Page 1: March 2010 Tidings Newsletter, Temple Ohabei Shalom

What’s Inside:

Page 2 • Cantor’s Message Page 3 • Music & Worship Page 4 - 5 • Ansin Religious School • B’nei Mitzvah Page 6 • “Duets” Thank Yous Page 7 • Sisterhood • Brotherhood Page 8 • Tributes Page 9 • Circle of Giving Page 10-11 • Community Notices Page 12-13 • Yizkor Elohim

100 Blessings a Day Rabbi John Franken

future as well. Already we have c r e a t e d a T o t S h a b b a t experience which is engaging and fun for kids and adults alike, a preschool which nurtures our children’s souls, a pioneering Shabba t mo rn i ng “ L i v i n g Judaism” experience for kids, a burgeoning adult Torah study program, an emerging young adult group, and dynamic and uplifting “Judaism in Motion” services with enticing dinner and snack options. I want to challenge ourselves to do more, and here I don’t mean more programming and more building. What I mean is creating more experiences for living and enjoying our Judaism. And that’s where you come in with your own lamp. Come help imagine and create the synagogue of 2030 (or even 2010 for that matter) that nourishes our souls, challenges our minds, and touches our hearts. Together we can dream and build the community that all of us would someday be overjoyed to wake up to.

I’ve always been enchanted by the tale of Rip Van Winkle, the man who woke up to a new world after a twenty-year slumber. Today it is still fun to imagine waking up to a vastly different world. I guess that’s why millions of us flock to EPCOT and Avatar (in 21st Century 3-D!), and fantasize about a world being transformed by advances in communicat ions, transportation, energy and entertainment at a rate seemingly akin to that of Moore’s Law. We Jews have our own Rip Van Winkle story from the Talmud (Menachot 29b) and it is equally fantastic. Moses, ensconced in the heavenly court, asks God to show him the future. He is instantly whisked 300 years forward into the classroom of Rabbi Akiva. At first he is bewildered and confused. He has no idea what Akiva is saying and doesn’t recognize the Torah Akiva is teaching. Only when Akiva assures a student that his Torah is the same one passed down by Moses does Moses feel heartened and relieved. I dare say that the same phenomenon holds true for Temple Ohabei Shalom. Five years from now—and certainly 10 years and 20 years from now—TOS may look as different to us as the world did to Rip Van Winkle and Moses. We will, with God’s help and yours, be a very different kind of community, as we live our Judaism and transform our spiritual life in a way which befits our day and age. There will be more choices and more portals of engagement as together we reimagine our synagogue and ourselves. The groundwork is being laid under our feet even as you read these words. Drop by our building and you will notice the many changes which have taken place in just the last year. You will see a freshly refurbished administration building, a beautifully redone Penn-Spero Hall, a soon-to-be refurbished Montague Chapel, a new playground, a renovated classroom wing, and a soon-to-be completed addition that will make our school building fully accessible and add conference space. Nor are the changes limited to the physical realm. Spiritually we are beginning to chart the TOS of the

Progressive in attitude yet traditional in practice, Temple Ohabei Shalom is an inclusive Reform Jewish community committed to nurturing, sustaining, and touching Jewish lives through joyful worship, life

long-learning, and repair of the world in word and deed.

March 2010/Adar - Nisan 5770

Tidings Temple Ohabei Shalom - Judaism in Motion

Illness? Hospitalization? Engagement?

Wedding? Birth?


Please let us know…


Thank You To two most generous donors whose recent gifts have made possible major aesthetic improvements to the synagogue facility: Richard Leibovitch and Cindy Roseman, in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Zoe Leibovitch; Replacement of carpeting and trimmings in the Montague Chapel Shirley Spero Replacement of carpeting in the Rosenfeld Administration Building and refurbishment of Penn-Spero Hall, in honor of Rabbi Franken. And to all those who assisted with the design and installation, especially Facilities Director Britta Wierich and interior designer Danit Ben Ari

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A Message From the Cantor Cantor Randall Schloss

I am struck by the many community happenings in recent days and weeks. I say “happenings” because many of these of been joyous and uplifting occasions, while others have been extremely difficult and painful. The common th read , o f cou r se , i s community. Our kahal kodesh rises to the occasion to support one another in times of great sadness and to come together for fun and inspirational

occasions as well. The passing of our dear member Lissa Florman highlights both the most challenging elements of our human existence, and the strength and blessing of our community. Lissa was lovingly devoted to her family, her PALS children’s choir and her entire community; many feel a great loss at her death. But her life was also an inspiration to many and her death brought us together as a community. I was honored to work with Rabbi Karen Landy, Rabbi Franken and the PALS choir to create an appropriate memorial for Lissa. The outpouring of love and support for her family, shown by so many, moved me and really made me feel proud of our congregation. Two happier events are also worth noting and are the source of great pride: the recent Kallah in Plymouth, and the Music and Worship Benefit. Many thanks to Larry and Denise Green for their planning and executing an excellent weekend Kallah. Although they should be applauded for all of their detailed work, the ult imate reward was a wonderful sense of community. Both the group that recently travelled to Israel and the group at Kallah felt that they had generated a great sense of community that they wanted to bring back to Brookline and share with the entire congregation. At Kallah in particular, while I missed the first day of the weekend, I was glad to serve our community here in Brookline for Shabbat Shirah (Shabbat of Song) before joining the group in Plymouth on Saturday afternoon. It is one of the joys of my cantorate that I can play a part at such events and share in the experience. The 3rd Annual Music and Worship was once again a great success. We raised in excess of $20,000; we shared an evening of diverse and beautiful music with many talented musicians (both our own and guests from near and far); and we again showed the strength and joy of our community. Thank you to Shelley Schwartz and her hard working committee (which includes many of you on the TOS board) and to all of you who shared in the event, The concert was recorded and a CD will be available in the coming weeks! So why I am

