Page 1: Krok 1 STOMATOLOGY · 2018-06-12 · Krok 1 Stomatology 2016 3 human embryo there are 2 contacti-ng sacs visible (amniotic and vitelline). Name the structure situated at the place


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Page 2: Krok 1 STOMATOLOGY · 2018-06-12 · Krok 1 Stomatology 2016 3 human embryo there are 2 contacti-ng sacs visible (amniotic and vitelline). Name the structure situated at the place

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Authors of items: Abramets I.I., Andriyishyn O.P., Barinov Ye.F., Basiy R.V., Baskevych O.V.,

Bashynska O.I., Bessalova Ye.Yu., Bilenkiy S.A., Blahodarov V.M., Blinder O.O., Boikiv D.P.,

Bondarenko V.V., Chernenko H.P., Chernobay L.V., Cherviak M.M., Chesnokova M.M., Davydova N.V.,

Demianenko I.A., Diadyk O.O., Dieltsova O.I., Dutchak U.M., Ersteniuk A.M., Fartushok N.V.,

Fedoniuk L.Ya., Filchukov D.O., Flekey P.P., Habysheva L.S., Haidash I.S., Haliuk U.M., Harhin V.V.,

Hladchuk A.B., Holdobina O.V., Horhol N.I., Horchakova N.O., Hryhorenko V.K., Ihnatishchev M.R.,

Ivanova A.Y., Izmailova L.V., Kachmarska M.O., Kachula S.O., Kaptiukh R.P., Kava T.V., Khmel L.L.,

Khomutov Ye.V., Khomiak N.V., Khripkov I.S., Khromeniakova O.B., Kiriakulov H.S., Koldunov V.V.,

Kolesnikova S.V., Komissarov I.V., Kopchuk T.H., Korolenko H.S., Koroliuk V.D., Kratinova M.A.,

Kravets D.S., Kriuk Yu.Ya., Kryvobok H.K., Kryshtal M.V., Kryzhanovska A.V., Kukurychkin Ye.R.,

Kutsyk R.V., Kuziv O.Ye., Kykhtenko O.V., Kyrychenko L.H., Lahoda S.V., Lazarev K.L., Leheza O.A.,

Levchuk O.V., Linchevska L.P., Luchko I.M., Lychko B.H., Lyzyn D.V., Manzheley O.Ye., Masheiko I. V.,

Matiushenko P.M., Meshchyshen I.F., Mishchenko A.V., Mishchenko N.P., Morhun Z.K., Mozhunov O.V.,

Mysakovets O.H., Netiukhailo L.H., Netliukh M.A., Nikolenko L.H., Nikolenko O.H., Novykov N.Yu.,

Obmankin V.O., Obraztsova O.H., Okulov V.I., Omelchenko O.D., Opryshko V.I., Ostrivka O.I.,

Ostrovska S.S., Ovchynnikov S.O., Paltov Ye.V., Pankiv I.B., Pasholok S.P., Pavly S.Y., Petrosova V.I.,

Poliakov K.V., Popova L.D., Pototska I.I., Pryshliak A.M., Rodynsky O.H., Romanenko O.V.,

Romaniuk B.P., Rozghoniuk Yu.D., Rudnytska O.H., Saiuk N.P., Salata O.V., Samoilovych I.M.,

Savchenko N.V., Shanko V.M., Shay A.M., Shcherbak L.F., Shemonaieva K.F., Shestitko I.I.,

Shliakhovenko O.O., Shvets V.I., Siedov V.I., Slobodianiuk T.M., Sokolovska L.V., Sorokina I.V.,

Starchenko I.I., Stepanenko V.V., Stetsenko S.V., Syrova H.O., Tananakina T.P., Teleshova O.V.,

Terekhovska O.I., Tertyshny S.I., Tkachenko V.P., Tsun M.P., Tverdokhlib I.V., Usynsky R.S.,

Vasylenko I.V., Vasylieva A.H., Voloshyn M.A., Vorobets Z.D., Voronych-Semchenko N.M., Vovk V.I.,

Vovchenko M.B., Vysotsky I.Yu., Yastremska S.O., Yushchak M.V., Zaiachkivska O.S., Zaichko N.V.,

Zakharchuk I.I., Zazhaieva V.V., Zdykhovsky I.O., Zelenina N.M., Zholudeva V.I., Zhubrikova L.O.,

Zhulinsky V.O., Ziatkovska N.Ye., Zinchenko S.A., Zlenko O.T. and Committees of professional expertise.

Item reviewers. Ananko S.YA., Basiy R.V., Bilash S.M., Chevelenkova A.V., Deyneka S.YE.,

Dyeltsova O.I., Fomina L.V., Gaydash I.S., Golovatyuk O.L., Gorgol N.I., Kava T.V., Korolenko G.S.,

Koldunov V.V., Kovalchuk L.YE., Linchevska L.P., Maliy K.D., Neporada K.S., Nikolenko O.G.,

Ovchinnikov S.O., Pikaluk V.S., Prokof’yeva N.V., Pushkar M.S., Sikora V.Z., Sklyarov O.YA.,

Skorobogatova Z.M., Tananakina T.P., Teleshova O.V., Tkachuk S.S., Trzhecinskiy S.D., Vinnikov YU.M.,

Vorobets Z.D., Yoltuhivskiy M.V., Zelenina N.M., Zinkovska L.YA., Zhadinskiy M.V., Zhulinskiy V.O.

The book includes test items for use at licensing integrated examination “Krok 1. Stomatology” and

further use in teaching.

The book has been developed for students of stomatological faculties and academic staff of higher

medical educational establishments.

Approved by Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine as examination and teaching

publication based on expert conclusions (Orders of MPH of Ukraine of

14.08.1998 №251, of 27.12.1999 №303, of 16.10.2002 №374, of 16.04.2003 №239,

of 29.05.2003 №233, of 23.07.2007 №414).

© Copyright Testing Board.

General Instruction

Every one of these numbered questions or unfinished statements in

this chapter corresponds to answers or statements endings. Choose the

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Page 3: Krok 1 STOMATOLOGY · 2018-06-12 · Krok 1 Stomatology 2016 3 human embryo there are 2 contacti-ng sacs visible (amniotic and vitelline). Name the structure situated at the place

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1. Carious cavities of a 29-year-oldpatient contain parasitic protozoa. Itis determined that they relate to theSarcodina class. Specify these single-celled organisms:

A. Entamoeba gingivalisB. Entamoeba coliC. Entamoeba histoluticaD. Amoeba proteusE. Lamblia intestinalis

2. A puncture sample taken from thelymph node of a patient with prelimi-nary diagnosis of protozoan disease hasbeen investigated. The preparation wasprocessed with Giemsa stain and thefollowing was detected: crescent-shapedbodies with pointed tips, blue cytoplasmand red nuclei. What protozoa havebeen detected in the preparation?

A. ToxoplasmaB. Plasmodium malariaeC. Dermatotropic LeishmaniaD. Viscerotropic LeishmaniaE. Trypanosoma

3. It is necessary to perform urinarybladder catheterization of an adult man.Resistance to the catheter can occurin the following structure or part ofurethra:

A. Membranous partB. Prostatic partC. Spongiose partD. External urethral orificeE. Internal urethral orifice

4. A woman addressed a dentist withcomplains of bruise and swelling aroundher eye. Anamnesis is as follows: severaldays prior her 1st premolar toothhad been extracted, with infraorbitalanesthesia administered; several dayslater hematoma appeared in the areaof foramen intraorbitale. Branch of thefollowing artery was damaged:

A. Maxillary arteryB. Facial arteryC. Superficial temporal arteryD. Superior labial arteryE. Masseteric artery

5. A patient consulted a doctor aboutdifficult chewing. On examination hewas found to have atrophy of the ri-ght temporal muscle and masticatory

muscles. Upon opening the mouth, thepatient’s jaw deviates to the left. Whatnerve is affected?

A. Motor portion of the mandibularnerveB. FacialC. Inferior alveolarD. MaxillaryE. Mandibulohyoid

6. Examination of a 23-year-old pati-ent reveals that, when his tongue isprotruded, its tip deviates to the side.This is caused by the dysfunction of thefollowing tongue muscle:

A. GenioglossusB. HyoidC. Superior longitudinalD. Inferior longitudinalE. Styloglossus

7. It is required to anaesthetize rightlower molars. The proper injection si-te for the conduction anaesthesia is:

A. The region of the right mandibularforamenB. The gums to the right of mandibleC. The region of the right mentalforamenD. The region of suborbital foramenE. The region of the oval foramen

8. A patient consulted a doctor about aninflammation of the ethmoid bone cells(ethmoiditis). Examination revealed thedisorder of blood supply to the bone.Ethmoidal cells are normally suppliedwith blood through the branches of thefollowing artery:

A. A. ophthalmicaB. A. infraorbitalisC. A. facialisD. A. cerebri anteriorE. A. transversa faciei

9. Due to a cranial trauma leading todamage of the eye socket superior walla patient has lost the ability to lift theupper eyelid and look upwards. Whatnerve is most likely damaged?

A. R. superior n.oculumotoriiB. R. inferior n.oculumotoriiC. N. trochlearisD. N. abducensE. N. ophthalmicus

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10. A woman with a tumour of thepancreas has developed mechanicjaundice due to compression of abile-excreting duct. Which duct iscompressed?

