the bomb paiiiy seothjtfll, flitda^ b^bjlnjqsrg,...

>*. <• t ,2 ^»«an- wjmwmt StEPQET FAVORS UTICA. ' A 8C«E«IE-AWOr TO SETTLE THE THE BOMB PAIIiY SEOTHJTflL, FlitDA^ B^BJLNjqsrG, P^OEMBSB 15, 1899 ' f "" •——— ->k r " > . i i'«. t \ i T r eW Tor* Otoftrol & HitdtM Jfteer Railroad J-0* A.M. Oneida Ao fl & M 1 - tApoooi, FS&- Vtlca * e * l Batatai JUweM*<i»t Beaacad by the Total of the Ocnoty to 48 8, tan* ' Pott«»*f.*l«i«0O of Har nuMJ Otttt^ Other ^ # a M ^ « A , M i ' l¥.l»*»ipoaea/.<o\ setae -th« uuration bi '•»»*&>jr the Whola Coontj Pay the Coate. Adding. Aocoimt of the Suite U»««-"BMarftanit Now "IWtlieilliliiiBwfii 41 ^*"' - —U«cii Decv4§i—-^e-hoard* -of -eq^ial- izeia. met this morning and decided to. close op thel^ualisattorimatter for this yeari -tEbe-equaiisera appointed a com- mittee "to draw- o p a report, which wilt be submitted this evening. The plan adopted is the taking'off t*e assessed valuatlbn of the city of Ut!ca for _ thls-yearyof the sum .of $593,852,. Then for the purpose of settling the pending eqnoKgatinn litigation it la proposed thafc all the«06ts are to be assessed against the county. On the vote" by ^hicb, this decision, was reached, .those in the af- firmative were Messrs. McQ'aade, Pool and Perry of Utica; Tooley and Smith of the second district while those in the? negative- were "Palmer of the second, Grace, dark and Hllte of the third. 44» * K.^AOOO*I. ((UK BWAOMt 915pn BWAO traia. 18 4.1>M Acoonu— 1:87 P.M. t*Ka*tem *x» 8:48*.*. fAooipm. r-i«,^i!KABj8eSijv;. Srf»r.M.tAooboa. SSBp.M.tAooom. •!S:Ur.M?**SiY,'.Bx, 9a6>.itBW«Oi^ Waa Bandar. *OMfy na«P. Addjfloii«l Mitch FQMISIOTEB SUPPLr Some,WaUriotm:* !.•»*,* Ixpcei«.M»n. I4QR. T. tepreea. fPap.lCx,,, 5 4BAW BWftOarr VS^SJAM tAooom 1109AM t*D»yKx U 38 J ii Accom 1.33 TM. BWftO err 1:86 r.jiitAccom. 6:18?.*. tSTMClia*JB* B:I3 P.M. *(>lcagO Ix. B:m*.M,.BW*Q* r '- -9 15P.M. Aoconii. 10SS3 p.M.tN.Y.*P«t.Bx 11:05MI; Ojaeia«-.l»c 12:61 A-M. tWeatenritx. «0O it B:S0 A,.M. KxpreW. « 18:15 P.MJHIM.K'.IU ftr, 9* P.M. AUantJo Ex. RULES-ADOPTED BOARD GF V? BY THE HEALTH, "STATE dronth insfe PaStJcnlar Attention Given tp JLhe IJre- n of Pollution bjr^the Black tifin«l&BT»itrtctIifi*." - A-fl" -eSAif Baktmen-tTh* Pie»entIon of NuU^ftpf -' ALBANY, I»ec. 15 r-^he sia,te boajta of lieaWBaf adopted rnlel fol? the pre^eni tlonof the Tppllntlon of Rome's , -water supply, "..;. :•• i - •'*•' ,'•."'.'- The rules are very comprehensive. They apply to the JiohaWk River and.fto Its tributaries above the dam fit Ridge' fifillsfand also tb.theBlack; River.Canal' and its stream tftbatarles.aoEfd-feeders be- tween lock 6.josjb eonth of thevP,nmjp .ri^^WetiemjBaaroad, -house at;. Eidge t&OlBftnd 1 the npW ^f& i&me ft Olintotf. S'B.) LEAVB BOBIB. | ABBIVB Af -BOISS t:30 iiit tKxpwM. •••'• M:«8 P.K. tepwm. 1-.1B p.ii »pre«. I T.J» *.«, •$&&*». - ••• Le;i% ;|dayi<»iy. '.'*•_ Io snb»crj(ber«. Subsoribera failing to receive * hoir papers regularly' v*rill oblige the "pub- lishers, by sending -word to v the ofEce, giving name, street and nnniber, that mistakes and overBights' may be promptly corrected..' Subscribers who- change tiheix residences or order the de-| livery of their papers changed from one plaee^-anothery-^rffl^wnfer-aJavor-byl stating "where the paper has been left as well as where it Is left.„ of the Eorestport feeder, J5he*waterft o the canal overflowing at nftrnerpns waste- weirs, between Boonville and'Edme, Into 4 the Mohawk-and 1 its tributaries." T?he -rulesalsoapply to FishrGreek-or other waters which may hereafter become Rome's source bfsupply; No privV, or storage vault, or similar place is- permitted within fifty feet of the high waw mark olany water course *>f any kind,the water of which, flpws-evens- uallyintothe river above Ridge Mills, and no non-transportable receptacle, like a cesspool, shall be witb!tn 3P0 feet of such a course, unleB3 it be so arranged that there is no possible leakage' and so -JrhjenJ&.J8rnwlaEaa^ltw^impDM^blie for tWe/water pumjps to keep up v i t h the city's" conaumptCon daring the hours when it> i ifl greatest. JWith a big head of water/ those pumps are run at a speed of —higher than telnfeeejpflaw. hours a day •ea^y;m^eMq*lfjg^attlega^tt.:#^Mei ,on.aB4aBB^ojf^i^Baring^h^ bf- im "day W e - ^ f e c a n - K a r W ^ A i ^ ,es, they.-catch^^#ith t5e loas^during^. the day. This steady pntnpingj O«.COUI;JE%; fe poMbie ! o^H)(|L^;%le»tyr:ot.'Wftteftin: the river. When theVriver gets ld#j a^ it was a week l^MSsteanipu^miihas to help out; ahd#fxr3Jrbwn tbliilisfitwijl " ave. toaajased considerably_durMgJto FOUND IN J»pS3ES8ION 0F_AIJI_AR- RESTEO oTRAN6£B. " H«rW*»T/»ioB to FiwB Oat Wh«n He "•*«». Apprehended-H* TolA OoBQfetl»| Btor... .n«l Thr.WA»iyH..; B«i. K e i ..oft«fc*sV«piMpV*. : ^ l !? : ^W BM,,, ^*" f ' ^altjrested a«'d e^tght w„fttcjhes, t aglid gold hinting'ealse8,.fonnd;l5£'NjfcKW8es8ioh/; >iiTft\itl^d'»efo'dr«WBf-^morning thS man :waiked*fnt^^fd^nv**^6w^^ Nr WashtogtonetWet and»inqnired for an npsta|rg Jjjqker'f office where moiey cohif oefiaised olarfctcles otyalue* **- The board of equalization of course has no power to settle or end the litigation. Its powtnrare merely to equalize valu* for the present year, but upon the way that waMone, it has been said, largely dependa-whether the board, of sugervlsora wilt "«g*ee r to some .compromiBe of-the BUMB bronKht on account of theequaDz i- -tfpn-oiriSQT^ndrtsaST-She^idearaeemsto be that the above ia the basls*upon which there Will be B formal settlement, though unleBS the supervisors agree to the terms thereto nothing in the acta of. the equaU _:«Te«ther IndleaUone. WASHINGTON, Dec; 15,—Eastern New T&rk*. fair, cqlder tonight, except prob- ably snow in north portion, Saturday fair, lower temperature for several days, fresh to brisk northerly winds. Western New York, fair tonight except Hght tinow near the lakes, colder in ex- c treme east portfon, "fair Saturday; fresh werterly winds, low temperature for sev- *ralday.a. . _? ;*' Mot HOUM Pfodaot. to be WoWifll to the Bfexketi-Q aotatloni. Tn snite-Of the wlhtry weather there axe m S v products of thl hot hou»4tt,tt>e markedTwhich remind, ns of sunjtnei dais Nice large cucumbers are selling at 15 cents each wWl f toffl|te|re §o ing'-at5cento apiece. Other CBlngg_ in Present m^J*StS:SSSA cents'; "By Mr. •Mzitlonhoard toiettle the litigation -The dispatch above, means that Utica real estate this year will be equalized at f f37,989,679. aeainst. 132,014,1^1 in 1897, iand*8l,194.9lO in 1898. The" Utlca aa- ".Beeaora this year made their figures |J8> 082,031. ' The total asseaMd valnaUon of thew&oliMsouaty- thtoyeaglii *SfTDJ8,4Sal —The eTOct^r^hH Is to matetifflly ?<e> dflce TJtica'i proportion 6f the county'» taxes. Last year ehe paid 63 3 per cent ot the taxes and the towns paid 40 7 per cent; now Utica will pay about 48 8 per cent, and the towns will pay 51 2 per •cent titles real estate will be equalized ----- jofTINCW' ^ - ^ —Two or three "inches of dampthow . ^ ^ ! ? ! ! ^ . ! 5 r n S n last m g K and today. —Regular meeting of the Rome Sav- ings, Loan and Building Association to- morrow evening. ; ; , ' —Kegolar meeting ot Marub Lodge, tfo. 888. K. of P., this evening at 7:30. Busiaes8 of importance. J-There will be a meeting of the TJnl- veM»i*r Omter at the'high school build- ing af 7:80 this evening. ,—Rev. H. C. Shares of Rlcord, N. Y.,, -•:,., . , a , .. T. , wilLajflresB a temperance m e ^ t t o ^ ^ ^ ^ l ^ . S ^ ^ n ^ S i Y.WfC. A. HaR^onSaturdSy-evenTnf^ '""' •*—*—^ ta *'' at 7:30. the contents can be removed at intervals -to a safe distance, where they cannot tn any manner git into a water couree lead- ing to the river. No latfndry water, or house waste otany kind, or any. polluting liquid can, b6 thrown into any water so it Would And its;, way -to the river. No clothing, animals or vehicles, nor any.-* thing which pollutes water can be washed in, nor shall any person bathe in any water within a distance of three miles, as the stream flows, kom„ the Ridge.Mills dam.-' No staBle-cleanings orrefuse from barnyards, .pig-stys, poul- try yards, e^ can be allowed to get Into the water directlybr indirectly; Nostable, cattle peivpig ety, hitching place, e±c_, shall be- less than 50 feet from a water course that leads to the river. No manure can be deposited so that it can be washed into such a wafer courde hoircan any vegetables or decaying matter be kept where there is any danger of their pol- luting tbewater. No dead anlwals, hird or fish, nor polluted! water from any slaughter house, dairy, creamery, cider mill or other m mufaotory can be thrown or allowed to run Into any water course nor cananysueh matter he'so-depoBlted that cold, dry spej(ifi,.jfee i says when- the •pumping stops' far. any reason the water: itt'the^rwerVoIFfalls^lery rapidly;" - ' " '•'•'• It uspd'to i>e -possible, wlifett'theti^flge: was as muddy as.:4feajas' blen » a fQr a few. 'difys, to list' th&<pi|njp3 lie;ttia' muddy water .had- run away, but thajb can not well be done now tetany extent because it is necesaa^ta'keejl^nlitjle.. city's supply and the reservoir dgesjiist store enough, in the face of theilaige consumption, to warrant stopping,; the p^wnpsr^or -more-than-afew hoiraa'i the mess, -while it.take$ a day or two and., often more forthe'mud'ly water to run off. Therefore the 8ity has totake ijsrqtei the naine on ai'pi^Be>of paper and: ':;TOe;iifr-ont. /Mr;? JOfflcer Oon- \Ap-*»|, Mtura^ told-Onicer MciLaugh- ! i i a . and-?,th.e t w o - m a d e , a _tqur of the •b^rbkera! offteeaand jewelry stores. W"* OfficerrMcIjanghllin w e n t into! MriKin- m&s ; "qnlce^he found a str.nger there audi pa inquiring if any one had been in .Who was trying to raise money on jewe.- ry, he w a s tpldt that the man pres- ent wished -watch. to TTfie negotiate^ a loan BBkedT" ttier the peM. 'fesliiEK^ob'st 30 cefits, as does alsb~ sWnaeh. 0arrOte aVe brining;,«$ «W^Jpgek. There^are butter-beans,at 10^*^Mf* Brussels sprouts # 15 cents, ^gg BOABP OF SUPEBVISQHS REPORT OF J. J. fiOOLEY ON ROME _ COUNTY BUILDINGS. An Kscellent Showing Hade—The Vfutu r of Komt'i Apportionment rar School the Hentlnel —" ' J ~ , TJTI0A: no«f t. 15.—At'yesten PlantsraTgTffom"^ topO cen^^ach and. cabbies from:5 to 8 cente, f atawba grapasare W*&&<gg& Apoles' remaiu ; .at f I tQ jrpu^per-T; and potatoes about 60 cents..' - . Just afr presenttoere^s-aW|rKed^Bear^ •of s st i rlcfciyrfeesh-.-egr" isi^ and they' are selling ate! centaadozsa. Cold,stdrage egga-ean be had for several canlte: less;.-^ PUGH IT Former Bo eOlty afnsftar -$4iO0O?0OO-4eiw^baTrtjrf89>ttad- over fS 000,000 less than last year, not- withstanding the growing value of her property. Upon the basia of last year'a.eq.uallza- tlon TJtlca real ee*ate thts year should be equalized at $30,390,833 and the rest of the county at $86,637,653. Now Utioa's flgura wul be |S7;989,678 and that of the -teatbf the county, f89,028 < 806.