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  • 7/31/2019 Letters From God


    Letters from God

    Received by Celest and David

    The Letters

    A Letter from God #1

    A Letter from God #2

    A Letter from God #3

    A Letter from God #4

    A Letter from God #5

    A Letter from God #6

    A Letter from God #1

    Published June 4, 2011 | By godumentary

    These words are intentionally unedited.

    A Dark Nights Journey into the Sun

    God (Received by Celest and David) So it is that I have returned to speak with all those

    of you willing to listen to My words. I AM The Word and The Word is My Law. I have chosen

    to address you, Children, of My loins, Children of My Son, Children of My Sun, on this

    auspicious occasion. Today is the first day of the beginning of your rebirth of who you are. I

    informed Celestial, that she and David, were to each act as My chosen scribes for this

    narrative. My Celestial daughter inquired as to what language format I would deign to use. She

    was a bit perturbed wondering if this Godumentary would mean a barrage of thee, thou, and

    thine. I was amused as she struggled to remember the olden days when we walked this earth

    together and used that vernacular simply because it was the language format of the times.

    Since civilized mankind has bethought themselves to be a now progressive civilization, I

    will of course speak on the same level as do you. I have arrived at this time bearing

    acknowledgements of the fruits of your labors. I am always aware of the turbulence that besets

    you, I am always aware of the intense struggles that are within so many of you as right fights

    against might. I see the pain and distress that so many of you undergo in your determination

    to be all that you think you can be; I see the non-understanding in your hearts and minds as you

    fail to realize that there is no need to think of what you could be, rather there is a need for

    you Children to better comprehend thatyou are already there.

    I see disbelief in your eyes and inner minds as cultures, races and religions argue as to who

    the chosen ones are. I see the desperation in your thoughts at the non-dispensation of justice

    in this world; of the vain and the mighty who have fallen so low that they are now the lowliestbeings on My planet. I see glimmers of hope in your wondrous and beatific personal magnetic

    fields as small revelations are transmitted to you just when you need them the most. I
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    encourage My angels and My Star Keeper Children to assist you all in all ways and all-ways. I

    watch as tears cascade down the faces of My innocent ones, My kind-hearted and brave

    soldiers, teachers, healers and those who have walked-into human form. The form that is I


    I hear so many of you wonder and wander in your thoughts about the preposterous

    situations that you confront each day; there is so much reluctance to accept a reality that is not

    found in your abrasive school books. One that is The Greater Truth. You question the why.

    Why am I here? I do not remember ever agreeing to undergo these torments, putting up with

    these restless, invasive things that go bump in the night and daytime as well. The truth is self-

    evident here. You see it is not in truth a question of your faith in My Greater Force of

    Creativity, it is not a question of you not having enough or not being good enough for others. I

    intentionally and with My Divine Foresight implanted the veils of illusion over each of your

    minds but NOT your hearts nor your Souls. You each thoroughly understood this prior to your

    descent into gross matter. You each happily capitulated with the understanding of the total

    acquisition of the great benefits you would reap as you sowed new seeds in the newer fertility

    of the human race as a whole.

    When I gathered you each to My bosom so many, many, light years ago, I encouraged youto remember only that which would benefit you as a human form of My Expression. I shared

    with you My endless compassion and endless love for your strength and willingness to enter

    into the dimension of madness, of disorganized chaos, of violence and non-love for others. I

    did indeed remind you each over and over again, that the non-remembrance of so much of your

    Sacred Covenant would become troublesome to you as you journeyed forward as a human

    being.yet again. It did not make sense to you at the time; perhaps it did not mean much to

    you then. You were each emphatic in your determination to succeed and of your understanding

    of your individual missions and your Soul Cluster connections. None said to Me hell no I

    wont go. Sometimes you wonder about that wisdom now. Remember as Celestial has

    recently stated, wisdom is knowledge in a training bra.

    In those times that were the gathering of the bravest, most industrious of Souls, who

    committed themselves to My request for assistance to form a better world here, I gave to you

    each a promise. I said, A life well-lived is its own reward, as you each traverse the density of

    the grossest of earth times, you will find a pot of gold at the end of your rainbow . It will be all

    that you have ever been, all that you will ever be. It is God-in-motion. I gave you forewarning

    that you would not be accepted for who you are, rather that the multitudes would attempt to

    convince you that at best you are My Emissaries. At worst the devil incarnate. NO YOU ARE


    You are Me in physicality. I express Myself through you. I experience life in human form

    through you. So a cycle of a life experience centering on the illusions of forgetting is now

    being lifted as I promised you I would. Promises made and promises kept.

    I had patiently and explicitly explained to you each how easy it would have been for you

    to deter from your chosen paths. If you had been able to use all the activated memories, if I had

    permitted this, and allowed you to attempt to save people from their own dramas, you would

    also have altered your own personal paths of destiny. I could not allow this to occur. Nor

    indeed could I permit you to interfere in others fates; others choices and non-choices of a life

    not well-lived. It is not your responsibility, it is not your business. The planets history books

    speak of ancient times they called the dark ages. Ironically and sadly I must dispute this

    fiction. You have been living in the dark ages since the inception of this planet. If only these

    learned peoples on this planet could but see what I hear. Your goodness, your earnestness to

    help others here, that do not always deserve your help has not gone unnoticed. Nothing thatyou do ever does. I permit you free expression, that which many call free will, in order that

    not only you can Create wonders galore but that I too may experience them through you.

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    I am not a static energy, therefore neither are you. I arranged with the aid of my Star

    Keeper Children, that as you each progressed into a greater maturity, specific strands of your

    DNA would alter. As this grand event would take place your cellular memories would be

    gently reawakened one by one, so as not to overload your human minds. This is a positive-

    positive sequential progression that all of you must honor. I hear your prayers and your pleas

    for enlightenment, yet wonder why do you ask for what you already have. Praying is but

    asking. I already know what it is that you want, need and deserve to have, for I AM you andyou are Me. As each step of your journey coalesces into matters of either a negative or

    disquieting experience, those issues then function as predestined and necessary catalysts. It is

    then, during these well timed episodes, that you MUST undergo transitional times.

    The transitionary process was programmed into each Soul who has accepted the

    challenge of walking in a third-dimensional world. The cause and effect of moving through

    different stages, different periods of development and growth, are to say the least an endurance

    task, a completion of a cycle. Everything must come full circle for the beginning to meet the


    A transition is basically and fundamentally a change in matter of one perspective to

    another. Each phase is an accomplishment; it is a realization of the truths that have beenpurposely hidden in plain view in order to allow each individual Soul to evolve at his or her

    own pace. For in truth we are all the same, yet different, each Soul is unique. The

    distinguishing factor is the life experiences and lessons that each have chosen along the way.

    All knowledge is to be accrued; each must experience in totality the lesson at hand. It is the

    realization that one has had enough of any one experience that allows them to move forward.

    Throughout each transitional phase is a learning curve, one that sets each individual apart from

    others of their Soul clusters. It is the combining of the accrued knowledge, unconsciously, that

    raises the entire cluster up yet another level, until such time as all the experiences desired, or

    manifested along the way, have been fulfilled. It is at this point where the re-joining with

    Source returns to full circle. When you begin a cycle you must complete that cycle and then

    you will begin a new one again. Life is about change.

    Transitions can be seen as a momentous occasion, a realization, an affirmative action. It is

    during these periods when the mind (the intellect) comes into a greater understanding of all

    which the Soul and the Heart already know. There was a time when the intellect was a receiver

    of information, a vessel to be programmed as a safety measure to co-join, to meld in complete

    harmony with the Soul. Unfortunately over the years it has taken control of most human

    realities. It is time to restore the harmony, peace and balance that once was. When an

    individual is undergoing a transition it will be easier to transit if each one remembers to allow

    the process to flow and thus pass as quickly as possible. Over-dramatizing the event only

    distorts the beauty and magnificence of the growing and expanding experience. I am not

    insinuating that it will always be an easy feat. At times it can be quite painful, your head mayfeel as if it is about to explode. A migraine can pale in comparison. Fear not, this is simply a

    buildup of energy, an expansion of the chakras and it is a natural occurrence. To hasten through

    a transition all one needs do is to simply acknowledge its presence, sincerely thank it for the

    experience, then release it. There is no need to continue recreating an experience that has

    arrived at its climatic conclusion. It is essential My Children, that you understand the enormity

    of the transitional process, the depth and breadth of the experience. To KNOW when to accept

    something is of equal importance as to KNOW when to release.

