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  • 8/3/2019 Lean Brochure


  • 8/3/2019 Lean Brochure



    Before the launch of this industry-leading Lean Certification

    program in 2006, the industry lacked a true consistent

    standard for Lean professional development and

    credentialing. The programs functioned independently, leavingorganizations with the difficult task of determining whether the

    knowledge and skills fit their Lean practices.

    Enter three professional organizations that formed an alliance to

    establish the standard for continuous improvement and Lean

    practices the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME), the

    Association for Manufacturing Excellence (AME), and the Shingo

    Prize for Excellence in Manufacturing.

    These leading organizations brought industry together to create this

    rigorous Lean Certification program that Lean-oriented companies

    and individuals recognize as comprehensive, timely and effective.

    In 2010, the American Society for Quality (ASQ) joined this

    collaborative alliance, which truly aligns these leading organizations

    to a single standard for Lean certification, providing manufacturers

    and their supply chains with a roadmap for workforce development.

    This Lean program is the benchmark for achievements and personal

    growth in Lean.

    Bindustrys t a n d a r d

    t h e

  • 8/3/2019 Lean Brochure


    This journey has allowed me to meet and interact with many outstanding Lean

    practitioners who have generously shared their time and experiences. I have had

    the honor to coach and work with improvement teams that have exceeded my

    expectations time and again. Having the certification process under my belt gives me much greater

    credibility. Some of the people I have met through the Lean certification process have gone on to

    become clients of my company or have recommended me to others.

    Pat Wardwell

    Lean Gold Certified (LGC)

    Chief Operating Officer

    Greater Boston Manufacturing Partnership

    Ihave personally trained over 100 internal lean practitioners for a prominent Fortune 100

    company. They all passed their Lean Bronze Knowledge Exam and, together, have

    delivered several million dollars of cost savings for their global organization in the first two

    years of the program. The value of the Lean Certification is beyond question for this firm. Bronze and Silver

    Certifications are written into their performance assessments and are a requirement to progress to higher

    positions of leadership.

    Jeff Fuchs

    Lean Silver Certified (LSC)


    Neovista Consulting, LLC

    The certification has helped our organizations Lean efforts by giving us a standard

    for Lean coaches within our Lean office and embedded in other departments. By

    having an established body of knowledge and testing methodology, we have been

    able to quickly develop and deploy Lean coach training for our organization to accelerate our Lean

    Journey. The Lean Certification is now a requirement for all Lean coaches in our organization.

    Jauna Werner

    Lean Bronze Certified (LBC)

    Lean Team Leader

    Memorial Health

    l e a nc e r t i f ic a t i o n d i f f e r e n c et h e

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    Understanding of Resources.

    Confidence in Choices.

    The best Lean professionals performing the right Lean

    activities. Thats the situation most businesses want.

    With an established Lean standard, businesses gain

    greater confidence in their project choices. Multiple

    certification levels are available based on key

    applications tactical, integrative and strategic. As

    companies seek resources for improvement projects,

    they can quickly and confidently select the right Lean

    professional based on their specific business


    Companies enjoy a clear understanding of the

    capability of their resources. And by effectively using

    these resources, they can confidently attain their Lean

    goals faster and more efficiently.

    Growth. Development. Mentoring.

    The Lean Certification program provides the

    opportunity for significant training and development

    for both individuals and companies. Individuals begin

    at the tactical level (Bronze). As their career

    progresses, candidates build upon their professional

    knowledge and skill set while also advancing within

    the Lean Certification program. Companies have the

    same option to develop their employees using Lean

    Certification as their guide. As employees advancewithin the company, they can do the same within

    the Lean Certification program.

    Mentoring is a fundamental part of the certification

    program. As certification candidates progress, they

    are required to mentor or coach others. This sharing of

    knowledge helps to mold new Lean experts with a

    clear understanding of the industry standard. This

    unique and distinguishing requirement reinforces the

    alignment of Lean principles. Candidates can mentor a

    fellow colleague or use Lean Registry to find a protg.

    The Lean Registry, a free community connection and

    collaboration space for lean practitioners, allows users

    to post needs/expertise directly to their profile, create

    virtual groups and make safe connections more easily.

    Registrants can easily search through shared profiles

    to find who might match a specific need they have

    and then send an invitation to connect. Users control

    if or when to accept a connection and/or share

    contact information.

