
lunes/martes (4/15-16)

Vámonos Translate the following sentences to Spanish.

1. The teacher will work in the school.2. The nurse will study for (para) the test. 3. I will be a soldier or a translator. 4. We will visit the fire fighters. 5. Will you be a mechanic or a gardener?

Anuncios- Monday/Tuesday: prepare for performance-based

assessment, complete draft of project- Wednesday/Thursday: performance-based

assessment and complete final project- DuoLingo due Sunday night at midnight

El futuro

To form the future tense: 1. Start with the INFINITIVE of a verb (comer, bailar, vivir, etc.)

- DO NOT REMOVE AR/ER/IR2. Add the following new verb endings to the infinitive -->

El futuro → endings

Yo -é Nosotros -emosTú -ásÉl/Ella -á Ellos/Ellas -án

Algunos ejemplos

- I will eat - you will dance - she will live - we will talk - they will study

- Yo comeré - Tú bailarás- Ella vivirá- Nosotros hablaremos - Ellos se estudiarán

Los irregulares

Salir (to leave) → saldr-

Venir (to come) → vendr-

Tener (to have) → tendr-

Poder (to be able to) → podr-

Decir (to say) → dir-

Hacer (to do) → har-

Querer (to want) → querr-

Saber (to know) → sabr-

Algunos ejemplos

- I will be able to- you will say- she will leave- we will do- they will come

- Yo podré - Tú dirás- Ella saldrá- Nosotros haremos - Ellos se vendrán

Entertainment jobs

El actorLa actriz

la pintora

Entertainment jobs

el artistaEl músico

la cantante

Safety and Service

El bombero

La soldado

la policía

El cartero

Professional roles

La médica

El abogado

La enfermera

Professional roles La traductora

La consejera

El profesor

La ministra

Small business roles

El banquero

El jardinero

La peluquera

La cocinera

Small Business Roles

El electricista

La mecánica

La secretaria

El conserje

Vocabulario profesional

- job, employment- employee- boss- to hire- to fire- resumé- interview- application (for a job)

- El empleo- El empleado/la empleada - El jefe/la jefa- Contratar - Echar - El currículum - La entrevista- La solicitud

Vocabulario del futuro

- in the future- next year- soon- one day- tomorrow- the day after tomorrow

- En el futuro - El próximo año - Pronto- Un día- Mañana- Pasado mañana

Performance-based assessmentDirections: You are the class valedictorian and you are being interviewed for the local news about what you are going to do in the future. Tell the reporter your name and at least SEVEN things you will do in the future. Think about going to college, getting a job, traveling, buying a house/car, starting a family, etc. You should use the future tense for everything you will do in the future.

Performance-based assessment- No notes- One-on-one assessment- Grade based on grammar, fluency, and effort

Tu proyecto: ¿Quién era, quién soy, y quién seré?Your assignment: Write a thoughtful piece in 30 sentences. Use 10 to talk about who you used to

be. Use 10 to talk about who you are now. Use 10 to talk about who you will be in the future.You can discuss anything! Be creative and be true to who

you are. Block day 1: 30 sentences drafted

Block day 2: final draft done

Tu proyecto: ¿Quién era, quién soy, y quién seré?

Yo soy maestra y estudiante. Tengo veintisiete años.Soy una mujer, y vivo en Atlanta lejos de mi familia. Soy una amiga.Tengo dos gatos.Soy apasionada y fuerte.

Yo siempre seré maestra y estudiante.Siempre tendré compasión para jóvenes.Seré una mujer independiente.Yo podré cuidar a mi familia.Yo seré consejera.

Yo era una niña muy curiosa. Me gustaba jugar con mi hermano y mi prima. Yo tenía un perro.Yo estudiaba después de la escuela. Yo comía manzanas y fresas.

Tu proyecto: ¿Quién era, quién soy, y quién seré?

Past tense Present Tense

Future Tense Presentation Effort/Use of Class Time

Excellent (15-20)

Few to no mistakes

Few to no mistakes

Few to no mistakes

Colorful, neat Used class time well, put forth best effort

Good (8-14)

Considerable (5+ errors)

Considerable (5+ errors)

Considerable (5+ errors)

Could have been better

Didn’t use class time in most efficient way

Poor (0-7)

Many (10+ errors)

Many (10+ errors)

Many (10+ errors)

No effort toward presentation

Used class time poorly

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