
Schools and universities

We offer top end solutions for schools and universities to improve service provision and reduce wastage.

The products include;

Eye-D (Bus Manifest)

Eye-D tracks students as they embark and disembark from school buses and sends alerts to parent notifying them of these events. The alerts contain google map locations so that parents can confirm where their children are supposed to be.

Eye-D uses different technologies according to the clients’ needs. One can use iris biometrics only, NFC or a combination of both. When iris is used, it requires an android iris device which takes a photo of the student’s eyes as they embark/ disembark from school bus. This is matched with the template onboard the device and a match is made. The system then alerts the parents of this event via text message.

If NFC is used, the bus attendant simply taps on the student’s NFC wristband and a positive match is made. The system will alert the parents via text message of this events.

EYE-D (class attendance)

Students can be tracked as they attend class and parents notified of these events using either the iris, NFC or both depending on the school’s needs. The process is similar to that of the bus.

Eye-D (gate solution)

To secure the school and account for staff and visitors, an iris camera or NFC access control reader is attached to a full height turnstile that allows access to only authorized persons who have already been pre-enrolled. The turnstile has ant-tailgate features that ensures one person at a time can access the building/compound.

Eye-D meals

Students and staff can easily be accounted for when taking meals. This ensures that the school has verifiable data of how many people are taking meals on any given day/week/month for proper planning and reducing wastage of valuable resources.

These numbers can also be reconciled with invoice form the food vendors to ensure the numbers add up and avoid being overcharged.

For school feeding programs being run by NGOs and other agencies, this is a great tool to mitigate fraud and wastage of minimal resources. The system relies on attendance records and not enrollment figures as other systems do.

The fact is that a school can have 1000 students enrolled but only 600 attend on a regular basis. In this way, the school will only plan for the 600 regular students and not the 1000 enrolled. The same works in planning for all other consumables used by students such as books, sanitary pads, learning materials, shoes, uniforms, as well as infrastructure like sanitation.

Eye-D Library

This module allows librarian to track how many books are currently available, which student has what book(s), when they are due, send reminders to students to return books on due date, blacklist students who do not return books.

Eye-D Teacher

This tracks the attendance of teachers and other staff to ensure that they are in class teaching the kids or attending to their duties.

Eye-D Dashboard

All events are viewed on a dashboard as they happen in real-time. Reports are easily customized and generated at will.

Hospitals and clinics

Data lock ltd has developed a range of products for hospitals and clinics to manage staff, reduce medical errors, and increase service provision. Some of these products are;


Medi-Tag address the issue of infant safety to mitigate theft, mix up or foul play. It uses NFC technology to pair the mother and child during their stay at the hospital. The wristbands used a tamper proof and once removed, the data is damaged.

No infant is allowed to leave the hospital without a tag which has to be paired and matched to that of the mother. A positive pairing will indicate a green light on the app with an audible sound while a mismatch will indicate red with an audible as well.

Only green parings are allowed to leave the hospital while red are kept in for further investigations. This ensures that the rightful infant leaves with the right mother.

Medi tag can also track vaccination of infants in and out of the hospital as well as send out reminders to mothers via text messages on the next vaccination date.

Within the hospital, medical-tag ensures the right patient is given the correct medication at the scheduled time. It does this by first sending alerts to nurses that a certain patient is due for medication. It gives the patient location and what medication to give at the correct dosage. The nurse will go to the chemist who will verify the medication is for the right patient before releasing to nurse. Nurse will tap on the patient’s wristband to verify it is the correct one before proceeding to medicate. The patient record is updated and reports can be viewed and generated at will

Medi-Tag is very powerful as it can help hospitals better manage staff and resources, and reduce medical errors which can lead to law suits.

