Page 1: July 12, 2020 Sixth Sunday after Pentecost · Greeting to Worshipers and Invitation to Give Barbara Gass Psalm Reading — Psalm 119:105–112 Jessica Capps Your word is a lamp to

July 12, 2020Sixth Sunday after Pentecost

Page 2: July 12, 2020 Sixth Sunday after Pentecost · Greeting to Worshipers and Invitation to Give Barbara Gass Psalm Reading — Psalm 119:105–112 Jessica Capps Your word is a lamp to

Benediction. It literally means a good word, a blessing. Today at the end of worship, we offer a blessing for Ryan and Mia and Bates and Elsie Wilson. In a few days they will leave Dallas and head east. Ryan will become Minister of Spiritual Formation and Administration at Wake Forest Baptist Church in Wake Forest, North Carolina, near Raleigh.

We all wish we could do this in person, face to face. And yet our blessing and sending forth are no less real, no less heartfelt, no less Spirit-led.

It’s hard to believe it’s been 50 years since Myron Madden’s book, The Power to Bless, was published. Madden was pastor of St. Charles Avenue Baptist Church, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Louisiana State Medical Center and Director of Pastoral Care at Southern Baptist Hospital in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Perhaps now this book is dated and the language obsolete. But when I read this as a young 30-something minister in the 1980s,

I consumed it like someone drinking iced water after a day in the Texas sun. Too much of the theology I had caught was focused on eradicating a curse instead of celebrating the blessing of God upon my life. I needed a gospel word and a way of reframing who I was in light of God’s grace. I needed a word of blessing.

Somewhere in a sermon by Stephen Shoemaker I read an affirmation of this notion that went something like, “Before there was original sin there was God’s original blessing. God breathed and God said, This is good.”

And so, we the people of Wilshire bless the Wilsons and we send them forth with our prayers and our love. “We wish for you a good life, not an easy life.”

As the Pierce Pettis song says, “God believes in you.” And so does Wilshire.

— Doug Haney

Preparing for worship

ON THE COVER: Esau Selling His Birthright to Jacob from The Story of Jacob series, 1550–75, Netherlandish, Brussels. Wool and silk tapestry.

Wilshire Baptist Church4316 Abrams Road | Dallas, Texas 75214

(214) 452-3100 | wilshirebc.orgPartnered with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship

Building a Community of Faith Shaped by the Spirit of Jesus Christ


Page 3: July 12, 2020 Sixth Sunday after Pentecost · Greeting to Worshipers and Invitation to Give Barbara Gass Psalm Reading — Psalm 119:105–112 Jessica Capps Your word is a lamp to

July 12, 202011:00 a.m.

Sixth Sunday after Pentecost

Chiming of the Hour

Prelude We Walk by Faith and Not by Sight arr. Raymond Haan Opening Sentences Blake Bruehl

We are scattered near and far this morning. We are waiting to be together again. But wherever we are, O God, you light our paths. We are wandering and we are weary. But wherever we are, O God, you seek for us and you find us. Tune our hearts to sing of your overwhelming grace and ceaseless mercy. Wherever we are, let us lift our voices in songs of loudest praise.

Hymn 295 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing nettleton

Greeting to Worshipers and Invitation to Give Barbara Gass

Psalm Reading — Psalm 119:105–112 Jessica Capps Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. I have sworn an oath and confirmed it, to observe your righteous ordinances. I am severely afflicted; give me life, O Lord, according to your word. Accept my offerings of praise, O Lord, and teach me your ordinances. I hold my life in my hand continually, but I do not forget your law. The wicked have laid a snare for me, but I do not stray from your precepts. Your decrees are my heritage forever; they are the joy of my heart. I incline my heart to perform your statutes forever, to the end.


Page 4: July 12, 2020 Sixth Sunday after Pentecost · Greeting to Worshipers and Invitation to Give Barbara Gass Psalm Reading — Psalm 119:105–112 Jessica Capps Your word is a lamp to


Tu palabra es una lámpara a mis pies; es una luz en mi sendero. Hice un juramento, y lo he confirmado: que acataré tus rectos juicios. Señor, es mucho lo que he sufrido; dame vida conforme a tu palabra. Señor, acepta la ofrenda que brota de mis labios; enséñame tus juicios. Mi vida pende de un hilo, pero no me olvido de tu ley. Los impíos me han tendido una trampa, pero no me aparto de tus preceptos. Tus estatutos son mi herencia permanente; son el regocijo de mi corazón. Inclino mi corazón a cumplir tus decretos para siempre y hasta el fin.