    There will always be a plentitude of transitional times along the way; it is part of walking

    as a true human being. These are meant to be Spiritual guide lines to challenge and test your

    mettle, your desires and your determination to experience all that life has to offer. MyChildren, without these phases of life, you could not live well, you could not evolve, you

    would cease to be.

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    Mayhap if I give to you pertinent information that is all encompassing in regard to those

    times of turbulence, it will reassure you that the changing of the guard is but a part of your

    covenant. Without these alterations dear hearts, what will you have learned?

    1 This state of mind, the fluctuations of emotions, is not permanent. You will pass

    through this as quickly as a blink in My Eye.

    2 Your Acknowledgement that these occurrences are gifts and the understanding of theuniqueness of this present allows it to pass.

    3 Releasing this phase of traveling does indeed Create more space for the birth of new


    4 Here are but a few exercises that I strongly encourage all of My children to learn. You

    see I do indeed have a great sense of humor, contrary to what the religions of the day state.

    First, I speak to you each of the discomfort and melancholy that at times accompanies the

    transitional process, then I offer to you the antidote.

    5 Hold on to a wall within your home to release excess energy from the physical body.

    The body knows well it is undergoing a change, so allow it space to expel the over-abundanceof energy. What is meant by holding a wall? Simply that I encourage you to place both hands

    on a door frame or a wall, then spread both feet apart and tell yourself, I release all excess

    energy from my mind, body and Spirit.As you go through the changes and the refinements

    into your new light body, there will be many instances when you will endure an excessive

    internal buildup of energies. This technique will help alleviate all of them. I do not give you

    difficult tasks to perform.

    6 The use of Sea Salt has great importance. Sea salt is natural and has what your body

    is craving. A pinch under your tongue will help to balance your system. Salt is as natural and

    essential to the body as are air and water. A pinch of sea salt under the tongue at least once or

    twice a day aligns the chemical structures housed within the brain. When you are in the throes

    of a transition, the electrical impulses within the human body have great need to be accelerated

    in order that luminescence can enter the cellular structure of the body.

    7- Drink a great deal of water. Water is the catalyst that keeps the energies in the human

    body in motion. Water is a conduit for the electrical impulses as well.

    8 All excessive energy, whatever its place of origin, requires an opening, a destination.

    It matters not if the energy is expansive or if it is an energy that requires grounding. If it would

    be more convenient to release excessive energy while outdoors, then please by all means

    release that matter into the ground. Place your hands or feet into the soil and state your intent

    to release.

    All of these measures are predicated upon the personal enlightenment that you desire. Asyou transform in a personal manner it impacts on My planet and thus planetary changes occur.

    Enlightenment is achieved through understanding, through acknowledgement and allowing

    yourselves to remember that you are each God.

    I belong to no one, yet I belong to all. You are enslaved to no one.

    I am declaring a moratorium on all ego-based issues. Those already in motion must run

    their course; however those who indulge in this hellacious practice shall not be rewarded with

    transitional times. This year of 2005, is the beginning of the year(s) of great changes. These

    years will be heralding the fall of institutions of great learning. Many of those who perceive

    themselves as the upper echelon of the human race will be called upon especially this year, to

    face their greatest fears.Disgrace and revelation. Many prophecies have been issued in

    My Name, this does not make them true, this does not mean that they are in fact My words. I

    am here now to issue certain revelations, to correct procedural policies that in truth are not

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    Mine, but belong to those who seek the downfall of the human race. The human brain has been

    overloaded and undermined with falsehoods and untruths.

    I am issuing certain challenges at this time. The Kingdom of God is for those who obey

    and honor My Laws, not the laws of man written by man. Who among My Children

    remembers the definitive battles between the Serpent and the Viper? Who among My Children,

    dares to take the initiative and cut off the heads of the Vipers that plague My planet, My

    people? Who among you Children of My Light, remember MY SUN? Who among you

    Children remembers well ONE of my Sons, the man called Jesus? I ask you My beloved ones,

    are you willing to live for your beliefs? Are you willing to LIVE your beliefs? There shall not

    ever be a smoting of humans by MySelf or any of those who so well guard Nirvana! You are

    MY CHILDREN, I bring you life everlasting and yet so many choose to question not ONLY

    MY WISDOM, but also doubt My Words.

    I shall not destroy the ungodly, they are destroying themselves. I do not pass judgment

    upon those who seek to debase Me. I offer them compassion for their grievous lack of

    judgment, I offer to them My undying Love. No one has the right to sit in judgment on another.

    Each individual Soul must either honor itself and in so doing honor Me, or disgrace itself,

    thereby relinquishing all rights to ascend with Me until those Souls have rejoined the SerpentClan by their own free expression. Each Soul must pass through the portals of the dark

    journey until the Souls u>self-appointed timeline has emerged into My Light without regret,

    without remorse, without coercion. There will always be room in The Kingdom of Heaven, My

    Mansions in the sky, for all who honor their truths. Thy Will be done is an expression that is

    least understood, it did not originate from Me, but from early man. It is not MY Will that shall

    be done, it is your own. I said, you shall reap what you shall Sow. From this moment on, let

    no man stand in judgment upon another, lest the judgment mirror back upon the man.

    As the changing times reflect the crimson tide that is upon My planet, I ask of you to

    remain firm in your beliefs, to clearly ascertain the relevance and truthfulness, the ORIGIN of

    those alleged truths, that another tells you. To remain apart from the mayhem ongoing on Myplanet, you must first practice compassion and discernment. I leave with you now a special

    gift, it is to further your determination not to be swayed into the realm ofFalse Prophets; in the

    soon-to-be difficult times, as you observe others gnashing their teeth and seeking

    REDEMPTION from an illusionary projection that proclaims ITSELF to be Me, remember

    your truths, your unconditional love, your abilities to stand erect and how to say NO. Above

    all, rememberMY SONG.

    My Song is My Wind, My Song is My Tree, My Song is My Truth,

    My Song is My Sun, My Song is the everlasting Love of God.

    Write the life that is your own, let no man come between you and yourself!Children, BELIEVE in yourselves, BELIEVE in your special-ness,

    BELIEVE in your unlimited abilities to co-Create with Me.

    All you need do is rememberremember remember that you are not alone,

    You never have been.

    Celest and David -

    Until next time we leave you with a thought of our own:

    The destination is well worth the journey

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    A Letter from God #2

    "The Many Faces of God"Published June 4, 2011 | By godumentary

    These words are intentionally unedited

    There are many of you who have wondered why I would choose now, in this present time,

    to share information of this world and your relativity to this earth planet. I choose to do so

    because it is My Time. Some may have doubts of the authenticity of these writings. People

    generally require "proof" of what is stated by those who are refereed to as "channelers." I do

    agree that discretion is always a necessity when reading words said to be by the Ascended

    Masters and many others of My children. It is important that you understand that these writings

    of Mine are not "channeled." I connect with Celestial and David through a Soul integration; I

    also speak telepathically while revealing to them a bevy of images that empathize My Words.

    They respond in same manner. I bring forth the brilliance of My Illumination just prior tocommunicating with them. In this way they always know to prepare forMy Coming. It was

    decided long, long, long ago, that these two Souls who have joined together yet again to

    combat the darkness that has been eroding this planet, would be the perfect vessels for My

    Words. All treatises entitled "A Letter from God" will be transmitted to them and them alone.

    You need to understand though that this does not mean that I speak only with them. That

    would be an erroneous assumption on your part. I speak with millions of My people each day,

    yet they hear Me not. Most often I non-verbally contact those who call upon Me for assistance,

    or quite often to those who simply want to enjoy Our Oneness. What I communicate with these

    two are My Words that are intended to be publicly displayed and passed on to as many of My

    other children as is possible.

    So much that occurs in each lifetime for each Soul is predicated upon "past experiences"

    and present evolvement. In this sense, the broadest sense, specific timelines must emerge prior

    to any events of great importance that are designated to impact on any single individual. This is

    also true of all those Soul Clusters who superconsciously if not consciously, have aligned to

    mutually assist in the Creation of a better world. Far more occurs in every second than you

    shall ever realize while you awaken from your self-imposed slumber. I awaited this emergence

    of the "sleeping awake," so that I could actively participate in revealing to you truths and

    realities that validate your own existences, for those who require this. For those who do not,

    My Words are to be the reminders to you of the true fabric of your lives; your individualized

    places in the Tapestry of My Life. Each of you is precious to Me, far more so than you"remember." For so very long a linear time period, you have pleaded for My Intervention

    between yourselves and those who make a mockery of life. For so very long have you kept the

    true faith in spite of overwhelming odds.