Hospital Management System

Our Hospital management system allows for the digitization of all patient records, updating of the records and sharing of records with relevant agencies and other hospitals to mitigate fraud, increase service provision and disease surveillance. The HMS can keep track of staff to ensure they are at their designated sites, keep track of drugs to ensure the correct stock levels at all times. Low stocks automatically trigger alerts which generate invoices for placing orders so that the hospital always has enough stock. Theft is also mitigated as the drug store has a biometric lock that allows only authorized personnel access. Each drug removed from the store is also logged via NFC or barcode scans and these can easily be reconciled with patient records to see if they add up.

Government and NGO

AFIS for law enforcement

Automated Fingerprint Identification System digitizes the manual process of booking suspects in the police stations.

Law enforcement agencies can now identify suspects much faster and update their criminal records as needed. Data can also be shared with other agencies when the need arises to allow for thorough investigations where a suspect is being looked for by one agency for a serious crime yet another is holding him for a minor offence and are about to release him.

Our AFIS can easily be upgraded to include iris, face, voice and DNA which we refer to as ABIS (Automated Biometric I identification System)


Integrated Child Identification Management System can be used by any government of NGO to ensure that the basic rights of a child are met. These include birth records, vaccinations, school enrollment, health services, school feeding, and personal safety.

ICIMS makes employs two main technologies in the form of iris and NFC. We chose iris because unlike fingerprint which stabilize at age 12, they stabilize at 18 months and stay that way till death. A child need only be registered once and they can be tracked all the way to adulthood. This will give government accurate figures of the children in the country and their current locations once they enroll in schools.

Enrollment can be done by the community health workers as they vaccinate the children. Those already in school can easily be enrolled into the system. Any child missing school for 3 consecutive days will be ref flagged and alert sent to department of children services who will in turn launch an investigation via local chiefs to find out the status of the child. If there is foul play where the safety of the child has been compromised or rights violated, a report is made and further action taken.

Teachers who suspect a child has been abused or is being abused can anonymously report this directly to child helpline who will launch an investigation together with DCS to ensure the child receive justice.

Students who have been abused by parents and or teachers can also report this violation using the free app available of google playstore.

School attendance is very important as this is the data that should be used when allocating resources and not school enrollment. NGOs, can easily access these data to see where best to place resources for intervention programs such as school feeding, sanitary pads, sanitation facilities, uniforms, books, shoes, etc. Data is key in decision making and without verifiable data, there is no way of knowing what is working and what is not.

ICIMS provides the ability to track the following:

· Number of children enrolled in schools from ECD level (most vulnerable)

· Number of children absent from school (red flag this group)

· Number of children reported missing

· Number of children who have missed their vaccination

· Number of reported child abuse cases by type and region

· Number of children who have not joined form one due to lack of fees (Another vulnerable group)

· Number of children in Kenya as whole (each with their unique NFC/biometric identifier)

· Number of children in homes

· Quality ratings of the children’s homes

· Quality ratings of schools

· Number of children reunited with loved ones after rescue

· Number of children living on the streets

· Which adoption agency has custody of which children

· The current location of an adopted child (locally/abroad)

· The welfare of every school going child in Kenya (via class attendance)

· Report generation


· Curb Radicalization

· Track school enrollment and class attendance

· Curb child abuse

· Curb child labor

· Curb FGM

· Curb early child marriages

· Curb sex tourism

· Curb child trafficking

· Reunite lost/missing kids with loved ones

· Generate real-time reports (verifiable)


Since farmers use their hands a lot, their fingerprints can easily get damaged making it hard for them to be identified when accessing certain government services like subsidies on farming products or when receiving cash payments. Our iris biometric system ensures that everyone is enrolled and verified because iris are protected and do not suffer from wear and tear like fingerprints do.

Eye-D Farmers provides the ability to manage data from enrollment of Iris and head shots, tracking farmer’s, yields per acreage of farm land, among other events. Its main objective is to improve yields and share pertinent information with enrolled farmers in real time. It also mitigates fraud by tracking the funds availed to each farmer according to the actual enrolment figures.