    Easier Processes. Globally.

    Companies that want easier processes may just get

    them. The certification program through systematic

    documentation of projects, education, and training

    requirements can help standardize Lean practices

    within organizations, regardless of size or industry. The

    company experiences improved productivity, quality andcustomer responsiveness, while minimizing costs.

    Furthermore, as suppliers integrate the Lean Certification

    program, additional benefits are realized. Imagine the

    alignment of an entire extended supply chain working

    toward a common standard and practice of Lean.

    Credentials and Mobility.

    This industry-leading Lean Certification program is

    awarded based on knowledge and experience.

    Whether Bronze, Silver or Gold, candidates who earn

    this certification must continually demonstrate, through

    renewals, that they adhere to accepted Lean

    principles. The reward is a portable, professional

    credential that travels with certified individuals as they

    change jobs and move within or among companies

    and industries.

    Companies and individuals alike can look to these

    credentials as the identifying mark of the effective

    practice of Lean knowledge and abilities.

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    overviewof cer t i ficat ion requi rements


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    he true strength of Lean comes over time through depth of

    knowledge and experience. The Lean Certification program

    comprises Bronze, Silver and Gold levels to represent the

    growing achievement by Lean practitioners.

    Starting with the tactical nature of the Bronze level, candidates build

    their way to Silver and, then, Gold as they learn and gain additional

    experiences. Individuals or companies can set the pace at which

    progression develops.

    All certification candidates must complete the requirements of each

    level before they progress to the next level. The progression model

    shows how each certification builds upon the development

    achieved in the previous certification.

    buildinga c h i e v e m e n tT

  • 8/3/2019 Lean Brochure



    earned my Lean Bronze Certification (LBC) while working within the

    automotive industry. When my position was eliminated due to

    restructuring, I was able to leverage my Lean Certification to make a

    successful transition to the healthcare industry. The knowledge that I gained going

    through the certification process reading the recommended books, understanding how

    to document my project work in my portfolio, and capturing my education credits

    is invaluable.

    Tim Pettry

    Lean Bronze Certified (LBC)

    Certification Oversight and Appeals Committee

    Cleveland Clinic

    Ihave been recognized both within our company and with other

    organizations as being a Lean leader. I think it is a great experience to be

    recognized not only for knowledge, but also for results achieved through

    hands-on experiences. Lean gives all types of companies and industries a common

    language and process.

    Danny Jones

    Lean Bronze Certified (LBC)

    RCI Manager

    The HON Company

    l e a nb r o n z e c e r t i f i c a t i o n

  • 8/3/2019 Lean Brochure



    he Bronze Certification level evaluates a persons TACTICAL Lean experience.

    Attaining Lean Bronze Certification shows that candidates possess a solid

    understanding of Lean principles and tools. They are able to tactically implement

    Lean to drive improvements and show measurable results. They deploy and apply Lean

    principles, concepts and methods locally, within a work cell, work group or value stream.

    In addition, they are expected to teach the basic tools of Lean.

    This is the starting point for every certification candidate. Every candidate must complete

    the Bronze-level requirements before progressing to the next level.

    bronzel e v e lT

    Phase I Exam

    The examination is the beginning phase in the certification

    process. Exam content is linked to a specific body of knowledge.

    Candidates pursuing Lean Bronze Certification are expected to

    successfully pass the approximately 170-question, 3-hour exam

    before moving to the portfolio phase.

    Phase II Portfolio

    Lean Certification candidates continually exercise their Lean

    knowledge by participating in activities in which they apply

    Lean principles and tools. At the Bronze-Level, practitioners

    demonstrate their experience through the development of

    their Lean portfolio.

    In the portfolio, using the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle, candidatesprovide summary documentation of their best Lean events,

    projects and activities completed, the results and an overall

    reflection of their work.

    The portfolio is reviewed by peers who are Lean Certified. This

    important phase highlights the peer-to-peer development

    inherent in the program.

    Lean Bronze

    Certification OnlineReview Program.Launched in May 2009, the

    Lean Bronze Certification

    Online Review Program consists

    of 8 online courses that help

    candidates prepare for the

    Lean Bronze Certification

    exam. Candidates can focus

    their study efforts on the

    breadth of Body of Knowledge

    topics that they may be tested

    on as part of the exam. This is

    not intended to be used as

    Lean training, but as

    review/preparation for the

    exam. Available for individual

    purchase or a corporate

    site license.

