Download - March 2010


RAAF Vietnam Veterans

Association (Vic)

ABN 34 550 672 219


MARCH (April) 2010



The official journal of the RAAF Vietnam Veterans Association (Vic), a Sub-Branch of the Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia Victorian Branch Incorporated.

(Reg. No. A0029247G. ABN 34 750 672 219)

Patron: Air Vice Marshal E. M. Weller AM

PRESIDENT Lee Scully Phone (03) 9827-8313

IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Nick LeRay-Meyer AM Phone (03) 9386-6961

VICE PRESIDENT Gareth Davis Phone (03) 9878-7940

SECRETARY Rick Holmes PO Box 462

Ascot Vale Vic 3032

Phone (03) 9317-7304

[email protected]

TREASURER Maree Jongkryg PO Box 73

Melton Vic 3337

Phone (03) 9743-1273

[email protected]

WELFARE OFFICER Lee Scully Phone (03) 9827-8313

ASST SEC/MEMBERSHIP Gareth Davis Phone (03) 9878-7940

[email protected]

COMMITTEE MEMBER Alan White Phone (03) 9598-1007

COMMITTEE MEMBER Pieter Jongkryg Phone (03) 9743-1273

COMMITTEE MEMBER Bob Brackin Phone (03) 9534-8683

COMMITTEE MEMBER Andy Lapins Phone (03) 9511-4693

COMMITTEE MEMBER Geoff Rose Phone (03) 9372-7709

COMMITTEE MEMBER Neil Morgan Phone (03) 9687-8871

WEBMASTER Anthony (Tony) Pahl OAM [email protected] PUBLIC RELATIONS Tony Wheal Phone (03) 5254-2738

SPECIAL PROJECTS Nick LeRay-Meyer AM Phone (03) 9386-6961

SPECIAL PROJECTS Graeme Dodd OAM Phone (03) 9852-1653


Bill Wiltshire (Advocacy, Pensions & Welfare) Melton Phone (03) 9746-9582

Ron McMullen (Pensions & Welfare - information only) Laverton Phone (03) 9746-9582

David Taffe (Welfare & Pensions) Kilmore Phone (03) 5782-2779

Audrey Elliott (Welfare & Pensions) Wallan Phone (03) 5783-1567

Rob Hart (Welfare) Broadford Phone (03) 5784-4096

Lee and Ellen Scully (Welfare) Melbourne Metro Area Phone (03) 9827-8313


Western Suburbs Veterans and Services Centre Phone (03) 9746-9582 Fax (03) 9746-9583

Melbourne Veterans and Services Centre Phone (03) 9282-3518 Fax (03) 9282-7854


The material, comments and/or extracts of articles appearing in the “RAAF VIETNAM VETERANS NEWSLETTER” is of a

general nature only and neither purports to be, nor is intended to be, advice on any particular matter. No person should act on the

basis of any material contained in the NEWSLETTER without considering, and if necessary, taking appropriate professional advice

upon their circumstances. The RAAFVVA Committee, the authors and publisher expressly disclaim all and any liability to any

person, in respect of anything done or omitted to be done by any such person in reliance, whether whole or partial, upon the whole or

part of the contents of the “RAAFVVA NEWSLETTER”. Any member of the RAAFVVA, or other veteran organisation or any

interested party may submit articles, letters, and advertisements for publication in the NEWSLETTER. The Committee and

Publisher reserve the right to veto any such article, letter or advertisement.




