6lde of hume rice riejda,- about a mile wiilo and vnVei-'Kd-^uh'-deep mud* Pushing'fcu-'ward rapidly, he routed tjie Filipinos .after: 40 minutes fighting, and then' cnntirruo*l the mftrch upon San Mateoj which he entered Without se rlotifi rpslsianco abouj 1:30 in tjie a£tec-

tain P a i k e r s co lumn, was under flu throughout the-evrgaggttnjnt. It i s es timated th i t the e n e m y numbered be 'tween 300 and 400 m e n , - , —

While the Seventeenth in fant iy dur sinjr ,)a_L »Tu|fe|Sy*H -D'attle-' flag ap­proaching Caluiut a long the roAd, tb,e troops saw a srioup of 50 Fi l ip inos out Side*'the town under a flag of t iuce Some, wtacrweu in white clothing, held

-up thii i hands to signify that they \TOro unaTfnea. C^j)t^rjrHari7^\vl!th~a detachment, advarfced cautiously ;M :a point withln>200'yards of them, whe'jx | h | Filipinos picked up their-arnfa aiidlflred a vo l ley . _ Tm AnrerieaHS"tlitsppea^lifter the bushes unhurt on the firdt move­ment and returned the flrei . At this the; Filipinos ran'off.

Word has 'been received from Lieu­tenant 3", C.:" GtlTnT6re"oT pie"'UnJEe3' States gnnbpaC'. Ynrktown, w h o . t y l t b 14'.member9:'fti the euew of t h e guriboat

,was ; captured by the Insurgents l a s t ~ATJ8?nTp,ear"^aler, _op~tne "e^sT^ebaet of Lua'on. The message which comes

' througb"Spanish "prisoners ie , to the •effect that the;orHeer and h is men are

. at "Vigariiin Hie' province of;' South "II, ocos, on the west coast of Luzon. All. but two are well. ''-Lieutenant Gillmore Is allowed a "house and a servant and is, fairly treated. - . •

, . RE'9E;LS_Adf3iESSlVE. Oi|r F o r c e d Attnnhed' By the I i w a r g c n t s

•«. (.)„ Two-Wtn^fStit Oc(:a»I<ln»

~ M A N I L A , " A U g . . 14,-^The "Sffgurgents

1-h'gbr ShamfoOk-httvi' been -suppired^ar "-nfforr. Majm-f*mnia ertreTFd the town Secretary HugtCC?: "KeJiy of the Roya ' - ' " — • TRsfer" "Yacht chtntr'-RcgHtered tonnage 135,000; T h a m e s . -meaaurejrwnt. 260 leSi th , 105,5; lehgth on th« water line 83-feet? br*adth;-25r3_'» depth, lff..u5; D$£ of l-eglstry; Belfast .

ha\-e taken the aggressive In, the neigh­borhood of the, railroad*" On Saturday ; night t_hey unsuccessfully uKacked'San Lius on the Rio Grande near ' Calum-pit. wJJicb. is^garrisohed-by two com-iwriies of the Twentx-.secona infantiy. The Americans bad one man, a ser­geant, killed And t w o privates wounded.

Sunday morning a similar affair took place a t Grirtgua,- four miles west of Mitioios, where another small garrison Is stationed as a safeguard against a possible attack upon the rai lway. A Ki«"cial ti'ain took reinforcements to Malulos and Gu'iguinto,'just north of l iu lacan *——

Keetl Jlny H c m a l u I D C o n g r e a i .

- N E W YDTTK, Amg. ti—^Phe. WorK says : "The possibilities' that Thotnai Hrackett Rccd .u i.ll stay In congresi and oppose expansion from the- lloos ^f f^-ftnnaA nf r^pT*,n«mtatHr<»s. ta ffttHfc

aDmrt 4:30. The Americans still occupy the pla^e.

Our men were exhausted by the heavy marchlnK.

Twenty-three of the e n e m y axe k n o w s to have""beeh killed.

in-g a-titscussion In Republican circles Senator I'la.tt. however, declined to dls GUBB the possibility at the Oriental ho

. tel nor would General David llend'er son, who called on Senator Piatt, saj anything concerning the matter."

... _ .___ ^„^^r^^..^-mi.^^MQaJ^J^J^eia^v'U Hw- Www* nl Mfe.l&itTO., -: l "" ' . . . - - - ; . * ^ « , ^ . . ™ - • Geti^Mi Youpg> atcompanLed^ by Cap- J [LETI** TO-HKS. TI^KM* XO» fifefSaJH-r.

