Live, Learn, Explore
The Victorian Young Leaders to India (VYL India) Pilot Program offers a life-changing opportunity, where students live and attend school in India. Comprising three weeks of intensive intercultural learning, students will experience daily life in an Indian school, develop leadership skills and discover the nation’s thriving culture, from the traditional to the modern.
Live, Learn, Explore India
Information for parents and students The VYL India Pilot Program is a life-changing three-week overseas immersion program for Year 9 students, designed to prepare them to live and work as citizens and future leaders in an increasingly interconnected global community. The culturally rich program can have a transformative impact on student learning back at home and broaden possibilities for a future career with an international focus.
Beyond study, students will get to explore the sights and sounds of India and make lifelong friendships and networks with students overseas.
In-country highlights • attending local classes, such as maths,
science, music, arts, P.E. etc.
• cultural classes
• excursions to nearby attractions and cities, including excursions with a Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) and community engagement focus
• spending time with Indian student buddies.
Live, Learn, Explore India
Benefits By taking part in the program, students will return with a heightened appreciation of contemporary India, its culture and history, and its educational and political landscape. Past students from the wider Victorian Young Leaders Program have returned with greater confidence and developed a broader, international perspective on their future careers.
Benefits for students include:
intercultural understanding and awareness
feeling a sense of achievement
Costs The VYL India Pilot Program is funded through a co- contribution model, with parents contributing $3,000 per student and the Department funding the balance of the core program costs*. To reduce the effect of disadvantage, over a third of places will be fully-funded by the Department for students whose parent / guardian holds a current healthcare or pensioner concession card naming the student.
The Department will fund core program costs for the accompanying teacher. Schools will fund contingency costs for medical or daily expenses in-country.
Any incidental costs (e.g. passports and spending money) are the responsibility of the participating students, their parents/guardians and teachers.
*Core program costs include:
• travel arrangements, including return airfares, visas and insurance
• tuition, accommodation, meals, excursions in India
• student uniform and curriculum materials.
Schools are responsible for collecting the $3,000 co- contribution from parents/students, to be paid to the Department (or their representative) for program delivery.
How to apply Contact your school to learn how you can apply.
To find out more, see: learning-programs/young-leaders-to-india/Pages/ default.aspx
engagement with international STEM educational and career pathways
student leadership skills, including interpersonal skills, public-speaking
skills and inspiring confidence and self-sufficiency in unfamiliar
projects in India

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