(A final Report presented by Nick LeRay-Meyer AM prior to his stepping down at the 2010 AGM)

Members of the RAAFVVA For me, the highlight of 2009 was the return to Australia on 31st August of the mortal remains of the crew of Magpie 91, FLGOFF Mike Herbert (Pilot) and PLTOFF Bob Carver (Navigator) lost over Vietnam on 3rd November 1970. I believe I speak for many in considering that their return closed the "book" on Vietnam; poignantly termed "All Present and Correct" on a soon to be released DVD covering the "Closing of the Bracelets" ceremony conducted at the National Vietnam Veterans Museum. Their return was a direct result of the inspiration of LTCOL Jim Bourke who wasn't prepared to rest until all efforts had been expended to recover the six MIAs. He fully deserved the Certificate of Appreciation that we presented to him on behalf of our Association. Our Association continues to provide an effective service for the membership. Thanks to the efforts of Tony Pahl, our website is a most effective communication medium through which we can keep members informed on topical aspects affecting their retirement while also educating the newer generations on the contribution we made during our service to the Nation. Tony also revamped the website for the Victorian Division of the RAAF Association; it is now clearly the most informative of all the RAAF Association websites. Both are now regularly visited as can be seen by the "visit counter". The Monthly lunches continue to promote fellowship and support. During the year we changed the venue from the Palmerston to the renovated "Duckboard". There we now have a central, easily accessible meeting place where the food is cheap but substantial and the beer cold! I still consider that the RAAF Association's decision not to proceed with acquisition and renovation of the former "Duckboard" in Flinders Lane was a "golden opportunity" lost. If you have yet to join us at the Duckboard for a monthly lunch, I recommend you give it a try real soon. I'm sure you will not be disappointed. Despite our increasing age and the passing of several members, we have actually increased our membership this year. In several cases new members joined after attending one or other of our Commemoration meetings (ANZAC Day and Vietnam Veterans Day) while others renewed their membership after a lapse of a few years. To them all I say "Welcome"! For me personally, one of the disappointments for 2009 is the lack of interest by members in taking up the newly instigated RAAF Association "Concurrent Membership". I am well aware of the criticism of this Association – indeed I too was a critic – especially its indifference to other than WWII veterans. However, thanks to the leadership of the current RAAFA Victorian Division those deficiencies are slowly but surely being removed. Given that the Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia is currently looking at its future viability due to advancing age (five more years is being considered as its remaining tenure) of the membership, the RAAFA Association should be given due consideration. The other major disappointment of course is the lack of interest and response of the Federal Government in resolving the disgraceful inequity in our Pension indexation, highlighting the hollow words of its leadership when extolling the importance of the ADF's service to the nation. The Matthew's Report was a travesty – illogical, poorly argued and seemingly with answers formulated before the review even started. It would have surely received a "fail" at any Service Staff College! As outlined at the previous AGM, I am a firm believer that Association Office holders should not remain stagnant. Thus I will not be standing for re-election as your President but will stand aside in favour of Lee Scully, who has contributed so effectively over the past year as both Vice President and Welfare Officer. He fully deserves the support I feel sure you will provide to him.


I also take this opportunity to offer my appreciation to all the Committee members for their contribution throughout my two-year term as President. While all have provided sterling contributions I would be remiss not to single out Rick Holmes. As your Secretary he has expended a great deal of his time in conducting the myriad of administration tasks that are required of the Association and has continually actively supported all events. However, he too is looking for a rest and we are seeking members to offer their service to the Committee so that next year Rick can take a rest from the Secretary's duties. Finally, may I extend my appreciation to you all for your support. It has been both a privilege and pleasure to have been President of this Association and I thank you for the opportunity. May the future be everything you seek.

Regards to you all (New President, Lee Scully, has been away

Nick and therefore unable to submit his first Report)


Minutes of the 24TH Annual General Meeting

Held at the RAAF Association Headquarters

On Sunday 14th February 2010 Presentation of RAAFVVA Bursaries Prior to the RAAFVVA AGM the President recited the Ode and then formally welcomed RAAFA Board Members Vice President John McCrystal, Treasurer Richard Orr and Chairman of the RAAFA Foundation Bill Belton. President also warmly welcomed Bursary recipients and their families and invited Bill Belton to address the gathering and present the RAAFVVA Bursary Certificates and Cheques. Bill Belton then gave a brief history of the RAAFA Scholarship/Bursary programme prior to presenting Bursaries to Bronte Hudnott, Meaghan Barrow and Nadine Reichardt. Unfortunately Bronte Hudnott was indisposed due to minor surgery but her Certificate was graciously accepted by her father Chris.