dwelling on community, community community…? I am thrilled to report that after working with Michael Weintraub and Len Davidson on a renewal of my contract, Jesse Cochin and I signed a new five-year agreement. My family and I have been so warmly welcomed at TOS. We are excited to be here for a very long time. In a similar vein, I want to congratulate Shari Churwin on her new contract. I look forward to many years of working directly with such a fine colleague and friend. Finally, the community celebrations don’t stop through the rest of Winter and Spring! Judaism in motion, twice a month, is getting better every time; There are several chances to participate with the whole family at a Shabbat Mishpacha; Gospel Shabbat is on May 21st; and eight women will be called to the Torah as B’not Mitzvah on June 5th. We all play a part in these great events. Please join us.

Calling all Singers & Musicians! Musicians: Are you a musician? Come share your talent with your community!

TOS Choir: From novices to experienced singers, all are welcome! Rehearsals are usually held on Monday evenings at 7:00 pm in the Chapel.

Mahkelah: Makhelah offers students who love to sing an opportunity to learn and perform both new and traditional music in Hebrew and English. Cantor Randall Schloss leads the choir in weekly rehearsals (Tuesdays from 5:45 - 6:15pm) and a variety of performances at religious services, concerts, choral festivals, school events, nursing homes and more. All students in grades 3-7 are encouraged to join.

If you would like to participate or would like more information, contact Cantor Schloss at [email protected].

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Name:___________________________________ ____ Adult Dinners at $12 $_______ ____ Child Dinners at $8 $_______ (under the age of 12)

Donation to defray expenses $_______ TOTAL AMOUNT $_______

Please RSVP to the Temple Ohabei Shalom office by Tuesday, March 16.

Make checks payable to TOS or you can call the

office to pay by credit card.

If you have any questions, please call the synagogue office 617-277-6610.

Friday, March 19

5:45 pm Snacks and Meet & Greet

6:00 pm Erev Shabbat Services

7:15 pm Shabbat Dinner (RSVP required, see below)

and Shabbat Rishon

Friday, March 5, 2010

5:45 - Tot Shabbat Service

6:30 - Community Dinner $12 per Adult; $6 per Child

7:30 - Shabbat Rishon Service with guest speaker Dr. Hu Caplan on "Caring for the Wounded: a Jewish Perspective." Call the office at 617-277-6610 to RSVP!

Music and Worship

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Important ARS Dates:

Ansin Religious School

Mazel Tov to our Bar Mitzvah!

Nicky Kaufman Son of Jonathan Kaufman & Barbara Howard March 13, 2010 27 Adar 5770 Parshat P’kudei Nicky plans to do a "hands-on" mitzvah project working with school children and with senior citizens. He was inspired to do this by visit ing his late Grandpa George at Hebrew Rehabilitation Center in Roslindale and his Nana who lives at the new Hebrew Rehabilitation Center facility, Newbridge, in Dedham.

No School Dates Monday, March 29 - First Night of Passover Tuesday, March 30 - First Day of Passover Monday, April 5 - Last Day of Passover Next Shabbat B’Yachad for ARS Students Saturday, March 6 at 9:30am Grades 3 - 6 are excused from this month’s Shabbat B’Yachad due to their shul-in but grades K - 2 and 7 will have a blast! MOSTY Shul-in (Grades 3 & 4) March 6 & 7 at 3pm MOSTYites will be beginning their studies at Hogwarts as they join Harry Potter and his friends for an amazing shul-in experience! Didn’t get your application in on time? Call Kate! BOSTY Shul-in (Grades 5 & 6)

March 6 & 7 at 3pm On the other side of the building, the BOSTYites (grades 5 & 6) will be scheming with Willy Wonka to concoct the most delicious shul-in ever! Golden Tickets are still Kate!

Rosh Hodesh: It’s a Girl Thing! The next gatherings for girls in grades 7 & 8 are on Sunday, March 14 from 2:30 - 5 pm at Temple Emanuel in Newton, MA. The gir ls wi l l be

participating in an incredible opportunity to meet other Rosh Hodesh participants, watch a baking demonstration by Judy Rosenberg (owner of Rosie’s Bakery) and make cookies of our own to donate to people in need. Save the Date! ARS Teacher Appreciation Shabbat Friday, April 30 Join us for our annual Shabbat service to honor our teachers and staff at the ARS! Mark your calendars now for what is sure to be a memorable evening.