A. Ductus choledochusB. Ductus cysticusC. Ductus hepaticus communisD. Ductus hepaticus dexterE. Ductus hepaticus sinister

11. On the longitudinal section of atooth there are tubules visible in thedentin. What is inside these tubules?

A. Processes of odontoblastsB. Processes of ameloblastsC. Odontoblast bodiesD. FibroblastsE. Elastic fibers

12. Study of the histological specimenof a baby’s primary tooth revealedhypoplasia (underdevelopment) ofenamel. This abnormality is caused bythe disruptions in the activity of thefollowing cells:

A. Inner enamel epitheliumB. Pulp cells of the enamel organC. Outer enamel epitheliumD. Cells of the stratum intermedium ofthe enamel organE. Odontoblasts

13. Proliferation of connective tissuein the parenchyma of liver (fibrosis)caused by chronic diseases is typi-cally accompanied by an impairment ofblood circulation in the classic lobules.What is the direction of blood flow inthese lobules?

A. From the periphery to the centerB. From the center to the peripheryC. Around the lobuleD. From the top to the baseE. From the base to the top

14. A histological preparation showsorgan, where lymphocytes form threetypes of lymphoid structures: lymphnodules, medullary cords and lymphaticsinuses. What organ is it?

A. Lymph nodeB. SpleenC. ThymusD. TonsilE. Red bone marrow

15. During formation of mantle dentinin a deciduous tooth there occurreda disruption of odontoblast secretoryactivity. Such disruption will affect theformation of the following fibers:

A. Von Korff’s radial collagen fibersB. Reticular fibersC. Elastic fibersD. Ebner’s tangential collagen fibersE. Nerve fibers

16. A microspecimen of heart showsrectangular cells from 50 to 120 mi-crometer large with central position ofnucleus and developed myofibrils. Thecells are connected by intercalated di-scs. These cells are responsible for thefollowing function:

A. Function of heart contractionsB. Function of impulse conductionC. EndocrineD. ProtectiveE. Regeneratory

17. Histological investigation of a40-year-old man’s thymus revealedthe following: decreased part ofparenchymatous elements, increasedpart of adipose and loose connectivetissues, high concentration of thymicbodies with total organ weight remai-ning the same. Name this phenomenon:

A. Age-related thymic involutionB. Accidental thymic involutionC. Thymic hypotrophyD. Thymic dystrophyE. Thymic atrophy

18. A heart microslide demonstratescells in the shape of pale chords, whichhave few myofibrilla, glycogen inclusi-ons and eccentric nuclei. Name thesecells:

A. Purkinje’s fibersB. Leading pacemaker cellsC. Leading transitional cellsD. Endocrine cellsE. Contractile cells

19. In the preparation of a 10-day-old

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human embryo there are 2 contacti-ng sacs visible (amniotic and vitelline).Name the structure situated at the placeof the contact:

A. Embryonic shieldB. Fundus of the amniotic sacC. Fornix of the vitelline sacD. Amniotic pedicleE. Extraembryonic mesoderm

20. A patient has petechial hemorrhageson the gums, hard and soft palate, buccalmucosa. This is caused by the dysfuncti-on of the following blood corpuscles:

A. PlateletsB. EosinophilsC. MonocytesD. LymphocytesE. Erythrocytes

21. A patient with gastric juicehypersecretion has been recommendedto exclude from the diet rich brothsand vegetable infused water. A doctorrecommended it, because these foodproducts stimulate production of thefollowing hormone:

A. GastrinB. SecretinC. CholecystokininD. SomatostatinE. Neurotensin

22. After a hemorrhage into the brai-nstem a patient has lost reflex of myosisas a reaction to increase of illumination.What structure was damaged?

A. Vegetative nuclei of oculomotornerveB. Lateral reticular nucleiC. Medial reticular nucleiD. Red nucleiE. Black substance

23. An oculist detected increased timeof darkness adaptation of a patient’seye. What vitamin deficiency can causesuch symptom?

A. АB. ЕC. СD. КE. D

24. Examination of a patient revealed

dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia. Whatvitamin deficiency is the cause of thiscondition?

A. NicotinamideB. Ascorbic acidC. Folic acidD. BiotinE. Rutin

25. A woman has scalded her hand withboiling water. The affected area of herskin became red, swollen and painful.This effect is caused by accumulation ofthe following substance:

A. HistamineB. LysineC. ThiamineD. GlutamineE. Asparagine

26. There are various diseases that causesharp increase of active oxygen, thusleading to cell membranes destruction.Antioxidants are used to prevent it fromhappening. The most potent naturalantioxidant is:

A. α-tocopherolB. GlucoseC. Vitamin DD. Fatty acidsE. Glycerol

27. A pregnant woman developedsevere toxemia with exhaustingrecurrent vomiting throughout a day. Bythe end of the day she developed tetanicconvulsions and bodily dehydration.The described changes were causedby the following type of acid-base di-sbalance:

A. Nongaseous excretory alkalosisB. Gaseous alkalosisC. Gaseous acidosisD. Nongaseous metabolic acidosisE. Nongaseous excretory acidosis

28. A 49-year-old patient was found tohave a disproportionate enlargementof hands, feet, nose, ears, supercili-ary arches and cheek bones. Bloodtest revealed hyperglycemia, impai-red glucose tolerance. What is themost likely cause of this pathologydevelopment?

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A. Hypersecretion of growth hormoneB. Posterior pituitary hormonehypersecretionC. Insulin hyposecretionD. Vasopressin hyposecretionE. Glucocorticoid hypersecretion

29. A patient suffers from mutati-on of a gene that corresponds wi-th hemoglobin synthesis. This condi-tion led to development of sickle-cell disease. Name the pathologicalhemoglobin characteristic of this di-sease:

A. HbSB. HbAC. HbFD. HbA1E. Bart-Hb

30. A patient, who had suffered severeblood loss three days ago, underwentblood test. The following data wasobtained in leukogram: leukocytes -12 · 109/l, basophils - 0, eosinophils -3, myelocytes - 0, juvenile - 3, stabneutrophils - 12, segmented neutrophi-ls - 62, lymphocytes - 16, monocytes -4. What change of leukocyte contentoccurred in this case?

A. Neutrophilia with regenerative left-shiftB. Neutrophilia with degenerative left-shiftC. Neutrophilia with right-shiftD. Absolute lymphopeniaE. Absolute monocytopenia

31. After the traumatic tooth extractiona patient is complaining of severe dullpoorly-localized pain in gingiva, bodytemperature rise up to 37, 5oC. The pati-ent has been diagnosed with alveolitis.Specify the kind of pain in this patient:

A. ProtopathicB. EpicriticC. VisceralD. HeterotopicE. Phantom

32. Due to recurring vomiting a pati-ent has lost significant amount of gastricjuice, which led to development of acid-base dysbalance. What type of acid-basedysbalance has developed?

A. Nongaseous alkalosisB. Gaseous acidosisC. Nongaseous acidosisD. Gaseous alkalosisE. Metabolic acidosis

33. Microscopy of an extracted tooth hasrevealed a focus of enamel destructionat the dentinoenamel junction. Withinthis focus accumulation of microorgani-sms occurs; calcium salts disappearfrom enamel columns; intercolumnsubstance and enamel columns arepartially destroyed. What diagnosis isthe most likely?

A. Superficial cariesB. Median cariesC. Deep cariesD. FluorosisE. Cemental caries

34. A patient with a long historyof chronic periodontitis underwentremoval of a maxillary cyst locatedat the root of the affected tooth. Mi-croscopy shows that the bone wall ismade up of fibrous tissue infiltrated bylymphocytes and plasma cells. The innersurface of the cyst is covered with strati-fied squamous epithelium with no signsof keratinization. What is the most li-kely diagnosis?

A. Radicular cystB. Follicular cystC. Primordial cystD. Eosinophilic granulomaE. Gingival fibromatosis

35. An autopsy of the body of anelderly man, who was suffering fromacute intestinal disorder during hislast 2 weeks of life, has revealed thefollowing change in the rectum andsigmoid colon: brown and green filmcovering the mucosa is detected. Theitestinal wall is thickened; the cavi-ty sharply narrows down. Microscopyreveals mucosa necrosis of varyingdepth, necrotic tissue is pierced throughwith fibrin threads, leucocytic infiltrati-on is observed. What diagnosis is themost probable?

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A. Fibrinous colitisB. Catharrhal colonC. Ulcerative colitisD. Follicular colitisE. -

36. Macroscopic examination of lungtissue revealed areas of high airinesswith small bubbles. Histological exami-nation revealed thinning and rupture ofalveolar septa accompanied by formati-on of large diversiform cavities. Whatdisease was revealed in the lung?

A. Pulmonary emphysemaB. Multiple bronchiectasisC. Cavernous tuberculosisD. Chronic bronchitisE. Fibrosing alveolitis

37. A 28-year-old patient had been di-agnosed with multifragmental fractureof the right hip. On the third day afterthe injury he began to complain of painin the right side of the chest, difficultrespiration. One day later the patientdied of progressive heart and respi-ratory failure. Histological study of thepulmonary and cerebral blood vesselsrevealed orange sudanophilic dropletsthat completely obstructed the vesselsof microvasculature. What complicationcaused the death of the patient?

A. Fat embolismB. Gas embolismC. Drug-induced embolismD. Microbial embolismE. Thromboembolism

38. Autopsy of a man who hadtuberculosis revealed a 3x2 cm largecavity in the superior lobe of the rightlung. The cavity was interconnected wi-th a bronchus, its wall was dense andconsisted of three layers: the internallayer was pyogenic, the middle layer wascomposed of tuberculous granulation ti-ssue and the external one was consistedof connective tissue. What is the mostlikely diagnosis?