    As My Angels gave you succor in your dream states, you would awaken refreshed,

    hopeful and in many cases re-energized, yet you knew not why. None among you remember

    that I had spoken with each and all of you, well before your descent to this schoolhouse planet.

    It was then that I reassured you children of My TIMEly Emergence in THIS decade, in THIS

    year, in this THIRD-FOURTH dimensional level now enveloping MY EARTH. For millions of

    you it has been the greatest test of all your life experiences. To move forth across this grand

    star planet stumbling often, falling at times, yet picking yourselves up and moving once again

    in forward fashion, WITHOUT the conscious awareness of MY Predestined Arrival. I speak

    here of My Awareness now touching in earnest fashion at your hearts and minds. What began

    23 years ago as but a delicate breeze sweeping into your lives has now escalated into the
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    Perfection of the Touch of God. My Presence cannot, will not be denied. As part of My

    Cleansing Presence, I AM communicating the Greatest Truths in order to rip away the veils

    from the hidden one, the veils of illusions and hypocrisy from the faces of the Great Deceiver.

    That energetic form has been well aware of My Inclusion in this timeframe; well aware of

    My Intent to slay the perfidious monstrosity that has slowly been eroding your human Spirit.

    That black form must survive the coming onslaught of truths and wisdom in order for it to be

    able to continue on the path of mayhem and murder. This dark force is well aware of the

    precarious situation it now finds itself in. This discarnate and incarnate monstrosity is no

    longer in the prominent shapeshifter position which it has held since the Creation of this planet.

    Far too many of you are now questioning, reasoning, feeling, sensing, and most importantly

    communicating with like-minded Souls; all of you striving for the highest degree of

    "knowing;" preparing to use the knowledge to wield My Sword of Truth. This poses a critical

    time for the dark brotherhood. The insurrection of which I had spoken to all of you about so

    long, long ago has now begun in earnest.

    To better discern all that has assailed you; you must first understandwith great

    clarity.the age old question"why am I here?" I speak to you now of the Creation of

    yourself as gross matter. It was when I chose to appear on this world wearing many guises ofMySelf that the Creation of the human race took form. Until then you were each but light

    beams, minute, active, yet not possessing all that you needed to inhabit a savage plane and

    planet. The term "gross" is simply to delineate between that which was immature facets of

    yourselves and that which took place later. It was before the maturity required through

    continuous reincarnation of each of you altered that aspect of your "condition." Of necessity

    each Soul required a special "place," this place exists as a level of in-depth learning. It is here

    you observed all the diaphanous molecules that form together to Create each individual as

    unique; to format a superior mind expansion level that would at first appear to be limited, but

    in due time would reveal itself to you each as Infinite. It was here that you each clearly

    understood the concepts of living the Greater Truth through the process of experiencing the

    lesser. It was here that you most willingly "signed up" for the journey to earth. The earth star

    world itself was meant as a training ground..not a "boot camp."

    It was the one and only place that you could each go to in order to experience all

    travesties, mockeries, hatreds and disillusionment required as exponential adventures; times,

    places and events to overcome in victorious fashion. As each of these events would occur, it

    would strengthen your Self as Soul; empower your Self as an individualized mote of MySelf.

    As each occurrence was surmounted the opposite side of the events would be given to you. You

    "forgot" that you would find the wondrous unions of joy, peace, contentment and love of

    yourself that you need so much. At times your minds have collectively pined for experiences

    predicated solely upon bliss. Why? If that were permitted on this planet, what would any of

    you learn? What could you teach if you have not experienced the events, lessons, and tests?None should ever teach of what they have not experienced.

    You were each collectively and singly aware of the turbulent times that would exist on this

    planet. What so many of you do not recall is the intensity of living in a void that third-

    dimensional life can impose upon you; the egregious blunders that you can commit without

    any premeditation. The feelings of "aloneness" that can overwhelm you for no apparent reason

    are a true assault on your senses. It is within the Soul Memory that all your previous follies as

    well as your successful commitments are kept. It is here that you as Soul regroups and

    advances forward, ever seeking the perfection of Infinity on earth. Do not seek perfection on

    this earth My Children. Perfection rests within your own true Self, nothing more, nothing less.

    Do not seek to find the Truth of My Words in your holy texts. The very same ageless dark forcethat has cajoled humanity since the birth of this planet was far too instrumental in corrupting

    all My Original Words. You also need to have a much better grasp of what words as symbols

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    I intentionally spoke in parables long ago, yet it was always the hidden truth that rested

    there for you to discover, it was ALWAYS in plain sight. Each parable contained a coded

    message for each of you, yet each Soul was to have a different perspective of the reality of

    which I spoke. I once said, "go forth and begin your earth star journey. As you gain a larger

    perspective of the greater realities that each human must sooner or later confront, be fruitful

    and propagate by Soul to Soul Link, be the fertility of My Wisdom and share My Wisdom by

    multiplying your individual selves through the teaching of others of like-mind. You are the

    "seeds" of My Other Children, yet you are My Own as well." Nowhere is this parable written.

    It was deliberately bastardized as part of the heinous control to be exerted over this planet. Of

    all the great perils that you did and do even yet encounter, some that need to be mastered by

    you the most are: illusions, dimensional doorways, the Galactic Federation, visual perimeters,

    sensory deprivation, life as a dream and realities that exist within realities. These are each vital

    pieces of the Galactic Puzzle.

    As I speak further there will be those who will instantaneously recognize the truths

    revealed. Others may need time to mull them over. Then there are those who shall continue to

    choose to dance to the perversions of truth, these children shall not in this lifetime seek toregale themselves through integrity or honor. It is this aforementioned minority that will not be

    invited to feast at My Table. Yet when all is said and done, it will always be when the physical

    form has ceased to be and the individual Soul must stand in judgment of him or herself, that

    future life events to transpire will possess the indelible fingerprint of that individuals past.

    There are no "losers" among you, just some slow starters and late bloomers. As epochs pass

    and the stillness of no-time confronts the minority, they too shall reconcile with

    times in spite of themselves. It will be when they too have achieved the subtle and personal

    distinction of honoring themselves by living a true life, that they shall also be invited to feast

    with My Gathering and MySelf. There is a season for each segment of a Souls Journey. It

    matters naught if that journey is earthbound or if the Soul is a resident on a different planet. It

    is each season that accrues the wisdom needed to aid the individualized process of evolution.

    The length of a season is a personal matter regulated by Soul. Soul always chooses the

    best, most needed learning experience as a vehicle for Its expansion. Soul recognizes when

    remedial lessons are required and immediately performs in absolute wonderment and joy to

    accommodate that necessity by assisting in the Creation of the lessons. At times, much to the

    chagrin of the personality. As you each first began your sojourns here, all applicable traits and

    character strengths were ingrained in your cellular memories, there to remain dormant until

    such time their functions were required. Soul has no problem with guiding the personality on a

    successful journey, one that has a successful conclusion. It is when the personality intrudes in

    doubt and fear that Soul Voice can become temporarily obliterated. It is at this juncture that

    free expression is allowed its reign by the individual. When this occurs one of two thingshappen. Either the free expression of the person dabbles and dallies in obsolete or "safe"

    realities, or the person subjugates the third-dimensional realities in favor of the true ones. If

    Soul Voice has evaluated the situation and concludes that the individual will be happier

    suffering and moaning and groaning, then Soul Voice retreats and allows the person to enjoy or

    learn from their self-appointed miseries.

    What you have forgotten here on this plane is that Soul as an Infinite Expression of God I

    AM, exists as do all evolved entities and evolved realities in the "now." Everything happens in

    a simultaneous fashion; just because you cannot see it with "visual contact" does not alter this

    truth. Humans must maintain "focus," it is necessary in order for them to evaluate, re-evaluate

    and recognize truths and lies. It is the way of this world. If you could be aware of all thingshappening at the same time, it would have a devastating effect on your minds. The human

    brain as the computer that it is, would attempt to rationalize and analyze all events occurring

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    and to categorize each, essentially, the brain would implode. The problems so many of you

    encounter are because the rationalization process controls your lives and you do not even know

    it. Many say on this world, "if it isnt broken, dont fix it." Well, I tell youit IS broken so fix


    I know how very difficult it is and has been to break free of the fetters imposed upon you

    by third-dimensional realities. Yet it is because people do not recognize that they are being

    constrained that they stopped believing in the Greater Truths, The Laws that govern all life, all

    of Creation. In fact it is symptomatic of the human race in general that you tend to believe

    what others will say, rather than what I tell you. This is one of a multitude of reasons that I

    have asked My Scribes to take careful dictation of all that shall transpire here today.