Eye-D Farmers can also help in realizing one of the BIG four agendas as laid out by the president of Kenya that touches on food security. By mitigating fraud, sharing information with farmers on best farm practice and increasing yields, the country can be one step closer to realizing the goal of food security and can be used by other farmers to achieve the same in their respective crops.

With so many farmers to account for, it becomes extremely difficult and tedious to achieve this task with current manual systems in place. Some strides have been able to automate farmer management by introducing fingerprint scanning and while this is a step in the right direction, fingerprints are prone to errors especially when dealing with farmers who have damaged prints due to the harsh conditions they expose their fingers to everyday. They also remain costly as they have to be replaced often given the huge farmer population and failure rates when verifying and or enrolling.


Hunger Safety Net Programme (Sh4.5 billion), the Cash Transfer for Orphans and Vulnerable Children, (Sh7.95 billion), the Older Persons Cash Transfer (Sh17.3 billion), and the Cash Transfer for Persons with Severe Disabilities (Sh1.2 billion). This can also be used for refugees and displaced persons to mitigate fraud and enhance service provision.

Children below 12yrs of age can’t be fingerprinted, the elderly and manual laborers like farmers, quarry workers, mechanics have worn out fingerprints which presents a huge problem when either enrolling or verification for the cash transfer project. Fingerprints are also not viable on amputees and have security concerns. Our iris technology can be of benefit to this group.

Combining NFC and iris as a two factor authentication when receiving funds increases the security of the program and ensures only the rightful persons receive the funds. All beneficiaries will first be enrolled using the iris and be given an NFC wristband that embeds their iris template. When receiving funds anywhere in the country be it at a bank or remote village, the person simply has the eye scanned and wristband tapped to compare the two at which pint they a positively identified and cash released.

This innovation can be used for any other service the government is implementing to mitigate fraud, and increase service provision.

Eye-D Attendance

Eliminate ghost workers and save the county millions in lost revenue. Ensure that employees are at their work areas whether inside the building or out in the field.

Using our unique biometric technology, county governments can now easily account for all employees keeping track of how much time they actually spend working thus improving service provision. Reduce Wage Bill and increase service provision

The same system can be used for County government elections and voting on bills and other agendas Eliminate time wasted in the voting process by implementing the biometric voting tool and get results in real-time.

Post non repudiate results which is acceptable to all parties involved in the shortest time possible. Do away with ballot papers and use digital ones activated by person’s iris.

Eye-D Documents

Document Security & Management Systems (secure all government & county government official documents using biometrics)

Unscrupulous individuals are fleecing the government, counties, and corporates, millions of shillings in fake documentations such as business permits, health licenses, court orders, liquor licenses payment receipts etc.

Our technology is able to engrave biometric markers on official documents and enable third party to verify authenticity of the said documents in real time. Rights owners can also verify these documents when carrying out inspections using our app on a mobile device. No document can be printed without first requesting for the iris image of the person authorized to print. Once iris is presented, the printer is activated and document printed.

When someone wants to verify the document, they simply go to the organization’s website and input the unique code that has been printed at the bottom of the document. This code will fetch the original document in the organizations server and display it for the person to compare word for word. If the document was fake, it would not have contained the unique number. If by chance it had a code, it would not have reflected in the system and thus termed a fake. In the age of fake documentation that can quickly circulate on social media with devastating effects on organizations and or individuals, this is a very effective too and a must for those wishing to protect their brand and reputation.

Eye-D Visitor

Our Visitor management system digitizes the booking process of all visitors in and out of a building or facility. Currently, most buildings make use of manual logs to record visitors. This is an outdated method that presents a lot of disadvantages;

· Slow and tedious

· Difficult to account for staff and visitors

· Data not secured

· Impedes investigations in the event of emergency

· Does little to deter attacks

· Very vulnerable (contractors and suppliers verification)

Our VMS is very easy to use and can either be on a mobile device such as phone or tablet or a desktop such a PC or laptop. The time taken to account for staff and visitors is very minimal and does not hinder traffic flow when compared to the manual system. Companies can choose from a simple app to the more complex that includes full body turnstiles.