A. Fibrous cavernous tuberculosisB. Fibrous focal tuberculosisC. TuberculomaD. Acute focal tuberculosisE. Acute cavernous tuberculosis

39. Autopsy of a man who died fromethylene glycol poisoning revealed that

his kidneys are a little bit enlarged,edematic; their capsule can be easilyremoved. Cortical substance is broadand light-grey. Medullary substanceis dark-red. What pathology had thisman?

A. Necrotic nephrosisB. Acute pyelonephritisC. Acute glomerulonephritisD. Acute tubular-interstitial nephritisE. Lipoid nephrosis

40. While studying blood and mucussamples from the nasopharynx, abacteriologist took certain measuresto conserve the pathogens in thematerial. Bacterioscopic study revealedthe presence of gram-negative cocciresembling coffee beans and arrangedin pairs or tetrads. Name the pathogenthat was isolated by the bacteriologist:

A. Neisseria meningitidisB. Staphilococcus aureusC. Neisseria gonorrhoeaeD. Moraxella lacunataE. Acinetobacter calcoaceticus

41. In a microslide of the patient’sregional lymph node stained with Gi-emsa method a doctor detected thin mi-croorganisms with 12-14 uniform tendri-ls with pointed tips, 10-13 micrometersin length, pale pink in color. In thiscase they can be identified as infecti-ous agents of the following disease:

A. SyphilisB. TrypanosomiasisC. LeptospirosisD. Relapsing feverE. Leishmaniasis

42. There are several cases of childrenfrom boarding school suffering fromsore throat. Microscopy of tonsil smearsstained according to Neisser method hasrevealed thin yellow bacilli with darkbrown grains on their ends situated inthe shape of the Roman numeral five.What infection can be suspected in thiscase?

A. DiphtheriaB. Infectious mononucleosisC. ListeriosisD. TonsillitisE. Scarlet fever

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43. In a maternity hospital a newbornshould receive vaccination againsttuberculosis. What vaccine should bechosen?

A. BCG vaccineB. STI vaccineC. EV vaccineD. DPT vaccineE. Tuberculin

44. A patient had been provisionallydiagnosed with syphilis. A laboratoryassistant took the blood serum foran immunologic test based on thedetection of antibodies preventing themovement of treponemes and causingtheir death. What reaction was used tomake the diagnosis?

A. ImmobilizationB. Complement bindingC. AgglutinationD. PrecipitationE. Neutralization

45. A 50-year-old patient withhypertensive crisis had been admini-stered magnesium sulfate, which led toabrupt decrease in blood pressure. Theside effects of magnesium sulfate can beprevented if the following drug is admi-nistered:

A. Calcium chlorideB. Potassium chlorideC. Trilon BD. Sodium bromideE. Sodium sulfate

46. A schizophrenic patient hasbeen prescribed aminazine. Whatpharmacodynamic action of this drugjustifies its prescription in this case?

A. AntipsychoticB. AntiemeticC. HypothermicD. Muscle relaxantE. Hypotensive

47. A patient has a slowly healingfracture. What medicine can be used toaccelerate formation of connective ti-ssue matrix?

A. MethyluracilB. PrednisoloneC. CyclophosphanD. MethotrexateE. Cyclosporine

48. A 17-year-old girl has attemptedto commit suicide by overdosing onphenobarbital. Upon arrival at thesite an emergency doctor urgentlyperformed gastric lavage on the pati-ent and introduced bemegride andsolution of sodium hydrocarbonateintravenously. The doctor introducedsodium hydrocarbonate to:

A. Increase renal excretion ofphenobarbitalB. Stimulate respirationC. Normalise blood pressureD. Inactivate phenobarbitalE. Wake up the patient

49. Genetic information is stored inDNA but does not participate directlyin protein synthesis within DNA cells.What process ensures transfer of geneticinformation into polypeptide chain?

A. TranslationB. Formation of rRNAC. Formation of tRNAD. Formation of iRNAE. Replication

50. A woman who had been consumi-ng alcohol excessively during herpregnancy had a child with cleft palateand upper lip. These presentationsare indicative of some chromosomalanomalies. What process do they resultfrom?

A. TeratogenesisB. CarcinogenesisC. MutagenesisD. PhylogenesisE. Ontogenesis

51. A 67-year-old patient has ordered afull functional denture. It was necessaryto extract the left upper canine. Afterinfraorbital anesthesia the patientpresented with a progressing hematomain the frontal part of the face. The pati-ent was found to have an injury of anartery that is the branch of:

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A. A. maxillarisB. A. facialisC. A. temporalis superficialisD. A. ophthalmicaE. A. labialis superior

52. A patient has sustained a traumaticinjury of the greater pectoral muscle.This resulted in the decrease of:

A. Inspiratory reserve volumeB. Expiratory reserve volumeC. Tidal volumeD. Residual volumeE. Functional residual lung capacity

53. A 53-year-old patient with a longhistory of nephrolithiasis underwentnephrectomy. The kidney resembles athin-walled sac filled with urine. Renalparenchyma is atrophied. Specify thiscomplication of nephrolithiasis:

A. HydronephrosisB. PyelonephritisC. PyonephrosisD. Multicystic kidney diseaseE. Nephrosclerosis

54. The contents of vesicles thatappeared on the mucous membrane ofa patient with variola has been sent toa virological laboratory. Which of the li-sted changes were revealed during thesmear microscopy?

A. Paschen bodiesB. Babes-Negri bodiesC. Guarnieri bodiesD. Babes-Ernst bodiesE. Syncytium

55. A child with signs of rickets hasbeen prescribed a certain liposolublevitamin drug by pediatrician and denti-st. This drug affects the metabolism ofphosphorus and calcium in the body andfacilitates calcium accumulation in bonetissue and dentine. If its content in thebody is insufficient, there develop di-sruptions of ossification process, dentalstructure and occlusion. Name this drug:

A. ErgocalciferolB. Retinol acetateC. Tocopherol acetateD. Menadione (Vicasolum)E. Thyroidin

56. During bacteriological examination

of the purulent discharge obtained froma postoperative wound an inoculati-on on meat infusion agar has beenperformed. The inoculation has resultedin large colorless mucous colonies thatin 24 hours with exposure to sunli-ght developed green-blue pigmentati-on and smell of honey or jasmine.Bacterioscopy revealed gram-negativelophotrichea. What bacterial culture iscontained in purulent discharge?

A. Pseudomonas aeruginosaB. Proteus vulgarisC. Klebsiella osaenaeD. Streptomyces griseusE. Brucella abortus

57. Due to a stroke (cerebralhemorrhage) a patient has lost the abi-lity of voluntary movement of the headand neck muscles. Brain examinationrevealed the hematoma to be situatedwithin the genu of internal capsule.What conduction pathway is damaged?

A. Tr.cortico-nuclearisB. Tr.cortico-spinalisC. Тr.cortico-thalamicusD. Tr.cortico-fronto-pontinusE. Tr.thalamo-corticalis

58. A woman presents with ovari-an hyperaemia, increased permeabi-lity of the blood-follicle barrier wi-th development of edema, infiltrati-on of the follicle wall with segmentalleukocytes. The follicle is large involume. Its wall is thickened. Thedescribed situation is typical for thefollowing period of the sex cycle:

A. Preovulatory stageB. OvulationC. Menstrual periodD. Postmenstrual periodE. Period of relative rest

59. The total number of leukocytesin the patient’s blood is 90 · 109/l.Leukogram: eosinophils - 0%, basophi-ls - 0%, juvenile - 0%, stab neutrophi-ls - 2%, segmented neutrophils - 20%,lymphoblasts - 1%, prolymphocytes -2%, lymphocytes - 70%, monocytes -5%, Botkin-Gumprecht cells. Clinicalexamination revealed enlarged cervicaland submandibular lymph nodes. Suchclinical presentations are typical of the

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following pathology:

A. Chronic lympholeukosisB. Acute lympholeukosisC. LymphogranulomatosisD. Infectious mononucleosisE. Chronic myeloleukosis

60. A patient has a history of chronicheart failure. Which of the followinghemodynamic parameters is a majorsymptom of cardiac decompensationdevelopment?

A. Decreased stroke volumeB. Tachycardia developmentC. Tonogenic dilatationD. Increased peripheral vascular resi-stanceE. Increased central venous pressure

61. After a serious psychoemotionalstress a 48-year-old patient suddenlydeveloped acute heart ache irradiatingto the left arm. Nitroglycerine relievedthe pain attack after 10 minutes. Whatis the leading pathogenetic mechanismof this process development?

A. Spasm of coronary arteriesB. Dilatation of peripheral vesselsC. Obstruction of coronary vesselsD. Compression of coronary vesselsE. Increase in myocardial oxygenconsumption

62. A patient with chronic hepatitiscomplains of increased sensitivity tobarbiturates that previously inducedno symptoms of intoxication. Whathepatic function is disrupted and pri-marily responsible for such reaction inthis patient?

A. MetabolicB. BilificationC. HemodynamicD. HemopoieticE. Phagocytic

63. Having completed work in alaboratory, a student must tidy up theworkspace, perform disinfection of theworkbench and tools. What chemicalsshould be used for disinfection?

