Page 1: Managing - Rutgers University

Managing & Leading

From Maintaining Order to Encouraging Change

Management Leadership

What’s the Difference?

Tricia Nolfi, 2019

Leadership & ManagementLeadership ActivitiesProduces change and movementFocuses on:○ Establishing direction○ Aligning people ○ Motivating/inspiring


Management ActivitiesProduces order and consistencyFocuses on:○ Planning and

budgeting○ Organizing people○ Controlling and

problem solving

3Kotter, 1990Tricia Nolfi, 2019

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Major activities of management and leadershipare played out differently, however, both are essential

for an organization to prosper and change.

Tricia Nolfi, 2019

From Maintaining Order to Inspiring Change

○ A leader’s style is composed of two major types of behaviors: task and relationship

○ An effective leadership style that is High-High style (i.e., high task/high relationship) is conducive for leading change

○ Which do you feel you focus on the most?

5Tricia Nolfi, 2019

● Heavy emphasis on structure and plans

● Focuses on schedules for getting things done

● Definines structure and goals

● High priority of task completion


○ Heavy focus on meeting needs of others

○ Considers employees strengths and weaknesses

○ Uses motivation to achieve goals

○ Pays attention to environmental conditions


Tricia Nolfi, 2019

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LEADING CHANGEWhy Is It So Important?


○ Current era of unprecedented change○ Accelerating pace of change○ Fastest penetration of new

technologies○ Significant shifts in citizen/consumer

preferences, government regulation, competition, and new organizational models

○ Redesigning organizations to be more nimble and agile is a priority of both public and private sector leaders

Change-oriented leadership

8Waldman, 2019; Bersin, J., McDowell, T., Rahnema, A., Durme, Y.V. ,2018)\ Tricia Nolfi, 2019

Push Your PerspectiveReact

Problem Solve




Anticipate Opportunities


Tricia Nolfi, 2019

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Key Behaviors● Embrace the speed of change● Encourage the free flow of ideas● Examine new communication tools● Remove obstacles● Implement continuous improvement


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Thank You!Dr. Tricia [email protected]


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Bersin, J., McDowell, T., Rahnema, A., Durme, Y.V. (2018). The organization of the future: Arriving now. Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends 2017. Deloitte University Press. Kotter, J. P. (1990). A force for change: how leadership differs from management. New York : London: Free Press ; Collier Macmillan.Northouse, P. G. (2018). Leadership: theory and practice (8th ed). Thousand Oaks: SAGE.Waldman, D. A., & O’Reilly, C. A. (2020). Leadership for organizations. Los Angeles: SAGE.



Tricia Nolfi, 2019

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