President then invited all guests to stay for the RAAFVVA AGM and refreshments. 1. Opening The President opened the meeting at 1400 hours. 2. Ode See opening Paragraph. 3. Presidents Welcome See opening Paragraph. 4. Attendance Register

The attendance register was signed by all persons in attendance boosted by members of Bursary recipients‟ families. Numbers of member attendance was down on last year although a healthy 40 attended.


5. Apologies Alan Reed Chick & Sue Mercieca Kev & Jo Sharley Denis Nicol Owen Preece John Smith David Weeks

Andy Lapins Tony Pahl Ron McMullen Alan Greig David Grover Kevin O‟Neil

Gary Jarvis Bill Rowe Mac Weller Geoff Forsyth Neil Boulton Dan Nebauer

6. Acceptance of previous Minutes

Moved Neil Morgan seconded Gill Coughlan that the minutes of the previous AGM be accepted. Carried.

7. Business Arising from previous Minutes Nil.

8. Financial Report for the year ending December 2009 Treasurer Maree Jongkryg presented the Financial Report for the year ending 31st December 2009. Moved Alan White seconded Bob Brackin that the Financial Report as presented be accepted. Carried. At this point President stated that all committee members have been quite frugal in their financial demands on the Association whilst carrying out their responsibilities and should be commended for this. Mention was also made of the contribution of the RAAF Association VIC Branch for their financial support of the RAAFVVA. President also paid tribute to Geoff Rose for his efforts as the Editor of the RAAFVVA Newsletter.

9. Correspondence

The Secretary presented the correspondence report with particular emphasis that no email traffic is included. At this point Pat Lynch raised the point that no death notices are being placed in the media for deceased members and requested an explanation. Vice President Lee Scully advised that due to the rising cost of placing a death notice in the Herald Sun (The Australian does not carry obituaries and the Age obituary section is quite limited) the Association cannot afford to bear the costs of these death notices. Lee gave the example that over the past 12 months deceased members notices would have been a major financial burden to the Association. Pat Lynch accepted this explanation but made the point that it was still sad.

10. General Business

(a) Membership Report for 2009. Membership Officer gave his report. At the 2009 AGM we had 121 paid up members but at the end of the year we had 176 members comprising 5 Second, 18 Associate and 153 Ordinary. As at todays AGM we have 155 paid up members comprising 4 Second members, 19 Associate members and 132 Ordinary members so we are 30 members ahead of last year years figures. ANZAC Day is when the unpaid members usually catch up. (b) Badge Week 2009. President gave a brief summary of Badge Week 2009. Selling points were set up at Sunbury, Highpoint and Westfield Doncaster. Sunbury again was the sales leader followed by Highpoint and Doncaster. Vietnam Veterans Day and email sales also contributed. This year the plan is to request a more prominent position in Westfield Doncaster. President expressed his gratitude to members who donated their time, energy (and money) to 2009 Badge Week.

11. Presidents Report

All attendees received a copy of the President‟s report and were invited to read it through. The President then mentioned the programme on the ABC (Question and Answers) scheduled for Monday the 15th of February that is to have a segment on the DFRB/DFRDB Debate. Vice President advised that the Defence Welfare Association is also monitoring the programme.


President made mention of the need for the RAAFVVA to more closely ally with the RAAF Association as the VVAA is now looking at its future and a five year life span is a possible reality. President also made reference of the proposed Special Project for No 4 Wing Air Cadets Legacy Programme. President thanked the committee for all their help during his Presidency.

12. Welfare Report.

Vice President and Welfare Officer Lee Scully presented his report. Lee thanked all Welfare operatives for their support and good work throughout the year. Special mention was made of members‟ wives who have supported their spouses, through trying times. Andy Lapins is scheduled to attend TIP and Welfare officer training in 2010. Alan White has also registered his interest. Lee also mentioned the Anxiety Online programme launch which he and the secretary attended. Welfare, due to bereavements has seen a busy year for the committee. Lee again stated that 2009 was a busy year and again thanked all with a reminder that we are just a phone call away.

