Page 1: Localizing & Micro-Targeting Mobile Advertising at Scale · and social media ad campaigns by allowing a corporate marketer to create a campaign one time and place the ad on behalf


Localizing & Micro-Targeting Mobile Advertising at ScaleHow to save time and money while delivering highly relevant mobile and social media ads

Page 2: Localizing & Micro-Targeting Mobile Advertising at Scale · and social media ad campaigns by allowing a corporate marketer to create a campaign one time and place the ad on behalf

Denim | Localizing & Micro-Targeting Mobile Advertising at Scale 2

It’s no wonder: The average U.S. consumer spends around five hours a day on mobile devices. About half of that time is spent in social, messaging, media, and entertainment apps.2 Increasingly, companies are realizing advertising on these channels is a powerful and cost-effective way to engage consumers and grow their businesses.

However, taking a “spray-and-pray” approach — blasting a message out to everyone and hoping it will reach someone likely to respond — no longer cuts it. Today’s digital consumers expect the companies they do business with to deliver highly relevant and personalized experiences. That’s where mobile and social come in.

When consumers are presented with mobile and social media ads, they are more likely to take action if the ads are:

1. Relevant to their lives, and2. Delivered from local businesses or agents.

To successfully present relevant, local ads, basic behavioral and geographic data must be matched with potential customers. Once an ad is presented, it’s beneficial to track clicks, ad engagements, and what people do after clicking the ad. Do they buy something? Do they set up an appointment? Do they browse for five seconds and leave?

These data points, individually, don’t tell us much. But strung together, they tell a rich story about that consumer and what makes him or her tick. As a result, it’s now possible to deliver localized, micro-targeted ads at scale. Read on to find out how.


It’s important to understand the meaning of data collected around local markets and glean actionable insights so future campaigns are more effective. Every campaign run generates more data points and more meaning around what customers want from an ad, and how they respond to it.

For insurance and financial services companies to stay ahead of the game, connecting with consumers on a local level is key. Many consumers don’t have an intrinsic connection with a national brand logo, but they can create a tangible connection with an insurance agent who lives in the same community. This localization is highly beneficial for both companies and consumers.

Spending on mobile advertising is expected to increase 92 percent

from $53 billion in 2017 to $102 billion in 2021. And by 2021, mobile

advertising will represent nearly 80 percent of total digital ad spending.1

1. eMarketer, Mobile Ad Spending, 20182. Flurry Analytics, U.S. Consumers Time-Spent on Mobile Crosses 5 Hours a Day, 2017

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Localization allows companies to:• Meet people where they are geographically,• Be present where people are looking for

connection, and• Make their brands more relevant at the local


Localization allows consumers to:• See products and services that are physically

nearby and easy to access,• Connect with someone in their local market,

and• Have greater confidence in their decision to

work with the company.

Implementing data insights to improve localization and better reach target markets is key in this industry. Consider how your marketing team might implement localization in social media ads to better connect with potential customers, offering services and solutions right when people need them, right where they are already looking.

Because ads placed by Denim® are localized to consumers within a geofence around a local agent or advisor’s office location, they’re always relevant and useful to the consumers who see them.


Customer expectations are shifting rapidly. Today’s consumers aren’t benchmarking insurance and financial services firms against other insurance and financial services firms only; they’re comparing them to all the experiences they receive from increasingly digital brands like Amazon, Apple, Google, and Facebook.

Consumers expect the companies they do business with to understand their preferences and anticipate their needs. They want to find answers to their questions with ease, buy essentially anything online, have it delivered to their front step within a day or two, and have it all in one seamless, digital experience.

What does all this mean for marketing and customer experience leaders at insurance and financial services companies? Micro-targeted marketing and customer engagement is the way of the future. When implementing a new strategy to better personalize the consumer experience, it should be done with a consumer-first mindset. For example, rather than asking, “Which consumers should be excluded from this campaign?” ask, “Which consumers will be most likely to find value in this offer and take action?”

Whenever a consumer engages with your brand in a digital way — clicking on an ad, visiting your social media pages or website, opening an email, chatting with a customer service representative — he or she leaves a digital trail. That digital trail tells a lot about how to best engage or retarget that consumer and add value to his or her life.

This, we believe, is the best path to micro-targeted marketing and customer engagement. It’s why Denim is using the more than 1 billion data points we’ve collected on consumer engagement with mobile and social media ads to help our customers make smarter marketing decisions.

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Mobile and social media advertising is not a new phenomenon to corporate marketers. In fact, Facebook launched its first advertising option in 2005. A decade later, annual social network ad spending reached more than $10 billion, and by 2019, it is expected to surpass $30 billion.3

There are many reasons mobile and social media are such appetizing channels to digital marketers. Not only do they allow companies to reach consumers where they already are, but they also offer far greater targeting parameters than traditional marketing. However, companies operating in an agent distribution model that haven’t enabled localized advertising are leaving meat on the bone.

Marketers understand the value of delivering localized ads on behalf of their distribution base. But they often operate under the belief that it’s impossible to achieve on mobile and social media due to the heavy lift it would entail. To deliver localized ads through a platform like Facebook Ads Manager requires corporate marketers to set up a separate campaign for each agent or advisor — a tedious and time-consuming task that is simply not scalable.

Scale, oftentimes, is an enemy to corporate marketers. They know campaigns that are localized and micro-targeted will perform better than campaigns that paint with a broad stroke, but they also believe it can’t be done at scale.

The Denim platform solves the scale challenge by enabling marketers to deliver localized ads for an unlimited number of agents and advisors across Facebook News Feed, Right Rail, Instant Messenger, mobile websites, mobile apps, and more. The proprietary platform simplifies the process of building and launching mobile and social media ad campaigns by allowing a corporate marketer to create a campaign one time and place the ad on behalf of a group of connected agents or advisors.

With the Denim platform, it doesn’t matter if the marketer is launching a campaign for 10 agents or 10,000 agents; it only takes two minutes. To learn more and see how the Denim platform will work for your unique business case, schedule a demo!


Denim® is reimagining marketing and distribution with intelligent, data-driven technology. Designed with today’s mobile and social consumers in mind, Denim’s patent-pending platform saves time and money by changing the way insurance and financial services companies market, engage, and sell. With a focus on delivering a simple and intuitive platform, Denim not only delivers results, it’s enjoyable to use. To learn more, visit

© 2018 Denim Labs, Inc. All rights reserved. Patent pending. Denim® and the Denim drive logo are trademarks of Denim Labs, Inc.

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3. eMarketer, Social Network Ad Spending, 2017

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