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Page 1: Making an Argument

Making an ArgumentVocabulary to Know

Page 2: Making an Argument


• A statement of something as a fact, true, or right

•His claim of innocence did not have any evidence.

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• Something that actually exists, reality, truth

• She relied on the fact that the sun comes up each morning.

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• A belief or judgment, a personal view, attitude, or appraisal

• It was her opinion that peas were a terrible vegetable.

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• a process of reasoning; a series of reasons• I could not follow his argument.

• a statement, reason, or fact for or against a point.• There is a strong argument in favor of that theory.

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• a statement presented in justification or explanation of a belief or action

•George gave many reasons for not doing his homework.

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• that which tends to prove or disprove something; proof

• Susan’s flushed look was visible evidence of her fever.

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Choose one of the following claims and practice making your argument:

• Playing sports is better than playing video games.

OR• Playing video games is better than playing sports.

Page 9: Making an Argument


Choose one of the following claims and practice making your argument:

• Reading books is better than watching TV or movies.

OR•Watching TV or movies is better than reading books.

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