A. ChloramineB. Hydrochloric acidC. FormalinD. ChloroformE. Ether

64. A histological preparation ofcerebellum transverse section showslarge number of multipolar neurons inthe grey matter. What morphologicalfeature allows to identify them as multi-polar?

A. Number of cellular processesB. Length of cellular processesC. Shape of axon terminalsD. Shape of perikaryonE. Cell size

65. A patient is diagnosed withseborrheic dermatitis caused by vitaminH (biotin) deficiency. Observed is acti-vity disruption of the following enzyme:

A. Acetyl-CoA carboxylaseB. Pyruvate decarboxylaseC. Alcohol dehydrogenaseD. AminotranspherasesE. Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase

66. A 56-year-old woman is registratedwith a psychoneurologic dispensary dueto her suffering from epilepsy, specifi-cally, minor attacks (pti mal). What drugis the most efficient in this case?

A. Sodium valproateB. PhenobarbitalC. TrihexyphenidylD. LevodopaE. Phenytoin

67. Glucose content of blood keepsat sufficient level after one week ofstarvation. Is it caused by activation ofthe following process:

A. GluconeogenesisB. GlycolysisC. GlycogenolysisD. Tricarboxylic acid cycleE. Glycogen phosphorolysis

68. A 60-year-old patient with a historyof bronchial asthma has had severalattacks during the day. What is the opti-mal drug to be used for attacks preventi-on?

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A. SalbutamolB. IsadrinumC. Adrenaline hydrochlorideD. DobutamineE. Methacinum

69. In the armpits of a patient thereare small (1-1,5 mm), dorsoventrallyflattened, wingless, blood-suckinginsects. Their larvae developed in thearmpits too. What disease is caused bythese insects?

A. PhthiriasisB. Sleeping sicknessC. Chagas’ diseaseD. PlagueE. Relapsing fever

70. A student, who unexpectedly methis girlfriend, developed an increase insystemic arterial pressure. This pressurechange was caused by the intensifiedrealization of the following reflexes:

A. Conditional sympatheticB. Conditional parasympatheticC. Conditional sympathetic andparasympatheticD. Unconditional parasympatheticE. Unconditional sympathetic

71. After the exposure to ionizi-ng radiation a person was found tohave a decreased blood granulocytelevel. What mechanism underlies thesechanges?

A. Leikopoiesis inhibitionB. Increased passage of granulocytesinto the tissuesC. Autoimmune process developmentD. Increased disintegration of leucocytesE. Disrupted release of matureleukocytes from the bone marrow

72. A patient with acute retention ofurine has been brought to an admissi-on room. During examination a doctorfound out that the patient has urethralobturation caused by pathology of thesurrounding organ. Name this organ.

A. ProstateB. TesticleC. Seminal vesicleD. Spermatic cordE. Epididymis

73. A connective tissue preparation

stained with hematoxylin-eosin showsisogenous cell groups surrounded withbasophilic intercellular substance. No fi-brous structure can be detected. Whattype of connective tissue is it?

A. Hyaline cartilage tissueB. Elastic cartilage tissueC. Dense fibrous tissueD. Loose fibrous tissueE. Splenial bone tissue

74. What factor results in maximaldilation of the gemomicrocirculatorypahtway vessels and their increasedpermeability?

A. HistamineB. EndothelinC. VasopressinD. NoradrenalineE. Serotonin

75. A 46-year-old patient consulted anoculist about drooping of the uppereyelid. On examination he was di-agnosed with a brain tumor. Thepathological process must have affectedthe nuclei of the following pair of crani-al nerves:


76. A 36-year-old patient consulted anophthalmologist about eye ache. Theexamination revealed the erosion of thecornea, specifically, the lack of superfici-al and spinous layers of the epithelium.What cells will provide regeneration ofthe damaged epithelium?

A. Cells of the stratum basaleB. Cells of the stratum corneumC. Cells of the the stratum granulosumD. Cells of the stratum lucidumE. Cell of the stratum superficiale

77. On the 4th day of treatment withdiclofenac sodium a 55-year-old pati-ent has developed gastric hemorrhagedue to an ulcer appearing on the gastricmucosa. Ulcerogenic action of this drugis caused by decreased secretion of:

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A. Prostaglandin E2B. LeukotrieneC. Prostaglandin E1D. Cyclic endoperoxidesE. Thromboxane

78. A 43-year-old woman complains ofweight loss, hyperhidrosis, low-gradefever, increased irritability. She has beenfound to have hyperfunction of thesympathetic-adrenal system and basalmetabolism. These disorders can becaused by hypersecretion of the followi-ng hormone:

A. ThyroxineB. SomatotropinC. CorticotropinD. InsulinE. Aldosterone

79. During examination a pati-ent presents with the following:hypertrophy and inflammation oflymphoid tissue, mucosa swellingbetween the arches of the soft palate.What tonsil is situated there?

A. Tonsilla palatinaB. Tonsilla pharyngealisC. Tonsilla tubariaD. Tonsilla lingualisE. -

80. Cytochemical investigationhas revealed high content ofhydrolytic enzymes in cytoplasm. Thisphenomenon indicates high activity ofthe following organelles:

A. LysosomesB. CytocentrumC. Endoplasmic reticulumD. PolysomesE. Mitochondria

81. A patient suffering from parkinsoni-sm has been prescribed levodopa, whi-ch resulted in rapid improvement of thepatient’s condition. What mechanism ofaction is characteristic of this drug?

A. Stimulation of dopamine synthesisB. Block of muscarinic receptorsC. Stimulation of dopamine receptorsD. Anticholinesterase actionE. Stimulation of muscarinic receptors

82. A blood test was performed fora patient with allergic rhinitis. Blood

smear stained after Romanowskyreveals large number of cells with thefollowing structure: segmented nucleusconsists of 2-3 segments; cytoplasm is fi-lled with bright-pink oxyphil granulari-ty; granules are large. Name these cells:

A. EosinophilsB. LymphocytesC. MonocytesD. BasocytesE. Neutrophils

83. For several days a 55-year-oldwoman has been suffering from painattacks in the right upper quadrantafter eating fatty foods. Visually, there isyellowness of sclera and skin. The pati-ent has acholic stool, beer-colored urine.What substance present in the patient’surine causes its dark color?

A. Conjugated bilirubinB. Ketone bodiesC. Unconjugated bilrubinD. StercobilinE. Bilirubin glucuronides

84. A patient with diabetes mellitus hasbeen delivered to a hospital unconsci-ous. BP is low, Kussmaul’s respirationis observed, the smell of acetone canbe detected from the patient’s mouth.What mechanism is leading in the comadevelopment in this case?

A. Accumulation of ketone bodies inbloodB. Accumulation of potassium ionsC. Accumulation of sodium ionsD. Accumulation of chlorine ionsE. Accumulation of urea

85. A 45-year-old woman has addresseda doctor with complaints of rapidmood swings, tearfulness, apathy.Antidepressants prescribed for hertreatment are monoamine oxidase inhi-bitors. These drugs have a certain effecton catecholamines, which results intheir medicinal action. Name this effect:

A. Increased concentrationB. Increased deaminizationC. Decreased concentrationD. Neutralization activationE. Inhibition of back transfer

86. Pupil dilation occurs when a personsteps from a light room into a dark one.

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What reflex causes such reaction?

A. Sympathetic unconditioned reflexB. Sympathetic conditioned reflexC. Metasympathetic reflexD. Parasympathetic unconditioned reflexE. Parasympathetic conditioned reflex

87. A 49-year-old man with myocardialinfarction has been admitted to a cardi-ology department. What changes in theperipheral blood cells are induced bythe necrotic changes in the myocardi-um?

A. Neutrophilic leukocytosisB. MonocytosisC. EosinophiliaD. ThrombocytopeniaE. Lymphopenia

88. A patient with limb fracture shouldbe prescribed a depolarizing musclerelaxant for brief surgical invasion.Name this drug:

A. DithylinumB. Tubocurarin chlorideC. Cytisinum (Cytitonum)D. Atropine sulfateE. Azamethonium bromide (Pentami-num)

89. In the area that is the epicenter ofthe registered rabies cases among wildanimals a 43-year-old man arrived at aclinic and claimed to have been bittenby a stray dog. He was given a courseof anti-rabies vaccine. This preparationbelongs to the following type of vacci-nes:

A. AttenuatedB. InactivatedC. MolecularD. ToxoidsE. Synthetic

90. A 25-year-old man presents wi-th tumourous growth situated in thearea of the body of the maxilla, whi-ch results in face deformation. Biopsymaterial consists of fibrous tissue contai-ning juvenile bone trabeculae, spindleand stellate cells. There is no clearmargin between the normal bone tissueand lesion focus, capsule is absent. Nopathologic changes can be detected inthe other organs. Make the diagnosis:

A. Simple fibrous dysplasiaB. OsteoclastomaC. Odontogenic fibromaD. OsteosarcomaE. Ossifying fibroma

91. In Western Europe nearly half ofall congenital malformations occur inthe children conceived in the period,when pesticides were used extensivelyin the region. Those congenital conditi-ons result from the following influence:

A. TeratogenicB. CarcinogenicC. MalignizationD. MutagenicE. Mechanical

92. A 40-year-old woman sufferi-ng from diffuse toxic goiter presentswith constant increase of her bodytemperature. What mechanism resultsin such clinical presentation?