13. Men’s Health

Alan White gave a short talk on Men‟s Health. Pamphlets were passed to all to take home and digest. President then called on Alan to present to the attending ladies a small chocolate token for Valentine‟s Day.

14. Honours and Awards

President presented a Certificate of Appreciation on behalf of the Association to Maree Jongkryg for her sterling work in simplifying the RAAFVVA accounting system. Vice President Lee Scully then presented a Certificate of Appreciation to outgoing President Nick LeRay-Meyer for his leadership, guidance and commitment to the RAAFVVA. Secretary then presented a short resume on the “Order of The Gavel” award for the outgoing President. Vice President Lee Scully then made this presentation.

15. Election of Office Bearers

Secretary then called on the Immediate Past president, Brendan Lynch, to act as Returning Officer. Brendan stated that as Nick LeRay-Meyer had stood down as President Lee Scully is elected unopposed as President, Gareth Davis is elected unopposed as the new Vice president and Nick LeRay-Meyer will be the Immediate Past President. All other committee members agreed to serve another year and were elected unopposed.

The Executive and Committee for 2010:-

President/Welfare Lee Scully

Vice President/Membership Gareth Davis

Secretary Rick Holmes

Treasurer Maree Jongkryg Committee Alan White Committee Pieter Jongkryg Committee Bob Brackin Committee Andy Lapins Committee Geoff Rose Committee Neil Morgan Immediate Past President Nick LeRay-Meyer AM and Special Projects

Brendan asked the assembled members for ratification of the new committee. Carried unanimously.


16. Closure President Lee Scully then thanked the RAAFA for their contribution to the meeting and declared the meeting closed at 1450 hours.

Rick Holmes Secretary RAAFVVA

Happy to serve you – Executive and Committee Members for 2010

L-R: Geoff Rose, Lee Scully (President), Maree Jongkryg (Treasurer), Pieter Jongkryg, Nick LeRay-Meyer AM (Immediate Past President), Bob Brackin, Rick Holmes (Secretary)

Alan White and Gareth Davis (Vice President and Membership Officer)

To the following members and friends – thank you very much for your generous financial

donation to the RAAFVVA during 2009.

K Andrews R Brackin J Coughlan R Denning Dr I Favilla D Grover B Hurlock W Kuiler J McDonnell B Noonan K Reilly D Sanders K Sharley D Taffe AVM E Weller AM

P Ashley N Brown G Davis G Dodd G Forsyth S Hartigan H Kirby P Lynch R McMullen K Palmer N Rose E Scully J Smith V Taffe D Weir

I Baker J Burton R Dawson K Drury P Greenaway K Haines J Kirby J Lovegrove MBE N Morgan L Pascoe G Rose L Scully G Stevens M Vink I Wescombe

G Beilby I Cairns D Del Fabbro M Dunne R Greenwood AFC P Hirvorien I Knight R Lovett S Moss O Preece F Rowe J Sharley D Stewart D Weeks A White




The Royal Australian Air Force Association (RAAFA), or Air Force Association as it is informally known in Victoria) has Divisions in all Australian States and Territories. Its mission is to foster friendships based on shared Air Force and Aviation experiences. The Association also conducts and supports commemorative activities, heritage and history projects whilst assisting in the welfare of members through advice, liaison, benevolence and representation.