Duet Maya’s Prayer for Peace Tom TrenneyJulie Francis and Molly Shepard

Father, Mother God, thank you for your presence during the hard and mean days.For then we have you to lean upon.

Father, Mother God, thank you for your presence during the bright and sunny days, for then we can share that which we have with those who have less.

Father, Mother God, thank you for your presence during the holy days, for then we are able to celebrate you and our families and our friends.

Father, Mother God, thank you, thank you.

For those who have no voice, we ask you to speak.

For those who feel unworthy, we ask you to pour your love outin waterfalls of tenderness.

For those who live in pain, we ask you to bathe themin the river of your healing.

For those who are lonely, we ask you to keep them company.

For those who are depressed, we ask you to shower upon themthe light of hope!

Father, Mother God, You, the borderless sea of substance, we ask you to give all theworld that which we need most — Peace.

— Maya Angelou

Hebrew Scripture Reading — Genesis 25:19–34 Jacob Leal

These are the descendants of Isaac, Abraham’s son: Abraham was the father of Isaac, and Isaac was forty years old when he married Rebekah, daughter of Bethuel the Aramean of Paddan-aram, sister of Laban the Aramean. Isaac prayed to the Lord for his wife, because she was barren; and the Lord granted his prayer, and his wife Rebekah conceived. The children struggled together within

Page 5: July 12, 2020 Sixth Sunday after Pentecost · Greeting to Worshipers and Invitation to Give Barbara Gass Psalm Reading — Psalm 119:105–112 Jessica Capps Your word is a lamp to


her; and she said, “If it is to be this way, why do I live?” So she went to inquire of the Lord. And the Lord said to her, “Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples born of you shall be divided; the one shall be stronger than the other, the elder shall serve the younger.” When her time to give birth was at hand, there were twins in her womb. The first came out red, all his body like a hairy mantle; so they named him Esau. Afterward his brother came out, with his hand gripping Esau’s heel; so he was named Jacob. Isaac was sixty years old when she bore them. When the boys grew up, Esau was a skillful hunter, a man of the field, while Jacob was a quiet man, living in tents. Isaac loved Esau, because he was fond of game; but Rebekah loved Jacob. Once when Jacob was cooking a stew, Esau came in from the field, and he was famished. Esau said to Jacob, “Let me eat some of that red stuff, for I am famished!” (Therefore he was called Edom.) Jacob said, “First sell me your birthright.” Esau said, “I am about to die; of what use is a birthright to me?” Jacob said, “Swear to me first.” So he swore to him, and sold his birthright to Jacob. Then Jacob gave Esau bread and lentil stew, and he ate and drank, and rose and went his way. Thus Esau despised his birthright.

This is the word of the Lord.Thanks be to God.

Esta es la historia de Isaac, el hijo que tuvo Abraham. Isaac tenía cuarenta años cuando se casó con Rebeca, que era hija de Betuel y hermana de Labán. Betuel y Labán eran arameos de Padán Aram. Isaac oró al Señor en favor de su esposa, porque era estéril. El Señor oyó su oración, y ella quedó embarazada. Pero, como los niños luchaban dentro de su seno, ella se preguntó: “Si esto va a seguir así, ¿para qué sigo viviendo?” Entonces fue a consultar al Señor, y él le contestó: “Dos naciones hay en tu seno; dos pueblos se dividen desde tus entrañas. Uno será más fuerte que el otro, y el mayor servirá al menor”. Cuando le llegó el momento de dar a luz, resultó que en su seno había mellizos. El primero en nacer era pelirrojo, y tenía todo el cuerpo cubierto de vello. A este lo llamaron Esaú. Luego nació su hermano, agarrado con una mano del talón de Esaú. A este lo llamaron Jacob. Cuando nacieron los mellizos, Isaac tenía sesenta años. Los niños crecieron. Esaú era un hombre de campo y se convirtió en un excelente cazador, mientras que Jacob era un hombre tranquilo que prefería quedarse en el campamento. Isaac quería más a Esaú, porque le gustaba comer de lo que él cazaba; pero Rebeca quería más a Jacob. Un día, cuando Jacob estaba preparando un guiso, Esaú llegó agotado del campo y le dijo: —Dame de comer de ese guiso rojizo, porque estoy muy cansado. (Por eso a Esaú se le llamó Edom). —Véndeme primero tus derechos de hijo mayor —le respondió Jacob. —Me estoy muriendo de hambre —contestó Esaú—, así que ¿de qué me sirven los derechos de primogénito? —Véndeme entonces los derechos bajo juramento —insistió Jacob. Esaú se lo juró, y fue así como le vendió a Jacob sus derechos de primogénito. Jacob, por su parte, le dio a Esaú pan y guiso de lentejas. Luego de comer y beber, Esaú se levantó y se fue. De esta manera menospreció sus derechos de hijo mayor.