-' - - - " The toialof»lHe"ana conniy taxeUaft year W » B $456,103 26, If the amount the same thlr-yaar and the total county aueMiment.ta 157,000,000*- that' w^» that the tax would be about $8,000ior each million. Utica being equalized at about $3,000,000 lees than according to the proportion that prevailed last year, sne will succeed this year In escaping abrafc $16,000 of taxes she would hate « paid on last year's basis, and saddling that on the rest of the towns. Then If the pending litigation should be settled and the-whole oounty should pay«the outs (the costs being abont,$ 100,- 000,) the towns would have $51,200 of eorta-40-pay, a total-ot^$6^2C" "" which rlghttally belong! to. TJtlca to pay The practical effect ot thatfor the present is the same as if TJtlca'a equalized real eitate valuation had been cut down froth WyW^Sgm-es over. $1,«»,0U0, and made about $23,000,000, ot Just what her own aMeaeors said tTMca'a property was worth at long ago as 1876" . The following' table of valuations of TJtlca real estate-by asteaeora and by equalizer*, In view ot this-latest develojp-. meat, has added interest: . Utica Real estate by Miesfora, water the river brings, evtn though it be of the consistency of cold soup It is ngt^ as bad as it has been, ixcept, very oc- casionally when .snow wa6»ny added to heavy, rain, washeB. the" surface^ of the ground. -•• . t , ... . THEY. M. C. A) -COUR§EV„ Se»t« f <r the Second II*If toBe Beterved Next Monday EvenloJr. Sieata for the seoond-half of t h e popular entertainment conraewUl be.tetferved, at the ,Y. M. O. A- next Monday evening. Holder^of^buraetiekets wStdraw— at^8- b'clock'numbers Indicating the. ard$r of their choice. They should bring their course .tickets with them.. Other 'course- tickets may be had at the regular, price, of $1, Reserved seatB are 15 and 10 cents fxtra for each' night. No redubttpn is made in season tickets, ai their design is to give sp'dal privileges to those who were. willing to guarantee, the course from the start. ' There U still Hie advan- tage in baying them of havingflrat choice of seats. The second half of the course After January 1,1900, Mayor White will be found in his new office in the city hall each day from 10 to U a. m. and from 4 to 5 p. m. * —The nshera of the Washington Street Opera House have organised- a rnqbTOd will secure an attraction for a benefit some time in January. PER80NAL. ^ —Mayor White has returned from his vacation. —Chief of Police Hagerty continues to Improve; - i - - - _ ~Mr. and Mrs. Horace A. Nbble of Buffalo are in town for a brief stay. ' —Miss Frieda Franch ot Cleveland,. Ohio, is the guest ot Miss Lucy Stevens. —Mrs. T. B, Frlsbee of Clinton is visit- ing her daughter, Mrs. O. W. Sellick of this city. —Mies Eunice Snow of Knoxboro is visiting at the home of hef uncle, K. P. Bevlllard, 313 N. James street —George Robotham, jr., and bride of Qanastota, have been guests of Mrs. Em- ma Pease, 218 Expense street - —W. W. Bepkwith of West Camden is ill with pneumonia at the home of hlssis- .llabnry, in thte city. —Miss Mary Stevens' ot 160 Rivet any portion thereof, nor ot the polluted drainage therefrom, shall be washed over the r surface of the ground or through the soil a leas distance than 100 feet before reaching the nearest point ot the afore- said water course. The rules go ijito great, rtnftall In a l l MIPRB mnttflTH a n d aim on a -waucn. .,' officer man how-many", watches he had, and he replied that he had only the one "he- had Bhownt Offloer-Conley came in while pfffcerMoIiaughlin was questioning the man and t h e officers' decided to ^Eak\e the attatiger-to the .police station and. search Mm. HewasasKedwherehewasstajiDg and replied* that he wa Spatting up at the Arlington. He Was taken to ttte hotel in order to see if he had any baggage'but on arriving there he told the officers that he had not registered. He was taken by way of Liberty street to the. station^ and ^en'-jnBtinfrpnColtheJp^^ he ^as-seenttoitaket something,-front,jiis riookefarol letritfallththesnow., Officer .Cbnlev^cked-up the article aadJjsund. that it was a baggage cheeky' At th.e police station.the mau~gave his nameas-.Qeorge Watson-ahd said that he earner from New Yark and was on his way to 1 St Catherines, Ontario. He claimed to be traveling for a publishing home. fie w a s searched and on his person were found four. watches, about $6- in money and a clipping, apparently from a Syracuse paper, containing advertlse- mentt of peraons lending money. There Roine Setitin,el the-third thing to* herald. D,e&" •15,"-t > M-;ye§terday after- |me"mb8rs of- hav>«th^rath { >prtal abroad " •y? - . - ' J. Brown (^edrlof; the ayes and ' Ar^^wp.;t^^|j|l'.l,l»- m. today." , fc ._-,. ,yWA^ee % P;r : ^hfc«uperyl8orscon- ir-i)ushel ^eflea^^O^^aplfelfbJli^OEaingr—atr- Kincjcley: pr€Ben|e.f:il|ei|q^ com- niiMcaHOniwBtcI,w,*M*eoMVed and filed i £ L n m K v l » -wa^s^o^li^ng^m^h-e^en^H^ *** ^ ^ $ £ Z ^ ^ ^se^waa^aii as much money wfU be invested in-the talniflg the advertifement of F. M._Will- . , v-mon B-Urpad O^rirg pla o e dtherein. oneywill servlc* s of Ave people BS there were for 12 lu the first three entertainments^ Besides the entertaining- features of Bosco's slelght-of-haUd performance and Ltnd- a&y'aimpersonations,,will he the^nstract- Utica Rtal "state ^.equnllxetl, to cover every possible kind of pollution that might get into the river through any stream or through the Black River Canal. One rule says that the first Water arts log from every storm which enters the im- pounding reaevoir above the dam at Ridge Mills shalLnot be taken for the public water supply of the city of Rome, and a Bufflcent tune shall be allowed to elapse after the beginning of each: rain or storm to permit the surface of Che ground with- in the drainage-area being-thoroughly washed off, and for the wash off wafer to pass the impounding reservoir before the water In the pond shall be taken into the public water supply of the city of Rome. No screen or filter shall be used In either the impounding Or -In the distributing reservoir ot the city while in a foul or nn- olean condition, and no screen or filter shall be used in either of the reservoirs which is not susceptible of constant and ready examination and cleaning. Another rule prohibits canal boats throwing garbage kitchen slops, stable refuse or polluting matter of any kind EN. I.GIN'EErt DROP3 DEAD. street has returned home after a month** Visit with through the eastern part of the ^J 8 - ' -* Jfc " 7-JohnDdyTe,JWhonash6en away* for" twelve years, has returned to visit his mother, Mrs. P. H. Doyle ot 423 N. Lib- erty street. —Townsend Wright has received an appoiutmentas as3latant engineer in the state insane asylum at Kings Park, on Long Island, and has gone to assume the duties of the position. r-Mlsa Maria L. Bradt, who has been one-half The Albany ^Axgas, -in summing no situation as regards the canvass, for^city cTifiBToTthat; city; %W*r~^--—-j j- "3nperintendent David Pqgh of the city halirin theeye3 of thosewho reel that they are responsible for the success of the party's unexpected control of the board of aldermen,^poswse6 the best . qualia : cations for the place.. The aldermeh are. not unfriendly to Davldi *°<1 U «w word is given\ which, it is expected, WW be given'at no'oistant date, stand ready, to vote for him. Mr. Pdgh is~ a. quiet- politician of the Wheelock type, and besides being a personal friend of the president of the Republican organization, he. was -r^wardi^. w i t h j v new: jaeaCQck fe»ther when hTlearr^ rtH's^ha^diB' trlcfoftne BlSth ward for'the machine isandidata- at ths_ iMt primary election. It was a stronghold of the anti-Barnes faction, and the James street coterie was veiy agreeably surprised to see Dave win out". There are numerous indications at present polptlng to the selection of Puj.h as the organization candidate for the city clerkship, and' that wiU gP a-long way toward^onvincing tbq Barijes aldermen that he istbe man they.want;?'. A' $5,000 VERDICT . commiBsiohler^•:'(|iSt*lct,^yop* deduct the vittnatibnf^r Uni^'free^Macfl district No. iybeirig, reMaua per^oBpijff 5,743,5t3 from thereal^an'd'few^naf valuation of the clty'bf Romgj as sa,id : school district No"v 1 fa.»6tiaud«r>t|e v (jurisdiction of the school comnaisslbner M;dist*ict No. 3 of Oneida-eohnty;•"'• •" /••"— ; ——- - -. - - J; H. GATttfoit,, Chamberlain. ©amotion of MteBryan thej'epQrt of the committee on miU%y affairs -was ao cepted. -'-.-'.•'••.•(.. ..-i - Mr. Dooleypresented- his repprt as ia- apector of county-'p'tiUaings: afi ; Rome as jfoliqwf: • - '•-• :l'--' '" • ' . ,., I, JohuJ. Doaley. insoector of county buildings at Rome,|N. Y.j do hereby ren- der an atcaunt of my proceedings for the past year. > •• \ ceiled; up the corridors and waiji scotingon the-stalr-waya, I-eauaed the walls tobe whitewashed; kalsominedand v^hislea,7arrdpbicld?p^f&^elp3 condi- tion. Also repaired aUT itbors in the bntldtttgB. Beveral being rotten, aad re eon, broker. Inside the sweatband Inthe man's hat was found an American Ex- pieaB'company money ordetreceiptehow- logthaton Dfc. 14 he had purchased a money order for |35. The place where ke^nahMes-cf-R^bareon^stereoptieon-^^ lecture on "The Philippines" and \?end- "------•-'-•-- 1 •"-"- Vi ling's oratory, i Because of Roberson'ft popularity several people from TJtlca have already ordered*seat8 fpr next Thursday's entfrtafnnient. To accommodate tloket holders the opera house checks wtll be at the Y.,M. C.JL Monday night thus sav- ing an extra trip to the opera house. 1877,—. 1878.. 1880„—...... " .483t, 1882.- 1883— 183* 10,480,030 IO.CW.IS.'V. i«98;65a 14,T97,7?5 urns H.970,985 14,893,295 15,138,4t5 1883 ............ ——.. "is^a^rr 188G 1fl,i6l,«8» 1887 (Equalisation board failed toogreB.) 17,!S?,GSO 15,787,052 10,908 Hffl.. HfiOO' 00 1-UBE,4W K02M9S H,995.293 1B,1B3,4S3 10,Boi,28J ,18S3_ 1SS9 -4880^ masons 16097,668 1657&617 into the Black River Canal, nor Can such matter be placed on the canal bankn. This Cppliea to the canal from lock G as far north as lock 71, which is the first lock on. 4he northerly descent from the Boonville summit level. It also applies to the Delta feeder and the Forestport feeder. Every canal boat navigating within these canal br feeder limits mnst be provided with water tight, covered receptacles for all its animal or vegetable waste and putresci- ble matter of any kind. Such matter must bf kept in theae receptacles on the boat. The receptacles mnst be emptied before . .... . „ - , . , . entering the canal or feeder limits men- apending; thei pasfi tgo andone-haK uon^ Darlng tha_entire trlp_of the WWr her sister, Mrs. N. Br Piacfc t. 0flfc throuBh"tbe canal, in aflTfmltH nr«T of 491 N. Washington street, returned on 1 hursday to her home in Chicago, 1191 16,452,818 1892 10.473 471 -5813;?^^..,- ; iOiiso^gG- 1894 , 1S,65»,771. 1895 10,641.010 . ass—- .,;-,- - •lMar-.ooj 1897 .U.-.. 84,014,134 1898 .' S8,464,A10 - -2,031 "' Borne HkeDcerbaod. 8 TBB tiie'inbers of the SaBiigsrbuna at their rooms in the Hook block last eve- ninirobserved'thecentemilaiof thedeat3i - . , . _. „ . .. tennial of the death of Conrad Krentz-n*, a great German composer. Earl Burk- ard, president of the organization, made some remarks about the composer, after whfch Theodore Widmann-read a paper -r—SUDDEN DEAtH IN KNOXBORO. Krs. Bonlti Strlokei With Apoplexr—A Hoeh B»lo#ed Wonatt,^. ' KHOXBOBO, Dec. 16 TrL«gtevening Mr?.' John Dortey drove over to her father's to drive her grAtidmother, J | M ; Soulte, to her home, about two miles east of Knox- boro. While going d#wh the hill past the house of Emery Stone, Mrs; Sdullswas taken with what is supposed to hsye been afitof apoplexy. A.atbp was msde ;' at'Mr. Stone's .ahd Mrsr Sbnlto Was taken lato-the bouse .and tiiu- Munger-flnmr moned, but she was dead before he ar- rived. Mrs. Soults had lived in this vicinity for many years and has a viry wide circle of .friends and acquiliitanort ai she has acted in the capacity o x ^ n w In many-families, - and wa»J«Tea«ndesteemed:feir her many good qualities and acts of iindnew. Her age 'wa» Ibotit ^OiyeaTs.t 'Her s&didett death, has cist a gloom over the vicinity .wheafc' she-.-waa BO, well known and it will be a long time before "Grandma" .Soults will be forgotten. She leaves one/daughter, Mts/WJlltam Betch-of thiSTplaoe, a> whose hbuse eh§: made her home, and ontf EOU in Colorado Her husband has been dead for many year*. - - * 10 890,019 138t0 6B3 166t9.S30 IG!C5-]471 on the life of Kreutzer., Mr. Wldmann j^gsss^aj-also-read-*paper- j on tile home life of / I6,744. , 77i Washington. An address on Washing ton was given by Emll Beach, the mUsi cardirector-of. the Saengerbund, and the love of the German for his adopted land was told by Karl Barnickol. During the evening there were a number of musical selections. .The exercises were all in Ger- man. 10,787.040 32 014 121 ?1.194,''I0 37,989 G7ft ONLY ONE 80LDTER VOTEP,*' Bli araaitJs JToh* » '»!»