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Kepercayaan Pelajar terhadap Ciri-ciri Matematik

Matematik boleh diselesaikan dengan satu cara sahaja. SD-52%, D-42%, A-3%, SA-2%

Sebahagian pelajar mempunyai bakat natural dalam Matematik dan sebahagian tidak. SD-7%, D-37%, A-48%, SA-8%

Sebahagian orang pandai dalam Matematik dan sebahagian tidak. SD-9%, D-34%. A-52%, SA-5%

Matematik adalah sesuatu samada betul atau salah. SD-9%, D-34%, A-52%, SA-5%

(Effandi Zakaria et al., 2010)

Kepercayaan pelajar terhadap ciri-ciri Matematik

• Andriane Kele, 2014 menyatakan bahawa kepercayaa pelajar terhadap ciri-ciri Matematik boleh dibahagikan kepada 4 katogeri.

Kandungan Matematik

Ramai pelajar yang menyatakan nombor dan operasi seperti tambah, tolak, darab dan bahagi apabila ditanya apa itu Matematik.

Antaranya yang istimewa adalah Patterns ... because plus is minus and plus is times and times is division and division is fractions and fractions is decimals and decimals is percentages and it goes on and on.

( Young-Loveridge et al., 2006)

Kandungan Matematik 7 daripada 20 pelajar telah memberi respon bahawa Matematik

ialah kandungan Matematik. Pelajar umur 12 tahun.7 daripada 20 pelajar telah memberi respon bahawa Matematik

ialah kandungan Matematik. Pelajar umur 12 tahun.1. Pelajar sebut tentang nombor dan pengiraan dengan menggunakan formula.Mathematics is all about number and calculations. It involves counting and using numbers.Maths mainly deals with calculations. It is more of dealing with formulas.2. Pelajar sebut tentang pengiraan pembolehubah dengan menggunakan nombor.Mathematics is mainly about calculations of finding unknown quantities. It deals with numbers by which we use numbers to calculate the unknown quantities .Mathematics is a subject that deals with calculations and using numbers. It has to do with counting and calculating unknown answers3. Pelajar sebut tentang topik dan explorasi.Mathematics is statistics, algebra, etc. Mathematics is all about finding and exploring new topics. It involves formulas and calculations.

(Andriane Kele, 2014 )

1. Pelajar sebut tentang nombor dan pengiraan dengan menggunakan formula.Mathematics is all about number and calculations. It involves counting and using numbers.Maths mainly deals with calculations. It is more of dealing with formulas.2. Pelajar sebut tentang pengiraan pembolehubah dengan menggunakan nombor.Mathematics is mainly about calculations of finding unknown quantities. It deals with numbers by which we use numbers to calculate the unknown quantities .Mathematics is a subject that deals with calculations and using numbers. It has to do with counting and calculating unknown answers3. Pelajar sebut tentang topik dan explorasi.Mathematics is statistics, algebra, etc. Mathematics is all about finding and exploring new topics. It involves formulas and calculations.

(Andriane Kele, 2014 )

Proses Matematik

understanding mathematics problems is using direct application of rules, formulas and procedures illustrated in text books and exemplified by the teacher (Mapolelo, 2009).

mathematics as learning and understanding all the processes. These students believed that mathematics requires understanding possible ways to solve complex problems using numbers and equations. (Presmeg, 2002)

Proses Matematik1. Pelajar yang sebut Matematik ialah

menggunakan formula untuk penyelesaian masalah.

Mathematics is a subject that deals with rules and problem solving. People remember formulas and procedures to use and to make calculations in solving problem.

Mathematics is a subject that deals with formulas and procedures to problem solving. People are used to memorizing formulas, and follow procedures to do calculations.

(Andriane Kele, 2014 )

Proses kognitif

Mengetahui konsep Matematik dan gabung apa yang telah dibelajari.

Mengetahui konsep Matematik dan gabung apa yang telah dibelajari.

One emphasis on the cognitive thinking processes in relation to mathematics problem solving is that students may be able to apply concepts and procedures and invent new methods of solving problems.

( Young-Loveridge et al., 2006)

Proses kognitif

1. Pelajar sebut Matematik ialah penekaan dalam pembelajaran konsep Matematik.

Mathematics is like learning about numbers and how to calculate problems. It involves learning graphs and understanding concepts. And it is an easy subject to learn

2. Pelajar yang sebut ciri Matematik ialah pemikiran.

According to my thinking about mathematics, it is one of the subjects… that make us think. For instance, when you do mathematics it will make your mind think better and can expand your thinking capacity

Mathematics is a subject that makes people think. Mathematics is one of the subjects … that requires one to think

before getting the answer when doing calculations and solving questions

Kegunaan Metamatik

• they expected to apply mathematics knowledge in jobs, sports and banks.

(Boaler‘s ,2002)

• mathematics is needed for many jobs and employments in the future.

(Young-Loveridge, et al., 2006)

Kegunaan Matematik1. Pelajar rasa Matematik yang dibelajari dalam sekolah

adalah berguna dalam kehidupan harian. I thought about mathematics is all about how we live. We live in a world of

mathematics. Everything we deal with involve calculations. It involves thinking and solve problems we face using ideas of mathematics. That‘s how I thought about it.

2. Pelajar yang sebut Matematik adalah berguna untuk mengatasi masalah dan juga dalam perniagaan komersial.

Mathematics involves our daily aspect of life. It is used in our daily life to overcome difficulties we experience in our daily lives. It can be used in business, industry and the commercial world.

3. Pelajar rasa Matematik berguna dalam kehidupan seharian semasa membuat keputusan.

Mathematics is involved in life situations to make decision, for example, in the probability topic you can predict the likely event whether it will be going to rain or not. It involves calculations of numbers. Mathematics is used in the market, time and finding rates




Merujuk kepada kepercayaan pelajar terhadap kemampuannya untuk sesuatu subjek.