Mazel Tov to our Bat Mitzvah! Eliza Klein Daughter of Abram & Debbie Klein March 27, 2010 12 Nisan 5770 Parshat Tzav For Eliza's Mitzvah Project, she is raising money for Heifer International through a non-profit kids' organization at her school called the Peace Project. The money will go to a community in Guatemala and will provide animals, plants and agricultural teaching. In addition, Eliza volunteers with a youth-focused organization called Roots & Shoots. She and two friends are helping second graders in Cambridge form a community service group and are teaching the kids about animals, the environment and the natural world. Read more about Eliza’s project at

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School Cancellation Policy

The Ansin Religious School will close if the Brookline Public schools close for a snow day.

Please tune into television channels WBZ (CBS),

WCVB (ABC), WHDH (NBC), or radio station WRKO (680 on the AM dial) for school cancellations.

We will also leave a

message on the school voicemail: 617-739-9200.

Greater Boston’s Jewish Food Pantry

Temple Ohabei Shalom’s monthly contribution is

Canned Tuna or Salmon and Graham Crackers

Donations can be brought to the new Family Table bins in the office and chapel foyers. You can also write a check to the Sisterhood of Ohabei Shalom with “Family Table” in the memo line or volunteer to drive our contributions to the collection center in Waltham just one Sunday a year, 9:30am - 11:30am.


Join the TOS Group on Facebook!

Search “Temple Ohabei Shalom” and click “Join this group.” See photos from recent events, connect with other members, past and present, get notices on TOS programs, and more! See you online!

Thank you to the over 200 participants and chaperones who helped to make the 20th Annual JOSTY Junior Regional Shul-in a huge success! A special thanks to Finagle-A-Bagel for donating breakfast! -The TOS Youth Team

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With Great Thanks To Our Sponsors From the Cantor’s Concert Committee

Maestro Marcia and Bill Harris

R.K. (Shelley) Schwartz Shirley Spero

Principal Scott and Susie Allen

Mindy Berman and Andy Sumberg Beth and John Gamel Shellee Robbins and

Don Steinbrecher Jodi and Bob Silton

Concert master Spencer Gould

Betsy and Eddie Jacobs Ed and Margie Kahn

Mark Lipof

Music Lover Danit Ben-Ari and Tom Marton

Dottie and Don Berman Richard and Carol Daynard

Doris and Saul Feldman Barbara and Gerry Katz

Dan Krueger Rabbi Emily Lipof Diane Rosen and

Michael Weintraub Donna Sorgi and David Bernstein

Thank You for Making “Duets” a Success

Top (from left to right): Howard Koor, Julie Boris, Ellen Mosner and Leah Schloss Bottom: Lisa Geller and Steve Rauch

Top (from left to right): Betsy Jacobs, Ellen Harder, Marcia Harris and Bill Harris Bottom: R.K. (Shelley) Schwartz, Concert Committee Chair

From left to right: Tom Rubenoff, Molly Aronson, David Sparr, Clare Gustavsson, Leah Schloss, Cantor Randall Schloss, César Raspigliosi Cantor Gastón Bogomolni

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Zita Samuels


Brotherhood News Jonathan Atkins & Louis Goldman

Sisterhood News

All TOS and Sisterhood members are urged to attend the annual Sisterhood Shabbat on Saturday, March 6 at 10:30am, when we will be leading Shabbat worship. Ita N. Wiener has planned an inspiring service to be dedicated to Betsy Gould and we are delighted that so many Sisters have volunteered to participate. Members of the Sisterhood, as well as Spencer Gould, will be chanting Torah and Haftarah and leading prayers in Hebrew and English. Sisterhood will sponsor a delicious Kiddush lunch following the service that will be open to the entire congregation. After lunch, we will be dedicating a seat with a plaque in the main sanctuary in Betsy's memory. If you wish to make a donation to this tribute, please send a check made out to Sisterhood, TOS, and mark Betsy Gould Mitzvah Fund in the memo. Please be sure to join us for this always wonderful and spiritual event. We are especially thankful to Ita who has planned the service, with support from Karen Landman and Ellen Mosner. All members of the TOS community are invited to the joint Sisterhood-Brotherhood-Ansin Religious School Yom HaShoah observance we are planning for Monday evening, April 12. Beginning at 6pm Rabbi Franken and Cantor Schloss will lead us in a worship service. This will be followed by dinner (there will be a charge for adults) and an engaging presentation by Dr. Bernice Lerner of Boston University. Dr. Lerner is the author of a The Triumph of Wounded Souls, a book about Holocaust survivors and is herself the daughter of survivors. Please watch for further publicity about this event and be sure to mark it on your calendar.

We need your support to run the Yom HaShoah Yellow Candle Project this year! The Brotherhood opted not to do it last year because there was no sponsor to underwrite the program expense. If you can assist us financially, please contact either Howard Koor or Spence Gould.

Our January meeting was a discussion and discourse on “Confronting Anti-Semitism in Your Community.” The program speaker was Denise Riebman, who is currently the Assistant Dean of Career Services at the Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University. This educational program was made available by A World of Difference Institute, a program of the Anti-Defamation League of New England. According to Howard Koor, our VP of Membership, several Brothers commented to him afterwards how much they enjoyed her discussion. It was insightful and educational. It was great that she involved the audience rather than "lecturing" to those in attendance. We are all richer for having attended.