*»•;•• aid Hb BeaaelalaThtaOlty. _ ; -•",, UTICA, Dec 15.—The solder vote pack- age was opened this morning by County Cleric Frank, In tie pretence of Dr. Bat num, chairman ofrtheTJemocratlc county committee and JohnBatchelor, chairman bf t h e Republicen county;<»mmittee. ' The one voterwai that cart by John D Flanagan of 736 SJ»me« »freet, Rome He la With Battery B. of # « seventh artillery, Th*WtwwilI1>* Of*tted1Dee 19andcanTaa»ed Dee. St Mr.FJAnagau JM the only Oneida cohhty ^oldlet who voted, ^ - *• • F*OM 7 to 9 p, m, toni«ht Special Eve- iaagBarf^iniit*Bak**Tox'«. ' v ^ v Term 861d At Auction. ~ A farm in the towns ot Marshall and Klrkland, 9wned by the estate of Helen E. Thomson, was sold by C, Lansing Jones as executor, at public auction in Clinton. The farm consists of 77 acres and was purchased by Joseph Maxwell for $1,500. * " . At a foreclosureTBate yesterday at' tha Utica court house, William E. Seavey, as" referee, sold a farm of 140 acres in the town of Bridgewaterto Jbhn ^ Tucker- ffiaSoTWjffifrwlnneld:—Mr: T^cxernian held a mortgage of $5,000 on the premises and bid In the place for $1,400. ; „, ' " ' Dlroioe Salt. Before Referee W. W. Byam on Wednesday testimony was taken in the dixotce proceeaings-of Rachel'Wilson vs. Tdibnlaa M. Wilson. The plalhte lives in Amsterdam and the defendant; Jives in f his city. M.N. Wilson and Evans & Gagwinare-theat^rneys-tor-thei'eepect- ive parties. The referee has found for the plaintiff. boat through "the'oahaT, 'Hi the limits pre- scribed,, the receptacles must be emptied at least once in 48 toBrs, When emptied the contents must bo deposited •within the 'bQtmds-of the state canal lands, but where the drainage therefrom shall not pass into the canal nor into any stream Jacob tli»ndor/, » Veteran Ex-Bellrond Ma», FMHI Aw»y. Jacob Shaudorf, whq, at the time of bis retirement from active life, Feb. S3; 1897, was the oldest running engineer on th&Mohawk division of the Central rail- road, dropped dead at MB home fh/Mltfoa, Wednesday. He was born In Germany, in 1831. .He began as a.water carrier dur* ing the construction of the Central, was made a fireman in 1852, and au engineer on Oct 20,1854. When he retired he was one of the engineers of the Chicago lim- ited. He married Catharine Mustizer of Romera 1857* -He-was-a-member-of-Dl- vlsion 14, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers of Utica. Mr. Shaudorf leaves seven children, five daughters and two sons. Mrs. L E.- Seymour ot 805 W. DomiirickBtreet, a sister-in-law of the deceased,- went to Mlooa today to attend the funeral. Canned Goodi Man Meet, Tha New Yprk State Packers' Associa- tion, the state organization of canned goods men, met in Syracuse yesterday, to forward i heir plans. far a state combina- tion to control prices of the KeW York product Prices of materials usedhlnthek industry have gone ue r ; 8ad"a^Saviaieei r : of 10 to 15 cents a dozen Is necessary, the receipt but It is thought that it 'was bought in Utica. ->» . ''""*' The baggage check Was taken to the railroad fetation, where it was found that the stranger had checked a grip. It was taken to the police station and searched; In it were found four more gold watches and some wearing apparel.. Some of the collars and cuffs were marked "Kennedy" ahdSjthers "G. W. Kennedy.'' On the back of t h e money order receipt t h e name, 0. W. Kennedy is written, indicating that this is the name of the prisoner. In the grip were two sample books, such as agents oarry, and a card contain- ing samples of book binding. The watches are all of one pattern and are 14 caret solid gold cases with Rock- ford movements.' They would, according to the judgment of local dealers, retail at $40 to $59- each. 1 he fact that the watches are all of one make and pattern would indicate that they had been taken from some factory or jobbing house, as retailer^ are not likely to have so many watches alike, Five thousand dollars for the widow of William Martin, was .the verdict of the jury against the New York Central, re- ceived by JtStfce Hiscock at the opening of supreme court in Syracuse yesterday morning. Delia frartin andjier son now live at Oawego, and Mr. Martin was a pidlerat the time - he wjas killed at the West Shore crossing in Vernon: The case was fought out before the jury for three daya negligence being alleged in a lack of signals artf croEsingtbatwas hid- den by a curvef that there was-tfo- beji rang nor whistle blown. Sensational evi- dence was also Introduced when a physi- cian who attended Martin swore that he die d from the influence of alcohol and not from a fracture of the skull by being thrown from his wagon. Senator Hiecook §ald that he wiBhed to mane a motion for a new trial that wns more than a formal motion. He wanted to argue it Upon his request the motion was held until after his return, from. Chi- cago the early part of next week. RURAL FREE MAIL DEUVERY. rixat Application to Thlt Srotton F/om Hanover, Towa of Manhmll. Supervisor John D. Jones of Marshall, Eas made application to Cong'resaman quired all new flooring. I placed a new tank in the administration building, a.s the old one- was worn out and was dam aeing the building. The plastering was off the walls in many-places and I had alt necessary repairs to be made thereto, A new arch plate. W«s placed by my order i n one of the boilers, and another of the boilers leaked and was repaired- 'and placed In good working order. I had the hog pen repaired and new floor .placed in barn. The roof on engine taatioa The doors and windows have been thoroughly repaired and pnt in proper order.. The jail residence Wag carpeted, tables and desk were furnished for the office of .the districtattorney. I had all thelarnltnrei in tnn.cjprirti home repaired. of Ihe city of Rome, and also where It shall be neither harmful nor objectionable to any adjacent resident or occupant The place for such discharge sh%H be designated by the supertntendent-of tha Black River Canal , ihe penalty for violation,of the rules $200.- « • The. rules adopted are anbstantially those devised two years ago by Prof. T,an- "dreth for the Rome board of health, but which failed of adoption by the state board of health because of objections then made to them by State Engineer Adams. After Mayor White, at the re- quest of the board of water and sewer commissioners, of, Rome, had conferred, with the state board of health in regard to making rules for the prevention of pol- lution of Rome's water, State Engineer Bond, to whom Such matters are referred, suggested, the^ubstlttftion of Prof» Lan- dreth's rules for some that had been pre- pared in Rome. Prof. Landreth's rules Were sen*to the mayor of Romeand some additional suggestions were made. They then, with the new suggestions, one of which-waa for specific.. authority,to j>re vent any sewers.emptyittg into the BlacT River Canal at Boonville, were returned to State Engineer Bond, who, in turn, handed them over to the state board of health; The specific authority regarding Bobnvilie sewer* is hot granted, but it is understood that they can be prohibited under the rules, as they were adopted .without such Bpectflc.authojlty. pupils in the -various sebeoisr^oToTThnreV "day, but nostated programs wereearrie* out. Thefatherof his country Was" made the .subject of the language lessens in some ot the classes: Several of the schools are preparingfor appropriate exercises previous to glnning of the holiday vacation, which will begin after the close of school on next Thursday, the 21st Sessions win be resumed oh Jan. 2. Regents' examinations will occur in about three weeks. There will be examinations in- the graded schools next week. Skllltn Poijt. -County Inspector W? J* Brown of iJJtica.Was to iiispiptedviSfcillia-RbBt^ <&>•£. R., last evening but he was Unable to come to Rome, so the inspection was postponed for one week. Speeches ap}- prbprjate to the anniversary of the death (ftf Washington we*emade^^.ati^6 ? meetlng; by(^rnmanderSayle*iJbs^ph.Pbrterand F>Zi. Jones. "1' . •_,-''; •'•'-" Tralni Beiiky«dj '• Train 2, eastbonna^ue^tlOjaS a m. waB au hour lato this 1 njorning and No. 43;westbound, dueatrli:09 waVabont!S0 minutes behind schedule time- B6|h trains were covered with fmoW Which* Would indicate that today's storm is .qhtte.gejijal^ ; ',..-«., .< ~>- - - - •' - ^ ^ = - •Soeiil '«lA'th.«,., A, numbfir of H$& Mei*a«'ot.ilfjSB "$*\*% Gillette were ,ple*«antty entortftined-liiBt mnlngatherhome on K6airath 7 street. CardB ahd dancing Were enjoyed and/ re- •.. . - - J^As^a^Qje_iM£ ; ^Biy_gfi Flcklene»i of . the jDWjr Water . Supply - - Thai a D«ya> . '•'•• During a conversation with, Daniel Brown, Who has charge of the city water 1 pumpThg'staticn at^tidge "Mills, -he* re' f srred ! tb th# fiokltinesa of the Mdhawfe River these 4ays. A week ago tomorrow the Wattf in the f IverwaltBaiol; that •waa «eCeS|ry to stutth*steam pump in' order' to keep up the elty,8hppfyi fie saya htuSiSP nbHce^tfne *wa#f 'in thf river .getMAig IbW abbuf; 8 o'clock v ohe? mornWg AhlfirfMrtKStwMe^i'pris^daV fhe Sfffplptiy; ofJba- ofop*. By ntfb^aier^ ibwMbnaalr 1 a- heavy rafn? scama auict hf TueBday morning-ihe entire flats'# Ridge Mills W6re*bvei'ed And there waB« veritable 'floodr <-By* Thttraday the* r l * ^ ^a*backltt4ttrchaiineLagiln and 1 i t was* ^SghigtriiiJialy.- %»eemed;{Bp» <ttils* .little expiriehce:mffo- ^bved-what tKe **W»«^«t.'«* *?r«»t 4 prefervatioh'totw !fm»in1ain%-th^t* when - the* J&& &*,& watershed'1»Mfe«tait;A8Ji«i; .thf'p'felamf "" T»^^#iW|^^jfc|rMi»>flpofti4ni \^T form of uniform contract wa& submitted, freight rates were, considered, and other business .transacted. Among those tax attendance_Were L P. Haviiand Of Cam- den, E. F. Hubbard of Clhastota, Burt Oloey, J. H. Taylor and David B. Sim- mons—rodrHrT. Howleic of itome, S F. Sheimanof Utica. The prisoner is apparently about 35 years ot age and Is dressed in clothes ot ^matter at Hanover in good texture and fashionable cut. He has dark hair and a smooth face with •rather, broad features. - The watch cises are marked *'B. W C. Co " and mm numbered as follows: 75741, 75776 75786, 75746, 75750, 72305, 767SI and 76748 The works are marked "R. W. Co., Rrckford. I»L,"'and Ire num- bered 407245, 407816, 407338. 407324, 407338, 407303, 407820 and 407284. The number of the money order receipt found on Watson Is 3SC518 2 © aud-iffie date is Dec. 14,1899. U5fGS?:Denrlfi —A. mim$^&^-TBBB?)--"&ttGiiLOE.