•' D E A B K B S . rnrxHAtt—X f h m k i t is_ my^dn^^laT'T^riterto y o t | expressing^ m y ^sincere g r a t i t u d e l o r tJi.ewol.dei,-fu l relief I h a v e exper ienced by t h e u s e

-of Lydia G Pmkham^s-^e^eia-blejGoin-

—S-^T-. >»4S

1 U

j i o u n d » I t r i e d different doctors , a j so % different k i n d s of m e d i c i n e t w o u l d ^^ f ee l bet ter a t t imes , t h e n w o u l d b e ' as bad as e v e r .

" F o r e i g h t years I w a s a great suf* - « fererl 1 h a d fa l l ing of t h e w o m b a n d .was i n s u c h misery, a t m y . m o n t h l y tteuiods I c o u l d not w o r k but a l i t t l e ^tefegrej^wouldjiay^eto l i e down. Your med io ine h a s made a n e w womanT of me, T I c a n n o w worlc a l F d a y and n o t g e t <tired, .. I . t h a n k you for w h a t y o u L a v e J o n e for m e . , I sha l l a l w a y s praise y o u r med ic ine t o a l l su-f fer ingwomen," r— 7 - M R S . 1JL.B. EuaN»,(SKBMAi(0, Omo.

•1 ' . . T i Jr^.. :••:-»" . " I have i a j t c a e iglt t^ett l ies of I»ydia —•

~"E.[ Pihkhaomjsf yeg^faibi^i fCJoinpounci wd'tased;'tT^.p'gB^.feJejiti4^'3fpar bana-'tive Wash, a l s o some of t h e Liver P i l l s , andJE.cansayT:that yoj i* EejnjedJiegwiU „ ^ do a l l that y o u claim f o r t h e m . B e f o r e t a k i n g y o u r remedies tfwtts'very b a d w i t h w o m b trouble , w a s , nervous , h a d | i o anibition- could n o t s l eep , a n d any food seemed t o dq:me;n6\g;opti N o w I *ni we l l , arid your, m e d i c i n e has; o iued llie. I Will'^ladly recbmineaidyour m e d ­ic ine t o ^ v € r y one whenever-1 g o "— ^

W 1 »?»; --of -wa i t ing till t h e ; weather and

( .roads ge t bad b e f o r e ^ a e H n g your Winter supply o f coal? Ic wil l bo no lower in price—it may be hfgher I can deliver any. k i n d of .spal y o u want and guarantee. Batisfactloia, My coftl Is well pecreened and free from slate. & • "-.--"••a

DO HOI DELAY, bnt order afionce. . . .

JOflt WNJS, ' 4 . $AQ& fibmlidcl^treit.

T T T I O A _ _

STEAMIlNGIrtK^NrTBOILEB WOBKB, *"~ . 278 WH1TI8B0RO fitCE* . ' DTioAr*!. T : ;

Engine*, Boiler*,,Shafttop;. GewlaK and Mill Work, lfiuwrjghttag and P a t t e m - B ^ g .

Mechanical Drawing and


^.^ '

pther- simple ,me.dtetnes. , 'H est imate t h a t a t Jgaist.Jlltfi t o i a , of tiim WfllUeYetiuired weekly fo f seV-frAt weeks: I have dOhBtitufdci b^at'ds all o^er the island to regulate assjtst-^ ance airtd: a"generali,bO£ird here to con-?1

duct the relief work. "While I have not yet fuit d£ta, I repeat the estima.tB.t'ba.t a t l§ftst WO.'OBO peo'ple are horhe)ee"s and destitute, Relief r^yphs 0*06656*0:, o n e pound1 o f 'fo'erdijer' dajr coVnposed^of, seven ounces of beans, se.ven oiinCe9 °f' ric.e.a'ftd two Ounces P, cdMsh.

, ';fo,«Mjtii. ta th^ foorotde^a'by,

w i l t hay*, rjiir .aajtt r*sp^et'in.ir::-luture

f Wvisioh*. \»%l>e;,nec?Iiiry. for, s e y e W months. 1 s M t i p u s ^ ^ r k on. tpe roaqS;

, ta*ry posts' no t "yet, heaxdV ^mJfiSf" -

t " In a * e c o n 4 d » » a t c h , d ^ f ^ S f e l a l t i i

;pPE^. ^ I r n ? , p ^ i f 6 | , e a | f e - r e ^ | | a f ; c a n s e ^ v | ^ e ; •• ff^.sujggeatB. . the^PpTnt-

r.i fp ien i o f ^ a n p l f i c ^ r i i f r W e ^ ^ l k ; - ^ ^ ;

boat,'. cMm aiii-' a e ^ r a t » v » * n n e r * eind Wp i ,. f | H u h i ( » iiia^UV^hateh^: •'