    Illusions. This is a convoluted subject that requires diligent mastery by people all over this

    world. Illusions are the causation of many of the dire circumstances in which you find

    yourselves. Some are self-created as a means of hiding from truth; some are perceived by the

    personality to be a "safe harbor" for the purpose of remaining a static energy, unobtrusive and

    unnoticed by the many. Many are Created by the ancient black without-hearted ones, as ameans of continuing their dominion over you. The human mind is seen by these groups of

    invasive energies, as susceptible to all types of fears and all issues relative to anything that is

    classified as "unknown." Humans who posses an overabundance of "ego genes," are ripe for

    the emotional and mental "stroking" at which the black ones are so adept.


    Illusions are a projection of a non-reality; a substance that HAS no substance. They are

    part of the Great Deceivers tools for your destruction. He wields his power far too well. You

    have allowed this to occur. Personal responsibility is called for here in Infinite measure indeed.

    Humans do not like to believe that they have been made fools of; well you have been, so

    perhaps you should deal with it once and for all. How many times when you read a newspaper,listen to the news, listen to the gossips of your friend about others, are you questioning the

    validity of all that you heard/read? How often do you even seek guidance from your Guardian

    Spirits regarding the truths of the matters? All that you see is real. Nothing that you see is real.

    Everything is as real as you PERCEIVE it to be; that does not mean your perceptions are not

    jaundiced. Each incarnation brings with it a certain modicum of reality that was a prominent

    one in your previous lives. If in your many and variegated pasts you did not seek to validate

    that reality; if you have chosen to impose it upon each of your succession of lives, well then of

    course it shall continue to run its course until you yourself have said, "ENOUGH."

    Reality exists in the eye of the beholder. Which eye am I speaking of? Do you know? If

    your answer is left eye or right eye, I shall "bleep" you. Those who are disabled blind peoplecan see you know, sometimes-far better than can you. Illusions that are sent to you by the

    unholy of the unholy, are projections which represent quite successfully, not only the conscious

    and unconscious fears to which you cling, but achieve a two-fold goal as well. You see, no

    humor intended there, illusions cloud your mind and your judgment; they oscillate like demon

    pendulums, pushing you further and further away from your true Spirit Self in a degrading

    fashion. When you sleep at night you say you had dreams, you believe them to be simply that.

    The ILLUSION is that they are dreams; the Greater Reality is that they are as real as are you.

    You have been exploring other times, the past, the present and the future.

    In many cases, you are sharing "space" in this visitation, with those have who loved you;

    those who have returned to Me in Nirvana. Some Soul Cluster Groups among you reunite with

    one another during this state of superconsciously traversing the Grid that separates the linear

    earth world from the Greater. It is here that you compare notes with one another, each member

    buoying the determination of the others to succeed in the Clusters goals. At times you are

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    permitted to venture forth to receive some premonitionary information. This may be relative to

    your journey as an individual, or perhaps relative to the ongoing situations of the planet

    herself. Those who are adepts that have traveled far and wide from many different planets and

    galaxies to participate with the human race in diffusing the maelstrom of ignorance and

    infertility, quite often are "taken" to their home planets for a brief respite. They are returned

    again the following morning in a far more rested state. At certain times, departed Souls are

    permitted to speak and walk with earthbound children, for but a very short time. Some Soulswho do not suffer from grievous ego bound tendencies, can "surf the universe," while they

    sleep. The reasons here are multitudinous.

    It is indeed the conveyance of mistruth to you that fortifies the illusory world in which you

    live. If a man approaches you and shares with you what he believes is a secret; should he tell

    you that the world is doomed and that all hellfire and damnation is sure to fall upon your

    shortly, I ask you, who has the greater responsibility here? Is it the man who utters these

    notions based upon his own illusions of truth, having been successfully and unwittingly guided

    by the black evil forces, or is it you? If your answer is either one or the other, either you or he,

    then it is the wrong answer. You each must bear responsibility here. Always the one who is

    speaking should be certain of the truth of what he or she is stating. Always the one who isreceiving these statements should be certain, without any hidden agendas of their own, that

    what you hear is truthABOVE AND BEYOND REPROACH. If you continue to accept at

    face value all of which you are told, then who is contributing to the moral and Spiritual

    denigration of the masses? Correct this situation while you still can. ASK your Guidance, those

    whose Soul Mission is to be available to you for the asking. Do not think you understand

    situations and realities unless you actually do. Be aware and very wary of who you invite in as

    Spiritual Mentor and Guide. The dark brothers have entered into a time of great acceleration,

    one that is for their continual survival, it is contingent upon the success of spreading vicious

    mistruth and dis-information.

    Their future FUTURE survival is also at stake. They now must more so than at any other

    time in earth star history, delude Souls by posing as The Spirits of My Light. You see, they

    have correctly ascertained the most vulnerable aspect of all Light Weavers.Appeal to the heart

    and minds of those who want to make a difference. In so doing, they dress themselves in a

    projection of an Ascended Master, including ancient Avatars. Congratulations to those of you

    who have fallen for this perverted charade. You are paying homage to a hologram. You are not

    looking above and beyond the masquerade. You are unwittingly aligning with evil. Should you

    wonder even briefly, what the end result of this macabre situation is, I shall tell you. Mass

    confusion, the shuddering of belief systems, the inability to tell "right" from "wrong." Turmoil

    and Disorganized chaos. Those "initiates" still struggling to overcome hither to held illusions

    of MySelf and My Extended Family, shall falter and NOT live up to their destinies. They will

    feel cheated, lied to and fail to trust anymore. Their Spirits shall sag and despair shall reign.This is not an acceptable alternative!

    Do not underestimate these entities; it could cost you your lives.


    Realities.-Each Soul does prior to reincarnating here, decide the realities that could best

    govern his or her life. This is for the most part predicated upon a particular life experience that

    they seek. Should they have decided to enter the political arena, then their MAIN reality will

    be the focus of that particular profession. If perchance they have also chosen to enjoy other

    realities that are not politically orientated, then at a given point in that life experience, the

    opportunities will present themselves for the exploration of those other realities as well. If in

    fact they have still not had enough of the delusions and illusions so prevalent on earth, those

    "projections" shall find them. This is true of all peoples in all cultures, yet at times many find

    themselves involved in boondoggles which they wish to extricate themselves from, for their

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    own sakes. The reality that will appear to them is one that either takes them a step forward in

    their evolution or assists in maintaining their former life status quo. Each one of you has a

    personal reality, a planetary reality and an outer-planetary reality. Much is based upon your

    stature, your personal development in the Ways of Spirit. Each reality of each personage is the individual. When more Souls who share the commonality of the particular

    realities of another are led to find one another, then amazing things can occur. It is how

    epiphanies are Created, or tornadoes. It is all a matter of reality.

    Yes of course there are those who arrive here with mind wide open and memory intact.

    Also there are those whose previous life existences have been the culmination of certain

    cycles. They are here to assist the new gardeners in My Garden. They have quite successfully

    and with great determination ascended the spiral staircase that leads to all truths. As they

    arrived at the top of this staircase, the Light of ALL Lights is revealed to them in its myriad

    glories. They came. They saw. They conquered. Their realities are quite different from the

    human concepts of such. They see the bigger picture, the true essence of all that is real and all

    that is not. In a very real sense, they are part of the bigger picture. They are now confronted

    with an awesome and unenviable task, as they KNEW they would be. They are very much in

    awareness of the fact that people do not like to have their realities shaken, it is their "comfortzone." These individuals are to unmask The False Prophets. They are to teach by example.

    They are to manifest and materialize all which they need to remain firmly ensconced in their

    earth star walk as the teachers and warriors they are. They may bend but they shall not break.

    They are aware of the existences of realities within realities. Confrontations with the multi-

    duplicities that once were but rarely encountered are now a part of their every day life. They

    shall not fail themselves.