A strong and active Air Force Association can work to ensure that matters of interest and concern to serving and former members of the RAAF, which would not necessarily be afforded any priority by other ex-service organisations, are brought to the notice of those in Government. However, throughout Australia membership is in decline because of the numbers of WWII veterans and the growth of unit and squadron associations outside the umbrella of RAAFA (the latter has probably occurred in many instances because in previous eras various Divisions and/or Branches of RAAFA were seen to have focused too much on WWII veterans). The decline in Victoria is also a result of the disestablishment of major RAAF units (with resultant less former RAAF retiring and residing in Victoria) and recruitment of RAAF members by organisations such as the RSL (especially in regional areas where the RSL operates local clubs/bistros) and the Peace-Keepers and Peace-Makers Association (a relatively new organisation with a strong recruiting credo. If this decline continues, so will the ability of the Association, particularly here in Victoria, to support and protect the interests of those who served the Nation in the Royal Australian Air Force.

Therefore, we need the Air Force Association and for it to continue it needs us as members.

Here in Victoria, the RAAFA, through the leadership of Peter Colliver (a former reservist) and his Board of Management, has actively sought to assist the RAAF Vietnam Veterans Association over the past few years. During that period, substantial funds have been provided to assist in our administration, visits (to the Philip Island), functions and more recently the establishment of an annual Bursary and dedication of a plaque at Pt Cook to honour those who served in Vietnam (something the RAAF has itself never done!). RAAFA(Vic) also strongly welcomed our re-joining the main RAAF Contingent at the ANZAC Day March. RAAFVVA involvement in a range of RAAFA projects has been actively sought and greatly appreciated. Indeed, it is true to state that RAAFA(Vic) has provided more support to the RAAFVVA than has the Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia – the organisation which receives some $14 (capitation charge) of your $20 membership fee and in which we are simply one of a myriad of sub branches (the others being predominantly Army focused).

As a result of the increased cooperation and involvement of your Committee with RAAFA, a new "Concurrent Membership" category has been established, to enable members of other RAAF unit, squadron or role Associations to join RAAFA at a reduced cost of $25 per annum. You are strongly encouraged to take up that offer and support an organisation that needs to be kept effective so that those who followed us into the RAAF have organisational support during and after their service.

An application form is available on our website or from the RAAFA(Vic) website Sign up now! It will be money well spent!


The Royal Australian Air Force Association needs your support


RAAFVVA CALENDAR OF EVENTS 2010 ANZAC DAY – Sunday 25th April. Our Banner will be located on the northern side of Flinders Street, east of Swanston Street, by 1045, for (hopefully) an 1100 step-off. See Rick‟s „SECRETARY‟S SNIPPETS‟ for full details. Of course, there will be the usual after-march get together for lunch at the „Citro‟ restaurant, on St Kilda Road. We are looking forward to seeing you.

Next Monthly Luncheon will be at the Duckboard Club (from 1200hrs) Wednesday 14 April.

Dates for following months are yet to be finalized, but will be on our website as soon as available.


Some pictures from the AGM Numbers were down a little this year, but those who attended were well aware that RAAFVVA AGMs are very serious occasions.


Alan White gave a short talk on Men‟s Health

Maree Jongkryg (Treasurer) proudly displays her RAAFVVA Certificate of Appreciation, and bag of chocolates, that Alan had presented to all the ladies, for Valentine‟s Day.


Nick LeRay-Meyer receives his CoA from Lee Scully (newly elected President)

Do you think Brendan was happy to perform his last (maybe) official RAAFVVA duty? .............Pat was!



The 2010 Air Force Association Vietnam Veterans Bursaries were presented at a simple ceremony at the Victorian Air Forces Centre prior to the commencement of the RAAF Vietnam Veterans Association (Vic) Annual General Meeting. Bill Belton AM, Chairman of the RAAF Association (Vic) Foundation, attended by two Foundation Members, Richard Orr and John McCrystal, presented the Bursaries; each a framed certificate and cheque. Unfortunately Bronte Hudnott had suffered a recent injury and was unable to receive her Bursary in person. Chris Hudnott, Bronte's Father, a member of RAAFVVA, was both delighted and proud to accept the Bursary on her behalf. In presenting the Bursaries, Bill Belton offered the congratulations of both Associations and wished the recipients well in their further studies.