Contoh : Saya percaya yang Matematik adalah subjek yang paling senang bagi saya.

• Anxiety

Merujuk kepada kebimbangan yang dihadapi oleh pelajar semasa berhadapan dengan Matematik.

Contoh : Saya rasa nervous setiap kali jawab soalan Matematik.

• Self-efficacy

Adalah keyakinan pelajar bahawa dia mampu menghasilkan keputusan pada masa hadapan.

Contoh : Walaupun Matematik ini susah, tapi saya boleh belajar tentangnya.

• Self-confidence

Merujuk kepada keyakinan pelajar terhadap kemampuan dirinya sendiri.

Contoh : Saya yakin yang saya dah jawab semua soalan ujian tadi dengan betul.

Soalan-soalan yang ditanya kepada pelajar untuk mengetahui tahap kepercayaan mereka terhadap Matematik dalam jurnal Assessing Students’s Belief About Mathematics.

(Denise A. Spagler, 1992)

1. Di dalam satu ujian Matematik, anda terlihat jawapan rakan di sebelah anda berbeza dengan jawapan rakan. Apakah yang akan anda lakukan?

Respon pelajar :1) Kedua-duanya akan membuat pengiraan semula terhadap

soalan tersebut. Tujuannya, mungkin salah seorang telah membuat kesilapan semasa melakukan pengiraan.

2) Bergantung kepada siapakah rakan tersebut.

Jawapan pelajar A ialah ½ dan jawapan pelajar B pula ialah 0.5. Kedua-dua pelajar akan tetap berfikir yang kedua-dua jawapan tersebut adalah berbeza.

Pelajar percaya bahawa Matematik boleh mempunyai satu jawapan sahaja. (Frank,1998)

2. Apakah yang membuatkan anda yakin bahawa anda telah menjawab soalan Matematik dengan betul?

Respons pelajar :1.Buat pengiraan semula.2.Cek jawapan dengan guru dan rakan.3.Melakukan backward solution. 4.Memasukkan nilai

Tidak ada pelajar yang telah memberikan respons untuk menyemak semula jawapan mereka sama ada jawapan mereka logik atau pun tidak berdasarkan soalan yang diberi.

Satu bas boleh memuatkan sebanyak 36 orang askar. Jika seramai 1128 orang askar perlu menaiki bas ke tempat latihan, berapa banyak bas yang diperlukan? National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 2007

• 29% menjawab 31 baki 12

• 18% menjawab 31

• 23% menjawab 32

• 30% memberikan jawapan selain daripada di atas.

• Pelajar langsung tidak melihat sama ada jawapan yang diberikan logik atau tidak dalam konteks soalan tersebut. (Schoenfeld,1987)

Tahap kebimbangan pelajar terhadap Matematik

Factors Causing Mathematics Anxiety Among Students (Hasbee Usop, Nur A’ain, Hong Kian Sam et. al, 2011)


TAMBAHAN Arsaythamby Veloo & and Shamsuddin Muhammad, 2011

• Dapatan kajian menunjukkan kebimbangan dalam mempelajari matematik merupakan penyumbang terbesar iaitu 10% terhadap pencapaian matematik tambahan.

Persepsi Pelajar Terhadap Guru Matematik

Merrilyn Goos, 2006

Almost always there is one teacher who stands out in their memory, occasionally as someone whose ridicule or harsh words caused feelings of shame and discomfort, but most often as a teacher fondly remembered for inspiring a love of mathematics through their patience, enthusiasm, and willingness to help students outside of class time.

(Merrilyn Goos, 2006)

We have the power to engage or alternate students in ways they will remember for the rest of their lives.

Teachers’ behaviours were among the most important factors to enhance student motivation, thus leading students to success.

(Doyran, 2000)

It can be firmly concluded from research that teacher behaviour in classrooms is positively related to student achievement.

(Creemers, 1994)

Pengaruh Guru Terhadap Pelajar

Ciri-ciri Guru Ideal

Klasifikasi Kualiti Guru Matematik – Pelajar Sekolah Menengah (Berinderjeet Kaur, 2004)

Personal Qualities

• Patient• Helpful• Hardworking• Responsible• Punctual• Humorous• Confident• Calm/ good tempered• Courteous/ pleasant/ nice• Neat• Cheerful• Enthusiastic• Humble• Serious/dedicated

Instruction/ Pedagogy

• Explains clearly• Simple and easy exposition• Good in maths/ clever• Teach slowly/ show more examples• Correct pacing• Show working step by step• Systematic planning/ well planned• Not boring/ interesting• Ensures pupils understand• Provides individual help• Good notes/ worksheets• Make maths meaningful/ different approaches• Group work/ discussion/ pupil participation• Stimulate thinking• Experienced

Relationship/ Rapport

• Strict/ firm• Not fierce/ approachable/ encouraging/ motivating/ friendly• Lenient• Supportive• Fair• Ensures class is attentive• Authoritative• Caring/ kind• Understanding• Listens to pupils• Answers questions• Never gives up hope on pupils

Homework Policies/ Expectations

• Demanding/ a lot of homework• Moderate homework• Not too much work• Do work in class• Constant review/ reinforcement• Serious with pupils’ work• Checks homework/ goes through homework• Give difficult problems• Regular tests/ assessment• Encourage pupils to do more sums

The qualities of caring, skilful and humorous emerged among the top three qualities of all the groups interviewed (high-achieving, medium-achieving and low achieving secondary pupils).

(Lim Bee Hean, 1997)

Faktor-faktor Mempengaruhi Kepercayaan Pelajar Terhadap


Erin Goodykoontz, 2008


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