Visitors can pre-register using a simple phone or online and receive a unique code which they will share with guard once they arrive at the site. Using the app or desktop app, the guard will simply input the code and the visitor’s details will be displayed on screen including the host or department being visited. The guard can compare these details to the ones on the ID card and proceed to capture the photo of the visitor upon which he will scan the visitor badge and hand it to the visitor. Access is then granted. The host will then receive a text message or email that the visitor has arrived.

Upon exit, the visitor will hand the badge back to the guard who will scan it and the visitor will now be logged out of the building. These events can easily be viewed on a dashboard and reports generated at will.

Another key feature of the VMS is the guard tour that ensures guards are not asleep during the b=night shift and that they have covered all their designated zones within the compound. This way, they will never be caught napping by intruders and will always be alert in the event of an emergency.


EYE-D Telco

The rising incidence of Subscribers Identification Module swap fraud in the country has become a major concern for stakeholders in the financial and telecommunication industry. Telecoms subscribers are also concerned that the same manner in which airtime is lost on the mobile devices will play out when mobile financial services are handled by network operators.

The law requires telecommunications firms such as Safaricom, Airtel and Telkom Kenya or their appointed agents to register SIM card owners after noting down their full name, identity card number, date of birth, gender, physical and postal address.

Fraudsters use different methods, including stolen or forged national identity cards, to register different SIM cards accounts and use the same to steal funds from unsuspecting subscribers’ accounts.

Eye-D telco can mitigate cases of SIM swap as the only way a person can acquire a SIM card is to have their iris captured and number paired to their unique iris template. When a person wishes to replace their lost or stolen Sim card, they will present themselves to any registered provider where they will present their iris for scanning as well as their phone number. This is effectively a 1:1 matching which happens in a matter of seconds and if he is in the system, a positive hot will be made displaying his passport photo along with other biodata.

This will effectively protect all Teloc customers from becoming victims of SIM swap as well as reduce cases where prisoners get access to SIM cards and terrorize citizens. Truly, our EYE-D Telco is the best tool for Telco firms to adopt in the war against SIM swap Fraud. Some of the key benefits are;

· Protect you customers

· Deter the practice

· Eliminate the practice all together

· Prisoners now locked out from accessing SIM cards

· Track online child exploitation

· Mitigate financial fraud

· Enhance mobile security

· Enhance overall security

Events and Conferences organizers

Eye-D Ticketing

Both event organizers and conference hosts have a hard time securing the venue, tracking ticket sales and meals taken per delegate to ensure they have not been overcharged. Eye-D ticketing is the solution that allows revelers or delegates to simply register on line and purchase the ticket as needed. At the venue, they simply share their unique codes that is generated by the system upon making payments. The attendance simply input this code in the app which will display the details of the person.

If it happens to be an event like a concert or sports, the attendant simply taps on an NFC wristband which writes the data onto the tag and wraps it around the person’s wrist upon which they are allowed entry. VVIP and VIP ticket holders can be given upgraded tags to allow for cashless payment within the venue as well as loyalty points for future promotions. When exiting, the wrist is again tapped and the person is logged out of the event. This allows first responders to have a true manifest of the persons in the venue in the event of an emergency.

If the event is a conference, the person will follow the same procedure as above only thing different is that they will have and NFC sticker placed on their badges upon which it will be scanned and they will be logged into the venue. During meals, the badges are tapped and the organizer will get a true account of how many of the delegates actually took meals.

Upon exiting, the badge is tapped and the delegate is logged out of the venue. This is especially helpful to account for persons in the event of an emergency.

Construction Firms

Eye-D Construction

Get more efficient. Get Digital Biometric Time Tracking.

Make your construction business smarter and more efficient today with digital biometric time tracking that captures remote workers’ accurate start and stop times, and much more—so you can manage labor costs, equipment's and deliveries in real time. 

