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John Locke (1632-1704)

Francois Fenelon


John Baptist De La Salle


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Father of Empiricism in Philosophy

Author of “Essay Concerning Human Understanding”

Laid the psychological groundwork for modern Educational Theory

The essay was one of the principal sources of empiricism in modern philosophy, and influenced many

enlightenment philosophers.


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“tabula rasa”

A blank sheet that has to be filled up

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“No man's knowledge here can go beyond his experience. “

- John Locke

We are born without knowledge . All ideas are derived from experience by way of sensation and


His doctrine

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1. Experience IS:

source of all ideas

Foundation and criterion of true knowledge

knowledge through perception/ sensation of external phenomena by senses the learning one should process is general (deductive)

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From Sense Experience to IdeasSense



Impression in the Mind



You touch ice


Ice is cold

Ice = cold

If you touch ice, it will be


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Education should be done as early as possible.

The impression made on the child are all important and lasting

“I imagine the minds of children as easily turn this and that way as water itself”

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“the difference to be found in the manners and abilities of men is owning more to their education than to anything


“Education makes differences”

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1. Vigor of body

2. Formation of good habit

3. Knowledge/ mental acquisition at the service of the body and the soul


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a sound mind in a sound body is a short but full description of a state

of happiness in the world

Physical training with easy observable rules …

Discipline of the body so as to be able to endure hardship

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Virtue of the soul : good breeding and right conduct

Self denial- self control

Authoritative Parents and Teachers –discipline with


Teaching by example

NO to severe punishment as motivation NO to


2. Formation of good habit

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3. Mental power rather than knowledge

Intellectual ed = exercise +discipline

Observing connections of ideas systematically

Mathematic helps one become a reasonable


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Exhortation to Parents and Teachers

Consult reason rather than rely upon custom

Forceful impulse vs children creativity

Uniqueness of each child – individual capacity

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•A French Bishop and writer•A director of college in Paris for young women•His ideas were practical •He advocate of natural and psychological method•Antedated for 75 years Rousseau's masterpiece Emile- French educational classics

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•He promote the ideals of equality for women: - active part in the reform movement of education for women - French revolution •Treatise on the education of girl – contained principle training for children.

Pioneer in Education

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•The education of women is necessary as that of men•Girls have special duties and trained accordingly ---learning reading, writing, grammar, arithmetic, music, art and embroidery --- “ science of domestic duty”

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•principles of law referring to wills, contacts, duties, land owners

•modern language for utilitarian value

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•Practical ideas for teaching value of imitation and good

model •Teacher have to be patient and compassionate

- facilitate instruction- the art of reading

- experience pleasure

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•Disapprove in regulation, threats and punishment

•Study of religion practical and enjoyable use of simple question, comparison, illustration and drawing

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John Baptist De La Salle

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