A. Separation of oxidation andphosphorization in cell mitochondriaB. Increased breakdown of glycogen inhepatic cellsC. Increased catabolism of protein incellsD. Increased excitability of nerve cellsE. Increased cell sensitivity tocatecholamines

93. A 19-year-old young man has beenexamined in a nephrological hospi-tal. Increased potassium content wasdetected in secondary urine of the pati-ent. Such changes have been most likelycaused by the increased secretion of thefollowing hormone:

A. AldosteroneB. OxytocinC. AdrenalinD. GlucagonE. Testosterone

94. A person with dental disease cannotalways pinpoint the location of theaffected tooth. What principle of exci-tatory diffusion in nerve centers causessuch phenomenon?

A. IrradiationB. ReverberationC. OcclusionD. DominantE. Divergence

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95. Injection of an anaesthetic beforethe tooth extraction resulted indevelopment of anaphylactic shockaccompanied by oliguria. Whatpathogenetic mechanism caused thedecrease in diuresis in this case?

A. Decrease in hydrostatic pressure inthe renal corpuscle capillariesB. Increase in hydrostatic pressure in theBowman’s capsuleC. Damage of the glomerular filterD. Increase in oncotic pressure of bloodplasmaE. Increase in vasopressin secretion

96. A patient has vesicles on the mucousmembrane of the oral cavity, lips andnose. A dentist suspected vesicularstomatitis. What analysis will allow toconfirm the diagnosis?

A. Recovery of virus from the vesicularfluidB. Allergy testC. Recovery of bacteria from the vesi-cular fluidD. Contamination of animals with thevesicular fluidE. Microscopy of the vesicular fluid

97. A patient complains of toothache.On examination he has been di-agnosed with pulpitis. Which factorplayed the main pathogenic role in thedevelopment of pain syndrome in thiscase?

A. Increased intratissular pressure in thedental pulpB. VasospasmC. Inadequate stimulation of the mandi-bular nerve branchD. Activation of one of the componentsof the complement systemE. Interleukin action

98. Periodontitis induces developmentof lipid peroxidation in the peri-odontal tissues, as well as increase inmalondialdehyde and hydrogen peroxi-de concentration in the oral cavity. Whi-ch of the following enzymes providesantioxidant protection?

A. CatalaseB. AmylaseC. MaltaseD. LactaseE. Invertase

99. Osteolaterism is charcterized by adecrease in collagen strength causedby significantly less intensive formati-on of cross-links in collagen fibrils. Thisphenomenon is caused by the low acti-vity of the following enzyme:

A. Lysyl oxidaseB. Monoamine oxidaseC. Prolyl hydroxylaseD. Lysyl hydroxylaseE. Collagenase

100. On examination a patient wasrevealed to have a large amount ofmucus accumulated in the nasal cavi-ty. The mucus covers the mucosa andblocks the olfactory receptors. Whereexactly are these receptors situated in anasal cavity?

A. Superior nasal conchaB. Middle nasal conchaC. Inferior nasal conchaD. Common nasal meatusE. -

101. A histological specimen of ki-dney shows a structure consisting ofa glomerulus of fenestrated capillariesand a bilayer epithelial capsule. Specifythis structure:

A. Renal corpuscleB. Proximal tubuleC. Distal tubuleD. Henle’s loopE. Receiving tube

102. A patient with symptoms ofacute heart failure, namely pallor,acrocyanosis and rapid shallow breathi-ng, has been delivered to an emergencydepartment. Which of these drugs isindicated in this case?

A. CorglyconB. DigitoxinC. CordiamineD. NitroglycerineE. Adrenalin hydrochloride

103. After the transfusion of theconcentrated red blood cells the patient

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developed posttransfusion shock. Whatis the leading mechanism of the acuterenal failure in this case?

A. Glomerular filtration disorderB. Tubular reabsorption disorderC. Tubular secretion disorderD. Urinary excretion disorderE. Impairment of the renal incretoryfunction

104. A victim of an earthquake hasbeen remaining under debris for 7 dayswithout food or water. What type ofstarvation is it?

A. CompleteB. Complete with continued hydrationC. QuantitativeD. QualitativeE. Incomplete

105. A 50-year-old patient has beenreferred for treatment of necklymphadenitis. His individual penicillinsensitivity was tested. In 30 seconds full-body fever raised in the patient and hisarterial blood pressure dropped to 0 mmHg followed by cardiac arrest. Resusci-tation was unsuccessful. Autopsyrevealed acute venous hyperemia of vi-scera. Histological study revealed mastcells (tissue basocytes) degranulationin the skin (at the area of injections),myocardium and lungs. What kind ofhypersensitivity reaction occurred in thepatient?

A. AnaphylacticB. Delayed-type hypersensitivityC. Complement-mediated cytotoxicD. Immune complex-mediatedE. -

106. A 78-year-old patient sufferingfrom atherosclerosis has been deli-vered to a surgical ward with signs ofacute abdomen. Laparoscopy revealedblackened and flaccid small intestineloops; demarcation line is not clear. Di-agnose the changes that occurred in thepatient’s small intestine:

A. Hemorrhagic infarction complicatedwith humid gangreneB. Hemorrhagic infarction complicatedwith dry gangreneC. Ischemic stroke complicated withhumid gangreneD. Ischemic stroke complicated with drygangreneE. -

107. A histological specimen of mandi-ble of an embryo shows a tooth germwith the dental papilla made up of smallstellate basophilic cells. What tissueforms this part of the tooth germ?

A. MesenchymeB. EpithelialC. ReticularD. CartilaginousE. Osseous

108. During examination of a chi-ld’s oral cavity a dentist noted theappearance of the first permanentmolars on the child’s lower jaw. Howold is the child?

A. 6-7B. 4-5C. 8-9D. 10-11E. 12-13

109. Examination of a 29-year-old pati-ent revealed a dense, immobile, ill-defined tumor-like formation in thelower jaw. The overlying mucosa waspale. Biopsy of the neoplasm revealedosteoid structures lined with atypicalosteoblasts; numerous pathologic mi-totic figures; a great number of thin-walled vessels. What is the most likelydiagnosis?

A. OsteosarcomaB. OsteoblastoclastomaC. Exacerbation of chronic osteomyelitisD. AmeloblastomaE. Primary jaw carcinoma

110. Microscopic examination of askin tumor revealed that it invadedthe underlying tissue, destroyed it andformed nests and cords of atypicalepithelium, which include pearl-likeformations. Specify the tumor:

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A. Keratinizing squamous cell carcinomaB. Squamous cell non-keratinizing carci-nomaC. Solid carcinomaD. AdenocarcinomaE. Medullary carcinoma

111. A child is 6 years old. Thepermanent teeth have started to takethe place of the primary teeth. Whatteeth are the first to emerge?

A. Lower first molarsB. Lower first premolarsC. Upper first premolarsD. Upper medial incisorsE. Lower canines

112. Histological examination of themyocardium of a 47-year-old patientwith rheumatic heart disease (sectionmaterial) revealed big visually emptyvacuoles within the cardiomyocytes.They turn black, when stained withosmic acid, and yellow-red, when stai-ned with sudan III. What pathologicalprocess is it?

A. Adipose degenerationB. Hyaline droplet degenerationC. Hydropic degenerationD. Carbohydrate degenerationE. Dysproteinosis

113. A 38-year-old woman complainsof bleeding gums, halitosis, exposure oftooth necks. Objectively: the patient hasgingivitis, plaque and tartar. Inflammati-on involves the alveolar part of gingi-va with dental pockets. The bone tissueexhibits signs of bone resorption. Whatpathology does the patient have?

A. ParodontitisB. PeriostitisC. PeriodontitisD. GingivitisE. -

114. Vestibular surface of the left lowerincisor has a pink fungoid formationup to 2 cm large, which is fixed to thesupra-alveolar tissue by a wide pedi-cle. Histological examination revealedbranched capillary vessels with multiplehemorrhages and foci of hemosiderosis.What is the most likely diagnosis?

A. Angiomatous epulisB. Fibrous epulisC. Giant cell epulisD. Gingival fibromatosisE. Cavernous hemangioma

115. Routine investigation of microbi-ological sanitary condition of air in ahospital is performed once in 3 months.What microorganism is the sanitaryindicator of air condition in an enclosedspace?

A. S.aureusB. E.coliC. E.faecalisD. P.aeruginosaE. C.perfringens

116. In the course of evolution theredeveloped molecular mechanisms forcorrection of damaged DNA molecules.This process is called:

A. ReparationB. TranscriptionC. TranslationD. ReplicationE. Processing

117. The patient’s examination in ahospital specialised in diseases ofnervous system has revealed absenceof light-induced miosis. It is causedby the damage of the following brainstructures:

A. Vegetative nuclei of the 3rd pair ofcranial nervesB. Red nuclei of mesencephalonC. Reticular nuclei of mesencephalonD. Hypothalamus nucleiE. Reticular nuclei of medulla oblongata

118. A doctor noted in the patient’s casehistory, that the wound entry hole is si-tuated in the submandibular triangle.What anatomical landmark binds thisarea?

A. Lower jaw edgeB. Neck midlineC. M.sternocleidomastoideusD. M.trapeziusE. M.omohyoideus

119. A patient during examinationpresents with prolongation of the IIheart sound. The II heart sound occursdue to:

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A. Closure of semilunar valveB. Opening of semilunar valveC. Opening of mitral valveD. Opening of tricuspid valveE. Closure of tricuspid valve

120. A patient with pituitary tumorcomplains of increased daily diuresis(polyuria). Glucose concentration inblood plasma equals 4,8 mmol/l. Whathormone can be the cause of this, if itssecretion is disturbed?