Biometrics are great for most industries, but construction has proven tricky because of grimy hands, wet weather, no electricity: all of these get in the way of traditional biometrics devices at outdoor work sites. Plus, many unions object to the collection of common biometric data.

Luckily, Eye-D, Iris verification confirms attendance without the difficulty or controversy of collecting fingerprints. This makes us an ideal fit for construction sites and other industries where other biometric platforms just don’t work.

Track workers anywhere with our Eye-D mobile app and manage it all in one place. Our user-friendly software is cloud-based, so the password-protected data can be accessed from any computer and synced with any payroll program.

Eye-D mobile time tracking allows you to easily monitor workers’ time, attendance and location across your job sites from a mobile clock-in app.

By making the switch, you’ll free yourself from the hassle of paper time cards or manual records keeping and gain 100% accurate labor and other pertinent data, saving you time and money.

All data in our Eye-D app is synced to the cloud instantly for permissions-based access from anywhere.

What Is a Biometric Time Clock?

A biometric time and attendance system is a time clock that tracks some unique physical characteristic (iris) of each employee when they clock in or out.

Biometric data comes in many forms, such as vascular patterns, fingerprints, iris patterns and voice recognition. In Eye-D Mobile’s case, our time clock app captures an iris of the employee every time they clock in or out.

Regardless of which method is used, biometrics cannot be forged or faked, which makes them a foolproof method for accurately tracking your employees’ time.

· Ease of use for clocking in employees or crews

· Automated data collection saves time

· Elimination of time theft and buddy punching

· Seamless integration into payroll systems, account systems and billing systems

· Better security for both employees and supervisors

· Track equipment, tools and supplies

· Verify qualifications of workers and ensue they have the right certificates and are current

· Black list unqualified or banned workers

· Share info with other construction forms on suspect workers

· Increase service provision


EYE-D Finance

KYC Stands for “Know Your Customer”. Know your customer (KYC) policy is an important step developed globally to prevent identity theft, financial fraud, money laundering and terrorist financing. The objective of KYC is to enable banks, insurance firms and other financial institutions to know and understand their customers better and help them manage their risks prudently.

Most banks and insurance firms employ the use of fingerprints to verify customers when delivering services. While fingerprints are ok, they do suffer from major draw backs;

· Easily fooled (can be copied)

· Difficulty reading

· Not very secure

· Hygiene issues

· Dirt and grease (constant cleaning)

· Damaged fingers

· Time Lapse

· Not very accurate (only 60 points of reference)

People who use their hands on a daily basis for work can have difficulties being recognized by the system due to wear and tear of their prints. Old persons as well with faded prints will face the same issues. It is also easy to spread diseases as one is required to touch the fingerprint scanner to be recognized. It has also been demonstrated how easy is it is to copy someone else's fingerprints.

We offer our Eye-D finance as a better option to conduct KYC operations. Already leading the way at ports of entry, banking, and military facilities….Fingerprint technology is obsolete and has already been surpassed by iris technology in places that demand high accuracy and security.

Old people with faded prints as well as casual laborers can easily be recognized by the iris scanners as the iris are not subjected to wear and tear as is the case with fingerprints. Since it is non-contact, no footprint is left behind thus making it impossible to reverse engineer. Some of the benefits are;

· Can’t be copied

· Non-contact

· No Hygiene issues

· Highly secure (second only to DNA)

· Very accurate as it has 200 points of reference

· Easily read by scanner

· Less false acceptance/reject rates as compared to fingerprints

· Faster to match as templates are smaller

· Affordable as costs have come down to level of fingerprint scanners

· Can be integrated to mobile banking to enhance security

Onboarding customers is very easy and takes just seconds. No need to touch any surface and thus reduces the chances of spreading communicable diseases in public places especially now with the cholera outbreak.

Insurance firms can also benefit as onboarding children will now be possible given the fact that iris stabilize ay 18 months while fingerprints at 12 years of age. It is the main reason why insurance forms have had issues verifying children later when they try to access services.

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