Esta es la palabra del Señor.Gracias a Dios.

Message “How God Works” George MasonSixth in a series, Beginnings

Page 6: July 12, 2020 Sixth Sunday after Pentecost · Greeting to Worshipers and Invitation to Give Barbara Gass Psalm Reading — Psalm 119:105–112 Jessica Capps Your word is a lamp to


Recognition of Ryan Wilson George Mason

Litany of Blessing Geri McKenzie

As a church, we gather today to give thanks to God for the journey with us of Ryan Wilson. We are grateful for the family, friends,

teachers, churches and mentors who shaped him on his way to us.

We give thanks for the seeds of faith planted by others.

Through two years of ministry, we have sought together to follow Christ and to be Christ’s church in this place. You have walked among us as a brother,

rejoiced with us, wept with us and sought God’s truth with us.

We give thanks for the seeds of hope you have nurtured among us.

Now we prepare to let go, to send forth Ryan with our blessing, praying that he may be salt of the earth and light for the

world as he plants new seeds of God’s care in other places.

We give thanks for the seeds of joy to be sown in the years ahead.

It was God who made the seed grow. The planter and the waterer are nothing compared with him who gives life to

the seed. For we are laborers together with God.

The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make the divine face to shine upon you and be gracious to you.

The Lord lift up the divine countenance upon you and give you peace. Amen.

Representatives from Discovery, Ryan Wilson’s support class: David Cossum, Anna Hines, Charlene Law, Aaron Schultz

Sending Forth and Presentation of Gifts George Mason

Prayers of the People Leanna Coyle-Carr

Sharing of Decisions George Mason

Benediction George Mason

Page 7: July 12, 2020 Sixth Sunday after Pentecost · Greeting to Worshipers and Invitation to Give Barbara Gass Psalm Reading — Psalm 119:105–112 Jessica Capps Your word is a lamp to


Affirmation of Faith New Doxology old 100thText: Paula Meador Testerman

Postlude Three Reflections on nettleton arr. Al Travis

Your faithful and generous giving to Wilshire is allowing the church to continue its ministries in new and creative ways. Although we’re not in the building, the work of the church continues. Thank you for giving.

Page 8: July 12, 2020 Sixth Sunday after Pentecost · Greeting to Worshipers and Invitation to Give Barbara Gass Psalm Reading — Psalm 119:105–112 Jessica Capps Your word is a lamp to

Meet today’s worship leadersBlake Bruehl joined Wilshire with his parents, Jake and Lindsay, and sister, Kimberlyn, in 2017, and has been active in Wilshire’s children’s ministry. He is entering seventh grade at Hudson Middle School in Garland. Blake plays trumpet and guitar and loves to draw. Julie Francis grew up at Wilshire. She is the daughter of Ed and Linda Francis, and sister of Molly Shepard. This fall she will begin her junior year at the University of Texas at Austin, where she is studying nursing. Barbara Gass grew up at Wilshire. She attends Ithaka Class and serves on the Committee on Committees and as chair of the Finance Committee. She works as an underwriter for the real estate banking group at JPMorgan Chase.

Jacob Leal has just begun a year-long internship working with Darren DeMent in youth education at Wilshire. He is a native of Grapevine and recently graduated from Duke Divinity School.

Geri McKenzie and her husband, Mark, joined Wilshire in 1992. Their daughter, Harper, attends Emerson College in Boston. Geri serves on Wilshire’s staff as associate director for Pathways to Ministry, working with Wilshire’s pastoral residents. She also teaches classes for congregants about StrengthsFinder and the Enneagram. Molly Shepard grew up at Wilshire and is married to Michael. She is a deacon, serves as secretary of Ithaka Class, sings in Sanctuary Choir and Nova and is vice chair of the Finance Committee. She is the daughter of Ed and Linda Francis and sister of Julie Francis. Molly works as a future valuation associate at PricewaterhouseCoopers.