    General Requirements to Qualify

    Successful completion of the exam

    Education, training & development requirements

    5 tactical Lean projects and a portfolio reflection that passes peer review

    Lean Bronze

    Certification OnlineReview Program.

  • 8/3/2019 Lean Brochure


    l e a ns i l v e r c e r t i f i c a t i o n


    he Lean Certification Program added just the right ingredient, helping

    to distinguish myself from the crowd. As a result, my career has been

    fast-tracked to a management position with full P&L responsibility in a

    multinational corporation.

    All of the Lean programs executed under my leadership were positively impacted by

    cutting lead times and quality costs by up to 50%, increasing productivity up to 40% and

    reducing inventories by as much as 50%. My team is focused on our Lean efforts,

    reaching beyond the shop floor to other functions of the business for better stability of

    processes and sustainability of improvements.

    Marian Lemne, P.Eng.PMP

    Lean Silver Certified (LSC)

    Plant Manager

    Surface Systems

    My Lean Certification has favorably influenced my consulting practice

    in closing contracts. As a sole proprietor, the certification has

    provided validation of experience and capability that resulted in

    getting contracts that might have otherwise gone to another consultant.

    In addition, I have recently been offered a permanent position with a client company. I

    believe my certification was a significant influence in their decision. While the other

    candidates interviewed could only state their Lean experience, I could prove it.

    Larry Anderson

    Lean Silver Certified (LSC)

    Vice President of Operations

    Permian Holdings

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    s i l v e rl e v e lS

    ilver-level candidates are evaluated on the INTEGRATION of Lean principles and

    tools. The integration of Lean activities, coupled with organizational restructuring, is

    necessary to transform and sustain Lean operation of a complete value stream.

    Candidates at the Silver level should be fully capable of orchestrating this transformation

    of a complete value stream through the application of Lean. Candidates must also

    demonstrate a keen ability to mentor and coach others on both tactical and integrative

    Lean principles and tools.

    Mentoring requirements at this level distinguish this professional certification from

    other programs.


    Phase I ExamThe examination is the beginning phase in the

    certification process. Exam content is linked to

    a specific body of knowledge. Lean Silver

    Certification candidates are expected to

    successfully pass the approximately

    160-question, 3-hour exam before moving

    to the portfolio phase.

    Phase II PortfolioLean Certification candidates continually

    exercise their Lean knowledge and experience

    by participating in and leading tactical and

    integrative Lean projects. At the Silver level,practitioners demonstrate their leadership of

    complete value stream transformation by

    means of their Lean portfolio, which is peer

    viewed. Candidates must also provide

    evidence of tactical events, projects and

    activities, and how they integrate tactical

    activities for value stream transformation.


    Lean practitioners invest both in their own Lean

    training and development and that of others.

    At the integrative level, they help to develop

    others on their Lean journey. Candidates arerequired to provide evidence, through their

    portfolio, that they are working to coach and

    mentor other Lean practitioners.

    Candidates are encouraged to coach and

    mentor someone within their own company or

    with whom a previous mentoring relationship

    exists. If needed, candidates can also use the

    Lean Registry to find a protg to mentor.

    General Requirements

    to Qualify Completion of Bronze-Level Certification


    Successful completion of the exam

    Education, training & development


    Pass peer review of portfolio requirements

    3 tactical Lean projects

    2 value stream projects

    1 mentoring/coaching report

    1 portfolio reflection

  • 8/3/2019 Lean Brochure


    l e a ng o l d c e r t i f i c a t i o n


    tttaining the Gold-Level Certification has allowed me to deepen

    my understanding of Lean principles and I have been able to

    bring that learning to other companies that I work with. In a

    direct-line management role, I often reflect on what I have learned through the

    certification process and how I can improve the development of our employees to

    help them to grow in their own Lean journeys. My Lean credential sets a good

    example for the people who work for me; they have now all attained Bronze

    Certification. And, I can think of several people who have taken time to contact me

    after they received their Bronze Certification because they wanted me to know they

    appreciated my help and support.

    Pat Wardwell

    Lean Gold Certified (LGC)

    Chief Operating Officer

    Greater Boston Manufacturing Partnership

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    go l dl e v e lA

    t the Gold level, candidates focus on the STRATEGIC transformation of the enterprise.