    If you take a picture with a Polaroid camera you can watch the picture slowly develop. It

    is during the developmental stages that certain aspects of the picture emerge. As the negative

    finally achieves the full stages of development, all that is there is visible to the naked eye. Tell

    me, what do you see beyond the images? What story is transpiring behind the scenes? You

    cannot answer this. What you are viewing is a "still picture," one that is restricted by the

    borders of the paper frame. You are only seeing one tiny aspect of a LIFE. Yet it is a reality is it

    not? Humans live within the confines of their realities, blissfully unaware of the other pictures

    simultaneously taking place in front of their eyes. Realities range in scale from the miniscule to

    the INFINITE. It is all a matter of your perceptions. Each is valid up to a point because you

    have given it life. You have activated it. Yet, because of the duality that exists here, people do

    not want to acknowledge that anothers perspective may be greater, more substantial, may

    epitomize TRUTH. Most humans can accept different realities in miniscule dosages, beyond

    that they find them too threatening, although they may say they are too constrictive. The

    realities do not "compute."

    You see it is within the still and sterile confines of the "pictures" that so many of MyChildren have entrapped themselves. They are unable or unwilling to break free of the bondage

    of their own "frame." They lack the passion and the zest for life that could be their saving

    grace. Therefore they see things only one-dimensionally. So be it.

    One of the illusions so prevalent here is that earth life itself lacks continuity. This is not

    true. I see so many that feel themselves to be fragmented; feel separated from others who they

    at times desperately seek, much like a human-bond aphrodisiac. Part of the deceit that has been

    practiced in regard to this important matter, is the obliteration of the truth of your OWN

    individualized geometric symbols. The intention was to strip you of not only your true identity,

    but to separate you from those who love you best. HERE is MY TRUTH of this matter. Each of

    you carries a specific type of geometric symbol, of a geometric pattern that is indigenous toyou and the rest of your Soul Cluster, those of the Cluster on the earth star planet as well as

    those far beyond earth. The symbol aligns and conforms to other exact geometric symbols in

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    perfected precisian. There are hundreds of geometric symbols and many duplicates of each. It

    means that point "A" will align and co-join with "A." A & A will find one another; they will be

    led to one another. This is an example of" Cosmic Physics."

    You do not realize this, but you have also been encoded with a complex strain of a TYPE

    of frequency that the adrenal gland itself assists in easing into conscious memory. This is a

    "safety measure," one that remains semi-dormant until such time that it is needed by the mind.

    Since earth children require labels for all things, it was given a label that denotes tremendous

    positive energy. It is called "HOPE."HOWEVER, DEAR GOOD-HEARTED ONES, it is a

    non sequitur. "Hope" is a placebo. One of My many gifts to you. At times when so much in

    your personal lives, your personal evolvement, hangs in the balance awaiting a serious decision

    from you, your choices fluctuate, as does your mind. They are seen swaying from one direction

    to the other, needing a catalyst to reinforce your knowledge, or intuitions, it is then that HOPE

    arrives. It is this energetic force that pushes you forward, albeit for many, slowly at first. Hope

    can easily be the determining factor for ultimate success or possible failure. Without Hope,

    many would not have succeeded in their pre-life plans. Without Hope, many of you cannot see

    the possible and probable results of future events, both in your own life as well as the life of

    this planet. All was planned for well in advance of your sojourns here.To those of you who come across other aspects of yourself, I say to you, be kind to them

    for they are you, as you are them, as I am you. There has never been a time when that we were

    separated. Those who are the chosen ones are all My children, therefore all of you are chosen.

    Why so many of you put such a title on those who are the same as you is vastly misunderstood.

    The chosen are all of you, yet many do not answer the call I have issued. Far too many get

    trapped in an endless circle of repetitive actions. It is only the last few decades that many

    amongst you have realized the truth of the Oneness of all forms of life. The beginning has no

    end; the end is a new beginning, a cycle of life which has completed its desired course. The

    desired course is chosen by you and you alone. It is through each of your life experiences that I

    travel with you, sharing that which is learned. There is nothing you do, nothing you feel,

    nothing that you think that is not shared by Me. I am full of love and compassion for all that

    you experience along the way. That which is, was meant to be, whether any of you know it or

    not. I have been the best student charting all your mis-adventures in life and experiencing

    through you the totality of your journeys. The choices that you make are in your own interests.

    They are not always the best of choices, yet they are yours and yours alone. No one else should

    make the choices for you, suggestions may be made, ultimately the final decisions are

    completely up to you.

    We, My children and I watch over your every move. Nothing is left undocumented. At

    times, per your pre-life contract, those you have assigned as your guardian angels and spirit

    guides will attempt to dissuade you from choices or actions that are not in your best interest.

    This is done in many different ways, including thought impressions and Soul Memory. Each ofyou on some level of awareness, is capable of receiving transmitted information. This is done

    at the Soul level, that part of you which knows all the truths and realities of your origins and

    your mission on My Earth. It is at this level that thoughts, impressions, intuitions and yes the

    occurrence of what you term "Deja Vu" occurs. Life begins and ends and then starts anew.

    There is no final destination other than the final return home where all is One. The journey

    home is the totality of all you experienced along the way, each personage of yourself makes up

    the sum of the original. Each lifetime you Create becomes another part of the whole. The

    whole of you is a part of Me. You see? There is no separation.

    From the vantage point amongst the stars, all that is perceived and thought about is being

    witnessed. Nothing, I repeat nothing is left out. To some of you this fact may make you feeluncomfortable, knowing that even the most miniscule of thought is recorded in your Book of

    Life. My Children, do you truly think that I do not already know what you are thinking? Do

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    you really think no one knows what goes on behind closed doors? When doubt enters your

    minds regarding the words being shared here today, question the "why" and the "origins" of

    these doubts. It is through the questioning that the truth shall come forth, shining as brightly as

    my Sun overhead. We, you and I, are the sum total of All That Is, together with all the other

    Creations which make up the beginning, the middle and the ever expansive universe that we

    exist in. There never will be a time when you are alone; it is only the perceptions and the

    illusions of separation that is foisted upon you by those who are in need of you for theirsurvival. Let no one come between the "you that is" and the "you" that you perceive as the only

    aspect of yourself. The totality of all you each truly are in your voluminous Soul Voice, is more

    massive as a collected whole than any of you are now in your present separate state. There will

    come a time when all who walk upon My Planet will know the completeness of each life

    experience. The time is not now.

    From this moment on, I shall watch with keen interest the reaction to these messages I am

    sharing with each of you. There is a separation between us that must be changed in order for

    you little ones to come into the knowing time of your existence. The more open-minded you

    are to receiving these words, the smoother and the more rapidly all will become as One yet

    again. This is my wish for you My Children, love one another and keep each other as youwould a brother or a sister, for in truth you are all related. Only the color of your skin separates

    you from one another. There is room in my mansion for all of you. Wont you come and feast

    with me this day?


    I am the child dying of lupus,

    I am the flower that was crushed under a careless foot,

    I am the blind man asking for coins,

    I am not the hitchhiker wearing chains and carrying a machete,

    I am you seeing Me, as you are Me seeing you.

    This is my parable for this day.

    I bid you a fond "adieu."

    A Letter from God #3

    Published June 4, 2011 | By godumentary

    These words are intentionally unedited

    "A Letter From and of the Present, to the Present, NOW Future" from GodTo the "future residents" of My Earth Star planet, I lovingly address you in this manner,

    for many, many of you who have heeded My Words over these long, tumultuous years, shall

    remain here as my Constant Gardeners. I wish to welcome you and bid you greetings. Many of

    you who are reading this have chosen the path less traveled. For most it has been rocky and

    rough almost every step of your journey. I have asked that this, My current message be postedso that all can read it and perhaps be in awe of their own potential to BE MY BIDDING. Think

    on that for a bit!.
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    Many decades past, I sent my messengers out to your planet in full force wearing their

    "God Regalia," to aid and assist in the transitionary process of birthing the "Golden Era" once

    again. To them I said, "be mindful of your tasks. Remember all My Universal Laws and do not

    tread upon others choices of free expression. These ones on Earth are children in the

    "youngness" level of their races, and they are not as evolved Spiritually and intellectually as

    are you. Yet on all levels they too recognize their right to Be, to thrive, to flourish and to

    expand upon their own consciousness level. Each will do so at their own pace. No degree ofpushing or prodding will hasten the pace. As you all know, My universe is always on time.