A. VasopressinB. AldosteroneC. Natriuretic hormoneD. InsulinE. Angiotensin I

121. A patient with heart failure andtachycardia has been prescribed di-goxin. After 5 days of taking digoxinthe patient’s heart rate was normalized.After 2 weeks the patient addresseda doctor due to continuous decreaseof heart rate down to 52/min. Whatphenomenon has caused such changesof heart rate?

A. CumulationB. IdiosyncrasyC. TachyphylaxisD. ToleranceE. Allergy

122. A woman suffering from essentialhypertension had suddenly lost consci-ousness; she was delivered to a resusci-tation unit in a comatose state withthe diagnosis of disturbed cerebral ci-rculation. The patient died one day afterher hospitalization. Autopsy revealeda cavity in the left hemisphere of thebrain. The cavity is 5x4 cm in size andfilled with blood clots and liquid blood.What hemorrhage is it according to themechanism of its origin?

A. Hemorrhage caused by vessel ruptureB. Hemorrhage caused by vessel erosionC. Diapedetic hemorrhageD. Hemorrhagic extravasationE. Petechial hemorrhage

123. During AB0 blood grouping byusing zoliclons (diagnostic monoclonalantibodies), hemagglutination did notoccur with any of the zoliclons. Whatis the blood group of the patient under


A. 0 (I)B. A (II)C. B (III)D. AB (IV)E. -

124. Autopsy of a young man revealedlung cavities with inner walls madeup of granulation tissue of varyi-ng degree of maturity, pronouncedpneumosclerosis and bronchiectasis.Some cavities had caseation areas. Whatis your presumptive diagnosis?

A. Fibrous cavernous tuberculosisB. Infiltrative tuberculosisC. Caseous pneumoniaD. Acute cavernous tuberculosisE. Bronchiectasis

125. A 42-year-old woman has beenadministered propranolol for theischemic heart disease. Yet she has beenfound to have a concomitant conditionthat renders propranolol to be contrai-ndicated. What disease is it?

A. Bronchial asthmaB. CholecystitisC. Arterial hypertensionD. Duodenal ulcerE. Myasthenia

126. During exacerbation of pepticgastric ulcer disease a patient complai-ns of heart pain. What vegetative reflexcan cause these painful sensations?

A. Viscerovisceral reflexB. Viscerodermal reflexC. Visceromotor reflexD. Dermatovisceral reflexE. Motor visceral reflex

127. A man submerged into the ice-cold water and died soon as a result ofabrupt exposure to cold. In such casesan organism loses heat most intensivelyby the way of:

A. Heat conductionB. RadiationC. ConvectionD. Heat conduction and radiationE. No correct answer

128. A person performs flexion-extention movements of the forearm

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with the elbow resting on a table. Whattype of muscle contraction occurs in them.biceps brachii?

A. IsotonicB. AuxotonicC. IsometricD. Smooth muscle tetanusE. Serrated muscle tetanus

129. A patient is diagnosed with acutemorphine hydrochloride poisoning.Choose the oxidant to be prescribed forgastric lavage:

A. Potassium permanganateB. ChloramineC. Sulfocamphocainum (Procaine +Sulfocamphoric acid)D. CerigelE. Chlorhexidine digluconate

130. A woman had been taki-ng synthetic hormones during herpregnancy. Her newborn girl presentswith excessive hairiness which hasformal resemblance to adrenogenitalsyndrome. This sign of variability iscalled:

A. PhenocopyB. MutationC. RecombinationD. HeterosisE. Replication

131. Microelectrode technique allowedto register a potential following”all-or-none” law and capable ofundecremental spreading. Specify thispotential:

A. Action potentialB. Excitatory postsynaptic potentialC. Rest potentialD. Inhibitory postsynaptic potentialE. Receptor potential

132. A concerned mother addressed apediatrician with complaints of her childsuffering from frequent stomachaches,loss of appetite, nausea, constipation.Feces analysis detected rounded eggswith double capsules and oncosphereslocalized in their centers. The child wasdiagnosed with hymenolepiasis. Speci-fy the type of infection transmission,considering that the invasion intensitywas extremely high:

A. AutoinvasionB. AlimentaryC. SexualD. ContaminationE. Immediate contagion

133. Sulfanilamides are applied as anti-microbal agents in clinical practice.Sulfanilamide treatment, however, canresult in hemolytic anemia developmentin patients that suffer from geneticdefect of the following enzyme ofpentose phosphate metabolism inerythrocytes:

A. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenaseB. HexokinaseC. TransketolaseD. TransaldolaseE. Pyruvate kinase

134. An autopsy is performed on thebody of a 58-year-old woman, whosuffered from diabetes mellitus. Onhistological examination of kidneysthe following was revealed: segmentalhomogenous oxyphilic deposits aredetected in the glomerules; arteri-ole walls are diffusely thickened,homogenous, oxyphilic. Diagnose themorphologic changes that occurred inthe renal glomerules and vessels:

A. HyalinosisB. Hyaline droplet degenerationC. AmyloidosisD. Mucoid degenerationE. Fibrinoid degeneration

135. Under the influence of physicalfactors there can develop defects in aDNA molecule. Ultraviolet irradiation,for instance, can cause development ofdimers. Dimers are two adjacent pyrimi-dine bases joined together. Name thesebases:

A. Thymine and cytosineB. Adenine and thymineC. Guanine and cytosineD. Adenine and guanineE. Guanine and thymine

136. For pain relief a patient has takensimultaneously a tablet of paracetamoland a tablet of diclofenac sodium. Whattype of drug interaction did the patientuse for self-treatment?

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A. Additive synergismB. Potentiated synergismC. Synergic antagonismD. Competitive antagonismE. Non-competitive antagonism

137. Ketoacidosis that develops dueto accumulation of ketone bodies inblood serum is a primary complicati-on of diabetes mellitus. What acid-basedisbalance develops during this conditi-on?

A. Metabolic acidosisB. Metabolic alkalosisC. Respiratory acidosisD. Respiratory alkalosisE. -

138. During auscultation a 26-year-oldpatient was asked to breathe deep.After 10 breaths the patient lost consci-ousness, which is associated with thedevelopment of the following condition:

A. Respiratory alkalosisB. Carbon dioxide acidosisC. ErythropeniaD. PolycythemiaE. Reduced oxygen capacity of blood

139. When examining a patientpresumptively diagnosed with foodtoxicoinfection, a doctor on duty hasdetected symptoms characteristic ofbotulism. The patient named the mealshe ate the day before. What is the mostprobable cause of infection?

A. Homemade canned meatB. Custard pastry from a private bakeryC. Sour cream from a local dairy factoryD. Strawberries from a suburbanvegetable gardenE. Fried eggs

140. A patient has an inflammation inthe pterygopalatine fossa. The infectionhas spread into the nasal cavity. Whichanatomical structure has the infectionspread through?

A. Foramen sphenopalatinumB. Foramen rotundumC. Canalis palatinus majorD. Canalis palatinus minorE. Canalis ptherygoideus

141. Phenylketonuria is a disease causedby a recessive gene that is localized in an

autosome. Parents are heterozygous forthis gene. They already have two sonswith phenylketonuria and one healthydaughter. What is the probability thattheir fourth child will have the diseasetoo?

A. 25%B. 0%C. 50%D. 75%E. 100%

142. A 32-year-old patient has B2hypovitaminosis. The specific symptomssuch as epithelial, mucosal, skin andcorneal lesions are the most likely tobe caused by the deficiency of:

A. Flavin coenzymesB. Cytochrome a1C. Cytochrome oxidaseD. Cytochrome bE. Cytochrome c

143. A 40-year-old patient suffers fromintolerance of dairy food products. Thiscondition has likely developed due toinsufficiency of the following digestiveenzyme:

A. LactaseB. LipaseC. MaltaseD. InvertaseE. Amylase

144. A patient has been diagnosed wi-th severe B12-deficient anemia withhemopoiesis. Anamnesis states totalgastrectomy. What cells allow to confirmthis diagnosis, if they are absent in theperipheral blood?

A. MegalocytesB. MicrocytesC. OvalocytesD. NormocytesE. Anulocytes

145. In order to prevent wound infecti-on associated with surgical proceduresa patient was given a synthetic anti-protozoan drug with a high activityagainst Helicobacter pylori. Specify thisdrug:

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A. MetronidazoleB. Doxycycline hydrochlorideC. ChingaminD. AcyclovirE. Isoniazid

146. Roentgenologically confirmed anobstruction of common bile duct thatprevents bile from inflowing to theduodenum. What process is likely to bedisturbed?

A. Fat emulgationB. Protein absorptionC. Carbohydrate hydrolysisD. Hydrochloric acid secretion instomachE. Salivation inhibition

147. A doctor examines a 17-year-old gi-rl. The following is detected: pharyngi-tis, cervical lymphadenopathy, fever.The preliminary diagnosis is infectiousmononucleosis. What method of investi-gation allows to confirm this diagnosis atthe disease onset?

A. Determining antibodies IgМ toEpstein-Barr virusB. Microscopy of blood smear accordingto Giemsa methodC. Determining antibodies IgG toEpstein-Barr virusD. Sabin-Feldman dye testE. Determining the amount of C-reactiveprotein

148. A 60-year-old patient has taken adrug to relieve angina pectoris attack;in several minutes the pain felt in thebreastbone area abated, but it wasfollowed by feeling of vertigo, headache,tinnitus, and hyperemia of face. Whatdrug has the patient taken?