Our February meeting took place on February 22 in Lissner Hall. It was a night of fun & games, our Annual Purim program. There was festive music played during the program, which included card games, board games, and even some re-enacted Purim games from the time of Esther.

Our March event will be the Annual Brotherhood Shabbat Service which will take place on Saturday, March 20, 2010, at 10:30am, in the main sanctuary, followed by a Kiddush luncheon provided by the Brotherhood, downstairs in the newly refurbished Penn/Spero Hall. If you wish to participate in the service, you must have attended our February Purim program.

All members of the TOS community are invited to the joint Sisterhood-Brotherhood-Ansin Religious School Yom HaShoah observance we are planning for Monday evening, April 12. Beginning at 6pm, Rabbi Franken and Cantor Schloss will lead us in a worship service. This will be followed by dinner (there will be a charge for adults) and an engaging presentation by Dr. Bernice Lerner of Boston University. Dr. Lerner is the author of a The Triumph of Wounded Souls, a book about Holocaust survivors and is herself the daughter of survivors. Please watch for further publicity about this event and be sure to mark it on your calendar.

RESERVE THIS DATE: SUNDAY, MAY 16, 2010 The Annual Temple Ohabei Shalom Spring Breakfast with the Brotherhood, along with the 2nd Annual Ben Adler Memorial Blood Drive, will take place on Sunday, May 16, 2010. Please plan on attending this GREAT event, have a chance to catch up with TOS family members, bid on silent auction items, and take part in our raffle drawing. The Breakfast will be in Penn/Spero Hall, with the Blood Drive in the Lissner Hall. More details will be forthcoming.

As always, the Brotherhood wishes to thank everyone who has remembered to bring in or mail in their stamped Butcherie receipts. Please continue to support this vital program.

Interested in Joining the Brotherhood or Sisterhood? For more information, please contact: Brotherhood [email protected] Sisterhood [email protected]

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Tributes In Appreciation of Rabbi Franken’s kindness in the weeks before George Rabinowitz’s passing and for officiating at his funeral In Memory of Lissa Florman In Honor of The Bar Mitzvah of Martin Patsouris In Appreciation of Shari Churwin’s Professional Development Workshop To beautify the Temple In Memory of Beloved Grandfather Isaac Yaffa In Memory of Betsy Gould and Evie Bazer In Memory Of Edith Plançon Maurice Prolman Milton M. Bengis Louis Spero Cyrus L. Jacobs Louis Spero Augusta Benson Joseph Blumenthal Dana Berger Edna Greene

Kevin Berger Sheila Shulkin and Louis Isenberg Jay and Carol Marlin Adele Blank Phoebe Langenthal Rhonda and Harvey Solomon Paula Witten Richard and Paul Shifman Bencion M. Moskow Florence Hootstein Marc S. Greenbaum Phyllis Sisson John and Beth Gamel Sy Gottlieb Jerry Kravitz Elinor Goldman Elliot Comenitz Lesley Seder Esther Gorfine Music and Worship Fund David G. Kanter Project For Our Future Margo Rosenbach and Robert Gottlieb Rabbi Emily Lipof Susan and Joel Lewin Spencer and Eddie Gould

Dana Berger Sidney Goldman Herman Li Marlin Irving “Israel” Blank Wonderful Brother Dr. Sumner A. Smith Kenneth Ellengold Bernard Witten George Traster Jay I. Moskow Richard Hootstein Priscilla Greenbaum Bernice Silin Irving Cohn Samuel Robinson Max Kravitz Beloved father, Louis Cohen Barney Comenitz Beloved father, Robert V. Crossman Morris Gorfine In Appreciation of Leah Schloss’ Participation in the Concert In Honor of Dana and Hannah Gottlieb David G. Kanter’s Generosity and Love In Memory of Beloved Mother Betty Hoey Betsy Gould

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Amy and Alan Rabinowitz Jonathan Florman Ansin Religious School Sara Arbel Sisterhood Evie Bazer Memorial Fund Temple Sinai Building Fund Stella C. Levi Congregational Dinner Fund David Seldin and Cathryn Stein Deborah Langston Carol Lieberman General Fund Fund R. K. (Shelley) Schwartz Evie Bazer Fund Spencer Gould Kallah Fund Larry and Denise Green Ed and Margie Kahn Dan and Eva Deykin Judith Mabel Spencer H. Gould R. K. (Shelley) Schwartz Minyan Fund Amy Hozid and Thomas Plançon Selma J. Bengis Janet Kouroubacalis Ed and Betsy Jacobs Shirley Spero June Hurwitz Bernice L. Berger Dr. Alan and Susan Greene

Honor your friends and loved ones with a TOS Tribute. For more

information, call the TOS office at 617-277-6610.