    Each in its proper order of ascension."

    When you, the present future children of planet Earth come to full realization of who and

    what your purposes are, then shall come the realization of the Greater Truths of all of Creation.

    For far too long you have lived in the dark ages. It is now time to come into the light and shine

    as brightly as the day you were Created. Since the time that humans lost their humanity, they

    have all too easily given away their personal power points to egregious people, some of these

    dastardly types are human, some are not, yet each has an agendato destroy My Earth Star

    Races! I have not brought you into existence to merely sit back, have a coke, smoke a cigar and

    watch you children be destroyed. The Creator, The Creation and all the other Gods of the otherOmnipresent Universes are aligned with MY Goal to reeducate those who we can and "let go

    and let God" those others. Tell me, are you familiar with the term "Thy Will is My Will?" Who

    do you think is "Thy" and who is "My?" Answer incorrectly and I shall beep you, its a "God


    Each of you has special DNA encoding that is unique to only you. Together with the rest

    of your Soul Groups you will find the missing pieces to the puzzle you term "life." As each

    awakens and begins to remember, that knowledge is to be shared with all the others of your

    group. Dont be stingy but definitely be discerning. This way, as mass consciousness, you shall

    all rise to the challenges at hand, for you will no longer carry the fear nor the doubts of the

    importance of each and every one of you. Long before time became linear as a means of

    governing your lives, you all knew this. Linear time was designed as a way to regulate your

    actions. Without it you would have stumbled and fell as your civilizations started to evolve.

    That time is no longer needed nor necessary. As many of you are aware linear time is

    dissipating, many feel it as an acceleration. The acceleration is definitely being noticed. What

    you are not yet sensing is the "evaporation" of time. I can do these things you know, I awaited

    the linear phases of the civilizations here responding/reacting to karmic implications of the

    now unfolding phase of the OTHER Golden Age and have been quite pleased to note that so

    many of you hear Me beckon "remember, remember, remember."

    Those who are "aware," are able to expand time to suit their duties of the day and also

    speed it up at will. It is by this process and so many more, that you will find yourselves getting

    a 12 hour workday done in only 4 hours. This allots more "free" time for your personal growthand discovery. I ask you now to please remember your connectiveness to All That Is. Each is a

    integral part of the Whole, nothing omitted, nothing left out, no-thing excluded. There was a

    time when each was aware of the union between man and Spirit, how one was an expression of

    the other. There is not a mote of energy anywhere that is not connected to the Greater Whole.

    As each of you ascends to your rightful places amongst the stars, you shall be welcomed and

    asked to participate in all decisions that effect the on goings of this part of the galaxy, for each

    effects the whole, for each is an integral part. I shall take under advisement all that is offered as

    suggestions, that does not mean I will act upon them all.

    Oh, the wonders you shall behold, the beauty you shall see. My other children await you

    with open arms and a loving embrace. They, at My request, have held off personally makingcontact with much of your major populations, due to your inabilities to comprehend and truly

    realize the Greater Realities which are different from all that you have been taught by pompous

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    "learned" civilian teachers here. All that was known before your "temporary amnesia," shall be

    known again. All that was characterized by religious zealots and political mishmash as

    untruths, shall make their presence known to each of you not as "mass hallucinations" but as

    Sacred Truisms. George Bush, eat your heart out.! Do not think that old George, either of them,

    has not fulfilled a valuable function here. They are teaching you what evil is, in this sense, they

    WERE a necessary evilplease note My emphasis on the word "were."

    My other children from "off world" civilizations do not readily appear to those here in

    their natural forms, they do not wish to alarm naive Earthizens and start mass hysteria reactions

    among the un-believing. Unfortunately this has always been the reaction from My irrational

    and un-knowing populations of the Earth Star planet. Each of the present "unknowing

    children" will have their turn to realize the realities without condemnation, as your mass

    consciousness raises to a level of acceptance. Far too many of you still believe you are the only

    intelligent life forms. This is just not so. There are species of life in My oceans that far exceed

    your levels of understanding. They too are there to help stabilize an otherwise destructive

    course of events that would inevitably occur if you were left to your own devices.

    As the future unfolds in the not so distant future, you will see for yourselves that you were

    never alone. It was only your intellects which kept you from knowing this. That and thosehumans and the others who pander to the dark agenda. In the present now of today, it is on a

    much grander scale that many of you are coming into the light and are seeing more clearly,

    sensing things you once thought impossible or imaginary. The veils of illusion are being lifted

    from your eyes and the knowledge of the truth is freeing you from the bonds that were placed

    upon you, many that were of your own making. You have much to look forward to as the

    dawning of the new age for mankind settles in all around you, and for you.

    Many still need clarification about all that they are experiencing. I ask that you trust your

    instincts, for instinct is a direct connection to your Soul. When you doubt, you open up the

    doorways that allow fear and even more doubts to enter your being. Trust only that which you

    sense to be true. We, My other children and I are with you every step of the way. There will betests that must be passed, in order for each of you to continue your spiraling upward journey.

    These tests are designed to check the substance of your beliefs and more importantly, the faith

    you must have in yourself. At anytime you may ask "is this a test?" and you will be answered

    in one form or another. Always be mindful of the signs. Illusions will be cast in front of you.

    Learn to know and trust your instincts to accurately discern the difference in the two. Illusions

    will come in disguises; let your hearts show you the way. By surrounding yourself in the "Light

    of God" you will keep these illusions at bay and more easily discern the truth.

    Now I shall take my leave of you. Your test for this lesson is to speak to God, then quiet

    your minds and listen for the answer. So many of My children talk to Me each and every

    moment, I answer them all. If you would but only listen.I bid you farewell, know that I am merrily a thought away.


    Until next time we leave you with a thought of our own:

    "The destination is well worth the journey"

    A Letter from God #4

    Published June 4, 2011 | By godumentary

    These words are intentionally unedited.
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    "The Coming of Age of Collective Consciousness"

    Well now, I know it has been a while since you have had one of my missives to read,

    however Celest and David have been their usual "beyond busy selves" and I have to respect all

    the other projects that have been lined up for them. I carefully chose this title for now as the

    one I feel would be most appropriate for the "new" times you are just entering. I watch andlisten to all the anguish each of My Children is experiencing. Although I feel for each and

    every one of you, it is because I can see the entire "present now" gridline and yet see the soon-

    to-be "upcoming now" events that I can understand how confusing and chaotic these times of

    your "today" seem to you. I will repeat however what my Star Keeper ally and friend Blue Star

    the Pleiadian has rather relentlessly been hammering away about, and that is you are living in

    the times of OC (organized chaos), at least all but a small percentage of the world population

    is. The entirety of the Creation process is always striving for perfection of ItSelf as well as all

    aspects of the Creation; Those aspects are all life forms in ALL of this Universe, none are

    considered better than others, although many are wiser than others.

    What is not well-understood on MY Earth Star planet is that the Creation process requiresthat all energies ascend and enhance themselves. In this manner it is the magnification of all

    molecules of intangible AND tangible energized motes of a massive and truly electrifying

    Light, which must ALWAYS format and reformat itself in a stream of contiguous momentum,

    that is of course synchronized to prevent any "bleed-throughs," or gaps, occurring within the

    matrix of the Light Force. It is this Creation process dear Children, that is always encouraging

    Each and EVERY Soul who has ever been, to continue Its journey onward and forward to the

    individual Souls next personal AND planetary evolvement stage or level. This is a primary

    example of OC. However it is not OCs only function. It is the massive construction of a type

    of WAVE of mutually linked mind-thoughts and Soul impelled indestructible determination to

    surpass Its own expectations of ItSelf. As this occurs it is thus Creating an even more

    expansive grid, or "line of defense" around the entirety of the Creation process. The "chaos" inOC is merely another example of the reformatting required to bring people, places and events

    into a continuum where all things are truly Created equal. It is here, in this continuum, where

    each reality ever experienced by ANY of My Children transforms itself into a type of melody.

    All previous memories that still held transparent remembrances of times and events that were

    not beneficial to the individual Soul, now can complete the transformation to "experiences had,

    but no longer needed."