& bered 326518-0 was sold atrtheUtlea 6T- lice of the American Express Company on Thtirsdiy to a man giving the name of G. W Kennedy, who had it made, pay- able WO. W. K«nnedy, "New York. He was about 35 or 40 years of age and claimed tobe an Albany man. and Not»B From the Schoo's. _ The centennial of the death of Wash- lu«tou was called to the attention ot the Arretted oa 8n»plclon. A young man who gives the name of George Ferguson was arrasted at 4 o'clock this morning by Officer Keating on sus- picion of having stolen a bicycla Lj-Whlch he had in his possession. The officer found him at cue. Central sta- tion and questioned him. The fel- low claimed to have walked from White Lake since 8 o'clock on Thursday ^ening and made other statements which the officer did not believe. Ferguson did not seem .tadfein as to where he ohtauied the wheel, ao Officer Keating locked him up on suspicion. At the police station he gave his age as 26 years and his home as Dunkirk, bntwh'en questioned astothe Sherman for the free daHyery oF'mall thattown. Con X have expended und^ranthorlty of the board $2,749. ' By order made at the special session I also, purchased lira escape and hose for connty'home, $44t 25. ' I supervised all repairs and jmprov*- mentS, and In so doing" was occupied 115 days. I^also visited all the buildings under m y charge at least once a month. The report was unanimously adapted. .. Mr, Bryam^-Thai the Hum of $3,195.50 be levied upon the taxable property of Oneida, county to pay the claim's audited by the mQitarycomuiittee, Adopted. Mi: Hinckley presented the following resolution: Whereas', Union school district No. 1 ot the city of Rome is notundertbe jnria- dlotion.of the school commissioner of the third commissioner's district of Oneida county, composed of the towns of Cam den, Florence, Rome,*yerbha and Vienna, and the apportionment of expenses of said office to the amount of $300 should ha apportioned, npon the towns upon the to receive It He bad forwarded it to the pest office department and would see that an agent was sent here to investigate it Supervisor Jones and MB constituents are entitled to credit for their enterprise Their example will probably be followed by other «ural communities in Oneida and Herkimer counties. ANO-LEG-flROKEN. Valla greeaman Sherman in acknowledglng.tho application wrote that it was the first of the Hndhehadreceived underthermalt^f the city of Hbmjfv Sioludlng union free dellverfBystem, and he was pleased: school district Noi-ir^dw.therefore, belt basis of valuation of real estate and per- sonal property; and, » _, ' Whereas', Apporyionuieata , 'have been beretofore made tipontheeatire valuation Michael Sal'lVaa of Irlab. Bldce Frota a Kay Loft, DURHAHVTLW, De&ll.—Michael Snl- livnn, whese home -fe oirthe Irfeh RWge, fell yesterday from the hay loft In hfe, barn down to the floor, where he struck against' a »agwi qrftca? h^flirfpg _jj{g. shoulder blade and one leg. A large family ot children, the youngest beiBg only a few days old, makes the accident especially unfortunate. Resolved, That the committee on audit of miscellaneous accounts hn instructed to deduct the amount of $5,748j713 from the valuation-of real stud personal. prop- erty ot the city of Rome, (being $7,20-V 283, as shown by the report of the com- mittee on footlngasaeesment rolls,) before making aforesaid apportionment. The reablrttlon w^sjLonJiejaw..^ r f~ tFa^moltotibf MrTMenffffry, ffia hoard decided to visit St John's orphan asylnm and St Yinoenfa. Industrial sohool on Wednesday afternoon, Dec 20, and the gtJCAbrpnan asylum and S t Joseph's, infant home on Tuesday afternoon, Dec 3L . Recess until 2 o'clock. the y . » . ©:-*: Oonrsrence. Secretary W.H. Chapln of theY. M. C. A: expects to go to Syracuse on Mon- day to attend a conference of |asS0Clatibn. secretaries from the varloiis-plMceB be- tween- Rochester and Troy. .One feature . , , . of the- conferelioe, wMeh--las1a^nt-H;n^higliear^wnls" in tte^ Amerlcan^iIoekV streets, of Bnnklrk he could n6t hamej^abers. Later on I expect to be in nos- «*,i, w<, M «s™» «*«« «•. .._ sedglon ptali the., facte. Then I shall be In aTpOBltlbn to determine whether there is ahythlrigfbr^me id Bay. A number of the dgp^jnlen^g^taaremv^tlgatlng one. He had about $7 in his possession. FerguBon. was. arraigned this morning and his case was adjourned, by the re- corder until 9 a m. on Monday. Charged With Aitault. John Morris, aged S4, Was_arrested by Officer Conlery at 6 o'clbckJas'thigM dn*l .charge of ass'sulbin the third' degree pre- ferred by Beia Putnam, who rents fur- day, Istobe a paper on ^HhS 'Relations of the Secretary in the Conimnnliy," by- Secretary Dattjnun of Attbhrm-^•"."" ; Y, '.-'.'' AU- Next WMBV- The D'Ormond-Fuller Oompanjr will play In .Sink?s Opera Housesall next Weefeatpopnlar,prioefc ..•A^ae^iay'-wailr be presented each evening and thelead- ing plats-will be taken by JohncD^Or* mbndi and Agnes Fnlleri The play for Monday-evening-wiUbe-lhgomarr-There yiff^^tihees on WeaheBda^ahd gaj- urday at 2:30 p . m. . /. ,:?,»!;-) -.-, ^ ""•-•* HoIldBT Glftti.'" - , : Our readera who visit UticaforlHbliday Gifto ?wJU ( fihd at the wettkl6wn?3e|fej[ry jestaWlshttelit of W. S Tayiox^almplfW% ,pp#hnMitdrgratify theil mmx^igz -m%tfi^v&Ji$. ' Nothing' lilndire 'JasllS )0iWfM -W"o# younia 1 ^!©^!!^!!^ ^hoM'pfebfljqf jewelry ori^^arjaijieof iUVef*r-atfexcellent fi[me^tile^'ii'WMi' 4feis' or gentlemen's .wateb~i3tgti wifil Jgn'd. *-'lprfrsubply atttipoi^-N^oa;- l^cifeftfita^etV Utica, -" ",.;.: ;^.>.,^-.••.'. -, •••&$;... s i-ppyrmm't c*«ajelK;;,•.,;. :., t ?, ':• Lioiiriiey, BoBton's .if^ilr^B'^^ jL_. glvin^&igehcy of Chb^iJBjifeejil^ld.B'oiB] BOfls*; aUdChw^lateT'ipper^ -cM^p p.. L,;Bradt, to^Vbrtf^hW.Mve jj}^> A •complete' line Wfi^wmfa $fa&to$mm Wreath -oi^m^lSBy' wilfeogiaae. -' .'•'••^T": •.•':'"-,. » ,| . : slu. f '.A and )^OMfxi.^B,.S|AHDS fbfeft ^g^NtfSinglet^^ MorriB had been occupying one of the robins and when Mr. Putnam -triedto" hayfrhinS v^te : tra|iblerse)l^uea. Morris Wat arraigned in' recorder's-,court this nrornihg^fiemd;flie : ciie set down for^Si a mi'Mo^Jiyi'.He Wa»iallbledt6gointhe -meantime on his own reed^iettnee.'" ' - " ' ,, i'"r "i 'i°;, < ,-. : Golaglato Cattle Btlilpc. -'•' Harry-A. fi*Wton_a-sonof BC M. Law^- ton ot this city^ Whb has been engaged ; Ihfaatt^cMteaflttoglBiAtb^^ is aboutto embaTkjln the cattle raising •^jHffiLlSWl^Efe^^teM^iQfiOi JBffiBTin -Morgan county/ Missottr^- findii at presehtlh Aarkahaasiwrbhaslngicaffle' WJ$®S£&$$-*i^aaflyebtRomeand lff¥ th& city In 1872. His friends berewili wfilThTm- Bucpfta In hie new; venture. ri.- ' - Bti^ K^vaaanKh'A Ooaditloii: i,mm0B.-^Ki^Sst o| v fi|hkirkj who, had hut skull fractured. while toying to day morning, is doing nicely at. the hosr fpliilpaljliilfpb^c^^ ;We«k-hjB:T|Ul^^iBBi.#.^ tohlBhpma His mother and slater aw stillhere„and will remain until he is well enbugh^iwjtiaAv'el*-"'^,-.. V' v *"* ' '"''•'' '""*' . ForeitpoTt Break. . AiBiBT, Dec 15 —Sunt. Partridge, being asked whether his department Had a n y information lo divulge - About the developments in the Foreatpoft canal feeaef^haatlbn^ eald: "Sfo, there Is nothing for me to say about the mAt$er,as .yet «• Offlsialiy I have no complete knowledge of the ctrcuin- staufiesin the case. Practically all the Information I have gained regarding the' trouble has been gleaned, from the news- Mr. Dooley'a report flhowa that work entrusted to him was p.'Wormed in sth efficient andcarefulmanner, and with promptness. The expenditure of money ia lebh tbair-ltrliHsrbeen in years, whHe tne county buildings at Rome were neve the affair bnt their repbrla have not yet beenanboiltted." .,..','.. . Oneida. . ONBIDA', Dec.15,—The 18thannnal re- port of the treasurer of the Ola Ladles' HtMBeahoWJ-thaHihe total receipts fbr the year e'nding_Pee. 5 weteJ$4,0»L84; -dlsbursemetiiB,, 12,640.52; leavmg,.aJ>al- >#h^ept.$l|iSl.$3. .There are at present laminates. •">•>. . , . v.:. -Cbuat?y Clerk Malnb has not yet re cefved^ny^spldier yotes front the -secre- w^Wfttej^alwough-therb.areibbut\20 residents of Madison conniy: in tie'sarmy and navy. ___^ ' Utica. < f^iCArDeK-lS^Tfe^expfeBM^^ oil stove in a rcemlu Mrs Bradlej?a iboawlngjhohaft^ ws^cpv^adjhyihBurahci/ ^ -V-'r f- ^ J W ^ S f yeajeri(ay;flled with & ;c ? nm y # ^ t 3 6 ^ « f f l t a t ' b £ his-. 4nyjBBtiga>: agfed 6jWho died recehfily ttdm ar^nteal nqiaoiillg. J?h^eoron«!' WaBV^aable toi in the condition that they are at present. Mr> Dooley personally supervises all re- pairs. . . BUQ-ben. NOBTB STEtJBKN, DiSc. 15—The funeral of Oicar E. Fitch,'sbn ojMr. and Mrs. Hblisfejr. Fitch, Was held at:the North Steuben $£.% church^lon Tuesday. "Re «was bbfh In Boonville March 17,1876, and •departed' this life In Ulilea Dec 7, 1899, aged.S3 years and 8 months. He wda one of a family ot eight children. The large gathering at ihe funeral and the deep grief ex&resa.ed f Ehbwed the'lbv ingjebgard ffi whic^; ho waaiield. The servii(*k, were conducted by Rev. O. J. -Hbugnfen/ j'aifor,'. assisted by Rev. R Rbwbbthbajbi 'WlBs'tornvIlle. The text was frbni' Matt, xxvllSL "Infermeat waa made&ihelJbrth. Steuben cemetery. The bfeHrera were Eugene'Mtcfi,; rilarence H. Teachdnfc, georje Korlim.eyer,Fred Fitcb, ^M^ottp; ifid J. BBartGaraaer. Tne = T fi^^btt^Ctl*ohwc1a^ WflS , a.d^bidea-^eac^ij; ».Setia|n|j;.abb|it $40, which appUes on the pastor's salary. ' , There?•wlll , be" aGMiltmas entertain- mehtat=MlBd1^Qrton?Bi schbblm the Fox ^ | t r i c ^ t e ; xiibieiithe; fiiTliaertti.. It will occur on; 3Srlday; evening^ Deb,, 22. The.. ^fog^mi.wiil cJensiaf^FrebiiBttonB and muilo foUowedi^ya.CbrlBtnias.tree. ~" •'• r,.•«'.-.--T - : •.-•'••;-'*.*-.L..«ii>'7 •-'•••• . " lo Having Any O drew By W* C. T* HoiLANl>PA^ conclusion of. the ^ the centennial celel terlan church yeste James H. Taylor, D from the subject, Any Church.'** Dr, very practical ahd«a subject that? precei the church hra tow Patentr to a great* recent drouth had been preserveoionlj —D-y-^raotdinary-j church njusVbeKe; Many h^ya tbu,hd ; j . ita jilfi*B^toumd||l to decay- . » This qnestion ;h being raised in eiv civilissed world, Mp is needless andesSP! ' who objeotmost ; 'p - most liberal cpntrj of the. inBtitution- to "disapprove, r r i p various reasonBi b that' lueii realteeH plies something for, manity can not affc this chmoh establ ent? TM people ] ate one, with au« prompted that des ^waa—6he r ..(a form a-chiiroh. '*" it. Thechildhbodo hood ot God. Orj In every coinmun foand gods of son ship. -'• " Tfee usei_ot; the presstoffib 'fnepiail a desire --which-cai it is the cbBsetvat tures, the source w influences and In Dr. Taylor closed able portrayal.of .1 to a people'polttioa of the church and a picture of a hyp In which such did i ' evils which would was a good, Bound Letters were ref had been invited; t( unabfectoqioaHErr: The afternoon se irg. ^Ln'lnfornial reel otiheClatendpnh 5 o'clock a bountdf to all visitors and i _Atj 7 o'clock .tihe f to order with Rev.; In Ihe chair. An God on High," to Mass,'I waa folios) the Scriptures by New YorkMillB. was onTthrprograi she w a s unable t o I was most acceptab mine Cbnnouyi>f F. Jessup of Booni then the congijegat Samuel J«Bsnp, I spoke from the fett tive for Church G< After singing 1 IHon, the last ape on "Debt* and D* '< After a selection siding officer mad iwrtinent remarks ' nro at having; he* services, and con£ on its present coi hymn, in which t benediction waa Pi Nonra WHSTBB! of Erwin i. Hall' ed atthsifc- ®~* There were abou Boonville, Westej Iieila and other pi The decensedliad and attlietlmehe snperintendent's c canaL Wherever loved and respec who knew him covered withdrare .The aerVlCBWaft ei Houghton, pastor who tennentwaa mac cemetery. The it Porter, Will Grifl Ed, Grlffithi. - Preparattons a ciiristmai tree at WssmmvtvcM Olney is -v&ttnig Mrs^3ElllottPeai£ The flrat lectur course, given in >i evening, was fal dobrprbceedBam Philip Merchar seriously ill. Ezra Van Dre v <twb March^iga ' lveIy8S4andM6 Frank Mahady Dr^Mahadyr William Stottl the upper village Ci,BVal,ASD,-D< has returned froi improved in heal Air'thuti Watsoi critic tl conditio A .gfiQ'"Dll!JCE nt *m ffi«Bfilole«l»e#WfeL^esterii, on «on- jaay : w!Bii!&^ ?$ceate marehiTltecli. fvAvfimllh, Prop. 18. i'»'k^.):®lpRW 'M b u^-is ' T^TO^Q^JHc, 35*-4TM:cbnyenttenfbr the Bub-diylaion of Utlea district nttn,.Rey.;*, JS, Wb^beinjfcwrifdd 93$ WMttoii:ofj.adOptiug-the .InuMa'ull A * S' T-rt'' <,£•* , .'*'*-.'"<":^-'^..>-*'^ .}' . ^ y ^ y - U,,'~ , -,*'- -*~ •'; "W'iltidl-ra ^«it«hf*Ih'ej'»ec"-i<l. -1»k-*>f«ri i^iiii'iiirT mmrmm^y'^''v^^ **rnwm0jttm'*<s*? F < m, < w»iJwmiMaii''fq» ?5' l*a-.s:eiecied're)^*ioire''o^^ , ^ ^ ^ ^ » - a ^ P J K o V « P n . S ^ > B l special-

