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School District

Texas SchoolPublic Relations


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Some Recent Headlines

Teacher disciplined for Facebook postings.

Schoolteacher suspended for Facebook gun photo.

Young teachers go wild on the web.

MySpace leads police to murder suspect.

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A social trend in whichpeople use technologies

to get the things they needfrom each other

rather thantraditional institutions.

What is Social Media?

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147,000,000 adults in the United States use the Internet on a daily basis.

57,000,000 adults in the United States read blogs on a daily basis.

12,000,000 adults in the United States keep or maintain a blog.

Some Interesting Statistics

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55% of the entireUnited States adult population

went online in 2008 to get involvedin the political process

or to get news and informationabout the election.

2008 Presidential Election

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Press ReleasesPrinted NewslettersBroadcast - TV/Radio


All In-Person Stuff

Traditional PR Institutions

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Interactive Network (MySpace)Interactive Network (Facebook)

Photo Sharing (Flickr)Video Sharing (YouTube)

Journal Publishing (Blogger)

Social Media Technologies

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Networking Tools (Linkedin)Presentation Sharing (SlideShare)

Journal Publishing (Blogger)Scrapbook Publishing (tumblr.)

Communication Service (twitter)

Social Media Technologies

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Let’s talk about

Social Media,

Baby Boomers,

Gen X, and Gen Y.

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Fear of Losing ControlFear of Negative FeedbackFear of Legal Repercussions

Fear of Change

Fear KillsSocial Media Efforts

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Social Media forces youto share control with

your publics.

The Scary Partfor School Districts ...

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Social Media can help youbuild and maintain

relationshipswith your publics.

The Not So Scary Partfor School Districts ...

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It stinks!

A way for teachersto get into trouble!

A way for citizens tocreate anti-blogs!

What most districtsthink about social media!

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Stand outin the crowd!

Share newswith more people!

Build relationships!

How social mediacan help school districts!

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Linked-In strengthens and extendsyour existing network of trusted contacts.

Linked-In is a networking tool thathelps you discover inside connections.

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SlideShare allows you to share yourPowerPoint and Keynote Presentations.

Share publicly or privately.

Add audio to make a webinar.

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Blogger is a free blog publishing tool foreasily sharing your thoughts with the world.

Blogger makes it simple to posttext, photos, and videos.

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If blogs are journals, tumblelogs are scrapbooks.

Tumblelogs are slightly more structured blogsthat make it faster and easier to post to.

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Twitter is a service forfriends, family, and co-workers to stay connected

through the exchange of quick answers.

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Are you in Cyberspace?

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Social Media Thought #1

Everything you write is a permanent record of your

professionalism.Sister St. Catherine - my 6th grade teacher

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Social Media Thought #2

Check personal sites regularly if the public has access to them.

Even if you don't post inappropriate material, that

doesn't mean your friends won't.

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Social Media Thought #3

Think before you post.If you’re wondering

“should I post this?” probably shouldn’t!

The world is your audience.

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