«&£!«- **ifa»fcf- M'|iraJ^-,3&»ia^l*a«*'aJ:*: -«S(lrS|saiiBTfa»»>'l

^ A H H ^ G T - O N , Aug . l y ^ T h j - w a t l

!.tn|lim HS^i#^l'g1^V'fe.^]lf*^ -uijay decceisit i f in, strength; ancl ,tl»e

infantry, nb\^ stationed a t Fort Lb. gan. T h r e e soldiers had b e e n talshp^b a dlstufban^e'in- a galooftL dUBing" tfifc.: (fj,l€* ^ g e "velocSPbf thV^wJSd-^as'.bu night and-Ofncer Tom Clifford *wa% rib-.~M•#&&s,g^$&&< "rhfe dpiyonTbf th

A luxury within the reach of all! ^ ^

• > ; • .

I^ftoim List

*%*! S&


W"'i '}%£.-


6Wfevi • I* !•

Y * V.

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Nevtei* Ground.

The soldier-s theh started to run bu -tW£ w ere overtaken and captured Tin one tliftt did the shooting, however continued running , wi th Officer W fe Gilffith o n a bicycle In pursuit Qt, Sixteenth s treet the officer s a w the mat-making for a \ iaduct He s h o t at hite twice the soldier L e t u r n l n ^ the, fir-*, 1

t south of Jacksonville, mdUJapife a slow n o i t h w i i d moveineht

T l i e ^ e a t h o r bu,i eauTTas i TipB no vihe

m o r a l l y \vounding Grlfntb% who d i « ,ernoon

reports south $ JTittnnlltft F l a . Some distance beJow iJrfcksOnvHle, s inee Sat ­urday m i n t aitd nojsfitng ttctm N a s ­sau, B a h a m i is^aiids, "sinc^ ^n%ay aft-

a few- mint(teiH«l^> The eritUe pb' lice and deteotlye force^B; of the c j ^ were sdnt o u t after th* m a n and tlU country for mjl«t has been patfolled

' "tvKhbnt y l e ld ins any traee o t the-dou b l e m i u d e r e j _ ^_ - -

The m a n who did tne shoot ing wai Well ington C. Llewellyn of qiobe, Arl« A rewaidTVas fbeen offered fo f hftn dea< or alive . ..._., 1—,—, , * _<

Had a V«r» ftxtsitlB^^P"** **!». „ SAN F R ^ N C f l s e O f -Jttrgr.—l*w*he

United Sta,tes tiansport Centennial ha* jnat a f i ived heie f r o m i M a n l l a a f t e r ii \ e i y excitingf round trip., s n e nar-rowlv missed a couple of typhoons^

^araflUflTe o n a coial igefr -w*(«e- the I Millie c iew bai,ely esca.pexUcajJture a t

the hawls t\i the F i U p i b o s , ^ ^ <nVth»; » ^aiioi^ wa^-killed by a paruplg hawwrr

knit ^ f l e ._^_tli^--fluatteuna»l:£LB_W:aL " stabbed by a s colored cook. Oh hei

teturn trip to thi« p o r t - t h * G e h ^ -hlal brought a number of ln\«1idi officers and min. from varlohs fe*l* mofits* ' '

f fcUawMBhowfritB «wdMba> - i , *

sererfe- >Tnw "aT Tlrat~nlace ft~Is nort'

ATLANTA ( % Aug , 14 - A , special to Thf Constitution troni, Biunsw^icK

' bays. The batometer n a s he?n fa,U»rit • lowly fof sevetftl"hotifeS.* Dense c loud) -rdiWd u*pv«nd"-theie w t y a hesfvy—wln4e which continued foi Sonne time send-. ing clouds of dust m_^yerywdH]tecttont

•The people are vson*e,what( alajcmed. EyerytWng port ib le ^h^s been phi; vihe«6 the least damage can be done

and tsftlpplfllr-H-1 , e id-1 [ n~Pd l^~* t-1*- t > f e i :

Jieved the stown will reach hete. with­in a short time. ., '


B«t run* yM#» if»*« J**^ city, Itut thfi Interior » « * H**tA Jttbtn. i-

SAK » O M f N G 6 t X u g l i - * h ^ storm ^ l i coninttritlveiy l ittle damage Infc the city 6f San Oominf o The wind -which w a s accomnitt led b y «T te fr ipc fealfl, Jaited ^ hours oaAsihir t^« titfw to ivwuovfr a^d; c*rnyi<iit Hwa,y hPjix of the


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Millions Of

^••*ar?J S^*"

Sold, Only in ttb.

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