
Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower LImb

Lower Limbn Skeleton (homologous with upper limb)n Muscles--anterior, posterior

compartmentsn Nerves--sciatic, femoraln Surface anatomy

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower LImb

Upper-Lower Limb ComparisonSee Table M&M, Table 8.1

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower LImb

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower LImb


n Tibia--big toe siden Fibula--little toe side(no pronation/supination)

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower LImb


n Tarsus--forms ankle joint

n Calcaneus--forms heel

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower LImb

Foot n Function:n Support weightn Act as lever when walking

n Tarsalsn Talus = ankle

• Between tibia + fibula• Articulates w/both

n Calcaneus = heel• Attachment for Calcaneal

tendon• Carries talus

n Metatarsalsn Homologous to metacarpals

n Phalangesn Smaller, less nimble

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower LImb

Joints of Lower Limbn Hip (femur +

acetabulum)n Ball + socketn Multiaxialn Synovial

n Knee (femur + patella)n Plane n Gliding of patellan Synovial

n Knee (femur + tibia)n Hingen Biaxialn Synovial

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower LImb

Joints of Lower Limb

n Proximal Tibia + Fibulan Planen Glidingn Synovial

n Distal Tibia + Fibulan Slight “give”n Fibrous

n Ankle (Tibia/Fibula + Talus)n Hingen Uniaxialn Synovial

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Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower LImb

Lower Limb Movementsn Hip

n Flexion/extensionn Abduction/adductionn Lateral/medial rotation

n Kneen Flexion/extension

n Anklen Dorsiflexion/plantarflexionn Inversion/eversion

n Toesn Flexion/extension

n Bending on posterior side is flexion (except hip)

n Bending on anterior sided is extension (except hip)

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower LImb

Anterior/Posterior compartments



MOVEMENT Extension Flexion



NERVES Femoral n.(lumbar plexus)

Sciatic n.(sacral plexus)

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower LImb

Thigh movements by compartment

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower LImb

Posterior Thigh

n Gluts (gluteal nn.)n Maximus—extensor of thighn Medius--pelvic tilt

n Lateral rotators (spinal nn.)n Piriformis syndrome

n Hamstrings (sciatic n.)n Biceps femorisn Semimembranousn Semitendinous

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower LImb

Anterior thigh (femoral n.)

n Sartorius (Tailor’s muscle)

n Quads (four)n Rectus femoris

(crosses hip)n 3 vastus mm.


Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower LImb

Medial compartment (obturator n.)

n Adductor musclesn Gracilisn Adductor

• Magnus• Longus• brevis

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower LImb

Leg movements by compartment (in leg all nn are branches of sciatic)

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower LImb

Anterior Leg (deep fibular n.)

n Extensor digitorum longus

n Extensor hallicus longus

n Tibialis anteriorus

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower LImb

Lateral Leg (superficial fibular n.)

n Fibularis brevis/longus

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower LImb

Posterior Leg (tibial n.)

n Gastrocs and soleusn Flexor digitorum

longusn Flexor hallucus


Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower LImb

Intrinsics of foot

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower LImb

n Lumbar plexus (femoral nerve)

n Sacral plexus (sciatic nerve)

With leg out to side like quadruped, lumbar-anterior, sacral-posterior makes sense

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower LImb

Dermatomes show twisting of leg in development

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower LImb

Blood supply to lower limb

n Internal Iliacn Cranial + Caudal Gluteals= glutealsn Internal Pudendal = perineum, external

genitalian Obturator = adductor muscles

n External Iliacn Femoral = lower limb

• Deep femoral = adductors, hamstrings, quadriceps

n Popliteal (continuation of femoral) • Geniculars = knee• Anterior Tibial = ant. leg muscles, further

branches to feet• Posterior Tibial = flexor muscles, plantar

arch, branches to toes

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower LImb

Surface Anatomy: Posterior Pelvis

n Iliac crestn Gluteus maximus = cheeksn Natal/gluteal cleft = crackn Gluteal folds = bottom of cheek

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Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower LImb

Surface Anatomy: Anterior Thigh + Leg

n Palpaten Patellan Condyles of femur

n Femoral Trianglen Sartorius (lateral)n Adductor longus (medial)n Inguinal ligament

(superior)n Femoral a + v, lymph

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Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower LImb

Surface Anatomy: Posterior Leg

n Popliteal fossan Diamond-shape fossa

behind kneen Boundaries

n Biceps femoris (sup-lat)n Semitendinosis +

semimembranosis (sup-med)

n Gastrocnemius heads (inf)n Contents

n Popliteal a + v

n Calcaneal (Achilles) tendonpg 793

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