Download - Lesson 1 of 20

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson 1 of 20


    HCM BusinessDiplomaSetting up a Music Business

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson 1 of 20


    In todays session Deliver the Assignment Brief

    Recap of last weeks activity

    Key words, Traits and Characteristics of MusicEntrepreneurs

    Watch a Documentary of Chris Blackwell andIsland Records

    Examine Blogs and Websites

    Create a blog / portfolio on a MBE of YOURchoice.

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson 1 of 20


    Assignment Brief

    The tasks and activities you will undertake to passthis unit.

    The Grading Criteria (GCs) that youll be judgedon.

    How to achieve a Pass, Merit or Distinction

    Launch, Review and Submission dates.


    Other relevant info.

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson 1 of 20


    Assignment Brief

    PS Business Blog

    Assignment Brief
  • 7/30/2019 Lesson 1 of 20


    Music Business Entrepreneurs

    Richard Branson

    Simon Cowell

    Quincy Jones

    Berry Gordy

    Harvey Goldsmith

    Chris Blackwell

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson 1 of 20


    Chris BlackwellIsland


  • 7/30/2019 Lesson 1 of 20


    Activity 1

    Watch the following documentary and makesome notes.

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson 1 of 20


    BBC : Keep on Running
  • 7/30/2019 Lesson 1 of 20


    Break20 Mins

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson 1 of 20


    Activity 2

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson 1 of 20


    In Pairs

    Chose a MBE from the following list

    Carry out some on-line research

    .. and put together a short presentation.

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson 1 of 20


    In Pairs ... MBE 2

    Berry Gordy

    MBE 4

    Simon Cowell

    MBE 1

    Richard Branson

    MBE 3

    Quincy Jones

    MBE 5

    Harvey Goldsmith

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson 1 of 20


    An example

    Key Start-Up Points

    Provided a Great Service

    Identified / created aSpecialist Market

    Knew he needed aDistribution experts(Salesmen)

    Family / Start Up Money

    Good brand Island


    Loved Music - Passion

    Identified a challenge

    Identified a key marketselling Jamaican Music toJamaican immigrants in UK

    Represented his JamaicanCompetitors in the UK

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson 1 of 20


    The next step Changed strategy .

    Moved to Rock andcreated Trojan records for

    Reggae So changed the look of

    Island Records.

    Licensed the Spencer DavisGroup to Fontana Records

    No. 1knocking the Beatlesoff of the top slot

    Saw that maybe Rock musicwas a bigger market.

    Importer to ArtistDevelopment

    Long term Projects

    I wanted to help artistsdevelop long term careers

    Discovered a white groupplaying black music whichhe knew would be a hit!

    Spencer Davies Group

    Managed the group

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson 1 of 20


    Traits and Characteristics

    Typical or Distinctive thing (s) they do.

    The unique qualities they have or display.

    What makes them different.

    What choices have they made.

    Why are they there and others arent?

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson 1 of 20


    Blog portfolio

    A Blog is a Website which can be used to presenta series of ideas, images or articles on a specificsubject.

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson 1 of 20


    The Italian CutThe blog is a portfolio of my inspirations, desires & aspirations. Also,the title of the blog is inspired by James Sherwoods book: TheLondon Cut: Saville Row Bespoke Tailoring. 'The Italian Cut' is moresuitable because I believe that in terms of aesthetic, sartorialism,design & architecture Italy & Italians produce the best. Feel free todisagree.

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson 1 of 20


    The Shoe SnobYoung Shoe aficionado who went to Italy to learn his trade,who wants to design and make his own shoes. Now has a shoe-shine shop in London

    Just about to launch his own brand of bespoke shoes.

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson 1 of 20


    GoogleBlogsot Easy to use, easy to understand way of creating

    a website.

    Youll need a Gmail account.

    Go to

    Create a blog with your name in the title, forexample :-

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson 1 of 20


    What should it include Intro page about yourself, your history and your

    business goals.

    A page or pages on your chosen Music BusinessEntrepreneurs (MBEs) listing the traits andcharacteristics that you feel have made themsuccessful.

    A page on the abilities, traits and characteristicsthat YOU possess and share with the MBEs thatyou have studied.

  • 7/30/2019 Lesson 1 of 20


    Recap of todays lesson

    Assignment Brief

    Traits and Characteristics


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