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Tributes Continued

Circle of Giving 5770 Co-Chairs: Spencer Gould & Cathryn Stein

Leadership Gifts We wish to honor the generous benefactors who have provided Leadership Gifts to fund specific initiatives and to promote The Circle of Giving:

$25,000+: Mike & Christina Gordon Doug & Toni Gordon $20,000: Richard Leibovitch & Cindy Roseman Shirley Spero

Annual Appeal We are grateful to the valuable donors who have contributed to our annual appeal, The Circle of Giving (gifts received through February 8th):

Pillars ($ 5000+) Dick & Carol Daynard Rabbi John Franken Cantor Randall Schloss Alexander & Brenda R. Tanger

Benefactors ($2500 – $4999) David G. Kanter Bill & Lynn Kargman Steven & Janet Kouroubacalis Chip Shore & Shari Lisann Donald Steinbrecher & Shellee Robbins Andy Sumberg & Mindy Berman

Patrons ($1200 - $2499) Cherise & Bob Bransfield John & Beth Gamel in honor of Rabbi Franken & Cantor Schloss Spencer & Betsy ) ז״ל ) Gould Ed & Betsy Jacobs (continued next column)

Sustainers (continued) Leonard Davidson & Laurie Katzman Saul & Doris Feldman Jonathan & Lissa ז״ל( ) Florman Larry & Denise Green Ellen Harder & Edward Bloom Clifton & Ruth Helman Lisa Irvings, Michael, Nathan & Henry Brill Jonathan Kaufman & Barbara Howard The Kaufman-Howard Family in memory of George Kaufman Hana Kolton-Patsouris & Peter Patsouris Dorothy Lebach Louise Levingston Alan Litchman & Laura Trust R. K. (Shelley) Schwartz Robert & Tamara Sitkoff Cathryn Stein & David Seldin Herbert & Hanna Zeiger

Patrons (continued) Allison & Eric Rimm Adrienne Shishko & Joel Sklar TOS Sisterhood Betsy Gould Mitzvah Fund in Loving Memory of Betsy Gould

Guardians ($1000 - $1199) Daniel & Eva Deykin Bill & Marcia Harris Ed & Margie Kahn Donald Levin & Thomas Horn Martin & Diane Trust

Sustainers ($360 - $999) Scott & Susie Allen Sara Arbel in honor of Martin Patsouris Danit Ben Ari & Tom Marton Selma Bengis Marc & Denise Casper (continued next column)

Anonymous (3) Ciro & Ellen Alfaro Jonathan Atkins & Barbara Rome Louis & Jane Barber Adam Barnosky Marilyn Barron George Bazer Joseph Beck David Bernstein & Donna Sorgi Teresa Betit & Howard Lurie Bernard & Marjorie Birnbaum Stuart Blitz & Emily Fuchs Roberta Brucker Hubert & "Ray" Caplan in memory of Betsy Gould and in honor of Spencer Gould Jesse Cochin & Alice Newton Beryl & Barbara Cohen Elaine Cohen Timothy Cooley & Marilyn Novich Marilyn & Andre Danesh Steven Davis Eugene Deutsch & Eva Balash Jason Dubey Stephanie Duchin in appreciation of Rabbi Franken Leona Estridge Marion Fertel Corinne E. Gilbert Robert Gilman & Joanna Skoler-Gilman

Beth Glasky Gertrude Goldberg Elinor Goldman Louis Goldman Arnie & Tracy Greenfield Judith Halper in memory of Bea & Sam Halper Barbara Helfgott Hyett Florence Hootstein Sam & Anne Jacobs Dan & Priscilla Karnovsky Mark & Beth Kates Estelle Katz Stan Keizer Steve Kern Aaron Kravitz Jerome Kravitz Maya Krisgsgaber Daniel Krueger Rabbi Paul & Marilyn Levenson Jami Levine & Alan Beggs Nathan Levine Marc Linderman Tammy & Bob Loeb Hilda Lopez-Soto Joan & Jay Meltzer Sherry Michelson Greg & Ilene Mogavero Laura Moskowitz & Robin Shore Ellen Mosner & Howard Koor

Carl Ostroff Josh & Tanya Paris Stephen & Roberta Paris William Price & Arlene Scherer Richard & Sonia Ravech Marc Revzin David Rogovin & Susan Liberman Sheldon & Hilde Rotenberg Tom & Donna Rubenoff Esther Rubinovitz Evelyn Ruby Zita Samuels Andrew Schloss & Nancy Bloom Lila Sesholtz Judy & Alan Shepro Katherine & Josh Shmikler Simon Singer & Elena Brachtel Phyllis Sisson in memory of Louise Parker James Palma Spunt Esther Strachman Myles and Lise Striar Ronny Sydney Michael Weintraub & Diane Rosen Ita N. Wiener Alexander & Marina Zelfond

Friends (up to $359) Friends (continued) Friends (continued)

We offer warm and loving thanks to the Congregants, Trustees, TOS Officers and Brotherhood Officers who have made calls on behalf of The Circle of Giving: Jonathan Atkins, Mindy Berman, Cherise Bransfield, Jesse Cochin, Len Davidson, Louis Goldman, Doug Gordon, Barbara Howard, Ed Kahn, Jonathan Kaufman, Dan Krueger, Bob Loeb, Diane Rosen, David Seldin, Chip Shore, Shirley Spero, Ronny Sydney, Cassandra Warshowsky and Michael Weintraub Add your name to our growing list of generous givers. The Circle of Giving provides for consistency in our funding and gives everyone the opportunity to join in supporting our community above and beyond the annual membership commitment. Join us this year as we strive for 100% congregant participation in our annual appeal. Gifts can be sent to Circle of Giving, 1187 Beacon Street, Brookline, MA 02446.