    Strategic Lean is a Lean transformation of an enterprise: a business or organization

    systematically working toward a common goal. This may be an entire company, a

    plant, a business unit, a satellite office, and may include external suppliers and customers.

    Gold-level candidates apply Lean principles and tools through a structured and systemic

    approach to achieve significant business results across the organization.

    Candidates at the Gold-Level have sufficient Lean experience and knowledge to teach

    Lean strategy and leadership. They deploy this knowledge throughout the extended



    Phase I Exam

    The examination is the beginning phase in the

    certification process. Exam content is linked to a

    specific body of knowledge. Lean Gold

    Certification candidates are expected to

    successfully pass the approximately 150-question,

    3-hour exam before moving to the portfolio phase.

    Phase II Portfolio

    Lean certification candidates continually

    exercise their Lean knowledge and experience

    by participating in activities in which they apply

    discrete Lean principles.

    Gold-level candidates demonstrate their

    experience by means of a Lean portfolio, which

    is evaluated by a team of Lean experts.

    Candidates must be fully capable of:

    Applying Lean principles and tools to driveimprovements

    Showing measurable results for an enterprise

    Orchestrating the transformation of multiple

    and extended value streams

    Defining and leading enterprise strategic



    Lean practitioners help shape each other. At the

    Gold-level, candidates are required to show they

    are coaching and developing candidates at the

    Bronze and/or Silver level. Candidates may

    coach and mentor someone within their own

    company or with whom a previous mentoringrelationship exists. If needed, candidates can use

    the Lean Registry to locate a protg to mentor.


    Candidates at this level are expected to

    interview with a team of Lean Certified

    professionals and/or program oversight

    committee who will evaluate the candidates

    applied knowledge related to the portfolio

    evidence presented.

    General Requirements to Qualify Completion of Bronze- and Silver-Level

    Certification requirements

    Successful completion of the exam

    Education, training & development


    Panel-approved portfolio

    1 tactical Lean project

    2 value stream projects

    2 strategic projects

    1 mentoring/coaching report

    1 portfolio reflection

    Final interview panel

  • 8/3/2019 Lean Brochure


    SME The Society of Manufacturing Engineers

    The Society of Manufacturing Engineers is the worlds leading professional society

    supporting manufacturing education. Through its member programs, publication,

    expositions and professional development resources, SME promotes an increased

    awareness of manufacturing engineering and helps keep manufacturing

    professionals up-to-date on leading trends and technologies. Headquartered in

    Michigan, SME influences more than half a million manufacturing engineers and

    executives annually. The Society has members in 70 countries and is supported bya network of hundreds of chapters worldwide.

    AME The Association for Manufacturing Excellence

    The Association for Manufacturing Excellence (AME), founded in 1985, is the

    premier organization for the exchange of knowledge in enterprise excellence.

    AME members come together to explore Lean thinking and other enterprise

    improvement methods, exchange best practices, and network in order to

    advance their careers and improve the performance of their organizations.

    AME sponsors the annual International Lean Conference and publishes the award

    winning Targetmagazine. It also conducts over 60 seminars and workshops

    throughout North America each year.

    The Shingo Prize for Operational Excellence

    The Shingo Prize was established in 1988 to promote awareness of lean concepts

    and to recognize companies that achieve world-class operational excellence

    status around the globe. The Shingo Prize philosophy is that world-class business

    performance is achieved through a deep understanding and integration of lean

    principles, lean systems of management, and the wise application of lean tools

    and techniques to create a sustainable culture of continuous improvement.

    ASQ American Society for Quality

    ASQ (American Society for Quality) has been the worlds leading authority on

    quality for more than 60 years. With more than 85,000 individual and organizational

    members, the professional association advances learning, quality improvement

    and knowledge exchange to improve business results and to create better

    workplaces and communities worldwide. As a champion of the quality movement,

    ASQ offers technologies, concepts, tools and training to quality professionals,

    quality practitioners and everyday consumers. ASQ has been the sole administrator

    of the prestigious Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award since 1991.

    Headquartered in Milwaukee, Wis., ASQ is a founding sponsor of the American

    Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI), a prominent quarterly economic indicator, and

    also produces the Quarterly Quality Report.


    partnersa b o u t t h e

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    Society of Manufacturing Engineers

    One SME Drive, P.O. Box 930

    Dearborn, MI 48121-0930


    Email: [email protected]

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