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THE BOMB PAIIiY SEOTHJTflL, Fl i tDA^ B^BJLNjqsrG, P^OEMBSB 15, 1899 ' f "" • — — — ->k r " > . i • i'«. t \ i T

reW Tor* Otoftrol & HitdtM Jfteer Railroad

J-0* A.M. Oneida Ao f l & M1- tApoooi,


Vtlca * e * l Batatai JUweM*<i»t Beaacad by

the Total of the Ocnoty to 48 8, tan* ' Pott«»*f.*l«i«0O of Har nuMJ Otttt^

Other ^#aM^«A,Mi ' l¥.l»*»ipoaea/.<o\ setae -th« uuration bi '•»»*&> jr the Whola Coontj P a y the Coate. Adding.

Aocoimt of the Sui te U»««-"BMarftanit

Now "IWtlieil l i l i i iBwfii4 1^*"' -

—U«cii Decv4§i—-^e-hoard* -of -eq^ial-izeia. met this morning and decided to. close op thel^ualisattorimatter for this yeari -tEbe-equaiisera appointed a com­mittee "to draw- o p a report, which wilt be submitted this evening. The plan adopted is the taking'off t*e assessed valuatlbn of the city of Ut!ca for

_ thls-yearyof the sum .of $593,852,. Then for the purpose of settling the pending eqnoKgatinn litigation it la proposed thafc all the«06ts are to be assessed against the county. On the vote" by ^hicb, this decision, was reached, .those in the af­firmative were Messrs. McQ'aade, Pool and Perry of Utica; Tooley and Smith of the second district while those in the? negative- were "Palmer of the second, Grace, dark and Hllte of the third.

44» * K.^AOOO*I. ( ( U K B W A O M t

915pn BWAO traia. 18 4.1>M Acoonu— 1:87 P.M. t*Ka*tem *x» 8:48*.*. fAooipm.

r-i«,^i!KABj8eSijv;. • Srf»r.M.tAooboa. SSBp.M.tAooom.

•!S:Ur.M?**SiY,'.Bx, 9 a 6 > . i t B W « O i ^

Waa Bandar. *OMfy na«P. Addjfloii«l Mitch



!.•»*,* Ixpcei«.M»n.

I4QR. T. tepreea.

fPap.lCx,,, 5 4BAW BWftOarr

VS^SJAM tAooom 1 1 0 9 A M t*D»yKx U 38 J ii Accom 1.33 TM. BWftO err 1:86 r.jiit Accom. 6:18?.*. tSTMClia*JB* B:I3 P.M. *(>lcagO Ix. B:m*.M,.BW*Q*r'--9 15P.M. Aoconii. 10SS3 p.M.tN.Y.*P«t.Bx 11:05MI; Ojaeia«-.l»c 12:61 A-M. tWeatenritx.

«0O it

B:S0 A,.M. KxpreW. « 18:15 P . M J H I M . K ' . I U ftr, 9 * P.M. AUantJo Ex.





dronth insfe

PaStJcnlar Attention Given tp JLhe IJre-n of Pollution bjr^the Black

tifin«l&BT»itrtctIifi*." - A-fl" -eSAif Baktmen-tTh* Pie»entIon o f NuU^ftpf • -'

ALBANY, I»ec. 15 r-^he sia,te boajta of l i eaWBaf adopted rnlel fol? the pre^eni tlonof the Tppllntlon of Rome's , -water s u p p l y , "..;. :•• i - •'*•' ,'•."'.'-

The rules are very comprehensive. They apply to the JiohaWk River and.fto Its tributaries above the dam fit Ridge' fifillsfand also tb.theBlack; River.Canal' and its stream tftbatarles.aoEfd-feeders be­tween lock 6.josjb eonth of thevP,nmjp

.ri^^WetiemjBaaroad, -house at;. Eidge t&OlB ftnd1 t h e n p W ^f& i&me ft Olintotf. S'B.)

LEAVB BOBIB. • | ABBIVB Af -BOISS t:30 iiit tKxpwM. •••'• M:«8 P.K. tepwm. 1-.1B p.ii » p r e « . I T.J» *.«, •$&&*».

• - ••• Le;i%;|dayi<»iy.

'.'*•_ Io snb»crj(ber«. Subsoribera failing to receive * h o i r

papers regularly' v*rill oblige the "pub­lishers, by sending -word to vthe ofEce, giving name, street and nnniber, that mistakes and overBights' may be promptly corrected..' Subscribers who-change tiheix residences or order the de-| livery of their papers changed from one plaee^-anothery-^rffl^wnfer-aJavor-byl stating "where the paper has been left as well as where it Is left.„

of the Eorestport feeder, J5he*waterft o the canal overflowing at nftrnerpns waste-weirs, between Boonville and'Edme, Into4

the Mohawk-and1 its tributaries." T?he -rulesalsoapply to FishrGreek-or other waters which may hereafter become Rome's source bfsupply;

No privV, or storage vault, or similar place is- permitted within fifty feet of the high w a w mark o lany water course *>f any kind,the water of which, flpws-evens-uallyintothe river above Ridge Mills, and no non-transportable receptacle, like a cesspool, shall be witb!tn 3P0 feet of such a course, unleB3 it be so arranged that there is no possible leakage' and so

-JrhjenJ&.J8rnwlaEaa^ltw^impDM^blie for tWe/water pumjps to keep up v i t h the city's" conaumptCon daring the hours when it> i ifl greatest. JWith a big head of water/ those pumps are run at a speed of

—higher than telnfeeejpflaw. hours a day

•ea^y;m^eMq*lfjg^attlega^tt.:#^Mei , o n . a B 4 a B B ^ o j f ^ i ^ B a r i n g ^ h ^ bf- im "day W e - ^ f e c a n - K a r W ^ A i ^

,es, they. -catch^^#ith t5e loas^during^. the day. This steady pntnpingj O«.COUI;JE%; fe poMbie!o^H)(|L^;%le»tyr:ot.'Wftteftin: the river. When theVriver gets ld#j a^ it was a week l^MSsteanipu^miihas to help out; ahd#fxr3Jrbwn tbliilisfitwijl " ave. toaajased considerably_durMgJto


H«rW*»T/»ioB to F i w B Oat Wh«n He "•*«». A p p r e h e n d e d - H * TolA OoBQfetl»| Btor . . . .n«l T h r . W A » i y H . . ; B « i . K e

i ..oft«fc*sV«piMpV*.:^l!?:^WBM,,,^*"f'

^altjrested a«'d e tght w„fttcjhes,t aglid gold hinting'ealse8,.fonnd;l5£'NjfcKW8es8ioh/; >iiTft\itl^d'»efo'dr«WBf-^morning thS man :waiked*fnt^^fd^nv**^6w^^ Nr WashtogtonetWet and»inqnired for an npsta|rg Jjjqker'f office where moiey cohif oefiaised olarfctcles otyalue* **-

The board of equalization of course has no power to settle or end the litigation. Its powtnrare merely to equalize valu* for the present year, but upon the way that waMone, i t has been said, largely dependa-whether the board, of sugervlsora wilt "«g*eerto some .compromiBe of-the BUMB bronKht on account of theequaDz i-

-tfpn-oiriSQT^ndrtsaST-She^idearaeemsto be that the above ia the basls*upon which there Will beBformal settlement, though unleBS the supervisors agree to the terms thereto nothing in the acta of. the equaU

_:«Te«ther IndleaUone. WASHINGTON, Dec; 15,—Eastern New

T&rk*. fair, cqlder tonight, except prob­ably snow in north portion, Saturday fair, lower temperature for several days, fresh to brisk northerly winds.

Western New York, fair tonight except Hght tinow near the lakes, colder in ex-c treme east portfon, "fair Saturday; fresh werterly winds, low temperature for sev-*ralday.a. . _? ;*'

Mot H O U M Pfodaot. t o be WoWifll to the Bfexketi-Q aotatloni.

Tn snite-Of the wlhtry weather there axe m S v products of th l hot hou»4tt,tt>e markedTwhich remind, ns of sunjtnei dais Nice large cucumbers are selling at 15 cents each wWlf t o f f l | t e | r e §o ing'-at5cento apiece. Other CBlngg_ in

Present m^J*StS:SSSA

cents'; "By


•Mzitlonhoard toiett le the litigation -The dispatch above, means that Utica

real estate this year will be equalized at ff37,989,679. aeainst. 132,014,1^1 in 1897, iand*8l,194.9lO in 1898. The" Utlca aa-".Beeaora this year made their figures |J8> 082,031. ' The total asseaMd valnaUon of thew&oliMsouaty- thtoyeaglii *SfTDJ8,4Sal

—The eTOct^r^hH Is to matetifflly ?<e> dflce TJtica'i proportion 6f the county'» taxes. Last year ehe paid 63 3 per cent ot the taxes and the towns paid 40 7 per cent; now Utica will pay about 48 8 per cent, and the towns will pay 51 2 per •cent titles real estate wil l be equalized

- - - - - jofTINCW' ^ -^ —Two or three "inches of dampthow

. ^ ^ ! ? ! ! ^ . ! 5 r n S n last m g K and today. —Regular meeting of the Rome Sav­

ings, Loan and Building Association to­morrow evening. ; ; , '

—Kegolar meeting ot Marub Lodge, tfo. 888. K. of P., this evening at 7:30. Busiaes8 of importance.

J-There will be a meeting of the TJnl-veM»i*r Omter at the'high school build­ing a f 7:80 this evening.

,—Rev. H. C. Shares of Rlcord, N. Y., , - • : , . , . , a , .. T. , wilLajflresB a temperance m e ^ t t o ^ ^ ^ ^ l ^ . S ^ ^ n ^ S i Y.WfC. A. HaR^onSaturdSy-evenTnf^ '""' • * — * — ^ t a * ' ' at 7:30.

the contents can be removed at intervals -to a safe distance, where they cannot tn any manner git into a water couree lead­ing to the river. No latfndry water, or house waste otany kind, or any. polluting liquid can, b6 thrown into any water so it Would And its;, way -to the river. No clothing, animals or vehicles, nor any.-* thing which pollutes water can be washed in, nor shall any person bathe in any water within a distance of three miles, as the stream flows, kom„ the Ridge.Mills dam.-' No staBle-cleanings orrefuse from barnyards, .pig-stys, poul­try yards, e ^ can be allowed to get Into the water directlybr indirectly; Nostable, cattle peivpig ety, hitching place, e±c_, shall be- less than 50 feet from a water course that leads to the river. No manure can be deposited so that it can be washed into such a wafer courde hoircan any vegetables or decaying matter be kept where there is any danger of their pol­luting tbewater. No dead anlwals, hird or fish, nor polluted! water from any slaughter house, dairy, creamery, cider mill or other m mufaotory can be thrown or allowed to run Into any water course

nor cananysueh matter he'so-depoBlted that

cold, dry spej(ifi,.jfeei says when- the •pumping • stops' far. any reason the water: itt'the^rwerVoIFfalls^lery rapidly;" - ' " '•'•'•

It uspd'to i>e -possible, wlifett'theti^flge: was as muddy as.:4feajas' blen »afQr a few. 'difys, to list' th&<pi|njp3 lie;ttia' muddy water .had- run away, but thajb can not well be done now tetany extent because it is necesaa^ta'keejl^nlitjle.. city's supply and the reservoir dgesjiist store enough, in the face of theilaige consumption, to warrant stopping,; the p^wnpsr^or -more-than-afew hoiraa'i the mess, -while it.take$ a day or two and., often more forthe'mud'ly water to run off. Therefore the 8ity has totake

ijsrqtei the naine on ai'pi Be>of paper and: ':;TOe;iifr-ont.

/Mr;? JOfflcer Oon-\Ap-*»|, Mtura^ told-Onicer MciLaugh-

! i ia . and-?,th.e two-made,a _tqur of the •b rbkera! offteeaand jewelry stores. W " * OfficerrMcIjanghllin went into! MriKin-m&s;"qnlce^he found a str.nger there audi pa inquiring if any one had been in .Who was trying to raise money on jewe.-ry, he w a s tpldt that the man pres­ent wished

-watch. to

TTfie negotiate^ a loan

BBkedT" ttier

the peM. 'fesliiEK^ob'st 30 cefits, as does alsb~ sWnaeh. 0arrOte aVe brining;,«$ «W^Jpgek . There^are butter-beans,at 1 0 ^ * ^ M f *

Brussels sprouts # 15 cents, ^gg



An Kscellent Showing Hade—The Vfutu r o f Komt' i Apportionment rar School

t h e Hentlnel — " ' J~

, TJTI0A: n o « f

t. 15.—At'yesten

PlantsraTgTffom"^ topO cen^^ach and. cabbies from:5 to 8 cente, f atawba grapasare W * & & < g g & Apoles' remaiu;.at f I tQ jrpu^per-T; and potatoes about 60 cents..' - .

Just afr presenttoere^s-aW|rKed^Bear^ •ofsstirlcfciyrfeesh-.-egr" i s i ^

and they' are selling ate! centaadozsa. Cold,stdrage egga-ean be had for several canlte: less;.-^

PUGH IT Former Bo eOlty

afnsftar -$4iO0O?0OO-4eiw^baTrtjrf89>ttad-over f S 000,000 less than last year, not­withstanding the growing value of her property.