A. NnitroglycerineB. ValidolC. NifedipineD. VerapamilE. Amiodarone

149. For relief of hypertensive crisis adoctor has administered a patient a drugthat apart from antihypertensive effecthas also sedative, spasmolytic and anti-convulsive action. The drug was takenparenterally. When it is taken enterallyit acts as a laxative and cholagogue.What drug was administered?

A. Magnesium sulfateB. DibasolumC. ReserpineD. No-spaE. Apressin

150. A 13-year-old girl has been prescri-bed a certain drug for treatment ofmegaloblastic anemia. This drug sti-mulates a transfer from megaloblastichaemopoiesis to normoblastic, partici-pates in synthesis of purine and pyri-midine bases, activates proteine andmethionine synthesis. What drug doesthe patient take?

A. CyanocobalaminB. Ferric sulfateC. HaemostimulinumD. ErythropoietinE. Rosehip tea

151. A patient in a grave condition hasbeen delivered into an admission ward.Examination revealed pupil mydriasis,no reaction to the light, considerablereddening and dryness of skin andmucous membranes. What drug mighthave caused the intoxication symptoms?

A. Atropine sulphateB. ProserinC. Adrenalin hydrochlorideD. Pilocarpine hydrochlorideE. Dithylinum

152. When examining a female pati-ent a doctor observed the following:misshapen auricles, elevated palate,teeth growth disorder; mental retardati-on; no disruption of reproductivefunction. Provisional diagnosis is the"super woman"syndrome. Point out thekaryotype of this disease:

A. (47, ХXХ)B. (47, ХXY)C. (47, YYY)D. (47, ХYY)E. (45, Х0)

153. Histological preparation of skindemonstrates dense unformed connecti-ve tissue. What layer of this organ isformed by such tissue?

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A. Reticular dermisB. EpidermisC. Papillary dermisD. HypodermisE. Basal membrane

154. During ascent into mountains atthe altitude of 5000 meters the groupof climbers has developed the followi-ng complaints: dyspnea, increased heartrate, headache, vertigo, tinnitus. What isthe cause of such symptoms?

A. HypoxemiaB. HypokalemiaC. HypothermiaD. ErythropeniaE. Leucopenia

155. As a result of an injury a chi-ld developed an abscess of the buccaladipose tissue. With time the processspread to the lateral surface of pharynx.Pus spread along the following fascia:

A. Bucco-pharyngealB. TemporalC. MasticatoryD. ParotidE. -

156. The most common disease ofeconomically developed countries isdental caries. Over 95% of populati-on is afflicted with this disease. Cariousdemineralization of hard dental tissuesis caused primarily by:

A. Organic acidsB. MalnutritionC. Extreme conditionsD. Metabolic disorderE. Vitamin C deficiency

157. A patient has been administeredconduction anesthesia with novocai-ne in preparation for tooth extracti-on. After the anesthesia administrati-on the patient developed swelling andhyperemy around the injection site, skinitch, general fatigue, motor agitation.Name the developed complication:

A. AllergyB. IdiosyncrasyC. TachyphylaxisD. Drug dependenceE. Inflammation

158. Due to a contusion suffered in a

traffic accident a patient has lost vision.Ophthalmoscopy revealed no changesof the eyeball. What artery is damagedin this case?

A. Posterior cerebral arteryB. Anterior cerebral arteryC. Medial cerebral arteryD. Ophthalmic arteryE. Central retinal artery

159. During a foot trauma bothcuboid and cuneiform bones have beencrushed. As a result the foot must beamputated at the following joint:

A. TransversaB. CuneonavicularisC. TallocruralisD. TarsimetatarsеaE. Intermetatarsea

160. Specify the calcium-binding enamelprotein, which plays a significant part incarious destruction of enamel, when itsfunction is disrupted:

A. AmelogeninB. CalmodulinC. OsteocalcinD. CalcitoninE. Parotin

161. A patient has a skull fracturelocated in front of the foramenmagnum. What bone is damaged?

A. Рars basilaris ossis occipitalisB. Рars lateralis ossis occipitalisC. Рars squamosa ossis occipitalisD. Рars squamosa ossis temporalisE. Рars petrosa ossis temporalis

162. A 36-year-old patient underwenttooth extraction at a dental clinic. Aftertwo weeks the stratified squamousepithelium regenerated at the siteof extraction. What organelles wereinvolved in the restoration of themucous membrane?

A. RibosomesB. CentrosomesC. PostlysosomesD. Smooth EPRE. Mitochondria

163. A 30-year-old patient after acase of viral hepatitis type B hasdeveloped complaints of continuous

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nasal hemorrhages. What drug wouldbe the most advisable for treatment ofthis condition?

A. Menadione (Vicasolum)B. Nadroparin calcium (Fraxiparine)C. Folic acidD. DipiridamolE. Asparcam

164. A patient is being prepared for asurgery - partial mandibular resection.What drug should be administered todecrease salivation?

A. Atropine sulfateB. CarbacholineC. ArmineD. Tubocurarin chlorideE. Lobeline

165. A dentist has detected symptomsof parodontosis in a patient. What anti-protozoal drug should be prescribed?

A. MetronidazoleB. LevamisoleC. GriseofulvinD. MykoseptinE. Furazolidone

166. An oral surgery unit admitted awoman with a phlegmon on the anteriorsurface of neck in the region of carotidtriangle. What muscle demarcates theposterior wall of this triangle?

A. SternocleidomastoidB. ThyrohyoidC. SternohyoidD. OmohyoidE. Sternothyroid

167. When processing a molar tooth witha dental cutter a dentist has accidentallydeeply wounded the patient’s cheek anddamaged not only the mucosa but also amuscle. Which muscle was injured?

A. Buccal muscleB. Greater zygomatic muscleC. Masticatory muscleD. Orbicular muscle of the mouthE. Mylohyoid muscle

168. During microscopy of a renal bi-opsy material there are tubules revealedin the cortical substance. The tubulesare approximately 60 micrometers in di-ameter; their wall consists of tall cuboi-

dal epithelium with pronounced api-cal frame and basal folds. Name thesestructures:

A. Proximal tubulesB. Distal tubulesC. Capsule of renal corpuscleD. Collection ductE. Henle’s loop

169. A man has developed downturni-ng mouth and smoothed out nasolabi-al fold due to influenza complication.What nerve is damaged?

A. Facial nerveB. Maxillary nerveC. Mandibular nerveD. Trochlear nerveE. Oculomotor nerve

170. Calcification of dental tissues issignificantly influenced by osteocalcinprotein that can bind calcium ions dueto the presence of the following modifi-ed amino acid residues in the polypepti-de chain:

A. γ-carbon glutamineB. AlanineC. γ-aminobutyricD. Carboxy aspargineE. δ-aminopropionic

171. A 65-year-old patient had beentreated for 3 days in a resuscitationunit for a cardiac pathology. Suddenlyhe developed ventricular fibrillationthat became the immediate cause ofdeath of this patient. Microscopy ofthe left ventricular myocard revealed alarge focus of cardiomyocyte karyolysisdemarcated by the zone of hyperaemia.What cardiac pathology was the causeof death?

A. Acute myocardial infarctionB. Ischemic myocardial degenerationC. Acute myocarditisD. Diffuse cardiosclerosisE. Postinfarction cardiosclerosis

172. To drain the oral cavity a dentistplaces a tampon between the cheek andthe 2nd upper molar. This way secreti-on of the following salivary gland WILLNOT be able to accumulate in the oralcavity:

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A. Parotid glandB. Submandibular glandC. Sublingual glandD. Lingual glandE. Labial glands

173. Microscopy of an extracted toothhas revealed the following: odontoblastsand pulpocytes are decreased in size andnumber; thickened connective fibers ofthe pulp are stretched between the cellsthat remain. What general pathologicalprocess is likely to be occurring in thetooth pulp?

A. AtrophyB. Adipose degenerationC. AmyloidosisD. Local hyalinosisE. Local hemosiderosis

174. A 28-year-old patient complai-ns of frequent gingival hemorrhages.Blood test revealed the clotting factorII (prothrombin) deficiency. What phaseof blood coagulation is impaired in thispatient?

A. Thrombin generationB. Vascular-platelet haemostasisC. -D. FibrinolysisE. Clot retraction

175. During perfusion of an isolatedheart of a mammal with a high ioncontent solution the cardiac arrest in di-astole occurred. The cardiac arrest wascaused by the following ions presentexcessively in the solution:

A. PotassiumB. SodiumC. ChlorineD. MagnesiumE. Calcium

176. Which of the named below is thesubstrate of activated Christmas factorthat takes part in blood coagulation?

A. Factor XB. Vitamin KC. FibrinogenD. FibrinE. Thrombin

177. Students have been remaining for along time in a badly ventilated room.They developed respiratory changes

caused by irritation of their peripheralchemoreceptors that react primarily to:

A. Decrease of oxygen tension in arterialbloodB. Increase of oxygen tension in arterialbloodC. Decrease of carbon dioxide tension inarterial bloodD. Increase of hydrogen ion concentrati-on in arterial bloodE. Decrease of hydrogen ion concentrati-on in arterial blood

178. A 2-year-old child presents wi-th mental development retardati-on, intolerance of proteins, severehyperammonemia against the backgroundof low blood urea content. This conditi-on is caused by the congenital deficiencyof the following mitochondrial enzyme:

A. Carbamoyl phosphate synthetaseB. Citrate synthaseC. Succinate dehydrogenaseD. Malate dehydrogenaseE. Monoamine oxidase

179. A woman is diagnosed withTurner’s syndrome (karyotype 45, X0).How many autosomal pairs would hersomatic cells contain?