Meagan Barrow and her family who travelled down to Melbourne for the presentation

Nadine Reichardt with her Father (left) Chris Hudnott expresses Bronte's and Bill Belton AM. appreciation.



A crowd of some 250 veterans (many from interstate), family and friends along with more than 30 members of the Melbourne Vietnamese Community (many of them also veterans) witnessed the unveiling of a plaque at RAAF Base Pt Cook on Sunday 28th March. AAFC personnel from No 4 Wing displayed the banners of the RAAF Association, RAAF Vietnam Veterans Association, No 2 Sqn, No 9 Sqn, RTFV/35 Sqn and the Forward Air Controllers Association to form a backdrop to the plaque which was "guarded" by three Cadet Officers with swords reversed. The RAAF Air Power Brass Band provided the music accompaniment and a faultless (and haunting) Last Post and Rouse.

The plaque, dedicated to those RAAF personnel who lost their lives during that service and honouring all the personnel and units who served in Vietnam between 1964 and 1975, and the unveiling ceremony was conducted and funded by the RAAF Association (Victorian Division) following a request from the RAAF Vietnam Veterans Association (Vic). For many of the veterans there, having the plaque at Pt Cook (the spiritual home of the RAAF) may be seen as acknowledgment (finally) by the RAAF of that service despite the fact that successive Chiefs of Air Staff/Force never saw the need (despite two of them having served there on Canberra aircraft). For others, it completes the journey since we are all now home, thanks to the return of our two MIAs (Mike Herbert and Bob Carver – Magpie 91) in August 2009.


After a short opening address by Peter Colliver, President RAAF Association (Victorian Division), AVM Alan Reed AO delivered an excellent keynote address (a copy of which is available on our website). The plaque was unveiled by Peter Colliver and our Patron, AVM E (Mac) Weller AM, who made the trip from Canberra to do so.

Our Association Padre, Reverend George G Ashworth OAM delivered the dedication after which wreaths were laid by AIRCDRE Ken Watson (CDR Air Training Group), Lee Scully RAAFVVA President, John McCrystal RAAFA Vice President, Graham Henry State President No 2 Sqn Association, Graeme Chalmers National President No 9 Sqn Association and Dave Grierson on behalf of RTFV/35Sqn. Tony Lupton MP, representing the State Premier and Bob Elworthy, State President of the Vietnam Veterans Association also laid wreaths along with Viet Long NGUYEN, Vietnamese Veterans, Mrs Be Ha JP Vietnamese Association and Tom Roberts, President RAAFA Branch Ballarat.



Once the wreaths had been laid Tony Pahl OAM recited his special poem which left many an eye moist if not wet!

The ceremony was followed by a luncheon at the Officers Mess after which many of those who attended visited the RAAF Point Museum, where the forward fuselage of a Canberra, a Huey gunship (A2-377) and a Caribou attracted much interest. A flying display by a beautifully detailed "Bird Dog' had special significance for Mac (The FAC) Cottrell DFC who attended along with his son and daughter and other FACs who joined us for the ceremony.

A more detailed pictorial coverage of the ceremony can be found on the RAAFA website – and the RAAFVVA website


DVA Health Cards to be reissued. All DVA Repatriation Health Cards are due to expire during 2010 From May 2010 DVA will begin reissuing new cards to all eligible veterans, war widows/widowers and dependants. As part of this reissue, improvements are being made to DVA cards that will increase veteran access to services, provider satisfaction as well as the security of the cards. Specialized descriptions on DVA Gold Cards, such as TPI, War Widow/Widower, and POW will remain unchanged. A new magnetic strip will allow providers to swipe DVA cards, as per Medicare and private health cards. No sensitive information will be contained in the magnetic strip. For the first time, eligible veterans, war widows/widowers and dependants who live overseas will receive a DVA card. This means they will not have to obtain a „letter of authority‟ from DVA when they receive health care in Australia. Entitlement to treatment overseas is limited to those veterans who have an accepted disability for which DVA funds treatment. The process for receiving treatment while overseas will not change. All DVA cards will have micro printing and a DVA registered hologram, both additional security features to ensure the cards cannot be reproduced illegally. None of these card changes will reduce eligibility for current DVA card holders. The reissue of DVA cards is expected to be finalized by the end of July 2010. If you currently have a DVA card and do not receive a new one by the end of July, contact DVA on 133 254, or 1800 555 254 (for regional callers).






