  • 7/25/2019 Labour Inefficiency Reasons


    MORALE AND ATTITUDE:Multiple contract changes and rework, disruption of labor rhythm and

    scheduling, poor site conditions, etc.

    STACKING OF TRADES:Operations take place within physically limited space with other

    contractors. Results in congestion of personnel, inability to locate tools conveniently, increased loss

    of tools, additional safety hazards and increased visitors. Optimum crew size cannot be utilized.

    REASSIGNMENT OF MANPOWER:Loss occurs with move-on, move-off men because of

    unepected changes, ecessive changes, or demand made to epedite or reschedule completion of

    certain work phases. !reparation not possible for orderly change

    CREW SIZE INEFFICIENCY:"dditional men to eisting crews #breaks up# original team effort, affect

    labor rhythm. "pplies to basic contract hours also

    DILUTION OF SUPERVISION:"pplies to both basic contract and proposed change. $upervisionmust be diverted to %a& analyze and plan change, %b& stop and re-plan affected work, %c& take off,

    order and epedite material and e'uipment, %d& incorporate change into schedule, %e& instruct

    foreman and (ourneyman, %f& supervise work in progress, and %g& revise punch lists, testing and start-

    up re'uirements

    LEARNING CURVE) !eriod of orientation in order to become familiar with changed condition. *f new

    men are added to pro(ect, effects more severe as they learn tool locations, work procedures, etc.

    +urnover of crew

    ERRORS AND OMISSIONS) *ncreases in errors and omissions because changes usually performed

    on crash basis, out of se'uence or cause dilution of supervision or any other negative factors

    JOINT OCCUPANCY:hange causes work to be performed while facility occupies by other trades

    and not anticipated under original bid

    LOGISTICS:Owner furnished materials and problems of dealing with his storehouse people, no

    control over material flow to work areas. "lso contract changes causing problems of procurement

    and delivery of materials and re-handling of substituted materials at site.

  • 7/25/2019 Labour Inefficiency Reasons


    fve most important actors that impact negatively on labour productivity as

    material shortages,

    lack o experience o labour,

    lack o labour surveillance,

    and alteration o drawings

    specifcation during execution.

    Causes o Time Overrun on Construction Sites

    The study had identifed ! actors rom literature which were chie among the

    causes o time

    overrun on construction sites. The study respondents were re"uired to rank these

    ! actors

    according to their in#uence on time overrun on construction sites. The ranking was


    based on the perception o the respondents which are grouped into two$ consultants


    contractors. The result is presented in Table %.

    &s indicated in Table %,

    inade"uate und or pro'ects, i

    inade"uate planning o pro'ects beore their commencement,

    inade"uate tools and e"uipment,

    delay in delivery o materials, and

    design changes during pro'ect execution were ranked overall as the top ! actors


    time overrun on construction sites.

    (nade"uate planning o pro'ect beore commencement

    (nade"uate tools and e"uipment

    )elay in delivery o materials

    )esign changes during pro'ect execution

  • 7/25/2019 Labour Inefficiency Reasons


    Subcontractor incompetency

    )elay in response to decision taking

    (ncompleteness o technical documentation

    *abour dispute in orm o strike or lock+out .- /

    0nexpected subsoil1ground condition ./ th

    Community issues ./ th

    0nclear or inade"uate instructions to operators

    Temporary work stoppages due to adverse weather

    )elay in inspection and testing o completed work

    2olitical instability or change in government policies


    Obtaining building permit and approvals

    This fnding also agrees with similar studies in other developing countries.

    3or example

    4ankings o causes o low productivity in construction site by organisation

    2roductivity 3actor

    Consultants Contractor Overall

    5ean 4ank 5ean 4ank 5ean 4ank

    0se o 6rong Construction 5ethod

    (nade"uate Construction 5aterials

    (naccurate )rawings1Specifcation

    (nade"uate Tools and 7"uipment

    2oor Supervision o Operatives

    *ack o Skills rom the 6orkers

    Tools17"uipment 8reakdown

    )elay )ue to 0nclear or (nade"uate (nstructions

  • 7/25/2019 Labour Inefficiency Reasons


    0nriendly 6orking &tmosphere or 6eather Condition

    0nbalanced )istribution o 4esources ./9 :

    Correctional 6ork to (mprove 2oor or 8ad 6ork

    2olitical (nsecurity or Change in ;overnment 2olicies

    (n'ury or &ccident (nvolving a 6orker 6ages

    0nexpectedly, wages, in'ury or accidents involving workers and political insecurity

    or change

    in government policies, were unanimously ranked as act


  • 7/25/2019 Labour Inefficiency Reasons


    keep their eyes on these key actors during pro'ect execution as these actors could

    result in

    reasonable time overrun on pro'ects.