• Upon the basia of last year'a.eq.uallza-tlon TJtlca real ee*ate thts year should be equalized at $30,390,833 and the rest of

• the county at $86,637,653. Now Utioa's flgura wul be |S7;989,678 and that of the

-teatbf the county, f89,028<806.-' - - -" The toialof»lHe"ana conniy taxeUaft year W»B $456,103 26, If the amount i» the same thlr-yaar and the total county aueMiment.ta 157,000,000*- that' w ^ » that the tax would be about $8,000ior each million. Utica being equalized at about $3,000,000 lees than according to the proportion that prevailed last year, sne wi l l succeed this year In escaping abrafc $16,000 of taxes she would hate

« paid on last year's basis, and saddling that on the rest of the towns.

Then If the pending litigation should be settled and the-whole oounty should pay«the outs (the costs being abont,$ 100,-000,) the towns would have $51,200 of eorta-40-pay, a total-ot^$6^2C" "" which rlghttally belong! to. TJtlca to pay The practical effect ot thatfor the present is the same as if TJtlca'a equalized real eitate valuation had been cut down froth W y W ^ S g m - e s over. $1,«»,0U0, and made about $23,000,000, ot Just what her own aMeaeors said tTMca'a property was worth at long ago as 1876" .

The following' table of valuations of TJtlca real estate-by asteaeora and by equalizer*, In view ot this-latest develojp-. meat, has added interest: .

Utica Real estate by Miesfora,

water the river brings, evtn though it be of the consistency of cold soup It is ngt as bad as it has been, ixcept, very oc­casionally when .snow wa6»ny added to heavy, rain, washeB. the" surface^ of the ground. -•• . t , . . . .


Se»t« f <r the Second II*If t o B e Beterved Next Monday EvenloJr.

Sieata for the seoond-half of t h e popular entertainment conraewUl be.tetferved, at the ,Y. M. O. A- next Monday evening. Holder^of^buraetiekets wStdraw— at^8-b'clock'numbers Indicating the. ard$r of their choice. They should bring their course .tickets with them.. Other 'course-tickets may be had at the regular, price, of $1, Reserved seatB are 15 and 10 cents fxtra for each' night. No redubttpn is made in season tickets, ai their design is to give sp'dal privileges to those who were. willing to guarantee, the course from the start. ' There U still Hie advan­tage in baying them of havingflrat choice of seats. The second half of the course

After January 1,1900, Mayor White will be found in his new office in the city hall each day from 10 to U a. m. and from 4 to 5 p. m. *

—The nshera of the Washington Street Opera House have organised- a rnqbTOd will secure an attraction for a benefit some time in January.

PER80NAL. ^ —Mayor White has returned from his vacation.

—Chief of Police Hagerty continues to Improve; - i - - -_ ~Mr. and Mrs. Horace A. Nbble of Buffalo are in town for a brief stay. ' —Miss Frieda Franch ot Cleveland,. Ohio, is the guest ot Miss Lucy Stevens.

—Mrs. T. B, Frlsbee of Clinton is visit­ing her daughter, Mrs. O. W. Sellick of this city.

—Mies Eunice Snow of Knoxboro is visiting at the home of hef uncle, K. P. Bevlllard, 313 N. James street

—George Robotham, jr., and bride of Qanastota, have been guests of Mrs. Em­ma Pease, 218 Expense street -

—W. W. Bepkwith of West Camden is ill with pneumonia at the home of hlssis-

.llabnry, in thte city. —Miss Mary Stevens' ot 160 Rivet

any portion thereof, nor ot the polluted drainage therefrom, shall be washed over thersurface of the ground or through the soil a leas distance than 100 feet before reaching the nearest point ot the afore­said water course. The rules go ijito great, rtnftall In a l l MIPRB mnttflTH a n d a i m

on a -waucn. .,' officer man how-many", watches he had, and he replied that he had only the one "he-had Bhownt Offloer-Conley came in while pfffcerMoIiaughlin was questioning the man and t h e officers' decided to Eak\e the attatiger-to the .police station and. search Mm. HewasasKedwherehewasstajiDg and replied* that he wa Spatting up at the Arlington. He Was taken to ttte hotel in order to see if he had any baggage'but on arriving there he told the officers that he had not registered. He was taken by way of Liberty street to the. station^ and ^en'-jnBtinfrpnColtheJp^^ he ^as-seenttoitaket something, -front, jiis riookefarol letritfallththesnow., Officer .Cbnlev^cked-up the article aadJjsund. that it was a baggage cheeky'

At th.e police station.the mau~gave his nameas-.Qeorge Watson-ahd said that he earner from New Yark and was o n his way to1 S t Catherines, Ontario. He claimed to be traveling for a publishing home.

fie was searched and on his person were found four. watches, about $6- in money and a clipping, apparently from a Syracuse paper, containing advertlse-mentt of peraons lending money. There

Roine Setitin,el the-third thing to* herald.

D,e&" •15,"-t>M-;ye§terday after-

|me"mb8rs of-

hav>«th^rath{>prtal abroad "

•y?-.-' J. Brown (^edrlof; the ayes and

' A r ^ ^ w p . ; t ^ ^ | j | l ' . l , l » - m. today." , f c . _ - , . ,yWA^ee%P;r :^hfc«uperyl8orscon-ir-i)ushel ^eflea^^O^^aplfelfbJli^OEaingr—atr-

Kincjcley: pr€Ben|e.f:il|ei|q^ com-niiMcaHOniwBtcI,w,*M*eoMVed and filed •

i £ L n m K v l » - w a ^ s ^ o ^ l i ^ n g ^ m ^ h - e ^ e n ^ H ^ *** ^ ^ $ £ ™ Z ^ ^ ^ s e ^ w a a ^ a i i as much money wfU be invested in-the talniflg the advertifement of F. M._Will- . , v-mon B-Urpad O^rirg p l a o e dtherein. oneywill servlc* s of Ave people BS there were for 12 lu the first three entertainments^ Besides the entertaining- features of Bosco's slelght-of-haUd performance and Ltnd-a&y'aimpersonations,,will he the^nstract-

• Utica Rtal "state .equnllxetl,

to cover every possible kind of pollution that might get into the river through any stream or through the Black River Canal.

One rule says that the first Water arts log from every storm which enters the im­pounding reaevoir above the dam at Ridge Mills shalLnot be taken for the public water supply of the city of Rome, and a Bufflcent tune shall be allowed to elapse after the beginning of each: rain or storm to permit the surface of Che ground with­in the drainage-area being-thoroughly washed off, and for the wash off wafer to pass the impounding reservoir before the water In the pond shall be taken into the public water supply of the city of Rome. No screen or filter shall be used In either the impounding Or -In the distributing reservoir ot the city while in a foul or nn-olean condition, and no screen or filter shall be used in either of the reservoirs which is not susceptible of constant and ready examination and cleaning.

Another rule prohibits canal boats throwing garbage kitchen slops, stable refuse or polluting matter of any kind


street has returned home after a month** Visit with through the eastern part of the

^J8- ' -* • Jfc " 7-JohnDdyTe,JWhonash6en away* for"

twelve years, has returned to visit his mother, Mrs. P. H. Doyle ot 423 N. Lib­erty street.

—Townsend Wright has received an appoiutmentas as3latant engineer in the state insane asylum at Kings Park, on Long Island, and has gone to assume the duties of the position.

r-Mlsa Maria L. Bradt, who has been one-half

The Albany Axgas, -in summing no situation as regards the canvass, for^city cTifiBToTthat; city; %W*r~^--—-j j -

"3nperintendent David Pqgh of the city halirin theeye3 of thosewho reel that they are responsible for the success of the party's unexpected control of the board of aldermen,^poswse6 the best . qualia: cations for the place.. The aldermeh are. not unfriendly to Davldi *°<1 U «w word is given\ which, it is expected, WW be given'at no'oistant date, stand ready, to vote for him. Mr. Pdgh is~ a . quiet-politician of the Wheelock type, and besides being a personal friend of the president of the Republican organization, he. was -r^wardi^. withjv new: jaeaCQck fe»ther when hTlearr^ rtH's^ha^diB' trlcfoftne BlSth ward for'the machine isandidata- at ths_ iMt primary election. It was a stronghold of the anti-Barnes faction, and the James street coterie was veiy agreeably surprised to see Dave win out". There are numerous indications at present polptlng to the selection of Puj.h as the organization candidate for the city clerkship, and' that wiU gP a-long way toward^onvincing tbq Barijes aldermen that he istbe man they.want;?'.

A' $5,000 VERDICT .

commiBsiohler • :'(|iSt*lct,^yop* deduct the vittnatibnf^r Uni^'free^Macfl district No. iybeirig, reMaua per^oBpijff 5,743,5t3 from thereal^an'd'few^naf valuation of the clty'bf Romgj as sa,id: school district No"v 1 fa.»6tiaud«r>t|ev(jurisdiction of the school comnaisslbner M;dist*ict No. 3 of Oneida-eohnty;•"'• •" / • • " — ; — — - - -. - -

J; H. GATttfoit,, Chamberlain. ©amotion of MteBryan thej'epQrt of the

committee o n miU%y affairs -was ao c e p t e d . -'-.-'.•'••.•(.. ..-i -

Mr. Dooleypresented- his repprt as ia-apector of county-'p'tiUaings: afi; Rome as j fo l iqwf : • - ' • - • :l'--' '" • ' . ,.,

I, JohuJ. Doaley. insoector of county buildings at Rome,|N. Y.j do hereby ren­der an atcaunt of my proceedings for the past year. • > ••

\ ceiled; up the corridors and waiji scotingon the-stalr-waya, I-eauaed the walls tobe whitewashed; kalsominedand v^hislea,7arrdpbicld?p^f&^elp3 condi­tion. Also repaired aUT itbors in the bntldtttgB. Beveral being rotten, aad re

eon, broker. Inside the sweatband Inthe man's hat was found an American Ex-pieaB'company money ordetreceiptehow-logthaton Dfc. 14 he had purchased a money order for |35. The place where

ke^nahMes-cf-R^bareon^stereoptieon-^^ lecture on "The Philippines" and \?end- "-- - - - - • - ' - • - - 1 • " - " - V i

ling's oratory, i Because of Roberson'ft popularity several people from TJtlca have already ordered*seat8 fpr next Thursday's entfrtafnnient. To accommodate tloket holders the opera house checks wtll be at the Y.,M. C.JL Monday night thus sav­ing an extra trip to the opera house.

1 8 7 7 , — . — 1878..

1 8 8 0 „ — . . . . . . " . 4 8 3 t ,

1882.-1883— 183*

10,480,030 IO.CW.IS.'V. i«98;65a 14,T97,7?5

urns H.970,985 14,893,295 15,138,4t5

1 8 8 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . — — . . "is^a^rr 188G 1fl,i6l,«8» 1887 (Equalisation board fai led toogreB.)

17,!S?,GSO 15,787,052 10,908 Hffl.. HfiOO' 00 1-UBE,4W K02M9S H,995.293 1B,1B3,4S3


,18S3_ 1SS9


masons 16097,668 1657&617

into the Black River Canal, nor Can such matter be placed on the canal bankn. This Cppliea to the canal from lock G as far north as lock 71, which is the first lock on. 4he northerly descent from the Boonville summit level. It also applies to the Delta feeder and the Forestport feeder. Every canal boat navigating within these canal br feeder limits mnst be provided with water tight, covered receptacles for all its animal or vegetable waste and putresci-ble matter of any kind. Such matter must bf kept in theae receptacles on the boat. The receptacles mnst be emptied before

. .... „ . „ - , . , . entering the canal or feeder limits men-apending; thei pasfi t g o andone-haK uon^ D a r l n g tha_entire trlp_of the

WWr her sister, Mrs. N. Br Piacfc t.0flfc throuBh"tbe canal, i n aflTfmltH nr«T

of 491 N. Washington street, returned on 1 hursday to her home in Chicago,

1191 16,452,818 1892 10.473 471

- 5 8 1 3 ; ? ^ ^ . . , - ; iOiiso^gG-1894 , 1S,65»,771. 1895 10,641.010

. a s s — - . , ; - , - - •lMar-.ooj 1897 .U.-.. 84,014,134 1898 .' S8,464,A10

- -2,031

"' Borne H k e D c e r b a o d . 8 TBB tiie'inbers of the SaBiigsrbuna at their rooms in the Hook block last eve-ninirobserved'thecentemilaiof thedeat3i - . , . _. „ . . .

tennial of the death of Conrad Krentz-n*, a great German composer. Earl Burk-ard, president of the organization, made some remarks about the composer, after whfch Theodore Widmann-read a paper


Krs . Bonlti S tr loke i W i t h Apoplexr—A Hoeh B»lo#ed Wonatt,^. '

KHOXBOBO, Dec. 16 TrL«gtevening Mr?.' John Dortey drove over to her father's to drive her grAtidmother, J | M ; Soulte, to her home, about two miles east of Knox­boro. While going d#wh the hill past the house of Emery Stone, Mrs; Sdullswas taken with what is supposed to hsye been a fit of apoplexy. A.atbp was msde

;' at'Mr. Stone's .ahd Mrsr Sbnlto Was taken lato-the bouse .and tiiu- Munger-flnmr moned, but she was dead before he ar­rived. Mrs. Soults had lived in this vicinity for many • years and has a viry wide circle of .friends and acquiliitanort ai she has acted in the capacity o x ^ n w In many-families,

- and wa»J«Tea«ndesteemed:feir her many good qualities and acts of i indnew. Her age 'wa» Ibotit ^OiyeaTs.t 'Her s&didett death, has c i s t a gloom over the vicinity .wheafc' she-.-waa BO, well known and i t will be a long time before "Grandma" .Soults will be forgotten. She leaves one/daughter, Mts/WJlltam Betch-of thiSTplaoe, a> whose hbuse eh§: made her home, and ontf EOU in Colorado Her husband has been dead for many year*. - - *

10 890,019 138t0 6B3 166t9.S30

IG!C5-]471 on the life of Kreutzer., Mr. Wldmann j^gsss^aj-also-read-*paper-jon tile home life of

/I6,744.,77i Washington. An address on Washing ton was given by Emll Beach, the mUsi cardirector-of. the Saengerbund, and the love of the German for his adopted land was told by Karl Barnickol. During the evening there were a number of musical selections. .The exercises were all in Ger­man.