Hi all

ANZAC DAY - Form up in Flinders Street between Russell and Swanston Streets (same as last year). At this stage we are supposed to kick off at 1100 but things change on the day! Most importantly look for the Banner – we will set up around 1045. Lunch is again at Citro, management have kindly decided to open on Sunday the 25th to cater for us. Food is good!

PLAQUE DEDICATION PT COOK 28th March - I am sure this will be covered in other areas of the Newsletter but thanks to all who took the time to attend, a great rollout.

SECRETARY RETIREMENT 2011 AGM - I advise you all that I will be stepping down as Secretary at the 2011 AGM. No ifs or buts – I will be gone. I feel I have contributed some worthwhile effort to the Association but it is now time for new blood to step up and assume the mantle of Secretary. I look around and see many candidates who are eminently qualified. Should you wish to nominate I will give you a rundown of duties. You will have my full support as I intend to stay on the RAAFVVA Committee.

MONTHLY LUNCHES – Keep an eye on the web site, I will send out email reminders but give me a call if you are not on email.

Rick Holmes Secretary




As ever,

(Rev) George G. Ashworth, OAM

Billy Graham reminds us that God knows

everything about us – our thoughts, fears, hopes –

and yet, He loves us in spite of them. In his book

“Unto the Hills” Billy writes, “Weary of assemblies,

hearings, conferences, and investigations designed

to reveal the root causes of state difficulties, David

turned his face to the altar of God. He prayed

earnestly for God to begin the revival of his nation

by kindling the fires of revival in his own heart......

His heart yearned, as indeed our hearts yearn today,

for a personal vital intimacy with God. In short, he

was praying for a new, definite, real experience with

his God. Unless God is revealed to us through

personal experience, we can never really know God.

Most of us know about God, but that is quite

different from really knowing God.

Is it not logical to believe that the only One who can

re-create us is the One who created us in the first


Our spiritual problems can only be solved by the

God who created us originally. He created us in

His own image and likeness; today by the grace of

His Son, He can re-create us in the likeness of His

resurrection. Through faith in Jesus Christ, we are

re-created and become partakers of His life.

King David acknowledged that God knows

everything and nothing can overpower Him.

Because of this, God not only knew all of David’s

sins but could forgive him. The same applies to

you and me. God knows all about us, our past and

our present, and in spite of all, He loves us and

forgives us. Much better than all the New Year’s

resolutions, isn’t it?

With God’s blessings for you and your family for

the coming year.





Ian Harold (Tassie) CAIRNS

RTF Vietnam – Feb 65 to Oct 65

21st January 2010

RAAF Vietnam Veteran

Barry Thomas INGATE

RTF Vietnam – Jul 64 to Jun 65

RTFV/35 Sqn – Jan 66 to Jan 67


March 2010




Is sex work? A Squadron CO was about to start the morning briefing to his staff, but while waiting for the coffee machine to finish its brewing, the Wing Commander decided to pose a question to all assembled. He explained that his wife had been a bit frisky the night before and he failed to get his usual amount of sound sleep. He posed the question of just how much of sex was "work" and how much of it was "pleasure?" A Squadron Leader chimed in with 75-25% in favour of work. A Flight Lieutenant said it was 50-50%. A Flying Officer responded with 25-75% in favour of pleasure - depending upon his state of inebriation at the time. There being no consensus, the CO turned to the LAC who was in charge of making the coffee, and asked for HIS opinion? Without any hesitation, the young airman responded, "Sir, it has to be 100% pleasure." The Wing Commander was surprised and, as you might guess, asked why? "Well, sir, if there was any work involved, the officers would have me doing it for them." The room fell silent. God bless the enlisted man.