    The melody of which I speak is impossible to accurately describe to you. But I can tell you

    My Children, that it is within the nucleus of this transformative process that all healing needed

    by a Soul that had been in torment at one time or another, achieves the apex of the healing. It is

    here that all of the lower-based frequencies that so impinged upon a Soul is transmuted into themotes needed to be a true Song of God. It is here that all of the Divine Collective

    Consciousness of these Souls integrate in such a beauteous fashion that They are truly ONE,

    yet MANY. The "Collective" in this sense means-the totality of the grouping together of all

    these Souls combined as one gigantic mind-link, one force field. These then form a single

    thought-pattern, a single but emancipated focus, that main focus is that the Souls both

    combined yet individually, living as BEINGS who are BEING all THEY CAN BE. It is a

    supreme time of delight for all of Us, all of Divinity, to observe "The Dance of the Souls."

    Each One who has refined ItSelf can then go on to teach others who have yet to ascend to that

    particular level of development, of unperturbed Godliness. These teachers are old and wise

    Souls. They must always know when to teach, when to withdraw and when to let go and "let

    God." It is also here in this special place that Souls who are discarnate respond to the callissued by their brethren who are of necessity still incarnate. This is the time of the blowing of

    the Golden Conch while imploring, All good Souls unite Now. The discarnate ones then,

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    especially those who are the Masters, with varied specialties of course, ALWAYS respond to

    the call. THIS is the second Wave. It is when the incarnate and the discarnate unite for the good

    of all!

    Remember, as both I and My trusty Emissaries have told you so many, MANY times

    before: My Work had to begin with One Soul at a time. BUT as the good works continued

    throughout the ages of mankind, then the accelerated step-by-step process of achieving My

    Goals here on this planet birthed the First Wave of MySelves. I reserved the right to speak of

    the second wave first, because I can. Although it is true that each succeeding wave over the

    centuries has brought more and more freedom to MANY of the countries people on My Earth

    Star, you Children will never really know or be able to truly comprehend while you are

    incarnate, how much effort and very, very, hard work had to be undertaken by all My

    Emissaries to maintain a continuity of thought and right actions in order to remain on the exact

    parallel needed to be aligned with The Jesus The Christ Consciousness and the realignment of

    the planet. All this having now been stated by Me, I will proceed to your "today times."

    There have been many ages of the Earth Star history, most have been volatile and non-

    beneficial. Although of course it was known and accepted by all of Divinity that this must of

    necessity occur and My Children would have to endure so much wrought upon them by somany, it never meant that any of Us had to like it. Nor did We. Even though We were well

    aware that as each age passed, the Children would choose to become their GodSelves yet

    again, We had many mind-thoughts with one another wondering how many would survive the

    cataclysms that would truly begin in 2007, Earth years. We watched, We waited, We listened

    and responded to each and every call My Children have issued. Problems of course ensued

    when We returned the call but the line was busy, or worse, "no one was home." Then too there

    has always been the problem of telling Children the truth, but it was not a truth they wanted to

    hear. But it is now, in the winter of 2008, Earth years, that the die that was cast so long, long

    ago, is bringing into fruition the final phase of the NEW FRONTIER. "Consciousness" is a

    tricky issue here on the Earth Star. The intelligentsia has wrung the truth out of consciousness

    and it has become a dirty catch-all word in the medical and psychological professions. This

    term was actually Created through the Creation process meaning-"Sacred, a holy state of

    Being, the ability to BE God existing in all life forms." As mankind moved from the most

    primitive forms of themselves the term "consciousness" became known as, "a state of

    awareness on the conscious level of KNOWN realities." The conscious mind then became split

    into two factions. The conscious was accepted and the SuperConscious was effectively

    dissected from the whole of the energetic mass of consciousness. For hundreds of years it was

    only the Souls who continued to rebirth here to further educate the masses of the true realities

    of the SuperConscious who had managed to keep this truth alive.

    As Universal time marched inexorably forward with full knowledge that The NESARA of

    MySelf, My Jesus The Christ Son and the CONSCIOUSNESS of all of Our combinedDivinity, MUST not merely arrive to the Earth Star but must also transcend the mundane and

    then ascend to Our rightful place here on the Earth Star WITH My Earth bound Children. This

    has required great dedication on the parts of all of My Children who are incarnate here. You

    must understand that it was never enough for any of you to know that the results of all of our

    good works combined would indeed provide the gestation period for Unified Consciousness

    and the ultimate conceptualization of thought over matter. It was never enough for you

    Children to remain strong and firm in your beliefs and your willingness to live for My truths. It

    also has meant that you too would have to withstand the changing of the climates, the

    necessary relocating to other geographic areas untold numbers of times and the preponderance

    of lower-based entities forever it seemed, nipping at your heels. Above all else Children, your

    primary goal of uniting in mind-thought ON Soul level is what you are achieving. It is within

    this achievement, this precious, incandescent, Supreme non-matter energy force, that YOU are

    attaining AND maintaining the coming-of-age of the Collective Consciousness.

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    You do not know this about yourselves Children, you do not understand yourselves as I

    understand you. Oftentimes when you are "walking the walk" you must of necessity simply

    keep going, in order to KEEP GOING. When this occurs it means that you may be oblivious to

    your own good works and feel helpless at times that you are not doing more than you are. It is

    the implementation of the Conscious energy that assists you in maintaining your Conscious

    and SuperConscious stride. This occurs when the conscious part of yourself is finally at peace

    with and working in tandem with the Super Conscious YOU. My dearly beloved Children, ifyou could but see yourselves through My Eyes instead of only seeing yourselves through your

    own, you would better understand what miracles you have wrought. Every step you are taking,

    regardless of how minuscule it may seem to you, is vitally important in this "new to Earth"

    Collective Consciousness format. I watch you, as do others of Divinity, as you struggle at times

    but valiantly keep on going, and WE KNOW that you are exceeding your own expectations of

    yourselves, while you are not even knowing you are doing so. As I have said so many, many

    times, "it is NOT enough to know how the end to these dramas will take place, it is NOT

    enough to know what the probability of future events will be, it IS enough for you each to

    know that you are playing out your roles, just as you contracted to."

    My dear, dear Children, stop trying to BE heroic! You already are. True acts of heroismsimply require living your lives here to the best of your ability: MEANING-do the right things

    for the right reason. Do you believe in Me? Then how can you not believe in yourself? To

    believe in one is to accept the belief in the other. Now I will show you but yet another aspect of

    your good works that have been part of My great Gestation period here on the Earth Star. I

    spoke to you earlier about the great continuum, remember? You of My Children who are each

    contributing to the NESARA momentum that is spreading so rapidly across this planet have

    been unwittingly Creating a continuum here as well. This continuum although in one sense was

    not to be found on Earth, IS rapidly Enlarging and enveloping this planet because of the

    combined thoughts and Soul Desires of the Earth Children. It is a gigantic amassing of life

    force that is filled with incredible Light; this Light is permeated with My Love. It is also the

    unconditional love of Jesus The Christ. It is within this surrounding mass that all that each ofyou has contributed to, which is the Coming-of-Age of Collective Consciousness, equates

    WITH and is an integral part OF The Collectiveness. Please think of it this way; energy begets

    energy-each mote of energy that is EQUAL to anothers energy, then causes each of those two

    energetic masses to combine. In so doing those two, in this instance, then unite as ONE

    collectiveness and because of their same energy components, each is then stronger, brighter

    and hardier.

    Now take this a step further please-I will ask you to imagine the scene I am watching. As

    each of you here on Earth, regardless of where you live geographically, unite through thought

    and intent each energy mote representing each of My Children who do this, swiftly combines

    each individual energy with the WHOLE mass that is now expanding exponentially. So whatbegan as a snowflake that rested with a grouping of other snowflakes, then formed into a

    crystalline mass. That mass then had the Creative ability to form itself into an avalanche and

    Create new directions, new opportunities, new venues which ultimately attract more

    snowflakes. Never underestimate the power of My snowflakes! Of course I am speaking of the

    Creative ability of the good and the just. I am sorry that it was not possible for this great

    cleansing Terra is enduring to be less painful to her as well as to you. However, all the good

    that is now ensuing and SHALL CONTINUE to do so, IS resulting in the mature version of the

    Consciousness of this planet. You each gather together, some huddle in the cold by their

    telephones and computers, sharing sadness for the many, many Children who have "lost their

    way." I understand that sentiment. I would ask however that you each gather strength from one

    another instead. I ask of you to see beyond the limiting confines that have so successful keptyou Children in "immature constriction" for so very long. I ask you to see that all is proceeding

    as part of the Divine Plan for the betterment of Terra and humanity as a whole. I ask that you

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    become "colorblind." When you look into the mirror, see your sisters in Arabia, your brothers

    in Africa, your simple herdsmen on the moors.