George A. MasonSenior Pastor

(214) 452-3132Heather Mustain

Associate Pastor(214) 452-3110

Darren DeMentAssociate Pastor(214) 452-3102Doug Haney

Associate Pastor(214) 452-3123Jeff Brummel

Associate Minister of Music/ Organist

(214) 452-3122

Jessica CappsMinister to Senior Adults

(214) 452-3129Julie Girards

Minister to Children(214) 452-3104

Joan HammonsMinister to Preschoolers

(214) 452-3141Leanna Coyle-Carr

Pastoral Resident(214) 452-3154

Leigh CurlPastoral Resident

(214) 452-3152

Ryan WilsonPastoral Resident

(214) 452-3158David Nabors

Director of Business Admin.(214) 452-3157

Dale PrideFacilities Manager

(214) 452-3101J. Preston Bright

Associate Pastor Emeritus

Staff contacts

To email any staff member, use the first letter of the first name combined with the full last name and add


Page 9: July 12, 2020 Sixth Sunday after Pentecost · Greeting to Worshipers and Invitation to Give Barbara Gass Psalm Reading — Psalm 119:105–112 Jessica Capps Your word is a lamp to


Register by July 14 for T-shirt and CDOur building may be closed, but Wilshire is Always Open to All. As our gift to you during this time of physical separation, we’ve created a new Wilshire T-shirt as a tangible reminder that we remain together in spirit. You’re invited to register to receive a free shirt for each member of your family. Each household will also receive a copy of the recently-released Wilshire Roots CD. Register by July 14 at Please register one person in your family and then select the shirt size needed for each family member. Shirt and CD bundles will be available for pick-up in the north parking lot on Sunday, July 19, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. and Monday, July 20, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. You may also request delivery to your home. Sizes from 12 months to Adult XXL are available, but quantities are limited in some sizes, so please complete your registration as soon as possible. Contact Abbey Adcox at [email protected] with questions or to volunteer to help deliver orders.

Drive-through reception for Wilsons

All are invited to say fare-well to pastoral resident Ryan Wilson and his family in a drive-through reception Sunday, July 12, from 4 to 5 p.m. The reception will take place, rain or shine, at Wilshire’s porte cochère on the South side of the build-ing off Ravendale Lane. Please wear a mask, stay in your car and be mindful of the Wilsons’ small children. Ryan has finished his residency and will become Minister of Spiritual Formation and Administration at Wake Forest Baptist Church in Wake Forest, North Carolina. There will be a time of blessing for the Wilsons during Sunday worship.

Good Neighbor AwardJudy Yarbrough and Becky Waterfield, both three-time nominees, are winners of this week’s Good Neighbor Award. Judy is recognized for hand-de-livering cookies to Cord of Three members from McKinney to Duncanville. Becky is recognized for her efforts in keeping Compass Class connected through monthly newsletters, mission projects and online Sunday School. Nominate a future winner award at

“This Is My Story” continuesCheck Facebook or YouTube each Wednesday for a video with announcements, prayer, music and an interview of a Wilshire member conducted by a pastoral resident. On July 15, Leigh Curl will interview Amanda Mintz.

Facebook Live Bible study

A rotation of teachers leads the Facebook Live Bible study class Sundays at 10:15 a.m. Vanessa Vaughter teaches July 12, followed by Scott Spreier on July 19 and Alan Wright on July 26.

The Wilshire Tapestry

Keep up with all the Wilshire news at or by using our Wilshire app or via social media. Worship is live streamed Sundays at 11 a.m. on Wilshire’s website and YouTube channel.

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WOW! Book Clubs

■ The Women of Wilshire Tuesday Evening Book Club meets via Zoom once a month at 7 p.m. Upcoming dates and books: July 14, The Giver of Stars by JoJo Moyes with discussion led by Barbara Peterson; Aug. 18, A Severe Mercy by Sheldon Vanauken with discussion led by Carla Siegesmund. To register, contact Debby Burton at [email protected].■ The WOW! Brown Bag Book Club meets via Zoom the first Thursday of each month. Up-coming dates and books: Aug. 6, The Tatooist of Auschwitz by Heather Morris; Sept. 10, The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek by Kim Michele Richardson. To register, contact Abbey Adcox at [email protected] or Carolyn Murray at [email protected].