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Shabbat Torah Study

Twice a month (2nd and 4th Saturdays)

March 13 and 27 9:00 am – 10:15 am

Join us as we read (in English), discuss, debate, and learn together in a warm and welcoming environment. The sessions will be facilitated by Rabbi Franken or by a lay volunteer who has prepared topics for discussion. Torah study is always “come as you are,” and no preparation is required (or expected). Dress comfortably, and perhaps bring a spouse or friend. We meet in the Berenson Library. Coffee and tea are provided, No experience necessary! All opinions welcome.

Community Notices TOS is a member of the Interfaith Green Alliance Aided by Brookline's Interfaith Green Alliance, a part of Brookline2010

Help Contribute to the effort:

• Continue the greening of the Temple itself, including applying for grants

• Come to one of our 3 programs to learn how each of us can lessen our carbon footprint and how to get help putting these ideas into action

• Volunteer to convene the group or work on the committee for the year. Volunteers can reach Judy Mabel at [email protected]. Please contact Judy before March 15th so teams can be in place for Pesach!

• Make this green effort your B’nei Mitzvah or Confirmation Project

• Work with the committee to green the Temple’s events

We look forward to hearing from you!

Special March Birthdays Zachary Harold Banton

Andrew Barron Noah A. Benjamin-Pollak

Eli Beutel Michael Ellerin David

Derek Dolby Julia Eiferman

Will Nelson Evans Doris Feldman Karina Gilbert

Michael Isaac Goldman Mara Goldstein

Eli Kaler Nora Rose Kaplan Kirsten L. Kleinman Samuel Litchman

Steen Parl Toby Penn

Natasha L. Rogoff Amy Shaman Kate Simon

Jennifer Somberg Belinda Walters

Veronika Zelfond-Presayzen

Haverim March 12th

6:00PM TOS is proud to announce the creation of our

Under 35 group: Haverim. We will meet at 6pm at Temple Ohabei Shalom for Erev Shabbat Services,

and then together, we'll head to Beacon Street Tavern for some drinks. No fee. No RSVP. Just

your smiling face required. See you then!


Robert and Tamara Sitkoff on the birth of their baby girl

and Craig Sender and Sharon

Forman-Sender on the birth of their baby boy

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Community Notices

SPECIAL MEETING OF THE MEMBERSHIP March 9, 2010 5:30-6:30 PM The Recording Secretary of Temple Ohabei Shalom has received a Proposition to Amend the By-Laws executed by 28 members in good standing as certified by the Recording Secretary on November 8, 2009. The Board of Trustees unanimously endorsed the Proposition at its December 2009 meeting. The Amended By-Laws can be found on our website at The Corporation has called a Special Meeting of the Membership to be held from 5:30-6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 9, 2010 at Temple Ohabei Shalom. At this Special Meeting of the Membership a vote will be taken to adopt the Proposition to Amend the By-Laws. The Proposal shall be adopted upon a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of all Members present at the Special Meeting. Respectfully submitted, Daniel W. Krueger

Support TOS Social Action and the Brookline High School-Emerson Literacy Partnership

Contribute to and Attend IntelliJam – a benefit world music concert Saturday, March 6, 3pm at Brookline High School

After a successful Mitzvah Day in November, the next project of the TOS Social Action Committee is to support the Brookline High School-Emerson Literacy Partnership and the IntelliJam concert on Saturday, March 6 at 3pm at Brookline High.

This project has a special significance for our congregation as it all began as a result of Mitzvah Day 2008 (May) when we conducted a book drive for the Emerson Elementary School in Roxbury. Sarah Plovnick, a TOS student, was so taken with the Emerson School when we delivered the books that she decided to do more. She created a group at Brookline High, the BHS Emerson Literacy Partnership, to support literacy in low income communities. She is spearheading the IntelliJam fundraising concert to help the Emerson School carry out its dream of building a library. The students have lined up wonderful performing talent from the Emerson community and from Brookline, and they have reached out to businesses and local foundations as sponsors.

Please support this effort by contributing to and attending the IntelliJam. Performers include Zili Misik, a renowned women’s world music group; jazz musicians Bo Winiker and Jamie Saltman; the Emerson School chorus; and the Brookline High School Camerata. A reception will follow the concert.

Go to the following link and contribute/buy tickets (online or by mail):

See the other pages on this website for more information about the project. Thanks for your help!