32 014 121 ?1.194,''I0 37,989 G7ft


B l i araaitJs JToh* » '»!»*»•;•• aid H b BeaaelalaThtaOlty. _; -•",,

UTICA, Dec 15.—The solder vote pack­age was opened this morning by County Cleric Frank, In t i e pretence of Dr. Bat num, chairman ofrtheTJemocratlc county committee and JohnBatchelor, chairman bf t h e Republicen county;<»mmittee. '

The one voterwai that cart by John D Flanagan of 736 S J » m e « »freet, Rome He la With Battery B . of # « seventh artillery, Th*WtwwilI1>* Of*tted1Dee 19andcanTaa»ed Dee. S t Mr.FJAnagau JM the only Oneida cohhty ^oldlet who voted, ^ - *• •

F*OM 7 to 9 p, m, toni«ht Special Eve-iaagBarf^iniit*Bak**Tox'«. ' v

^ v Term 861d At Auction. ~ A farm in the towns ot Marshall and Klrkland, 9wned by the estate of Helen E. Thomson, was sold by C, Lansing Jones as executor, at public auction in Clinton. The farm consists of 77 acres and was purchased by Joseph Maxwell for $1,500. * " .

At a foreclosureTBate yesterday at' tha Utica court house, William E. Seavey, as" referee, sold a farm of 140 acres in the town of Bridgewaterto Jbhn ^ Tucker-ffiaSoTWjffifrwlnneld:—Mr: T^cxernian held a mortgage of $5,000 on the premises and bid In the place for $1,400.

; „, ' " ' Dlroioe Salt . Before Referee W. W. Byam on

Wednesday testimony was taken in the dixotce proceeaings-of Rachel'Wilson vs . Tdibnlaa M. Wilson. The plalhte lives in Amsterdam and the defendant; Jives in f his city. M.N. Wilson and Evans & Gagwinare-theat^rneys-tor-thei'eepect-ive parties. The referee has found for the plaintiff.

boat through "the'oahaT,'Hi the limits pre­scribed,, the receptacles must be emptied at least once in 48 toBrs, When emptied the contents must bo deposited •within the 'bQtmds-of the state canal lands, but where the drainage therefrom shall not pass into the canal nor into any stream

Jacob tli»ndor/, » Veteran Ex-Bellrond Ma», F M H I Aw»y.

Jacob Shaudorf, whq, at the time of bis retirement from active life, Feb. S3; 1897, was the oldest running engineer on th&Mohawk division of the Central rail­road, dropped dead at MB home fh/Mltfoa, Wednesday. He was born In Germany, in 1831. .He began as a.water carrier dur* ing the construction of the Central, was made a fireman in 1852, and au engineer on Oct 20,1854. When he retired he was one of the engineers of the Chicago lim­ited. He married Catharine Mustizer of Romera 1857* -He-was-a-member-of-Dl-vlsion 14, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers of Utica.

Mr. Shaudorf leaves seven children, five daughters and two sons. Mrs. L E.-Seymour ot 805 W. DomiirickBtreet, a sister-in-law of the deceased,- went to Mlooa today to attend the funeral.

Canned Goodi Man Meet , Tha New Yprk State Packers' Associa­

tion, the state organization of canned goods men, met in Syracuse yesterday, to forward i heir plans. far a state combina­tion to control prices of the KeW York product Prices of materials usedhlnthek industry have gone uer

;8ad"a^Saviaieeir: of 10 to 15 cents a dozen Is necessary,

the receipt but It is thought that it 'was bought in Utica. ->» . ''""*'

The baggage check Was taken to the railroad fetation, where it was found that the stranger had checked a grip. It was taken to the police station and searched; In it were found four more gold watches and some wearing apparel.. Some of the collars and cuffs were marked "Kennedy" ahdSjthers "G. W. Kennedy.'' On the back of the money order receipt the name, 0 . W. Kennedy is written, indicating that this i s the name of the prisoner.

In the grip were two sample books, such as agents oarry, and a card contain­ing samples of book binding.

The watches are all of one pattern and are 14 caret solid gold cases with Rock-ford movements.' They would, according to the judgment of local dealers, retail at $40 to $59- each.

1 he fact that the watches are all of one make and pattern would indicate that they had been taken from some factory or jobbing house, as retailer^ are not likely to have so many watches alike,

Five thousand dollars for the widow of William Martin, was .the verdict of the jury against the New York Central, re­ceived by JtStfce Hiscock at the opening of supreme court in Syracuse yesterday morning. Delia frartin andjier son now live at Oawego, and Mr. Martin was a pidlerat the time- he wjas killed at the West Shore crossing in Vernon: The case was fought out before the jury for three daya negligence being alleged in a lack of signals artf croEsingtbatwas hid­den by a curvef that there was-tfo- beji rang nor whistle blown. Sensational evi­dence was also Introduced when a physi­cian who attended Martin swore that he die d from the influence of alcohol and not from a fracture of the skull by being thrown from his wagon.

Senator Hiecook §ald that he wiBhed to mane a motion for a new trial that wns more than a formal motion. He wanted to argue i t Upon his request the motion was held until after his return, from. Chi­cago the early part of next week.


rixat Application t o Thlt Srotton F/om Hanover, Towa of Manhmll.

Supervisor John D. Jones of Marshall, Eas made application to Cong'resaman

quired all new flooring. I placed a new tank in the administration building, a.s the old one- was worn out and was dam aeing the building. The plastering was off the walls i n many-places and I had alt necessary repairs to be made thereto, A new arch plate. W«s placed by my order i n one of the boilers, and another of the boilers leaked and was repaired- 'and placed In good working order.

I had the hog pen repaired and new floor .placed i n barn. The roof on engine


The doors and windows have been thoroughly repaired and pnt in proper order.. The jail residence Wag carpeted, tables and desk were furnished for the office of .the districtattorney. I had all thelarnltnrei in tnn.cjprirti home repaired.

of Ihe city of Rome, and also where It shall be neither harmful nor objectionable to any adjacent resident or occupant The place for such discharge sh%H be designated by the supertntendent-of tha Black River Canal , i h e penalty for violation,of the rules i» $200.- • « •

The. rules adopted are anbstantially those devised two years ago by Prof. T,an-"dreth for the Rome board of health, but which failed of adoption by the state board of health because of objections then made to them by State Engineer Adams. After Mayor White, at the re­quest of the board of water and sewer commissioners, of, Rome, had conferred, with the state board of health in regard to making rules for the prevention of pol­lution of Rome's water, State Engineer Bond, to whom Such matters are referred, suggested, the^ubstlttftion of Prof» Lan-dreth's rules for some that had been pre­pared in Rome. Prof. Landreth's rules Were sen*to the mayor of Romeand some additional suggestions were made. They then, with the new suggestions, one of which-waa for specific.. authority,to j>re vent any sewers.emptyittg into the BlacT River Canal at Boonville, were returned to State Engineer Bond, who, in turn, handed them over to the state board of health; The specific authority regarding Bobnvilie sewer* is hot granted, but i t is understood that they can be prohibited under the rules, as they were adopted .without such Bpectflc.authojlty.

pupils in the -various sebeoisr^oToTThnreV "day, but nostated programs wereearrie* out. Thefatherof his country Was" made the .subject of the language lessens in some ot the classes:

Several of the schools are preparingfor appropriate exercises previous to of the holiday vacation, which will begin after the close of school on next Thursday, the 21st Sessions win be resumed oh Jan. 2.

Regents' examinations wil l occur in about three weeks.

There will be examinations in- the graded schools next week.

Skllltn Poijt. -County Inspector W? J* Brown of

iJJtica.Was to iiispiptedviSfcillia-RbBt^ <&>•£. R., last evening but he was Unable to come to Rome, so the inspection was postponed for one week. Speeches ap}-prbprjate to the anniversary of the death

(ftf Washington we*emade^^.ati^6?meetlng; by(^rnmanderSayle*iJbs^ph.Pbrterand F>Zi. Jones. "1' . •_ , - ' ' ; •'•'-"

Tralni Beiiky«dj '• Train 2, eastbonna^ue^tlOjaS a m.

waB au hour lato this1 njorning and No. 43;westbound, dueatrli:09 waVabont!S0 minutes behind schedule time- B6 |h trains were covered with fmoW Which* Would indicate that today's storm is .qhtte.gejijal^ ; ',..-«., .< ~>-

- • - - • ' - ^ — ^ — — = -

•Soeiil '«lA'th.«,., „ A, numbfir of H$& Mei*a«'ot.ilfjSB "$*\*% Gillette were ,ple*«antty entortftined-liiBt mnlngatherhome on K6airath7street. CardB ahd dancing Were enjoyed and/ re-

•.. . - - J^As^a^Qje_iM£;^Biy_gfi

Flcklene»i of . the jDWjr Water . Supply - - Thai a D«ya> . '•'••

During a conversation with, Daniel Brown, Who has charge o f the city water1

pumpThg'staticn at^tidge "Mills, -he* re' f srred!tb th# fiokltinesa o f the Mdhawfe River these 4ays. A week ago tomorrow the Wattf in the f IverwaltBaiol; that i¥ •waa «eCeS|ry to stutth*steam pump in' order' to keep up the elty,8hppfyi fie saya htuSiSP nbHce^tfne *wa#f 'in thf river .getMAig IbW abbuf; 8 o'clock vohe? mornWg AhlfirfMrtKStwMe^i'pris^daV fhe Sfffplptiy; ofJba- of op*. By ntfb^aier^

ibwMbnaalr1 a- heavy rafn? scama auict h f TueBday morning-ihe entire flats'# Ridge Mills W6re*bvei'ed And there waB« veritable 'floodr <-By* Thttraday the* r l * ^ ^a*backltt4ttrchaiineLagiln and1 i t was* ^SghigtriiiJialy.- %»eemed;{Bp» <ttils* .little expiriehce:mffo- ^bved-what tKe **W»«^«t.'«* *?r«»t4 prefervatioh'totw !fm»in1ain%-th^t* when - the* J&& &*,& watershed'1»Mfe«tait;A8Ji«i; .thf'p'felamf

"" T»^^#iW|^^jfc|rMi»>flpofti4ni


form of uniform contract wa& submitted, freight rates were, considered, and other business .transacted. Among those tax attendance_Were L P. Haviiand Of Cam­den, E. F. Hubbard of Clhastota, Burt Oloey, J. H. Taylor and David B. Sim­mons—rodrHrT. Howleic of itome, S F. Sheimanof Utica.

The prisoner is apparently about 35 years ot age and Is dressed in clothes ot matter at Hanover in good texture and fashionable cut. He has dark hair and a smooth face with •rather, broad features. -

The watch cises are marked *'B. W C. Co " and mm numbered as follows: 75741, 75776 75786, 75746, 75750, 72305, 767SI and 76748 The works are marked "R. W. Co., Rrckford. I»L,"'and I r e num­bered 407245, 407816, 407338. 407324, 407338, 407303, 407820 and 407284.

The number of the money order receipt found on Watson Is 3SC5182© aud-iffie date is Dec. 14,1899.

U5fGS?:Denrlfi —A. mim$^&^-TBBB?)--"&ttGiiLOE.& bered 326518-0 was sold atrtheUtlea 6T-lice of the American Express Company on Thtirsdiy to a man giving the name of G. W Kennedy, who had it made, pay­able WO. W. K«nnedy, "New York. He was about 35 or 40 years of age and claimed tobe an Albany man.


Not»B From the Schoo's. _ The centennial of the death of Wash-

lu«tou was called to the attention ot the

Arretted oa 8n»plclon. A young man who gives the name of

George Ferguson was arrasted at 4 o'clock this morning by Officer Keating on sus-picion o f having stolen a bicycla Lj-Whlch he had in his possession. The officer found him a t cue. Central sta­tion and questioned him. The fel­low claimed to have walked from White Lake since 8 o'clock on Thursday ^ening and made other statements which the officer did not believe. Ferguson did not seem .tadfein as to where he ohtauied the wheel, ao Officer Keating locked him up on suspicion. At the police station he gave his age as 26 years and his home as Dunkirk, bntwh'en questioned as to the

Sherman for the free daHyery oF'mall thattown. Con

X have expended und^ranthorlty of the board $2,749. '

By order made at the special session I also, purchased lira escape and hose for connty'home, $44t 25. ' • I supervised all repairs and jmprov*-

mentS, and In so doing" was occupied 115 days.

I^also visited all the buildings under m y charge at least once a month.

The report was unanimously adapted. .. Mr, Bryam^-Thai the Hum of $3,195.50 be levied upon the taxable property of Oneida, county to pay the claim's audited by the mQitarycomuiittee, Adopted.