Condolences to: Leanna and Aaron Coyle-Carr on the death of Leanna’s great-grandfather, Leroy Cothran, July 3; friends and family of Carolyn Thomas, who passed away July 7; Wilshire staff member Holly Irvin on the death of her niece, Lindsey Denise Bolden, July 7.

Senior Wellness & Relief eventWilshire recently partnered with the Northeast Division of the

Dallas Police Department to collect donations for senior adults who may be running low on basic supplies during the pandemic. Several adult Sunday School classes donated toilet paper (over 670 rolls) and deodorant (267 units) to the effort. Participating classes were Avodah, BEST, Compass, Concordia, Foundations of Faith and Women’s Bible Class. Minister to Senior Adults Jessica Capps, who coordinated Wilshire’s effort, says, “The donations have been overwhelming. Thank you for your generous spirit and willingness to make a difference.”

The items will be included in relief boxes to be distributed at a Senior Wellness and Relief event on Friday, July 24, from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Lake Pointe Church White Rock Campus at 9150 Garland Road. Anyone over age 55 who may benefit is welcome to drive through and pick up a relief box, which will contain toiletries, first aid kits, a flashlight, mosquito spray, a mask, hand sanitizer and more.

Lunches to Cornerstone Every Thursday from June 4 through July 2, Wilshire’s kitchen staff packed 275 brown bag lunches, which were then delivered by volun-teers to our longtime mission partner, Corner-stone Baptist Church. This effort was made possible through your continued giving to our World Hunger Offering.

Mayor’s Milk Initiative By the time the Mayor’s Milk Initiative wraps up on July 25, Wilshire volunteers will have distributed close to 1,500 gallons of milk to nearly 1,000 individuals in our neighborhood. Many thanks to those who have volunteered!

Wilshire on mission

Page 11: July 12, 2020 Sixth Sunday after Pentecost · Greeting to Worshipers and Invitation to Give Barbara Gass Psalm Reading — Psalm 119:105–112 Jessica Capps Your word is a lamp to


Scenes from Creative Arts CampListen to Your Art was the theme for Wilshire’s Creative Arts Camp, held July 6 through 10. Planned parking lot events had to be canceled due to concern about COVID-19, but 26 kids in kindergarten through 6th grade enjoyed the online experiences in music, visual art, cooking and more. Children’s Choir Coordinator Candy McComb led the camp with support from Zoe Moore, Shana Gaines, David Hammons, Carol Cabaniss, Hannah Granberry, Kristen Jackson, Jeff Brummel, Blake Brown, Emma Roden, Julie Girards, Ryan Wilson and Elizabeth Ferguson.

Page 12: July 12, 2020 Sixth Sunday after Pentecost · Greeting to Worshipers and Invitation to Give Barbara Gass Psalm Reading — Psalm 119:105–112 Jessica Capps Your word is a lamp to


RSVP to perform by July 15Calling all Wilshire jugglers, singers, instrumentalists, comedians, storytellers, stunt doubles and actors! You’re invited to participate in Wilshire’s Got Talent, a virtual talent show and coffeehouse.

To participate, you will need to submit a video of five minutes or less to Shana Gaines by July 15. To RSVP as a performer, email Shana at [email protected] to receive more details and instructions.

The churchwide YouTube watch party will take place on Thursday, July 30, at 7 p.m.

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Faith Commons and Good God Podcast: This is an interfaith dialogue group led by Senior Pastor George Mason in partnership with Rabbi Nancy Kasten and Imam Omar Suleiman. New content is added weekly, including a Sunday afternoon Facebook Live dialogue with the three principles and special guests. Also part of Faith Commons is the Good God Podcast, where George interviews persons of note on current events. The podcast is available in both video and audio formats. Learn more and subscribe here: Baptist News Global: Wilshire has supported this nonprofit national news service since its inception in 1990 as Associated Baptist Press. It is now led by Wilshire’s former associate pastor, Mark Wingfield. BNG produces daily news, feature and opinion content focused on conversations about faith. You’ll recognize many of BNG’s columnists and contributors as Wilshire pastoral residency alumni. Subscribe to the daily email at the website: Good Faith Media: This is a new organization formed by the July 1 merger of Baptist Center for Ethics and Nurturing Faith. It produces video and written commentary and faith resources, as well as curriculum. Learn more and subscribe at BJC: A longtime ministry partner of Wilshire, BJC is more commonly known to us as Baptist Joint Committee on Religious Liberty. Based in Washington, D.C., this nonprofit specializes

in addressing First Amendment issues from the perspective of a wide Baptist community. Subscribe to Executive Director Amanda Tyler’s weekly podcast at CBF Blog: Wilshire’s primary global partner for global missions and ministry is the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. Get all the latest updates delivered to your email inbox by following the CBF Blog at Pastors for Texas Children: This faith-based advocacy group produces regular updates on the state of public education in Texas and America. Subscribe to its media output at