    &mong several actors that a>ect productivity in the construction sites, use o


    construction method, inade"uate construction materials and inaccurate


    were the most signifcant. &vailability o construction materials in the re"uired

    "uantity and

    "uality will avert production delay, while accurate drawings1specifcation will


    rework, and good construction method enhances the production process in anyconstruction


    The predictive model emanating rom the current study indicates that signifcant


    exists between time overrun and labour productivity in construction sites in =igeria.


    the nature o the relationship is inversely proportional i.e. the higher the time

    overrun the

    lower the labour productivity and conversely the lower the time overrun the higher

    the labour

    productivity. 5ore precisely the study concludes that a . units? reduction @or

    increaseA in

    time overrun causes . unit increase @or decreaseA in labour productivity.

    8ased on the outcome o the study, the ollowing recommendations are made


    improved productivity in the construction industry and to reduce time overrun on

    pro'ects in


    aA There should be e>ective unding o pro'ect by pro'ect owners to avoid

    unnecessary time

  • 7/25/2019 Labour Inefficiency Reasons


    overrun with its attendant e>ect on cost. To guarantee achievement o the


    programme, the pro'ect owner could engage the service o a pro'ect manager to


    the pro'ect rom the design stage through tendering to completion.

    bA Contractors and subcontractors should provide ade"uate and unctional working

    tools1e"uipment or their workers to enable timely completion o pro'ects. 7"ually,


    every medium to large scale pro'ects, the pro'ect team composition should include a

    dedicated sta> trained on materials management and store keeping to ensure

    e>ective and

    eBcient management o construction materials. The contractor or sub+contractor


    establish a maintenance department that is managed by experienced technician on

    construction sites to ensure prompt repair o any damaged tools1e"uipment.

    cA The pro'ect manager should ensure that both nominated and domestic sub+

    contractors on

    any pro'ect have the re"uisite experience and work plan to meet the re"uirements

    o the

    main contractor. 2re+"ualifcation o these sub+contractors would ensure that the


    engaged have suBcient experience, profciency and capacity to deliver not only


    work but on time. The pro'ect owner @or pro'ect managerA must ensure completion

    o all

    design documentation with any associated value engineering analysis and


    reports beore tendering, so that design changes during pro'ect execution is

    minimised. (=T74=&T(O=&* O04=&* O3 CO=ST40CT(O= S022*D CE&(=

    5&=&;757=T Folume =umber %

    &meh, O.., G Osegbo, 7.7. @%A. Study o relationship between time overrun and

    productivity on construction sites.

  • 7/25/2019 Labour Inefficiency Reasons


    (nternational ournal o Construction Supply Chain 5anagement @A. /9+9-.


    dA The pro'ect manager should ensure the submission o method statements by the

    contractors in the course o bidding or any construction pro'ect. This to a large


    would determine the contractor?s understanding o the work and the application o


    construction method and technology that will guarantee prompt realisation o



    eA ;overnment should encourage skill ac"uisition especially among the teaming


    youth through development o technical colleges or training o workers in various

    construction trades. ;ood skills within and among the workers would exert


    "uantum o positive in#uence on labour productivity more especially when backed


    ade"uate supervision o operatives. Contractors and sub+contractors should as a

    matter o

    policy train and retrain skilled and semi+skilled workers to enhance their skills which


    eventually improve on the labour productivity.

    A Contractors and subcontractors should ensure ade"uate training and supervision

    o the

    operatives on construction sites as it would improve on the "uality o output as wellas

    minimiHe the chances o doing wrong work or even application o wrong


    method by the workers. 7"ually, supervisors should be well grounded in any aspect


  • 7/25/2019 Labour Inefficiency Reasons


    work they are in charge as it would not only earn them respect but add value to

    "uality o

    the completed work.


    &bd 7l+4aHek, 5.7., 8assioni, E.&., G 5obarak, &.5. @%!A. Causes o delays in

    building const

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