    I ask that you see Me in your mirror looking back at you and smiling and saying, "kudos

    Child, kudos." I ask that you remember to have one pure, unselfish thought a day, many more

    if you can handle it, and beam that thought CONSCIOUSLY into the Collectiveness you are

    already a part of. The ability to do so consciously is but an expression of personal

    responsibility. Do this with no strings attached. After all, I have never attached any strings to

    any of you, now have I? In case you dont know the correct answer here, it is, "No, I have

    never done so, nor will I, Children." I now bestow upon each of you the title of "Collector." I

    know how important titles are to so many Children on the planet, so I decided to give you one

    of My own. Children, My Children, you are each maturing and aligning with "The Golden

    Now," many even in spite of themselves. I assure you that the incredible expansion of the

    Collectiveness energies will only continue to become bigger and brighter. There will NEVER

    be a cessation to this movement UNTIL all Souls are as ONE. In other words, we are in for

    the long haul! I ask you not to be hard on those who are not ascending in this manner. Yes, the

    elongation of the Consciousness Collective IS a part of both personal and planetary ascension.

    To ascend simply means, "to rise above and dont look down or back." Sound simple? NO, it isnot. If it were really that simple, all of you would already be there.

    As the planetary movement adjusts itself to an even greater and more accelerated pace,

    leaving linear time behind completely, more and more of my Lighted Children here will learn

    and carry a new assuredness about themselves, a new sense of self-confidence without

    cockiness will become apparent. Not all will be aware that they are completing yet another step

    in the ascension process. That is all right. For many, their lives will be easier if they do not

    know this. Many of My children who have lost or given up their Light and their Godliness

    must pay the price for their actions as well as for their non-actions. No "chameleon" people

    will be allowed to remain on Terra. None of the rapidly departing Children of the former

    Illuminati lineage will ascend with My Terra. That would be foolhardy on My part. Those

    Children whose contributions have waned and then become nil, shall not be able to remain here

    either. Pay attention Children, to Light, frequency and vibration please! Either you shall

    continue to ascend with each of these other aspects of Divinity-the Light, the frequency and the

    Vibration of My NESARA Self or.

    Before I leave you this day, but only in a manner of speaking of course, I ask you each to

    form an image in your minds eye of My Golden Now, that which is My true NESARA issue.

    Whatever image you see, will be indigenous to your Soul alone. Others may have similar

    visions, but each will in one way or another be different, just as each Soul is unique.

    Remember you are the true master of your own destiny; never feel alone, I am with you always

    and in all ways. If you wonder WHO is at the matrix of The Collective Consciousness

    sweeping this planet, thanks to you, I can loudly proclaim.I AM

    In loving service to My ChildrenGod

    A Letter from God #5

    Published June 4, 2011 | By godumentary

    These words are intentionally unedited.

    "The Seriousness of Communication"
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    God(received by Celest) Well Children, here we are yet again. You are still looking for

    answers I see and still wanting to have all things set right. At least set right in the eyes of most

    of you that is. Whether or not things are the way you want them to be is all a matter of how

    you define right. As you may have guessed by the title I have chosen for this letter to you, this

    missive will be prove to be not lighthearted, rather it will be intense. This is in great measure a

    result of either My desire to be keeping to the times you are living in, or My fervent heartfelt

    wish to assist those whom I can to "stay the course," or both. I am confident that many of youwill simply need a bit of confirmation from Me regarding your own perspectives on all that is

    occurring, as well as your being reminded of My continuing efforts to provide all pertinent

    information to youas I see fit. I will for the final time, once again address the issue

    rebounding in so many minds; "Why did we not know about all these Earth changes and

    planetary realignments before?" "Why didnt anyone tell us?" Actually, you did know and you

    all have known for many millennia. It is rather puzzling at times how it has come to pass that

    so many of you act and think as though all that is happening is "new news."

    In great part it is your own lack of serious communication and the remaining millions of

    people who still have the "I dont really want to know" factor, that has contributed to the shock

    and outright hostility many of you have expressed to Me. WHY? I can not, I will not, continueto repeat the same warnings I have given to you each for so very, very, long. NOR WILL MY

    EMISSARIES. Perhaps you have forgotten that I have an entire Universe to helpwhere I

    can. Although none who are part of My Universe are more important than another, I will not

    make any arbitrary decisions to spend time in dealing with repetitious questions from many of

    My Children, when I can instead continue to be of service to all those of you whose hearts,

    minds and Souls, are replete with the serendipitous rapture and rhapsody of My TRUTHS. You

    see Children, what so many of My emissaries are finding so appalling is that regardless of how

    much they have worked with you both singly and in groups only a tiny fraction of people

    are staying on the path of truth and understanding. The rest.well, lets just say that the rest

    are falling down the rabbit hole of dismal thoughts and broken dreams. Although I do not love

    one Child more so than another, I have loved many LONGER than others. Let us see how wellyou receive this thought, this idea that I am sharing with you. Let yourself SEE if your failure

    to communicate with Me, is on an equal scale of your failure to communicate with

    YOURSELF! For if you can not understand what I just said, then you do have a problem.

    Many of you still fail to understand that you can no longer simply fall back into the other

    complacent self you used to be. Others, those who have had longstanding associations with the

    "doubting Thomas" syndrome, are the people all over the planet who still refuse to sever that

    association and are truly dancing on the fire of doubt. This fire will consume them. If you each

    could at least once a day, quiet your minds and listen to what you as Soul, has to say, what you

    as Soul, is reassuring you about, then you and I would not need to have this letter written and

    read, now would we? I have considered most diligently the timing here of releasing this letterto Celest and David. I have looked at all the possibilities and probabilities available to Me to

    better determine how many of you I can still reach. I speak of those Children who have been

    untouchable for most of this lifetime. Those of you reading this letter who are remaining

    staunch in your faith and are "in-knowing" that in the end, all shall be fine, should be aware

    that although I am not addressing you each per se, that is NOT to say that you too in these

    times will not be severely tested BY the times you are living in. These are the times that many

    of you have at one time or another Created through your failure to NOT succumb to those

    children of a lesser god.. Let Me be perfectly clear here; I AM NOT DOING THE

    TESTING! YOU are. So many of you were performing your acts of faith and definitely of

    helping others in need, far better before the NESARA wind wave and the dying winds began to

    exist as true prevailing forces here on the Earth Star. There is irony present here. These windsare a perfect form of communication. My animal life forms listen to these winds; My flora,

    fauna and each and every other aspect of Creation here on the planet listen to these winds, yet

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    humanity does not.

    I am communicating with all of you here through many different venues. I telepath to you,

    I express My concerns for YOUR concerns to you; I do not ask of any of you to make any

    promises to Me. It is a good thing I do not, NOW ISNT IT! Throughout this major testing

    period, this period that will last for many, many, years I might add, it is your ability to convey

    your thoughts in a concise, clearly thought-out pattern with Me, as well as with yourself and all

    others you connect with, or associate with, that will continue to be either your saving grace or

    your eventual downfall. If only all the voyeurs would stop gazing into the mirror of illusions

    and instead gaze into the looking glass of eternal life, My job would be much easier. So would

    yours. I know how much is required of you to enable you to withstand the moral turpitude of

    the millions of people who are lost to themselves. I also KNOW that I KNOW you each far

    better than you KNOW yourselves. So it is that on this day, I am reluctantly but wisely

    addressing the lack of communication that so many of you exhibit. I would like to see you all

    stop running around in a complete fear mode and cease performing obscene somersaults in

    attempts to appease the thugs still desperately trying to hold on to the control of the world and

    the people. IF you are ready, willing and able to disenfranchise yourself from fear, then YOU

    WILL BE FINE. Your sentience will once again have clarity; you will be able to speak freelywith ME, once you have yet again established your connection with your own Soul Voice.

    The time is at hand NOW for each of you, for all living things to come to their sentience,

    for all beings to ride out the storm that is now approaching gale force wind proportions. For

    those of you who know how to achieve this, I would also suggest that you listen to the winds.

    Define yourself TO yourself and in this manner the WINDS WILL DEFINE YOU.

    God(received by David) I spoke earlier about much of what is occurring

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