Fellowship Southwest: This multicultural, ecumenical network of faith communities works to improves lives and share the love of God in the Southwestern United States, from Texas to California. It is affiliated with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship but works specifically in our region, especially on the border. It is led by former Baptist Standard editor, Marv Knox. Sign up to receive their newsletter and learn more at All these organizations may be found on Facebook and Twitter, as well as through their websites.

If you’d like to keep up with the latest news and updates about the issues of faith and life that matter most today, here’s a list of our ministry partners engaged in publishing everything from news and features and opinion piece to podcasts and other resources. Follow the links to learn more or subscribe — all at no cost.

Faith-based media resource list

Page 14: July 12, 2020 Sixth Sunday after Pentecost · Greeting to Worshipers and Invitation to Give Barbara Gass Psalm Reading — Psalm 119:105–112 Jessica Capps Your word is a lamp to

Preston AdkinsTanya BensonGina BiddleCayce BrumleyJoni CabanissAnn CossumKaren CotterKelli Culpepper Hall Joannah DeMent Diana EarlyJanda Edwards Linda EggertLinda Garner Linda GregoryRita HamiltonJoey Hamilton

Deborah HerfordJeff JonesTori Korson Wingfield Desiree Krieger Micki Lacker Bobby Louder Linda Martinez Kim Mason Marty McElya Alyssa McElya Sheri McShan Allison Moore Sheri Mosser Monica Mullins Chad Mustain Mike Plunk

Ross Prater Lyn Prater Nancy Quelland Katie Smalling Connie Smith Jim Sterling Nancy Stretch Robin SullensClaire Tommey Jim Walton Amy Wilson Jenny Wolff Alan Wright Rebecca Yarbrough

Pray for all Wilshire health care workers

Rapid-response teams availableHealth Response Team is comprised of medical professionals in the church who are willing to make themselves available for general counsel and encouragement. These volunteers are not dispensing medical care but are available for general questions and guidance, especially when it may be harder to get to a doctor. Lead contact is Linda Garner, [email protected] or (214) 452-3151. Food and Supplies Response Team is comprised of volunteers from our Missions and Advocacy committees who are at the ready to help those who are isolated and need food or other supplies brought to them. We have identified existing designated and budget funds that will be used to meet urgent needs of members, such as food and medicine and limited rent assistance. Lead contact is Heather Mustain, [email protected] or (214) 452-3110. Spiritual Support Response Team is comprised of trained lay leaders and staff who are available to talk with members who are lonely, scared or just need to talk during this time of isolation. This is not a substitute for professional counseling. Volunteers will call care receivers on at least a weekly basis to listen to them and offer emotional support. Other referrals for additional identified needs will be made to the appropriate teams or staff. Lead contact is Gail Brookshire, [email protected].


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Five ways to support Wilshire’s mission

1. By mail: Send to Lori Gooden, Wilshire Baptist Church, 4316 Abrams Road, Dallas TX, 75214. Please write on your check if it is intended for the Unified Budget or another purpose.

2. Online: Schedule a recurring or one-time gift charged to either your debit or credit card or directly as an ACH from your checking account. Visit (be sure you have enabled cookies on your phone or tablet) or scan the QR Code in today’s order of worship.

3. Automatic bank pay: Go to your bank’s website, log in to your individual bank account and follow

your bank’s instructions to set up Wilshire as a new payee. Your bank will print and cut a check.

4. Text: Using your smartphone, text WILSHIRE and the dollar amount (example: WILSHIRE 50) to 73256, then follow the link that pops up. The first time you use this option, you will enter credit card and contact information. All text gifts will be applied to the Unified Budget.

5. Wilshire app: Download the Wilshire app from the App Store or Google Play to make gifts easily from your phone or tablet.

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