Mi: Hinckley presented the following resolution:

Whereas', Union school district No. 1 o t the city of Rome is notundertbe jnria-dlotion.of the school commissioner of the third commissioner's district of Oneida county, composed of the towns of Cam den, Florence, Rome,*yerbha and Vienna, and the apportionment of expenses of said office to the amount of $300 should ha apportioned, npon the towns upon the

to receive It He bad forwarded it to the pest office department and would see that an agent was sent here to investigate i t Supervisor Jones and MB constituents are entitled to credit for their enterprise Their example will probably be followed by other «ural communities in Oneida and Herkimer counties.



greeaman Sherman in acknowledglng.tho application wrote that it was the first of the Hndhehadreceived underthermalt^f the city o f Hbmjfv Sioludlng union free dellverfBystem, and he was pleased: school district Noi-ir^dw.therefore, belt

basis of valuation of real estate and per­sonal property; and, » _,

' Whereas', Apporyionuieata,'have been beretofore made tipontheeatire valuation

Michael Sal'lVaa o f Irlab. B l d c e Frota a Kay Loft,

DURHAHVTLW, De&ll.—Michael Snl-livnn, whese home -fe oirthe Irfeh RWge, fell yesterday from the hay loft In hfe, barn down to the floor, where he struck against' a »agwi qrftca? h^flirfpg _jj{g. shoulder blade and one leg. A large family ot children, the youngest beiBg only a few days old, makes the accident especially unfortunate.

Resolved, That the committee on audit of miscellaneous accounts hn instructed t o deduct the amount of $5,748j713 from the valuation-of real stud personal. prop­erty ot the city of Rome, (being $7,20-V 283, as shown by the report of the com­mittee on footlngasaeesment rolls,) before making aforesaid apportionment.

The reablrttlon w^sjLonJiejaw..^ r f~ tFa^moltotibf MrTMenffffry, ffia hoard

decided to visit S t John's orphan asylnm and S t Yinoenfa. Industrial sohool on Wednesday afternoon, Dec 20, and the gtJCAbrpnan asylum and S t Joseph's, infant home on Tuesday afternoon, Dec 3L .

Recess until 2 o'clock. the

y . » . ©:-*: Oonrsrence. Secretary W . H . Chapln of theY. M.

C. A: expects to go to Syracuse on Mon­day to attend a conference of |asS0Clatibn. secretaries from the varloiis-plMceB be­tween- Rochester and Troy. .One feature . , , . of the- conferelioe, wMeh--las1a^nt-H;n^higliear^wnls" in tte^ Amerlcan^iIoekV

streets, of Bnnklrk he could n6t hamej^abers. Later on I expect to be in nos-«*,i, w<, M «s™» «*«« «•. . ._ sedglon ptali the., facte. Then I shall be

In aTpOBltlbn to determine whether there is ahythlrigfbr^me id Bay. A number of the dgp^jnlen^g^taaremv^tlgat lng

one. He had about $7 in his possession. FerguBon. was. arraigned this morning and his case was adjourned, by the re­corder until 9 a m. on Monday.

Charged W i t h Aitault. John Morris, aged S4, Was_arrested by

Officer Conlery at 6 o'clbckJas'thigM dn*l .charge of ass'sulbin the third' degree pre­ferred b y Beia Putnam, who rents fur-

day, Is to be a paper on HhS 'Relations of the Secretary in the Conimnnliy," by-Secretary Dattjnun of Attbhrm- •"."" ; Y,

' . - ' . ' ' AU- Next WMBV-The D'Ormond-Fuller Oompanjr wil l

play In .Sink?s Opera Housesall next Weefeatpopnlar,prioefc ..•A^ae^iay'-wailr be presented each evening and thelead-ing plats-will be taken by JohncD^Or* mbndi and Agnes Fnlleri The play for Monday-evening-wiUbe-lhgomarr-There y i f f ^ ^ t i h e e s on WeaheBda^ahd gaj-urday at 2:30 p . m. . / . ,:?,»!;-) -.-,

^ " " • - • * HoIldBT Glftti.'" - , : Our readera who visit UticaforlHbliday Gifto ?wJU(fihd at the wettkl6wn?3e|fej[ry jestaWlshttelit of W. S Tayiox^almplf W% ,pp#hnMitdrgratify theil mmx^igz -m%tfi^v&Ji$. •' Nothing' lilndire 'JasllS )0iWfM -W"o# y o u n i a 1 ^ ! © ^ ! ! ^ ! ! ^ ^hoM'pfebfljqf jewelry or i^^ar ja i j i eo f iUVef*r-atfexcellent fi[me^tile^'ii'WMi' 4feis' or gentlemen's .wateb~i3tgti wifil Jgn'd. *-'lprfrsubply a t t t i p o i ^ - N ^ o a ; -l^cifeftfita^etV Utica, -" ",.;.: ; .>., -.••.'.

-, •••&$;... s i-ppyrmm't c*«ajelK;;,•.,;. :.,t ?, ':• Lioiiriiey, BoBton's . i f^i lr^B'^^ jL_. g lv in^&igehcy of Chb iJBjifeejil ld.B'oiB] BOfls*; aUdChw^lateT'ipper^ -cM^p p.. L,;Bradt, to^Vbrtf^hW.Mve jj}^> A •complete' line Wfi^wmfa $fa&to$mm Wreath -oi^m^lSBy' wilfeogiaae. -' .'•'•• T": •.•':'"-,. »,|.:slu.f'.A

• and )^OMfxi.^B,.S|AHDS fbfeft

^ g ^ N t f S i n g l e t ^ ^

MorriB had been occupying one of the robins and when Mr. Putnam -triedto" hayfrhinS v^te:tra|iblerse)l^uea. Morris Wat arraigned in' recorder's-,court this nrornihg^fiemd;flie: c i i e set down for Si a mi'Mo^Jiyi'.He Wa»iallbledt6gointhe -meantime on his own reed^iettnee.'" '

- " ' ,, i ' " r " i ' i ° ; , < ,- . :

Golaglato Cattle Btlilpc. -'•' Harry-A. fi*Wton_a-sonof BC M. Law -

ton ot this city^ Whb has been engaged;

Ihfaatt^cMteaflttoglBiAtb^^ is aboutto embaTkjln the cattle raising •^jHffiLlSWl^Efe^^teM^iQfiOi JBffiBTin -Morgan county/ Missottr^- findii at presehtlh Aarkahaasiwrbhaslngicaffle' WJ$®S£&$$-*i^aaflyebtRomeand lff¥ th& city In 1872. His friends berewi l i wfilThTm- Bucpfta In hie new; venture. ri.- ' - Bt i^ K^vaaanKh'A Ooaditloii: i,mm0B.-^Ki^Sst o | v f i |hkirkj who, had hut skull fractured. while toying to

day morning, is doing nicely at. the hosr fp l i i lpal j l i i l fpb^c^^ ;We«k-hjB:T|Ul^^iBBi.#.^ tohlBhpma His mother and slater aw stillhere„and will remain until he is well enbugh iwjtiaAv'el*-"' ,-.. V'v*"* ''"''•'' '""*'

. ForeitpoTt Break. . AiBiBT, Dec 15 —Sunt. Partridge,

being asked whether his department Had any information lo divulge - About the developments in the Foreatpoft canal feeaef^haatlbn^ eald: "Sfo, there Is nothing for me to say about the mAt$er,as .yet «• Offlsialiy I have no complete knowledge of the ctrcuin-staufiesin the case. Practically all the Information I have gained regarding the' trouble has been gleaned, from the news-

Mr. Dooley'a report flhowa that work entrusted to him was p.'Wormed in sth efficient andcarefulmanner, and with promptness. The expenditure of money

— ia lebh tbair-ltrliHsrbeen in years, whHe tne county buildings a t Rome were neve

the affair bnt their repbrla have not yet beenanboiltted." . , . . ' , ' . . . Oneida.

. ONBIDA', Dec.15,—The 18thannnal re­port of the treasurer of the Ola Ladles' HtMBeahoWJ-thaHihe total receipts fbr the year e'nding_Pee. 5 weteJ$4,0»L84; -dlsbursemetiiB,, 12,640.52; leavmg,.aJ>al->#h^ept.$l|iSl.$3. .There are at present laminates. • " > • > . . , . v.:.

-Cbuat?y Clerk Malnb has not yet re cefved^ny^spldier yotes front the -secre-w^Wfttej^alwough-therb.areibbut\20 residents of Madison conniy: in tie'sarmy and navy. _ _ _ ^

• ' U t i c a . <

f ^ i C A r D e K - l S ^ T f e ^ e x p f e B M ^ ^ oil stove in a r c e m l u Mrs Bradlej?a iboawlngjhohaft^ ws^cpv^adjhyihBurahci/ ^ -V-'r f- ^ J W ^ S f yeajeri(ay;flled with & ; c ? n m y #^t36^«ffltat'b£ his-. 4nyjBBtiga>:

agfed 6jWho died recehfily ttdm ar^nteal nqiaoiillg. J?h^eoron«!' WaBV^aable toi

in the condition that they are at present. Mr> Dooley personally supervises all re­pairs. . .


NOBTB STEtJBKN, DiSc. 15—The funeral of Oicar E . Fitch,'sbn ojMr. and Mrs. Hblisfejr. Fitch, Was held at:the North Steuben $£.% church^lon Tuesday. "Re «was bbfh In Boonville March 17,1876, and •departed' this life In Ulilea Dec 7, 1899, aged.S3 years and 8 months. He wda one of a family ot eight children. The large gathering a t ihe funeral and the deep grief ex&resa.edf Ehbwed the'lbv ingjebgard ffi whic^; ho waaiield. The servii(*k, were conducted by Rev. O. J. -Hbugnfen/ j'aifor,'. assisted by Rev. R Rbwbbthbajbi 'WlBs'tornvIlle. The text was frbni' Matt, xxvl lSL "Infermeat waa made&ihelJbrth. Steuben cemetery. The bfeHrera were Eugene'Mtcfi,; rilarence H. Teachdnfc, geor je Korlim.eyer,Fred Fitcb,

^ M ^ o t t p ; ifid J. BBartGaraaer.

Tne=Tfi^^btt^Ctl*ohwc1a^ WflS

, a.d^bidea-^eac^ij; ».Setia|n|j;.abb|it $40, which appUes on the pastor's salary.

',There?•wlll, be" aGMiltmas entertain-mehtat=MlBd1^Qrton?Bi schbblm the Fox ^ | t r i c ^ t e ; xiibieiithe; fiiTliaertti.. I t will occur on; 3Srlday; evening^ Deb,, 22. „ The..

^fog^mi.wi i l cJensiaf^FrebiiBttonB and muilo foUowedi^ya.CbrlBtnias.tree. ~ " • ' • r , . • « ' . - . - - T - : •.-•'••;-'*.*-.L..«ii>'7 • - ' • • • • . " •

lo Having Any O drew By W* C. T*

H o i L A N l > P A ^ conclusion of. the ^ the centennial celel terlan church yeste James H. Taylor, D from the subject, • Any Church.'** Dr, very practical ahd«a subject that? precei the church hra tow Patentr to a great* recent drouth had been preserveoionlj

—D-y-^raotdinary-j church njusVbeKe; Many h^ya tbu,hd; j

. ita jilfi*B^toumd||l to decay- . »

This qnestion ;h being raised in eiv civilissed world, Mp is needless andesSP!

' who objeotmost;'p - most liberal cpntrj

of the. inBtitution-to "disapprove, rr ip various reasonBi b that' lueii realteeH plies something for, manity can not affc this chmoh establ ent? TM people ] ate one, with au« prompted that des

^waa— ..(a form a-chiiroh. '*" it. Thechildhbodo hood ot God. Orj In every coinmun foand gods of son ship. -'• "

Tfee usei_ot; the presstoffib 'fnepiail a desire --which-cai it is t h e cbBsetvat tures, the source w influences and Ins Dr. Taylor closed able portrayal.of .1 to a people'polttioa of the church and a picture of a hyp In which such did i

' evils which would was a good, Bound

Letters were ref had been invited; t(

• unabfectoqioaHErr: The afternoon se

irg. ^Ln'lnfornial reel

otiheClatendpnh 5 o'clock a bountdf to all visitors and i _Atj 7 o'clock .tihef

to order with Rev.; In Ihe chair. An God on High," to Mass,'I waa folios) the Scriptures b y New YorkMillB. was onTthrprograi she was unable to I was most acceptab mine Cbnnouyi>f F. Jessup of Booni then the congijegat Samuel J«Bsnp, I spoke from the fettl tive for Church G<

After singing 1 IHon, the last ape on "Debt* and D*

'< After a selection siding officer mad iwrtinent remarks

' nro at having; he* services, and con£ on its present coi hymn, in which t benediction waa Pi

Nonra WHSTBB! of Erwin i . Hall ' ed atths i fc- ®~* There were abou Boonville, Westej Iieila and other pi The decensedliad and attlietlmehe snperintendent's c canaL Wherever loved and respec who knew him covered withdrare .The aerVlCBWaft ei Houghton, pastor who tennentwaa mac cemetery. The it Porter, Will Grifl Ed, Grlffithi. -

Preparattons a ciiristmai tree at

WssmmvtvcM, Olney is -v&ttnig Mrs^3ElllottPeai£

The flrat lectur course, given in >i evening, was fal dobrprbceedBam

Philip Merchar seriously ill.

Ezra Van Dre „ v <twb March^iga '

lveIy8S4andM6 Frank Mahady

Dr^Mahadyr William Stottl

the upper village

Ci,BVal,ASD,-D< has returned froi improved in heal

Air'thuti Watsoi critic tl conditio

A .gfiQ'"Dll!JCE nt *m ffi«Bfilole«l»e#WfeL^esterii, on «on-jaay:w!Bii!&^ ?$ceate marehiTltecli. fvAvfimllh, Prop.


i'»'k^.):®lpRW 'M b u^-is

' T^TO^Q^JHc, 35*-4TM:cbnyenttenfbr the Bub-diylaion of Utlea district

nt tn , .Rey . ;* , JS, W b ^ b e i n j f c w r i f d d

93$ WMttoii:ofj.adOptiug-the .InuMa'ull

A * S' T-rt''

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, ^ ^ ^ ^ » - a ^ P J K o V « P n . S ^ > B l special-