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Yizkor Elohim - We lovingly remember

Sarah Goldberger Messoda Khiat Carrie Yarrin Levingston Charlotte Avers Paul Benjamin Beal Beatrice L. Buchman Nathan Finer Harry Fishman Hyman Garnick Ernest Glotzer S. Philip Gopen Susi Kaufman Michael Krakow Miriam Hillson Morse Benjamin H. York Ida Alberg Ruth Avers Lillian S. Basch Harold D. Feuer Martin A. Forrest Seymour Koritz Daniel Leibowitz Rachel Levy Henry Masters Aaron W. Woolf Isadore Bromfield Samuel Cole Herman Dana Morris M. Dobkin Alice E. Ginsberg Julius Goldstein Oscar A. Harvey Allan Klinger Leroy Koch Frank Kolton Lionel Burton Kosloff Ira Lipman Joel G. Mendoza Irving Spivack Willa Malcow Ullmann Josephine Wilinsky Zich March 8-15 Albert B. Abrams Helen S. Benjamin

Shirley Foreman Fine Rae Goldfarb William Hirshman Marjorie B. Hyde I. Harvey Roazen Bell B. Shapiro Samuel Siegal Monte Small Martin Wax Ida Z. Bernstein Samuel Saul Eisenberg Morton Franklin Fanny G. Glassman Rose Isenberg Ethyl Goldstein Kublin Martha Lowenstein Henry Polak Jacob W. Shinberg Harold Barrie Mae Bass Sara Bleichmar Reuben Broomfield Tsipa Genkina John N. Gunsenhiser Harry Lane Anna B. Lazarus Maurice Lewenberg Esther Naomi Liss Dorothy W. Lobel Robert I. Mann Jacob S. Merriman Harold Palefsky William Pastan Betty Perlmutter Ada Posner Philip Raphael William Resnick Sarah Smith Rosenfield Lillian B. Seaman Herman H. Seligman Charlotte Singer Harry Spunt Hyman Winig Rachel D. Wolper Mendel Cohen

Joseph A. Corman Fahanna Dallal Miriam Linsky Frieman Ada M. Lipsitz Hyman E. Orenberg Shifra Tanfilyev Doris Waldman Rosy Aaron Sophie Alpert Isaac Cohen Helen Kalisky Tillye Leventhal Victoria L. Levine Beatrice Isabel Morse William Penn Ida Ross Joseph Rubin Adele Bardach Singer Ida Zabarsky Myer Cohen G. Irving Hillson Nettie Moskowitz Israel Nesson Helen Berk Saul Butters Jesse P. Fisher Maurice Hacker Marvin Meyer Mitchel Koritz Viola Laserson Anne G. Levingston, M.D. Rachel Daniels Levy Maurice J. Lowenberg Katie Marcus Rebecca Marks Ida E. Polakewich Mayer Salomon Eva B. Wyzanski Shepard R. Glass Louis Glovin Frances Landau Martin M. Landay Gertrude Landman Martha Linsky Gary Meyers Laurence M. Shapiro

March 1-7 Edith Chapman Hyman Cohen Morris Freiman Doris Gordon Rachel Klain Esther Magid Pauline Rose Carol Rosengard Ada Silverman Isaac Simon Jacob Sorkin Leonard Stephen Sulkis Esther Berkeley Dallas Chamberlin Lois Edelstein Annie Fox Reuven Gersh Annie Harris Edward Herman Leon K. Jacobs Jennette Katz Mathew Lebow Harriet Porosky Anna Strecker Bessie Wilker Nellie Zimmerman Harry D. Barr Ray Belt Solomon Bocholtz Katherine Cohen Harold D. Feuer Michel Genkina May J. Grossman Bonnie Sue Judkowitz Miriam Levinson Sophie Z. Libby Rebecca B. Linsky Lazarus Mordecai Matthew Porosky George Ross Samuel White Samuel Bernhardt Minnie D. Epstein Alfred Gold

We extend our deepest sympathy to their families. Those listed below are recorded in our Book of Remembrance, windows, or on memorial plaques. A name in bold indicates that the plaque will be illuminated during the Shabbat of yahrzeit.

Lissa Florman, wife of Jon, mother of Hannah, Lucy and Sylvie Thelma Neft Geller, Mother of Lisa Geller

George Rabinowitz, Father of Alan Rabinowitz Harold Rauch, Father of Steven Rauch

Avrom Weinberg, Son of Former TOS Rabbi Dudley Weinberg

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Yahrzeits, continued

March 8-15 cont’d Emil Zordan March 16-23 Arthur Otto Bernson Jeanette Brooks Herman Cooks Jennette Gold Eve Baker Gordon Marvin Heisman Marilyn Iskols Florence Katz Rose Katz Hilda S. Cohen Kopel Anatole Levy Rita Cohen Shurdut Bessie L. Slosberg Rose Winnick Amelia Basch Robert Cubell Calman T. Estrach Bertha Fox Helen K. Goldstein Esther Nadel Samuel Ross Tena Schaeffer Saul Kaplan Ida Mechaber Simon Newman Elizabeth Rosenstein John F. Sherman Eufegenio Soto Ida Werby Julius Beal Sarah Berehovich Samuel Cohen Rachel Fishel Ann Francer Irene S. Kates Adele Lubart Caroline Peyser Esther M. Ruthfield Sadie L. Sisson Myer Friedman Herman S. Greene Sidney Guttentag Samuel Hazan Joseph Himmel Margareta F. Horen Albert Kessler Daniel F. Lefman Rebecca Levi Rebecca Levy Seymour Lewis Anna Maurice Burton Ross Rosnosky