A husband read an article to his wife about how many words women use a day...

30,000 to a man's 15,000.

The wife replied, 'The reason has to be because we have to repeat everything to men...

The husband then turned to his wife and asked, 'What?'


Is It worth It?

One day, a father on his way home from work, suddenly remembers that it's his daughter's birthday. He pulls over at a toy shop and asks the sales person, ‘How much for one of those Barbie Dolls in the display window?’ The salesperson answers, ‘Which one do you mean, sir?’ ‘We have: Workout Barbie for $19.95,

Shopping Barbie for $19.95, Beach Barbie for $19.95, Disco Barbie for $19.95, Ballerina Barbie for $19.95, Astronaut Barbie for $19.95, Skater Barbie for $19.95,

and Divorced Barbie for $265.95.’ The amazed father asks: ‘It’s what? Why is the Divorced Barbie $265.95 and the others only $19.95?’ The annoyed salesperson rolls her eyes, sighs, and answers: ‘Sir...’ ‘...Divorced Barbie comes with Ken's Car, Ken's House, Ken's Boat, Ken's Furniture, Ken's Computer, one of Ken's Friends, and a cute little key chain made with Ken's testicles.’


An elderly Vietnam Veteran and his wife had their annual check up, heart, blood pressure,

cholesterol etc and passed with flying colours. Their GP asked if there were any outstanding

problems they had wherein the wife stated that they were both becoming a little forgetful.

GP, in his wisdom, suggested that they write things down to counteract this forgetfulness.

That evening, whilst watching TV, the husband stood up and started to head to the kitchen –

wife immediately asked him for a bowl of ice cream. Of course he said – write it down she

said or you will forget – no I won’t he said – write it down she said again, to which his reply

was – I won’t forget. She then added that she would like some strawberries with her ice

cream. Of course he said – write it down she said or you will forget – no I won’t he said –

write it down she said again, to which his reply was I won’t forget. The wife then requested

cream on the strawberries and ice cream. Of course he said – write it down she said again or

you will forget – no I won’t he said and finally disappeared into the kitchen!

Twenty minutes later he re -appeared in the lounge - with a plateful of bacon and eggs!

She looked into his eyes and then at the

plate and said lovingly





The VVAA Victorian Branch is a registered charity which means that all of the 30 sub-branches can

raise funds from public donations and provide Tax deductable receipts for all donations over $2,

providing the funds are used for welfare. Some VVAA members have already adopted our Association as their family charity. All that is

needed is to make out a cheque payable to the Sub-branch Welfare Fund and forward it to the

Treasurer who will provide the Tax deductable receipt by return mail. Even the smallest donation is

very much appreciated.


Making a Will is good planning. It provides you and those for whom you care with peace of mind,

ensures the security of you family, and enables bequests to be made to those charities that represent

your ongoing interests and concerns. Bequests and Legacies are gifts of specifically identified possessions or specified sums of money

gifted to a person, a group of people or an organization. If the VVAA is your charity then the

correct title of the charity is Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia Victorian Branch

Welfare Patriotic Fund Please consider our Association as a charity. Remember, one day the person in need of assistance

may be you or a member of your family. VVCS - VETERANS and VETERANS FAMILIES COUNSELLING SERVICE

(A Service Founded by the Vietnam Veterans) Normal Hours: 86408700

Crisis Line (after hours) 1800 011 046


Normal Hours: 9284 6000

Country/Regional: 1800 555 254

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In Hospital or Convalescing at Home? Like us to know about it and/or have someone to visit to assist or just chat? Name:…………………………………………………………………………………..….......... Address:……………………………………………………………………………………........ Preferred Contact details:……..…………………………………………………………..........

Post or Email your request to the Secretary or give him a call on 9317 7304 and we will try

and arrange a visit on your behalf.

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