A. 22B. 24C. 23D. 44E. 45

180. Corticosteroid analogues inducebreakdown of muscle proteins into freeamino acids. Under such conditionsthese amino acids become involved withthe following processes:

A. Gluconeogenesis in liverB. Glycolysis in musclesC. Synthesis of higher fatty acidsD. GlycogenolysisE. Decarboxylation

181. Microscopy of an autopsy materialsampled from lungs has revealed thatalveolar lumen is filled with exudateconsisting mostly of erythrocytes. Whattype of pneumonia is the most likely tobe the cause?

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A. Influenza virus pneumoniaB. Typhoid pneumoniaC. Measles pneumoniaD. Staphylococcal pneumoniaE. Pneumococcal pneumonia

182. A patient diagnosed with acuterespiratory failure has been admi-nistered artificial lung ventilation inthe conditions of high partial oxygenpressure. This measure resulted inaggravation of the patient’s conditionand development of respiratory distresssyndrome. Name the likely cause of thiscomplication:

A. Intense oxidation of lung surfactantB. Inflammatory processC. FibrosisD. AtelectasisE. Pulmonary congestion

183. Parkinson’s disease is caused by di-srupted dopamine synthesis. What brainstructure synthesizes this neurotransmi-tter?

A. Substantia nigraB. PallidumC. Quadrigeminal plateD. Red nucleiE. Hypothalamus

184. A diet must include fats. Fatsperform plastic function in an organi-sm due to their inclusion in:

A. Cell membranesB. Cell ion channelC. Cell ion pumpsD. Cell end-organsE. Glycocalyx

185. A 50-year-old man addressed ahospital with complaints of memorydisorders, painful sensations along thenerve trunks, decreased mental abili-ty, circulatory disorders and dyspepsia.Anamnesis states excessive alcoholconsumption. What vitamin deficiencycan result in such signs?

A. ThiamineB. NiacinC. RetinolD. CalciferolE. Riboflavin

186. Specify the type of jaundice, duri-ng which there is no direct bilirubin in

blood, and urine urobilinogen level ishigh:

A. SuprarenalB. HepaticC. SubhepaticD. MechanicalE. -

187. After long-term antibiotictreatment a patient has developedwhitish spots on the oral mucosa.Gram-positive oval budding cells weredetected in the smear preparations.What causative agents were detected?

A. Candida fungiB. StaphylococciC. SarcinaeD. ActinomyceteE. Tetracocci

188. Indigenous population of Pamir hasthe following characteristic features: hi-gh rate of base metabolism, elongatedtubular bones, wide rib cage, hi-gh blood oxygen capacity due toincreased number of erythrocytes, hi-gh hemoglobin content. What type ofecological adaptation is it?

A. MountainB. TemperateC. ArcticD. TropicalE. Subtropical

189. A 30-year-old man died fromelectrocution. What was the cause ofdeath?

A. Central respiratory arrestB. Acute renal failureC. Acute respiratory failureD. ShockE. Internal hemorrhage

190. Chromosomal complement of awoman contains a chromosome wi-th arms p and q of equal length.What morphological type does thischromosome belong to?

A. MetacentricB. AcrocentricC. SubmetacentricD. TelocentricE. Subacrocentric

191. A patient with damaged muscles

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of the lower limbs has been deliveredto a first-aid center. What cells enablereparative regeneration of muscle fibersand restoration of muscle function?

A. MyosatellitocytesB. AdipocytesC. FibroblastsD. EndotheliocytesE. Plasmocytes

192. Patients suffering from xerodermapigmentosum have extremely photosensi-tive skin due to disrupted excisionrepair. Specify the process that isaffected in such patients:

A. Repair of DNA moleculeB. Synthesis of iRNAC. Maturation of iRNAD. Synthesis of protein primary structureE. Intron extraction and exon connection

193. A doctor has determined disrupti-on of pain and temperature sensitivi-ty of the mucosa of the anterior 2/3 ofthe patient’s tongue. Gustatory sensiti-vity is retained. The patient suffers fromthe functional disorder of the followingcranial nerve:

A. Trigeminal nerveB. Hypoglossal nerveC. Facial nerveD. Vagus nerveE. Glossopharyngeal nerve

194. Significant amount of biogenic ami-nes in body tissues can be subject to oxi-dative deaminization due to the actionof the following enzyme:

A. Monoamine oxidaseB. TransaminaseC. D-amino acid oxidaseD. IsomeraseE. L-amino acid dehydrogenase

195. A victim has a deep incised woundin the area of external surface of thegonial angle. What muscle is damagedin this case?

A. M. masseterB. M. zygomaticusC. M. buccinatorD. M. orbicularis orisE. M. depressor anguli oris

196. Autopsy of the body of a 46-year-

old man, who had been suffering fromtyphoid fever and died of intestinalhemorrhage, has revealed sequestrati-on areas, tissue rejection in the areas oflymphoid follicle clusters. What stage oftyphoid fever is it?

A. Dirty ulcersB. HealingC. Clean ulcersD. Brain-like swelling of the folliclesE. Necrosis

197. During autopsy of the bodyof a patient, who had died due toheart failure, the following has beendetected: myogenic dilatation of theheart left ventricle, microfocal cardi-osclerosis, vasculitis, Aschoff bodies wi-th disorganization of connective tissue,myocardosis. Make the diagnosis:

A. Rheumatic productive myocarditisB. Rheumatic exudative myocarditisC. Cardiac infarctionD. Systemic lupus erythematosusE. Myocardial ischemic dystrophy

198. A 30-year-old man addressed adoctor with complaints of enlargedsubmandibular lymph nodes. Anamnesisstates that the patient previously hadbeen treated for acute apical peri-odontitis of the 36th and 46th teeth.Histologically the following could bedetected in the removed lymph node:hyperemia, edema, increased amountof plasmocytes and plasmablasts in themedullary area and germinal centers offollicles. What can cause such changesin lymph nodes?

A. Antigenic stimulationB. Immunodeficiency stateC. Metastasis of a malignant tumorD. Granulomatous inflammationE. Lymphoma

199. A 35-year-old woman complai-ns of swollen neck. Subtotal thyreoi-dectomy is performed. On histologi-cal examination of the removed partof the thyroid gland the followingwas detected: atrophy of parenchyma,moderate sclerosis development,duffuse infiltration by lymphocytes andplasma cells leading to formation oflymphatic follicles. What pathology hasdeveloped in the thyroid gland?

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A. Hashimoto’s thyroiditisB. Follicular adenomaC. Riedel’s thyroiditisD. Papillary carcinoma of the thyroidglandE. Diffuse toxic goiter

200. A 12-year-old patient sufferingfrom acute leukemia presents withfever up to 39, 8oC, acute pain in thethroat. Examination of the oral cavi-ty has revealed swollen tonsils, their

surface is covered in deep lesions wi-th uneven margins, numerous petechialhemorrhages in the pharyngeal mucosaand around the tonsils. Determine thetype of tonsillitis that complicates thedisease progress in this case:

A. NecroticB. CatarrhalC. FibrinousD. LacunarE. Purulent

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Ministry of public health of Ukraine (MPH of Ukraine)

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List of abbreviations

A/G Albumin/globulin ratio HR Heart rate

A-ANON Alcoholics anonymous IDDM Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus

ACT Abdominal computed tomography IFA Immunofluorescence assay

ADP Adenosine diphosphate IHD Ischemic heart disease

ALT Alanin aminotranspherase IU International unit

AMP Adenosine monophosphate LDH Lactate dehydrogenase

AP Action potential MSEC Medical and sanitary expert committee

ARF Acute renal failure NAD Nicotine amide adenine dinucleotide

AST Aspartat aminotranspherase NADPH Nicotine amide adenine dinucleotide

phosphate restored

ATP Adenosine triphosphate NIDDM Non-Insulin dependent diabetes


BP Blood pressure PAC Polyunsaturated aromatic


bpm Beats per minute PAS Periodic acid & shiff reaction

C.I. Color Index pCO2 CO2 partial pressure

CBC Complete blood count pO2 CO2 partial pressure

CHF Chronic heart failure pm Per minute

CT Computer tomography Ps Pulse rate

DIC Disseminated intravascular coagualtion r Roentgen

DCC Doctoral controlling committee RBC Red blood count

DM-2 Non-Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus RDHA Reverse direct hemagglutination assay

DTP Anti diphtheria-tetanus vaccine Rh Rhesus

ECG Electrocardiogram (R)CFT Reiter's complement fixation test

ESR Erythrocyte sedimentation rate RIHA Reverse indirect hemagglutination


FC Function class RNA Ribonucleic acid

FAD Flavin adenine dinucleotide RR Respiratory rate

FADH2 Flavin adenine dinucleotide restored S1 Heart sound 1

FEGDS Fibro-esphago-gastro-duodenoscopy S2 Heart sound 2

FMNH2 Flavin mononucleotide restored TU Tuberculin unit

GIT Gastrointestinal tract U Unit

Gy Gray USI Ultrasound investigation

GMP Guanosine monophosphate V/f Vision field

Hb Hemoglobin WBC White blood count

HbA1c Glycosylated hemoglobin X-ray Roentgenogram

Hct Hematocrit

HIV Human immunodeficiency virus

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