Samuel Shapiro George Shuman Herman Bershbow Morris Dresner Seymour Levine Etta Levinson Josephine B. Rosenthal Harry Eli White Eva R. Basch Yale Berelson Nancy R. Damm Tillie Glasker Harry Goldenberg Moris Greenhood Lawrence G. Laskey Louis Joseph Rose Julia A. Ross Aaron Adelman Helen D. Gerome Harry A. Goodman Elinore Frances Goose Louis Kalesky Naomi Kritzer Max Linsky Robert Rotfort Abraham Schwartz Minna Seidler David Silver March 24-31 Mendall Benjamin Alfred Fox Flora Salomon Green Lloyd Lambert Nathan Smith Enid P. Talambiras Mary Tobias Mier Birnbach Freida Diamond Barbara Fine Irene Fisher Arthur Gluck Sarah Hillson Nemser Louis A. Rosenthal Harry Saldinger Leah Smith Mildred Messing Smith Abraham David Steinberg Philip Braunstein Doris Bushwick Florence W. Cantor Philip S. Green Aaron Haysman Simon Krakow Mary L. (Mae) Laskey Esther Levenson

Hyman E. Levinson Lena Messing Alan Mark Roberts Alexander Simpson David Berman Ethel Bloom Hill Brightman Minnie Kaplan Simon Levi Martin L. Robbins Louis Rothstein Helen S. Slosberg Hulbert Beyer Harry Cline Ruth Danielsohn Barney Davis Evelyn B. Glovin Dorothy R. Katz Fred Levine Moshi Mashal Sadye Orloff Earl E. Roiter Hyman P. Selya Jerold Snyder Beatrice Baker Abe Berk Audrey Faith Blumberg Beatrice Borteck Rose Bromberg Emanuel P. Cohen Myer Finer Rachel Jacobs Bertha R. Lipner Barbara Norman Sara R. Sawyer Celia Goodman Stern Anita Stone Morris Yarrin David Yona Beatrice Freidson Bernat Joseph Epstein M. Peter Ferngold Morris Linsky Hyman Silverman Rose Thalheimer Jennie Barber Harry Chalfin Larry Grozalsky Mary Skibelsky Levins Jacob Lewis Henrietta Rosnosky Bernard Scheinberg Henri H. Smith-Hutton

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March Calendar

Leadership Staff and Executive Board

John A. Franken, Rabbi Randall M. Schloss, Cantor

Emily G. Lipof, Rabbi Emerita David Brody, Acting Administrator

Shari A. Churwin, Education Director Karen Glansberg, Director of Early Education Kate Mikesh, Director of Informal Education

David Sparr, Music Director

Jesse Cochin, President

Arnie Greenfield, Vice President Cathryn Stein, Vice President

Michael Weintraub, Vice President Ronny Sydney, Vice President

Martin Shore, Assistant Treasurer Daniel W. Krueger, Recording Secretary

March Candle Lighting Times

5 - 5:20 pm 12 - 5:28 pm

19 - 6:37 pm 26 - 6:44 pm

1 6:00pm Junior Chai & High School 2 3:30pm Ansin Religious School 5 5:45pm Tot Shabbat - see pg. 3 6:30pm Congregational Dinner 7:30pm Shabbat Rishon With Guest Speaker Dr. Hu Caplan: Caring for the Wounded: A Jewish Perspective 6 10:30am Sisterhood Shabbat 12:30am Congregational Kiddush 3:00pm MOSTY & BOSTY Shul-Ins (grades 3 - 6) 3:00pm IntelliJam (at Brookline High School) - see pg. 11 8 6:00pm Junior Chai & High School 9 3:30pm Ansin Religious School 5:30pm Special Meeting of the Membership 12 6:00pm Haverim Shabbat - see pg. 10 13 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Service Bar Mitzvah of Nicky Kaufman 12:30pm Congregational Kiddush 15 6:00pm Junior Chai & High School 16 3:30pm Ansin Religious School 18 7:00pm Intro to Judaism with Rabbi Franken (registration required)

19 6:00pm Judaism in Motion - see pg. 3 7:00pm Congregational Dinner (RSVP required) 20 10:30am Brotherhood Shabbat 12:30pm Congregational Kiddush 7:30pm Linda Hirschhorn and the Vocolot - see pg. 3 22 6:00pm Junior Chai & High School 23 3:30pm Ansin Religious School 25 7:00pm Intro to Judaism with Rabbi Franken (registration required) 26 6:00pm Erev Shabbat Services 27 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Service Bat Mitzvah of Eliza Klein 12:30pm Congregational Kiddush 29 3:00pm Office Closes Early for Passover No Junior Chai & High School 30 Office Closed - Passover No Ansin Religious School - Passover April 1 7:00pm Intro to Judaism with Rabbi Franken (registration required) 2 5:45pm Tot Shabbat 6:15pm Congregational Dinner 7:30pm Shabbat Rishon

Daily Worship Service Schedule

Monday - Thursday: 8 am & 6pm Friday: 8 am Sunday and legal holidays: 9 am & 6pm Please note there is no Saturday Daily Worship Service at 6pm. Daily Worship Services are now being held in the library.

There are openings for new leaders. If this interests you, contact Ita N. Wiener at 617-734-7137 or Spencer Gould at 781-329-7439. Thank you!

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